# How to setup the project ## Dependencies - Xcode 12+ - Homebrew - Ruby 2.6.5 - Bundler - [Git-LFS](https://git-lfs.github.com/) for versions `6.2.0` and previous --- ## Setup dependencies 1. Install dependencies running: ``` make setup ``` 2. Open the project on Xcode using the file _.xcworkspace_ --- ## Setup Sample App We have provided a sample project in the repository. To use it, download the repository, setup the project with the steps mentioned above and run `pod install` to download the required libraries. Then, open `NatDS.xcworkspace`. You'll see two schemes: `NatDS` and `NatDS-SampleApp` - select `NatDS-SampleApp`, build and run. Source files for this application are in the `NatDS-SampleApp/Sources` directory in the project navigator.