# NotaryJurisdictionAPI All URIs are relative to *https://www.docusign.net/restapi* Method | HTTP request | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [**notaryJurisdictionsDeleteNotaryJurisdiction**](NotaryJurisdictionAPI.md#notaryjurisdictionsdeletenotaryjurisdiction) | **DELETE** /v2.1/current_user/notary/jurisdictions/{jurisdictionId} | Deletes the specified jurisdiction. [**notaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdiction**](NotaryJurisdictionAPI.md#notaryjurisdictionsgetnotaryjurisdiction) | **GET** /v2.1/current_user/notary/jurisdictions/{jurisdictionId} | Gets a jurisdiction object for the current user. The user must be a notary. [**notaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdictions**](NotaryJurisdictionAPI.md#notaryjurisdictionsgetnotaryjurisdictions) | **GET** /v2.1/current_user/notary/jurisdictions | Returns a list of jurisdictions that the notary is registered in. [**notaryJurisdictionsPostNotaryJurisdictions**](NotaryJurisdictionAPI.md#notaryjurisdictionspostnotaryjurisdictions) | **POST** /v2.1/current_user/notary/jurisdictions | Creates a jurisdiction object. [**notaryJurisdictionsPutNotaryJurisdiction**](NotaryJurisdictionAPI.md#notaryjurisdictionsputnotaryjurisdiction) | **PUT** /v2.1/current_user/notary/jurisdictions/{jurisdictionId} | Updates the jurisdiction information about a notary. # **notaryJurisdictionsDeleteNotaryJurisdiction** ```swift open class func notaryJurisdictionsDeleteNotaryJurisdiction(jurisdictionId: String, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture ``` Deletes the specified jurisdiction. Deletes the specified jurisdiction. ### Example ```swift // The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via http://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/new import DocuSignAPI let jurisdictionId = "jurisdictionId_example" // String | The ID of the jurisdiction. The following jurisdictions are supported: - `5 - California` - `6 - Colorado` - `9 - Florida` - `10 - Georgia` - `12 - Idaho` - `13 - Illinois` - `14 - Indiana` - `15 - Iowa` - `17 - Kentucky` - `23 - Minnesota` - `25 - Missouri` - `30 - New Jersey` - `32 - New York` - `33 - North Carolina` - `35 - Ohio` - `37 - Oregon` - `38 - Pennsylvania` - `40 - South Carolina` - `43 - Texas` - `44 - Utah` - `47 - Washington` - `48 - West Virginia` - `49 - Wisconsin` - `62 - Florida Commissioner of Deeds` // Deletes the specified jurisdiction. NotaryJurisdictionAPI.notaryJurisdictionsDeleteNotaryJurisdiction(jurisdictionId: jurisdictionId).whenComplete { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): // process error case .success(let response): switch response { // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse case .http200(let value, let raw): case .http400(let value, let raw): case .http0(let value, let raw): } } } ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **jurisdictionId** | **String** | The ID of the jurisdiction. The following jurisdictions are supported: - `5 - California` - `6 - Colorado` - `9 - Florida` - `10 - Georgia` - `12 - Idaho` - `13 - Illinois` - `14 - Indiana` - `15 - Iowa` - `17 - Kentucky` - `23 - Minnesota` - `25 - Missouri` - `30 - New Jersey` - `32 - New York` - `33 - North Carolina` - `35 - Ohio` - `37 - Oregon` - `38 - Pennsylvania` - `40 - South Carolina` - `43 - Texas` - `44 - Utah` - `47 - Washington` - `48 - West Virginia` - `49 - Wisconsin` - `62 - Florida Commissioner of Deeds` | ### Return type #### NotaryJurisdictionsDeleteNotaryJurisdiction ```swift public enum NotaryJurisdictionsDeleteNotaryJurisdiction { case http200(value: Void?, raw: ClientResponse) case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse) case http0(value: Void?, raw: ClientResponse) } ``` ### Authorization No authorization required ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: */* [[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md) # **notaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdiction** ```swift open class func notaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdiction(jurisdictionId: String, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture ``` Gets a jurisdiction object for the current user. The user must be a notary. Gets a jurisdiction object for the current user. The following restrictions apply: - The current user must be a notary. - The `jurisdictionId` must be a jurisdiction that the notary is registered for. ### Example ```swift // The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via http://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/new import DocuSignAPI let jurisdictionId = "jurisdictionId_example" // String | The ID of the jurisdiction. The following jurisdictions are supported: - `5 - California` - `6 - Colorado` - `9 - Florida` - `10 - Georgia` - `12 - Idaho` - `13 - Illinois` - `14 - Indiana` - `15 - Iowa` - `17 - Kentucky` - `23 - Minnesota` - `25 - Missouri` - `30 - New Jersey` - `32 - New York` - `33 - North Carolina` - `35 - Ohio` - `37 - Oregon` - `38 - Pennsylvania` - `40 - South Carolina` - `43 - Texas` - `44 - Utah` - `47 - Washington` - `48 - West Virginia` - `49 - Wisconsin` - `62 - Florida Commissioner of Deeds` // Gets a jurisdiction object for the current user. The user must be a notary. NotaryJurisdictionAPI.notaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdiction(jurisdictionId: jurisdictionId).whenComplete { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): // process error case .success(let response): switch response { // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse case .http200(let value, let raw): case .http400(let value, let raw): case .http0(let value, let raw): } } } ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **jurisdictionId** | **String** | The ID of the jurisdiction. The following jurisdictions are supported: - `5 - California` - `6 - Colorado` - `9 - Florida` - `10 - Georgia` - `12 - Idaho` - `13 - Illinois` - `14 - Indiana` - `15 - Iowa` - `17 - Kentucky` - `23 - Minnesota` - `25 - Missouri` - `30 - New Jersey` - `32 - New York` - `33 - North Carolina` - `35 - Ohio` - `37 - Oregon` - `38 - Pennsylvania` - `40 - South Carolina` - `43 - Texas` - `44 - Utah` - `47 - Washington` - `48 - West Virginia` - `49 - Wisconsin` - `62 - Florida Commissioner of Deeds` | ### Return type #### NotaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdiction ```swift public enum NotaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdiction { case http200(value: NotaryJurisdiction?, raw: ClientResponse) case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse) case http0(value: NotaryJurisdiction?, raw: ClientResponse) } ``` ### Authorization No authorization required ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: */* [[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md) # **notaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdictions** ```swift open class func notaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdictions(headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture ``` Returns a list of jurisdictions that the notary is registered in. Returns a list of jurisdictions that the notary is registered in. The current user must be a notary. ### Example ```swift // The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via http://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/new import DocuSignAPI // Returns a list of jurisdictions that the notary is registered in. NotaryJurisdictionAPI.notaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdictions().whenComplete { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): // process error case .success(let response): switch response { // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse case .http200(let value, let raw): case .http400(let value, let raw): case .http0(let value, let raw): } } } ``` ### Parameters This endpoint does not need any parameter. ### Return type #### NotaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdictions ```swift public enum NotaryJurisdictionsGetNotaryJurisdictions { case http200(value: NotaryJurisdictionList?, raw: ClientResponse) case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse) case http0(value: NotaryJurisdictionList?, raw: ClientResponse) } ``` ### Authorization No authorization required ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: */* [[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md) # **notaryJurisdictionsPostNotaryJurisdictions** ```swift open class func notaryJurisdictionsPostNotaryJurisdictions(notaryJurisdiction: NotaryJurisdiction? = nil, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture ``` Creates a jurisdiction object. Creates a jurisdiction object. ### Example ```swift // The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via http://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/new import DocuSignAPI let notaryJurisdiction = NotaryJurisdiction(commissionExpiration: "commissionExpiration_example", commissionId: "commissionId_example", county: "county_example", errorDetails: errorDetails(errorCode: "errorCode_example", message: "message_example"), jurisdiction: jurisdiction(allowSystemCreatedSeal: "allowSystemCreatedSeal_example", allowUserUploadedSeal: "allowUserUploadedSeal_example", commissionIdInSeal: "commissionIdInSeal_example", county: "county_example", countyInSeal: "countyInSeal_example", enabled: "enabled_example", jurisdictionId: "jurisdictionId_example", name: "name_example", notaryPublicInSeal: "notaryPublicInSeal_example", stateNameInSeal: "stateNameInSeal_example"), registeredName: "registeredName_example", sealType: "sealType_example") // NotaryJurisdiction | (optional) // Creates a jurisdiction object. NotaryJurisdictionAPI.notaryJurisdictionsPostNotaryJurisdictions(notaryJurisdiction: notaryJurisdiction).whenComplete { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): // process error case .success(let response): switch response { // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse case .http201(let value, let raw): case .http400(let value, let raw): case .http0(let value, let raw): } } } ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **notaryJurisdiction** | [**NotaryJurisdiction**](NotaryJurisdiction.md) | | [optional] ### Return type #### NotaryJurisdictionsPostNotaryJurisdictions ```swift public enum NotaryJurisdictionsPostNotaryJurisdictions { case http201(value: NotaryJurisdiction?, raw: ClientResponse) case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse) case http0(value: NotaryJurisdiction?, raw: ClientResponse) } ``` ### Authorization No authorization required ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/xml - **Accept**: */* [[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md) # **notaryJurisdictionsPutNotaryJurisdiction** ```swift open class func notaryJurisdictionsPutNotaryJurisdiction(jurisdictionId: String, notaryJurisdiction: NotaryJurisdiction? = nil, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture ``` Updates the jurisdiction information about a notary. Updates the jurisdiction information about a notary. The following restrictions apply: - The current user must be a notary. - The `jurisdictionId` path parameter must be a jurisdiction that the notary is registered for. - The `jurisdictionId` path parameter must match the request body's `jurisdiction.jurisdictionId`. The request body must have a full `jurisdiction` object for the jurisdiction property. The best way to do this is to use `getNotaryJurisdiction` to obtain the current values and update the properties you want to change. For example, assume `getNotaryJurisdiction` returns this: ``` { \"jurisdiction\": { \"jurisdictionId\": \"15\", \"name\": \"Iowa\", \"county\": \"\", \"enabled\": \"true\", \"countyInSeal\": \"false\", \"commissionIdInSeal\": \"true\", \"stateNameInSeal\": \"true\", \"notaryPublicInSeal\": \"true\", \"allowSystemCreatedSeal\": \"true\", \"allowUserUploadedSeal\": \"false\" }, \"commissionId\": \"123456\", \"commissionExpiration\": \"2020-08-31T07:00:00.0000000Z\", \"registeredName\": \"Bob Notary\", \"county\": \"Adams\", \"sealType\": \"system_created\" } ``` If you want to change the name of the notary from \"Bob Notary\" to \"Robert Notary\", your request body would be: ``` { \"jurisdiction\": { \"jurisdictionId\": \"15\", \"name\": \"Iowa\", \"county\": \"\", \"enabled\": \"true\", \"countyInSeal\": \"false\", \"commissionIdInSeal\": \"true\", \"stateNameInSeal\": \"true\", \"notaryPublicInSeal\": \"true\", \"allowSystemCreatedSeal\": \"true\", \"allowUserUploadedSeal\": \"false\" }, \"commissionId\": \"123456\", \"commissionExpiration\": \"2020-08-31T07:00:00.0000000Z\", \"registeredName\": \"Robert Notary\", \"county\": \"Adams\", \"sealType\": \"system_created\" } ``` ### Example ```swift // The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via http://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/new import DocuSignAPI let jurisdictionId = "jurisdictionId_example" // String | The ID of the jurisdiction. The following jurisdictions are supported: - `5 - California` - `6 - Colorado` - `9 - Florida` - `10 - Georgia` - `12 - Idaho` - `13 - Illinois` - `14 - Indiana` - `15 - Iowa` - `17 - Kentucky` - `23 - Minnesota` - `25 - Missouri` - `30 - New Jersey` - `32 - New York` - `33 - North Carolina` - `35 - Ohio` - `37 - Oregon` - `38 - Pennsylvania` - `40 - South Carolina` - `43 - Texas` - `44 - Utah` - `47 - Washington` - `48 - West Virginia` - `49 - Wisconsin` - `62 - Florida Commissioner of Deeds` let notaryJurisdiction = NotaryJurisdiction(commissionExpiration: "commissionExpiration_example", commissionId: "commissionId_example", county: "county_example", errorDetails: errorDetails(errorCode: "errorCode_example", message: "message_example"), jurisdiction: jurisdiction(allowSystemCreatedSeal: "allowSystemCreatedSeal_example", allowUserUploadedSeal: "allowUserUploadedSeal_example", commissionIdInSeal: "commissionIdInSeal_example", county: "county_example", countyInSeal: "countyInSeal_example", enabled: "enabled_example", jurisdictionId: "jurisdictionId_example", name: "name_example", notaryPublicInSeal: "notaryPublicInSeal_example", stateNameInSeal: "stateNameInSeal_example"), registeredName: "registeredName_example", sealType: "sealType_example") // NotaryJurisdiction | (optional) // Updates the jurisdiction information about a notary. NotaryJurisdictionAPI.notaryJurisdictionsPutNotaryJurisdiction(jurisdictionId: jurisdictionId, notaryJurisdiction: notaryJurisdiction).whenComplete { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): // process error case .success(let response): switch response { // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse case .http200(let value, let raw): case .http400(let value, let raw): case .http0(let value, let raw): } } } ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **jurisdictionId** | **String** | The ID of the jurisdiction. The following jurisdictions are supported: - `5 - California` - `6 - Colorado` - `9 - Florida` - `10 - Georgia` - `12 - Idaho` - `13 - Illinois` - `14 - Indiana` - `15 - Iowa` - `17 - Kentucky` - `23 - Minnesota` - `25 - Missouri` - `30 - New Jersey` - `32 - New York` - `33 - North Carolina` - `35 - Ohio` - `37 - Oregon` - `38 - Pennsylvania` - `40 - South Carolina` - `43 - Texas` - `44 - Utah` - `47 - Washington` - `48 - West Virginia` - `49 - Wisconsin` - `62 - Florida Commissioner of Deeds` | **notaryJurisdiction** | [**NotaryJurisdiction**](NotaryJurisdiction.md) | | [optional] ### Return type #### NotaryJurisdictionsPutNotaryJurisdiction ```swift public enum NotaryJurisdictionsPutNotaryJurisdiction { case http200(value: NotaryJurisdiction?, raw: ClientResponse) case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse) case http0(value: NotaryJurisdiction?, raw: ClientResponse) } ``` ### Authorization No authorization required ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/xml - **Accept**: */* [[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)