# # Configuration file # for the script https://github.com/nicolargo/ubuntupostinstall # # Ubuntu version: 12.04 # UI: Cinnamon # # Actions to be executed before all the others steps # Use && separator if there is more than 1 action [preactions] action_dummy = dpkg -l > /tmp/pkg-before.txt # The repos section # ppa_xxx = ppa:ppauser/ppaname > Add the ppa to the system # pkg_xxx = pkglist > Add the package list to the system # url_xxx = reposurl > Add the repository URL to the system # key_xxx = key > Add the repository key to the system [repos] # Cinnamon (nightly build ! Can be instable) # Themes can be downloaded from http://cinnamon-spices.linuxmint.com/themes ppa_cinnamon = ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev/cinnamon-nightly pkg_cinnamon = cinnamon # Add themes for UI # Please configure default icons/theme in the gnome3|unity section ppa_gnome3_themes_1 = ppa:webupd8team/themes pkg_gnome3_themes_1 = boomerang-gtk-theme faenza-icon-theme ppa_gnome3_themes_2 = ppa:satyajit-happy/themes pkg_gnome3_themes_2 = orion-gtk-theme evolve-gtk-theme # Chromium browser # ppa_chromium = ppa:chromium-daily/beta ppa_chromium = ppa:a-v-shkop/chromium pkg_chromium = chromium-browser chromium-browser-l10n chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra # Shutter screen capture ppa_shutter = ppa:shutter pkg_shutter = shutter # Tweak your system ppa_tweak = ppa:tualatrix/ppa pkg_tweak = ubuntu-tweak # Terminal the best terminal in the world (PPA NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR PRECISE) #ppa_terminator = ppa:gnome-terminator/ppa pkg_terminator = terminator # Geany: Light IDE (PPA NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR PRECISE) #ppa_geany = ppa:geany-dev/ppa pkg_geany = geany # Spotify (DID NOT WORK / SHOULD HAVE A LOOK) url_spotify = http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free key_spotify = 4E9CFF4E pkg_spotify = spotify-client-qt # Dropbbox share/unshare script for Nautilus ppa_dropboxshare = ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 pkg_dropboxshare = dropbox-share # Jupiter (a must have for Laptop) ppa_jupiter = ppa:webupd8team/jupiter pkg_jupiter = jupiter # Handbrake (PPA release NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR PRECISE) #ppa_handbrake = ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases ppa_handbrake = ppa:stebbins/handbrake-snapshots pkg_handbrake = handbrake-gtk # Marlin, another file browser ppa_marlin = ppa:marlin-devs/marlin-daily pkg_marlin = marlin marlin-plugin-dropbox marlin-plugin-ubuntuone # Nautilus extra actions ppa_nautilusactionsextra = ppa:nae-team/ppa pkg_nautilusactionsextra = nautilus-actions-extra # Darktable, deRAWtiser ppa_darktable = ppa:pmjdebruijn/darktable-release pkg_darktable = darktable # Sublime text 2 (sublime but not FOSS and beta) ppa_sublime = ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2 pkg_sublime = sublime-text-2-beta # Gimp (latest version) ppa_gimp = ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp pkg_gimp = gimp gimp-plugin-registry # Glances ppa_glances = ppa:arnaud-hartmann/glances-stable pkg_glances = glances # The packages section # pkgname = pkglist > Add the pkglist to the system [packages] ubuntu-restrictive = ubuntu-restricted-extras development = build-essential vim subversion git git-core rabbitvcs-nautilus anjuta geany multimedia = vlc x264 ffmpeg2theora oggvideotools istanbul shotwell mplayer hugin nautilus-image-converter pavucontrol ogmrip transmageddon guvcview wavpack mppenc faac flac vorbis-tools faad lame nautilus-script-audio-convert cheese sound-juicer picard arista milkytracker mypaint libdvdread4 network = iftop ifstat iptraf wireshark tshark arp-scan htop netspeed nmap netpipe-tcp system = terminator preload lsb-core gparted lm-sensors compizconfig-settings-manager hardinfo fortune-mod libnotify-bin compiz-fusion-plugins-extra most tree ccze security = rkhunter chkrootkit cron-apt fail2ban web = pidgin pidgin-facebookchat pidgin-plugin-pack flashplugin-downloader xchat ttf-mscorefonts-installer nautilus-dropbox xclip zenity # The Gnome3 configuration section # theme = themename > Use the Gnome Shell theme themename # icons = iconsname > Use the icons theme iconsname # cursors = cursorssname > Use the cursors theme cursorsname # conky = cfgfile > .conkyrc URL [gnome3] theme = Boomerang icons = Faenza #cursors = DMZ-White conky = https://raw.github.com/nicolargo/ubuntupostinstall/master/conkyrc # The . files section # Download ans installa . file on the $HOME folder [dotfiles] #bashrc = https://raw.github.com/nicolargo/dotfiles/master/bashrc #bashrc_prompt = https://raw.github.com/nicolargo/dotfiles/master/_bashrc.d/bashrc_prompt #bashrc_aliases = https://raw.github.com/nicolargo/dotfiles/master/_bashrc.d/bashrc_aliases #vimrc = https://raw.github.com/vgod/vimrc/master/vimrc htoprc = https://raw.github.com/nicolargo/dotfiles/master/htoprc # Actions to be executed after all the others steps # Use && separator if there is more than 1 action [postactions] action_vimcustom = wget https://raw.github.com/vgod/vimrc/master/auto-install.sh && chmod a+x auto-install.sh && ./auto-install.sh && rm -f ./auto-install.sh action_setright = chown -R $SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER $HOME/.vimrc $HOME/.vim $HOME/.htoprc action_dummy = dpkg -l > /tmp/pkg-after.txt