# PaymentGatewayAccounts ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **allowCustomMetadata** | **Bool** | When **true**, the sender can pass custom metadata about the payment to the payment gateway. You pass in this metadata on an EnvelopeRecipientTab, in the `customMetadata` property under `paymentDetails`. For example, this property is set to **true** for the Authorize.net gateway by default. As a result, the extra metadata that you send displays for the Authorize.net transaction in the merchant gateway portal under **Description**. **Note**: This property is read only and cannot be changed. | [optional] **config** | [**PaymentGatewayAccountSetting**](PaymentGatewayAccountSetting.md) | | [optional] **displayName** | **String** | A user-defined name for a connected gateway account. This name is used in the Admin panel in the list of connected accounts and in Tagger in the payment gateway selector. The human-readable version of `paymentGatewayAccountId`. | [optional] **isEnabled** | **String** | When **true**, the payment gateway account is enabled. | [optional] **isLegacy** | **String** | Reserved for DocuSign. | [optional] **lastModified** | **String** | The UTC DateTime that the payment gateway account was last updated. | [optional] **paymentGateway** | **String** | Payment gateway used by the connected gateway account. This is the name used by the API. For a human-readable version use `paymentGatewayDisplayName`. Possible values are: * `Stripe` * `Braintree` * `AuthorizeDotNet` | [optional] **paymentGatewayAccountId** | **String** | A GUID that identifies the payment gateway account. For a human-readable version use `displayName`. | [optional] **paymentGatewayDisplayName** | **String** | The display name of the payment gateway that the connected gateway account uses. This is the human-readable version of `paymentGateway`. Possible values are: * Stripe * Braintree * Authorize.Net | [optional] **payPalLegacySettings** | [**PayPalLegacySettings**](PayPalLegacySettings.md) | | [optional] **supportedCurrencies** | **[String]** | A list of ISO 4217 currency codes for the currencies that the payment gateway account supports. Examples: - `USD` - `CAD` - `EUR` - `HKD` | [optional] **supportedPaymentMethods** | **[String]** | An array of paymentMethodWithOptions objects that specify the payment methods that are available for the gateway. | [optional] **supportedPaymentMethodsWithOptions** | [PaymentMethodWithOptions] | An array of `paymentMethodWithOptions` objects that specify the payment methods that are available for the gateway, as well as the payment options that are compatible with each payment method. | [optional] **zeroDecimalCurrencies** | **[String]** | | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)