moot.language = { // the language code $code: 'en', no_notify: 'Disable all email notifications', watchall: 'Watch for all new threads', move: 'Move thread', moved: 'Thread moved', custom_path1: 'Custom path', custom_path: 'Enter custom path', invalid_path: 'Invalid custom path', from: 'From', to: 'To', show_preview: 'Show preview', retire: 'Retire', retire_title: 'Retire thread', retire_desc: 'Retired threads no longer get bumped to top in the feeds they appear in.', retired_desc: 'This thread is retired. New replies no longer bump it to the top of the feed.', is_retired: 'This thread has been retired', unretire: 'Unretire', unretire_title: 'Unretire thread', unretire_desc: 'This thread will be bumped to top in the feeds they appear in.', quote_help1: 'Select', quote_help2: 'to quote or share', trial_left: 'left of free trial.', after_trial: 'After the trial ends you can continue using Muut with the', free_plan: 'Free plan', reward: 'Referral reward', off33: 'Upgrade now and get 33% off all our paid plans!', spread: 'Spread the word!', invite: 'Invite a friend to start a Muut community and you’ll both get rewarded!', start_now: 'Start your own community now – it\'s free!', start_btn: 'Create', reserve: 'Reserve your forum name', free_acc: 'Free account', no_dialog: 'and remove this dialogue', click_change: 'Click to change', moderator: 'Moderator', mkadmin: 'Make administrator', mkmod: 'Make moderator', upgrade_mod: 'to make this user a moderator', upgrade_admin: 'to make this user administrator or moderator', my_profile: 'My profile', post_in: 'Post in', address_now: 'Thank you! Your email address has been confirmed.', open_pw: 'Please hit the button below to open a password change dialog', non_anon: 'You need to be logged in to perform this action', plan: 'Plan', trial: 'Start free trial', is_private: "This community is private", owner_msg: "Your message to the forum owner... (Optional)", req_access: "Request access", req_sent: "Access request sent", or_join: "or Join to access the community.", save_with: "Save 20% with yearly billing", rem_post: "Remove this post?", is_spam: "This post is spam?", channels: 'Channels', ch_name: 'Channel name', ban: 'Ban user', banned: 'Banned', ban_acc: 'Banned account', ban_msg: 'You are temporarily banned from posting on this forum.', days: 'Days', forever: 'Forever', slogan: 'Free forums and commenting by Muut', add: '+ Add', addons: 'Add-ons', myaccount: "Account", untitled: "Untitled", design: "Design", no_title: "Title must be given", designer: "Designer", developer: "Developer", warning: 'Warning', profanity: 'Profanity is not allowed on this forum. Continued abuse of this policy will result in being banned.', img_needed: "Please upload an image file", max: 'Maximum image size is 4Mb', yes: 'Yes', upload: 'Upload images', show: 'show', hide: 'hide', invisible: 'Invisible', givebody: 'Body cannot be empty.', show_old: 'Show oldest replies', show_more: 'Show more replies', show_new: 'Show newest replies', start: 'Start a new topic...', error: 'Oops, an error. Please copy the post to clipboard, reload and try again. Sorry – we will fix this!', body: 'Body text', admin: 'Admin', someone: 'Someone', title: 'Title', writing: 'is writing...', manage: 'Manage', fullview: 'Full view', link: 'link', avatar: 'Change avatar', upgrade_link: 'Upgrade', branding: 'Branding', logo: 'Logo', title: 'Title', css: 'CSS file', single: 'single word', username_fail: 'Use letters, numbers or dashes', bold: 'bold', italics: 'italics', monospaced: 'monospaced', settings: 'Settings', all: 'All posts', // or alternatively: All anon_1: 'anonymous', // singular anon: 'anonymous', // plural badforum: 'Invalid forum', c_acc1: 'Your account now works on all sites using Muut', c_acc: 'Account confirmed', c_email: 'Email address updated', cancel: 'Cancel', change: 'Change', changepw: 'Change password', close: 'Close', collapse: 'Collapse all', comm_count_1: 'comment', // singular: "1 comment" comm_count_n: 'comments', // plural: "3 comments" comment1: 'Be the first to comment...', comment: 'Comment...', edit: 'Edit', email: 'Email', email_taken: 'This email is taken', emailtip: 'Your email is never shared', enter: 'ctrl + enter', expired1: 'We just sent you a new one. Please check your email.', // expired: 'This link has expired', feed: 'My feed', // alternatives: My own, personal help2: 'post', help3: 'quoted', help5: 'code, language guessed', help6: 'HTML code', in_forum: 'in', invalid: 'Invalid value', join: 'Join Muut', later: 'Later...', less: 'less', like: 'Like', likepost: 'Like this post', loading: 'Loading...', login: 'Log in', login1: 'Log in first', login_and: "Login and", logout: 'Log out', mark: 'Offensive or spam', mean: 'Did you mean', name: 'Display name', nametip: 'Your real name, so people will recognize you', newpass: 'New password', noresults: 'No results for', nospam: 'No spam on your forum!', notexist: 'does not exist.', ok: 'ok', online: 'Online', post: 'Post', preview: 'Preview', progress: ['loading...', 'still working...', 'and working...', 'giving up'], reconnect: 'Reconnecting...', removepost: 'Remove', reply: 'Reply...', replybtn: 'Reply', saved: 'saved', search: 'Search', select: 'Select channel', setup: 'Setup now', showing: 'Showing', spam: 'Spam', step1: 'We have sent you a confirmation email. Your email is not updated before you complete this step!', step: 'One more step', terms: 'I agree to the terms of service.', thanks: 'Thanks!', uname_len: 'Type 4 characters or more', uname_taken: 'This username is taken!', unametip: 'This cannot be changed later', undo: 'Undo', unlike: 'Unlike', unspam: 'Not spam', unver1: 'Unverified account', unver2: 'Please check your email to verify your account.', unver3: 'Resend verification link', unver4: "Sent. Please check your inbox.", unver: 'Unverified', unwall: 'unwatch all', unwatch: 'Unwatch', upgrade2: 'Muut uses WebSockets or CORS for cross domain communication. All modern browsers above Opera 11 and IE7 work.', upgrade: 'Please upgrade your browser', username_taken: 'This username is taken', watch: 'Watch for new replies', welcome1: 'Please check your email to complete the registration. If you dont receive email within a minute or two, check your spam folder.', welcome2: 'Please provide a Muut username', welcome: 'Welcome to Muut', you: 'You', // times now: 'just now', months: "Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec", min: 'm', hour: 'h', day: 'd', week: 'w' }