var smoax = new Smoax() function Smoax() { var me = this var isJasmine = !!window.jasmine this.ajax = $.ajax $.ajaxTransport('mock', mockAjaxTransport) this.setup = function() { me.handlers = new AjaxMap() me.calls = new CallMap() $.ajax = wrap return isJasmine ? me.jasmineMatchers : me.chaiMatchers } this.release = function() { $.ajax = me.ajax } function mockAjaxTransport(options, originalOptions, jqXHR) { var abort = false options.dataType = originalOptions.originalDataType options.dataTypes = options.dataType && [options.dataType] || ['*'] return { send: function(headers, complete) { if (abort) return me.calls.set(options.type, options.url, options) var handler = me.handlers.get(options.type, options.url) if (!!handler) { var responses = { text:toText(handler.response) } //, xml:jQuery.parseXML(handler.response) } function done() { complete(handler.statusCode, handler.statusText, responses, '') } if (handler.promise) { handler.promise.done(function(response) { complete(200, 'success', { text:toText(response) }, '') }); { complete(errorOptions.statusCode, errorOptions.statusText, { text:toText(errorOptions.response) }, '') }) } else if (handler.async !== undefined && options.async) { setTimeout(done, handler.async) } else { done() } } else { me.warn('No mock ajax registered for '+options.type+' '+options.url) } }, abort: function() { abort = true } } } function toParams(data) { if ($.isFunction(data)) { data = data() } if ($.isArray(data) || $.isPlainObject(data)) { return jQuery.param(data, jQuery.ajaxSettings.traditional) } else { return data } } function toText(resp) { if ($.isFunction(resp)) { resp = resp() } if ($.isArray(resp) || $.isPlainObject(resp)) { return JSON.stringify(resp) } else { return resp } } function wrap(opts, settings) { var allOpts = jQuery.ajaxSetup({}, opts) opts.originalDataType = allOpts.dataType opts.dataType = 'mock' return me.ajax(opts, settings) } function _register(method, url, data) { me.handlers.set(method, url, data) return me } this.register = function(method, url, response) { if (!url) { response = method; method = url = '*' } var data = { statusCode:200, statusText:'success', response:response } return _register(method, url, data) } this.registerDeferred = function(method, url) { var deferred = $.Deferred() _register((method || '*'), ((method && url) || '*'), { promise: deferred.promise() }) return deferred; } this.registerAsync = function(method, url, response, timeout) { if (!response) { response = method; timeout = url; method = url = '*' } var data = { statusCode:200, statusText:'success', response:response, async:timeout || 0 } return _register(method, url, data) } this.registerError = function(method, url, statusCode, statusText, response) { if (!statusText) { response = statusCode; statusText = url; statusCode = method; method = url = '*' } var data = { statusCode:statusCode, statusText:statusText, response:response } return _register(method, url, data) } this.registerAsyncError = function(method, url, statusCode, statusText, response, timeout) { if (!statusText) { timeout = statusText; response = statusCode; statusText = url; statusCode = method; method = url = '*' } var data = { statusCode:statusCode, statusText:statusText, response:response , async:timeout || 0 } return _register(method, url, data) } this.warn = function(s) { isJasmine ? jasmine.log('smoax: '+s) : console.warn('smoax: '+s) } this.chaiMatchers = function(chai, utils) { chai.Assertion.addMethod('beenInvoked', function() { this.assert(me.calls.latest !== undefined, 'expected ajax to have been invoked', 'expected ajax not to have invoked' ) }) chai.Assertion.addMethod('beenInvokedWith', function(method, url, data) { var calls = me.calls.get(method, url) var result = match(calls, method, url, data, utils.objDisplay) var messages = result.message() this.assert(result.ok, messages[0], messages[1]) }) chai.Assertion.addMethod('latestInvocationToHaveBeen', function(method, url, data) { var result = match([me.calls.latest], method, url, data, utils.objDisplay) var messages = result.message() this.assert(result.ok, messages[0], messages[1]) }) } this.jasmineMatchers = { toHaveBeenInvoked: function() { this.message = function() { return [ "Expected ajax to have been invoked.", "Expected ajax not to have been invoked." ] } return me.calls.latest !== undefined }, latestInvocationToHaveBeen: function(method, url, data) { var result = match([me.calls.latest], method, url, data, jasmine.pp) this.message = result.message return result.ok }, toHaveBeenInvokedWith: function(method, url, data) { var calls = me.calls.get(method, url) var result = match(calls, method, url, data, jasmine.pp) this.message = result.message return result.ok } } function findMatch(actualCalls, expected) { var methodMatch = undefined for (var ii in actualCalls) { var call = actualCalls[ii] var m = isMatch(call, expected) if (m.methodMatch && m.dataMatch) { return { ok: true } } else if (m.methodMatch) { methodMatch = call } } return { ok: false, methodMatch:methodMatch } function isMatch(call, expected) { var mm = expected.type.toUpperCase() == call.type.toUpperCase() && expected.url == call.url var dm = == return { methodMatch:mm, dataMatch:dm } } } function match(calls, method, url, data, prettyPrint) { var expected = { type: method, url:url, data:toParams(data) } var closest = findMatch(calls, expected) var result = { ok: closest.ok } if (result.ok) { result.message = function() { return ['ok', 'ok'] } } else if (closest.methodMatch) { result.message = dataErrorMessages(, } else { result.message = requestErrorMessages() } return result function requestErrorMessages() { function calls2string() { var s = '' for (var key in { s == '' ? s = key : s = s + ', ' + key } return s } return function() { var desc = key(method, url) var details = me.calls.count == 0 && 'There have been no ajax calls.' || 'There have been calls to: '+calls2string() return [ "Expected "+desc+" to have been invoked. "+details, "Expected "+desc+" not to have been invoked. "+details ] } } function dataErrorMessages(actualData, expectedData) { var desc = key(method, url) return function() { return [ "Expected "+desc+" to have been invoked with "+prettyPrint(expectedData)+" but was invoked with "+prettyPrint(actualData), "Expected "+desc+" not to have been invoked with "+prettyPrint(expectedData) ]} } } function key(method, url) { return method.toUpperCase()+' '+url.replace(/\?_=\d+/, '') } function AjaxMap() { = {} this.get = function(method, url) { return[key(method, url)] ||['* *'] } this.set = function(method, url, data) { var k = key(method, url)[k] = data } return this } function CallMap() { this.count = 0 = {} this.latest = undefined this.get = function(method, url) { return[key(method, url)] } this.set = function(method, url, data) { var k = key(method, url) var map =[k] || ([k] = []) this.latest = data this.count++ map.push(data) } return this } return this }