#!/bin/bash # This script updates pip and setuptools from whatever you currently have (on # Debian wheezy, this is probably 1.1 and 0.6.24). Run this script just after # your virtualenv is activated in the script which prepares your environment. # If you have commonlib available, you can just run the script; otherwise use # something like: # curl --silent --location https://raw.github.com/mysociety/commonlib/master/bin/get_pip.bash | bash # Upgrade pip to a secure version curl --silent --location https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python # Upgrading distribute would install the latest version of setuptools, but we # instead pin to a specific version in case a newer release breaks everything # (as 18.6 did). pip install setuptools==18.5 # We still want to upgrade distribute to prevent bdist_wheel not found errors pip install distribute==0.7.3