# SmartSectionDisplaySettings ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **cellStyle** | **String** | Specifies the valid CSS-formatted styles to use on responsive table cells. Only valid in display sections of `responsive_table` or `responsive_table_single_column` types. | [optional] **collapsibleSettings** | [**SmartSectionCollapsibleDisplaySettings**](SmartSectionCollapsibleDisplaySettings.md) | | [optional] **display** | **String** | Indicates the display type. Must be one of the following enum values: - **inline**: Leaves the HTML where it is in the document. This allows for adding a label or presenting on a separate page. - **collapsible**: The HTML in the section may be expanded or collapsed. By default, the section is expanded. - **collapsed**: The HTML in the section may be expanded or collapsed. By default, the section is collapsed. - **responsive_table**: Converts the section into a responsive table. Note that this style is applied only on HTML tables that fall within the `startAnchor` and `endAnchor` positions. - **responsive_table_single_column**: Converts the section into a responsive, single-column table. Note that this style is applied only on HTML tables that fall within the `startAnchor` and `endAnchor` positions. The table is converted to a single column in which each column becomes a row and is stacked. - **print_only**: Prevents this portion of the HTML from displaying in the responsive signing view. | [optional] **displayLabel** | **String** | The label for the display section. | [optional] **displayOrder** | **Int** | The position on the page where the display section appears. | [optional] **displayPageNumber** | **Int** | The number of the page on which the display section appears. | [optional] **hideLabelWhenOpened** | **Bool** | When **true**, the `displayLabel` is hidden when the display section is expanded and the display section is no longer collapsible. This property is valid only when the value of the `display` property is `collapsed`. | [optional] **inlineOuterStyle** | **String** | Specifies the valid CSS-formatted styles to use on inline display sections. This property is valid only when the value of the `display` property is `inline`. | [optional] **labelWhenOpened** | **String** | The label for the display section when it is expanded from a collapsed state. This label displays only on the first opening and is only valid with the value of the `display` property is `collapsed`. | [optional] **preLabel** | **String** | Enables you to add descriptive text that appears before a collapsed section or continue button. | [optional] **scrollToTopWhenOpened** | **Bool** | When **true** and the section is expanded, the position of the section close is scrolled to the top of the screen. This property is only valid when the value of the `display` property is `collapsed`. | [optional] **tableStyle** | **String** | Specifies the valid CSS-formatted styles to use on responsive tables. This property is valid only when the value of the `display` property is `responsive_table` or `responsive_table_single_column`. | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)