## Onion Browser [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mtigas/iOS-OnionBrowser.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mtigas/iOS-OnionBrowser) [Official Site][official] | [Support][help] | [Changelog][changelog] | [Donate][donate] © 2012-2016 [Mike Tigas][miketigas] ([@mtigas](https://twitter.com/mtigas)) [MIT License][license] A minimal, open-source web browser for iOS that tunnels web traffic through the [Tor network][tor]. See the [official site][official] for more details and App Store links. --- * **OnionBrowser**: 1.6.2 (20160824.1) - See [official release history][releases] and [changelog][changelog]. * **[Tor][tor]**: (Aug 24 2016) * **[iObfs][iobfs]**: 26463e2 (Jul 15 2016) * **obfs4proxy**: 0.0.7-dev, upstream 6205762 (Jul 10 2016) * **golang**: 1.7 (Aug 15 2016) * **[libevent][libevent]**: 2.0.22-stable (Jan 05 2015) * **[OpenSSL][openssl]**: 1.0.2h (May 03 2016) [official]: https://mike.tig.as/onionbrowser/ [help]: https://mike.tig.as/onionbrowser/help/ [releases]: https://github.com/OnionBrowser/iOS-OnionBrowser/releases [changelog]: https://raw.github.com/OnionBrowser/iOS-OnionBrowser/master/CHANGES.txt [donate]: https://mike.tig.as/onionbrowser/#support-project [miketigas]: https://mike.tig.as/ [license]: https://github.com/OnionBrowser/iOS-OnionBrowser/blob/master/LICENSE [tor]: https://www.torproject.org/ [libevent]: http://libevent.org/ [openssl]: https://www.openssl.org/ [iobfs]: https://github.com/mtigas/iObfs Screenshots: iPhone 4/4S, iPhone 5, iPad 3 --- #### Adding Onion Browser support to other iOS apps Onion Browser responds to two URL schemes: `onionbrowser://` and `onionbrowsers://`, representing HTTP and HTTPS URLs, respectively. These work like the URI schemes [in iOS Google Chrome][crios] and other popular third-party web browsers. * A URL of `onionbrowser://opennews.org/` will launch Onion Browser and navigate the app to `http://opennews.org/`. * A URL of `onionbrowsers://mike.tig.as/` will launch Onion Browser and navigate the app to `https://mike.tig.as/`. Allowing your own app to launch Onion Browser instead of Safari works similarly to [iOS Google Chrome][crios]: 1. Check if Onion Browser is installed by seeing if iOS can open a `onionbrowser://` URL. 2. If so, replace the `http://` prefix with `onionbrowser://` and replace the `https://` prefix with `onionbrowsers://`. 3. Then tell iOS to open the newly defined URL (`newURL`) by executing `[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:newURL];` See [the Google Chrome iOS instructions][crios] for more details -- just note that you should replace their `googlechrome://` URL schemes with the proper `onionbrowser://` ones. [x-callback-url]: http://x-callback-url.com/ [crios]: https://developers.google.com/chrome/mobile/docs/ios-links#uri_schemes --- #### Implementation notes The app, when compiled, contains static library versions of [Tor][tor] and it's dependencies, [libevent][libevent] and [openssl][openssl]. The build scripts for Tor and other dependencies are based on [build-libssl.sh][build_libssl] from [x2on/OpenSSL-for-iPhone][openssliphone]. The scripts are configured to compile universal binaries for armv7 and i386 (for the iOS Simulator). [build_libssl]: https://github.com/x2on/OpenSSL-for-iPhone/blob/c637f773a99810bb101169f8e534d0d6b09f3396/build-libssl.sh [openssliphone]: https://github.com/x2on/OpenSSL-for-iPhone Because iOS applications cannot launch subprocesses or otherwise execute other binaries, the tor client is run in-process in a `NSThread` subclass which executes the `tor_main()` function (as an external `tor` executable would) and attempts to safely wrap Tor within the app. (`libor.a` and `libtor.a`, intermediate binaries created when compiling Tor, are used to provide Tor.) Side-effects of this method have not yet been fully evaluated. Management of most tor functionality (status checks, reloading tor on connection changes) is handled by accessing the Tor control port in an internal, telnet-like session from the `AppDelegate`. The app uses a `NSURLProtocol` subclass (`ProxyURLProtocol`), registered to handle HTTP/HTTPS requests. That protocol uses the `CKHTTPConnection` class which nearly matches the `NSURLConnection` class, providing wrappers and access to the underlying `CFHTTP` Core Framework connection bits. This connection class is where SOCKS5 connectivity is enabled. (Because we are using SOCKS5, DNS requests are sent over the Tor network, as well.) ### Information for forks 1. If you're distributing an app that builds off of the Onion Browser code, you need to use your own app name and logo. * Note that you also **cannot** use the official Tor Project logo and names (i.e. "Tor", "Tor Browser", "Tor Browser Bundle") without written permission from the Tor Project. Please [see their trademark FAQ for more information](https://www.torproject.org/docs/trademark-faq). 2. If you're distributing an app that builds off of the Onion Browser code, you **must** cite Onion Browser within your app's credits as part of the terms of the normal MIT License. [See the LICENSE file][license] -- generally you need to include everything from the "ONION BROWSER LICENSE" section down through the rest of the file. Read that file for more information, though. 3. You'll need to make sure the "Bundle identifier" (under "Info" in the app's Target Properties) is set to your own identifier and not "com.miketigas.OnionBrowser". 4. You'll need to make sure the URL handlers for your app (see *Integration notes* above) don't conflict with the ones for Onion Browser. Make sure you edit your `-Info.plist` file and edit values under "URL types". Change "URL identifier" to your own' app's identifier from #3, change the URL Schemes to the URL schemes your app should open if another app tries to open a URL with that prefix. ("test" and "tests" will make your app open if another app tries to open URLs starting with "test://" and "tests://".) You'll also need to edit code in `AppDelegate.m`. Look for instances of `"onionbrowser:"` and `"onionbrowsers:"`, as these are the portions that check for your app's URL identifiers.