# BillingPlanInformation ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **appStoreReceipt** | [**AppStoreReceipt**](AppStoreReceipt.md) | | [optional] **billingAddress** | [**AccountAddress**](AccountAddress.md) | | [optional] **creditCardInformation** | [**CreditCardInformation**](CreditCardInformation.md) | | [optional] **directDebitProcessorInformation** | [**DirectDebitProcessorInformation**](DirectDebitProcessorInformation.md) | | [optional] **downgradeReason** | **String** | (Optional) The user's reason for downgrading their billing plan. | [optional] **enableSupport** | **String** | When set to **true**, customer support is provided as part of the account plan. | [optional] **includedSeats** | **String** | The number of seats (users) included in the plan. | [optional] **incrementalSeats** | **String** | Reserved for DocuSign. | [optional] **paymentMethod** | **String** | The payment method used for the billing plan. Valid values are: - `NotSupported` - `CreditCard` - `PurchaseOrder` - `Premium` - `Freemium` - `FreeTrial` - `AppStore` - `DigitalExternal` - `DirectDebit` | [optional] **paymentProcessorInformation** | [**PaymentProcessorInformation**](PaymentProcessorInformation.md) | | [optional] **planInformation** | [**PlanInformation**](PlanInformation.md) | | [optional] **referralInformation** | [**ReferralInformation**](ReferralInformation.md) | | [optional] **renewalStatus** | **String** | The renewal status of the account. Possible values are: - `auto`: The account automatically renews. - `queued_for_close`: The account will be closed at the billingPeriodEndDate. - queued_for_downgrade`: The account will be downgraded at the `billingPeriodEndDate`. | [optional] **saleDiscountAmount** | **String** | Reserved for DocuSign. | [optional] **saleDiscountFixedAmount** | **String** | Reserved for DocuSign. | [optional] **saleDiscountPercent** | **String** | Reserved for DocuSign. | [optional] **saleDiscountPeriods** | **String** | Reserved for DocuSign. | [optional] **saleDiscountSeatPriceOverride** | **String** | Reserved for DocuSign. | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)