var ImageResizer = {}; var ir = ImageResizer; ir.Instructions = function (url) { if (url == null) return; var isString = (typeof url == 'string' || url instanceof String); if (!isString) { //If it's an object, shallow clone it. this.mergeWith(url, false); //normalize this.normalize(); return this; } var c = url.indexOf('?'); var sep = (c < 0 && url.indexOf(';') > -1) ? ';' : '&'; if (c < 0 && url.indexOf('=') < 0) return; //No querystring for us.... //Otherwise, process it this.mergeWith(ir.Utils.parseQuery(url.substr(Math.max(-1, c) + 1), sep), false); //normalize this.normalize(); }; var rs = ImageResizer.Instructions; //Add legacy alias ImageResizing.ResizeSettings var ImageResizing = ir; ir.ResizeSettings = ir.Instructions; rs.prototype.mergeWith = function (addition, overwrite) { for (var i in addition) if (i && addition.hasOwnProperty(i) && addition[i] !== undefined && addition[i] !== null) { if (overwrite || this[i] === undefined || this[i] === null) this[i] = addition[i]; } return this; }; rs.prototype.toQueryString = function (useSemicolons) { return (useSemicolons ? ';' : '?') + ir.Utils.stringifyQuery(this, useSemicolons ? ';' : '&'); }; //Deletes the specified keys from this query and returns the deleted pairs in a new object. rs.prototype.remove = function (first) { var removed = {}; if (!(first instanceof Array)) { removed[first] = this[first]; delete this[first]; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { removed[arguments[i]] = this[arguments[i]]; delete this[arguments[i]]; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < first.length; i++) { removed[first[i]] = this[first[i]]; delete this[first[i]]; } } return new ImageResizing.ResizeSettings(removed); }; rs.prototype.normalize = function () { //lowercase everything for (var key in this) { if (!this.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; var val = this[key]; delete this[key]; this[key.toLowerCase()] = val; } //Fix thumbnail/format this.undup('format', 'thumbnail'); this.undup('sflip', 'srcflip'); this.undup('width', 'w'); this.undup('height', 'h'); this.undup('ow', 'r.iw'); this.undup('oh', 'r.ih'); return this; }; rs.prototype.undup = function(primary, secondary){ if (this[primary] === null || this[primary] === "") delete this[primary]; if (this[secondary] === null || this[secondary] === "") delete this[secondary]; if (this[secondary] === undefined) return; if (this[primary] === undefined) this[primary] = this[secondary]; delete this[secondary]; }; rs.prototype.toggle = function (key, defaultValue, deleteIfMatches) { //Cascade defaultValue if (defaultValue !== undefined && deleteIfMatches === undefined) deleteIfMatches = defaultValue; //Special handling for flip.x, flip.y, srcFlip.x, srcFlip.y, sFlip.x, sFlip.y if ((/flip\.[xy]$/i).test(key)) { if (deleteIfMatches === undefined) deleteIfMatches= "00"; var lastchar = key.charAt(key.length - 1); key = key.substring(0, key.length - 2); if (key.charAt(0) == 's') this.rotateFlipCoords(0, lastchar == 'x', lastchar == 'y'); //Must call before changing flip value. Have to undo x flip, then reapply x or y flip. var val = ir.Utils.toggleFlip(this[key], lastchar == 'x', lastchar == 'y'); if (val === deleteIfMatches) delete this[key]; else this[key] = val; return val; } if (deleteIfMatches === undefined) deleteIfMatches=false; defaultValue == (defaultValue == true); var val = ir.Utils.toBool(this[key],defaultValue); val = !val; if (val === deleteIfMatches) delete this[key]; else this[key] = val; return val; }; rs.prototype.increment = function (key, offset, cycleLimit, defaultValue) { cycleLimit = cycleLimit ? cycleLimit : 360; defaultValue = defaultValue ? defaultValue : 0; var val = (this[key] === undefined | this[key] === null) ? defaultValue : parseFloat(this[key]); val = (val + offset) % cycleLimit; if (key == "srotate") this.rotateFlipCoords(offset, false, false); this[key] = val; }; rs.prototype.getBool = function (key) { return ir.Utils.toBool(this[key]); }; rs.prototype.getCrop = function () { return new ir.CropRectangle().pullFrom(this); }; rs.prototype.setCrop = function (cropObj) { new ir.CropRectangle(cropObj).pushTo(this); return this; }; rs.prototype.getRectArray = function (key) { var str = this[key]; if (str == null || str.length == 0) return []; var parts = str.split(','); var rects = []; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length / 5; i++) { var x = parseFloat(parts[i * 5]); var y = parseFloat(parts[i * 5 + 1]); var w = parseFloat(parts[i * 5 + 2]); var h = parseFloat(parts[i * 5 + 3]); var a = parseFloat(parts[i * 5 + 4]); rects.push({ X: x, Y: y, X2: x + w, Y2: y + h, Accuracy: a }); } return rects; }; rs.prototype.setRectArray = function (key, rects) { var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) { var r = rects[i]; str += Math.round(r.X).toString() + "," + Math.round(r.Y).toString() + "," + Math.round(r.X2 - r.X).toString() + "," + Math.round(r.Y2 - r.Y).toString() + "," + r.Accuracy.toString() + ","; } this[key] = str.length > 0 ? str.substr(0, str.length - 1) : null; if (this[key] == null) delete this[key]; return this; }; rs.prototype.resetSourceRotateFlip = function () { var oldFlip = ir.Utils.parseFlip(this.sflip); this.rotateFlipCoords(this.srotate ? -parseFloat(this.srotate) : 0, oldFlip.x, oldFlip.y); delete this.srotate; delete this.sflip; }; rs.prototype.rotateFlipCoords = function (rot, fx, fy) { var oldFlip = ir.Utils.parseFlip(this.sflip); var oldAngle = parseFloat(this.srotate ? this.srotate : "0"); //Rotate rect arrays (eyes and faces) var w = parseInt(this.ow) + 0; var h = parseInt(this.oh) + 0; var keys = ['f.rects', 'r.eyes']; for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { var key = keys[j]; if (this[key] && w && h) { var rects = this.getRectArray(key); for (var i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) { var r = rects[i]; var newr = ir.Utils.flipRotateRect(r.X, r.Y, r.X2, r.Y2, w, h, oldAngle, oldAngle + rot, oldFlip.x, oldFlip.x ^ fx, oldFlip.y, oldFlip.y ^ fy); rects[i] = { X: newr.x1, Y: newr.y1, X2: newr.x2, Y2: newr.y2, Accuracy: r.Accuracy }; this.oh = newr.yunits; this.ow = newr.xunits; } this.setRectArray(key, rects); } } var c = this.getCrop(); //Only rotate if all items are present. if (!c.allPresent()) return; var r = ir.Utils.flipRotateRect(c.x1, c.y1, c.x2, c.y2, c.xunits, c.yunits, oldAngle, oldAngle + rot, oldFlip.x, oldFlip.x ^ fx, oldFlip.y, oldFlip.y ^ fy); this.setCrop(r); return this; }; ir.CropRectangle = function (obj) { if (obj) { for (var i in obj) if (i && obj.hasOwnProperty(i) && obj[i] !== undefined && obj[i] !== null) { this[i] = obj[i]; } } }; ir.CropRectangle.prototype.pullFrom = function (query) { if (query.cropxunits) this.xunits = query.cropxunits; if (query.cropyunits) this.yunits = query.cropyunits; if (query.crop) { var vals = query.crop.split(','); var keys = ['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2']; if (vals.length < keys.length) return o; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { this[keys[i]] = parseFloat(vals[i]); } } return this; }; ir.CropRectangle.prototype.pushTo = function (query) { if (this.xunits) query.cropxunits = this.xunits; if (this.yunits) query.cropyunits = this.yunits; query.crop = this.x1 + "," + this.y1 + "," + this.x2 + "," + this.y2; }; ir.CropRectangle.prototype.allPresent = function () { return this.x1 != null && this.y1 != null && this.x2 != null && this.y2 != null && this.xunits != null && this.yunits != null; }; ir.CropRectangle.prototype.stretchTo = function (width, height) { var n = new ir.CropRectangle( { xunits: width, yunits: height, x1: this.x1, y1: this.y1, x2: this.x2, y2: this.y2 }); var xfactor = width / this.xunits; var yfactor = height / this.yunits; n.x1 *= xfactor; n.x2 *= xfactor; n.y1 *= yfactor; n.y2 *= yfactor; return n; }; ir.CropRectangle.prototype.toCoordsArray = function () { return [this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2]; }; ir.Utils = {}; ir.Utils.parseUrl = function (url) { var c = url.indexOf('?'); var sep = (c < 0 && url.indexOf(';') > -1) ? ';' : '&'; if (c > -1) { var query = url.substr(c + 1); return { path: url.substr(0, c), query: query, obj: new ImageResizing.ResizeSettings(query) }; } return { path: url, obj: new ImageResizing.ResizeSettings(), query: '' }; }; ir.Utils.changeServer = function (url, newServer) { var schemend = url.indexOf("://"); if (schemend < 0) return ir.Utils.joinPath(newServer,url); var nextSlash = url.indexOf('/', schemend + 3); if (nextSlash < 0) return newServer; //no path?? return ir.Utils.joinPath(newServer, url.substring(nextSlash,url.length)); } ir.Utils.joinPaths = function (base, relative) { if (base.charAt(base.length - 1) == '/') base = base.substr(0,base.length -1); return base + ((relatve.charAt(0) != '/') ? '/' : '') + relative; } ir.Utils.parseFlip = function (value) { if (value == null) return { x: 0, y: 0 }; value = value.toString().toLowerCase(); var split = { "both": [1, 1], "xy": [1, 1], "x": [1, 0], "y": [0, 1], "h": [1, 0], "v": [0, 1], "none": [0, 0] }; return { x: split[value][0], y: split[value][1] }; }; ir.Utils.toggleFlip = function (originalValue, togglex, toggley) { var restore = { "11": "xy", "10": "x", "01": "y", "00": "none" }; var flip = ir.Utils.parseFlip(originalValue); flip.x = flip.x ^ togglex; flip.y = flip.y ^ toggley; return restore[flip.x.toString() + flip.y.toString()]; }; ir.Utils.toBool = function (val, defaultValue) { if (val === null || val === undefined) return (defaultValue == true); if (val.toLowerCase) val = val.toLowerCase(); if (val == "false") return false; if (val == "0") return false; if (val == "no") return false; return true; } //Rotates the specified point around (0,0), (oldWidth,0), or (0,oldHeight) depending on the angle. //Used to translate crop coordinates. ir.Utils.flipRotatePoint = function (x, y, oldWidth, oldHeight, oldAngle, newAngle, oldFlipH, newFlipH, oldFlipV, newFlipV) { var normal = function (angle) { if ((angle % 90) != 0) throw "Specified angle is not a multiple of 90"; return (((angle + 360 + 360) % 360) / 90); }; oldAngle = normal(oldAngle); newAngle = normal(newAngle); //First, undo all flipping, then rotation if (oldFlipH ^ (oldAngle == 2)) x = oldWidth - x; if (oldFlipV ^ (oldAngle == 2)) y = oldHeight - y; var t; if (oldAngle == 1) { t = x; x = y; y = oldWidth - t; t = oldHeight; oldHeight = oldWidth; oldWidth = t; } if (oldAngle == 3) { t = y; y = x; x = oldHeight - t; t = oldHeight; oldHeight = oldWidth; oldWidth = t; } //Reapply rotation, then flipping. if (newAngle == 3) { t = x; x = y; y = oldWidth - t; t = oldHeight; oldHeight = oldWidth; oldWidth = t; } if (newAngle == 1) { t = y; y = x; x = oldHeight - t; t = oldHeight; oldHeight = oldWidth; oldWidth = t; } if (newFlipH ^ (newAngle == 2)) x = oldWidth - x; if (newFlipV ^ (newAngle == 2)) y = oldHeight - y; return { x: x, y: y }; } //Returns an array of 4 values, x1, y2, x2, y2, of a rectangle of the given aspect ratio centered in the given width/height ir.Utils.getRectOfRatio = function (ratio, maxwidth, maxheight) { var w; var h; if (maxwidth / maxheight > ratio) { w = ratio * maxheight; h = w / ratio; } else { h = maxwidth / ratio; w = h * ratio; } var x = (maxwidth - w) / 2; var y = (maxheight - h) / 2; return [x, y, x + w, y + h]; }; ir.Utils.flipRotateRect = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, width, height, oldAngle, newAngle, oldFlipH, newFlipH, oldFlipV, newFlipV) { var p1 = ir.Utils.flipRotatePoint(x1, y1, width, height, oldAngle, newAngle, oldFlipH, newFlipH, oldFlipV, newFlipV); var p2 = ir.Utils.flipRotatePoint(x2, y2, width, height, oldAngle, newAngle, oldFlipH, newFlipH, oldFlipV, newFlipV); x1 = p1.x; x2 = p2.x; y1 = p1.y; y2 = p2.y; var t; if (y2 < y1) { t = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = t; } if (x2 < x1) { t = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = t; } //Flip units when needed if ((((((newAngle - oldAngle) + 360 + 360) % 360) / 90) % 2) == 1) { t = width; width = height; height = t; } var ret = { x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2, xunits: width, yunits: height }; //console.log("Moving from " + oldAngle + " to " + newAngle + ", " + oldFlipH + " to " + newFlipH + " and " + oldFlipV + " to " + newFlipV); //console.log(ret); return ret; }; (function () { var QueryString = {}; QueryString.unescape = function (str, decodeSpaces) { return decodeURIComponent(decodeSpaces ? str.replace(/\+/g, " ") : str); }; QueryString.escape = function (str) { return encodeURIComponent(str); }; var stack = []; /** *

Converts an arbitrary value to a Query String representation.

* *

Objects with cyclical references will trigger an exception.

* * @method stringify * @param obj {Variant} any arbitrary value to convert to query string * @param sep {String} (optional) Character that should join param k=v pairs together. Default: "&" * @param eq {String} (optional) Character that should join keys to their values. Default: "=" * @param name {String} (optional) Name of the current key, for handling children recursively. * @static */ QueryString.stringify = function (obj, sep, eq, name) { sep = sep || "&"; eq = eq || "="; if (isA(obj, null) || isA(obj, undefined) || typeof (obj) === 'function') { return name ? encodeURIComponent(name) + eq : ''; } if (isBool(obj)) obj = obj ? "true" : "false"; if (isNumber(obj) || isString(obj)) { return encodeURIComponent(name) + eq + encodeURIComponent(obj); } if (isA(obj, [])) { var s = []; name = name + '[]'; for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) { s.push(QueryString.stringify(obj[i], sep, eq, name)); } return s.join(sep); } // now we know it's an object. // Check for cyclical references in nested objects for (var i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (stack[i] === obj) { throw new Error("QueryString.stringify. Cyclical reference"); } stack.push(obj); var s = []; var begin = name ? name + '[' : ''; var end = name ? ']' : ''; for (var i in obj) if (_.has(obj,i)) { var n = begin + i + end; s.push(QueryString.stringify(obj[i], sep, eq, n)); } stack.pop(); s = s.join(sep); if (!s && name) return name + "="; return s; }; QueryString.parseQuery = QueryString.parse = function (qs, sep, eq) { return _.reduce( || "&"),pieceParser(eq || "=")),mergeParams); }; // Parse a key=val string. // These can get pretty hairy // example flow: // parse(foo[bar][][bla]=baz) // return parse(foo[bar][][bla],"baz") // return parse(foo[bar][], {bla : "baz"}) // return parse(foo[bar], [{bla:"baz"}]) // return parse(foo, {bar:[{bla:"baz"}]}) // return {foo:{bar:[{bla:"baz"}]}} var pieceParser = function (eq) { return function parsePiece(key, val) { if (arguments.length !== 2) { // key=val, called from the map/reduce key = key.split(eq); return parsePiece( QueryString.unescape(key.shift(), true), QueryString.unescape(key.join(eq), true) ); } key = key.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (isString(val)) { val = val.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); // convert numerals to numbers if (!isNaN(val)) { var numVal = +val; if (val === numVal.toString(10)) val = numVal; } } var sliced = /(.*)\[([^\]]*)\]$/.exec(key); if (!sliced) { var ret = {}; if (key) ret[key] = val; return ret; } // ["foo[][bar][][baz]", "foo[][bar][]", "baz"] var tail = sliced[2], head = sliced[1]; // array: key[]=val if (!tail) return parsePiece(head, [val]); // obj: key[subkey]=val var ret = {}; ret[tail] = val; return parsePiece(head, ret); }; }; // the reducer function that merges each query piece together into one set of params function mergeParams(params, addition) { return ( // if it's uncontested, then just return the addition. (!params) ? addition // if the existing value is an array, then concat it. : (isA(params, [])) ? params.concat(addition) // if the existing value is not an array, and either are not objects, arrayify it. : (!isA(params, {}) || !isA(addition, {})) ? [params].concat(addition) // else merge them as objects, which is a little more complex : mergeObjects(params, addition) ); }; // Merge two *objects* together. If this is called, we've already ruled // out the simple cases, and need to do the for-in business. function mergeObjects(params, addition) { for (var i in addition) if (i && _.has(addition,i)) { params[i] = mergeParams(params[i], addition[i]); } return params; }; // duck typing function isA(thing, canon) { return ( // truthiness. you can feel it in your gut. (!thing === !canon) // typeof is usually "object" && typeof (thing) === typeof (canon) // check the constructor && === ); }; function isBool(thing) { return ( typeof (thing) === "boolean" || isA(thing, new Boolean(thing)) ); }; function isNumber(thing) { return ( typeof (thing) === "number" || isA(thing, new Number(thing)) ) && isFinite(thing); }; function isString(thing) { return ( typeof (thing) === "string" || isA(thing, new String(thing)) ); }; ir.Utils.parseQuery = QueryString.parse; ir.Utils.stringifyQuery = QueryString.stringify; })();