# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ########### These all have default values as shown ########### Additional configuration goes into storm.yaml java.library.path: "/usr/local/lib:/opt/local/lib:/usr/lib" ### storm.* configs are general configurations # the local dir is where jars are kept storm.local.dir: "storm-local" storm.zookeeper.servers: - "localhost" storm.zookeeper.port: 2181 storm.zookeeper.root: "/storm" storm.zookeeper.session.timeout: 20000 storm.zookeeper.connection.timeout: 15000 storm.zookeeper.retry.times: 5 storm.zookeeper.retry.interval: 1000 storm.zookeeper.retry.intervalceiling.millis: 30000 storm.cluster.mode: "distributed" # can be distributed or local storm.local.mode.zmq: false storm.thrift.transport: "backtype.storm.security.auth.SimpleTransportPlugin" storm.messaging.transport: "backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Context" ### nimbus.* configs are for the master nimbus.host: "localhost" nimbus.thrift.port: 6627 nimbus.thrift.max_buffer_size: 1048576 nimbus.childopts: "-Xmx1024m" nimbus.task.timeout.secs: 30 nimbus.supervisor.timeout.secs: 60 nimbus.monitor.freq.secs: 10 nimbus.cleanup.inbox.freq.secs: 600 nimbus.inbox.jar.expiration.secs: 3600 nimbus.task.launch.secs: 120 nimbus.reassign: true nimbus.file.copy.expiration.secs: 600 nimbus.topology.validator: "backtype.storm.nimbus.DefaultTopologyValidator" ### ui.* configs are for the master ui.port: 8080 ui.childopts: "-Xmx768m" logviewer.port: 8000 logviewer.childopts: "-Xmx128m" logviewer.appender.name: "A1" drpc.port: 3772 drpc.worker.threads: 64 drpc.queue.size: 128 drpc.invocations.port: 3773 drpc.request.timeout.secs: 600 drpc.childopts: "-Xmx768m" transactional.zookeeper.root: "/transactional" transactional.zookeeper.servers: null transactional.zookeeper.port: null ### supervisor.* configs are for node supervisors # Define the amount of workers that can be run on this machine. Each worker is assigned a port to use for communication supervisor.slots.ports: - 6700 - 6701 - 6702 - 6703 supervisor.childopts: "-Xmx256m" #how long supervisor will wait to ensure that a worker process is started supervisor.worker.start.timeout.secs: 120 #how long between heartbeats until supervisor considers that worker dead and tries to restart it supervisor.worker.timeout.secs: 30 #how frequently the supervisor checks on the status of the processes it's monitoring and restarts if necessary supervisor.monitor.frequency.secs: 3 #how frequently the supervisor heartbeats to the cluster state (for nimbus) supervisor.heartbeat.frequency.secs: 5 supervisor.enable: true ### worker.* configs are for task workers worker.childopts: "-Xmx768m" worker.heartbeat.frequency.secs: 1 task.heartbeat.frequency.secs: 3 task.refresh.poll.secs: 10 zmq.threads: 1 zmq.linger.millis: 5000 zmq.hwm: 0 storm.messaging.netty.server_worker_threads: 1 storm.messaging.netty.client_worker_threads: 1 storm.messaging.netty.buffer_size: 5242880 #5MB buffer storm.messaging.netty.max_retries: 30 storm.messaging.netty.max_wait_ms: 1000 storm.messaging.netty.min_wait_ms: 100 ### topology.* configs are for specific executing storms topology.enable.message.timeouts: true topology.debug: false topology.optimize: true topology.workers: 1 topology.acker.executors: null topology.tasks: null # maximum amount of time a message has to complete before it's considered failed topology.message.timeout.secs: 30 topology.skip.missing.kryo.registrations: false topology.max.task.parallelism: null topology.max.spout.pending: null topology.state.synchronization.timeout.secs: 60 topology.stats.sample.rate: 0.05 topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs: 60 topology.fall.back.on.java.serialization: true topology.worker.childopts: null topology.executor.receive.buffer.size: 1024 #batched topology.executor.send.buffer.size: 1024 #individual messages topology.receiver.buffer.size: 8 # setting it too high causes a lot of problems (heartbeat thread gets starved, throughput plummets) topology.transfer.buffer.size: 1024 # batched topology.tick.tuple.freq.secs: null topology.worker.shared.thread.pool.size: 4 topology.disruptor.wait.strategy: "com.lmax.disruptor.BlockingWaitStrategy" topology.spout.wait.strategy: "backtype.storm.spout.SleepSpoutWaitStrategy" topology.sleep.spout.wait.strategy.time.ms: 1 topology.error.throttle.interval.secs: 10 topology.max.error.report.per.interval: 5 topology.kryo.factory: "backtype.storm.serialization.DefaultKryoFactory" topology.tuple.serializer: "backtype.storm.serialization.types.ListDelegateSerializer" topology.trident.batch.emit.interval.millis: 500 dev.zookeeper.path: "/tmp/dev-storm-zookeeper"