## Time-stamp: <2020-11-15 22:23:46 vk> ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode: http://orgmode.org/ This file contains org-contacts test entries for testing org-contacts2vcard.py in various situations. Due to the fact that github does not show Org-mode properties, you have to open this file in a text editor in order to see the contact property entries! * Test Contacts ** Test Fullyfilledoutsquaredphoto :TestNormalSquaredPhoto: :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: person :TITLE: Dr.techn. :EMAIL: Test.FullyfilledoutwithoutphotoTestFullyfilledoutwithoutphoto@example.com :URL: http://github.com/novoid/org-contacts2vcard :MOBILE: +43/664/123456789 :HOMEPHONE: +43/664/123456789 :WORKPHONE: +43/664/123456789 :PHONE: +43/664/123456789 :COMPANY: Test Company :STREET: Test Street :POSTALCODE: 1234 :CITY: Test City :COUNTRY: Österreich :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:square.jpg]] :BORN: 1980-12-31 :ITOLDTHEM_EMAIL: myself@example.com :ITOLDTHEM_ADDRESS: Test Itoldthemaddress :ITOLDTHEM_PHONE: +43/669/987654321 :ADDRESS_CHANGE_METHOD: Test Addresschangemethod :CREATED: [2013-11-17 Sun 18:58] :END: This is a test contact with each and every item filled out. *** Test Nocontact This is a sub-heading without contact information at all. ** Test Multipleentries :TestMultipleEntries: :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: person :EMAIL: Test.Multiple1@example.com :EMAIL: Test.Multiple2@example.com :EMAIL: Test.Multiple3@example.com :EMAIL: Test.Multiple4@example.com :URL: http://ecample.com/1 :URL: http://ecample.com/2 :URL: http://ecample.com/3 :MOBILE: +43/664/1234567891 :MOBILE: +43/664/1234567892 :MOBILE: +43/664/1234567893 :HOMEPHONE: +43/664/12345671 :HOMEPHONE: +43/664/12345672 :HOMEPHONE: +43/664/12345673 :WORKPHONE: +43/664/123451 :WORKPHONE: +43/664/123452 :WORKPHONE: +43/664/123453 :PHONE: +43/664/123 :PHONE: +43/664/123 :PHONE: +43/664/123 :COMPANY: Test Company :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:formatJPEG.jpeg]] :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:formatPNG.png]] :END: This is a test contact with multiple entries for a sub-set of entries. ** Image Format Tests *** Test GIFphoto :TestGIFphoto: :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: person :EMAIL: formatGIF@example.com :MOBILE: ++43 664 111111111 :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:formatGIF.gif]] :CREATED: [2013-11-17 Sun 19:07] :END: *** Test PNGphoto :TestPNGphoto: :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: person :EMAIL: formatPNG@example.com :MOBILE: ++43-664/11111111-2 :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:formatPNG.png]] :CREATED: [2013-11-17 Sun 19:07] :END: *** Test TIFFphoto :TestTIFFphoto: :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: person :EMAIL: formatTIFF@example.com :MOBILE: +43664111111113 :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:formatTIFF.tiff]] :CREATED: [2013-11-17 Sun 19:07] :END: *** Test JPEGphoto :TestJPEGphoto: :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: person :EMAIL: formatJPEG@example.com :MOBILE: +43/664/111111114 :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:formatJPEG.jpeg]] :CREATED: [2013-11-17 Sun 19:07] :END: ** Image Size Tests *** Test Landscape :TestLandscapephoto: :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: person :EMAIL: formatJPEG@example.com :MOBILE: +43/664/111111120 :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:landscape.jpg]] :CREATED: [2013-11-17 Sun 19:07] :END: *** Test Portrait :TestPortraitphoto: :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: person :EMAIL: formatJPEG@example.com :MOBILE: +43/664/111111121 :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:portrait.jpg]] :CREATED: [2013-11-17 Sun 19:07] :END: *** Test Square :TestSquarephoto: :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: person :EMAIL: formatJPEG@example.com :MOBILE: +43/664/111111122 :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:square.jpg]] :CREATED: [2013-11-17 Sun 19:07] :END: * Testing Edge or Error Cases ** Test Nophonenoemail :TestNophonenoemail: :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: company :TITLE: any title :EMAIL: :URL: http://example.com/nophone :MOBILE: :HOMEPHONE: :WORKPHONE: :PHONE: :COMPANY: test company :STREET: test street :POSTALCODE: 12345 :CITY: test city :COUNTRY: Österreich :BORN: yes :-) :CREATED: [2013-11-17 Sun 19:15] :END: This should not end up in resulting vcard because it has no phone number and no email address associated. ** Test Noimagefile :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: person :EMAIL: noimagefile@example.com :MOBILE: +43/664/111111130 :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:doesnotexist.jpg]] :END: ** Test Wrongimageformat :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: person :EMAIL: wrongimageformat@example.com :MOBILE: +43/664/111111131 :MOBILE: 111111132 :MOBILE: 43/664/111111133 :PHOTOGRAPH: [[photo:empty.foo]] :END: * Local Variables :noexport: # Local Variables: # mode: auto-fill # mode: flyspell # eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US") # End: