# AccountWatermarksAPI All URIs are relative to *https://www.docusign.net/restapi* Method | HTTP request | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [**watermarkGetWatermark**](AccountWatermarksAPI.md#watermarkgetwatermark) | **GET** /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/watermark | Get watermark information. [**watermarkPreviewPutWatermarkPreview**](AccountWatermarksAPI.md#watermarkpreviewputwatermarkpreview) | **PUT** /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/watermark/preview | Get watermark preview. [**watermarkPutWatermark**](AccountWatermarksAPI.md#watermarkputwatermark) | **PUT** /v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/watermark | Update watermark information. # **watermarkGetWatermark** ```swift open class func watermarkGetWatermark(accountId: String, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture ``` Get watermark information. ### Example ```swift // The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via http://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/new import DocuSignAPI let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID. // Get watermark information. AccountWatermarksAPI.watermarkGetWatermark(accountId: accountId).whenComplete { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): // process error case .success(let response): switch response { // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse case .http200(let value, let raw): case .http400(let value, let raw): case .http0(let value, let raw): } } } ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **accountId** | **String** | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID. | ### Return type #### WatermarkGetWatermark ```swift public enum WatermarkGetWatermark { case http200(value: Watermark?, raw: ClientResponse) case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse) case http0(value: Watermark?, raw: ClientResponse) } ``` ### Authorization No authorization required ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: Not defined - **Accept**: */* [[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md) # **watermarkPreviewPutWatermarkPreview** ```swift open class func watermarkPreviewPutWatermarkPreview(accountId: String, watermark: Watermark? = nil, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture ``` Get watermark preview. ### Example ```swift // The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via http://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/new import DocuSignAPI let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID. let watermark = watermark(displayAngle: "displayAngle_example", enabled: "enabled_example", font: "font_example", fontColor: "fontColor_example", fontSize: "fontSize_example", id: "id_example", imageBase64: "imageBase64_example", transparency: "transparency_example", watermarkText: "watermarkText_example") // Watermark | When set to **true**, the account has the watermark feature enabled, and the envelope is not complete, then the watermark for the account is added to the PDF documents. This option can remove the watermark. (optional) // Get watermark preview. AccountWatermarksAPI.watermarkPreviewPutWatermarkPreview(accountId: accountId, watermark: watermark).whenComplete { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): // process error case .success(let response): switch response { // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse case .http200(let value, let raw): case .http400(let value, let raw): case .http0(let value, let raw): } } } ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **accountId** | **String** | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID. | **watermark** | [**Watermark**](Watermark.md) | When set to **true**, the account has the watermark feature enabled, and the envelope is not complete, then the watermark for the account is added to the PDF documents. This option can remove the watermark. | [optional] ### Return type #### WatermarkPreviewPutWatermarkPreview ```swift public enum WatermarkPreviewPutWatermarkPreview { case http200(value: Watermark?, raw: ClientResponse) case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse) case http0(value: Watermark?, raw: ClientResponse) } ``` ### Authorization No authorization required ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/xml - **Accept**: */* [[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md) # **watermarkPutWatermark** ```swift open class func watermarkPutWatermark(accountId: String, watermark: Watermark? = nil, headers: HTTPHeaders = DocuSignAPI.customHeaders, beforeSend: (inout ClientRequest) throws -> () = { _ in }) -> EventLoopFuture ``` Update watermark information. ### Example ```swift // The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via http://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/issues/new import DocuSignAPI let accountId = "accountId_example" // String | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID. let watermark = watermark(displayAngle: "displayAngle_example", enabled: "enabled_example", font: "font_example", fontColor: "fontColor_example", fontSize: "fontSize_example", id: "id_example", imageBase64: "imageBase64_example", transparency: "transparency_example", watermarkText: "watermarkText_example") // Watermark | When set to **true**, the account has the watermark feature enabled, and the envelope is not complete, then the watermark for the account is added to the PDF documents. This option can remove the watermark. (optional) // Update watermark information. AccountWatermarksAPI.watermarkPutWatermark(accountId: accountId, watermark: watermark).whenComplete { result in switch result { case .failure(let error): // process error case .success(let response): switch response { // process decoded response value or raw ClientResponse case .http200(let value, let raw): case .http400(let value, let raw): case .http0(let value, let raw): } } } ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **accountId** | **String** | The external account number (int) or account ID GUID. | **watermark** | [**Watermark**](Watermark.md) | When set to **true**, the account has the watermark feature enabled, and the envelope is not complete, then the watermark for the account is added to the PDF documents. This option can remove the watermark. | [optional] ### Return type #### WatermarkPutWatermark ```swift public enum WatermarkPutWatermark { case http200(value: Watermark?, raw: ClientResponse) case http400(value: ErrorDetails?, raw: ClientResponse) case http0(value: Watermark?, raw: ClientResponse) } ``` ### Authorization No authorization required ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/xml - **Accept**: */* [[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)