name: Generate DocC # This Github Action generates the DocC documentation for the current repo # Then pushes this newly generated `.doccarchive` to a second repo # Netlify is configured to pick up any changes to this second repo and serve the doc online! on: push: branches: [ main ] # we'll start this action on every push to main jobs: Build-Github-Actions: runs-on: macos-latest # we need to run eveything on macOS, as we need to have Xcode installed steps: # 1st, the Action will clone this repo (that contains the code) - name: Git Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 # now we'll build the documentation - name: Build Doc Bundle 📗 run: | echo "🚀 Starting building Documentation" # You can print out which version of Xcode is used in this GH Action with: # xcodebuild -version # Build the documentation bundle xcodebuild docbuild -scheme BinaryTree -derivedDataPath ./docbuild -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,OS=latest,name=iPhone 13 mini' > build_output.txt # I'm redirecting all output from building the project and docs to build_output.txt # If you want to see it (or need to debug some problem), uncomment next line # cat build_output.txt # We'll push this new docs to the repo containing just the documentation - name: Push new documentation to doc repo ⬆️ run: | # Doc is built, but it's inside docbuild, let's find it DOCC_DIR=`find ./docbuild -type d -iname "BinaryTree.doccarchive"` # we get the last commit message for this library and add current date DOC_COMMIT_MESSAGE=`git log -1 --pretty='%s'`" - "`date +%Y/%m/%d` echo "$DOCC_DIR" # we need to add the doccarchive to the documentation repo, so we clone it git clone # we copy all files in the right place cp -R "$DOCC_DIR" realm-binary-tree-docc cd realm-binary-tree-docc # there are pending changes, let's commit and push those git add . git commit -m "$DOC_COMMIT_MESSAGE" git status # we point the origin to the repo we've just cloned # we need to do this because right now origin points to this repo containing the Github Action git config --get remote.origin.url git remote set-url origin https://${{ secrets.API_TOKEN_GITHUB }} git config --get remote.origin.url # finally we push our changes. This will update the DocC repo and Netlify will pick up that change serving the new version # check the documentation online here: git push origin