#!/bin/sh # These functions are used by the install script bin/install-site.sh. # They may also be of use by other scripts such as packer or docker etc. mySociety_installfns_included=1 set -e error_msg() { printf "\033[31m%s\033[0m\n" "$*"; } notice_msg() { printf "\033[33m%s\033[0m " "$*"; } done_msg() { printf "\033[32m%s\033[0m\n" "$*"; } DONE_MSG=$(done_msg done) core_package_install() { # Install some packages that we will definitely need: echo -n "Updating package lists... " apt-get -qq update echo $DONE_MSG echo "Installing some core packages..." for package in apt-utils git locales lockfile-progs curl dnsutils lsb-release gnupg; do echo -n " $package... "; apt-get -qq install -y $package >/dev/null; echo $DONE_MSG done } test_ec2() { # If we're not running on an EC2 instance, an empty body is returned # by this request: echo -n "Testing for being on EC2... " EC2_HOSTNAME=`curl --max-time 10 -s || true` echo $DONE_MSG } backup_caller() { # Write out the script arguments separated by NUL, so that the script can # be re-invoked, exactly the same, with: # xargs -0 -a arguments-file script-file ARGUMENTS_FILE="$(tempfile)" truncate --size=0 "$ARGUMENTS_FILE" FIRST=true for ARG in "$@" do if [ $FIRST = true ] then FIRST=false else printf '\0' >> "$ARGUMENTS_FILE" fi echo -n "$ARG" >> "$ARGUMENTS_FILE" done # Preserve a copy of this script, as used when last run. This is # useful so that the install script can be found in a predictable # location; for example, Alaveteli relies on this to rerun the install # script on rebooting an EC2 instance. COPIED_SCRIPT="$DIRECTORY/install-site.sh" # If the files are the same, copying it over itself will fail: if [ "$(readlink -f "$0")" != "$(readlink -f "$COPIED_SCRIPT")" ] then cp "$0" "$COPIED_SCRIPT" fi chmod a+rx "$COPIED_SCRIPT" COPIED_ARGUMENTS="$DIRECTORY/install-arguments" mv "$ARGUMENTS_FILE" "$COPIED_ARGUMENTS" chmod a+r "$COPIED_ARGUMENTS" # Save the host that's used for this installation: OLD_HOST_FILE="$DIRECTORY/last-host" echo "$HOST" > "$OLD_HOST_FILE" } add_locale() { # Adds a specific UTF-8 locale (with Ubuntu you can provide it on the # command line, but Debian requires a file edit) echo -n "Generating locale $1... " if [ "$(locale -a | egrep -i "^$1.utf-?8$" | wc -l)" = "1" ] then notice_msg already else if [ x"$DISTRIBUTION" = x"ubuntu" ]; then locale-gen "$1.UTF-8" elif [ x"$DISTRIBUTION" = x"debian" ]; then if [ x"$(grep -c "^$1.UTF-8 UTF-8" /etc/locale.gen)" = x1 ] then notice_msg generating... else notice_msg adding and generating... printf "\n$1.UTF-8 UTF-8\n" >> /etc/locale.gen fi locale-gen fi fi echo $DONE_MSG } generate_locales() { echo "Generating locales... " # If language-pack-en is present, install that: apt-get -qq install -y language-pack-en >/dev/null || true add_locale en_GB echo $DONE_MSG } set_locale() { echo 'LANG="en_GB.UTF-8"' > /etc/default/locale echo 'LC_ALL="en_GB.UTF-8"' >> /etc/default/locale export LANG="en_GB.UTF-8" export LC_ALL="en_GB.UTF-8" } add_unix_user() { echo -n "Adding unix user... " # Create the required user if it doesn't already exist: if id "$UNIX_USER" 2> /dev/null > /dev/null then notice_msg already else adduser --quiet --disabled-password --gecos "A user for the site $SITE" "$UNIX_USER" fi echo $DONE_MSG } add_postgresql_user() { SUPERUSER=${1:---no-createrole --no-superuser} su -l -c "createuser --createdb $SUPERUSER '$UNIX_USER'" postgres || true } update_apt_sources() { echo -n "Updating APT sources... " if [ x"$DISTRIBUTION" = x"ubuntu" ] ; then case "$DISTVERSION" in focal|jammy) : # Do nothing, these should have everything. ;; *) notice_msg "Unsupported distribution and version combination $DISTRIBUTION $DISTVERSION" ;; esac elif [ x"$DISTRIBUTION" = x"debian" ] ; then case "$DISTVERSION" in buster) BACKPORTS=false SECURITY="$DISTVERSION/updates" ;; bullseye) BACKPORTS=false SECURITY="$DISTVERSION-security" ;; bookworm) BACKPORTS=false SECURITY="$DISTVERSION-security" ;; *) notice_msg "Unsupported distribution and version combination $DISTRIBUTION $DISTVERSION" ;; esac # Install the basic packages we require, backing up any old sources.list [ -f /etc/apt/sources.list ] && mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.dist cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.sources <> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.sources < /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysociety.sources < /dev/null then sed -r -i -e "s#$MATCH_RE.*#$REQUIRED_LINE#" "$FILE" else TMP_FILE=$(mktemp) echo "$REQUIRED_LINE" > $TMP_FILE cat "$FILE" >> $TMP_FILE mv $TMP_FILE "$FILE" fi else echo "$REQUIRED_LINE" >> "$FILE" fi chmod "$MODE" "$FILE" } install_postfix() { echo -n "Installing postfix... " # Make sure debconf-set-selections is available apt-get -qq install -y debconf >/dev/null # Set the things so that we can do this non-interactively echo postfix postfix/main_mailer_type select 'Internet Site' | debconf-set-selections echo postfix postfix/mail_name string "$HOST" | debconf-set-selections # FIXME: for some reason this doesn't work - it's left here for # reference, and will be fixed up by rewriting # /etc/postfix/main.cf in site-specific-install.sh echo postfix postfix/destinations string \ "$HOST, $(hostname --fqdn), localhost.localdomain, localhost" | debconf-set-selections DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qq -y install postfix >/dev/null echo $DONE_MSG } install_nginx() { echo -n "Installing nginx... " apt-get install -qq -y nginx libfcgi-procmanager-perl >/dev/null echo $DONE_MSG } install_postgis() { VERSION_POSTGIS=$(dpkg-query -W -f '${Version}\n' postgresql-*-postgis*|sort -rV|head -1) if [ 2.0 = "$(printf '2.0\n%s\n' "$VERSION_POSTGIS" | sort -V | head -1)" ] then POSTGIS_TWO=Yes else POSTGIS_TWO=No fi if [ $POSTGIS_TWO = Yes ] then # On trusty+, jessie+, we have Postgresql >= 9.1 *and* PostGIS >= 2.0 # and so PostGIS support should be installed with "CREATE EXTENSION # postgis; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;" instead. (So this # condition would arguably be better written as a condition on those # two versions.) echo "PostGIS support should already be available." else echo -n "Installing PostGIS... " POSTGIS_SCRIPT='https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/_downloads/create_template_postgis-debian.sh' su -l -c "curl '$POSTGIS_SCRIPT' | bash -s" postgres # According to Matthew's installation instructions, these two SRID # may be missing the appropriate +datum from the proj4text column, # depending on what PostGIS version is being used. Check whether # they are missing, and if so, update the column. for T in 27700:+datum=OSGB36 29902:+datum=ire65 do SRID="${T%%:*}" DATUM="${T##*:}" EXISTING="$(echo "select proj4text from spatial_ref_sys where srid = '$SRID'" | su -l -c "psql -t -P 'format=unaligned' template_postgis" postgres)" if ! echo "$EXISTING" | grep -- "$DATUM" then echo Adding $DATUM to the proj4text column of spatial_ref_sys for srid $SRID NEW_VALUE="${EXISTING% } $DATUM " echo "UPDATE spatial_ref_sys SET proj4text = '$NEW_VALUE' WHERE srid = '$SRID'" | su -l -c 'psql template_postgis' postgres fi done echo $DONE_MSG fi } make_log_directory() { LOG_DIRECTORY="$DIRECTORY/logs" mkdir -p "$LOG_DIRECTORY" chown -R "$UNIX_USER":"$UNIX_USER" "$LOG_DIRECTORY" } add_website_to_nginx() { echo -n "Adding site to nginx... " NGINX_VERSION="$(/usr/sbin/nginx -v 2>&1 | sed 's,^nginx version: nginx/\([^ ]*\).*,\1,')" # The 'default_server' option is just 'default' in earlier # versions of nginx: if dpkg --compare-versions "$NGINX_VERSION" lt 0.8.21 then DEFAULT_SERVER_OPTION=default else DEFAULT_SERVER_OPTION=default_server fi NGINX_SITE="$HOST" if [ "$DEFAULT_SERVER" = true ] then NGINX_SITE=default fi NGINX_SITE_FILENAME=/etc/nginx/sites-available/"$NGINX_SITE" NGINX_SITE_LINK=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/"$NGINX_SITE" cp $CONF_DIRECTORY/nginx.conf.example $NGINX_SITE_FILENAME sed -i "s,/var/www/$SITE,$DIRECTORY," $NGINX_SITE_FILENAME if [ "$DEFAULT_SERVER" = true ] then sed -i "s/^.*listen 80.*$/ listen 80 $DEFAULT_SERVER_OPTION;/" $NGINX_SITE_FILENAME else sed -i "/listen 80/a\ \ server_name $HOST; " $NGINX_SITE_FILENAME fi ln -nsf "$NGINX_SITE_FILENAME" "$NGINX_SITE_LINK" make_log_directory /usr/sbin/service nginx restart >/dev/null echo $DONE_MSG } install_sysvinit_script() { if [ "$SYSTEMD" = true ] && [ -e $CONF_DIRECTORY/systemd.example ]; then INIT_FILENAME=/etc/systemd/system/${SITE}.service cp $CONF_DIRECTORY/systemd.example $INIT_FILENAME else INIT_FILENAME=/etc/init.d/$SITE cp $CONF_DIRECTORY/sysvinit.example $INIT_FILENAME fi sed -i "s,/var/www/$SITE,$DIRECTORY,g" $INIT_FILENAME sed -i "s/^ *\(U[Ss][Ee][Rr]\)=.*/\1=$UNIX_USER/" $INIT_FILENAME if [ "$SYSTEMD" = true ] && [ -e $CONF_DIRECTORY/systemd.example ]; then /bin/systemctl daemon-reload /bin/systemctl enable $SITE else chmod a+rx $INIT_FILENAME update-rc.d $SITE defaults fi if [ ! "$DOCKER" = true ]; then # We don't want to try and start services during the build. /usr/sbin/service $SITE restart fi } install_website_packages() { echo "Installing packages from repository packages file... " EXACT_PACKAGES="$CONF_DIRECTORY/packages.$DISTRIBUTION-$DISTVERSION" DIST_PACKAGES="$CONF_DIRECTORY/packages.$DISTRIBUTION" FALLBACK_PACKAGES="$CONF_DIRECTORY/packages.generic" # Allow override by setting PACKAGE_SUFFIX if [ -n "$PACKAGE_SUFFIX" ] && [ -e "$CONF_DIRECTORY/packages.$PACKAGE_SUFFIX" ]; then PACKAGES_FILE="$CONF_DIRECTORY/packages.$PACKAGE_SUFFIX" # Otherwise, if there's an exact match for the distribution and release, use that: elif [ -e "$EXACT_PACKAGES" ] then PACKAGES_FILE="$EXACT_PACKAGES" # Otherwise, if there's a file for the distribution: elif [ -e "$DIST_PACKAGES" ] then PACKAGES_FILE="$DIST_PACKAGES" # Or, if there's a fallback generic file: elif [ -e "$FALLBACK_PACKAGES" ] then PACKAGES_FILE="$FALLBACK_PACKAGES" else error_msg "Could not find a packages file to use - please contribute one." exit 1 fi DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ xargs -a "$PACKAGES_FILE" apt-get -qq -y install >/dev/null echo " $DONE_MSG" } overwrite_rc_local() { EC2_REWRITE="$BIN_DIRECTORY/ec2-rewrite-conf" # Some scripts have an ec2-rewrite-conf script that can be used to # update the hostnme on reboot - if that's present, use it, # otherwise the alternative is to re-run the install script: if [ -f "$EC2_REWRITE" ] then cat > /etc/rc.local < /etc/rc.local <&2 < [HOST] HOST is only optional if you are running this on an EC2 instance. --default means to install as the default site for this server, rather than a virtualhost for HOST. --dev sets things up for a local development environment. --docker is intended when running this script from a Dockerfile and sets a number of other local variables controlling behaviour. --slim similar to Docker, intended for builds without databases and other backend applications included. --systemd try and use a native systemd unit file rather than a sysvinit script. EOUSAGE exit 1 } if [ $# -lt 2 ] then usage_and_exit fi SITE="$1" UNIX_USER="$2" case "$SITE" in fixmystreet | mapit | theyworkforyou | pombola | alaveteli) if [ $DOCKER = true ] && [ "$SITE" != 'fixmystreet' ]; then echo Installing $SITE using Docker is not currently supported. exit 1 else echo ==== Installing $SITE fi ;; *) echo Installing $SITE with this script is not currently supported. exit 1;; esac core_package_install test_ec2 # Parse HOST argument if [ $# = 2 ] then if [ x = x$EC2_HOSTNAME ] then usage_and_exit else HOST="$EC2_HOSTNAME" fi elif [ $# = 3 ] then HOST="$3" else usage_and_exit fi if [ $DEVELOPMENT_INSTALL = true ]; then DIRECTORY=$(cd "."; pwd) elif [ $DEFAULT_SERVER = true ]; then DIRECTORY="/var/www/$SITE" else DIRECTORY="/var/www/$HOST" fi REPOSITORY="$DIRECTORY/$SITE" REPOSITORY_URL=${REPOSITORY_URL_OVERRIDE:-https://github.com/mysociety/${SITE}.git} BRANCH=${BRANCH_OVERRIDE:-master} DISTRIBUTION="$(lsb_release -i -s | tr A-Z a-z)" DISTVERSION="$(lsb_release -c -s)" # Make sure that the directory exists mkdir -p "$DIRECTORY" backup_caller generate_locales set_locale add_unix_user update_apt_sources # Remove one crippling package, if it's installed: apt-get -qq remove -y --purge apt-xapian-index >/dev/null || true clone_or_update_repository chown -R "$UNIX_USER":"$UNIX_USER" "$DIRECTORY" run_site_specific_script