/** * plupload.html5.js * * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB * Released under GPL License. * * License: http://www.plupload.com/license * Contributing: http://www.plupload.com/contributing */ // JSLint defined globals /*global plupload:false, File:false, window:false, atob:false, FormData:false, FileReader:false, ArrayBuffer:false, Uint8Array:false, BlobBuilder:false, unescape:false */ (function(window, document, plupload, undef) { var html5files = {}, // queue of original File objects fakeSafariDragDrop; /** * Detect subsampling in loaded image. * In iOS, larger images than 2M pixels may be subsampled in rendering. */ function detectSubsampling(img) { var iw = img.naturalWidth, ih = img.naturalHeight; if (iw * ih > 1024 * 1024) { // subsampling may happen over megapixel image var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = canvas.height = 1; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(img, -iw + 1, 0); // subsampled image becomes half smaller in rendering size. // check alpha channel value to confirm image is covering edge pixel or not. // if alpha value is 0 image is not covering, hence subsampled. return ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[3] === 0; } else { return false; } } /** * Detecting vertical squash in loaded image. * Fixes a bug which squash image vertically while drawing into canvas for some images. */ function detectVerticalSquash(img, iw, ih) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = 1; canvas.height = ih; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, ih).data; // search image edge pixel position in case it is squashed vertically. var sy = 0; var ey = ih; var py = ih; while (py > sy) { var alpha = data[(py - 1) * 4 + 3]; if (alpha === 0) { ey = py; } else { sy = py; } py = (ey + sy) >> 1; } var ratio = (py / ih); return (ratio === 0) ? 1 : ratio; } /** * Rendering image element (with resizing) into the canvas element */ function renderImageToCanvas(img, canvas, options) { var iw = img.naturalWidth, ih = img.naturalHeight; var width = options.width, height = options.height; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.save(); var subsampled = detectSubsampling(img); if (subsampled) { iw /= 2; ih /= 2; } var d = 1024; // size of tiling canvas var tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); tmpCanvas.width = tmpCanvas.height = d; var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); var vertSquashRatio = detectVerticalSquash(img, iw, ih); var sy = 0; while (sy < ih) { var sh = sy + d > ih ? ih - sy : d; var sx = 0; while (sx < iw) { var sw = sx + d > iw ? iw - sx : d; tmpCtx.clearRect(0, 0, d, d); tmpCtx.drawImage(img, -sx, -sy); var dx = (sx * width / iw) << 0; var dw = Math.ceil(sw * width / iw); var dy = (sy * height / ih / vertSquashRatio) << 0; var dh = Math.ceil(sh * height / ih / vertSquashRatio); ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh); sx += d; } sy += d; } ctx.restore(); tmpCanvas = tmpCtx = null; } function readFileAsDataURL(file, callback) { var reader; // Use FileReader if it's available if ("FileReader" in window) { reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(file); reader.onload = function() { callback(reader.result); }; } else { return callback(file.getAsDataURL()); } } function readFileAsBinary(file, callback) { var reader; // Use FileReader if it's available if ("FileReader" in window) { reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsBinaryString(file); reader.onload = function() { callback(reader.result); }; } else { return callback(file.getAsBinary()); } } function scaleImage(file, resize, mime, callback) { var canvas, context, img, scale, up = this; readFileAsDataURL(html5files[file.id], function(data) { // Setup canvas and context canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(canvas); // Load image img = new Image(); img.onerror = img.onabort = function() { // Failed to load, the image may be invalid callback({success : false}); }; img.onload = function() { var width, height, percentage, jpegHeaders, exifParser; if (!resize['width']) { resize['width'] = img.width; } if (!resize['height']) { resize['height'] = img.height; } scale = Math.min(resize.width / img.width, resize.height / img.height); if (scale < 1) { width = Math.round(img.width * scale); height = Math.round(img.height * scale); } else if (resize['quality'] && mime === 'image/jpeg') { // do not upsize, but drop the quality for jpegs width = img.width; height = img.height; } else { // Image does not need to be resized callback({success : false}); return; } // Scale image and canvas canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; renderImageToCanvas(img, canvas, { width: width, height: height }); // Preserve JPEG headers if (mime === 'image/jpeg') { jpegHeaders = new JPEG_Headers(atob(data.substring(data.indexOf('base64,') + 7))); if (jpegHeaders['headers'] && jpegHeaders['headers'].length) { exifParser = new ExifParser(); if (exifParser.init(jpegHeaders.get('exif')[0])) { // Set new width and height exifParser.setExif('PixelXDimension', width); exifParser.setExif('PixelYDimension', height); // Update EXIF header jpegHeaders.set('exif', exifParser.getBinary()); // trigger Exif events only if someone listens to them if (up.hasEventListener('ExifData')) { up.trigger('ExifData', file, exifParser.EXIF()); } if (up.hasEventListener('GpsData')) { up.trigger('GpsData', file, exifParser.GPS()); } } } } if (resize['quality'] && mime === 'image/jpeg') { // Try quality property first try { data = canvas.toDataURL(mime, resize['quality'] / 100); // used to throw an exception in Firefox } catch (ex) { data = canvas.toDataURL(mime); } } else { data = canvas.toDataURL(mime); } // Remove data prefix information and grab the base64 encoded data and decode it data = data.substring(data.indexOf('base64,') + 7); data = atob(data); // Restore JPEG headers if applicable if (jpegHeaders && jpegHeaders['headers'] && jpegHeaders['headers'].length) { data = jpegHeaders.restore(data); jpegHeaders.purge(); // free memory } // Remove canvas and execute callback with decoded image data canvas.parentNode.removeChild(canvas); callback({success : true, data : data}); }; img.src = data; }); } /** * HMTL5 implementation. This runtime supports these features: dragdrop, jpgresize, pngresize. * * @static * @class plupload.runtimes.Html5 * @extends plupload.Runtime */ plupload.runtimes.Html5 = plupload.addRuntime("html5", { /** * Returns a list of supported features for the runtime. * * @return {Object} Name/value object with supported features. */ getFeatures : function() { var xhr, hasXhrSupport, hasProgress, canSendBinary, dataAccessSupport, sliceSupport; hasXhrSupport = hasProgress = dataAccessSupport = sliceSupport = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); hasProgress = !!xhr.upload; hasXhrSupport = !!(xhr.sendAsBinary || xhr.upload); } // Check for support for various features if (hasXhrSupport) { canSendBinary = !!(xhr.sendAsBinary || (window.Uint8Array && window.ArrayBuffer)); // Set dataAccessSupport only for Gecko since BlobBuilder and XHR doesn't handle binary data correctly dataAccessSupport = !!(File && (File.prototype.getAsDataURL || window.FileReader) && canSendBinary); sliceSupport = !!(File && (File.prototype.mozSlice || File.prototype.webkitSlice || File.prototype.slice)); } // sniff out Safari for Windows and fake drag/drop fakeSafariDragDrop = plupload.ua.safari && plupload.ua.windows; return { html5: hasXhrSupport, // This is a special one that we check inside the init call dragdrop: (function() { // this comes directly from Modernizr: http://www.modernizr.com/ var div = document.createElement('div'); return ('draggable' in div) || ('ondragstart' in div && 'ondrop' in div); }()), jpgresize: dataAccessSupport, pngresize: dataAccessSupport, multipart: dataAccessSupport || !!window.FileReader || !!window.FormData, canSendBinary: canSendBinary, // gecko 2/5/6 can't send blob with FormData: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=649150 // Android browsers (default one and Dolphin) seem to have the same issue, see: #613 cantSendBlobInFormData: !!(plupload.ua.gecko && window.FormData && window.FileReader && !FileReader.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer) || plupload.ua.android, progress: hasProgress, chunks: sliceSupport, // Safari on Windows has problems when selecting multiple files multi_selection: !(plupload.ua.safari && plupload.ua.windows), // WebKit and Gecko 2+ can trigger file dialog progrmmatically triggerDialog: (plupload.ua.gecko && window.FormData || plupload.ua.webkit) }; }, /** * Initializes the upload runtime. * * @method init * @param {plupload.Uploader} uploader Uploader instance that needs to be initialized. * @param {function} callback Callback to execute when the runtime initializes or fails to initialize. If it succeeds an object with a parameter name success will be set to true. */ init : function(uploader, callback) { var features, xhr; function addSelectedFiles(native_files) { var file, i, files = [], id, fileNames = {}; // Add the selected files to the file queue for (i = 0; i < native_files.length; i++) { file = native_files[i]; // Safari on Windows will add first file from dragged set multiple times // @see: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37957 if (fileNames[file.name] && plupload.ua.safari && plupload.ua.windows) { continue; } fileNames[file.name] = true; // Store away gears blob internally id = plupload.guid(); html5files[id] = file; // Expose id, name and size files.push(new plupload.File(id, file.fileName || file.name, file.fileSize || file.size)); // fileName / fileSize depricated } // Trigger FilesAdded event if we added any if (files.length) { uploader.trigger("FilesAdded", files); } } // No HTML5 upload support features = this.getFeatures(); if (!features.html5) { callback({success : false}); return; } uploader.bind("Init", function(up) { var inputContainer, browseButton, mimes = [], i, y, filters = up.settings.filters, ext, type, container = document.body, inputFile; // Create input container and insert it at an absolute position within the browse button inputContainer = document.createElement('div'); inputContainer.id = up.id + '_html5_container'; plupload.extend(inputContainer.style, { position : 'absolute', background : uploader.settings.shim_bgcolor || 'transparent', width : '100px', height : '100px', overflow : 'hidden', zIndex : 99999, opacity : uploader.settings.shim_bgcolor ? '' : 0 // Force transparent if bgcolor is undefined }); inputContainer.className = 'plupload html5'; if (uploader.settings.container) { container = document.getElementById(uploader.settings.container); if (plupload.getStyle(container, 'position') === 'static') { container.style.position = 'relative'; } } container.appendChild(inputContainer); // Convert extensions to mime types list no_type_restriction: for (i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) { ext = filters[i].extensions.split(/,/); for (y = 0; y < ext.length; y++) { // If there's an asterisk in the list, then accept attribute is not required if (ext[y] === '*') { mimes = []; break no_type_restriction; } type = plupload.mimeTypes[ext[y]]; if (type && plupload.inArray(type, mimes) === -1) { mimes.push(type); } } } // Insert the input inside the input container inputContainer.innerHTML = '<input id="' + uploader.id + '_html5" ' + ' style="font-size:999px"' + ' type="file" accept="' + mimes.join(',') + '" ' + (uploader.settings.multi_selection && uploader.features.multi_selection ? 'multiple="multiple"' : '') + ' />'; inputContainer.scrollTop = 100; inputFile = document.getElementById(uploader.id + '_html5'); if (up.features.triggerDialog) { plupload.extend(inputFile.style, { position: 'absolute', width: '100%', height: '100%' }); } else { // shows arrow cursor instead of the text one, bit more logical plupload.extend(inputFile.style, { cssFloat: 'right', styleFloat: 'right' }); } inputFile.onchange = function onChange() { // Add the selected files from file input addSelectedFiles(this.files); // Clearing the value enables the user to select the same file again if they want to if (!plupload.ua.ie) { this.value = ''; } else { // in IE input[type="file"] is read-only so the only way to reset it is to re-insert it var inputFile = this.cloneNode(true); this.parentNode.replaceChild(inputFile, this); inputFile.onchange = onChange; inputFile = null; } }; /* Since we have to place input[type=file] on top of the browse_button for some browsers (FF, Opera), browse_button loses interactivity, here we try to neutralize this issue highlighting browse_button with a special classes TODO: needs to be revised as things will change */ browseButton = document.getElementById(up.settings.browse_button); if (browseButton) { var hoverClass = up.settings.browse_button_hover, activeClass = up.settings.browse_button_active, topElement = up.features.triggerDialog ? browseButton : inputContainer; if (hoverClass) { plupload.addEvent(topElement, 'mouseover', function() { plupload.addClass(browseButton, hoverClass); }, up.id); plupload.addEvent(topElement, 'mouseout', function() { plupload.removeClass(browseButton, hoverClass); }, up.id); } if (activeClass) { plupload.addEvent(topElement, 'mousedown', function() { plupload.addClass(browseButton, activeClass); }, up.id); plupload.addEvent(document.body, 'mouseup', function() { plupload.removeClass(browseButton, activeClass); }, up.id); } // Route click event to the input[type=file] element for supporting browsers if (up.features.triggerDialog) { plupload.addEvent(browseButton, 'click', function(e) { var input = document.getElementById(up.id + '_html5'); if (input && !input.disabled) { // for some reason FF (up to 8.0.1 so far) lets to click disabled input[type=file] input.click(); } e.preventDefault(); }, up.id); } } }); // Add drop handler uploader.bind("PostInit", function() { var dropElm = document.getElementById(uploader.settings.drop_element); if (dropElm) { // Lets fake drag/drop on Safari by moving a input type file in front of the mouse pointer when we drag into the drop zone // TODO: Remove this logic once Safari has official drag/drop support if (fakeSafariDragDrop) { plupload.addEvent(dropElm, 'dragenter', function(e) { var dropInputElm, dropPos, dropSize; // Get or create drop zone dropInputElm = document.getElementById(uploader.id + "_drop"); if (!dropInputElm) { dropInputElm = document.createElement("input"); dropInputElm.setAttribute('type', "file"); dropInputElm.setAttribute('id', uploader.id + "_drop"); dropInputElm.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple'); plupload.addEvent(dropInputElm, 'change', function() { // Add the selected files from file input addSelectedFiles(this.files); // Remove input element plupload.removeEvent(dropInputElm, 'change', uploader.id); dropInputElm.parentNode.removeChild(dropInputElm); }, uploader.id); // avoid event propagation as Safari cancels the whole capability of dropping files if you are doing a preventDefault of this event on the document body plupload.addEvent(dropInputElm, 'dragover', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, uploader.id); dropElm.appendChild(dropInputElm); } dropPos = plupload.getPos(dropElm, document.getElementById(uploader.settings.container)); dropSize = plupload.getSize(dropElm); if (plupload.getStyle(dropElm, 'position') === 'static') { plupload.extend(dropElm.style, { position : 'relative' }); } plupload.extend(dropInputElm.style, { position : 'absolute', display : 'block', top : 0, left : 0, width : dropSize.w + 'px', height : dropSize.h + 'px', opacity : 0 }); }, uploader.id); return; } // Block browser default drag over plupload.addEvent(dropElm, 'dragover', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }, uploader.id); // Attach drop handler and grab files plupload.addEvent(dropElm, 'drop', function(e) { var dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer; // Add dropped files if (dataTransfer && dataTransfer.files) { addSelectedFiles(dataTransfer.files); } e.preventDefault(); }, uploader.id); } }); uploader.bind("Refresh", function(up) { var browseButton, browsePos, browseSize, inputContainer, zIndex; browseButton = document.getElementById(uploader.settings.browse_button); if (browseButton) { browsePos = plupload.getPos(browseButton, document.getElementById(up.settings.container)); browseSize = plupload.getSize(browseButton); inputContainer = document.getElementById(uploader.id + '_html5_container'); plupload.extend(inputContainer.style, { top : browsePos.y + 'px', left : browsePos.x + 'px', width : browseSize.w + 'px', height : browseSize.h + 'px' }); // for WebKit place input element underneath the browse button and route onclick event // TODO: revise when browser support for this feature will change if (uploader.features.triggerDialog) { if (plupload.getStyle(browseButton, 'position') === 'static') { plupload.extend(browseButton.style, { position : 'relative' }); } zIndex = parseInt(plupload.getStyle(browseButton, 'zIndex'), 10); if (isNaN(zIndex)) { zIndex = 0; } plupload.extend(browseButton.style, { zIndex : zIndex }); plupload.extend(inputContainer.style, { zIndex : zIndex - 1 }); } } }); uploader.bind("DisableBrowse", function(up, disabled) { var input = document.getElementById(up.id + '_html5'); if (input) { input.disabled = disabled; } }); uploader.bind("CancelUpload", function() { if (xhr && xhr.abort) { xhr.abort(); } }); uploader.bind("UploadFile", function(up, file) { var settings = up.settings, nativeFile, resize; function w3cBlobSlice(blob, start, end) { var blobSlice; if (File.prototype.slice) { try { blob.slice(); // depricated version will throw WRONG_ARGUMENTS_ERR exception return blob.slice(start, end); } catch (e) { // depricated slice method return blob.slice(start, end - start); } // slice method got prefixed: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=649672 } else if (blobSlice = File.prototype.webkitSlice || File.prototype.mozSlice) { return blobSlice.call(blob, start, end); } else { return null; // or throw some exception } } function sendBinaryBlob(blob) { var chunk = 0, loaded = 0; function uploadNextChunk() { var chunkBlob, br, chunks = 1, args, chunkSize, curChunkSize, mimeType, url = up.settings.url; function sendAsBinaryString(bin) { if (xhr.sendAsBinary) { // Gecko xhr.sendAsBinary(bin); } else if (up.features.canSendBinary) { // WebKit with typed arrays support var ui8a = new Uint8Array(bin.length); for (var i = 0; i < bin.length; i++) { ui8a[i] = (bin.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff); } xhr.send(ui8a.buffer); } } function prepareAndSend(bin) { var multipartDeltaSize = 0, boundary = '----pluploadboundary' + plupload.guid(), formData, dashdash = '--', crlf = '\r\n', multipartBlob = ''; xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; // Do we have upload progress support if (xhr.upload) { xhr.upload.onprogress = function(e) { file.loaded = Math.min(file.size, loaded + e.loaded - multipartDeltaSize); // Loaded can be larger than file size due to multipart encoding up.trigger('UploadProgress', file); }; } xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { var httpStatus, chunkArgs; if (xhr.readyState == 4 && up.state !== plupload.STOPPED) { // Getting the HTTP status might fail on some Gecko versions try { httpStatus = xhr.status; } catch (ex) { httpStatus = 0; } // Is error status if (httpStatus >= 400) { up.trigger('Error', { code : plupload.HTTP_ERROR, message : plupload.translate('HTTP Error.'), file : file, status : httpStatus, response : xhr.responseText }); } else { // Handle chunk response if (chunks) { chunkArgs = { chunk : chunk, chunks : chunks, response : xhr.responseText, status : httpStatus }; up.trigger('ChunkUploaded', file, chunkArgs); loaded += curChunkSize; // Stop upload if (chunkArgs.cancelled) { file.status = plupload.FAILED; return; } file.loaded = Math.min(file.size, (chunk + 1) * chunkSize); } else { file.loaded = file.size; } up.trigger('UploadProgress', file); bin = chunkBlob = formData = multipartBlob = null; // Free memory // Check if file is uploaded if (!chunks || ++chunk >= chunks) { file.status = plupload.DONE; up.trigger('FileUploaded', file, { response : xhr.responseText, status : httpStatus }); } else { // Still chunks left uploadNextChunk(); } } } }; // Build multipart request if (up.settings.multipart && features.multipart) { args.name = file.target_name || file.name; xhr.open("post", url, true); // Set custom headers plupload.each(up.settings.headers, function(value, name) { xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value); }); // if has FormData support like Chrome 6+, Safari 5+, Firefox 4, use it if (typeof(bin) !== 'string' && !!window.FormData) { formData = new FormData(); // Add multipart params plupload.each(plupload.extend(args, up.settings.multipart_params), function(value, name) { formData.append(name, value); }); // Add file and send it formData.append(up.settings.file_data_name, bin); xhr.send(formData); return; } // if no FormData we can still try to send it directly as last resort (see below) if (typeof(bin) === 'string') { // Trying to send the whole thing as binary... // multipart request xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary); // append multipart parameters plupload.each(plupload.extend(args, up.settings.multipart_params), function(value, name) { multipartBlob += dashdash + boundary + crlf + 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + name + '"' + crlf + crlf; multipartBlob += unescape(encodeURIComponent(value)) + crlf; }); mimeType = plupload.mimeTypes[file.name.replace(/^.+\.([^.]+)/, '$1').toLowerCase()] || 'application/octet-stream'; // Build RFC2388 blob multipartBlob += dashdash + boundary + crlf + 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + up.settings.file_data_name + '"; filename="' + unescape(encodeURIComponent(file.name)) + '"' + crlf + 'Content-Type: ' + mimeType + crlf + crlf + bin + crlf + dashdash + boundary + dashdash + crlf; multipartDeltaSize = multipartBlob.length - bin.length; bin = multipartBlob; sendAsBinaryString(bin); return; // will return from here only if shouldn't send binary } } // if no multipart, or last resort, send as binary stream url = plupload.buildUrl(up.settings.url, plupload.extend(args, up.settings.multipart_params)); xhr.open("post", url, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'); // Binary stream header // Set custom headers plupload.each(up.settings.headers, function(value, name) { xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value); }); if (typeof(bin) === 'string') { sendAsBinaryString(bin); } else { xhr.send(bin); } } // prepareAndSend // File upload finished if (file.status == plupload.DONE || file.status == plupload.FAILED || up.state == plupload.STOPPED) { return; } // Standard arguments args = {name : file.target_name || file.name}; // Only add chunking args if needed if (settings.chunk_size && file.size > settings.chunk_size && (features.chunks || typeof(blob) == 'string')) { // blob will be of type string if it was loaded in memory chunkSize = settings.chunk_size; chunks = Math.ceil(file.size / chunkSize); curChunkSize = Math.min(chunkSize, file.size - (chunk * chunkSize)); // Blob is string so we need to fake chunking, this is not // ideal since the whole file is loaded into memory if (typeof(blob) == 'string') { chunkBlob = blob.substring(chunk * chunkSize, chunk * chunkSize + curChunkSize); } else { // Slice the chunk chunkBlob = w3cBlobSlice(blob, chunk * chunkSize, chunk * chunkSize + curChunkSize); } } else { curChunkSize = file.size; chunkBlob = blob; } // If chunking is enabled add corresponding args, no matter if file is bigger than chunk or smaller if (settings.chunk_size && features.chunks) { // Setup query string arguments args.chunk = chunk; args.chunks = chunks; } // workaround for Android and Gecko 2,5,6 FormData+Blob bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=649150 if (up.settings.multipart && features.multipart && typeof(chunkBlob) !== 'string' && window.FileReader && features.cantSendBlobInFormData && features.chunks && up.settings.chunk_size) { // Gecko 2,5,6 (function() { var fr = new FileReader(); // we need to recreate FileReader object in Android, otherwise it hangs fr.onload = function() { prepareAndSend(fr.result); fr = null; // maybe give a hand to GC (Gecko had problems with this) } fr.readAsBinaryString(chunkBlob); }()); } else { prepareAndSend(chunkBlob); } } // Start uploading chunks uploadNextChunk(); } nativeFile = html5files[file.id]; // Resize image if it's a supported format and resize is enabled if (features.jpgresize && up.settings.resize && /\.(png|jpg|jpeg)$/i.test(file.name)) { scaleImage.call(up, file, up.settings.resize, /\.png$/i.test(file.name) ? 'image/png' : 'image/jpeg', function(res) { // If it was scaled send the scaled image if it failed then // send the raw image and let the server do the scaling if (res.success) { file.size = res.data.length; sendBinaryBlob(res.data); } else if (features.chunks) { sendBinaryBlob(nativeFile); } else { readFileAsBinary(nativeFile, sendBinaryBlob); // for browsers not supporting File.slice (e.g. FF3.6) } }); // if there's no way to slice file without preloading it in memory, preload it } else if (!features.chunks && features.jpgresize) { readFileAsBinary(nativeFile, sendBinaryBlob); } else { sendBinaryBlob(nativeFile); } }); uploader.bind('Destroy', function(up) { var name, element, container = document.body, elements = { inputContainer: up.id + '_html5_container', inputFile: up.id + '_html5', browseButton: up.settings.browse_button, dropElm: up.settings.drop_element }; // Unbind event handlers for (name in elements) { element = document.getElementById(elements[name]); if (element) { plupload.removeAllEvents(element, up.id); } } plupload.removeAllEvents(document.body, up.id); if (up.settings.container) { container = document.getElementById(up.settings.container); } // Remove mark-up container.removeChild(document.getElementById(elements.inputContainer)); }); callback({success : true}); } }); function BinaryReader() { var II = false, bin; // Private functions function read(idx, size) { var mv = II ? 0 : -8 * (size - 1), sum = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { sum |= (bin.charCodeAt(idx + i) << Math.abs(mv + i*8)); } return sum; } function putstr(segment, idx, length) { var length = arguments.length === 3 ? length : bin.length - idx - 1; bin = bin.substr(0, idx) + segment + bin.substr(length + idx); } function write(idx, num, size) { var str = '', mv = II ? 0 : -8 * (size - 1), i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { str += String.fromCharCode((num >> Math.abs(mv + i*8)) & 255); } putstr(str, idx, size); } // Public functions return { II: function(order) { if (order === undef) { return II; } else { II = order; } }, init: function(binData) { II = false; bin = binData; }, SEGMENT: function(idx, length, segment) { switch (arguments.length) { case 1: return bin.substr(idx, bin.length - idx - 1); case 2: return bin.substr(idx, length); case 3: putstr(segment, idx, length); break; default: return bin; } }, BYTE: function(idx) { return read(idx, 1); }, SHORT: function(idx) { return read(idx, 2); }, LONG: function(idx, num) { if (num === undef) { return read(idx, 4); } else { write(idx, num, 4); } }, SLONG: function(idx) { // 2's complement notation var num = read(idx, 4); return (num > 2147483647 ? num - 4294967296 : num); }, STRING: function(idx, size) { var str = ''; for (size += idx; idx < size; idx++) { str += String.fromCharCode(read(idx, 1)); } return str; } }; } function JPEG_Headers(data) { var markers = { 0xFFE1: { app: 'EXIF', name: 'APP1', signature: "Exif\0" }, 0xFFE2: { app: 'ICC', name: 'APP2', signature: "ICC_PROFILE\0" }, 0xFFED: { app: 'IPTC', name: 'APP13', signature: "Photoshop 3.0\0" } }, headers = [], read, idx, marker = undef, length = 0, limit; read = new BinaryReader(); read.init(data); // Check if data is jpeg if (read.SHORT(0) !== 0xFFD8) { return; } idx = 2; limit = Math.min(1048576, data.length); while (idx <= limit) { marker = read.SHORT(idx); // omit RST (restart) markers if (marker >= 0xFFD0 && marker <= 0xFFD7) { idx += 2; continue; } // no headers allowed after SOS marker if (marker === 0xFFDA || marker === 0xFFD9) { break; } length = read.SHORT(idx + 2) + 2; if (markers[marker] && read.STRING(idx + 4, markers[marker].signature.length) === markers[marker].signature) { headers.push({ hex: marker, app: markers[marker].app.toUpperCase(), name: markers[marker].name.toUpperCase(), start: idx, length: length, segment: read.SEGMENT(idx, length) }); } idx += length; } read.init(null); // free memory return { headers: headers, restore: function(data) { read.init(data); // Check if data is jpeg var jpegHeaders = new JPEG_Headers(data); if (!jpegHeaders['headers']) { return false; } // Delete any existing headers that need to be replaced for (var i = jpegHeaders['headers'].length; i > 0; i--) { var hdr = jpegHeaders['headers'][i - 1]; read.SEGMENT(hdr.start, hdr.length, '') } jpegHeaders.purge(); idx = read.SHORT(2) == 0xFFE0 ? 4 + read.SHORT(4) : 2; for (var i = 0, max = headers.length; i < max; i++) { read.SEGMENT(idx, 0, headers[i].segment); idx += headers[i].length; } return read.SEGMENT(); }, get: function(app) { var array = []; for (var i = 0, max = headers.length; i < max; i++) { if (headers[i].app === app.toUpperCase()) { array.push(headers[i].segment); } } return array; }, set: function(app, segment) { var array = []; if (typeof(segment) === 'string') { array.push(segment); } else { array = segment; } for (var i = ii = 0, max = headers.length; i < max; i++) { if (headers[i].app === app.toUpperCase()) { headers[i].segment = array[ii]; headers[i].length = array[ii].length; ii++; } if (ii >= array.length) break; } }, purge: function() { headers = []; read.init(null); } }; } function ExifParser() { // Private ExifParser fields var data, tags, offsets = {}, tagDescs; data = new BinaryReader(); tags = { tiff : { /* The image orientation viewed in terms of rows and columns. 1 - The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side. 2 - The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side. 3 - The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side. 4 - The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side. 5 - The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side. 6 - The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top. 7 - The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top. 8 - The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom. 9 - The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom. */ 0x0112: 'Orientation', 0x8769: 'ExifIFDPointer', 0x8825: 'GPSInfoIFDPointer' }, exif : { 0x9000: 'ExifVersion', 0xA001: 'ColorSpace', 0xA002: 'PixelXDimension', 0xA003: 'PixelYDimension', 0x9003: 'DateTimeOriginal', 0x829A: 'ExposureTime', 0x829D: 'FNumber', 0x8827: 'ISOSpeedRatings', 0x9201: 'ShutterSpeedValue', 0x9202: 'ApertureValue' , 0x9207: 'MeteringMode', 0x9208: 'LightSource', 0x9209: 'Flash', 0xA402: 'ExposureMode', 0xA403: 'WhiteBalance', 0xA406: 'SceneCaptureType', 0xA404: 'DigitalZoomRatio', 0xA408: 'Contrast', 0xA409: 'Saturation', 0xA40A: 'Sharpness' }, gps : { 0x0000: 'GPSVersionID', 0x0001: 'GPSLatitudeRef', 0x0002: 'GPSLatitude', 0x0003: 'GPSLongitudeRef', 0x0004: 'GPSLongitude' } }; tagDescs = { 'ColorSpace': { 1: 'sRGB', 0: 'Uncalibrated' }, 'MeteringMode': { 0: 'Unknown', 1: 'Average', 2: 'CenterWeightedAverage', 3: 'Spot', 4: 'MultiSpot', 5: 'Pattern', 6: 'Partial', 255: 'Other' }, 'LightSource': { 1: 'Daylight', 2: 'Fliorescent', 3: 'Tungsten', 4: 'Flash', 9: 'Fine weather', 10: 'Cloudy weather', 11: 'Shade', 12: 'Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 - 7100K)', 13: 'Day white fluorescent (N 4600 -5400K)', 14: 'Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 - 4500K)', 15: 'White fluorescent (WW 3200 - 3700K)', 17: 'Standard light A', 18: 'Standard light B', 19: 'Standard light C', 20: 'D55', 21: 'D65', 22: 'D75', 23: 'D50', 24: 'ISO studio tungsten', 255: 'Other' }, 'Flash': { 0x0000: 'Flash did not fire.', 0x0001: 'Flash fired.', 0x0005: 'Strobe return light not detected.', 0x0007: 'Strobe return light detected.', 0x0009: 'Flash fired, compulsory flash mode', 0x000D: 'Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light not detected', 0x000F: 'Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected', 0x0010: 'Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode', 0x0018: 'Flash did not fire, auto mode', 0x0019: 'Flash fired, auto mode', 0x001D: 'Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected', 0x001F: 'Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected', 0x0020: 'No flash function', 0x0041: 'Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode', 0x0045: 'Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected', 0x0047: 'Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected', 0x0049: 'Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode', 0x004D: 'Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected', 0x004F: 'Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected', 0x0059: 'Flash fired, auto mode, red-eye reduction mode', 0x005D: 'Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected, red-eye reduction mode', 0x005F: 'Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected, red-eye reduction mode' }, 'ExposureMode': { 0: 'Auto exposure', 1: 'Manual exposure', 2: 'Auto bracket' }, 'WhiteBalance': { 0: 'Auto white balance', 1: 'Manual white balance' }, 'SceneCaptureType': { 0: 'Standard', 1: 'Landscape', 2: 'Portrait', 3: 'Night scene' }, 'Contrast': { 0: 'Normal', 1: 'Soft', 2: 'Hard' }, 'Saturation': { 0: 'Normal', 1: 'Low saturation', 2: 'High saturation' }, 'Sharpness': { 0: 'Normal', 1: 'Soft', 2: 'Hard' }, // GPS related 'GPSLatitudeRef': { N: 'North latitude', S: 'South latitude' }, 'GPSLongitudeRef': { E: 'East longitude', W: 'West longitude' } }; function extractTags(IFD_offset, tags2extract) { var length = data.SHORT(IFD_offset), i, ii, tag, type, count, tagOffset, offset, value, values = [], hash = {}; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { // Set binary reader pointer to beginning of the next tag offset = tagOffset = IFD_offset + 12 * i + 2; tag = tags2extract[data.SHORT(offset)]; if (tag === undef) { continue; // Not the tag we requested } type = data.SHORT(offset+=2); count = data.LONG(offset+=2); offset += 4; values = []; switch (type) { case 1: // BYTE case 7: // UNDEFINED if (count > 4) { offset = data.LONG(offset) + offsets.tiffHeader; } for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) { values[ii] = data.BYTE(offset + ii); } break; case 2: // STRING if (count > 4) { offset = data.LONG(offset) + offsets.tiffHeader; } hash[tag] = data.STRING(offset, count - 1); continue; case 3: // SHORT if (count > 2) { offset = data.LONG(offset) + offsets.tiffHeader; } for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) { values[ii] = data.SHORT(offset + ii*2); } break; case 4: // LONG if (count > 1) { offset = data.LONG(offset) + offsets.tiffHeader; } for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) { values[ii] = data.LONG(offset + ii*4); } break; case 5: // RATIONAL offset = data.LONG(offset) + offsets.tiffHeader; for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) { values[ii] = data.LONG(offset + ii*4) / data.LONG(offset + ii*4 + 4); } break; case 9: // SLONG offset = data.LONG(offset) + offsets.tiffHeader; for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) { values[ii] = data.SLONG(offset + ii*4); } break; case 10: // SRATIONAL offset = data.LONG(offset) + offsets.tiffHeader; for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) { values[ii] = data.SLONG(offset + ii*4) / data.SLONG(offset + ii*4 + 4); } break; default: continue; } value = (count == 1 ? values[0] : values); if (tagDescs.hasOwnProperty(tag) && typeof value != 'object') { hash[tag] = tagDescs[tag][value]; } else { hash[tag] = value; } } return hash; } function getIFDOffsets() { var Tiff = undef, idx = offsets.tiffHeader; // Set read order of multi-byte data data.II(data.SHORT(idx) == 0x4949); // Check if always present bytes are indeed present if (data.SHORT(idx+=2) !== 0x002A) { return false; } offsets['IFD0'] = offsets.tiffHeader + data.LONG(idx += 2); Tiff = extractTags(offsets['IFD0'], tags.tiff); offsets['exifIFD'] = ('ExifIFDPointer' in Tiff ? offsets.tiffHeader + Tiff.ExifIFDPointer : undef); offsets['gpsIFD'] = ('GPSInfoIFDPointer' in Tiff ? offsets.tiffHeader + Tiff.GPSInfoIFDPointer : undef); return true; } // At the moment only setting of simple (LONG) values, that do not require offset recalculation, is supported function setTag(ifd, tag, value) { var offset, length, tagOffset, valueOffset = 0; // If tag name passed translate into hex key if (typeof(tag) === 'string') { var tmpTags = tags[ifd.toLowerCase()]; for (hex in tmpTags) { if (tmpTags[hex] === tag) { tag = hex; break; } } } offset = offsets[ifd.toLowerCase() + 'IFD']; length = data.SHORT(offset); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { tagOffset = offset + 12 * i + 2; if (data.SHORT(tagOffset) == tag) { valueOffset = tagOffset + 8; break; } } if (!valueOffset) return false; data.LONG(valueOffset, value); return true; } // Public functions return { init: function(segment) { // Reset internal data offsets = { tiffHeader: 10 }; if (segment === undef || !segment.length) { return false; } data.init(segment); // Check if that's APP1 and that it has EXIF if (data.SHORT(0) === 0xFFE1 && data.STRING(4, 5).toUpperCase() === "EXIF\0") { return getIFDOffsets(); } return false; }, EXIF: function() { var Exif; // Populate EXIF hash Exif = extractTags(offsets.exifIFD, tags.exif); // Fix formatting of some tags if (Exif.ExifVersion && plupload.typeOf(Exif.ExifVersion) === 'array') { for (var i = 0, exifVersion = ''; i < Exif.ExifVersion.length; i++) { exifVersion += String.fromCharCode(Exif.ExifVersion[i]); } Exif.ExifVersion = exifVersion; } return Exif; }, GPS: function() { var GPS; GPS = extractTags(offsets.gpsIFD, tags.gps); // iOS devices (and probably some others) do not put in GPSVersionID tag (why?..) if (GPS.GPSVersionID) { GPS.GPSVersionID = GPS.GPSVersionID.join('.'); } return GPS; }, setExif: function(tag, value) { // Right now only setting of width/height is possible if (tag !== 'PixelXDimension' && tag !== 'PixelYDimension') return false; return setTag('exif', tag, value); }, getBinary: function() { return data.SEGMENT(); } }; }; })(window, document, plupload);