/* // jQuery tools // GPL/MIT License - @molokoloco 2011 - http://b2bweb.fr // Dependancy to moderniz.js for $.fn.crossCss */ // I use this for debuging ^^ var db = function() { 'console' in window && console.log.call(console, arguments); }; (function($, window) { $.toolsLoaded = true; // Declare tools.js as loaded... // Beziers equation approximations from Matthew Lein's Ceaser: http://matthewlein.com/ceaser/ // Remixed for this use : "transition:'all 3000ms '+$.cubicBeziers.easeInOutQuad;" // If values outside range 0>=X=<1 can produce a bug, in chrome for example var qbo = 'cubic-bezier(', qbc = ')'; $.cubicBeziers = { bounce: qbo+'0.000,0.350,0.500,1.300'+qbc, // ! snap: qbo+'0.000,1.000,0.500,1.000'+qbc, easeInQuad: qbo+'0.550,0.085,0.680,0.530'+qbc, easeInCubic: qbo+'0.550,0.055,0.675,0.190'+qbc, easeInQuart: qbo+'0.895,0.030,0.685,0.220'+qbc, easeInQuint: qbo+'0.755,0.050,0.855,0.060'+qbc, easeInSine: qbo+'0.470,0.000,0.745,0.715'+qbc, easeInExpo: qbo+'0.950,0.050,0.795,0.035'+qbc, easeInCirc: qbo+'0.600,0.040,0.980,0.335'+qbc, easeOutQuad: qbo+'0.250,0.460,0.450,0.940'+qbc, easeOutCubic: qbo+'0.215,0.610,0.355,1.000'+qbc, easeOutQuart: qbo+'0.165,0.840,0.440,1.000'+qbc, easeOutQuint: qbo+'0.230,1.000,0.320,1.000'+qbc, easeOutSine: qbo+'0.390,0.575,0.565,1.000'+qbc, easeOutExpo: qbo+'0.190,1.000,0.220,1.000'+qbc, easeOutCirc: qbo+'0.075,0.820,0.165,1.000'+qbc, easeInOutQuad: qbo+'0.455,0.030,0.515,0.955'+qbc, easeInOutCubic: qbo+'0.645,0.045,0.355,1.000'+qbc, easeInOutQuart: qbo+'0.770,0.000,0.175,1.000'+qbc, easeInOutQuint: qbo+'0.860,0.000,0.070,1.000'+qbc, easeInOutSine: qbo+'0.445,0.050,0.550,0.950'+qbc, easeInOutExpo: qbo+'1.000,0.000,0.000,1.000'+qbc, easeInOutCirc: qbo+'0.785,0.135,0.150,0.860'+qbc }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Somes prototyping utilities... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "border-radius" -> "borderRadius" String.prototype.toCamel = function() { return this.replace(/(\-[a-z])/g, function($1){return $1.toUpperCase().replace('-','');}); }; // "borderRadius" -> "border-radius" String.prototype.toDash = function(){ return this.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function($1){return '-'+$1.toLowerCase();}); }; // Cross-browsers requestAnimationFrame // http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/ window.requestAnimFrame = (function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(/* function */ callback, /* DOMElement */ element){ window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Somes utilities, setted as public through the jQuery obj /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate random numbers... $.getRand = function(miin, maax) { return parseInt(miin + (Math.random() * (maax - miin)), 10); }; // Lightest TPL // $.getTpl('
', {title:'toto'}) // '
' $.getTpl = function(tpl, val) { for (var p in val) tpl = tpl.replace(new RegExp('#'+p+'#', 'gi'), val[p] || ''); // jQuery Bug for "{" into attributes, so now i use #name# return tpl; }; var uniqueId = null; $.getUniqueName = function(prefix) { if (!uniqueId) uniqueId = (new Date()).getTime(); return (prefix ? prefix : 'id_') + uniqueId++; }; // Deep clean obj keys when set with "null" or empty values (config/CSS/...) $.removeObjEmptyValue = function(obj) { $.each(obj, function(i, val) { if (!val && val !== 0 && val !== false) delete obj[i]; else if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') $.removeObjEmptyValue(obj[i]); }); }; $.getJs = function(jsPath, async) { // getJS('http://other.com/new.js'); // External link var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = jsPath; if (async) script.async = true; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); }; // jQuery come with : // $.getScript('./test.js', function(data, textStatus){}); // But i need something more flexy /* $.loadJs = function(src, async, callback) { // loadJs('./new.js', function() { ok(); }); // On-demand same domain JS return $.ajax({ url:src, async:async || 0, dataType:'script', cache:1, error:function(){ alert('Sorry, some JS file not found : '+src); }, success:function() { if (callback && typeof callback == 'function') callback(); } }); }; */ // Commented : Already in index.html /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CROSS-BROWSERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inspired by my old work here http://goo.gl/hL3om $.browserPrefix = (function(browser) { // Closure for putting result in cache var browsers = {firefox:'moz', applewebkit:'webkit', webkit:'webkit', opera:'o', msie:'ms'}; for (var p in browsers) if (browser.indexOf(p) !== -1) return browsers[p]; return false; })(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); // Cf Modernizr doc // "Static" fct // Waiting some crazy guy to implements this var setEventPrefix = function() { // Todo : add support for animationstart, animationend, animationiteration switch(Modernizr.prefixed('transition')) { case 'WebkitTransition' : $.transitionEnd = 'webkitTransitionEnd'; // Set in accessible jQuery obj $.animationStart = 'webkitAnimationStart'; $.animationEnd = 'webkitAnimationEnd'; break; case 'MozTransition' : $.transitionEnd = 'transitionend'; $.animationStart = 'animationstart'; $.animationEnd = 'animationend'; break; case 'OTransition' : $.transitionEnd = 'oTransitionEnd'; $.animationStart = 'oAnimationStart'; $.animationEnd = 'oAnimationEnd'; break; case 'msTransition' : $.transitionEnd = 'msTransitionEnd'; $.animationStart = 'msAnimationStart'; $.animationEnd = 'msAnimationEnd'; break; case 'transition' : $.transitionEnd = 'transitionEnd'; $.animationStart = 'animationStart'; $.animationEnd = 'animationEnd'; break; } }; setEventPrefix(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // jQuery "plugins" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fix and apply styles on element with correct browsers prefix // $(e).crossCss({borderRadius:'10px'}) >>> $(e).css({WebkitBorderRadius:'10px'}) // Use Modernizr : https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/blob/master/modernizr.js // Modernizr.prefixed("borderRadius"); // e.g FF3.6 'MozBorderRadius', FF4 'borderRadius' $.fn.crossCss = function(css) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this); if (typeof css != 'object') return $this; for (var p in css) { if (Modernizr.prefixed(p)) css[Modernizr.prefixed(p)] = css[p]; // Add prefix ? } return $this.css(css); }); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // boxFx config and CSS manipulations /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Time with unit : 'ms' | 's' // return int(ms) $.getMsDuration = function(val) { var ms = parseFloat(val, 10); if (val.substr(-2) != 'ms') ms = (ms * 1000); // convert s in ms return ms; }; // Here somes (css) properties units that can be related to a % of parent box // The plugin deal with "px" and "%" units. They are converted and all units are stripped // 10, '10px' or '0.5%' >>> (int/float)10 (px) $.getSize = function(size, sizeContainer) { if (size && String(size).substr(-1) == '%') // /\%/.test(size)) size = (parseFloat(size) / 100) * sizeContainer; return parseInt(size, 10); // int for starting/ending positions (better pixel alias affect) }; // Measurement properties workables by the plugin : convert settings unit in px var cssWidthPropsWithPix = 'width minWidth maxWidth left right marginLeft marginRight maxSize'.split(' '), cssHeightPropsWithPix = 'height minHeight maxHeight top bottom marginTop marginBottom'.split(' '); $.fixCssUnit = function(css, parentW, parentH) { // Work by reference on the orignal obj (no values return) $.each(cssWidthPropsWithPix, function(i, key) { if (key in css && css[key]) css[key] = $.getSize(css[key], parentW); }); $.each(cssHeightPropsWithPix, function(i, key) { if (key in css && css[key]) css[key] = $.getSize(css[key], parentH); }); }; $.addCssUnit = function(css) { $.each(cssWidthPropsWithPix, function(i, key) { if (key in css && css[key] && typeof css[key] == 'number') css[key] = css[key]+'px'; }); $.each(cssHeightPropsWithPix, function(i, key) { if (key in css && css[key] && typeof css[key] == 'number') css[key] = css[key]+'px'; }); }; // Set or update a new CSS style in // TODO - BETTER !!! var $cssAnimation = $('style#cssAnimation'); $.setCssClass = function(clss) { if (!$cssAnimation || $cssAnimation.length < 1) $cssAnimation = $('').appendTo('head'); // var currentStyle = ($cssOveride.html()).replace(new RegExp('('+clss+'{'+p+'})', 'g'), val[p] || ''); // TODO // div#sprite > div { background-color:'+value+'; }\ $cssAnimation.html($cssAnimation.html() + clss); }; // Building CSS animation(s) from 'options.keyframes' OBJ (cf. ./jquery.boxFx.presets.js) // Convert JS obj to cross-browsers CSS3 keyframes anim // Inject keyframes class in stylesheet // Return "obj" with 'animation' et 'animationFillMode' (to apply on a element) // http://jsfiddle.net/molokoloco/rf8zt/ $.buildKeyframeClass = function(keyframes) { var cssKeyframes = [], cssAnimations = [], cssAnimationsFillMode = []; $.each(keyframes, function(i, animation) { if (!animation.name) animation.name = $.getUniqueName('boxFxAnim'); if (!animation.delay || parseInt(animation.delay, 10) < 1) animation.delay = ''; cssAnimations.push(animation.name+' '+animation.duration+' '+animation.timingFunction+' '+animation.delay+' '+animation.iterationCount+' '+animation.direction); cssAnimationsFillMode.push(animation.fillMode); // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-animations/#the-animation-shorthand-property- var cssSteps = []; $.each(animation.steps, function(j, stepObj) { var stepObjPropsString = (typeof stepObj.step == 'number' ? stepObj.step+'%' : stepObj.step)+' { '; // stepObj.step == 0 | '0%' | '0%, 100%' $.each(stepObj, function(k, step) { if (k == 'step') return; // continue : only non CSS properties stepObjPropsString += String(Modernizr.prefixed(k) || k).toDash()+': '+step+'; '; }); stepObjPropsString += ' } '; cssSteps.push(stepObjPropsString ); }); cssKeyframes.push('@-'+$.browserPrefix+'-keyframes '+animation.name+' { '+cssSteps.join(' ')+' }'); }); $.setCssClass(cssKeyframes.join('\n')); // addCssClass ? return {animation:cssAnimations.join(','), animationFillMode: cssAnimationsFillMode.join(',')}; // apply this to element, with 'crossCss()', to trigger keyframe }; })(jQuery, window);