# Comment ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **envelopeId** | **String** | The Guid of the envelope the comment thread belongs to. | [optional] **hmac** | **String** | Reserved for DocuSign. | [optional] **id** | **String** | The unique identifier for the comment. | [optional] **mentions** | **[String]** | An array of userIds that are mentioned directly in the body of a comment. | [optional] **read** | **Bool** | When **true**, indicates that the comment was read. | [optional] **sentByEmail** | **String** | The email address of the user who created the comment. | [optional] **sentByFullName** | **String** | The full name of the user who created the comment. | [optional] **sentByImageId** | **String** | Reserved for DocuSign. | [optional] **sentByInitials** | **String** | The initials of the user who created the comment. | [optional] **sentByRecipientId** | **String** | The recipient id of the user who created the comment. | [optional] **sentByUserId** | **String** | The user id of the user who created the comment. | [optional] **signingGroupId** | **String** | The id of the signing group that can view the comment or that created the comment. | [optional] **signingGroupName** | **String** | Optional. The name of the signing group. Maximum Length: 100 characters. | [optional] **subject** | **String** | The subject of the envelope. | [optional] **tabId** | **String** | The unique identifier for the tab that represents the comment thread. | [optional] **text** | **String** | The content of the comment, as UTF-8 text. Maximum Length: 500 characters. **Note**: The maximum size allowed for the entire message body is 32 KB. | [optional] **threadId** | **String** | The unique identifier for the comment thread. | [optional] **threadOriginatorId** | **String** | The userId of the user who created the thread. | [optional] **timestamp** | **String** | The time the comment was created. | [optional] **timeStampFormatted** | **String** | The time the comment was created, formatted according to the format of the user who created the comment. | [optional] **visibleTo** | **[String]** | The user ids of the users that the comment is visible to. | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)