Database ``` methods similar to the C++ API * Database([function]) Create a Database with no databases in. * Database(string_path, [function]) Open a Database, automatically determining the database backend to use. * add_database(Database, [function]) Add an existing database (or group of databases) to those accessed by this object. * reopen([function]) Re-open the database. * close([function]) Close the database. * get_description([function]) - return string Return a string describing this object. * has_positions([function]) - return bool Does this database have any positional information? * get_doccount([function]) - return uint32 Get the number of documents in the database. * get_lastdocid([function]) - return uint32 Get the highest document id which has been used in the database. * get_avlength([function]) - return number Get the average length of the documents in the database. * get_termfreq(string_tname, [function]) - return uint32 Get the number of documents in the database indexed by a given term. * term_exists(string_tname, [function]) - return bool Check if a given term exists in the database. * get_collection_freq(string_tname, [function]) - return uint32 Return the total number of occurrences of the given term. * get_value_freq(uint32_slot, [function]) - return uint32 Return the frequency of a given value slot. * get_value_lower_bound(uint32_slot, [function]) - return string Get a lower bound on the values stored in the given value slot. * get_value_upper_bound_sync(uint32_slot, [function]) - return string Get an upper bound on the values stored in the given value slot. * get_doclength_lower_bound([function]) - return uint32 Get a lower bound on the length of a document in this DB. * get_doclength_upper_bound([function]) - return uint32 Get an upper bound on the length of a document in this DB. * get_wdf_upper_bound(string_term, [function]) - return uint32 Get an upper bound on the wdf of term term. * get_doclength(uint32_did, [function]) - return uint32 Get the length of a document. * keep_alive([function]) Send a "keep-alive" to remote databases to stop them timing out. * get_document(uint32_did, [function]) - return object_document Get a document from the database, given its document id. * get_spelling_suggestion(string_word, uint32_max_edit_distance=2, [function]) - return string Suggest a spelling correction. * get_metadata(string_key, [function]) - return string Get the user-specified metadata associated with a given key. * get_uuid([function]) - return string Get a UUID for the database. methods different from the C++ API: * postlist(string_tname, [uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { docid: uint32, doclength: uint32, wdf: uint32, description: string } (PostingIterator) An array of the postlists for a given term. * termlist(uint32_did, [uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { tname: string, wdf: uint32, termfreq: uint32, description: string } (TermIterator) An array of the terms for a given document. * positionlist(uint32_did, string_tname, [uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { position: uint32, description: string } (PositionIterator) An array of the positions for a given term in a given document. * allterms([uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { tname: string, wdf: uint32, termfreq: uint32, description: string } (TermIterator) An array of all the terms in the database. * allterms(string_prefix, [uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { tname: string, wdf: uint32, termfreq: uint32, description: string } (TermIterator) An array of all the terms with a given prefix in the database. * valuestream(uint32_slot, [uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { value: string, docid: uint32, valueno: uint32, description: string } (ValueIterator) An array of the values in slot slot for each document. * spellings([uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { tname: string, wdf: uint32, termfreq: uint32, description: string } (TermIterator) An array of all the spelling correction targets. * synonyms(string_term, [uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { tname: string, wdf: uint32, termfreq: uint32, description: string } (TermIterator) An array of all the synonyms for a given term. * synonym_keys(string_prefix='', [uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { tname: string, wdf: uint32, termfreq: uint32, description: string } (TermIterator) An array of all terms which have synonyms. * metadata_keys(string_prefix='', [uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { tname: string, wdf: uint32, termfreq: uint32, description: string } (TermIterator) An array of all user-specified metadata keys. ``` WritableDatabase - all the methods from Database plus the following ``` methods similar to the C++ API * WritableDatabase([function]) Create an empty WritableDatabase. * WritableDatabase(string_path, uint32_action, [function]) Open a database for update, automatically determining the database backend to use. uint32_action can be: DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN, DB_CREATE, DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE, DB_OPEN * commit([function]) Commit any pending modifications made to the database. * begin_transaction([bool_flushed=true], [function]) Begin a transaction. * commit_transaction([function]) Complete the transaction currently in progress. * cancel_transaction([function]) Abort the transaction currently in progress, discarding the pending modifications made to the database. * add_document(object_document, [function]) - return uint32 Add a new document to the database. * delete_document(uint32_did, [function]) Delete a document from the database. * delete_document(string_unique_term, [function]) Delete any documents indexed by a term from the database. * replace_document(uint32_did, object_document, [function]) Replace a given document in the database. * replace_document(string_unique_term, object_document, [function]) - return uint32 Replace any documents matching a term. * replace_document(null, object_document, [function]) - return uint32 The method acts as add_document. * add_spelling(string_word, uint32_freqinc=1, [function]) Add a word to the spelling dictionary. * remove_spelling(string_word, uint32_freqdec=1, [function]) Remove a word from the spelling dictionary. * add_synonym(string_term, string_synonym, [function]) Add a synonym for a term. * remove_synonym(string_term, string_synonym, [function]) Remove a synonym for a term. * clear_synonyms(string_term, [function]) Remove all synonyms for a term. * set_metadata(string_key, string_value, [function]) Set the user-specified metadata associated with a given key. * get_description([function]) - return string Return a string describing this object. ``` Document ``` methods similar to the C++ API * Document() Make a new empty Document. * get_value(uint32_slot, [function]) - return string Get value by number. * add_value(uint32_slot, string_value, [function]) Add a new value. * remove_value(uint32_slot, [function]) Remove any value with the given number. * clear_values([function]) Remove all values associated with the document. * get_data([function]) - return string Get data stored in the document. * set_data(string_data, [function]) Set data stored in the document. * add_posting(string_tname, uint32_tpos, [uint32_wdfinc=1], [function]) Add an occurrence of a term at a particular position. * add_term(string_tname, [uint32_wdfinc=1], [function]) Add a term to the document, without positional information. * add_boolean_term(string_term, [function]) Add a boolean filter term to the document. * remove_posting(string_tname, uint32_tpos, [uint32_wdfdec=1], [function]) Remove a posting of a term from the document. * remove_term(string_tname, [function]) Remove a term and all postings associated with it. * clear_terms([function]) Remove all terms (and postings) from the document. * termlist_count([function]) - return uint32 The length of the termlist - i.e. * values_count([function]) - return uint32 Count the values in this document. * get_docid([function]) - return uint32 Get the document id which is associated with this document (if any). * serialise([function]) - return Buffer Serialise document into a Buffer. * get_description([function]) - return string Return a string describing this object. * unserialise(Buffer, [function]) - return object_document Unserialise a document from a Buffer produced by serialise(). methods different from the C++ API: * termlist([uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { tname: string, wdf: uint32, description: string } (TermIterator) An array of the terms in this document. * values([uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { value: string, valueno: uint32, description: string } (ValueIterator) An array of the values in this document. ``` Enquire ``` methods similar to the C++ API * Enquire(object_database) Create a Xapian::Enquire object. * set_query(object_query, uint32_qlen=0) Set the query to run. * get_query() - return object_query Get the query which has been set. * set_parameters_sync( object_parameters) Set the parameters to be used for queries. The object parameter can have one or more of the following: { collapse_key: { key: uint32, max: uint32=1}, docid_order: uint32, cutoff: { percent: int32, weight: number=0 }, sort: [ sort_by_info_1, ... ] } The sort_by_info object can be: RELEVANCE - sorting by relevance { sort_key: uint32, reverse: bool } - sorting by value (with reverse) uint32_sort_key - sorting by value The valid sort arrays currently are: [ RELEVANCE ] - sort_by_relevance [ { sort_key: uint32, reverse: bool } ] - sort_by_value [ uint32_sort_key ] - sort_by_value [ { sort_key: uint32, reverse: bool }, RELEVANCE ] - sort_by_value_then_relevance [ uint32_sort_key, RELEVANCE ] - sort_by_value_then_relevance [ RELEVANCE, { sort_key: uint32, reverse: bool } ] - sort_by_relevance_then_value [ RELEVANCE, uint32_sort_key ] - sort_by_relevance_then_value * get_description() - return string Return a string describing this object. methods different from the C++ API: ? get_eset_sync (uint32_maxitems, object_omrset, int32_flags=0, number_k=1.0) - return an array of { term: string, weight: number, description: string } (ESet) Get the expand set for the given rset. flags: TODO * get_matching_terms (uint32_did, [uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { tname: string, wdf: uint32, termfreq: uint32, description: string } (TermIterator) Get terms which match a given document, by document id. * get_mset(uint32_first, uint32_maxitems, [uint32_checkatleast=0], [object_omrset=null], [function]) - return an array of { document: object_document, id: uint32, rank: uint32, collapse_count: uint32, weight: number, collapse_key: string, description: string, percent: int32 } (MSet) Get (a portion of) the match set for the current query. ``` Query ``` methods similar to the C++ API * Query () Default constructor: makes an empty query which matches no documents. * Query( object_query_structure ) A query defined by a query structure. A query structure can be defined as: string - {tname: string, wqf: uint32=1, pos: uint32=0} - {op: string, queries: [QueryObject, ...], parameter: number=0} - {op: string, left: string, right: string} - {op: string, query: QueryObject, parameter: number} - {op: string, slot: uint32, begin: string, end: string} - {op: string, slot: uint32, value: string} - * get_length([function]) - return uint32 Get the length of the query, used by some ranking formulae. * get_terms([uint32_first], [uint32_maxitems], [function]) - return an array of { tname: string, wdf: uint32, termfreq: uint32, description: string } (TermIterator) An array of all the terms in the query, in order of termpos. * empty([function]) - return bool Test if the query is empty (i.e. * serialise([function]) - return Buffer Serialise query into a Buffer. * get_description([function]) - return string Return a string describing this object. * unserialise(Buffer) - return object_query Unserialise a query from a Buffer produced by serialise(). * match_all() - return object_query A query which matches all documents in the database. * match_nothing() - return object_query A query which matches no documents. ``` RSet ``` methods similar to the C++ API * RSet() Default constructor. * size([function]) - return uint32 The number of documents in this R-Set. * empty([function]) - return bool Test if this R-Set is empty. * add_document(uint32_did, [function]) Add a document to the relevance set. * remove_document(uint32_did, [function]) Remove a document from the relevance set. * contains(uint32_did, [function]) - return bool Test if a given document in the relevance set. * get_description([function]) - return string Return a string describing this object. ``` Stem ``` methods similar to the C++ API * Stem() Construct a Xapian::Stem object which doesn't change terms. * Stem(string_language) Construct a Xapian::Stem object for a particular language. stem_word_sync(string_word) - return string Stem a word. * get_description() - return string Return a string describing this object. * get_available_languages() - return string Return a list of available languages. ``` TermGenerator ``` methods similar to the C++ API * TermGenerator() Default constructor. * set_stemmer(object_stemmer, [function]) Set the Xapian::Stem object to be used for generating stemmed terms. * set_document(object_document, [function]) Set the current document. * get_document([function]) - return object_document Get the current document. * set_database(object_writableDatabase, [function]) Set the database to index spelling data to. * set_flags(int32_flags) Set flags. (FLAG_SPELLING). * index_text(string_text, [uint32_wdf_inc=1], [string_prefix=""], [function]) Index some text in a std::string. * index_text_without_positions(string_text, [uint32_wdf_inc=1], [string_prefix=""], [function]) Index some text in a std::string without positional information. * increase_termpos([uint32_delta=100], [function]) Increase the term position used by index_text. * get_termpos([function]) - return uint32 Get the current term position. * set_termpos(uint32_termpos, [function]) Set the current term position. * get_description() - return string Return a string describing this object. ```