serial_number) != $warranty_model->serial_number) { $warranty_model->status = "Virtual Machine"; // Use reg_timestamp as purchase_date $report = new Reportdata_model($warranty_model->serial_number); $warranty_model->purchase_date = date('Y-m-d', $report->reg_timestamp); $warranty_model->end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+10 year')); $machine = new Machine_model($warranty_model->serial_number); //$machine->img_url = $matches[1]; Todo: get image url for VM $machine->machine_desc = 'VMware virtual machine'; $machine->save(); return; } $url = ''; $opts['data'] = array ('sn' => $warranty_model->serial_number, 'num' => '0'); $opts['method'] = 'POST'; // Get est. manufacture date $est_manufacture_date = estimate_manufactured_date($warranty_model->serial_number); // Get data $result = get_url($url, $opts); if( $result === FALSE) { $warranty_model->status = lang('lookup_failed'); } elseif(preg_match('/invalidserialnumber/', $result)) { // Check invalid serial $warranty_model->status = 'Invalid serial number'; } elseif(preg_match("/\?productRegister=Y/", $result)) { // Check registration $warranty_model->status = 'Unregistered serialnumber'; } elseif(preg_match('/warrantyPage.warrantycheck.displayHWSupportInfo\(false/', $result)) { // Get expired status $warranty_model->status = 'Expired'; //$warranty_model->end_date = '0000-00-00'; } elseif(preg_match('/warrantyPage.warrantycheck.displayHWSupportInfo\(true([^\)])+/', $result, $matches)) { // Get support status if(preg_match('/Limited Warranty\./', $matches[0])) { $warranty_model->status = 'No Applecare'; } else { $warranty_model->status = 'Supported'; } // Get estimated exp date if(preg_match('/Estimated Expiration Date: ([^<]+)end_date = date('Y-m-d', $exp_time); if($warranty_model->status == 'Supported') { // There are 3, 4 and 5 year AppleCare contracts // We're checking how many years there are // between exp date and manufacture date $est_man_time = strtotime($est_manufacture_date); // Get difference between exp and manu divided by year seconds $years = sprintf('%d', intval($exp_time - $est_man_time) / (60*60*24*365)); // Estimated purchase date $warranty_model->purchase_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-$years years", $exp_time)); } else { $warranty_model->purchase_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 year', $exp_time)); } } } else { $warranty_model->status = 'No information found'; } // No valid purchase date, use the estimated manufacture date if( ! $warranty_model->purchase_date OR ! preg_match('/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/', $warranty_model->purchase_date)) { $warranty_model->purchase_date = $est_manufacture_date; } // No expiration date, use the estimated manufacture date + n year if( ! $warranty_model->end_date) { $man_time = strtotime($warranty_model->purchase_date); // If we're within 3 years, after man_date we did not have AppleCare // So end_date = man_date + 1 year if(strtotime('+3 years', $man_time) > time()) { $warranty_model->end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 year', $man_time)); } else // end_date = man_date + 3 yrs (assume we had 3 yrs of AppleCare) { $warranty_model->end_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+3 years', $man_time)); } } // Get machine model from apple $machine = new Machine_model($warranty_model->serial_number); $machine->machine_desc = model_description_lookup($warranty_model->serial_number); $machine->save(); } /** * Estimates the week the machine was manfactured based off it's serial * number * Ported from python warranty scripts by Adam Reed * * @return string date * @author Arjen van Bochoven **/ function estimate_manufactured_date($serial) { # See # -format-with-new-macbook-pro/ for details about serial numbers if(strlen($serial) == 11) { $year = $serial[2]; $est_year = 2000 + strpos(' 3456789012', $year); $week = substr($serial, 3, 2); return formatted_manufactured_date($est_year, $week); } elseif(strlen($serial) == 12) { $year_code = 'cdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'; $year = strtolower($serial[3]); $est_year = 2010 + intval(strpos($year_code, $year) / 2); $est_half = strpos($year_code, $year) % 2; $week_code = ' 123456789cdfghjklmnpqrtvwxy'; $week = strtolower(substr($serial, 4, 1)); $est_week = strpos($week_code, $week) + ($est_half * 26); return formatted_manufactured_date($est_year, $est_week); } else { return 'unknown'; } } function formatted_manufactured_date($year, $week) { $strtime = sprintf('%sW%02s1', $year, $week); return date('Y-m-d', strtotime($strtime)); } function model_description_lookup($serial) { if(strpos($serial, 'VMWV') === 0) { return 'VMware virtual machine'; } $snippet = substr($serial, 8); $url = sprintf('', $snippet); $result = get_url($url); if ($result === FALSE) { return lang('model_lookup_failed'); } if(preg_match('#(.*)#', $result, $matches)) { return($matches[1]); } return 'Unknown model'; } /** * Retrieve url * * @return mixed string if successfull, FALSE if failed * @author AvB **/ function get_url($url, $options = array()) { $http = array('header' => ''); if(isset($options['method'])) { $http['method'] = $options['method']; if($options['method'] = 'POST') { $http['header'] .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; } } if(isset($options['data'])) { $http['content'] = http_build_query($options['data']); $http['header'] .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($http['content']) . "\r\n"; } // Add optional timeout if(conf('request_timeout')) { $http['timeout'] = conf('request_timeout'); } $context_options = array('http' => $http); // Add optional proxy settings if(conf('proxy')) { add_proxy_server($context_options); } $context = stream_context_create($context_options); return file_get_contents($url, FALSE, $context); } /** * Add proxy server variables to context_options * * @return boolean TRUE if succeeded, FALSE if config error * @author AvB **/ function add_proxy_server(&$context_options) { $proxy = conf('proxy'); if ( ! isset($proxy['server'])) { return FALSE; } $proxy['server'] = str_replace('tcp://', '', $proxy['server']); // If port is not set, default to 8080 $proxy['port'] = isset($proxy['port']) ? $proxy['port'] : 8080; $context_options['http']['proxy'] = 'tcp://' . $proxy['server'].':'.$proxy['port']; $context_options['http']['request_fulluri'] = TRUE; // Authenticated proxy if(isset($proxy['username']) && isset($proxy['password'])) { // Encode username and password $auth = base64_encode($proxy['username'].':'.$proxy['password']); if( ! isset($context_options['http']['header'])) { $context_options['http']['header'] = ""; } // Add authentication header $context_options['http']['header'] .= "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $auth\r\n"; } return TRUE; }