#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab ######################################################################### # Copyright 2012-2013 Marcus Popp marcus@popp.mx ######################################################################### # This file is part of SmartHome.py. http://mknx.github.io/smarthome/ # # SmartHome.py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # SmartHome.py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with SmartHome.py. If not, see . ######################################################################### import logging import threading import struct import binascii import lib.connection from . import dpts KNXREAD = 0x00 KNXRESP = 0x40 KNXWRITE = 0x80 logger = logging.getLogger('') class KNX(lib.connection.Client): def __init__(self, smarthome, time_ga=None, date_ga=None, send_time=False, busmonitor=False, host='', port=6720): lib.connection.Client.__init__(self, host, port, monitor=True) self._sh = smarthome self.gal = {} self.gar = {} self._init_ga = [] self._cache_ga = [] self.time_ga = time_ga self.date_ga = date_ga self._lock = threading.Lock() if smarthome.string2bool(busmonitor): self._busmonitor = logger.info else: self._busmonitor = logger.debug if send_time: self._sh.scheduler.add('KNX time', self._send_time, prio=5, cycle=int(send_time)) def _send(self, data): if len(data) < 2 or len(data) > 0xffff: logger.debug('KNX: Illegal data size: {}'.format(repr(data))) return False # prepend data length send = bytearray(len(data).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')) send.extend(data) self.send(send) def groupwrite(self, ga, payload, dpt, flag='write'): pkt = bytearray([0, 39]) try: pkt.extend(self.encode(ga, 'ga')) except: logger.warning('KNX: problem encoding ga: {}'.format(ga)) return pkt.extend([0]) pkt.extend(self.encode(payload, dpt)) if flag == 'write': flag = KNXWRITE elif flag == 'response': flag = KNXRESP else: logger.warning("KNX: groupwrite telegram for {0} with unknown flag: {1}. Please choose beetween write and response.".format(ga, flag)) return pkt[5] = flag | pkt[5] self._send(pkt) def _cacheread(self, ga): pkt = bytearray([0, 116]) try: pkt.extend(self.encode(ga, 'ga')) except: logger.warning('KNX: problem encoding ga: {}'.format(ga)) return pkt.extend([0, 0]) self._send(pkt) def groupread(self, ga): pkt = bytearray([0, 39]) try: pkt.extend(self.encode(ga, 'ga')) except: logger.warning('KNX: problem encoding ga: {}'.format(ga)) return pkt.extend([0, KNXREAD]) self._send(pkt) def _send_time(self): self.send_time(self.time_ga, self.date_ga) def send_time(self, time_ga=None, date_ga=None): now = self._sh.now() if time_ga: self.groupwrite(time_ga, now, '10') if date_ga: self.groupwrite(date_ga, now.date(), '11') def handle_connect(self): self.discard_buffers() enable_cache = bytearray([0, 112]) self._send(enable_cache) self.found_terminator = self.parse_length if self._cache_ga != []: if self.connected: logger.debug('KNX: reading eibd cache') for ga in self._cache_ga: self._cacheread(ga) self._cache_ga = [] logger.debug('KNX: enable group monitor') init = bytearray([0, 38, 0, 0, 0]) self._send(init) self.terminator = 2 if self._init_ga != []: if self.connected: logger.debug('KNX: init read') for ga in self._init_ga: self.groupread(ga) self._init_ga = [] # def collect_incoming_data(self, data): # print('# bin h d') # for i in data: # print("{0:08b} {0:02x} {0:02d}".format(i)) # self.buffer.extend(data) def parse_length(self, length): self.found_terminator = self.parse_telegram try: self.terminator = struct.unpack(">H", length)[0] except: logger.error("KNX: problem unpacking length: {0}".format(length)) self.close() def encode(self, data, dpt): return dpts.encode[str(dpt)](data) def decode(self, data, dpt): return dpts.decode[str(dpt)](data) def parse_telegram(self, data): self.found_terminator = self.parse_length # reset parser and terminator self.terminator = 2 # 2 byte type # 2 byte src # 2 byte dst # 2 byte command/data # x byte data typ = struct.unpack(">H", data[0:2])[0] if (typ != 39 and typ != 116) or len(data) < 8: # logger.debug("Ignore telegram.") return if (data[6] & 0x03 or (data[7] & 0xC0) == 0xC0): logger.debug("KNX: Unknown APDU") return src = self.decode(data[2:4], 'pa') dst = self.decode(data[4:6], 'ga') flg = data[7] & 0xC0 if flg == KNXWRITE: flg = 'write' elif flg == KNXREAD: flg = 'read' elif flg == KNXRESP: flg = 'response' else: logger.warning("KNX: Unknown flag: {0:02x} src: {1} dest: {2}".format(flg, src, dst)) return if len(data) == 8: payload = bytearray([data[7] & 0x3f]) else: payload = data[8:] if flg == 'write' or flg == 'response': if dst not in self.gal: # update item/logic self._busmonitor("knx: {0} set {1} to {2}".format(src, dst, binascii.hexlify(payload).decode())) return dpt = self.gal[dst]['dpt'] try: val = self.decode(payload, dpt) except Exception as e: logger.exception("KNX: Problem decoding frame from {0} to {1} with '{2}' and DPT {3}. Exception: {4}".format(src, dst, binascii.hexlify(payload).decode(), dpt, e)) return if val is not None: self._busmonitor("knx: {0} set {1} to {2}".format(src, dst, val)) #print "in: {0}".format(self.decode(payload, 'hex')) #out = '' #for i in self.encode(val, dpt): # out += " {0:x}".format(i) #print "out:{0}".format(out) for item in self.gal[dst]['items']: item(val, 'KNX', src, dst) for logic in self.gal[dst]['logics']: logic.trigger('KNX', src, val, dst) else: logger.warning("KNX: Wrong payload '{2}' for ga '{1}' with dpt '{0}'.".format(dpt, dst, binascii.hexlify(payload).decode())) elif flg == 'read': logger.debug("KNX: {0} read {1}".format(src, dst)) if dst in self.gar: # read item if self.gar[dst]['item'] is not None: item = self.gar[dst]['item'] self.groupwrite(dst, item(), item.conf['knx_dpt'], 'response') if self.gar[dst]['logic'] is not None: self.gar[dst]['logic'].trigger('KNX', src, None, dst) def run(self): self.alive = True def stop(self): self.alive = False self.handle_close() def parse_item(self, item): if 'knx_dtp' in item.conf: logger.warning("KNX: Ignoring {0}: please change knx_dtp to knx_dpt.".format(item)) return None if 'knx_dpt' in item.conf: dpt = item.conf['knx_dpt'] if dpt not in dpts.decode: logger.warning("KNX: Ignoring {0} unknown dpt: {1}".format(item, dpt)) return None else: return None if 'knx_listen' in item.conf: knx_listen = item.conf['knx_listen'] if isinstance(knx_listen, str): knx_listen = [knx_listen, ] for ga in knx_listen: logger.debug("KNX: {0} listen on {1}".format(item, ga)) if not ga in self.gal: self.gal[ga] = {'dpt': dpt, 'items': [item], 'logics': []} else: if not item in self.gal[ga]['items']: self.gal[ga]['items'].append(item) if 'knx_init' in item.conf: ga = item.conf['knx_init'] logger.debug("KNX: {0} listen on and init with {1}".format(item, ga)) if not ga in self.gal: self.gal[ga] = {'dpt': dpt, 'items': [item], 'logics': []} else: if not item in self.gal[ga]['items']: self.gal[ga]['items'].append(item) self._init_ga.append(ga) if 'knx_cache' in item.conf: ga = item.conf['knx_cache'] logger.debug("KNX: {0} listen on and init with cache {1}".format(item, ga)) if not ga in self.gal: self.gal[ga] = {'dpt': dpt, 'items': [item], 'logics': []} else: if not item in self.gal[ga]['items']: self.gal[ga]['items'].append(item) self._cache_ga.append(ga) if 'knx_reply' in item.conf: knx_reply = item.conf['knx_reply'] if isinstance(knx_reply, str): knx_reply = [knx_reply, ] for ga in knx_reply: logger.debug("KNX: {0} reply to {1}".format(item, ga)) if ga not in self.gar: self.gar[ga] = {'dpt': dpt, 'item': item, 'logic': None} else: logger.warning("KNX: {0} knx_reply ({1}) already defined for {2}".format(item.id(), ga, self.gar[ga]['item'])) if 'knx_send' in item.conf: if isinstance(item.conf['knx_send'], str): item.conf['knx_send'] = [item.conf['knx_send'], ] if 'knx_status' in item.conf: if isinstance(item.conf['knx_status'], str): item.conf['knx_status'] = [item.conf['knx_status'], ] if 'knx_status' in item.conf or 'knx_send' in item.conf: return self.update_item return None def parse_logic(self, logic): if 'knx_dpt' in logic.conf: dpt = logic.conf['knx_dpt'] if dpt not in dpts.decode: logger.warning("KNX: Ignoring {0} unknown dpt: {1}".format(logic, dpt)) return None else: return None if 'knx_listen' in logic.conf: knx_listen = logic.conf['knx_listen'] if isinstance(knx_listen, str): knx_listen = [knx_listen, ] for ga in knx_listen: logger.debug("KNX: {0} listen on {1}".format(logic, ga)) if not ga in self.gal: self.gal[ga] = {'dpt': dpt, 'items': [], 'logics': [logic]} else: self.gal[ga]['logics'].append(logic) if 'knx_reply' in logic.conf: knx_reply = logic.conf['knx_reply'] if isinstance(knx_reply, str): knx_reply = [knx_reply, ] for ga in knx_reply: logger.debug("KNX: {0} reply to {1}".format(logic, ga)) if ga in self.gar: if self.gar[ga]['logic'] is False: obj = self.gar[ga]['item'] else: obj = self.gar[ga]['logic'] logger.warning("KNX: {0} knx_reply ({1}) already defined for {2}".format(logic, ga, obj)) else: self.gar[ga] = {'dpt': dpt, 'item': None, 'logic': logic} def update_item(self, item, caller=None, source=None, dest=None): if 'knx_send' in item.conf: if caller != 'KNX': for ga in item.conf['knx_send']: self.groupwrite(ga, item(), item.conf['knx_dpt']) if 'knx_status' in item.conf: for ga in item.conf['knx_status']: # send status update if ga != dest: self.groupwrite(ga, item(), item.conf['knx_dpt'])