0.7.1 — 2012-11-03 * Converted over to using Gary Burd's "redigo" driver 0.7.0 — 2012-11-02 * Added a handler function for the "/" location 0.6.1 — 2012-11-02 * Fixed some overly-specific parsing logic in `redis.go` 0.6.0 * Added some command-line flags that let you override the upstream Redis host and password. 0.5.0 * Fixed a bug where non-existent keys returned type "none", and the error in the response said it was an "unknown key type". The error is now reported properly. * Errors on create operations (through HTTP POST) are now displaying properly. * HTTP DELETE operations are now supported 0.0.4 * You can now create keys using the HTTP POST method. 0.0.3 * You can now use HTTP PUT requests to update existing keys. 0.0.2 * A minor change involving the `.travis.yml` file. 0.0.1 * The first development release. * You can use HTTP GET requests to fetch values from keys.