use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'closure'; use Irssi; use IPC::Open2 qw(open2); use Fcntl; use POSIX; use Encode; use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); $VERSION = "24"; %IRSSI = ( authors => "Lauri \'murgo\' Härsilä", contact => "murgo\", name => "IrssiNotifier", description => "Send notifications about irssi highlights to server", license => "Apache License, version 2.0", url => "", changed => "2018-11-12" ); # Sometimes, for some unknown reason, perl emits warnings like the following: # Can't locate package Irssi::Nick for @Irssi::Irc::Nick::ISA # This package statement is here to suppress it. { package Irssi::Nick } my $lastMsg; my $lastServer; my $lastNick; my $lastTarget; my $lastWindow; my $lastKeyboardActivity = time; my $forked; my $lastDcc = 0; my $notifications_sent = 0; my @delayQueue = (); my $screen_socket_path; sub private { my ( $server, $msg, $nick, $address ) = @_; $lastServer = $server; $lastMsg = $msg; $lastNick = $nick; $lastTarget = "!PRIVATE"; $lastWindow = $nick; $lastDcc = 0; } sub joined { my ( $server, $target, $nick, $address ) = @_; $lastServer = $server; $lastMsg = "joined"; $lastNick = $nick; $lastTarget = $target; $lastWindow = $target; $lastDcc = 0; } sub public { my ( $server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target ) = @_; $lastServer = $server; $lastMsg = $msg; $lastNick = $nick; $lastTarget = $target; $lastWindow = $target; $lastDcc = 0; } sub dcc { my ( $dcc, $msg ) = @_; $lastServer = $dcc->{server}; $lastMsg = $msg; $lastNick = $dcc->{nick}; $lastTarget = "!PRIVATE"; $lastWindow = $dcc->{target}; $lastDcc = 1; } sub print_text { my ($dest, $text, $stripped) = @_; if (!defined $lastMsg || index($text, $lastMsg) == -1) { # text doesn't contain the message, so printed text is about something else and notification doesn't need to be sent return; } if (should_send_notification($dest)) { send_notification(); } } sub should_send_notification { my $dest = @_ ? shift : $_; my $opt = MSGLEVEL_HILIGHT | MSGLEVEL_MSGS; if (!$lastDcc && (!($dest->{level} & $opt) || ($dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_NOHILIGHT))) { return 0; # not a hilight and not a dcc message } if (!are_settings_valid()) { return 0; # invalid settings } if (Irssi::settings_get_bool("irssinotifier_away_only") && !$lastServer->{usermode_away}) { return 0; # away only } if ($lastDcc && !Irssi::settings_get_bool("irssinotifier_enable_dcc")) { return 0; # dcc is not enabled } if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('irssinotifier_screen_detached_only') && attached()) { return 0; # screen/tmux attached } if (Irssi::settings_get_bool("irssinotifier_ignore_active_window") && $dest->{window}->{refnum} == Irssi::active_win()->{refnum}) { return 0; # ignore active window } my $ignored_servers_string = Irssi::settings_get_str("irssinotifier_ignored_servers"); if ($ignored_servers_string) { my @ignored_servers = split(/ /, $ignored_servers_string); my $server; foreach $server (@ignored_servers) { if (lc($server) eq lc($lastServer->{tag})) { return 0; # ignored server } } } my $ignored_channels_string = Irssi::settings_get_str("irssinotifier_ignored_channels"); if ($ignored_channels_string) { my @ignored_channels = split(/ /, $ignored_channels_string); my $channel; foreach $channel (@ignored_channels) { if (lc($channel) eq lc($lastWindow)) { return 0; # ignored channel } } } # Ignore any highlights from given nicks my $ignored_nicks_string = Irssi::settings_get_str("irssinotifier_ignored_nicks"); if ($ignored_nicks_string ne '') { my @ignored_nicks = split(/ /, $ignored_nicks_string); if (grep { lc($_) eq lc($lastNick) } @ignored_nicks) { return 0; # Ignored nick } } # Ignore any highlights that match any specified patterns my $ignored_highlight_pattern_string = Irssi::settings_get_str("irssinotifier_ignored_highlight_patterns"); if ($ignored_highlight_pattern_string ne '') { my @ignored_patterns = split(/ /, $ignored_highlight_pattern_string); if (grep { $lastMsg =~ /$_/i } @ignored_patterns) { return 0; # Ignored pattern } } # If specified, require a pattern to be matched before highlighting public messages my $required_public_highlight_pattern_string = Irssi::settings_get_str("irssinotifier_required_public_highlight_patterns"); if ($required_public_highlight_pattern_string ne '' && ($dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC)) { my @required_patterns = split(/ /, $required_public_highlight_pattern_string); if (!(grep { $lastMsg =~ /$_/i } @required_patterns)) { return 0; # Required pattern not matched } } # If specified, require a channel name to be matched before sending my $irssinotifier_required_channel_patterns = Irssi::settings_get_str("irssinotifier_required_channel_patterns"); if ($irssinotifier_required_channel_patterns ne '' && ($dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_PUBLIC)) { my @required_patterns = split(/ /, $irssinotifier_required_channel_patterns); if (!(grep { $lastWindow =~ /$_/i } @required_patterns)) { return 0; # Required pattern not matched } } my $timeout = Irssi::settings_get_int('irssinotifier_require_idle_seconds'); if ($timeout > 0 && (time - $lastKeyboardActivity) <= $timeout && attached()) { return 0; # not enough idle seconds } return 1; } sub attached { return (tmux_attached() || screen_attached()); } sub tmux_attached { if (!defined($ENV{'TMUX_PANE'})){ return 0; } chomp(my $session_attached = `tmux display-message -p -t$ENV{'TMUX_PANE'} '#{session_attached}' 2> /dev/null`); chomp(my $window_active = `tmux display-message -p -t$ENV{'TMUX_PANE'} '#{window_active}' 2> /dev/null`); return $session_attached && $window_active; } sub screen_attached { if (!$screen_socket_path || !defined($ENV{STY})) { return 0; } my $socket = $screen_socket_path . "/" . $ENV{'STY'}; if (-e $socket && ((stat($socket))[2] & 00100) != 0) { return 1; } return 0; } sub is_dangerous_string { my $s = @_ ? shift : $_; return $s =~ m/"/ || $s =~ m/`/ || $s =~ m/\\/; } sub send_notification { if ($forked) { if (scalar @delayQueue < 10) { push @delayQueue, { 'msg' => $lastMsg, 'nick' => $lastNick, 'target' => $lastTarget, 'added' => time, }; } else { Irssi::print("IrssiNotifier: previous send is still in progress and queue is full, skipping notification"); } return 0; } send_to_api(); } sub send_command { my $cmd = shift || return; return if ($forked); # no need to queue commands? send_to_api("cmd", $cmd); } sub send_to_api { my $type = shift || "notification"; my $command; if ($type eq "cmd") { $command = shift || return; } my ($readHandle,$writeHandle); pipe $readHandle, $writeHandle; $forked = 1; my $pid = fork(); unless (defined($pid)) { Irssi::print("IrssiNotifier: couldn't fork - abort"); close $readHandle; close $writeHandle; $forked = 0; return 0; } if ($pid > 0) { close $writeHandle; Irssi::pidwait_add($pid); my $target = {fh => $$readHandle, tag => undef, type => $type}; $target->{tag} = Irssi::input_add(fileno($readHandle), INPUT_READ, \&read_pipe, $target); } else { eval { my $api_token = Irssi::settings_get_str('irssinotifier_api_token'); my $proxy = Irssi::settings_get_str('irssinotifier_https_proxy'); if($proxy) { $ENV{https_proxy} = $proxy; } my $wget_cmd = "wget --tries=2 --timeout=10 --no-check-certificate -qO- /dev/null"; my $api_url; my $data; if ($type eq 'notification') { $lastMsg = Irssi::strip_codes($lastMsg); encode_utf(); $lastMsg = encrypt($lastMsg); $lastNick = encrypt($lastNick); $lastTarget = encrypt($lastTarget); $data = "--post-data=apiToken=$api_token\\&message=$lastMsg\\&channel=$lastTarget\\&nick=$lastNick\\&version=$VERSION"; $api_url = ""; } elsif ($type eq 'cmd') { $command = encrypt($command); $data = "--post-data=apiToken=$api_token\\&command=$command"; $api_url = ""; } my $result = `$wget_cmd $data $api_url`; if (($? >> 8) != 0) { # Something went wrong, might be network error or authorization issue. Probably no need to alert user, though. print $writeHandle "0 FAIL\n"; } else { print $writeHandle "1 OK\n"; } }; # end eval if ($@) { print $writeHandle "-1 IrssiNotifier internal error: $@\n"; } close $readHandle; close $writeHandle; POSIX::_exit(1); } return 1; } sub encode_utf { # encode messages to utf8 if terminal is not utf8 (irssi's recode should be on) my $encoding; eval { require I18N::Langinfo; $encoding = lc(I18N::Langinfo::langinfo(I18N::Langinfo::CODESET())); }; if ($encoding && $encoding !~ /^utf-?8$/i) { $lastMsg = Encode::encode_utf8($lastMsg); $lastNick = Encode::encode_utf8($lastNick); $lastTarget = Encode::encode_utf8($lastTarget); } } sub read_pipe { my $target = shift; my $readHandle = $target->{fh}; my $output = <$readHandle>; chomp($output); close($target->{fh}); Irssi::input_remove($target->{tag}); $forked = 0; $output =~ /^(-?\d+) (.*)$/; my $ret = $1; $output = $2; if ($ret < 0) { Irssi::print($IRSSI{name} . ": Error: send crashed: $output"); } elsif (!$ret) { #Irssi::print($IRSSI{name} . ": Error: send failed: $output"); } if (Irssi::settings_get_bool('irssinotifier_clear_notifications_when_viewed') && $target->{type} eq 'notification') { $notifications_sent++; } check_delayQueue(); } sub encrypt { my ($text) = @_ ? shift : $_; my $password = Irssi::settings_get_str('irssinotifier_encryption_password'); my ($r,$w); pipe $r, $w; # disable close-on-exec my $flags = fcntl($r, F_GETFD, 0) or die "fcntl F_GETFD: $!"; fcntl($r, F_SETFD, $flags & ~FD_CLOEXEC) or die "fcntl F_SETFD: $!"; # preserve STDERR open (OLDER, ">&", \*STDERR) || warn "Can't preserve STDERR\n$!\n"; close STDERR; my $rfn = fileno($r); my $pid = open2(my $out, my $in, qw(openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -salt -base64 -md md5 -A -pass), "fd:$rfn"); print $w "$password"; close $w; print $in "$text "; close $in; my $result = do { local $/; <$out> }; waitpid $pid, 0; close $r; # restore STDERR open (STDERR, ">&", \*OLDER) || warn "Can't restore STDERR\n$!\n"; close OLDER; $result =~ tr[+/][-_]; $result =~ s/=//g; return $result; } sub are_settings_valid { Irssi::signal_remove( 'gui key pressed', 'event_key_pressed' ); if (Irssi::settings_get_int('irssinotifier_require_idle_seconds') > 0) { Irssi::signal_add( 'gui key pressed', 'event_key_pressed' ); } if (!Irssi::settings_get_str('irssinotifier_api_token')) { Irssi::print("IrssiNotifier: Set API token to send notifications: /set irssinotifier_api_token [token]"); return 0; } `openssl version`; if ($? == 127) { Irssi::print("IrssiNotifier: openssl not found: $!"); return 0; } `wget --version`; if ($? == 127) { Irssi::print("IrssiNotifier: wget not found."); return 0; } my $api_token = Irssi::settings_get_str('irssinotifier_api_token'); if (!$api_token) { Irssi::print("IrssiNotifier: Set API token to send notifications (check your token at /set irssinotifier_api_token [token]"); return 0; } elsif (is_dangerous_string($api_token)) { Irssi::print("IrssiNotifier: API token cannot contain backticks, double quotes or backslashes"); return 0; } my $encryption_password = Irssi::settings_get_str('irssinotifier_encryption_password'); if (!$encryption_password) { Irssi::print("IrssiNotifier: Set encryption password to send notifications (must be same as in the Android device): /set irssinotifier_encryption_password [password]"); return 0; } elsif (is_dangerous_string $encryption_password ) { Irssi::print("IrssiNotifier: Encryption password cannot contain backticks, double quotes or backslashes"); return 0; } $notifications_sent = 0 unless (Irssi::settings_get_bool('irssinotifier_clear_notifications_when_viewed')); return 1; } sub check_delayQueue { if (scalar @delayQueue > 0) { my $item = shift @delayQueue; if (time - $item->{'added'} > 60) { check_delayQueue(); return 0; } else { $lastMsg = $item->{'msg'}; $lastNick = $item->{'nick'}; $lastTarget = $item->{'target'}; send_notification(); return 0; } } return 1; } sub check_window_activity { return if (!$notifications_sent); my $act = 0; foreach (Irssi::windows()) { # data_level 3 means window has unseen hilight if ($_->{data_level} == 3) { $act++; last; } } if (!$act) { send_command("clearNotifications"); $notifications_sent = 0; } } sub event_key_pressed { $lastKeyboardActivity = time; } if (defined($ENV{STY})) { my $screen_ls = `LC_ALL="C" screen -ls 2> /dev/null`; if ($screen_ls !~ /^No Sockets found/s) { $screen_ls =~ /^.*\d+ Sockets? in ([^\n]+)\..*$/sm; $screen_socket_path = $1; } else { $screen_ls =~ /^No Sockets found in ([^\n]+)\.\n.+$/s; $screen_socket_path = $1; } } Irssi::settings_add_str('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_encryption_password', 'password'); Irssi::settings_add_str('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_api_token', ''); Irssi::settings_add_str('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_https_proxy', ''); Irssi::settings_add_str('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_ignored_servers', ''); Irssi::settings_add_str('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_ignored_channels', ''); Irssi::settings_add_str('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_ignored_nicks', ''); Irssi::settings_add_str('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_ignored_highlight_patterns', ''); Irssi::settings_add_str('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_required_public_highlight_patterns', ''); Irssi::settings_add_str('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_required_channel_patterns', ''); Irssi::settings_add_bool('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_ignore_active_window', 0); Irssi::settings_add_bool('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_away_only', 0); Irssi::settings_add_bool('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_screen_detached_only', 0); Irssi::settings_add_bool('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_clear_notifications_when_viewed', 0); Irssi::settings_add_int('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_require_idle_seconds', 0); Irssi::settings_add_bool('irssinotifier', 'irssinotifier_enable_dcc', 1); # these commands are renamed Irssi::settings_remove('irssinotifier_ignore_server'); Irssi::settings_remove('irssinotifier_ignore_channel'); Irssi::signal_add('message irc action', 'public'); Irssi::signal_add('message public', 'public'); Irssi::signal_add('message private', 'private'); Irssi::signal_add('message join', 'joined'); Irssi::signal_add('message dcc', 'dcc'); Irssi::signal_add('message dcc action', 'dcc'); Irssi::signal_add('print text', 'print_text'); Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', 'are_settings_valid'); Irssi::signal_add('window changed', 'check_window_activity');