# AccountInformation ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **accountIdGuid** | **String** | The GUID associated with the account ID. | [optional] **accountName** | **String** | The name on the account. | [optional] **accountSettings** | [**AccountSettingsInformation**](AccountSettingsInformation.md) | | [optional] **allowTransactionRooms** | **String** | When set to **true**, the transaction rooms feature exposed through the Workspaces API is enabled. | [optional] **billingPeriodDaysRemaining** | **String** | Number of days remaining in the current billing period. | [optional] **billingPeriodEndDate** | **String** | The billing period end date in UTC timedate format. | [optional] **billingPeriodEnvelopesAllowed** | **String** | The number of envelopes that can be sent in the current billing period (can be unlimited). | [optional] **billingPeriodEnvelopesSent** | **String** | The number of envelopes that have been sent in the current billing period. | [optional] **billingPeriodStartDate** | **String** | The billing period start date in UTC timedate format. | [optional] **billingProfile** | **String** | The type of billing method on the account. Valid values are: - `direct` - `web` | [optional] **canUpgrade** | **String** | When set to **true**, specifies that you can upgrade the account through the API. For GET methods, you must set the `include_metadata` query parameter to **true** for this property to appear in the response. | [optional] **connectPermission** | **String** | | [optional] **createdDate** | **String** | The creation date of the account in UTC timedate format. | [optional] **currencyCode** | **String** | The currency code for the account, based on the [ISO 4217 currency code](https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html). | [optional] **currentPlanId** | **String** | ID of the plan used to create this account. | [optional] **distributorCode** | **String** | The code that identifies the billing plan groups and plans for the new account. | [optional] **docuSignLandingUrl** | **String** | URL of the landing page used to create the account. | [optional] **dssValues** | **[String: String]** | | [optional] **envelopeSendingBlocked** | **String** | When **true**, the ability to send envelopes is blocked. When **false**, envelopes can be sent. | [optional] **envelopeUnitPrice** | **String** | The price of sending an envelope, represented in the account's local currency. | [optional] **externalAccountId** | **String** | The Account ID displayed on the user's Account page. | [optional] **forgottenPasswordQuestionsCount** | **String** | A complex element that contains up to four Question/Answer pairs for forgotten password information for a user. | [optional] **isDowngrade** | **String** | When **true**, the account has been downgraded from a premium account type. Otherwise **false**. | [optional] **paymentMethod** | **String** | The payment method used for the billing plan. Valid values are: - `NotSupported` - `CreditCard` - `PurchaseOrder` - `Premium` - `Freemium` - `FreeTrial` - `AppStore` - `DigitalExternal` - `DirectDebit` | [optional] **planClassification** | **String** | Identifies the type of plan. Examples include: - `business` - `corporate` - `enterprise` - `free` | [optional] **planEndDate** | **String** | The date that the current plan will end. | [optional] **planName** | **String** | The name of the billing plan used for the account. Examples: - `Personal - Annual` - `Unlimited Envelope Subscription - Annual Billing` | [optional] **planStartDate** | **String** | The date that the Account started using the current plan. | [optional] **recipientDomains** | [RecipientDomain] | | [optional] **seatsAllowed** | **String** | The number of active users the account can have at one time. | [optional] **seatsInUse** | **String** | The number of users currently active on the account. | [optional] **status21CFRPart11** | **String** | The status of the account content per (Title 21 CFR Part 11)[https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/part-11-electronic-records-electronic-signatures-scope-and-application]. This regulation defines the criteria under which electronic records and electronic signatures are considered trustworthy. | [optional] **suspensionDate** | **String** | The date on which the account was suspended. | [optional] **suspensionStatus** | **String** | Indicates whether the account is currently suspended. | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)