#!/usr/bin/env python # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License # Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # The Original Code is RabbitMQ Management Plugin. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2010-2012 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from ConfigParser import Error as ConfigParserError from optparse import OptionParser, TitledHelpFormatter import sys import httplib import urllib import base64 import json import os import socket LISTABLE = {'connections': False, 'channels': False, 'exchanges': True, 'queues': True, 'bindings': True, 'users': False, 'vhosts': False, 'permissions': False, 'nodes': False} SHOWABLE = {'overview': False} PROMOTE_COLUMNS = ['vhost', 'name', 'type', 'source', 'destination', 'destination_type', 'routing_key'] URIS = { 'exchange': '/exchanges/{vhost}/{name}', 'queue': '/queues/{vhost}/{name}', 'binding': '/bindings/{vhost}/e/{source}/{destination_char}/{destination}', 'binding_del':'/bindings/{vhost}/e/{source}/{destination_char}/{destination}/{properties_key}', 'vhost': '/vhosts/{name}', 'user': '/users/{name}', 'permission': '/permissions/{vhost}/{user}' } DECLARABLE = { 'exchange': {'mandatory': ['name', 'type'], 'optional': {'auto_delete': 'false', 'durable': 'true', 'internal': 'false'}}, 'queue': {'mandatory': ['name'], 'optional': {'auto_delete': 'false', 'durable': 'true', 'node': None}}, 'binding': {'mandatory': ['source', 'destination_type', 'destination', 'routing_key'], 'optional': {}}, 'vhost': {'mandatory': ['name'], 'optional': {}}, 'user': {'mandatory': ['name', 'password', 'tags'], 'optional': {}}, 'permission': {'mandatory': ['vhost', 'user', 'configure', 'write', 'read'], 'optional': {}} } DELETABLE = { 'exchange': {'mandatory': ['name']}, 'queue': {'mandatory': ['name']}, 'binding': {'mandatory': ['source', 'destination_type', 'destination', 'properties_key']}, 'vhost': {'mandatory': ['name']}, 'user': {'mandatory': ['name']}, 'permission': {'mandatory': ['vhost', 'user']} } CLOSABLE = { 'connection': {'mandatory': ['name'], 'optional': {}, 'uri': '/connections/{name}'} } PURGABLE = { 'queue': {'mandatory': ['name'], 'optional': {}, 'uri': '/queues/{vhost}/{name}/contents'} } EXTRA_VERBS = { 'publish': {'mandatory': ['routing_key'], 'optional': {'payload': None, 'exchange': 'amq.default', 'payload_encoding': 'string'}, 'uri': '/exchanges/{vhost}/{exchange}/publish'}, 'get': {'mandatory': ['queue'], 'optional': {'count': '1', 'requeue': 'true', 'payload_file': None, 'encoding': 'auto'}, 'uri': '/queues/{vhost}/{queue}/get'} } for k in DECLARABLE: DECLARABLE[k]['uri'] = URIS[k] for k in DELETABLE: DELETABLE[k]['uri'] = URIS[k] DELETABLE[k]['optional'] = {} DELETABLE['binding']['uri'] = URIS['binding_del'] def short_usage(): return "rabbitmqadmin [options] subcommand" def title(name): return "\n%s\n%s\n\n" % (name, '=' * len(name)) def subcommands_usage(): usage = """Usage ===== """ + short_usage() + """ where subcommand is one of: """ + title("Display") for l in LISTABLE: usage += " list {0} [...]\n".format(l) for s in SHOWABLE: usage += " show {0} [...]\n".format(s) usage += title("Object Manipulation") usage += fmt_usage_stanza(DECLARABLE, 'declare') usage += fmt_usage_stanza(DELETABLE, 'delete') usage += fmt_usage_stanza(CLOSABLE, 'close') usage += fmt_usage_stanza(PURGABLE, 'purge') usage += title("Broker Definitions") usage += """ export import """ usage += title("Publishing and Consuming") usage += fmt_usage_stanza(EXTRA_VERBS, '') usage += """ * If payload is not specified on publish, standard input is used * If payload_file is not specified on get, the payload will be shown on standard output along with the message metadata * If payload_file is specified on get, count must not be set """ return usage def config_usage(): usage = "Usage\n=====\n" + short_usage() usage += "\n" + title("Configuration File") usage += """ It is possible to specify a configuration file from the command line. Hosts can be configured easily in a configuration file and called from the command line. """ usage += title("Example") usage += """ # rabbitmqadmin.conf.example START [host_normal] hostname = localhost port = 55672 username = guest password = guest declare_vhost = / # Used as default for declare / delete only vhost = / # Used as default for declare / delete / list [host_ssl] hostname = otherhost port = 55672 username = guest password = guest ssl = True ssl_key_file = /path/to/key.pem ssl_cert_file = /path/to/cert.pem # rabbitmqadmin.conf.example END """ usage += title("Use") usage += """ rabbitmqadmin -c rabbitmqadmin.conf.example -N host_normal ...""" return usage def more_help(): return """ More Help ========= For more help use the help subcommand: rabbitmqadmin help subcommands # For a list of available subcommands rabbitmqadmin help config # For help with the configuration file """ def fmt_usage_stanza(root, verb): def fmt_args(args): res = " ".join(["{0}=...".format(a) for a in args['mandatory']]) opts = " ".join("{0}=...".format(o) for o in args['optional'].keys()) if opts != "": res += " [{0}]".format(opts) return res text = "" if verb != "": verb = " " + verb for k in root.keys(): text += " {0} {1} {2}\n".format(verb, k, fmt_args(root[k])) return text default_options = { "hostname" : "localhost", "port" : "55672", "declare_vhost" : "/", "username" : "guest", "password" : "guest", "ssl" : False, "verbose" : True, "format" : "table", "depth" : 1, "bash_completion" : False } class MyFormatter(TitledHelpFormatter): def format_epilog(self, epilog): return epilog parser = OptionParser(usage=short_usage(), formatter=MyFormatter(), epilog=more_help()) def make_parser(): def add(*args, **kwargs): key = kwargs['dest'] if key in default_options: default = " [default: %s]" % default_options[key] kwargs['help'] = kwargs['help'] + default parser.add_option(*args, **kwargs) add("-c", "--config", dest="config", help="configuration file [default: ~/.rabbitmqadmin.conf]", metavar="CONFIG") add("-N", "--node", dest="node", help="node described in the configuration file [default: 'default'" + \ " only if configuration file is specified]", metavar="NODE") add("-H", "--host", dest="hostname", help="connect to host HOST" , metavar="HOST") add("-P", "--port", dest="port", help="connect to port PORT", metavar="PORT") add("-V", "--vhost", dest="vhost", help="connect to vhost VHOST [default: all vhosts for list, '/' for declare]", metavar="VHOST") add("-u", "--username", dest="username", help="connect using username USERNAME", metavar="USERNAME") add("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="connect using password PASSWORD", metavar="PASSWORD") add("-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", help="suppress status messages") add("-s", "--ssl", action="store_true", dest="ssl", help="connect with ssl") add("--ssl-key-file", dest="ssl_key_file", help="PEM format key file for SSL") add("--ssl-cert-file", dest="ssl_cert_file", help="PEM format certificate file for SSL") add("-f", "--format", dest="format", help="format for listing commands - one of [" + ", ".join(FORMATS.keys()) + "]") add("-d", "--depth", dest="depth", help="maximum depth to recurse for listing tables") add("--bash-completion", action="store_true", dest="bash_completion", help="Print bash completion script") def make_configuration(): make_parser() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() setattr(options, "declare_vhost", None) if options.node is None and options.config: options.node = "default" elif options.node and options.config is None: home = os.getenv('USERPROFILE') or os.getenv('HOME') setattr(options, "config", home + os.sep + ".rabbitmqadmin.conf") if options.node: config = ConfigParser() try: config.read(options.config) new_conf = dict(config.items(options.node)) except ConfigParserError as error: assert_usage(False, ("Could not read section '%s' in config file" + " '%s':\n %s") % (options.node, options.config, error)) new_opts = default_options.copy() for (key, val) in new_conf.items(): new_opts[key] = val for (key, val) in new_opts.items(): if getattr(options, key) is None: setattr(options, key, val) else: for (key, val) in default_options.items(): if getattr(options, key) is None: setattr(options, key, val) return (options, args) def assert_usage(expr, error): if not expr: output("\nERROR: {0}\n".format(error)) output("{0} --help for help\n".format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))) sys.exit(1) def column_sort_key(col): if col in PROMOTE_COLUMNS: return (1, PROMOTE_COLUMNS.index(col)) else: return (2, col) def main(): (options, args) = make_configuration() if options.bash_completion: print_bash_completion() exit(0) assert_usage(len(args) > 0, 'Action not specified') mgmt = Management(options, args[1:]) mode = "invoke_" + args[0] assert_usage(hasattr(mgmt, mode), 'Action {0} not understood'.format(args[0])) method = getattr(mgmt, "invoke_%s" % args[0]) method() def output(s): print maybe_utf8(s, sys.stdout) def die(s): sys.stderr.write(maybe_utf8("*** {0}\n".format(s), sys.stderr)) exit(1) def maybe_utf8(s, stream): if stream.isatty(): # It will have an encoding, which Python will respect return s else: # It won't have an encoding, and Python will pick ASCII by default return s.encode('utf-8') class Management: def __init__(self, options, args): self.options = options self.args = args def get(self, path): return self.http("GET", path, "") def put(self, path, body): return self.http("PUT", path, body) def post(self, path, body): return self.http("POST", path, body) def delete(self, path): return self.http("DELETE", path, "") def http(self, method, path, body): if self.options.ssl: conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.options.hostname, self.options.port, self.options.ssl_key_file, self.options.ssl_cert_file) else: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.options.hostname, self.options.port) headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + base64.b64encode(self.options.username + ":" + self.options.password)} if body != "": headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" try: conn.request(method, "/api%s" % path, body, headers) except socket.error as e: die("Could not connect: {0}".format(e)) resp = conn.getresponse() if resp.status == 400: die(json.loads(resp.read())['reason']) if resp.status == 401: die("Access refused: {0}".format(path)) if resp.status == 404: die("Not found: {0}".format(path)) if resp.status < 200 or resp.status > 400: raise Exception("Received %d %s for path %s\n%s" % (resp.status, resp.reason, path, resp.read())) return resp.read() def verbose(self, string): if self.options.verbose: output(string) def get_arg(self): assert_usage(len(self.args) == 1, 'Exactly one argument required') return self.args[0] def invoke_help(self): help_cmd = self.get_arg() if help_cmd == 'subcommands': usage = subcommands_usage() elif help_cmd == 'config': usage = config_usage() else: assert_usage(False, """help topic must be one of: subcommands config""") print usage exit(0) def invoke_publish(self): (uri, upload) = self.parse_args(self.args, EXTRA_VERBS['publish']) upload['properties'] = {} # TODO do we care here? if not 'payload' in upload: data = sys.stdin.read() upload['payload'] = base64.b64encode(data) upload['payload_encoding'] = 'base64' resp = json.loads(self.post(uri, json.dumps(upload))) if resp['routed']: self.verbose("Message published") else: self.verbose("Message published but NOT routed") def invoke_get(self): (uri, upload) = self.parse_args(self.args, EXTRA_VERBS['get']) payload_file = 'payload_file' in upload and upload['payload_file'] or None assert_usage(not payload_file or upload['count'] == '1', 'Cannot get multiple messages using payload_file') result = self.post(uri, json.dumps(upload)) if payload_file: write_payload_file(payload_file, result) columns = ['routing_key', 'exchange', 'message_count', 'payload_bytes', 'redelivered'] format_list(result, columns, self.options) else: format_list(result, [], self.options) def invoke_export(self): path = self.get_arg() definitions = self.get("/definitions") with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(definitions) self.verbose("Exported definitions for %s to \"%s\"" % (self.options.hostname, path)) def invoke_import(self): path = self.get_arg() with open(path, 'r') as f: definitions = f.read() self.post("/definitions", definitions) self.verbose("Imported definitions for %s from \"%s\"" % (self.options.hostname, path)) def invoke_list(self): cols = self.args[1:] uri = self.list_show_uri(LISTABLE, 'list', cols) format_list(self.get(uri), cols, self.options) def invoke_show(self): cols = self.args[1:] uri = self.list_show_uri(SHOWABLE, 'show', cols) format_list('[{0}]'.format(self.get(uri)), cols, self.options) def list_show_uri(self, obj_types, verb, cols): obj_type = self.args[0] assert_usage(obj_type in obj_types, "Don't know how to {0} {1}".format(verb, obj_type)) vhostable = obj_types[obj_type] uri = "/%s" % obj_type if vhostable and self.options.vhost: uri += "/%s" % urllib.quote_plus(self.options.vhost) if cols != []: uri += "?columns=" + ",".join(cols) return uri def invoke_declare(self): (obj_type, uri, upload) = self.declare_delete_parse(DECLARABLE) if obj_type == 'binding': self.post(uri, json.dumps(upload)) else: self.put(uri, json.dumps(upload)) self.verbose("{0} declared".format(obj_type)) def invoke_delete(self): (obj_type, uri, upload) = self.declare_delete_parse(DELETABLE) self.delete(uri) self.verbose("{0} deleted".format(obj_type)) def invoke_close(self): (obj_type, uri, upload) = self.declare_delete_parse(CLOSABLE) self.delete(uri) self.verbose("{0} closed".format(obj_type)) def invoke_purge(self): (obj_type, uri, upload) = self.declare_delete_parse(PURGABLE) self.delete(uri) self.verbose("{0} purged".format(obj_type)) def declare_delete_parse(self, root): assert_usage(len(self.args) > 0, 'Type not specified') obj_type = self.args[0] assert_usage(obj_type in root, 'Type {0} not recognised'.format(obj_type)) obj = root[obj_type] (uri, upload) = self.parse_args(self.args[1:], obj) return (obj_type, uri, upload) def parse_args(self, args, obj): mandatory = obj['mandatory'] optional = obj['optional'] uri_template = obj['uri'] upload = {} for k in optional.keys(): if optional[k]: upload[k] = optional[k] for arg in args: assert_usage("=" in arg, 'Argument "{0}" not in format name=value'.format(arg)) (name, value) = arg.split("=", 1) assert_usage(name in mandatory or name in optional.keys(), 'Argument "{0}" not recognised'.format(name)) upload[name] = value for m in mandatory: assert_usage(m in upload.keys(), 'mandatory argument "{0}" required'.format(m)) upload['arguments'] = {} if 'vhost' not in mandatory: upload['vhost'] = self.options.vhost or self.options.declare_vhost uri_args = {} for k in upload: v = upload[k] if v: uri_args[k] = urllib.quote_plus(v) if k == 'destination_type': uri_args['destination_char'] = v[0] uri = uri_template.format(**uri_args) return (uri, upload) def format_list(json_list, columns, options): format = options.format formatter = None if format == "raw_json": output(json_list) return elif format == "pretty_json": enc = json.JSONEncoder(False, False, True, True, True, 2) output(enc.encode(json.loads(json_list))) return else: formatter = FORMATS[format] assert_usage(formatter != None, "Format {0} not recognised".format(format)) formatter_instance = formatter(columns, options) formatter_instance.display(json_list) class Lister: def verbose(self, string): if self.options.verbose: output(string) def display(self, json_list): depth = sys.maxint if len(self.columns) == 0: depth = int(self.options.depth) (columns, table) = self.list_to_table(json.loads(json_list), depth) if len(table) > 0: self.display_list(columns, table) else: self.verbose("No items") def list_to_table(self, items, max_depth): columns = {} column_ix = {} row = None table = [] def add(prefix, depth, item, fun): for key in item: column = prefix == '' and key or (prefix + '.' + key) subitem = item[key] if type(subitem) == dict: if depth < max_depth: add(column, depth + 1, subitem, fun) elif type(subitem) == list: # The first branch has slave nodes in queues in # mind (which come out looking decent); the second # one has applications in nodes (which look less # so, but what would look good?). if [x for x in subitem if type(x) != unicode] == []: serialised = " ".join(subitem) else: serialised = json.dumps(subitem) fun(column, serialised) else: fun(column, subitem) def add_to_columns(col, val): columns[col] = True def add_to_row(col, val): if col in column_ix: row[column_ix[col]] = unicode(val) if len(self.columns) == 0: for item in items: add('', 1, item, add_to_columns) columns = columns.keys() columns.sort(key=column_sort_key) else: columns = self.columns for i in xrange(0, len(columns)): column_ix[columns[i]] = i for item in items: row = len(columns) * [''] add('', 1, item, add_to_row) table.append(row) return (columns, table) class TSVList(Lister): def __init__(self, columns, options): self.columns = columns self.options = options def display_list(self, columns, table): head = "\t".join(columns) self.verbose(head) for row in table: line = "\t".join(row) output(line) class LongList(Lister): def __init__(self, columns, options): self.columns = columns self.options = options def display_list(self, columns, table): sep = "\n" + "-" * 80 + "\n" max_width = 0 for col in columns: max_width = max(max_width, len(col)) fmt = "{0:>" + unicode(max_width) + "}: {1}" output(sep) for i in xrange(0, len(table)): for j in xrange(0, len(columns)): output(fmt.format(columns[j], table[i][j])) output(sep) class TableList(Lister): def __init__(self, columns, options): self.columns = columns self.options = options def display_list(self, columns, table): total = [columns] total.extend(table) self.ascii_table(total) def ascii_table(self, rows): table = "" col_widths = [0] * len(rows[0]) for i in xrange(0, len(rows[0])): for j in xrange(0, len(rows)): col_widths[i] = max(col_widths[i], len(rows[j][i])) self.ascii_bar(col_widths) self.ascii_row(col_widths, rows[0], "^") self.ascii_bar(col_widths) for row in rows[1:]: self.ascii_row(col_widths, row, "<") self.ascii_bar(col_widths) def ascii_row(self, col_widths, row, align): txt = "|" for i in xrange(0, len(col_widths)): fmt = " {0:" + align + unicode(col_widths[i]) + "} " txt += fmt.format(row[i]) + "|" output(txt) def ascii_bar(self, col_widths): txt = "+" for w in col_widths: txt += ("-" * (w + 2)) + "+" output(txt) class KeyValueList(Lister): def __init__(self, columns, options): self.columns = columns self.options = options def display_list(self, columns, table): for i in xrange(0, len(table)): row = [] for j in xrange(0, len(columns)): row.append("{0}=\"{1}\"".format(columns[j], table[i][j])) output(" ".join(row)) # TODO handle spaces etc in completable names class BashList(Lister): def __init__(self, columns, options): self.columns = columns self.options = options def display_list(self, columns, table): ix = None for i in xrange(0, len(columns)): if columns[i] == 'name': ix = i if ix is not None: res = [] for row in table: res.append(row[ix]) output(" ".join(res)) FORMATS = { 'raw_json' : None, # Special cased 'pretty_json' : None, # Ditto 'tsv' : TSVList, 'long' : LongList, 'table' : TableList, 'kvp' : KeyValueList, 'bash' : BashList } def write_payload_file(payload_file, json_list): result = json.loads(json_list)[0] payload = result['payload'] payload_encoding = result['payload_encoding'] with open(payload_file, 'w') as f: if payload_encoding == 'base64': data = base64.b64decode(payload) else: data = payload f.write(data) def print_bash_completion(): script = """# This is a bash completion script for rabbitmqadmin. # Redirect it to a file, then source it or copy it to /etc/bash_completion.d # to get tab completion. rabbitmqadmin must be on your PATH for this to work. _rabbitmqadmin() { local cur prev opts base COMPREPLY=() cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}" opts="list show declare delete close purge import export get publish help" fargs="--help --host --port --vhost --username --password --format --depth" case "${prev}" in list) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(LISTABLE) + """' -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; show) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(SHOWABLE) + """' -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; declare) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(DECLARABLE.keys()) + """' -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; delete) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(DELETABLE.keys()) + """' -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; close) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(CLOSABLE.keys()) + """' -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; purge) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '""" + " ".join(PURGABLE.keys()) + """' -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; export) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -f ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; import) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -f ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; help) opts="subcommands config" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; -@(H|-host)) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -A hostname ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; -@(V|-vhost)) opts="$(rabbitmqadmin -q -f bash list vhosts)" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; -@(u|-username)) opts="$(rabbitmqadmin -q -f bash list users)" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; -@(f|-format)) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W \"""" + " ".join(FORMATS.keys()) + """\" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; """ for l in LISTABLE: key = l[0:len(l) - 1] script += " " + key + """) opts="$(rabbitmqadmin -q -f bash list """ + l + """)" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) ) return 0 ;; """ script += """ *) ;; esac COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${opts} ${fargs}" -- ${cur})) return 0 } complete -F _rabbitmqadmin rabbitmqadmin """ output(script) if __name__ == "__main__": main()