import * as actionType from './ActionType'; import _ from 'underscore'; import itemApi from '../api/itemApi'; /** * loadHomeItems: * To load home product according to catogory */ export function loadHomeItems() { return function (dispatch) { dispatch(requestItems()); return itemApi.getHomeItems().then(items => { var state =; dispatch(loadHomeItemsSuccess(state)); }).catch(error => { throw (error); }); }; } /** * @param {} items */ export function loadHomeItemsSuccess(items) { return { type: actionType.LOAD_HOME_PRODUCTS, items }; } /** * To fetch items from api */ export function loadItems() { return function (dispatch) { dispatch(requestItems()); return itemApi.getItems().then(items => { var state = items; dispatch(loadItemsSuccess(state)); }).catch(error => { throw (error); }); }; } /** * @param {} items */ export function loadItemsSuccess(items) { return { type: actionType.LOAD_ITEMS_SUCCESS, items }; } /** * @param {} page * Load more items for pagination i.e infinite scroll */ export function loadMoreItems(page) { return function (dispatch) { dispatch(requestItems()); return itemApi.getItemsByPage(page).then(items => { var state = items dispatch(loadNextItems(state)); }).catch(error => { throw (error); }); }; } /** * @param {} items * */ export function loadNextItems(items) { return { type: actionType.LOAD_NEXT_ITEMS, items }; } /** * @param {} keyword * Search product api call */ export function searchItems(keyword) { return function (dispatch) { return itemApi.searchItems(keyword).then(items => { var state = items dispatch(loadSearchedItems(state)); }).catch(error => { throw (error); }); }; } /** * @param {} items */ export function loadSearchedItems(items) { return { type: actionType.LOAD_SEARCHED_ITEMS, items }; } /** * To show api progress */ export function requestItems() { return { type: actionType.REQUEST_ITEMS, items: {} }; } /** * @param {} item * To add item into cart */ export function addToCart(item) { return { type: actionType.ADD_TO_CART, item }; } /** * @param {} id * To remove item from cart */ export function removeFromCart(id) { return { type: actionType.REMOVE_FROM_CART, id }; } /** * @param {} state * @param {} props * To check whether item is in cart or not */ export function isInCart(state, props) { var cartItems = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cart')); return _.some(cartItems, function (item) { return == props._id; }); } /** * @param {} state * @param {} props * It store information of cart items with quantity and total price */ export function getCart(state, props) { var cartItems = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cart')); var total = 0.00; _.each(cartItems, function (item) { total += item.price; }); return { total: total.toFixed(2), items: cartItems ? cartItems.length : 0 }; } /** * @param {} id * @param {} props * To get particular product information from api */ export function getProductDetails(id, props) { return function (dispatch) { dispatch(requestItems()); return itemApi.getItemById(id).then(item => { dispatch(loadProductDetails(item)); }).catch(error => { throw (error); }); }; } /** * @param {} item * To get particular product information from api */ export function loadProductDetails(item) { return { type: actionType.LOAD_PRODUCT_DETAILS, item }; }