Developer Notes =============== Prerequisites ------------- 1. Install [certifier]( 2. Copy the certifier's `key.publickey` file into `server/var/`. 3. Start certifier on it's default host and port Setup ----- While parts of BigTent can be run and tested independently of the core BrowserID implementation, a full installation requires you to: ### Configure BigTent ### 1. Add a local domain to your `/etc/hosts` or deploy BigTent to a server. For local development, `` works well as an aliased domain. Due to JSChannel and OAuth stuff, `localhost` itself won't work. 2. Copy `server/config/local.json-dist` to `server/config/local.json`. Modify it by: - Setting `use_https` to `true` - Setting `issuer` to the domain you added to `/etc/hosts` 3. Generate a self-signed SSL certificate: cd server/config openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 1024 openssl req -new -key privatekey.pem -out certrequest.csr openssl x509 -req -in certrequest.csr -signkey privatekey.pem -out certificate.pem 4. Install necessary Node modules with `npm install` in the root of your `browserid-bigtent` clone. 5. Launch BigTent as root, so it can respond to HTTPS requests on port 443: `sudo ./server/bin/bigtent`. Bigtent will write logging data to `server/var/log/bigtent.log`. 6. Visit your running instance (likely at and accept the self-signed certificate. ### Configure BrowserID ### 1. Check out the `dev` branch of `mozilla/browserid`. 2. Edit `config/local.json` and add a new property, `proxy_idps`, with the URL of your BigTent instance. For example: "proxy_idps": { "": "", "": "", "": "" }, 3. Read the 4. Start BrowserID with `npm start` You should now be able to visit your local BrowserID instance (likely at and attempt to log in with a bigtent-supported email address.