abc_myplugin-0.1.txt // Plugin name is optional. If unset, it will be extracted from the current // file name. Uncomment and edit this line to override: $plugin['name'] = 'rss_admin_db_manager'; $plugin['version'] = '4.3'; $plugin['author'] = 'Rob Sable'; $plugin['author_uri'] = ''; $plugin['description'] = 'Database management system.'; // Plugin types: // 0 = regular plugin; loaded on the public web side only // 1 = admin plugin; loaded on both the public and admin side // 2 = library; loaded only when include_plugin() or require_plugin() is called $plugin['type'] = '1'; @include_once('zem_tpl.php'); # --- BEGIN PLUGIN CODE --- if (@txpinterface == 'admin') { add_privs('rss_db_man', '1'); register_tab("extensions", "rss_db_man", "DB Manager"); register_callback("rss_db_man", "rss_db_man"); add_privs('rss_sql_run', '1'); register_tab("extensions", "rss_sql_run", "Run SQL"); register_callback("rss_sql_run", "rss_sql_run"); add_privs('rss_db_bk', '1'); register_tab("extensions", "rss_db_bk", "DB Backup"); register_callback("rss_db_bk", "rss_db_bk"); } function rss_db_bk($event, $step) { global $prefs, $rss_dbbk_path, $rss_dbbk_dump, $rss_dbbk_mysql, $rss_dbbk_lock, $rss_dbbk_txplog, $rss_dbbk_debug, $DB, $file_base_path; if (!isset($rss_dbbk_lock)) { $rss_dbbk_lock = "1"; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_lock', val='$rss_dbbk_lock', prefs_id='1'"); } if (!isset($rss_dbbk_txplog)) { $rss_dbbk_txplog = "1"; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_txplog', val='$rss_dbbk_txplog', prefs_id='1'"); } if (!isset($rss_dbbk_debug)) { $rss_dbbk_debug = "0"; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_debug', val='$rss_dbbk_debug', prefs_id='1'"); } if (!isset($rss_dbbk_path)) { $rss_dbbk_path = $file_base_path; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_path', val='".addslashes($rss_dbbk_path)."', prefs_id='1'"); } if (!isset($rss_dbbk_dump)) { $rss_dbbk_dump = "mysqldump"; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_dump', val='".addslashes($rss_dbbk_dump)."', prefs_id='1'"); } if (!isset($rss_dbbk_mysql)) { $rss_dbbk_mysql = "mysql"; $rs = safe_insert('txp_prefs', "name='rss_dbbk_mysql', val='".addslashes($rss_dbbk_mysql)."', prefs_id='1'"); } include(txpath . '/include/txp_prefs.php'); $bkpath = $rss_dbbk_path; $iswin = preg_match('/Win/',php_uname()); $mysql_hup = ' -h'.$DB->host.' -u'.$DB->user.' -p'.escapeshellcmd($DB->pass); $txplogps = ps('rss_dbbk_txplog'); if (ps("save")) { pagetop("DB Manager", "Preferences Saved"); safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '".addslashes(ps('rss_dbbk_path'))."'","name = 'rss_dbbk_path' and prefs_id ='1'"); safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '".addslashes(ps('rss_dbbk_dump'))."'","name = 'rss_dbbk_dump' and prefs_id ='1'"); safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '".addslashes(ps('rss_dbbk_mysql'))."'","name = 'rss_dbbk_mysql' and prefs_id ='1'"); safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '".ps('rss_dbbk_lock')."'","name = 'rss_dbbk_lock' and prefs_id ='1'"); if (isset($txplogps)) safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '".ps('rss_dbbk_txplog')."'","name = 'rss_dbbk_txplog' and prefs_id ='1'"); safe_update("txp_prefs", "val = '".ps('rss_dbbk_debug')."'","name = 'rss_dbbk_debug' and prefs_id ='1'"); header("Location: index.php?event=rss_db_bk"); } else if (gps("bk")) { $bk_table = (gps("bk_table")) ? " --tables ".gps("bk_table")." " : ""; $tabpath = (gps("bk_table")) ? "-".gps("bk_table") : ""; $gzip = gps("gzip"); $filename = time().'-'.$DB->db.$tabpath; $backup_path = $bkpath.'/'.$filename.'.sql'; $lock = ($rss_dbbk_lock) ? "" : " --skip-lock-tables --skip-add-locks "; echo $txplogps; $nolog = ($rss_dbbk_txplog) ? "" : " --ignore-table=".$DB->db.".txp_log "; $nolog = (isset($bk_table) && gps("bk_table") == "txp_log") ? "" : $nolog; if($gzip) { $backup_path.= '.gz'; $backup_cmd = $rss_dbbk_dump.$mysql_hup.' -Q --add-drop-table '.$lock.$nolog.$DB->db.$bk_table.' | gzip > '.$backup_path; } else { $backup_cmd = $rss_dbbk_dump.$mysql_hup.' -Q --add-drop-table '.$lock.$nolog.$DB->db.$bk_table.' > '.$backup_path; } $bkdebug = ($rss_dbbk_debug) ? $backup_cmd : ''; $error = ""; if (function_exists('passthru')) { passthru($backup_cmd, $error); } else { $dumpIt=popen($backup_cmd, 'r'); pclose($dumpIt); } if(!is_writable($bkpath)) { pagetop("DB Manager", "BACKUP FAILED: folder is not writable"); } elseif($error) { unlink($backup_path); pagetop("DB Manager", "BACKUP FAILED. ERROR NO: ".$error); } else if(!is_file($backup_path)) { pagetop("DB Manager", "BACKUP FAILED. ERROR NO: ".$error); } else if(filesize($backup_path) == 0) { unlink($backup_path); pagetop("DB Manager", "BACKUP FAILED. ERROR NO: ".$error); } else { pagetop("DB Manager", "Backed Up: ".$DB->db." to ".$filename); } } else if (gps("download")) { $fn = gps("download"); $file_path = $bkpath.'/'.$fn; header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); if (substr($fn, -2) == "gz") header("Content-Type: application/zip"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($file_path).";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($file_path)); @readfile($file_path); } else if (gps("restore")) { if(stristr(gps("restore"), '.gz')) { $backup_cmd = 'gunzip < '.$bkpath.'/'.gps("restore").' | '.$rss_dbbk_mysql.$mysql_hup.' '.$DB->db; } else { $backup_cmd = $rss_dbbk_mysql.$mysql_hup.' '.$DB->db.' < '.$bkpath.'/'.gps("restore"); } $bkdebug = ($rss_dbbk_debug) ? $backup_cmd : ''; $error = ""; if (function_exists('passthru')) { passthru($backup_cmd, $error); } else { $dumpIt=popen($backup_cmd, 'r'); pclose($dumpIt); } if($error) { pagetop("DB Manager", "FAILED TO RESTORE: ".$error); } else { pagetop("DB Manager", "Restored: ".gps("restore")." to ".$DB->db); } } else if(gps("delete")) { if(is_file($bkpath.'/'.gps("delete"))) { if(!unlink($bkpath.'/'.gps("delete"))) { pagetop("DB Manager", "Unable to Delete: ".gps("delete")); } else { pagetop("DB Manager", "Deleted: ".gps("delete")); } } else { pagetop("DB Manager", "Unable to Delete: ".gps("delete")); } } else { pagetop("DB Backup"); } $gzp = (!$iswin) ? " | ".href('gzipped file', "index.php?event=rss_db_bk&bk=$DB->db&gzip=1") : ""; $sqlversion = getRow("SELECT VERSION() AS version"); $sqlv = explode("-", $sqlversion['version']); $allownologs = ((float)$sqlv[0] >= (float)"4.1.9") ? tda(gTxt('Include txp_log:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"').tda(yesnoRadio("rss_dbbk_txplog", $rss_dbbk_txplog), ' style="text-align:left;vertical-align:middle"') : ''; if (isset($bkdebug) && $bkdebug) echo '


'; echo startTable('list'). form( tr( tda(gTxt('Lock Tables:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"').tda(yesnoRadio("rss_dbbk_lock", $rss_dbbk_lock), ' style="text-align:left;vertical-align:middle"'). $allownologs. tda(gTxt('Debug Mode:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"').tda(yesnoRadio("rss_dbbk_debug", $rss_dbbk_debug), ' style="text-align:left;vertical-align:middle"'). tda(fInput("submit","save",gTxt("save_button"),"publish").eInput("rss_db_bk").sInput('saveprefs'), " colspan=\"2\" class=\"noline\"") ). tr( tda(gTxt('Backup Path:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"').tda(text_input("rss_dbbk_path",$rss_dbbk_path,'50'), ' colspan="15"') ). tr( tda(gTxt('mysqldump Path:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"').tda(text_input("rss_dbbk_dump",$rss_dbbk_dump,'50'), ' colspan="15"') ). tr( tda(gTxt('mysql Path:'), ' style="text-align:right;vertical-align:middle"').tda(text_input("rss_dbbk_mysql",$rss_dbbk_mysql,'50'), ' colspan="15"')) ).endTable(). startTable("list"). tr( tda(hed('Create a new backup of the '.$DB->db.' database'.br. href('.sql file', "index.php?event=rss_db_bk&bk=$DB->db").$gzp,3),' colspan="7" style="text-align:center;"') ). tr(tdcs(hed("Previous Backup Files",1),7)). tr( hcell("No."). hcell("Backup File Name"). hcell("Backup Date/Time"). hcell("Backup File Size"). hcell(""). hcell(""). hcell("") ); $totalsize = 0; $no = 0; if(!is_folder_empty($bkpath)) { if ($handle = opendir($bkpath)) { $database_files = array(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (($file != '.' && $file != '..') && (substr($file, -4) == ".sql" || substr($file, -7) == ".sql.gz")) { $database_files[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); for($i = (sizeof($database_files)-1); $i > -1; $i--) { $no++; $style = ($no%2 == 0) ? ' style="background-color: #eee;"' : ''; $database_text = substr($database_files[$i], 11); $date_text = strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y [%H:%M:%S]", substr($database_files[$i], 0, 10)); $size_text = filesize($bkpath.'/'.$database_files[$i]); $totalsize += $size_text; echo tr( td($no). td($database_text). td($date_text). td(prettyFileSize($size_text)). 'Download'. 'Restore'. 'Delete', $style ); } echo tr( tag($no." Backup File(s)", "th", ' colspan="3"'). tag(prettyFileSize($totalsize), "th", ' colspan="4"') ); } else { echo tr( tda(hed('You have no database backups'.br.'Create a new backup of the '.$DB->db.' database'.br. href('.sql file', "index.php?event=rss_db_bk&bk=$DB->db").$gzp,3),' colspan="7" style="text-align:center;"') ); } } else { echo tr( tda(hed('You have no database backups'.br.'Create a new backup of the '.$DB->db.' database'.br. href('.sql file', "index.php?event=rss_db_bk&bk=$DB->db").$gzp,3),' colspan="7" style="text-align:center;"') ); } echo endTable(); } function rss_db_man($event, $step) { global $DB; if (gps("opt_table")) { $query = "OPTIMIZE TABLE ".gps("opt_table"); safe_query($query); pagetop("DB Manager", "Optimzed: ".gps("opt_table")); } else if (gps("rep_table")) { $query = "REPAIR TABLE ".gps("rep_table"); safe_query($query); pagetop("DB Manager", "Repaired: ".gps("rep_table")); } else if (gps("rep_all")) { $query = "REPAIR TABLE ".gps("rep_all"); safe_query($query); pagetop("DB Manager", "Repaired All Tables"); } else if (gps("drop_table")) { $query = "DROP TABLE ".gps("drop_table"); safe_query($query); pagetop("DB Manager", "Dropped: ".gps("drop_table")); } else { pagetop("Database Manager"); } $sqlversion = getRow("SELECT VERSION() AS version"); $headatts = ' style="color:#0069D1;padding:0 10px 0 5px;"'; echo startTable('dbinfo'). tr( hcell("Database Host:"). tda($DB->host, $headatts). hcell("Database Name:"). tda($DB->db, $headatts). hcell("Database User:"). tda($DB->user, $headatts). hcell("Database Version:"). tda("MySQL v".$sqlversion['version'], $headatts) ). endTable().br; echo startTable('list'). tr( hcell("No."). hcell("Tables"). hcell("Records"). hcell("Data Usage"). hcell("Index Usage"). hcell("Total Usage"). hcell("Overhead"). //hcell("Optimize"). hcell("ErrNo"). hcell("Repair"). hcell("Backup"). hcell("Drop") ); if($sqlversion['version'] >= '3.23') { $no = 0; $row_usage = 0; $data_usage = 0; $index_usage = 0; $overhead_usage = 0; $alltabs = array(); $tablesstatus = getRows("SHOW TABLE STATUS"); foreach($tablesstatus as $tablestatus) { extract($tablestatus); $q = "SHOW KEYS FROM `".$Name."`"; safe_query($q); $mysqlErrno = mysql_errno(); $alltabs[] = $Name; $color = ($mysqlErrno != 0) ? ' style="color:#D10000;"' : ' style="color:#4B9F00;"'; $color2 = ($Data_free > 0) ? ' style="color:#D10000;"' : ' style="color:#4B9F00;"'; $style = ($no%2 == 0) ? ' style="background-color: #eee;"' : ''; $no++; $row_usage += $Rows; $data_usage += $Data_length; $index_usage += $Index_length; $overhead_usage += $Data_free; echo tr( td($no). td(href($Name, "index.php?event=rss_sql_run&tn=".$Name)). td(" ".$Rows). td(prettyFileSize($Data_length)). td(prettyFileSize($Index_length)). td(prettyFileSize($Data_length + $Index_length)). tda(prettyFileSize($Data_free), $color2). tda(" ".$mysqlErrno, $color). td(href("Repair", "index.php?event=rss_db_man&rep_table=".$Name)). td(href("Backup", "index.php?event=rss_db_bk&bk=1&bk_table=".$Name). 'Drop'), $style ); } echo tr( hcell("Total"). hcell($no." Tables"). hcell(number_format($row_usage)). hcell(prettyFileSize($data_usage)). hcell(prettyFileSize($index_usage)). hcell(prettyFileSize($data_usage + $index_usage)). hcell(prettyFileSize($overhead_usage)). hcell(). tda(href(strong("Repair All"), "index.php?event=rss_db_man&rep_all=".implode(",",$alltabs)), ' style="text-align:center;" colspan="3"'), $style ); } else { echo tr( tda("Could Not Show Table Status Because Your MYSQL Version Is Lower Than 3.23.", ' style="text-align:center;" colspan=14"') ); } echo tr( tda(href("Run SQL", "index.php?event=rss_sql_run"), ' style="text-align:center;" colspan="14"') ). endTable(); } function rss_sql_run($event, $step) { pagetop("Run SQL Query"); $text=""; $rsd[]=""; $sql_query2=""; if (gps("tn")) { $tq = "select * from ".gps("tn"); } if (gps("sql_query") || gps("tn")) { $sql_queries2 = (gps("sql_query")) ? trim(gps("sql_query")) : trim($tq); $totalquerycount = 0; $successquery = 0; if($sql_queries2) { $sql_queries = array(); $sql_queries2 = explode("\n", $sql_queries2); foreach($sql_queries2 as $sql_query2) { $sql_query2 = trim(stripslashes($sql_query2)); $sql_query2 = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", '', $sql_query2); if(!empty($sql_query2)) { $sql_queries[] = $sql_query2; } } foreach($sql_queries as $sql_query) { if (preg_match("/^\\s*(insert|update|replace|delete|create|truncate) /i",$sql_query)) { $run_query = safe_query($sql_query); if(!$run_query) { $text .= graf(mysql_error(), ' style="color:#D10000;"'); $text .= graf($sql_query, ' style="color:#D10000;"'); } else { $successquery++; $text .= graf($sql_query, ' style="color:#4B9F00;"'); } $totalquerycount++; } elseif (preg_match("/^\\s*(select) /i",$sql_query)) { $run_query = safe_query($sql_query); if($run_query) $successquery++; if ($run_query && mysql_num_rows($run_query) > 0) { /* get column metadata */ $i = 0; $headers = ""; while ($i < mysql_num_fields($run_query)) { $meta = mysql_fetch_field($run_query, $i); $headers.=hcell($meta->name); $i++; } $rsd[] = '
'.startTable('list', '', 'scrollable'). ''.tr($headers).''; while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($run_query)) $out[] = $a; mysql_free_result($run_query); foreach ($out as $b) { $data = ""; foreach ($b as $f) { $data.=td($f); } $rsd[] = tr($data); } $rsd[] = ''.endTable().'
'.br; $out = array(); } else { $text .= graf(mysql_error(), ' style="color:#D10000;"'); } $text .= graf($sql_query, ' style="color:#D10000;"'); $totalquerycount++; } elseif (preg_match("/^\\s*(drop|show|grant) /i",$sql_query)) { $text .= graf($sql_query." - QUERY TYPE NOT SUPPORTED", ' style="color:#D10000;"'); $totalquerycount++; } } $text .= graf($successquery."/".$totalquerycount." Query(s) Executed Successfully", ' style="color:#0069D1;"'); } } echo startTable('edit'). tr( td( form( graf("Each query must be on a single line. You may run multiple queries at once by starting a new line.".br."Supported query types include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, REPLACE, and DELETE."). graf("WARNING: All SQL run in this window will immediately and permanently change your database.", ' style="font-weight:bold;"'). text_area('sql_query','200','550',$sql_query2).br. fInput('submit','run',gTxt('Run'),'publish').href("Go to Database Manager", "index.php?event=rss_db_man"). eInput('rss_sql_run'), '', ' verify(\''.gTxt('are_you_sure').'\')"' ) ) ). tr( td( graf($'', $rsd)) ) ). endTable(); } function prettyFileSize ($bytes) { if ($bytes < 1024) { return "$bytes bytes"; } else if (strlen($bytes) <= 9 && strlen($bytes) >= 7) { return number_format($bytes / 1048576,2)." MB"; } elseif (strlen($bytes) >= 10) { return number_format($bytes / 1073741824,2)." GB"; } return number_format($bytes / 1024,2)." KB"; } function is_folder_empty($dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { $dl=opendir($dir); if ($dl) { while($name = readdir($dl)) { if (!is_dir("$dir/$name")) { return false; break; } } closedir($dl); } return true; } else return true; } # --- END PLUGIN CODE --- if (0) { ?>