/*This software is MIT licensed. Copyright (c) 2012 Imazen LLC Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ (function ($) { //Polling methods //$('obj').ImageStudio('api').getStatus({'restoreSuspendedCommands':true, 'removeEditingConstraints':true, 'useEditingServer':false} ) returns { url, path, query }; //$('obj').ImageStudio('api').setOptions({height:600}); //$('obj').ImageStudio('api').setOptions({url:'newimageurl.jpg'}); //Yes, you can switch images like this.. as long as you're not in the middle of cropping. That's not supported yet. //$('obj').ImageStudio('api').getOptions(); //$('obj').ImageStudio('api').destroy(); //labels and icon values cannot be updated after initialization. var defaults = { url: null, //The image URL to load for editing. width: null, //To set the width of the area accordionWidth: 230, height: 560, //To constrain the height of the area. panes: ['rotateflip', 'crop', 'adjust', 'effects', 'redeye', 'carve', 'faces'], //A list of panes to display, in order. editingServer: null, //If set, an alternate server will be used during editing. For example, using cloudfront during editing is counter productive editWithSemicolons: null, //If true, semicolon notation will be used with the editing server. finalWithSemicolons: null, //If true, semicolons will be used in the final URLs. Defaults to true if the input URL uses semicolons. //A list of commands to temporarily remove from the URL during editing so that position-dependent operations aren't affected. //Any commands used by the editor should be in here also, such as 'cache', 'memcache', 'maxwidth',and 'maxheight' suspendKeys: ['width', 'height', 'maxwidth', 'maxheight', 'scale', 'rotate', 'flip', 'anchor', 'paddingwidth', 'paddingcolor', 'borderwidth', 'bordercolor', 'margin', 'cache', 'scache', 'process', 'shadowwidth', 'shadowcolor', 'shadowoffset', 'mode'], editingCommands: { cache: 'no', scache: 'mem' }, onchange: null, //The callback to fire whenever an edit occurs. cropratios: [[0, "Custom"], ["current", "Current"], [4 / 3, "4:3"], [16 / 9, "16:9 (Widescreen)"], [3 / 2, "3:2"]], cropPreview: { width: '175px', height: '175px', 'margin-left': '-15px' }, icons: { rotateleft: 'arrowreturnthick-1-w', rotateright: 'arrowreturnthick-1-e', flipvertical: 'arrowthick-2-n-s', fliphorizontal: 'arrowthick-2-e-w', reset: 'cancel', autofix: 'image', autowhite: 'image', blackwhite: 'image', sepia: 'image', negative: 'image' }, labels: { pane_rotateflip: 'Rotate & Flip', rotateleft: 'Rotate Left', rotateright: 'Rotate Right', flipvertical: 'Flip Vertical', fliphorizontal: 'Flip Horizontal', reset: 'Reset', pane_crop: 'Crop', aspectratio: 'Aspect Ratio', crop_crop: 'Crop', crop_modify: 'Modify Crop', crop_cancel: 'Cancel', crop_done: 'Done', pane_adjust: 'Adjust Image', autofix: 'Auto-Fix', autowhite: 'Auto-Balance', contrast: 'Contrast', saturation: 'Saturation', brightness: 'Brightness', pane_effects: 'Effects & Filters', blackwhite: 'Black & White', sepia: 'Sepia', negative: 'Negative', sharpen: 'Smart Sharpen', noiseremoval: 'Noise Removal', oilpainting: 'Oil Painting', posterize: 'Posterize', blur: 'Gaussian Blur', pane_redeye: 'Red-Eye Removal', redeye_auto: 'Auto-detect Eyes', redeye_start: 'Fix Red-Eye', redeye_preview: 'Toggle Preview', redeye_clear: 'Clear', pane_faces: "Face Selection", faces_auto: "Auto-detect Faces", faces_start: "Select Faces", faces_clear: "Clear", cancel: 'Cancel', done: 'Done', pane_carve: 'Object Removal', carve_start: 'Remove objects', carve_preview: 'Preview result' } }; /* Coding style notes: Within each pane, a closure object name 'cl' is used to track state within the pane. Each pane function is passed a reference to the instance-wide options object, which can be used to modify the image URL, lock/unlock the accordion, etc. */ $.fn.ImageStudio = function (options) { var processOptions = function (options) { var defs = $.extend(true, {}, defaults); if (options.labels) defs.labels = $.extend(true, defs.labels, options.labels); if (options.icons) defs.icons = $.extend(true, defs.icons, options.icons); return $.extend(defs, options); }; var result = this; this.each(function () { var div = $(this); if (div.data('ImageStudio')) { // The API can be requested this way (undocumented) if (options == 'api') { result = div.data('ImageStudio'); return; } // Otherwise, we just reset the options... else div.data('ImageStudio').setOptions(options); } else { div.data('ImageStudio', init(div, processOptions(options))); } }); return result; }; function init(div, opts) { div = $(div); div.empty(); div.removeClass("imagestudio"); div.addClass("imagestudio"); //UGH! a table. But the alternative is nasty cross-browser. var tr = $('').appendTo($('
').css('width', '100%').appendTo(div)); //Add accordion var atd = $('').appendTo(tr); var a = $("
").addClass("controls").width(opts.accordionWidth).appendTo(atd); //Add image var itd = $('').addClass("imageCell").css('vertical-align', 'middle').css('text-align', 'center').css('padding-left', '10px').css('padding-right', '10px').appendTo(tr); var idiv = $('
').css('text-align', 'center').appendTo(itd); var img = $('').addClass("studioimage").appendTo(idiv); opts.img = img; //Save a reference to the image object in options opts.imgDiv = idiv; opts.container = div; opts.accordion = a; var updateOptions = function (changedOpts) { //Called by both init and setOptions. var o = changedOpts; //When init calls, 'changedOpts' and 'opts' reference the same object var isUpdate = (o != opts); //See if we can skip the URL update. var skipUrlUpdate = isUpdate && (!o.url || o.url == opts.url); //If we're updating the URL, see if we are using semicolons, and set appropriate properties if (!skipUrlUpdate && o.url.indexOf('?') < 0 && o.url.indexOf(';') > -1 && (o.finalWithSemicolons === undefined || o.finalWithSemicolons == null)) o.finalWithSemicolons = true; if (o.finalWithSemicolons && _.all([o.editWithSemicolons, o.editingServer, opts.editWithSemicolons, opts.editingServer], function (v) { return v === null || v === undefined; })) o.editWithSemicolons = true; //If this is an update, not an init, override old values with new ones. if (isUpdate) $.extend(opts, o); if (o.width) { div.width(o.width); } if (o.height) div.height(o.height); if (o.height) a.height(o.height); if (o.accordionWidth) { a.width(o.accordionWidth); atd.width(o.accordionWidth); } if (!skipUrlUpdate) { opts.original = ImageResizer.Utils.parseUrl(opts.url); opts.editPath = opts.original.path; if (opts.editingServer) opts.editPath = ImageResizer.Utils.changeServer(opts.editPath, opts.editingServer); opts.originalQuery = opts.original.obj; opts.filteredQuery = new ImageResizer.Instructions(opts.originalQuery); opts.suspendedItems = opts.filteredQuery.remove(opts.suspendKeys); var withConstraints = new ImageResizer.Instructions(opts.filteredQuery); withConstraints.maxwidth = div.width() - opts.accordionWidth - 30; withConstraints.maxheight = opts.height - 28; withConstraints.mergeWith(opts.editingCommands, true); opts.editQuery = withConstraints; opts.editUrl = opts.editPath + withConstraints.toQueryString(opts.editWithSemicolons); img.attr('src', opts.editUrl); //This event lets 'involved' panes like crop, object removal, faces, red-eye, etc. exit when we change the source image. img.triggerHandler('sourceImageChanged', [opts.url]); //This event keeps all sliders, toggles, etc in sync img.triggerHandler('query', [new ImageResizer.Instructions(opts.editUrl)]); } }; updateOptions(opts); //Add requested panes var panes = { 'rotateflip': addRotateFlipPane, 'crop': addCropPane, 'adjust': addAdjustPane, 'redeye': addRedEyePane, 'carve': addCarvePane, 'effects': addEffectsPane, 'faces': addFacesPane }; for (var i = 0; i < opts.panes.length; i++) { a.append('

' + opts.labels['pane_' + opts.panes[i]] + '

'); a.append(panes[opts.panes[i]](opts)); } //Activate accordion //Animated can be true, false or a string var animated = opts.animated && ((opts.animated.toLowerCase() === 'true') ? true : (opts.animated.toLowerCase() === 'false') ? false : opts.animated); a.accordion({ fillSpace: true, animated: animated}); var api = { getOptions: function () { return opts; }, setOptions: function (newOpts) { updateOptions(newOpts); }, getStatus: function (params) { params = $.extend(params, { 'restoreSuspendedCommands': true, 'removeEditingConstraints': true, 'useEditingServer': false }); var path = params.useEditingServer ? opts.editPath : opts.original.path; var q = new ImageResizer.Instructions(opts.editQuery); if (params.removeEditingConstraints) { q.remove(opts.suspendKeys); } if (params.restoreSuspendedCommands) q.mergeWith(opts.suspendedItems); var url = params.useEditingServer ? q.toQueryString(opts.editWithSemicolons) : q.toQueryString(opts.finalWithSemicolons); return { url: path + url, query: q, path: path }; }, destroy: function () { div.data('ImageStudio', null); div.removeClass("imagestudio"); div.empty(); } }; opts.api = api; return api; } //Because jquery's stupid ctor won't accept element arrays var $a = function (array) { var x = $(); $.each(array, function (i, o) { x = x.add(o) }); return x; }; //Provides a callback to edit the querystring inside var edit = function (opts, callback) { opts.editQuery = new ImageResizer.Instructions(opts.editQuery); callback(opts.editQuery); opts.editUrl = opts.editPath + opts.editQuery.toQueryString(opts.editWithSemicolons); setloading(opts, true, true); opts.img.attr('src', opts.editUrl); if (opts.img.prop('complete')) setloading(opts, false); opts.img.triggerHandler('query', [opts.editQuery]); if (opts.onchange != null) opts.onchange(opts.api); //console.log(opts.editQuery); }; var setUrl = function (opts, url, silent) { opts.editQuery = new ImageResizer.Instructions(url); opts.editUrl = url; setloading(opts, true, true); opts.img.attr('src', url); if (opts.img.prop('complete')) setloading(opts, false); if (!silent) { opts.img.triggerHandler('query', [new ImageResizer.Instructions(opts.editQuery)]); if (opts.onchange != null) opts.onchange(opts.api); } } //Makes a button that edits the image's querystring. var button = function (opts, id, editCallback, clickCallback) { var icon = opts.icons[id]; var b = $('').addClass('button_' + id).button({ label: opts.labels[id] ? opts.labels[id] : id, icons: icon != null ? { primary: "ui-icon-" + icon} : {} }); if (editCallback) b.click(function () { edit(opts, function (obj) { editCallback(obj); }); }); if (clickCallback) b.click(clickCallback); return b; }; var toggle = function (container, id, querystringKey, opts) { if (!window.uniqueId) window.uniqueId = (new Date()).getTime(); window.uniqueId++; var chk = $(''); chk.prop("checked", opts.editQuery.getBool(querystringKey)); chk.appendTo(container); $('').appendTo(container); chk.button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-" + opts.icons[id]} }).click(function () { edit(opts, function (obj) { obj.toggle(querystringKey); }); }); opts.img.bind('query', function (e, obj) { var b = obj.getBool(querystringKey); if (chk.prop("checked") != b) chk.prop("checked", b); chk.button('refresh'); }); return chk; }; var slider = function (opts, min, max, step, key) { var supress = {}; var startingValue = opts.editQuery[key]; if (startingValue == null) startingValue = 0; var s = $("
").slider({ min: min, max: max, step: step, value: startingValue, change: function (event, ui) { supress[key] = true; edit(opts, function (obj) { obj[key] = ui.value; if (key.charAt(0) == 'a') obj['a.radiusunits'] = 1000; if (obj[key] === 0) delete obj[key]; }); supress[key] = false; } }); opts.img.bind('query', function (e, obj) { if (supress[key]) return; var v = obj[key]; if (v == null) v = 0; if (v != s.slider('value')) { s.slider('value', v); } }); return s; }; var h3 = function (opts, id, container) { return $("

").text(opts.labels[id] ? opts.labels[id] : "text-not-set").addClass(id).appendTo(container); }; var lockAccordion = function (opts, currentPaneDiv) { opts.accordion.accordion("disable"); currentPaneDiv.removeClass("ui-state-disabled"); currentPaneDiv.removeClass("ui-accordion-disabled"); opts.accordion.removeClass("ui-state-disabled"); }; var freezeImage = function (opts) { opts.imgDiv.css('padding-left', (opts.imgDiv.width() - opts.img.width()) / 2 + 1); opts.imgDiv.css('text-align', 'left'); opts.imgDiv.height(opts.img.height()); opts.img.css('position', 'absolute'); }; var unFreezeImage = function (opts) { opts.img.attr('style', ''); //Remove the position-abosolute stuff. opts.imgDiv.css('padding-left', 0); //undo horizontal align fix opts.imgDiv.css('text-align', 'center'); opts.imgDiv.css('height', 'auto'); }; var setloading = function (opts, loading, stopOnImageLoad) { if (!opts.imageLoadedHandler) { opts.imageLoadedHandler = function () { opts.container.removeClass('imagestudio-loading'); opts.img.unbind('load', opts.imageLoadedHandler); }; } opts.container.removeClass('imagestudio-loading'); opts.img.unbind('load', opts.imageLoadedHandler); if (loading) { opts.container.addClass('imagestudio-loading'); if (stopOnImageLoad) opts.img.bind('load', opts.imageLoadedHandler); } }; var enableSiblingResetButton = function(btn) { $(btn).siblings(".button_reset").first().removeAttr("disabled"); } var disableResetButton = function(btn) { $(btn).attr("disabled", "disabled"); } //Adds a pane for rotating and flipping the source image var addRotateFlipPane = function (opts) { var c = $('
'); var left = button(opts, 'rotateleft', function (obj) { obj.increment("srotate", -90, 360); }); left.click(function() { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); left.appendTo(c); var right = button(opts, 'rotateright', function(obj) { obj.increment("srotate", 90, 360); }); right.click(function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); right.appendTo(c); var vert = button(opts, 'flipvertical', function(obj) { obj.toggle("sflip.y"); }); vert.click(function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); vert.appendTo(c); var horiz = button(opts, 'fliphorizontal', function(obj) { obj.toggle("sflip.x"); }); horiz.click(function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); horiz.appendTo(c); var reset = button(opts, 'reset', function (obj) { obj.resetSourceRotateFlip(); }).attr("disabled", "disabled"); reset.click(function() { disableResetButton(this); }); reset.appendTo(c); return c; }; //contrast/saturation/brightness adjustment var addAdjustPane = function (opts) { var c = $('
'); var auto = toggle(c, 'autowhite', "a.balancewhite", opts); auto.change(function() { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); h3(opts, 'contrast', c); var contrast = slider(opts, -1, 1, 0.001, "s.contrast"); contrast.on("slidechange", function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); c.append(contrast); h3(opts, 'saturation', c); var sat = slider(opts, -1, 1, 0.001, "s.saturation"); sat.on("slidechange", function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); c.append(sat); h3(opts, 'brightness', c); var bri = slider(opts, -1, 1, 0.001, "s.brightness"); bri.on("slidechange", function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); c.append(bri); var reset = button(opts, 'reset', function(obj) { obj.remove("s.contrast", "s.saturation", "s.brightness", "a.balancewhite"); }).attr("disabled", "disabled"); reset.click(function() { disableResetButton(this); }); reset.appendTo(c); return c; }; //Effects and noise removal var addEffectsPane = function (opts) { var c = $('
'); var bla = toggle(c, 'blackwhite', "s.grayscale", opts); bla.change(function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); var sep = toggle(c, "sepia", "s.sepia", opts); sep.change(function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); var neg = toggle(c, "negative", "s.invert", opts); neg.change(function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); h3(opts, 'sharpen', c); var sha = slider(opts, 0, 15, 1, "a.sharpen"); sha.on("slidechange", function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); c.append(sha); h3(opts, 'noiseremoval', c); var noi = slider(opts, 0, 100, 1, "a.removenoise"); noi.on("slidechange", function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); c.append(noi); h3(opts, 'oilpainting', c); var oil = slider(opts, 0, 25, 1, "a.oilpainting"); oil.on("slidechange", function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); c.append(oil); h3(opts, 'posterize', c); var pos = slider(opts, 0, 255, 1, "a.posterize"); pos.on("slidechange", function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); c.append(pos); h3(opts, 'blur', c); var blu = slider(opts, 0, 40, 1, "a.blur"); blu.on("slidechange", function () { enableSiblingResetButton(this); }); c.append(blu); var reset = button(opts, 'reset', function(obj) { obj.remove("a.sharpen", "a.removenoise", "a.oilpainting", "a.posterize", "s.grayscale", "s.sepia", "s.invert", "a.blur", "a.radiusunits"); }).attr("disabled", "disabled"); reset.click(function () { disableResetButton(this); }); reset.appendTo(c); return c; }; //Object-remvoal (seam carving) pane var addCarvePane = function (opts) { var c = $('
'); var cl = {}; cl.img = opts.img; cl.opts = opts; var start = button(opts, 'carve_start', null, function () { reset.hide(); start.hide(); lockAccordion(opts, c); var o = opts; var q = new ImageResizer.Instructions(o.editQuery); cl.packedData = o.editQuery["carve.data"]; q.remove("carve.data"); cl.baseUrl = o.editPath + q.toQueryString(o.editWithSemicolons); opts.img.attr('src', cl.baseUrl); //Undo current seam carving freezeImage(opts); var image = new Image(); image.onload = function () { cl.w = image.width; cl.h = image.height; startCarve(); cl.active = true; }; image.src = cl.baseUrl; }).appendTo(c); var startCarve = function () { done.show(); cancel.show(); cl.img.canvasDraw({ C: 1000, controlParent: c }); if (cl.packedData) cl.img.canvasDraw('unpack', cl.packedData); }; var getFixedUrl = function () { var o = cl.opts; var q = new ImageResizer.Instructions(o.editQuery); q["carve.data"] = cl.packedData; return o.editPath + q.toQueryString(o.editWithSemicolons); } //Used for cancel, done buttons, and sourceImageChanged event. var stopDrawing = function (save, norestore) { cl.packedData = cl.img.canvasDraw('pack'); cl.img.canvasDraw('unload'); if (save) setUrl(opts, getFixedUrl(), false); else if (!norestore) cl.img.attr('src', opts.editUrl); done.hide(); cancel.hide(); start.show(); reset.show(); unFreezeImage(opts); opts.accordion.accordion("enable"); cl.active = false; }; var cancel = button(opts, 'cancel', null, function () { stopDrawing(false); }).appendTo(c).hide(); var done = button(opts, 'done', null, function () { stopDrawing(true); }).appendTo(c).hide(); //Just remove carve.data to reset everything! var reset = button(opts, 'reset', function (obj) { obj.remove("carve.data"); }).appendTo(c); //Handle source image changes by exiting opts.img.bind('sourceImageChanged', function () { if (cl.active) stopDrawing(false,true); }); return c; }; //Adds a pane for cropping var addCropPane = function (opts) { var c = $('
'); //Pane-local closure var cl = { img: opts.img, cropping: false, jcrop_reference: null, previousUrl: null, opts: opts }; //Called once the 'uncropped' image has been loaded and its dimensions determined var startCrop = function (uncroppedWidth, uncroppedHeight, uncroppedUrl, oldCrop) { //Use existing coords if present var coords = null; var cropObj = oldCrop; //Adjust for xunits/yunits if (cropObj && cropObj.allPresent()) coords = cropObj.stretchTo(uncroppedWidth, uncroppedHeight).toCoordsArray(); //Handle preview init/update if (cl.opts.cropPreview) preview.JcropPreview({ jcropImg: cl.img }); preview.hide(); var update = function (coords) { if (cl.opts.cropPreview) { preview.JcropPreviewUpdate(coords); preview.show(); } }; cl.opts.imgDiv.css('padding-left', (cl.opts.imgDiv.width() - cl.img.width()) / 2 + 1); cl.opts.imgDiv.css('text-align', 'left'); //Start up jCrop cl.img.Jcrop({ onChange: update, onSelect: update, aspectRatio: getRatio(), bgColor: 'black', bgOpacity: 0.6 }, function () { //Called when jCrop finishes loading cl.jcrop_reference = this; cl.opts.jcrop_reference = this; if (cl.opts.cropPreview) preview.JcropPreviewUpdate({ x: 0, y: 0, x2: uncroppedWidth, y2: uncroppedHeight, width: uncroppedWidth, height: uncroppedHeight }); if (coords != null) this.setSelect(coords); //Show buttons $a([btnCancel, btnDone, label, ratio]).show(); cl.cropping = true; setloading(opts, false); }); } var stopCrop = function (save, norestore) { if (!cl.cropping) return; cl.cropping = false; if (save) { setUrl(cl.opts, cl.previousUrl, true); var coords = cl.jcrop_reference.tellSelect(); edit(cl.opts, function (obj) { obj.setCrop({ x1: coords.x, y1: coords.y, x2: coords.x2, y2: coords.y2, xunits: cl.img.width(), yunits: cl.img.height() }); }); } else if (!norestore) { setUrl(cl.opts, cl.previousUrl); } if (cl.jcrop_reference) { cl.jcrop_reference.destroy(); delete cl.opts.jcrop_reference; } cl.img.attr('style', ''); //Needed to fix all the junk JCrop added. cl.opts.imgDiv.css('padding-left', 0); //undo horizontal align fix cl.opts.imgDiv.css('text-align', 'center'); $a([btnCancel, btnDone, label, ratio, preview]).hide(); $a([btnCrop, btnReset]).show(); cl.opts.accordion.accordion("enable"); } var btnCrop = button(opts, 'crop_crop', null, function () { setloading(opts, true, false); //Hide the reset and crop button, lock the accordion $a([btnReset, btnCrop]).hide(); lockAccordion(opts, c); //Save the original crop values and URL var oldCrop = cl.opts.editQuery.getCrop(); cl.previousUrl = opts.editUrl; //Create an uncropped URL var q = new ImageResizer.Instructions(cl.opts.editQuery); q.remove("crop", "cropxunits", "cropyunits"); var uncroppedUrl = cl.opts.editPath + q.toQueryString(cl.opts.editWithSemicolons); var onLoadImage = function () { var image = new Image(); image.onload = function () { startCrop(image.width, image.height, uncroppedUrl, oldCrop); }; image.src = uncroppedUrl; cl.img.unbind('load', onLoadImage); }; cl.img.attr('src', ""); cl.img.bind('load', onLoadImage); //Switch to uncropped image cl.img.attr('src', uncroppedUrl); }).appendTo(c); //Set up aspect ratio checkbox var label = h3(opts, 'aspectratio', c).hide(); var ratio = $(""); var getRatio = function () { return ratio.val() == "current" ? cl.img.width() / cl.img.height() : (ratio.val() == 0 ? null : ratio.val()) }; var ratios = opts.cropratios; for (var i = 0; i < ratios.length; i++) $('').appendTo(ratio); var initialRatio = ratios.length ? ratios[0][0] : 0; ratio.appendTo(c).val(initialRatio).hide(); ratio.change(function () { var r = getRatio(); var coords = cl.jcrop_reference.tellSelect(); cl.jcrop_reference.setOptions({ aspectRatio: r }); var areAllEmpty = function (obj, keys) { for (var k in keys) if (!isNaN(obj[keys[k]]) && obj[keys[k]] != 0) return false; return true; }; if (areAllEmpty(coords, ['x', 'y', 'x2', 'y2'])) { if (r != 0 && r != cl.img.width() / cl.img.height()) { cl.jcrop_reference.setSelect(ImageResizer.Utils.getRectOfRatio(r, cl.img.width(), cl.img.height())); } else cl.jcrop_reference.release(); } cl.jcrop_reference.focus(); }); var grouper = $('
').addClass('crop-active-buttons').appendTo(c); var btnCancel = button(opts, 'crop_cancel', null, function () { stopCrop(false); }).appendTo(grouper).hide(); //Handle source image changes by exiting opts.img.bind('sourceImageChanged', function () { if (cl.cropping) stopCrop(false, true); }); var btnDone = button(opts, 'crop_done', null, function () { stopCrop(true); }).appendTo(grouper).hide(); var preview = $("
").addClass('cropPreview').appendTo(c).hide(); if (opts.cropPreview) preview.css(opts.cropPreview); var btnReset = button(opts, 'reset', function (obj) { stopCrop(false, true); obj.remove("crop", "cropxunits", "cropyunits"); }).appendTo(c); //Update button label and 'undo' visib btnCrop.button("option", "label", opts.editQuery.crop ? opts.labels.crop_modify : opts.labels.crop_crop); btnReset.button({ disabled: !opts.editQuery.crop }); cl.img.bind('query', function (e, obj) { btnCrop.button("option", "label", obj["crop"] ? opts.labels.crop_modify : opts.labels.crop_crop); btnReset.button({ disabled: !obj["crop"] }); }); return c; }; var getCachedJson = function (url, done, fail) { if (window.cachedJson == null) window.cachedJson = {}; var result = window.cachedJson[url]; if (result != null) { done(result); return; } else { $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function (data) { window.cachedJson[url] = data; done(data); }, fail: function () { fail(); } }); } }; //Used for red-eye and face rectangle overlay management var RectOverlayMgr = function (opts, key, origWidthKey, origHeightKey) { this.opts = opts; this.img = opts.img; this.key = key; this.origWidthKey = origWidthKey; this.origHeightKey = origHeightKey; //Handle source image changes by exiting var cl = this; opts.img.bind('sourceImageChanged', function () { if (cl.active) cl.cancel(); }); }; var rp = RectOverlayMgr.prototype; rp.hide = function () { $(this.img).show(); this.container.remove(); this.enabled = false; }; rp.addAuto = function () { this.addRects(this.info.features); this.hide(); this.show(); }; rp.clear = function () { this.rects = []; this.hide(); this.show(); }; rp.togglePreview = function () { if (this.enabled) { //Apply or remove this.img.attr('src', this.getFixedUrl()); this.hide(); } else { this.img.attr('src', this.baseUrl); this.show(); } return this.enabled; }; rp.cancel = function () { this.exit(false); }; rp.saveAndClose = function () { this.exit(true); }; rp.reset = function () { var k = this.key; edit(this.opts, function (obj) { obj.remove(k); }); }; rp.getFixedUrl = function () { var q = new ImageResizer.Instructions(this.opts.editQuery); q.setRectArray(this.key, this.rects); q[this.origWidthKey] = this.info.ow; q[this.origHeightKey] = this.info.oh; return this.opts.editPath + q.toQueryString(this.opts.editWithSemicolons); }; rp.exit = function (save) { this.hide(); if (save) setUrl(this.opts, this.getFixedUrl(), false); else this.img.attr('src', this.opts.editUrl); unFreezeImage(this.opts); this.active = false; if (this.onExitComplete) this.onExitComplete(save); }; rp.beginEnter = function () { var o = this.opts; setloading(o, true, false); var q = new ImageResizer.Instructions(o.editQuery); q.remove(this.key); this.baseUrl = o.editPath + q.toQueryString(o.editWithSemicolons); o.img.attr('src', this.baseUrl); //Undo current red-eye fixes this.jsonUrl = this.getJsonUrl(o.editPath, q); var cl = this; cl.loading = true; getCachedJson(this.jsonUrl, function (data) { if (cl.onEnterComplete) cl.onEnterComplete(); cl.info = data; cl.rects = o.editQuery.getRectArray(cl.key); //Unless we already have rects, default to the automatic ones if (cl.rects.length == 0) cl.addRects(data.features); freezeImage(cl.opts); cl.show(); setloading(cl.opts, false); cl.active = true; }, function () { setloading(cl.opts, false); cl.loading = false; if (cl.onEnterFail) cl.onEnterFail(); cl.img.attr('src', o.editUrl); }); }; rp.hashrect = function (e) { return e.X + e.Y * 1000 + e.X2 * 100000 * e.Y2 * 1000000 }; rp.addRects = function (rects) { if (rects == null || rects.length == 0) return; var cl = this; //merge with cl.rects, eliminating duplicates this.rects = _.uniq((this.rects ? this.rects : []).concat(cl.filterRects ? cl.filterRects(rects) : rects), false, cl.hashrect); }; rp.addRect = function (rect, clientrect) { var cl = this; var d = cl.info; var cr = clientrect; var r = rect; if (cr == null) { cr = { x: (r.X - d.cropx) * (d.dw / d.cropw) - 1, y: (r.Y - d.cropy) * (d.dh / d.croph) - 1, w: (r.X2 - r.X) * (d.dw / d.cropw), h: (r.Y2 - r.Y) * (d.dh / d.croph) }; } 2 if (r == null) { var x = cr.x / (d.dw / d.cropw) + d.cropx; var y = cr.y / (d.dh / d.croph) + d.cropy; var w = cr.w / (d.dw / d.cropw); var h = cr.h / (d.dh / d.croph); r = { X: x, Y: y, X2: x + w, Y2: y + h, Accuracy: cr.accuracy }; cl.rects.push(r); } //Don't add rectangle if it's out of bounds. silently keep it, in case we change the crop, though. if (cr.x < 0 || cr.y < 0 || cr.x + cr.w > cl.container.width() || cr.y + cr.h > cl.container.height()) return; var rect = $('
').addClass('red-eye-rect').width(cr.w).height(cr.h).css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'z-order': 2000 }).appendTo(cl.container).show().position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left top', collision: 'none', of: cl.container, offset: cr.x.toString() + ' ' + cr.y.toString() }); rect.css('border', '1px solid green'); rect.data('rect', r); var onClickRect = function () { var r = $(this).data('rect'); $(this).remove(); cl.rects = _.reject(cl.rects, function (val) { return cl.hashrect(val) == cl.hashrect(r) }); cl.container.data('down', null); }; rect.mouseup(onClickRect); }; rp.show = function () { var cl = this; var d = cl.info; cl.enabled = true; cl.container = $('
').addClass('red-eye-container').css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'z-order': 1000 }).insertAfter(cl.img).show().position({ my: 'left top', at: 'left top', collision: 'none', of: cl.img, offset: '0 ' + d.dy }).width(d.dw).height(d.dh); $(cl.img).hide(); $(cl.container).css({ 'backgroundImage': 'url(' + $(cl.img).attr('src') + ')' }); for (var i = 0; i < cl.rects.length; i++) { cl.addRect(cl.rects[i]); } cl.container.mousedown(function (evt) { if (evt.which == 2) { } if (evt.which == 1) { if (typeof evt.offsetX === "undefined" || typeof evt.offsetY === "undefined") { var targetOffset = $(evt.target).offset(); evt.offsetX = evt.pageX - targetOffset.left; evt.offsetY = evt.pageY - targetOffset.top; } //var offset = $(this).offset(); cl.container.data('down', { x: evt.offsetX, y: evt.offsetY }); evt.preventDefault(); } }); cl.container.mouseup(function (evt) { if (typeof evt.offsetX === "undefined" || typeof evt.offsetY === "undefined") { var targetOffset = $(evt.target).offset(); evt.offsetX = evt.pageX - targetOffset.left; evt.offsetY = evt.pageY - targetOffset.top; } if (cl.container[0] != this) return; //No bubbled events if (evt.which == 1) { var down = cl.container.data('down'); if (down == null) return; cl.container.data('down', null); var cx = down.x; var cy = down.y; var cw = (evt.offsetX - cx); var ch = (evt.offsetY - cy); var accuracy = 9; if (cw < 0) { cx += cw; cw *= -1 }; if (ch < 0) { cy += ch; ch *= -1 }; if (cw + ch < 6) { cx -= 12; cy -= 12; cw += 24; ch += 24; accuracy = 5; } cl.addRect(null, { x: cx, y: cy, w: cw, h: ch, accuracy: accuracy }); $(document.body).focus(); } }); }; var addFacesPane = function (opts) { var c = $('
'); var mgr = new RectOverlayMgr(opts, 'f.rects', 'ow', 'oh'); //Occurs after rect overlay system has exited. mgr.onExitComplete = function () { $a([done, cancel, clear, auto]).hide(); $a([start, reset]).show(); opts.accordion.accordion("enable"); }; //Occurs when data has been loaded and system is active mgr.onEnterComplete = function () { $a([done, cancel, clear, auto]).show(); }; mgr.onEnterFail = function () { $a([start, reset]).show(); opts.accordion.accordion("enable"); }; mgr.getJsonUrl = function (basePath, baseQuery) { baseQuery['f.detect'] = true; return basePath + baseQuery.toQueryString(this.opts.editWithSemicolons); }; var start = button(opts, 'faces_start', null, function () { $a([start, reset]).hide(); lockAccordion(opts, c); mgr.beginEnter(); }).appendTo(c); var auto = button(opts, 'faces_auto', null, function () { mgr.addAuto(); }).appendTo(c).hide(); var clear = button(opts, 'faces_clear', null, function () { mgr.clear(); }).appendTo(c).hide(); $('
').appendTo(c); var cancel = button(opts, 'cancel', null, function () { mgr.cancel(); }).appendTo(c).hide(); var done = button(opts, 'done', null, function () { mgr.saveAndClose(); }).appendTo(c).hide(); var reset = button(opts, 'reset', null, function () { mgr.reset(); }).appendTo(c); return c; }; var addRedEyePane = function (opts) { var c = $('
'); var mgr = new RectOverlayMgr(opts, 'r.eyes', 'ow', 'oh'); //Occurs after rect overlay system has exited. mgr.onExitComplete = function () { $a([done, cancel, preview, clear, auto]).hide(); $a([start, reset]).show(); opts.accordion.accordion("enable"); }; //Occurs when data has been loaded and system is active mgr.onEnterComplete = function () { $a([done, cancel, preview, clear, auto]).show(); }; mgr.onEnterFail = function () { $a([start, reset]).show(); opts.accordion.accordion("enable"); }; mgr.getJsonUrl = function (basePath, baseQuery) { baseQuery['r.detecteyes'] = true; return basePath + baseQuery.toQueryString(this.opts.editWithSemicolons); }; mgr.filterRects = function (rects) { return _.reject(rects, function (e) { return e.Feature !== 0 }); } var start = button(opts, 'redeye_start', null, function () { $a([start, reset]).hide(); lockAccordion(opts, c); mgr.beginEnter(); }).appendTo(c); var auto = button(opts, 'redeye_auto', null, function () { mgr.addAuto(); }).appendTo(c).hide(); var clear = button(opts, 'redeye_clear', null, function () { mgr.clear(); }).appendTo(c).hide(); $('
').appendTo(c); var preview = button(opts, 'redeye_preview', null, function () { $a([auto, clear, cancel, done]).toggle(); mgr.togglePreview(); }).appendTo(c).hide(); var cancel = button(opts, 'cancel', null, function () { mgr.cancel(); }).appendTo(c).hide(); var done = button(opts, 'done', null, function () { mgr.saveAndClose(); }).appendTo(c).hide(); var reset = button(opts, 'reset', null, function () { mgr.reset(); }).appendTo(c); return c; }; })(jQuery);