from __future__ import division import random import csv import urllib from time import sleep import os try: import Image combine=True except: print "Images will not be combined. Trying installing Image" combine=False sites=csv.reader(open('nc_superfund.csv', 'rb')) #prepair blank picture for pasting picture if combine: blank_image ="RGB", (800, 1200)) x=0 y=0 counter=1 for site in sites: #no id, so I make one up with 'counter' filename='superfund'+str(counter)+'.png' url=',%s&zoom=15&size=200x250&maptype=satellite&sensor=false' % (site[0],site[1]) #This script runs if you don't have Image. It just downloads the image if you don't have it. if combine==False: try: check=open(filename) except: urllib.urlretrieve(url,filename) square= #Otherwise, this script runs, which downloads the image and then adds it to the blank image #The downloads could be combined, but adding the ability to download but not process was a late addition. else: try: square= except: urllib.urlretrieve(url,filename) square= if os.path.getsize(filename)>4000: #Files smaller than the error message, which is more common in the streetview, but not unheard of it you zoom too much. square=square.crop((0,0,200,200)) #crop out the Google logo blank_image.paste(square, (x,y)) #paste into the blank image x+=200 #increment the x position in the picture if x>800: #but if you reach the edge, start over and move the y ahead x=0 y+=200 counter+=1"superfund_nc.png")