# EnvelopeDocument ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **addedRecipientIds** | **[String]** | If recipients were added by converting form fields into tabs, their ids appear here. Read only. | [optional] **attachmentTabId** | **String** | If this document is an attachment to another document in the envelope, this is the id of the attachment tab it is associated with on the other document. | [optional] **authoritativeCopy** | **String** | When **true**, marks all of the documents in the envelope as authoritative copies. **Note**: You can override this value for a specific document. For example, you can set the `authoritativeCopy` property to **true** at the envelope level, but turn it off for a single document by setting the `authoritativeCopy` property for the document to **false**. | [optional] **authoritativeCopyMetadata** | [**PropertyMetadata**](PropertyMetadata.md) | | [optional] **availableDocumentTypes** | [SignatureType] | | [optional] **containsPdfFormFields** | **String** | When **true**, the document has editable form fields that are made available through a PDF format. | [optional] **display** | **String** | This string sets the display and behavior properties of the document during signing. The possible values are: * `modal`<br> The document is shown as a supplement action strip and can be viewed, downloaded, or printed in a modal window. This is the recommended value for supplemental documents. * `download`<br> The document is shown as a supplement action strip and can be viewed, downloaded, or printed in a new browser window. * `inline`<br> The document is shown in the normal signing window. This value is not used with supplemental documents, but is the default value for all other documents. | [optional] **displayMetadata** | [**PropertyMetadata**](PropertyMetadata.md) | | [optional] **documentFields** | [NameValue] | An object containing information about the custom fields on the document. | [optional] **documentId** | **String** | The id of the document that the tab is placed on. This value must refer to the id of an existing document. | [optional] **documentIdGuid** | **String** | The GUID of the document. | [optional] **errorDetails** | [**ErrorDetails**](ErrorDetails.md) | | [optional] **includeInDownload** | **String** | When set to **true**, the document is included in the combined document download (`documentsCombinedUri`). The default value is **true**. | [optional] **includeInDownloadMetadata** | [**PropertyMetadata**](PropertyMetadata.md) | | [optional] **name** | **String** | The document's file name. Example: `Q1-Report.docx` | [optional] **nameMetadata** | [**PropertyMetadata**](PropertyMetadata.md) | | [optional] **order** | **String** | (Optional) The order in which to sort the results. Valid values are: * `asc`: Ascending order. * `desc`: Descending order. | [optional] **pages** | [Page] | An array of page objects that contain information about the pages in the document. | [optional] **signerMustAcknowledge** | **String** | Sets how the signer interacts with the supplemental document. The possible values are: * `no_interaction`<br> No recipient action is required. * `view`<br> The recipient is required to view the document. * `accept`<br> The recipient is required to accept the document by selecting accept during signing, but is not required to view the document. * `view_accept`<br> The recipient is required to view and accept the document. | [optional] **signerMustAcknowledgeMetadata** | [**PropertyMetadata**](PropertyMetadata.md) | | [optional] **sizeBytes** | **String** | | [optional] **templateLocked** | **String** | When set to **true**, the sender cannot change any attributes of the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients. | [optional] **templateRequired** | **String** | When set to **true**, the sender may not remove the recipient. Used only when working with template recipients. | [optional] **type** | **String** | | [optional] **uri** | **String** | The URI for retrieving the document. | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)