module Grit class Repo DAEMON_EXPORT_FILE = 'git-daemon-export-ok' BATCH_PARSERS = { 'commit' => ::Grit::Commit } # Public: The String path of the Git repo. attr_accessor :path # Public: The String path to the working directory of the repo, or nil if # there is no working directory. attr_accessor :working_dir # Public: The Boolean of whether or not the repo is bare. attr_reader :bare # Public: The Grit::Git command line interface object. attr_accessor :git # Public: Create a new Repo instance. # # path - The String path to either the root git directory or the bare # git repo. Bare repos are expected to end with ".git". # options - A Hash of options (default: {}): # :is_bare - Boolean whether to consider the repo as bare even # if the repo name does not end with ".git". # # Examples # # r ="/Users/tom/dev/normal") # r ="/Users/tom/public/bare.git") # r ="/Users/tom/public/bare", {:is_bare => true}) # # Returns a newly initialized Grit::Repo. # Raises Grit::InvalidGitRepositoryError if the path exists but is not # a Git repository. # Raises Grit::NoSuchPathError if the path does not exist. def initialize(path, options = {}) epath = File.expand_path(path) if File.exist?(File.join(epath, '.git')) self.working_dir = epath self.path = File.join(epath, '.git') @bare = false elsif File.exist?(epath) && (epath =~ /\.git$/ || options[:is_bare]) self.path = epath @bare = true elsif File.exist?(epath) raise else raise end self.git = end # Public: Initialize a git repository (create it on the filesystem). By # default, the newly created repository will contain a working directory. # If you would like to create a bare repo, use Grit::Repo.init_bare. # # path - The String full path to the repo. Traditionally ends with # "/.git". # git_options - A Hash of additional options to the git init command # (default: {}). # repo_options - A Hash of additional options to the call # (default: {}). # # Examples # # Grit::Repo.init('/var/git/myrepo.git') # # Returns the newly created Grit::Repo. def self.init(path, git_options = {}, repo_options = {}) git_options = {:base => false}.merge(git_options) git = git.fs_mkdir('..') git.init(git_options, path), repo_options) end # Public: Initialize a bare git repository (create it on the filesystem). # # path - The String full path to the repo. Traditionally ends with # "/.git". # git_options - A Hash of additional options to the git init command # (default: {}). # repo_options - A Hash of additional options to the call # (default: {}). # # Examples # # Grit::Repo.init_bare('/var/git/myrepo.git') # # Returns the newly created Grit::Repo. def self.init_bare(path, git_options = {}, repo_options = {}) git_options = {:bare => true}.merge(git_options) git = git.fs_mkdir('..') git.init(git_options) repo_options = {:is_bare => true}.merge(repo_options), repo_options) end # Public: Initialize a bare Git repository (create it on the filesystem) # or, if the repo already exists, simply return it. # # path - The String full path to the repo. Traditionally ends with # "/.git". # git_options - A Hash of additional options to the git init command # (default: {}). # repo_options - A Hash of additional options to the call # (default: {}). # # Returns the new or existing Grit::Repo. def self.init_bare_or_open(path, git_options = {}, repo_options = {}) git = unless git.exist? git.fs_mkdir(path) git.init(git_options) end, repo_options) end # Public: Create a bare fork of this repository. # # path - The String full path of where to create the new fork. # Traditionally ends with "/.git". # options - The Hash of additional options to the git clone command. # These options will be merged on top of the default Hash: # {:bare => true, :shared => true}. # # Returns the newly forked Grit::Repo. def fork_bare(path, options = {}) default_options = {:bare => true, :shared => true} real_options = default_options.merge(options)'..') self.git.clone(real_options, self.path, path) end # Public: Fork a bare git repository from another repo. # # path - The String full path of the repo from which to fork.. # Traditionally ends with "/.git". # options - The Hash of additional options to the git clone command. # These options will be merged on top of the default Hash: # {:bare => true, :shared => true}. # # Returns the newly forked Grit::Repo. def fork_bare_from(path, options = {}) default_options = {:bare => true, :shared => true} real_options = default_options.merge(options)'..') self.git.clone(real_options, path, self.path) end # Public: Return the full Git objects from the given SHAs. Only Commit # objects are parsed for now. # # *shas - Array of String SHAs. # # Returns an Array of Grit objects (Grit::Commit). def batch(*shas) shas.flatten! text = git.native(:cat_file, {:batch => true, :input => (shas * "\n")}) parse_batch(text) end # Parses `git cat-file --batch` output, returning an array of Grit objects. # # text - Raw String output. # # Returns an Array of Grit objects (Grit::Commit). def parse_batch(text) io = objects = [] while line = io.gets sha, type, size = line.split(" ", 3) parser = BATCH_PARSERS[type] if type == 'missing' || !parser + 1, IO::SEEK_CUR) objects << nil next end object = + 1) objects << parser.parse_batch(self, sha, size, object) end objects end # The project's description. Taken verbatim from GIT_REPO/description # # Returns String def description self.git.fs_read('description').chomp end def blame(file, commit = nil), file, commit) end # An array of Head objects representing the branch heads in # this repo # # Returns Grit::Head[] (baked) def heads Head.find_all(self) end alias_method :branches, :heads def get_head(head_name) heads.find { |h| == head_name } end def is_head?(head_name) get_head(head_name) end # Object reprsenting the current repo head. # # Returns Grit::Head (baked) def head Head.current(self) end # Commits current index # # Returns true/false if commit worked def commit_index(message) self.git.commit({}, '-m', message) end # Commits all tracked and modified files # # Returns true/false if commit worked def commit_all(message) self.git.commit({}, '-a', '-m', message) end # Adds files to the index def add(*files) self.git.add({}, *files.flatten) end # Remove files from the index def remove(*files) self.git.rm({}, *files.flatten) end def blame_tree(commit, path = nil) commit_array = self.git.blame_tree(commit, path) final_array = {} commit_array.each do |file, sha| final_array[file] = commit(sha) end final_array end def status end # An array of Tag objects that are available in this repo # # Returns Grit::Tag[] (baked) def tags Tag.find_all(self) end # Finds the most recent annotated tag name that is reachable from a commit. # # @repo.recent_tag_name('master') # # => "v1.0-0-abcdef" # # committish - optional commit SHA, branch, or tag name. # options - optional hash of options to pass to git. # Default: {:always => true} # :tags => true # use lightweight tags too. # :abbrev => Integer # number of hex digits to form the unique # name. Defaults to 7. # :long => true # always output tag + commit sha # # see `git describe` docs for more options. # # Returns the String tag name, or just the commit if no tag is # found. If there have been updates since the tag was made, a # suffix is added with the number of commits since the tag, and # the abbreviated object name of the most recent commit. # Returns nil if the committish value is not found. def recent_tag_name(committish = nil, options = {}) value = git.describe({:always => true}.update(options), committish.to_s).to_s.strip ? nil : value end # An array of Remote objects representing the remote branches in # this repo # # Returns Grit::Remote[] (baked) def remotes Remote.find_all(self) end def remote_list self.git.list_remotes end def remote_add(name, url) self.git.remote({}, 'add', name, url) end def remote_fetch(name) self.git.fetch({}, name) end # takes an array of remote names and last pushed dates # fetches from all of the remotes where the local fetch # date is earlier than the passed date, then records the # last fetched date # # { 'origin' => date, # 'peter => date, # } def remotes_fetch_needed(remotes) remotes.each do |remote, date| # TODO: check against date self.remote_fetch(remote) end end # An array of Ref objects representing the refs in # this repo # # Returns Grit::Ref[] (baked) def refs [ Head.find_all(self), Tag.find_all(self), Remote.find_all(self) ].flatten end # returns an array of hashes representing all references def refs_list refs = self.git.for_each_ref refarr = refs.split("\n").map do |line| shatype, ref = line.split("\t") sha, type = shatype.split(' ') [ref, sha, type] end refarr end def delete_ref(ref) self.git.native(:update_ref, {:d => true}, ref) end def commit_stats(start = 'master', max_count = 10, skip = 0) options = {:max_count => max_count, :skip => skip} CommitStats.find_all(self, start, options) end # An array of Commit objects representing the history of a given ref/commit # +start+ is the branch/commit name (default 'master') # +max_count+ is the maximum number of commits to return (default 10, use +false+ for all) # +skip+ is the number of commits to skip (default 0) # # Returns Grit::Commit[] (baked) def commits(start = 'master', max_count = 10, skip = 0) options = {:max_count => max_count, :skip => skip} Commit.find_all(self, start, options) end # The Commits objects that are reachable via +to+ but not via +from+ # Commits are returned in chronological order. # +from+ is the branch/commit name of the younger item # +to+ is the branch/commit name of the older item # # Returns Grit::Commit[] (baked) def commits_between(from, to) Commit.find_all(self, "#{from}..#{to}").reverse end def fast_forwardable?(to, from) mb = self.git.native(:merge_base, {}, [to, from]).strip mb == from end # The Commits objects that are newer than the specified date. # Commits are returned in chronological order. # +start+ is the branch/commit name (default 'master') # +since+ is a string representing a date/time # +extra_options+ is a hash of extra options # # Returns Grit::Commit[] (baked) def commits_since(start = 'master', since = '1970-01-01', extra_options = {}) options = {:since => since}.merge(extra_options) Commit.find_all(self, start, options) end # The number of commits reachable by the given branch/commit # +start+ is the branch/commit name (default 'master') # # Returns Integer def commit_count(start = 'master') Commit.count(self, start) end # The Commit object for the specified id # +id+ is the SHA1 identifier of the commit # # Returns Grit::Commit (baked) def commit(id) options = {:max_count => 1} Commit.find_all(self, id, options).first end # Returns a list of commits that is in +other_repo+ but not in self # # Returns Grit::Commit[] def commit_deltas_from(other_repo, ref = "master", other_ref = "master") # TODO: we should be able to figure out the branch point, rather than # rev-list'ing the whole thing repo_refs = self.git.rev_list({}, ref).strip.split("\n") other_repo_refs = other_repo.git.rev_list({}, other_ref).strip.split("\n") (other_repo_refs - repo_refs).map do |refn| Commit.find_all(other_repo, refn, {:max_count => 1}).first end end def objects(refs) refs = refs.split(/\s+/) if refs.respond_to?(:to_str) self.git.rev_list({:objects => true, :timeout => false}, *refs). split("\n").map { |a| a[0, 40] } end def commit_objects(refs) refs = refs.split(/\s+/) if refs.respond_to?(:to_str) self.git.rev_list({:timeout => false}, *refs).split("\n").map { |a| a[0, 40] } end def objects_between(ref1, ref2 = nil) if ref2 refs = "#{ref2}..#{ref1}" else refs = ref1 end self.objects(refs) end def diff_objects(commit_sha, parents = true) revs = [] Grit.no_quote = true if parents # PARENTS: revs = self.git.diff_tree({:timeout => false, :r => true, :t => true, :m => true}, commit_sha). strip.split("\n").map{ |a| r = a.split(' '); r[3] if r[1] != '160000' } else # NO PARENTS: revs = self.git.native(:ls_tree, {:timeout => false, :r => true, :t => true}, commit_sha). split("\n").map{ |a| a.split("\t").first.split(' ')[2] } end revs << self.commit(commit_sha) Grit.no_quote = false return revs.uniq.compact end # The Tree object for the given treeish reference # +treeish+ is the reference (default 'master') # +paths+ is an optional Array of directory paths to restrict the tree (default []) # # Examples # repo.tree('master', ['lib/']) # # Returns Grit::Tree (baked) def tree(treeish = 'master', paths = []) Tree.construct(self, treeish, paths) end # quick way to get a simple array of hashes of the entries # of a single tree or recursive tree listing from a given # sha or reference # +treeish+ is the reference (default 'master') # +options+ is a hash or options - currently only takes :recursive # # Examples # repo.lstree('master', :recursive => true) # # Returns array of hashes - one per tree entry def lstree(treeish = 'master', options = {}) # check recursive option opts = {:timeout => false, :l => true, :t => true} if options[:recursive] opts[:r] = true end # mode, type, sha, size, path revs = self.git.native(:ls_tree, opts, treeish) lines = revs.split("\n") revs = do |a| stuff, path = a.split("\t") mode, type, sha, size = stuff.split(" ") entry = {:mode => mode, :type => type, :sha => sha, :path => path} entry[:size] = size.strip.to_i if size.strip != '-' entry end revs end def object(sha) obj = git.get_git_object(sha) raw =[:type], obj[:content]) object = Grit::GitRuby::GitObject.from_raw(raw) object.sha = sha object end # The Blob object for the given id # +id+ is the SHA1 id of the blob # # Returns Grit::Blob (unbaked) def blob(id) Blob.create(self, :id => id) end # The commit log for a treeish # # Returns Grit::Commit[] def log(commit = 'master', path = nil, options = {}) default_options = {:pretty => "raw"} actual_options = default_options.merge(options) arg = path ? [commit, '--', path] : [commit] commits = self.git.log(actual_options, *arg) Commit.list_from_string(self, commits) end # The diff from commit +a+ to commit +b+, optionally restricted to the given file(s) # +a+ is the base commit # +b+ is the other commit # +paths+ is an optional list of file paths on which to restrict the diff def diff(a, b, *paths) diff = self.git.native('diff', {}, a, b, '--', *paths) if diff =~ /diff --git a/ diff = diff.sub(/.*?(diff --git a)/m, '\1') else diff = '' end Diff.list_from_string(self, diff) end # The commit diff for the given commit # +commit+ is the commit name/id # # Returns Grit::Diff[] def commit_diff(commit) Commit.diff(self, commit) end # Archive the given treeish # +treeish+ is the treeish name/id (default 'master') # +prefix+ is the optional prefix # # Examples # repo.archive_tar # # => # # repo.archive_tar('a87ff14') # # => # # repo.archive_tar('master', 'myproject/') # # => # # Returns String (containing tar archive) def archive_tar(treeish = 'master', prefix = nil) options = {} options[:prefix] = prefix if prefix self.git.archive(options, treeish) end # Archive and gzip the given treeish # +treeish+ is the treeish name/id (default 'master') # +prefix+ is the optional prefix # # Examples # repo.archive_tar_gz # # => # # repo.archive_tar_gz('a87ff14') # # => # # repo.archive_tar_gz('master', 'myproject/') # # => # # Returns String (containing tar.gz archive) def archive_tar_gz(treeish = 'master', prefix = nil) options = {} options[:prefix] = prefix if prefix self.git.archive(options, treeish, "| gzip -n") end # Write an archive directly to a file # +treeish+ is the treeish name/id (default 'master') # +prefix+ is the optional prefix (default nil) # +filename+ is the name of the file (default 'archive.tar.gz') # +format+ is the optional format (default nil) # +pipe+ is the command to run the output through (default 'gzip') # # Returns nothing def archive_to_file(treeish = 'master', prefix = nil, filename = 'archive.tar.gz', format = nil, pipe = "gzip") options = {} options[:prefix] = prefix if prefix options[:format] = format if format self.git.archive(options, treeish, "| #{pipe} > #{filename}") end # Enable git-daemon serving of this repository by writing the # git-daemon-export-ok file to its git directory # # Returns nothing def enable_daemon_serve self.git.fs_write(DAEMON_EXPORT_FILE, '') end # Disable git-daemon serving of this repository by ensuring there is no # git-daemon-export-ok file in its git directory # # Returns nothing def disable_daemon_serve self.git.fs_delete(DAEMON_EXPORT_FILE) end def gc_auto self.git.gc({:auto => true}) end # The list of alternates for this repo # # Returns Array[String] (pathnames of alternates) def alternates alternates_path = "objects/info/alternates" self.git.fs_read(alternates_path).strip.split("\n") rescue Errno::ENOENT [] end # Sets the alternates # +alts+ is the Array of String paths representing the alternates # # Returns nothing def alternates=(alts) alts.each do |alt| unless File.exist?(alt) raise "Could not set alternates. Alternate path #{alt} must exist" end end if alts.empty? self.git.fs_write('objects/info/alternates', '') else self.git.fs_write('objects/info/alternates', alts.join("\n")) end end def config @config ||= end def index end def update_ref(head, commit_sha) return nil if !commit_sha || (commit_sha.size != 40) self.git.fs_write("refs/heads/#{head}", commit_sha) commit_sha end # Rename the current repository directory. # +name+ is the new name # # Returns nothing def rename(name) if @bare self.git.fs_move('/', "../#{name}") else self.git.fs_move('/', "../../#{name}") end end # Pretty object inspection def inspect %Q{#} end end # Repo end # Grit