# AccountPasswordRules ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **expirePassword** | **String** | When set to **true**, passwords expire. The default value is `false`. | [optional] **expirePasswordDays** | **String** | The number of days before passwords expire. To use this property, the `expirePassword` property must be set to **true**. | [optional] **expirePasswordDaysMetadata** | [**AccountPasswordExpirePasswordDays**](AccountPasswordExpirePasswordDays.md) | | [optional] **lockoutDurationMinutes** | **String** | The number of minutes a user is locked out of the system after three (?) failed login attempts. The default value is `2`. | [optional] **lockoutDurationMinutesMetadata** | [**AccountPasswordLockoutDurationMinutes**](AccountPasswordLockoutDurationMinutes.md) | | [optional] **lockoutDurationType** | **String** | The interval associated with the user lockout after a failed login attempt. Possible values are: (?????) - `minutes` (default) - `hours` - `days` | [optional] **lockoutDurationTypeMetadata** | [**AccountPasswordLockoutDurationType**](AccountPasswordLockoutDurationType.md) | | [optional] **minimumPasswordAgeDays** | **String** | The minimum number of days after a password is set before it can be changed. This value can be `0` or more days. The default value is `0`. | [optional] **minimumPasswordAgeDaysMetadata** | [**AccountPasswordMinimumPasswordAgeDays**](AccountPasswordMinimumPasswordAgeDays.md) | | [optional] **minimumPasswordLength** | **String** | The minimum number of characters in the password. This value must be a number between `6` and `15`. The default value is `6`. | [optional] **minimumPasswordLengthMetadata** | [**AccountMinimumPasswordLength**](AccountMinimumPasswordLength.md) | | [optional] **passwordIncludeDigit** | **String** | When set to **true**, passwords must include a digit. The default value is `false`. | [optional] **passwordIncludeDigitOrSpecialCharacter** | **String** | When set to **true**, passwords must include either a digit or a special character. The default value is `false`. **Note**: Passwords cannot include angle brackets (`<` `>`) or spaces. | [optional] **passwordIncludeLowerCase** | **String** | When set to **true**, passwords must include a lowercase letter. The default value is `false`. | [optional] **passwordIncludeSpecialCharacter** | **String** | When set to **true**, passwords must include a special character. The default value is `false`. **Note**: Passwords cannot include angle brackets (`<` `>`) or spaces. | [optional] **passwordIncludeUpperCase** | **String** | When set to **true**, passwords must include an uppercase letter. The default value is `false`. | [optional] **passwordStrengthType** | **String** | The type of password strength. Possible values are: - `basic`: The minimum password length is 6 characters with no other password requirements. - `medium`: The minimum password length is 7 characters. Passwords must also have one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number or special character. - `strong`: The minimum password length is 9 characters. Passwords must also have one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character. - `custom`: This option enables you to customize password requirements, including the following properties: - `minimumPasswordLength` - `minimumPasswordAgeDays` - `passwordIncludeDigit` - `passwordIncludeDigitOrSpecialCharacter` - `passwordIncludeLowerCase` - `passwordIncludeSpecialCharacter` - `passwordIncludeUpperCase` - `questionsRequired` | [optional] **passwordStrengthTypeMetadata** | [**AccountPasswordStrengthType**](AccountPasswordStrengthType.md) | | [optional] **questionsRequired** | **String** | The number of security questions required to confirm the user’s identity before the user can reset their password. The default value is `0`. | [optional] **questionsRequiredMetadata** | [**AccountPasswordQuestionsRequired**](AccountPasswordQuestionsRequired.md) | | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)