# BulkEnvelopeStatus ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **batchId** | **String** | Identifier used to query the status of an individual bulk recipient batch. | [optional] **batchSize** | **String** | The total number of items in the batch being queried. | [optional] **bulkEnvelopes** | [BulkEnvelope] | A list of bulk envelope objects. | [optional] **bulkEnvelopesBatchUri** | **String** | URI at which you can retrieve the batch envelopes. | [optional] **endPosition** | **String** | The last index position in the result set. | [optional] **failed** | **String** | The number of entries with a status of `failed`. | [optional] **nextUri** | **String** | The URI for the next chunk of records based on the search request. It is `null` if this is the last set of results for the search. | [optional] **previousUri** | **String** | The URI for the prior chunk of records based on the search request. It is `null` if this is the first set of results for the search. | [optional] **queued** | **String** | The number of entries with a status of `queued`. | [optional] **resultSetSize** | **String** | The number of results in this response. Because you can filter which entries are included in the response, this value is always less than or equal to the `totalSetSize`. | [optional] **sent** | **String** | The number of entries with a status of `sent`. | [optional] **startPosition** | **String** | The starting index position of the current result set. | [optional] **submittedDate** | **String** | The date on which the bulk envelope was created. | [optional] **totalSetSize** | **String** | The total number of items in the result set. This value is always greater than or equal to the value of `resultSetSize`. | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)