===================== MongoDB Documentation ===================== This repository contains a major revision of the MongoDB documentation, currently accessible at https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/. You can build the documentation locally if you have `giza `_ installed: :: python2 -m pip install giza git clone https://github.com/mongodb/docs.git cd docs/ make html If successful, the built HTML files will be located in ``build//html/`` (for example ``build/master/html/`` when on the git ``master`` branch). Contribute ---------- The MongoDB Documentation Project is governed by the terms of the `MongoDB Contributor Agreement `_. To contribute to the documentation, - If you have not done so already, please sign the `MongoDB Contributor Agreement `_. - Fork this repository on GitHub and issue a pull request. Report Issues ------------- To file issues or requests regarding the documentation, go to the `Documentation Jira Project `_. License ------- All documentation is available under the terms of a `Creative Commons License `_. If you have any questions, please contact `docs@mongodb.com `_. -- The MongoDB Documentation Team