// ==UserScript== // @name nicovideo - wnp // @description windowised nicovideo player. // @author miya2000 // @namespace http://d.hatena.ne.jp/miya2000/ // @version 1.53 // @include http://*.nicovideo.jp/* // @exclude http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/* // @exclude http://*http* // @exclude http://ads.nicovideo.jp/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* [usage] Open http://www.nicovideo.jp/ and you can start with the right-bottom button on the page. @see http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kotas/20070925/playlist http://abc.s65.xrea.com/prox/wiki/%A5%D5%A5%A3%A5%EB%A5%BF%A1%A2%A5%EA%A5%B9%A5%C8%B8%F8%B3%AB/nicovideo/#iroiro http://blog.fulltext-search.biz/articles/2008/01/31/nico-nico-player-wrapper http://blog.guron.net/2009/06/04/636.php */ // ==== preparation ==== // /*@cc_on //activate Conditional compilation. @*/ (function(f) { if (typeof unsafeWindow == "undefined" && !/Chrome[/]/.test(navigator.userAgent)) return f; return function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); s.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;'); s.textContent = '(' + f.toString() + ')()'; (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(s); }; }) // ==== wnp ==== // (function() { if (typeof window.wnp != 'undefined') return; // Opera12 invokes user.js on window.open() document. if (document.title == 'preparing WNP') return; var WNP = {}; // ==== Prefs ==== // WNP.PREFS = { /* observe_interval : 500, // (ms) observe interval. page_timeout : 80, // (sec) page load timeout. video_timeout : 60, // (sec) video play timeout. menu_width_ratio : 50, // (%) menu width ratio when showing menu. loop : false, // "loop" on startup. comment_off : false, // "comment-off" on startup. always_on_top : false, // "always on top" on startup. playlist_style_simple : false, // "playlist style simple" on startup. remove_on_finish : true, // "remove on finish" on startup. use_history : true, // "use history" on startup. skip_deleted_video : true, // "skip deleted movie" on startup. use_offtimer : true, // use offtimer or not. offtimer_minute : 60, // (min) off timer. use_loop_break : true, // use loop break or not. loop_break_count : 3 // exit from the loop video by specified count. cancel_jump : false // if the video page jumped to another page, go to next video. */ }; // ==== shortcut keys ==== // WNP.SHOPRTCUT = [ /* { command: 'PlayPause', key: 'Space' }, { command: 'PlayPrev', key: 'PageUp' }, { command: 'PlayNext', key: 'PageDown' }, { command: 'VolumeUp', key: 'Up' }, { command: 'VolumeUp+', key: 'Up Shift' }, { command: 'VolumeDown', key: 'Down' }, { command: 'VolumeDown-', key: 'Down Shift' }, { command: 'SeekForward', key: 'Right' }, { command: 'SeekForward+', key: 'Right Shift' }, { command: 'SeekBackward', key: 'Left' }, { command: 'SeekBackward-', key: 'Left Shift' }, { command: 'SeekBackward--', key: 'Left Ctrl' }, { command: 'SelectNextItem', key: 'j' }, { command: 'SelectNextItem', key: 'Enter' }, { command: 'SelectPrevItem', key: 'k' }, { command: 'PlaySelectedItem', key: 'o' }, { command: 'DeleteSelectedItem', key: 'DEL' }, { command: 'MenuNext', key: 's' }, { command: 'MenuPrev', key: 'a' }, { command: 'Playlist', key: 'n' }, { command: 'History', key: 'h' }, { command: 'Preference', key: 'p' }, { command: 'Comment', key: 'c' }, { command: 'Loop', key: 'l' }, { command: 'Repeat', key: 'r' }, { command: 'Mute', key: 'm' }, { command: 'Open', key: 'w' }, { command: 'View', key: 'v' } */ ]; // ==== const ==== // var Consts = { WNP_TITLE : 'WNP', WNP_GLOBAL_NAME : 'WNP', // global name of WNP entry object. WNP_IMAGE_SAVE : '%2FyH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAQABAAAAIhhI%2Bpq%2BEPHYo0zAovlscy4BnhMo7N9IHoV6Ytq23pTAMFADs%3D', WNP_IMAGE_PLAY : '%2F%2F8%2FXnnB0NBQFyAtQA0DJVatWtUPVHALRAP5kpQaqAmUvAzE%2F4D4OxDvB4rZAzE7uQZqASWvQA2EgSchISG5oKAgy4X%2F%2Fv27DMR%2Fgfg%2FDAPBm5UrV07AFQSkuvA%2FoSAgx0BkcAnkE3K8jAxgXn8CTFL56OFJjgvxxjipBr4BpskJ%2BNIkPgO1gV67geZFvEmGkIFKQMntQPyB2ERNTF6WAnoxjdhsR4yBZJU2AAcDLeBOG3M7AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC', WNP_IMAGE_PAUSE : '%2F%2F8%2FfgWhoaFuxIgRYyDLqlWrooAKfoJoEB%2BHGCOxBnIAJTf9h4BNID4OsYEzkP3fv38b%2F0HARhAfhxjDqJeHsJc5gN7aAdIJomEGYhEj2stsQMl2UGCBaBAfhxjRLgQDYBZrICBGmoG4NOISAxkIAIbuKTCbOZywAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC', WNP_IMAGE_EMPTY : '%2FWMmxY8AAAAASUVORK5CYII%3D', WNP_IMAGE_PREF : '%2B%2FP%2BPjInSTHVNeA3Bp4lojTCFRDkbXSNR%2Fh1YTSQHP20jm%2Bg4ohYAAAU6%2FYWVfvgIAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC', WNP_IMAGE_OPEN : '%2F%2F8%2FYUWcnJwywcHBeQoKCmYUG8jFxcU3c%2BbMJUCF%2Fy9cuHBFTk5OnxIDuZcuXTrlPxI4e%2FbsQVkgIMdApoULF84BKvjx79%2B%2F%2F0D87%2B%2Ffv%2F9Ahp45c2YLIyOjPCkGMl%2B5cmUe0ICfQPwfZiDITBAbCH7fv3%2F%2FJFCdIkED%2Bfj4GC9evMjw9u3b%2F1jwP2T%2Bu3fvfsrIyOA30NHRkQFoO8ObN2%2BIws3NzYS9DLLV3d2dKEzQyyAXrlq1Kg1o%2B1MofoTEfgxjv3r16jmQvgVSS9CFK1euTANKfAeFPjQS%2FkPZ%2F5DYILwfpJaggSBbQXpA%2BC8omrGwoWZ%2FQHchVgB14WUQBmq8jIN9A0hvR3chVgC0FURpArEWEo3O1gZiJQZ6AAC9TX6jYSwl0gAAAABJRU5ErkJggg%3D%3D', WNP_THUMB_PLACEHOLDER : '%2F8wMDAwMDAwMDD8b1jyI9llYGBgYGBgYGBgYGBgYBg3LPmR7DIwMDAwMDAwMDAwzBgeCliYGam%2FHsoAAAAASUVORK5CYII%3D', WNP_STORAGE_SWF : 'http://miya2000.github.io/storage/wnp.swf', WNP_INITIAL_PLAYER_WIDTH : 628, WNP_INITIAL_PLAYER_HEIGHT : 410, // == ginza player == ORG_PLAYER_GINZA_COMMENT_HEIGHT : 30, ORG_PLAYER_GINZA_CONTROL_HEIGHT : 47, // == zero player == ORG_PLAYER_ZERO_VIEW_WIDTH : 908, ORG_PLAYER_ZERO_VIEW_HEIGHT : 486, ORG_PLAYER_ZERO_CONTROL_HEIGHT : 0, ORG_PLAYER_ZERO_MINIMUM_WIDTH : 654, // 640 in case of Windows but 654 in Macintosh... ORG_PLAYER_ZERO_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ : 0, // == nicoplayer4 == ORG_PLAYER4_VIEW_WIDTH : 672, ORG_PLAYER4_VIEW_HEIGHT : 384, ORG_PLAYER4_CONTROL_HEIGHT : 51, ORG_PLAYER4_MINIMUM_WIDTH : 677, ORG_PLAYER4_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ : 120, // == nicoplayer3 (old player) == ORG_PLAYER3_VIEW_WIDTH : 544, ORG_PLAYER3_VIEW_HEIGHT : 384, ORG_PLAYER3_CONTROL_HEIGHT : 63, ORG_PLAYER3_MINIMUM_WIDTH : 561, WNP_GATEWAY_URL : 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist_add/', WNP_LOGIN_PAGE : 'https://secure.nicovideo.jp/secure/login_form' } WNP.Consts = Consts; Consts.svg_xml_base = [ '', '', '', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', // http://kyle-in-jp.blogspot.jp/2008/11/librsvg.html ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '', '', '', ' ', '', '', ' %t%', ' ', ' ', ' %c%', ' ', '', '', '' ].join('\n'); Consts.svg_mime_type = 'image/svg+xml'; // ==== color settings ==== // var Colors = { item_hover: '#D7EBFF', item_selected: '#B4DAFF', item_dragging: '#FFCCCC', status_error: 'red', control_loop: 'yellow', control_repeat: 'yellow', control_comment_off: 'yellow', control_mute: 'yellow', control_always_on_top: 'yellow' }; WNP.Colors = Colors; var Lang = { COMMAND_PlayStop : '\u52D5\u753B\u306E\u518D\u751F\u3092\u958B\u59CB\uFF0F\u7D42\u4E86\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_PlayPause : '\u52D5\u753B\u306E\u518D\u751F\u3092\u4E00\u6642\u505C\u6B62\uFF0F\u518D\u958B\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_PlayPrev : '\u4E00\u3064\u524D\u306E\u52D5\u753B\u3092\u518D\u751F\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_PlayNext : '\u4E00\u3064\u5F8C\u306E\u52D5\u753B\u3092\u518D\u751F\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', CLICK_Volume : '\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3057\u305F\u4F4D\u7F6E\u306B\u97F3\u91CF\u3092\u8A2D\u5B9A\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_VolumeUp : '\u97F3\u91CF\u3092\u4E0A\u3052\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_VolumeUp_Plus : '\u97F3\u91CF\u3092\u5927\u304D\u304F\u4E0A\u3052\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_VolumeDown : '\u97F3\u91CF\u3092\u4E0B\u3052\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_VolumeDown_Minus : '\u97F3\u91CF\u3092\u5927\u304D\u304F\u4E0B\u3052\u307E\u3059\u3002', CLICK_Seek : '\u30AF\u30EA\u30C3\u30AF\u3057\u305F\u7B87\u6240\u306B\u518D\u751F\u4F4D\u7F6E\u3092\u79FB\u52D5\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_SeekForward : '\u518D\u751F\u4F4D\u7F6E\u3092\u524D\u65B9\u306B\u79FB\u52D5\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_SeekForward_Plus : '\u518D\u751F\u4F4D\u7F6E\u3092\u524D\u65B9\u306B\u5927\u304D\u304F\u79FB\u52D5\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_SeekBackward : '\u518D\u751F\u4F4D\u7F6E\u3092\u5F8C\u65B9\u306B\u79FB\u52D5\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_SeekBackward_Minus : '\u518D\u751F\u4F4D\u7F6E\u3092\u5F8C\u65B9\u306B\u5927\u304D\u304F\u79FB\u52D5\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_SeekBackward_MinusMinus : '\u518D\u751F\u4F4D\u7F6E\u3092\u52D5\u753B\u306E\u5148\u982D\u306B\u79FB\u52D5\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_SelectNextItem : '\u4E00\u3064\u5F8C\u306E\u52D5\u753B\u3092\u9078\u629E\u72B6\u614B\u306B\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_SelectPrevItem : '\u4E00\u3064\u524D\u306E\u52D5\u753B\u3092\u9078\u629E\u72B6\u614B\u306B\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_PlaySelectedItem : '\u9078\u629E\u3055\u308C\u3066\u3044\u308B\u52D5\u753B\u3092\u518D\u751F\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_DeleteSelectedItem : '\u9078\u629E\u3055\u308C\u3066\u3044\u308B\u52D5\u753B\u3092\u524A\u9664\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_Menu : '\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u306E\u8868\u793A\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_MenuNext : '\u6B21\u306E\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u3092\u8868\u793A\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_MenuPrev : '\u524D\u306E\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u3092\u8868\u793A\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_Playlist : '\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30EA\u30B9\u30C8\u306E\u8868\u793A\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_History : '\u8996\u8074\u5C65\u6B74\u306E\u8868\u793A\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_Preference : '\u8A2D\u5B9A\u753B\u9762\u306E\u8868\u793A\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_Comment : '\u30B3\u30E1\u30F3\u30C8\u306E\u8868\u793A\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_Loop : '\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30EA\u30B9\u30C8\u3092\u7E70\u308A\u8FD4\u3057\u518D\u751F\u3059\u308B\u304B\u3069\u3046\u304B\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_Repeat : '\u52D5\u753B\u3092\u7E70\u308A\u8FD4\u3057\u518D\u751F\u3059\u308B\u304B\u3069\u3046\u304B\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_Mute : '\u52D5\u753B\u306E\u97F3\u58F0\u3092\u6D88\u3059\u304B\u3069\u3046\u304B\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_Open : '\u5165\u529B\u3055\u308C\u305F\u52D5\u753B\u3092\u958B\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002\u52D5\u753BID\u3084\u52D5\u753B\u306EURL\u3092\u5165\u529B\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_View : '\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30E4\u30FC\u306E\u8868\u793A\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_NicoControl : '\u30CB\u30B3\u30CB\u30B3\u52D5\u753B\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30E4\u30FC\u672C\u4F53\u306E\u30B3\u30F3\u30C8\u30ED\u30FC\u30EB\u306E\u8868\u793A\u3092\u5207\u308A\u66FF\u3048\u307E\u3059\u3002', COMMAND_AlwaysOnTop : '\u5E38\u306B\u5168\u753B\u9762\u8868\u793A\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002\uFF08\u7C21\u6613\u5B9F\u88C5\u3067\u3059\uFF09', COMMAND_Shuffle : '\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30EA\u30B9\u30C8\u306E\u518D\u751F\u9806\u3092\u30B7\u30E3\u30C3\u30D5\u30EB\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', PREF_SIMPLE_PLAYLIST_VIEW : '\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30EA\u30B9\u30C8\u3092\u30B7\u30F3\u30D7\u30EB\u8868\u793A\u306B\u3059\u308B', DESC_SIMPLE_PLAYLIST_VIEW : '\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30EA\u30B9\u30C8\u3092\u30B7\u30F3\u30D7\u30EB\u8868\u793A\u306B\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', PREF_REMOVE_ON_FINISH : '\u518D\u751F\u304C\u7D42\u308F\u3063\u305F\u3089\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30EA\u30B9\u30C8\u304B\u3089\u524A\u9664\u3059\u308B', DESC_REMOVE_ON_FINISH : '\u518D\u751F\u304C\u7D42\u308F\u3063\u305F\u3089\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30EA\u30B9\u30C8\u304B\u3089\u524A\u9664\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', PREF_USE_HISTORY : '\u5C65\u6B74\u3092\u4F7F\u7528\u3059\u308B', DESC_USE_HISTORY : '\u5C65\u6B74\u3092\u6709\u52B9\u306B\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', PREF_SKIP_DELETED_VIDEO : '\u524A\u9664\u3055\u308C\u305F\u52D5\u753B\u3092\u30B9\u30AD\u30C3\u30D7\u3059\u308B', PREF_USE_OFFTIMER : '\u30AA\u30D5\u30BF\u30A4\u30DE\u30FC\u3092\u4F7F\u7528\u3059\u308B', PREF_MINUTE : '\u5206', PREF_USE_LOOP_BREAK : '\u30EB\u30FC\u30D7\u3059\u308B\u52D5\u753B\u3092\u6307\u5B9A\u56DE\u6570\u3067\u6B62\u3081\u308B', PREF_COUNT : '\u56DE', PREF_CANCEL_JUMP : '\u5225\u306E\u52D5\u753B\u306B\u79FB\u52D5\u3057\u306A\u3044\u3088\u3046\u306B\u3059\u308B', PREF_FORCE_VISIT_ON_OPERA : '\u518D\u751F\u6642\u306B\u300C\u8A2A\u554F\u6E08\u307F\u300D\u306B\u3059\u308B\u0028Opera\u306E\u307F\u0029', PREF_DEFAULT : '\u30C7\u30D5\u30A9\u30EB\u30C8\u306E\u8A2D\u5B9A\u306B\u623B\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002', PLEASE_LOGIN : '\u30ED\u30B0\u30A4\u30F3\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044', OVER_ACCESS : '\u77ED\u6642\u9593\u3067\u306E\u9023\u7D9A\u30A2\u30AF\u30BB\u30B9', MISSING : '\u304A\u63A2\u3057\u306E\u52D5\u753B\u306F\u518D\u751F\u3067\u304D\u307E\u305B\u3093', SAVE_PLAYLIST_USAGE : '\u3053\u306E\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF\u306F\u30D6\u30C3\u30AF\u30DE\u30FC\u30AF\u30EC\u30C3\u30C8\u3067\u3059\u3002\u30D6\u30C3\u30AF\u30DE\u30FC\u30AF\u306B\u767B\u9332\u3059\u308B\u3053\u3068\u3067\u3053\u306E\u30D7\u30EC\u30A4\u30EA\u30B9\u30C8\u3092\u5FA9\u5143\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059\u3002\n\u30D6\u30C3\u30AF\u30DE\u30FC\u30AF\u30EC\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u30CB\u30B3\u30CB\u30B3\u52D5\u753B(http://www.nicovideo.jp/)\u306E\u30C9\u30E1\u30A4\u30F3\u4E0A\u3067\u5B9F\u884C\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002', PLEASE_INPUT_VIDEOID_OR_URL : '\u52D5\u753B\u306EID\u0028\u300Csm9\u300D\u306A\u3069\u0029\u3082\u3057\u304F\u306FURL\u3092\u5165\u529B\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002' }; WNP.Lang = Lang; // ==== main ==== // var fn = {}; WNP.fn = fn; BUILD_FUNC(fn); var browser = fn.browser; var ie = fn.ie; var $e = fn.$e; var isNative = fn.isNative; var toJSON = fn.toJSON; var getAbsolutePosition = fn.getAbsolutePosition; var addStyle = fn.addStyle; var getStyle = fn.getStyle; var getValidCssPropertyName = fn.getValidCssPropertyName; var $XS = fn.$XS; var findVideoTitle = fn.findVideoTitle; var getCanonicalVideoURL = fn.getCanonicalVideoURL; var createPlayInfo = fn.createPlayInfo; var postError = fn.postError; function Extension(processor) { this.processor = processor; var lines = []; this.add = function(line) { lines.push(line); }; this.process = function() { if (!this.processor) return lines.join('\n'); else { var results = []; for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { results.push(this.processor(lines[i])); } return results.join('\n'); } }; } function ExtensionPoint(name) { this.name = name; } WNP.html = { Extension: Extension, ExtensionPoint: ExtensionPoint, lines: null, browser: browser, extensions: { 'style': new Extension(function(s) { return '' }), 'playermenu.left.first': new Extension(), 'playermenu.left.last': new Extension(), 'playermenu.right.first': new Extension(), 'playermenu.right.last': new Extension(), 'controlmenu.right.first': new Extension(), 'controlmenu.right.last': new Extension(), 'panels.playlist.menu.last': new Extension(), 'panels.history.menu.last': new Extension(), 'panels.preference.normal.last': new Extension(), 'panels.preference.extend.last': new Extension(), 'panels.preference.last': new Extension(), 'panels.preference.menu.last': new Extension(), 'panels.last': new Extension(), 'script': new Extension(function(s) { return ''; }) }, build: function() { var results = []; var lines = this.lines; for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (line instanceof ExtensionPoint) { if (this.extensions[line.name]) { results.push(this.extensions[line.name].process()); } else { postError("no extention. name: " + line.name); } } else { results.push(line); } } return results.join('\n'); } }; WNP.html.lines = (function() { var boxSizing = getValidCssPropertyName('box-sizing'); var backgroundSize = getValidCssPropertyName('background-size'); return [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'preparing WNP', '', // avoid fast forward. '', '', new ExtensionPoint('style'), '', '', '
', '
', '
', new ExtensionPoint('playermenu.left.first'), ' ', ' ', new ExtensionPoint('playermenu.left.last'), '
', '
', new ExtensionPoint('playermenu.right.first'), ' <', ' ', ' >', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', new ExtensionPoint('playermenu.right.last'), '
', '
', '
', ' ', '
', '
', '
', '
', '


', '
    ', ' ', '
    ', '
    ', '


    ', '
      ', ' ', '
      ', '
      ', '


      ', '
      ', '
        ', '
      • ', '
      • ', '
      • ', '
      • ', '
      • ' + Lang.PREF_MINUTE + '
      • ', '
      • ' + Lang.PREF_COUNT + '
      • ', '
      • ', new ExtensionPoint('panels.preference.normal.last'), '
      ', '
      ', '
        ', '
      • ', new ExtensionPoint('panels.preference.extend.last'), '
      ', new ExtensionPoint('panels.preference.last'), '
      ', ' ', '
      ', new ExtensionPoint('panels.last'), '
      ', '
      ', '
      ', '', '', '', '', new ExtensionPoint('script'), '', '' ]; })(); // Win Chrome33: force cancel IME after window.open(). // TODO: Win OPR 18~20 cannot capture the first keyboard event in popup window opend by mouse click. There is no workaround. if (browser.win && browser.chrome && !browser.opr) { WNP.html.extensions['script'].add('(' + function() { function fuckin_fuckin_bug_yo() { var txt = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('input')); txt.style.width = txt.style.height = '0'; txt.focus(); setTimeout(function(){ txt.parentNode.removeChild(txt) }, 1); } window.addEventListener('focus', function _f() { window.removeEventListener('focus', _f, false); setTimeout(fuckin_fuckin_bug_yo, 1); }, false); // sometimes fails onfocus. setTimeout(fuckin_fuckin_bug_yo, 2500); }.toString() + ')()'); } WNP.pageStyle = function(pref) { var boxSizing = getValidCssPropertyName('box-sizing'); return [ '.wnp_tooltip {', ' width: 168px;', ' opacity: 0.4; ', /*@ 'filter:alpha(opacity=40);', @*/ ' position: absolute; ', ' z-index: 999; ', '}', '.wnp_tooltip:hover {', ' opacity: 1; ', /*@ 'filter:alpha(opacity=100);', @*/ '}', '.wnp_tooltip a {', ' cursor: pointer;', ' display: block;', ' width: 54px;', ' height: 0;', ' line-height: 22px;', ' font-family: cursive;', ' font-size: 14px;', ' font-weight: bold;', ' text-align: left;', ' text-decoration: none;', ' color: #F0F0F0;', ' border-style: solid;', ' border-width: 15px 0;', /*@ 'border-width: 15px 0 16px;', @*/ ' border-top-color: #555;', ' border-bottom-color: #000;', ' padding: 0;', ' float: left;', ' margin-right: 2px;', '}', '.wnp_tooltip * span {', ' ' + boxSizing + ': border-box;', ' border: 1px solid #DDD;', ' display: inline-block;', ' width: 50px;', /*@ 'width: 48px;', @*/ ' height: 24px;', ' text-align: center;', ' position: absolute;', ' top: 0px;', ' margin-top: 3px;', ' margin-left: 2px;', '}', '.wnp_tooltip a:hover {', ' border-top-color: #666;', '}', '.wnp_tooltip a:hover span {', ' color: #FFF;', ' border-color: #FFF;', '}', '.wnp_tooltip a span:active { padding: 1px 0 0 2px; }', ].join('\n'); }; function BUILD_FUNC(T) { if (T == null) T = window; // -- utils -- // browser var browser = { opera : (navigator.appName.indexOf("Opera") >= 0), opera_version: window.opera ? parseFloat(window.opera.version()) : null, opr : (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("OPR/") >= 0), mozilla : (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko/") >= 0), webkit : (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit/") >= 0), chrome : (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome/") >= 0), safari : (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari/") >= 0 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome/") < 0), macos : (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Macintosh;") >= 0), ie : (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('msie') >= 0 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('trident') >= 0), ie_old : /*@!@*/false, win : navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") }; T.browser = browser; var ie = {}; ie.cssStandard = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat'); ie.clientWidth = (function() { return ie.cssStandard ? function(d) { return (d || document).documentElement.clientWidth } : function(d) { return (d || document).body.clientWidth } })(); ie.clientHeight = (function() { return ie.cssStandard ? function(d) { return (d || document).documentElement.clientHeight } : function(d) { return (d || document).body.clientHeight } })(); ie.window = function(element) { return element.parentWindow || element.ownerDocument.parentWindow || window; }; T.ie = ie; // event. var $e = (function() { if ('addEventListener' in window) return function(element) { return element }; function preventDefault() { this.returnValue = false; } function stopPropagation() { this.cancelBubble = true; } function compat(e, el) { if (!('preventDefault' in e)) e.preventDefault = preventDefault; if (!('stopPropagation' in e)) e.stopPropagation = stopPropagation; if (!('target' in e)) e.target = e.srcElement; if (!('relatedTarget' in e)) e.relatedTarget = (e.srcElement === e.toElement) ? e.fromElement : e.toElement; if (!('currentTarget' in e)) e.currentTarget = el; var d = el.ownerDocument || el.document || el; if (!('pageX' in e)) e.pageX = (d.body.scrollLeft||d.documentElement.scrollLeft) + e.clientX; if (!('pageY' in e)) e.pageY = (d.body.scrollTop ||d.documentElement.scrollTop ) + e.clientY; if (!e.detail && e.wheelDelta) e.detail = -(e.wheelDelta/120)*4; } function indexOf(listeners, a, b, c) { for (var i = 0, len = listeners.length; i < len; i++) { var l = listeners[i]; if (l.a === a && l.b === b && l.c === c) return i; } return -1; } if ('attachEvent' in window) { return function $e(element) { if ('addEventListener' in element) return element; return (function(el) { var listeners = []; el.addEventListener = function(a, b, c) { if (indexOf(listeners, a, b, c) >= 0) return; var f = function(e) { compat(e, el); b.call(el, e); }; el.attachEvent('on' + a, f); listeners.push({ a: a, b: b, c: c, f: f}); }; el.removeEventListener = function(a, b, c) { var index = indexOf(listeners, a, b, c); if (index < 0) return; el.detachEvent('on' + a, listeners[index].f); listeners.splice(index, 1); }; return el; })(element); } } else { return function(el) { if (el.addEventListener) return el; el.addEventListener = el.removeEventListener = function() {}; throw 'Neither "addEventListener" nor "attachEvent" is supported on this browser.'; } } })(); T.$e = $e; /** * IECover (for drag & drop) */ /*@ var IECover = { STYLE : [ '.wnp_iecover {', ' position: absolute;', ' width: 100%;', ' height: 100%;', ' filter: alpha(opacity=0);', '}' ].join('\n'), initialize : function() { addStyle(IECover.STYLE); delete IECover.STYLE; delete IECover.initialize; }, putCover: function(element) { if (IECover.initialize) IECover.initialize(); var img = element.ownerDocument.createElement('img'); img.src = Consts.WNP_IMAGE_EMPTY; img.className = 'wnp_iecover'; element.insertBefore(img, element.firstChild); }, process : function(func) { func(); }, processCover : function(element, func) { var cover = element.querySelector('.wnp_iecover'); if (!cover && hasClass(element, 'wnp_iecover')) { cover = element; } if (cover) func(cover); } } T.IECover = IECover; @*/ function cloneObj(obj, target) { var o = target || {}; for (var k in obj) { o[k] = obj[k]; } return o; } T.cloneObj = cloneObj; function isNative(func) { return typeof func == 'function' && /^function\s+\w+\([^)]*?\)\s*\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}$/.test(func.toString()); } T.isNative = isNative; function uescape(s) { return escape(s).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, '\\u00$1').replace(/%u/g, '\\u'); } T.uescape = uescape; function toJSON(o) { if (o == null) return 'null'; var c = o.constructor; if (c === Boolean) return o.toString(); if (c === Number ) return isNaN(o) ? '"NaN"' : !isFinite(o) ? '"Infinity"' : o.toString(10); if (c === String ) return '"' + uescape(o) + '"'; if (c === Array ) { var tmp = []; for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { tmp[i] = toJSON(o[i]); } return '[' + tmp.join(',') + ']'; } if (typeof o == 'object') { var tmp = []; for (var i in o) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, i)) { tmp.push('"' + uescape(i) + '":' + toJSON(o[i])); } } return '{' + tmp.join(',') + '}'; } return '\"' + uescape(o.toString()) + '\"'; } T.toJSON = toJSON; var escapeHTML = (function() { var dv; return function escapeHTML(str, d) { if (dv == null) { dv = (d||document).createElement('div'); setTimeout(function() { dv = null; }, 0); } dv.textContent = /*@ dv.innerText = @*/ str; return dv.innerHTML; }; })(); T.escapeHTML = escapeHTML; function formatNumber(d) { return d.toString().replace(/(\d{1,3})(?=(?:\d\d\d)+$)/g, "$1,"); //http://nanto.asablo.jp/blog/2007/12/07/2479257 }; T.formatNumber = formatNumber; function getAbsolutePosition(el) { var p = el.offsetParent, x = el.offsetLeft, y = el.offsetTop; while (p) { x += p.offsetLeft; y += p.offsetTop; if (!browser.webkit) { x -= p.scrollLeft; y -= p.scrollTop; } p = p.offsetParent; } return { x : x, y : y } } T.getAbsolutePosition = getAbsolutePosition; function hasClass(el, className) { //http://d.hatena.ne.jp/higeorange/20090613/1244821192 return new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)' + className + '(?:\\s|$)').test(el.className); } T.hasClass = hasClass; function appendClass(el, className) { if (!el) return; if (new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)' + className + '\\s*$').test(el.className)) return; removeClass(el, className); el.className += ' ' + className; } T.appendClass = appendClass; function removeClass(el, className) { if (!el) return; var orgClassName = el.className; var newClassName = orgClassName.replace(new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)' + className + '(?:\\s|$)', 'g'), '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/^\s|\s$/, ''); if (orgClassName != newClassName) { el.className = newClassName; } } T.removeClass = removeClass; function addStyle(styleStr, doc) { var document = doc || window.document; var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.style.display = 'none'; if (/*@ !@*/true) { style.textContent = styleStr; } else { style.styleSheet.cssText = styleStr; } document.body.appendChild(style); return style; } T.addStyle = addStyle; function setStyleEnabled(style, enabled) { style.disabled = !enabled; if (style.sheet) style.sheet.disabled = !enabled; // Webkit. } T.setStyleEnabled = setStyleEnabled; function getStyle(element, property, pseudo) { return ( element.currentStyle || element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, pseudo || '') )[property]; } T.getStyle = getStyle; var getValidCssPropertyName = (function() { function camelize(str) { return str.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function($0,$1) { return $1.toUpperCase() }); } function decamelize(str) { return str.replace( /[A-Z]/g, function($0) { return "-" + $0.toLowerCase() }); } var tmpStyle = null; function getValidCssPropertyName(cssProp, forJS) { if (!cssProp) return ''; if (cssProp == 'float') { if (!forJS) return 'float'; else return 'cssFloat'/*@cc_on && 'styleFloat' @*/; } var style = tmpStyle; if (style == null) { style = tmpStyle = document.createElement('div').style; setTimeout(function() { tmpStyle = null; }, 0); } var jsname = camelize(cssProp); if (jsname in style) return forJS ? jsname : decamelize(cssProp); jsname = jsname.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + jsname.slice(1); if (( 'O' + jsname) in style) return forJS ? ('O' + jsname) : ('-o-' + decamelize(cssProp)); if (( 'Moz' + jsname) in style) return forJS ? ('Moz' + jsname) : ('-moz-' + decamelize(cssProp)); if (('Webkit' + jsname) in style) return forJS ? ('Webkit' + jsname) : ('-webkit-' + decamelize(cssProp)); postError('unknown css property. cssProp:[' + cssProp + ']'); return ''; } return getValidCssPropertyName; })(); T.getValidCssPropertyName = getValidCssPropertyName; function $XS(xpath, context) { var doc = (context && context.ownerDocument) || (context && context.evaluate && context) || document; return doc.evaluate(xpath,context||doc,null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue; } T.$XS = $XS; function replace (x, y) { if (!y || x === y) { var p = x.parentNode; var n = x.nextSibling; p.removeChild(x); p.insertBefore(x, n); } else { x.parentNode.replaceChild(y, x); } } T.replace = replace; var indexOf = (function() { if (Array.prototype.indexOf) { return function indexOf(array, element) { return array.indexOf(element); } } else { return function indexOf(array, element) { for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) { if (element === array[i]) return i; } return -1; } } })(); T.indexOf = indexOf; var lastIndexOf = (function() { if (Array.prototype.lastIndexOf) { return function lastIndexOf(array, element) { return array.lastIndexOf(element); } } else { return function lastIndexOf(array, element) { for (var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (element === array[i]) return i; } return -1; } } })(); T.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf; function getVideoTitleFromLink(a) { var title = ''; // process text link only. if (a && !/' + $1 + ' '; if ($2) { if ($2 == 'mp3') return $2; var co = $2.substring(0, 2) == 'co'; if (co) return ' '+ $2 + ' '; else return ' '+ $2 + ' '; } if ($3) return ' '+ $3 + ' '; if ($5) return $4 + ' '+ $5 + ' '; }); }; })(); T.makeNicoLinks = makeNicoLinks; function createPlayInfoFromText(text) { var dv = document.createElement('div'); if (text.indexOf('>') > 0) { dv.innerHTML = text.replace(/]*)?>[\S\s]*?<\/script[ \t\r\n]*>|<\/?(?:i?frame|html|script|object)(?:[ \t\r\n][^<>]*)?>/gi, ' '); // from oAutoPagerize. } else { dv.innerHTML = makeNicoLinks(text); } return createPlayInfo(dv); } T.createPlayInfoFromText = createPlayInfoFromText; function extend(d, s) { for (var p in s) d[p] = s[p]; return d; } T.extend = extend; function postError(e) { if (window.opera) opera.postError(e); else if (window.console) { if (e.name != null && e.message != null) { console.error('[Error:\nname: ' + e.name + '\nmessage: ' + e.message + '\n]'); } else { console.error(e); } } } T.postError = postError; /** * EventDispatcher * @see http://www.fladdict.net/blog-jp/archives/2005/06/javascript.php * @see http://www.adobe.com/support/documentation/jp/flex/1/mixin/mixin3.html */ var EventDispatcher = function() {}; (function() { var ec = '__ed_eventContainer'; EventDispatcher.prototype.addEventListener = function(type, listener) { if (this[ec] == null) this[ec] = new Object(); if (this[ec][type] == null) this[ec][type] = new Array(); this.removeEventListener(type, listener); this[ec][type].push(listener); }; EventDispatcher.prototype.removeEventListener = function(type, listener) { if (this[ec] == null || this[ec][type] == null) return; var listeners = this[ec][type]; for (var i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((listeners[i] === listener) ? listeners.splice(i, 1) : false) break; } }; EventDispatcher.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(event) { if (this[ec] == null || this[ec][event.type] == null) return; if (event.target == null) event.target = this; var listeners = this[ec][event.type]; for (var i = 0, len = listeners.length; i < len; i++) { try { var l = listeners[i]; if (typeof(l) == 'function') l.call(this, event); else new Function(l).call(this, event); } catch(e) { postError(e); } } }; })(); EventDispatcher.initialize = function(obj) { extend(obj, EventDispatcher.prototype); }; T.EventDispatcher = EventDispatcher; /** * class ListElementIterator */ function ListElementIterator(listElement) { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } ListElementIterator.prototype = { initialize : function(listElement) { this.listElement = listElement; this.item = null; }, count : function() { var n = 0, childs = this.listElement.childNodes; for (var i = 0, len = childs.length; i < len; i++) { if (childs[i].nodeType == 1) n++; } return n; }, indexOf : function(item) { var n = 0, childs = this.listElement.childNodes; for (var i = 0, len = childs.length; i < len; i++) { if (childs[i].nodeType == 1) { if (childs[i] === item) return n; n++; } } return -1; }, current : function(item) { if (item && item.parentNode != this.listElement) throw 'illegal argument.'; if (arguments.length > 0) this.item = item; return this; }, first : function() { var c = this.listElement.firstChild; while (c && c.nodeType != 1) { c = c.nextSibling }; return this.current(c); }, last : function() { var c = this.listElement.lastChild; while (c && c.nodeType != 1) { c = c.previousSibling }; return this.current(c); }, index : function(index) { var n = 0, c = this.listElement.firstChild; while (c) { if (c.nodeType == 1) { if (n == index) break; n++; } c = c.nextSibling; } return this.current(c); }, next : function(item) { var c = item || this.item; if (c) do { c = c.nextSibling } while (c && c.nodeType != 1); return this.current(c); }, prev : function(item) { var c = item || this.item; if (c) do { c = c.previousSibling } while (c && c.nodeType != 1); return this.current(c); }, isNullThenFirst : function() { if (this.item == null) this.first(); return this; }, isNullThenLast : function() { if (this.item == null) this.last(); return this; } }; T.ListElementIterator = ListElementIterator; /** * class Soar * increase(decrease) target's property value rapidly. * -- public fields -- * * [constructor] * object - target object. * option - (optional) * dualation soaring time. * delay soaring interval time. * coe soaring ratio (0-1). * [method] * from(attr) - initial property values. * to(attr) - last property values. * go() - begin soaring. * cancel() - cancel soaring. * [propety] * [event] * finish - finish soaring. * ------------------- * * -- examples ------- * * 1. * var soar = new Soar(div); * soar.to({scrollTop: 100}); * soar.go(); * 2. * new Soar(div.style).from({width:'100px'}).to({width:'200px'}).go(); * new Soar(div.style).from({marginLeft:'0'}).to({marginLeft:'-100.0%'}).go(); */ function Soar(object, option) { this.object = object; var o = option || {}; this.duration = o.duration || 500; this.delay = o.delay || 10; this.coe = (o.coe != null) ? o.coe : 0.15; } EventDispatcher.initialize(Soar.prototype); Soar.prototype.from = function(attr) { this._from = attr; return this; }; Soar.prototype.to = function(attr) { this._to = attr; return this; } Soar.prototype.go = function (win) { this.cancel(); var obj = this.object; this.window = win || (obj.ownerDocument ? (obj.ownerDocument.defaultView/*@ || ie.window(obj) @*/) : null) || window; for (var p in this._from) { obj[p] = this._from[p]; } var target = []; for (var p in this._to) { var start = parseFloat(obj[p]) || 0; var m = /(-?[0-9]+\.?([0-9]*))(.*)/.exec(this._to[p]); var dest = parseFloat(m[1]); var scale = m[2].length; var unit = m[3] || /[^0-9]*$/.exec(obj[p]); target.push({ prop: p, cur: start, dest: dest, scale: scale, unit: unit }); } var n = Math.ceil(this.duration / this.delay); var self = this; var startTime = new Date().getTime(); self.tid = this.window.setTimeout(function() { var now = new Date().getTime(); var nn = (self.duration - (now - startTime)) / self.delay; while (n > nn && n > 0) { for (var i = 0, len = target.length; i < len; i++) { var t = target[i]; t.cur = t.cur + (t.dest - t.cur) * (1/n + (1-1/n) * self.coe); } n--; } var finishCount = 0; for (var i = 0, len = target.length; i < len; i++) { var t = target[i]; var next = t.cur.toFixed(t.scale); obj[t.prop] = next + t.unit; if (next == t.dest) finishCount++; } if (finishCount != target.length && n > 0) { self.tid = self.window.setTimeout(arguments.callee, self.delay); } else { self.isActive = false; self.dispatchEvent({ type: 'finish' }); } }, 0); this.isActive = true; } Soar.prototype.cancel = function() { if (this.isActive) { this.window.clearTimeout(this.tid); this.isActive = false; } this._from = null; return this; } T.Soar = Soar; /// class iMarquee - very easy marquee impl. function iMarquee(element) { this.ele = element; this.allowance = 20; this.delay = 16; this.step = 1; this.restart = 2500; } (function(member) { member.apply(iMarquee.prototype) })(function() { this.go = function(firstDelay) { var self = this; var tid = setTimeout(function() { var dist = self.ele.offsetWidth + self.allowance; var cur = parseFloat(self.ele.style.marginLeft) || 0; (function run() { cur += self.step; if (cur <= dist) { self.ele.style.marginLeft = -cur + 'px'; tid = setTimeout(run, self.delay); } else { self.restore(); if (self.restart >= 0) self.go(self.restart); } })(); }, firstDelay || 800); this.activity = { restore: function() { clearTimeout(tid); self.ele.style.marginLeft = ''; } }; }; this.restore = function() { if (this.activity) { this.activity.restore(); this.activity = null; } }; }); T.iMarquee = iMarquee; /** * class ListUtil * append useful features to list element. * -- public fields -- * * [constructor] * listElement - target element. * [method] * select(item) - select item. * cancel() - cancel drag. * getSelectedItems() - get selected items. * [propety] * hoverColor - hover item's background-color. * draggingColor - dragging item's background-color. * selectedColor - selected item's background-color. * [event] * selectioncanged - fire event when select item. * itemover - fire event when mouseover item(except dragging). * itemout - fire event when mouseout item(except dragging). * dragstart - fire event when drag start. * dragging - fire event when dragging. * dragover - fire event when drag over other draggable element. * dragend - fire event when drag end. * dragcancel - fire event when drag cancel. * ------------------- * */ function ListUtil() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } EventDispatcher.initialize(ListUtil.prototype); ListUtil.prototype.initialize = function(listElement) { this.listElement = listElement; this.initEvents(); this.hoverColor = '#D7EBFF'; this.draggingColor = '#FFCCCC'; this.selectedColor = '#B4DAFF'; this.current = { selectedItems : [], isMouseDown : false, mouseDownItem : null, mouseDownPoint : null, isDragging : false, dragTargetItem : null, dragTargetImage : null, dropTargetItem : null, hoveringItem : null }; }; ListUtil.prototype.select = function(element, option) { var opt = option || {}; var items = this.current.selectedItems; for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; item.style.backgroundColor = ''; if (item === this.current.hoveringItem) { item.style.backgroundColor = this.hoverColor; } } if (element) { this.current.selectedItems = getSelection.call(this, element); var items = this.current.selectedItems; for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; item.style.backgroundColor = this.selectedColor; } } if (option) { // call from outer. this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'selectioncanged', lastSelectedItem: (this.current.selectedItems.length > 0 ? this.current.lastSelectedItem : null) }); } function getSelection(element) { // if no modifyer key pressed, select exclusive. if (!opt.ctrl && !opt.shift) { this.current.lastSelectedItem = element; return [element]; } // toggle select. if (opt.ctrl && !opt.shift) { var next = cleanupSelection.call(this); var li = lastIndexOf(next, element); if (li < 0) next.push(element); else next.splice(li, 1); this.current.lastSelectedItem = element; return next; } // range select if (opt.shift) { var lastSelectedItem = this.current.lastSelectedItem; if (!lastSelectedItem || lastSelectedItem === element) { return [element]; } var items = (opt.ctrl ? cleanupSelection.call(this) : []); var next = items.concat(); var itr = new ListElementIterator(this.listElement).first(); var inRange = false, isEdge = false; while (itr.item) { var item = itr.item; if (item == lastSelectedItem || item == element) { isEdge = true; inRange = !inRange; } else { isEdge = false; } if (inRange || isEdge) { if (lastIndexOf(items, item) < 0) next.push(item); } itr.next(); } return next; } } function cleanupSelection() { var next = []; var items = this.current.selectedItems; for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; if (item && item.parentNode === this.listElement) next.push(item); } return next; }; }; ListUtil.prototype.selectAll = function() { var itr = new ListElementIterator(this.listElement).first(); var items = []; while (itr.item) { var item = itr.item; items.push(item); item.style.backgroundColor = this.selectedColor; itr.next(); } this.current.selectedItems = items; this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'selectioncanged', lastSelectedItem: this.current.selectedItems[0] }); }; ListUtil.prototype.isSelectedItem = function(element) { var items = this.current.selectedItems; for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { if (items[i] === element) return true; } return false; }; ListUtil.prototype.getSelectedItems = function() { var next = []; var items = this.current.selectedItems; for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; if (item && item.parentNode === this.listElement) next.push(item); } this.current.selectedItems = next; if (next.length <= 1) return next.concat(); // sort. (slow?) var next = []; var items = this.current.selectedItems; var itr = new ListElementIterator(this.listElement).first(); while (itr.item) { if (indexOf(items, itr.item) >= 0) next.push(itr.item); itr.next(); } this.current.selectedItems = next; return next.concat(); }; ListUtil.prototype.itemOver = function(element) { if (!this.isSelectedItem(element)) { element.style.backgroundColor = this.hoverColor; } this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'itemover', item: element }); }; ListUtil.prototype.itemOut = function(element) { if (this.isSelectedItem(element)) return; element.style.backgroundColor = ''; this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'itemout', item: element }); }; ListUtil.prototype.dragStart = function(element) { if (this.current.dragTargetItem) { this.current.dragTargetItem.style.backgroundColor = ''; } if (this.current.dropTargetItem) { this.current.dropTargetItem.style.background = ''; } this.current.dragTargetItem = element; this.current.dragTargetItem.style.backgroundColor = this.draggingColor; this.current.dragTargetImage = this.current.dragTargetItem.querySelector('img.thumbnail').src; this.listElement.style.cursor = 'move'; // deselect Text. if (typeof getSelection == 'function') { var selection = getSelection(); if (selection && typeof selection.removeAllRanges == 'function') { selection.removeAllRanges(); } } /*@ document.selection.empty(); IECover.processCover(this.current.dragTargetItem, function(cover) { cover.style.cursor = 'move'; }); @*/ this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'dragstart' }); }; ListUtil.prototype.dragging = function() { this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'dragging' }); }; ListUtil.prototype.dragOver = function(element) { if (this.current.dropTargetItem && this.current.dropTargetItem !== this.current.dragTargetItem) { this.current.dropTargetItem.style.backgroundImage = ''; this.current.dropTargetItem.style.backgroundPosition = ''; this.current.dropTargetItem.style.backgroundRepeat = ''; } this.current.dropTargetItem = element; if (this.current.dropTargetItem !== this.current.dragTargetItem) { this.current.dropTargetItem.style.backgroundImage = 'url("' + this.current.dragTargetImage + '")'; this.current.dropTargetItem.style.backgroundPosition = 'center top'; this.current.dropTargetItem.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat'; } this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'dragover', item: element }); }; ListUtil.prototype.dragEnd = function() { var element = this.current.dragTargetItem; this.current.dragTargetItem.style.backgroundColor = this.selectedColor; if (this.current.dropTargetItem) { if (this.current.dropTargetItem !== this.current.dragTargetItem) { var document = this.listElement.ownerDocument; for (var p = this.current.dropTargetItem; p && p !== this.current.dragTargetItem; p = p.previousSibling); var downTo = !!p; var items = this.getSelectedItems(); var dropPlace; if (indexOf(items, this.current.dropTargetItem) < 0) { this.current.dropTargetItem.style.background = ''; dropPlace = this.current.dropTargetItem; } else { this.current.dropTargetItem.style.background = this.selectedColor; dropPlace = document.createTextNode(''); this.listElement.insertBefore(dropPlace, this.current.dropTargetItem); } var df = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { df.appendChild(items[i]); } this.listElement.insertBefore(df, downTo ? dropPlace.nextSibling : dropPlace); if (dropPlace.nodeType == 3) dropPlace.parentNode.removeChild(dropPlace); } this.current.dropTargetItem = null; } this.current.dragTargetItem = null; this.listElement.style.cursor = ''; /*@ IECover.processCover(element, function(cover) { cover.style.cursor = ''; }); @*/ this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'dragend', item: element }); }; ListUtil.prototype.dragCancel = function() { var element = this.current.dragTargetItem; if (this.current.dropTargetItem) { this.current.dropTargetItem.style.background = ''; this.current.dropTargetItem = null; } this.current.dragTargetItem.style.backgroundColor = this.selectedColor; this.current.dragTargetItem = null; this.listElement.style.cursor = ''; /*@ IECover.processCover(element, function(cover) { cover.style.cursor = ''; }); @*/ this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'dragcancel' }); }; ListUtil.prototype.createProxy = function(el) { var proxy = el.cloneNode(true); proxy.removeAttribute('id'); var an = proxy.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0, len = an.length; i < len; i++) { an[i].removeAttribute('href'); } return proxy; }; ListUtil.prototype.cancel = function() { if (!this.current.isDragging) return; this.current.isDragging = false; this.scrollingCancel(); this.dragCancel(); }; ListUtil.prototype.initEvents = function() { var document = this.listElement.ownerDocument; var window = document.defaultView/*@ || ie.window(document) @*/; var self = this; var scrollTid = null; var direction = null; var range = 60; this.scrollingCancel = function() { if (scrollTid) { window.clearInterval(scrollTid); scrollTid = direction = null; } }; $e(document).addEventListener('keydown', this.event_keydown = function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { self.current.isMouseDown = false; self.current.mouseDownItem = null; self.current.mouseDownPoint = null; self.cancel(); } if (e.ctrlKey && String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode || e.charCode).toLowerCase() == 'a') { if (getStyle(self.listElement, 'visibility') == 'hidden' || getStyle(self.listElement, 'display') == 'none') { return; } self.selectAll(); } }, false); $e(document).addEventListener('mouseup', this.event_document_mouseup = function(e) { self.current.isMouseDown = false; self.scrollingCancel(); if (self.current.isDragging) { self.current.isDragging = false; var pos = getAbsolutePosition(self.listElement); pos.x += self.listElement.clientLeft; pos.y += self.listElement.clientTop; if (e.clientX >= pos.x && e.clientX <= (pos.x + self.listElement.clientWidth) && e.clientY >= pos.y && e.clientY <= (pos.y + self.listElement.clientHeight)) { self.dragEnd(); } else { self.dragCancel(); } } if (self.current.keyupSelect) { self.current.keyupSelect = false; self.select(self.current.mouseDownItem, { ctrl : false, shift : false }); } self.current.mouseDownItem = null; self.current.mouseDownPoint = null; }, false); $e(document).addEventListener('mousemove', this.event_document_mousemove = function(e) { if (!self.current.isDragging && self.current.isMouseDown && self.current.mouseDownItem) { var point = self.current.mouseDownPoint; var r = 2; if (e.pageX < point.x - r || e.pageX > point.x + r || e.pageY < point.y - r || e.pageY > point.y + r) { self.current.isDragging = true; self.dragStart(self.current.mouseDownItem); self.current.keyupSelect = false; } } if (self.current.isDragging) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.clientY < (self.listElement.offsetTop + 25)) { // scroll up var sub = (self.listElement.offsetTop + 25) - e.clientY; range = 50 * (Math.ceil(sub/20)); if (scrollTid && direction != 1) { window.clearInterval(scrollTid); } if (direction != 1) { direction = 1; scrollTid = window.setInterval(function() { self.listElement.scrollTop -= range; }, 100); } } else if (e.clientY > (self.listElement.offsetTop + self.listElement.offsetHeight - 25)) { // scroll down var sub = e.clientY - (self.listElement.offsetTop + self.listElement.offsetHeight - 25); range = 50 * (Math.ceil(sub/20)); if (scrollTid && direction != 2) { window.clearInterval(scrollTid); } if (direction != 2) { direction = 2; scrollTid = window.setInterval(function() { self.listElement.scrollTop += range; }, 100); } } else { self.scrollingCancel(); } self.dragging(); } }, false); $e(this.listElement).addEventListener('mousedown', this.event_element_mousedown = function(e) { if (e.target === e.currentTarget) return; var item = e.target; while (item.parentNode !== e.currentTarget) item = item.parentNode; self.current.isMouseDown = true; e.preventDefault(); self.current.mouseDownItem = item; self.current.mouseDownPoint = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }; if (self.current.selectedItems.length > 1 && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && self.isSelectedItem(item)) { self.current.keyupSelect = true; } else { self.select(item, { ctrl : e.ctrlKey, shift : e.shiftKey }); } }, false); $e(this.listElement).addEventListener('mouseover', this.event_element_mouseover = function(e) { if (!self.current.isDragging) { // disable mousedown event on an inline element. (and enable link drag on Opera) if (e.target === e.currentTarget || /^(a|span|img|input|select|button|object|embed|iframe)$/i.test(e.target.nodeName)) { $e(self.listElement).removeEventListener('mousedown', self.event_element_mousedown, false); } else { $e(self.listElement).addEventListener('mousedown', self.event_element_mousedown, false); } /*@ IECover.processCover(e.target, function(cover) { $e(self.listElement).addEventListener('mousedown', self.event_element_mousedown, false); });@*/ } /*@ IECover.process(function() { e.preventDefault() }); @*/ if (e.target !== e.currentTarget) { var item = e.target; while (item && item.parentNode !== e.currentTarget) item = item.parentNode; if (!item) return; if (item !== self.current.hoveringItem) { self.current.hoveringItem = item; if (self.current.isDragging) { self.dragOver(item); } else { self.itemOver(item); } } } }, false); $e(this.listElement).addEventListener('mouseout', this.event_element_mouseout = function(e) { if (self.current.hoveringItem) { var currentItem = self.current.hoveringItem; var item = e.relatedTarget; while (item && item !== self.current.hoveringItem) item = item.parentNode; if (item !== self.current.hoveringItem) { self.current.hoveringItem = null; if (!self.current.isDragging) { self.itemOut(currentItem); } } } }, false); $e(this.listElement).addEventListener('click', this.event_element_click = function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }, true); }; T.ListUtil = ListUtil; /** * class TimerManager. */ function TimerManager(win) { this.win = win || window; this.timeouts = {}; this.intervals = {}; } TimerManager.prototype.setTimeout = function(name, func, delay) { this.clear(name); var self = this; this.timeouts[name] = this.win.setTimeout(function() { delete self.timeouts[name]; func(); }, delay); }; TimerManager.prototype.setInterval = function(name, func, delay) { this.clear(name); this.intervals[name] = this.win.setInterval(func, delay); }; TimerManager.prototype.clear = function(name) { if (this.timeouts[name]) { this.win.clearTimeout(this.timeouts[name]); delete this.timeouts[name]; } if (this.intervals[name]) { this.win.clearInterval(this.intervals[name]); delete this.intervals[name]; } }; T.TimerManager = TimerManager; /** * Cookie. */ var Cookie = { get : function(key) { var m = new RegExp('(?: |^)' + key + '=([^;]*)').exec(document.cookie); return m ? decodeURIComponent(m[1]) : ''; }, set : function(key, value, expires, path, domain) { /*@ path = path.replace(/[^/]*$/, '') @*/ document.cookie = key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value) + (expires ? ('; expires=' + new Date(expires).toGMTString()) : '') + (path ? ('; path=' + path) : '') + (domain ? ('; domain=' + domain) : ''); }, del : function(key) { document.cookie = key + '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'; } }; T.Cookie = Cookie; /** * class ListedKeyMap. * Map implementation which has listed keys. */ function ListedKeyMap() { this._keys = []; this._values = {}; } ListedKeyMap.prototype = { has : function(key) { return this._values.hasOwnProperty(key); }, get : function(key) { return this._values[key]; }, getAt : function(index) { return this._values[this._keys[index]]; }, add : function(key, value) { if (this.has(key)) this.remove(key); this._values[key] = value; this._keys.push(key); }, insertAt : function(index, key, value) { if (this.has(key)) return; this._values[key] = value; this._keys.splice(index, 0, key); }, remove : function(key) { if (this.has(key)) { this._keys.splice(this.indexOf(key), 1); delete this._values[key]; } }, removeAt : function(index) { var key = this._keys[index]; this._keys.splice(index, 1); delete this._values[key]; }, indexOf : (function() { if (Array.prototype.indexOf) { return function(key) { return this._keys.indexOf(key); } } else { return function(key) { var keys = this._keys; for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) { if (keys[i] === key) return i; } return -1; } } })(), keys : function() { return this._keys.concat(); }, count : function() { return this._keys.length; } }; T.ListedKeyMap = ListedKeyMap; /** * class SwfStorage. */ function SwfStorage(swfUrl) { this.url = swfUrl; this.isLoaded = false; this.onload = null; this.onerror = null; this.timer = new TimerManager(); this.load(); } SwfStorage.prototype = { load : function() { var swf = document.createElement('embed'); swf.setAttribute('type', 'application/x-shockwave-flash'); swf.setAttribute('allowScriptAccess', 'always'); swf.setAttribute('wmode', 'transparent'); swf.setAttribute('src', this.url); swf.setAttribute('width', '1'); swf.setAttribute('height', '1'); swf.style.cssText = 'position: absolute; z-index: -1; top: 0; left: 0; width: 1px; height: 1px;'; (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(swf); this.swf = swf; this.observeLoad(); }, observeLoad : function() { var self = this; var retry = 100; this.timer.setInterval('observe', function() { try { if (test()) { self.isLoaded = true; self.timer.clear('observe'); if (self.onload) try { self.onload(); } catch(ee) { postError(ee); } } } catch (e) { if (--retry == 0) { self.timer.clear('observe'); postError(e); if (self.onerror) try { self.onerror(); } catch(ee) { postError(ee); } } } }, 222); function test() { self.swf.setData('test', 'test', '_tmp'); if (self.swf.getData('test', '_tmp') == 'test') { self.swf.clear('_tmp'); return true; } return false; } }, getData : function(key, name) { return this.swf.getData(key, name); }, setData : function(key, data, name) { return this.swf.setData(key, data, name); }, clear : function(name) { this.swf.clear(name); } }; /** * class LocalStorage. */ function LocalStorage(category) { this.isLoaded = (typeof window.localStorage != 'undefined'); this.category = category || ''; var self = this; setTimeout(function() { if (self.onload) try { self.onload(); } catch(e) {} }, 10); } LocalStorage.prototype = { getData : function(key, name) { var keyName = (this.category ? (this.category + '/') : '') + (name != null ? (name + '.' + key) : key); return localStorage.getItem(keyName); }, setData : function(key, data, name) { var keyName = (this.category ? (this.category + '/') : '') + (name != null ? (name + '.' + key) : key); if (data == null) { return localStorage.removeItem(keyName); } else { return localStorage.setItem(keyName, data); } }, clear : function(name) { var prefix = (this.category ? (this.category + '/') : '') + (name != null ? (name + '.') : ''); var keys = []; if (prefix) { for (var i = 0, len = localStorage.length; i < len; i++) { var key = localStorage.key(i); if (key.indexOf(prefix) == 0) keys.push(key); } } else { for (var i = 0, len = localStorage.length; i < len; i++) { var key = localStorage.key(i); if (key.indexOf('/') < 0 && key.indexOf('.') < 0) keys.push(key); } } for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { localStorage.removeItem(keys[i]); } } }; var createStorage = (function() { var storage = null; if (window.localStorage) { return function() { return storage || (storage = new LocalStorage('wnp')); } } else { return function() { return storage || (storage = new SwfStorage(Consts.WNP_STORAGE_SWF)); } } })(); T.createStorage = createStorage; /** * class KeyBind. */ function KeyBind(target) { this.target = target || document; this.binds = []; this.listeners = { keydown: null, keypress: null, keyup: null }; this.allowFilter = []; }; KeyBind.KEY_MAP = { 'backspace' : 8, 'tab' : 9, 'enter' : 13, 'shift' : 16, 'ctrl' : 17, 'alt' : 18, 'pause' : 19, 'esc' : 27, 'space' : 32, 'pageup' : 33, 'pagedown' : 34, 'end' : 35, 'home' : 36, 'left' : 37, 'up' : 38, 'right' : 39, 'down' : 40, 'ins' : 45, 'del' : 46 }; KeyBind.prototype.start = function() { var self = this; var isControlKindKey = false; var keydownCode = -1; var keypressCode = -1; $e(this.target).addEventListener('keydown', this.listeners.keydown = function(e) { if (!(e.repeating = e.repeat)) { // software key repeat check. (DOM3 KeyboardEvent.repeat is always false on my environment without Firefox Nightly). if (keydownCode === e.keyCode) { e.repeating = true; } } keydownCode = e.keyCode; isControlKindKey = checkControlKindKey(e); if (!(browser.opera && browser.opera_version < 12.10)) { if (!checkEventTarget(e) && !checkAllowFilter(e)) return; if (isControlKindKey) { processKey(e); } else if (browser.ie || browser.webkit) { if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) { processKey(e); } } } }, false); $e(this.target).addEventListener('keypress', this.listeners.keypress = function(e) { if (!(e.repeating = e.repeat)) { // software key repeat check. (DOM3 KeyboardEvent.repeat is always false on my environment without Firefox Nightly). if (keypressCode === e.keyCode) { e.repeating = true; } } keypressCode = e.keyCode; if (!checkEventTarget(e) && !checkAllowFilter(e)) return; if (!(browser.opera && browser.opera_version < 12.10)) { if (!isControlKindKey) processKey(e); } else { processKey(e); } }, false); $e(this.target).addEventListener('keyup', this.listeners.keyup = function(e) { keydownCode = -1; keypressCode = -1; }, false); function processKey(e) { for (var i = 0, binds = self.binds, len = binds.length; i < len; i++) { var shortcut = binds[i]; if (self.checkShortcut(shortcut, e, isControlKindKey)) { e.preventDefault(); shortcut.fn(e); } } } function checkControlKindKey(e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode; if (keyCode == KeyBind.KEY_MAP.space) return false; if (keyCode == KeyBind.KEY_MAP.enter) return false; if (keyCode >= 112 && keyCode <= 135) return true; // function keys. for (var k in KeyBind.KEY_MAP) { if (KeyBind.KEY_MAP[k] == keyCode) return true; } return false; } function checkEventTarget(e) { if (e.currentTarget === e.target) return true; var target = e.target; var nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.charCode; var available = true; // textarea -> no keys are available. // textfield -> only up or dowm is available. // select -> available excludes tab, enter, space, up, down, pageup, pagedown. // other input(buttons) -> available excludes tab, enter, space. // other (body, etc) -> all keys are available. if (nodeName == 'textarea') { available = false; } else if (nodeName == 'input' && _in(target.type, 'text', 'password', 'file')) { available = isControlKindKey && _in(keyCode, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.up, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.down); } else if (nodeName == 'select') { available = !_in(keyCode, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.space, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.enter) && !(isControlKindKey && _in(keyCode, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.tab, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.up, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.down, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.pageup, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.pagedown)); } else if (_in(nodeName, 'input', 'button')) { available = !_in(keyCode, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.space, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.enter) && !(isControlKindKey && _in(keyCode, KeyBind.KEY_MAP.tab)); } // always available if target is hiding. if (!available) { if (getStyle(target, 'visibility') == 'hidden' || getStyle(target, 'display') == 'none') { available = true; } } return available; } function _in (val /*, n1, n2, ..*/) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (val == arguments[i]) return true; } return false; } function checkAllowFilter(e) { var filters = self.allowFilter; for (var i = 0, len = filters.length; i < len; i++) { if (filters[i](e)) return true; } return false; } }; KeyBind.prototype.stop = function() { this.target.removeEventListener('keydown', this.listeners.keydown, false); this.target.removeEventListener('keypress', this.listeners.keypress, false); this.target.removeEventListener('keyup', this.listeners.keyup, false); this.listeners.keydown = null; this.listeners.keypress = null; this.listeners.keyup = null; }; KeyBind.prototype.clear = function() { this.binds = []; }; KeyBind.prototype.dispose = function() { this.stop(); delete this.binds; delete this.target; }; KeyBind.prototype.add = function(ch, fn) { var shortcut = this.parseShortcut(ch); shortcut.fn = fn; this.binds.push(shortcut); }; KeyBind.prototype.remove = function(ch) { var sha = this.parseShortcut(ch); var newBinds = null; for (var i = 0, binds = this.binds, len = binds.length; i < len; i++) { var shb = binds[i]; if (sha.ch === shb.ch && sha.shift === shb.shift && sha.alt === shb.alt && sha.ctrl === shb.ctrl ) { if (!newBinds) newBinds = binds.slice(0, i); } else { if (newBinds) newBinds.push(shb); } } if (newBinds != null) { this.binds = newBinds; } }; KeyBind.prototype.addAllowFilter = function(func) { this.allowFilter.push(func); }; KeyBind.prototype.parseShortcut = function(str) { var shortcut = {}; var cmds = str.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/); for(var i = 0, len = cmds.length; i < len; i++) { var cmd = cmds[i]; if (cmd === 'shift') shortcut.shift = true; else if (cmd === 'alt' ) shortcut.alt = true; else if (cmd === 'ctrl' ) shortcut.ctrl = true; } shortcut.ch = cmds[0]; return shortcut; }; KeyBind.prototype.checkShortcut = function(shortcut, e, isControlKindKey) { if (shortcut.ch == '*') return true; if (/^(?:[0-9A-Za-z]|enter|space)$/.test(shortcut.ch)) { if (!!shortcut.shift != e.shiftKey) return false; } else { if (shortcut.shift && !e.shiftKey) return false; } if (!!shortcut.alt != e.altKey ) return false; if (!!shortcut.ctrl != e.ctrlKey) return false; var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.charCode; if (shortcut.ch == 'space') return keyCode == KeyBind.KEY_MAP.space; if (shortcut.ch == 'enter') return keyCode == KeyBind.KEY_MAP.enter; if (KeyBind.KEY_MAP[shortcut.ch] != null) { return keyCode == KeyBind.KEY_MAP[shortcut.ch] && isControlKindKey; } if (/^f\d+$/.test(shortcut.ch)) { return shortcut.ch == ('f' + (keyCode - 111)) && isControlKindKey; // "f1" : 112 } return shortcut.ch == String.fromCharCode(keyCode).toLowerCase() && !isControlKindKey; }; T.KeyBind = KeyBind; /** * class Platform */ function Platform() { this.commands = new ListedKeyMap(); this.currentMode = ''; this.keyBinds = {}; this.currentKeyBind = this.keyBinds[''] = new KeyBind(); this.currentKeyBind.start(); } Platform.prototype.bindCommand = function(command) { this.commands.add(command.name, command); }; Platform.prototype.doCommand = function(commandName) { var cmd = this.commands.get(commandName); if (cmd) { cmd.fn.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } }; Platform.prototype.bindShortcut = function(commandName, key, mode) { var self = this; var keyBind = this.keyBinds[mode || '']; if (!keyBind) { keyBind = this.keyBinds[mode] = new KeyBind(); } keyBind.add(key, function(e) { self.doCommand(commandName, e); }); }; Platform.prototype.unbindShortcut = function(key, mode) { var keyBind = this.keyBinds[mode || '']; if (!keyBind) return; keyBind.remove(key); }; Platform.prototype.changeMode = function(mode) { if (this.currentKeyBind) this.currentKeyBind.stop(); this.currentKeyBind = this.keyBinds[mode || '']; if (this.currentKeyBind) this.currentKeyBind.start(); }; Platform.prototype.clearMode = function(mode) { this.changeMode(null); }; T.Platform = Platform; /** * class ClipboardReciever * -- public fields -- * * [constructor] * doc - document object to observe. * [property] * text - pasted text. * [event] * onpaste - fire event when pasted text. * ------------------- * */ function ClipboardReciever(doc) { this.build(doc || document); this.onpaste = null; } ClipboardReciever.prototype.build = function(document) { var txt = document.createElement('textarea'); txt.style.cssText = 'position: absolute; top: -1px; left: -1px; width : 1px; height: 1px; '; var self = this; function attach() { txt.value = ''; document.body.appendChild(txt); txt.focus(); } function detach() { txt.blur(); if (txt.parentNode) txt.parentNode.removeChild(txt); } function onpaste() { self.text = txt.value; txt.value = ''; if (self.onpaste) self.onpaste(self); self.text = null; } $e(document).addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 17) { attach(); } }, false); $e(txt).addEventListener('blur', detach, false); $e(txt).addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 86) { if (txt.value) onpaste(); } if (e.keyCode == 17) { detach(); } }, false); function observeKey(e) { if (e.keyCode == 86) { if (txt.value) onpaste(); } else { //e.preventDefault(); } } $e(txt).addEventListener('keydown', observeKey, false); $e(txt).addEventListener('keypress', observeKey, false); this.element = txt; }; T.ClipboardReciever = ClipboardReciever; } WNP.BUILD_FUNC = BUILD_FUNC; function BUILD_WNP(T) { if (!T) T = window; /** * class WNPCore * nicovideo viewer. * -- public fields -- * * [method] * play(videoid) - play the video of videoid(or url). * stop() - stop playing video. * fillView() - resize player to container size. * restoreView() - cancel fill. * alternativeView()- show alternative still image. * setControlShowing(boolean) - show or hide control of flv player. * [propety] * element - player element. * current - current statuses. * videoinfo - set when video loaded. (has [videoid, url, thumb, title, desc] property.) * style - current style. * fill : fill view. * restore : original page view. * alternate : alternative still image. * isPlaying - if playing video then true, else false. * isControlShowing - if control showing then true else false. * errorWhenDeleted - raise error when the movie has been deleted. * [event] * load - fire event when the video page loaded. * start - fire event when the video started. * error - fire event when could't load video. (deleted or other) * finish - fire event when finished playing video. * fatal - fire event when fatal error occured. (logout, overaccess) * ------------------- * */ function WNPCore() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; WNPCore.STYLE_FILL = 'fill'; WNPCore.STYLE_RESTORE = 'restore'; WNPCore.STYLE_ALTERNATE = 'alternate'; WNPCore.emptyFunc = new Function(); EventDispatcher.initialize(WNPCore.prototype); WNPCore.prototype.initialize = function(document, name) { this.element = this.build(document || window.document, name); this.current = { videoinfo : null, location : null, isPlaying : false, isPausing : false, isLoading : false, isHiding : false, isMute : false, isRepeat : false, isCommentOff : false, style : WNPCore.STYLE_FILL, isControlShowing : false, autoRelayout : true, errorWhenDeleted : true, alternativeElement : null, alternativeElementSize : null, videoLoaded: false, videoStarted: false, videoFinished: false, viewSize: { ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_WIDTH : Consts.ORG_PLAYER4_VIEW_WIDTH, ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_HEIGHT : Consts.ORG_PLAYER4_VIEW_HEIGHT, ORG_PLAYER_CONTROL_HEIGHT : Consts.ORG_PLAYER4_CONTROL_HEIGHT, ORG_PLAYER_MINIMUM_WIDTH : Consts.ORG_PLAYER4_MINIMUM_WIDTH, ORG_PLAYER_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ : 0 } }; this.listeners = {} this.observeInterval = 500; this.emptyView(); this.timer = new TimerManager(this.element.ownerDocument.defaultView || ie.window(this.element)); } WNPCore.prototype.build = function(document, name) { this._ = {}; var dv = document.createElement('div'); var boxSizing = getValidCssPropertyName('box-sizing'); dv.style.cssText = [ boxSizing + ': border-box;', 'width: 100%; height: 100%;', 'color: white;', 'background-color: #202731;', 'margin: 0; padding: 0;', 'border-style: solid;', 'border-color: #050608 black;', 'border-width: 0;', 'overflow: hidden;', 'position: relative;', // http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/Graphics/CSSGradientBackgroundMaker/ 'background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #899AC2 0%, #202731 100%);', 'background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #899AC2 0%, #202731 100%);', 'background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #899AC2 0%, #202731 100%);', 'background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #899AC2), color-stop(1, #202731));', 'background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #899AC2 0%, #202731 100%);', 'background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #899AC2 0%, #202731 100%);', '-ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0,startcolorstr=#899AC2, endcolorstr=#202731))";' ].join(''); dv.innerHTML = [ '
      ', ' ', '

      ', '
      ', '', ].join(''); this._.container = dv; this._.loadingbx = dv.childNodes[0]; this._.loadimage = dv.childNodes[0].getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; this._.caption = dv.childNodes[0].getElementsByTagName('p')[0]; this._.nicoframe = dv.childNodes[1]; return this._.container; }; WNPCore.prototype.show = function() { this.current.isHiding = false; this.element.style.width = '100%'; this.element.style.height = '100%'; this.layout(); }; WNPCore.prototype.hide = function() { this.current.isHiding = true; this.element.style.width = '0'; this.element.style.height = '0'; this.element.style.borderWidth = '0'; this._.loadingbx.style.display = 'none'; }; WNPCore.prototype.detach = function() { if (this.element && this.element.parentNode) { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); } this.stop(); }; WNPCore.prototype.nico = (function() { function getPlayer() { return this.document && (this.document.getElementById('external_nicoplayer') || this.document.getElementById('flvplayer')); // for zero. } return function nico() { var nicoWindow = (this._.nicoframe.parentNode) ? this._.nicoframe.contentWindow : null; // for ie. var nicoDocument = (nicoWindow) ? nicoWindow.document : null; return { window : nicoWindow, document : nicoDocument, getPlayer : getPlayer } } })(); WNPCore.prototype.loadingStart = function() { this.current.isLoading = true; this._.caption.innerHTML = 'now loading.'; this._.caption.style.display = ''; }; WNPCore.prototype.loadingEnd = function() { this.current.isLoading = false; this._.caption.style.display = 'none'; }; WNPCore.prototype.setAlternativeView = function(element, width, height) { if (element == null) { this.current.alternativeElement = null; this.current.alternativeElementSize = null; return; } this.current.alternativeElement = element; this.current.alternativeElementSize = { width: width, height: height }; if (this.current.style == WNPCore.STYLE_ALTERNATE) { this.alternativeView(); } }; WNPCore.prototype.play = function(videoinfo) { // resume if 0 arguments. if (!videoinfo && this.current.isPlaying) { this.resume(); return; } this._.container.style.backgroundColor = 'black'; this.current.videoinfo = videoinfo; var video_url = videoinfo.url || videoinfo.id || videoinfo; if (!/^http:/.test(video_url)) video_url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + video_url; if (this._.nicoframe.parentNode === this._.container) { this._.container.removeChild(this._.nicoframe); } this._.nicoframe.src = video_url; this.current.isPlaying = true; this.current.isPausing = false; this.current.videoLoaded = false; this.current.videoStarted = false; this.current.videoFinished = false; this.loadingStart(); this.layout(); this._.container.appendChild(this._.nicoframe); this.current.location = this._.nicoframe.src; this.current.loaded = 0; this.current.playhead = 0; this.startObserveLoad(); }; WNPCore.prototype.stop = function() { this.current.isPlaying = false; this.current.isPausing = false; this.current.videoLoaded = false; this.current.videoStarted = false; this.current.videoFinished = false; this.stopObserving(); this.emptyView(); this.current.videoinfo = null; this.current.location = null; this.current.loaded = 0; this.current.playhead = 0; this.current.alternativeElement = null; }; WNPCore.prototype.pause = function() { this.current.isPausing = true; var flvplayer = this.nico().getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) return; try { flvplayer.ext_play(0); } catch(e) { postError(e) } }; WNPCore.prototype.resume = function() { this.current.isPausing = false; this.startObserving(); var flvplayer = this.nico().getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) return; try { flvplayer.ext_play(1); } catch(e) { } }; WNPCore.prototype.startPlaying = function() { this.current.isPausing = false; this.startObserving(); var flvplayer = this.nico().getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) return; flvplayer.ext_play(1); // workaround for the problem that won't sound at beginning a video. flvplayer.ext_setVolume(Number(flvplayer.ext_getVolume())+1e-14); }; WNPCore.prototype.setStyle = function(style) { if (this.current.style != style) { this.current.style = style; this.layout(); } }; WNPCore.prototype.layoutIfNecessary = function() { if (!this.current.autoRelayout) return; var container = this._.container; var containerSize = this._.containerSize; if (containerSize.width != container.offsetWidth || containerSize.height != container.offsetHeight) { this.layout(); this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'resize' }); } }; WNPCore.prototype.layout = function() { if (this.current.isHiding) return; if (!this.current.isPlaying) { this.emptyView(); return; } if (this.current.isLoading && this.current.style === WNPCore.STYLE_FILL) { this.alternativeView(); this.current.style = WNPCore.STYLE_FILL; return; } switch (this.current.style) { case WNPCore.STYLE_RESTORE: this.restoreView(); break; case WNPCore.STYLE_ALTERNATE: this.alternativeView(); break; default: this.fillView(); break; } this._.containerSize = { width: this._.container.offsetWidth, height: this._.container.offsetHeight }; }; WNPCore.prototype.sight = function() { try { var nico = this.nico(); var flvplayer = nico.getPlayer(); var p = getAbsolutePosition(flvplayer); if (this.current.size) { if (this.current.size.viewW && this.current.size.viewW < this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_MINIMUM_WIDTH) { p.x += (this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_MINIMUM_WIDTH - this.current.size.viewW) / 2; } } nico.window.scrollTo(p.x, p.y); } catch(e) { postError(e) } }; WNPCore.prototype.emptyView = function() { this._.container.style.borderWidth = '0'; this._.container.style.backgroundColor = '#4F586D'; this._.loadingbx.style.display = 'none'; if (this._.nicoframe.parentNode == this._.container) { this._.container.removeChild(this._.nicoframe); } }; WNPCore.prototype.fillView = function() { if (!this.current.isPlaying) return; this.current.style = WNPCore.STYLE_FILL; this.current.isControlShowing = false; var nico = this.nico(); try { // calculate player width, height. var w = this._.container.parentNode.clientWidth; // parentNode's client box is the viewport of container element. var h = this._.container.parentNode.clientHeight; this._.nicoframe.style.display = 'none'; // for performance. this._.nicoframe.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // for performance. if (this._.nicoframe.getAttribute('scrolling') != 'no') this._.nicoframe.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no'); this._.nicoframe.style.width = '100%'; this._.nicoframe.style.height = '100%'; var viewW = Math.max(w - 3, 0); // for zero (always show left-right border to hide menu by onmouseout.) var viewH = Math.floor(viewW * this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_HEIGHT / (this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_WIDTH - this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ)); if (viewH > h) { viewH = h; viewW = Math.floor(viewH * (this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_WIDTH - this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ) / this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_HEIGHT); // minimum height of zero player. if (viewH < 53) { viewW = Math.floor(53 * (this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_WIDTH - this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ) / this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_HEIGHT); } } var controlHeight = this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_CONTROL_HEIGHT; if (nico.window.WatchApp) { try { var config = nico.window.WatchApp.ns.model.player.PlayerConfig.getInstance().get(); if (config.oldTypeCommentInput) { controlHeight += Consts.ORG_PLAYER_GINZA_COMMENT_HEIGHT; } if (config.oldTypeControlPanel) { controlHeight += Consts.ORG_PLAYER_GINZA_CONTROL_HEIGHT; } } catch (_) {} } var playerW = Math.max(viewW, this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_MINIMUM_WIDTH); var playerH = viewH + controlHeight; this.current.size = { viewW: viewW, viewH: viewH, playerW: playerW, playerH: playerH }; var flvplayer = nico.getPlayer(); if (flvplayer) { if (browser.opera) { nico.document.documentElement.style.overflow = 'hidden'; } // for zero. if (nico.window.WatchApp) { var style = nico.document.querySelector('style[title="__WNP_ZERO_PLAYER_FILLVIEW__"]'); if (!style) { style = addStyle([ 'body, #content { overflow : visible !important } ', '#siteHeader, #videoHeader, #textMarquee, #playlist, #searchResultExplorer, #outline, #playerCommentPanelOuter, #ichibaPanel, .oldTypeHandler, #footer, #chipWallList, #videoExplorerExpand, #playerTabWrapper { display : none !important } ', '#content, #content div { position: static !important; } ', // never change "#content *" at chrome. '#content #playerContainer { position: absolute !important; top: 0 !important; left: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; } ', '#content #playerContainer, #content #nicoplayerContainer, #content #playerContainerSlideArea .playerContainerSlideTarget { height: auto !important; } ' ].join(''), nico.document); style.setAttribute('title', '__WNP_ZERO_PLAYER_FILLVIEW__'); } setStyleEnabled(style, true); } try { flvplayer.ext_setVideoSize('fit'); } catch(e) {} // necessary to set size by element.style because ... // => body.full_with_browser #external_nicoplayer { width:100%!important; height:100%!important; } removeClass(nico.document.body, 'full_with_browser'); // force re-layout. flvplayer.style.width = (playerW + 1) + 'px'; flvplayer.style.height = (playerH + 1) + 'px'; flvplayer.style.width = flvplayer.parentNode.style.width = playerW + 'px'; // for scroll. flvplayer.style.height = flvplayer.parentNode.style.height = playerH + 'px'; } this._.loadingbx.style.display = 'none'; // set container's border. this._.container.style.borderWidth = Math.ceil((h - viewH) / 2) + 'px ' + Math.ceil((w - viewW) / 2 + 3) + 'px ' + // adjust for player4 // for zero (always show left-right border to hide menu by onmouseout.) Math.floor((h - viewH) / 2) + 'px ' + Math.floor((w - viewW) / 2 + 1) + 'px'; // scroll to player top-left. this._.nicoframe.style.display = ''; this.sight(); this._.nicoframe.style.visibility = 'visible'; } catch (e) { postError(e); this._.nicoframe.style.display = ''; this._.nicoframe.style.visibility = 'visible'; } }; WNPCore.prototype.restoreView = function() { if (!this.current.isPlaying) return; this.current.style = WNPCore.STYLE_RESTORE; this.current.isControlShowing = false; this._.nicoframe.style.display = 'none'; // for performance. if (this._.nicoframe.getAttribute('scrolling') == 'no') this._.nicoframe.setAttribute('scrolling', 'yes'); this._.nicoframe.style.width = '100%'; this._.nicoframe.style.height = '100%'; this._.container.style.borderWidth = '0'; this._.loadingbx.style.display = 'none'; try { var nico = this.nico(); if (browser.opera) { nico.document.documentElement.style.overflow = 'scroll'; } // for zero. if (nico.window.WatchApp) { var style = nico.document.querySelector('style[title="__WNP_ZERO_PLAYER_FILLVIEW__"]'); if (style) { setStyleEnabled(style, false); } } var flvplayer = nico.getPlayer(); flvplayer.style.width = flvplayer.parentNode.style.width = ''; flvplayer.style.height = flvplayer.parentNode.style.height = ''; flvplayer.ext_setVideoSize('normal'); } catch(e) { postError(e) } this._.nicoframe.style.display = ''; }; WNPCore.prototype.alternativeView = function() { if (!this.current.isPlaying) return; this.current.style = WNPCore.STYLE_ALTERNATE; if (this._.nicoframe.getAttribute('scrolling') != 'no') this._.nicoframe.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no'); this._.nicoframe.style.width = '1px'; // minimum viewing. this._.nicoframe.style.height = '1px'; if (browser.safari) { this._.nicoframe.style.width = '30px'; // safari cannot load flash in 1px iframe. } this._.container.style.borderWidth = '0'; this._.loadingbx.style.display = 'none'; // set alternative element. var alterElement = this.current.alternativeElement; var alterSize = this.current.alternativeElementSize || {}; if (!alterElement) { alterElement = this._.container.ownerDocument.createElement('img'); if (this.current.videoinfo && this.current.videoinfo.thumbnail) { alterElement.src = this.current.videoinfo.thumbnail; alterSize = { width: 130, height: 100 }; } else { alterElement.src = 'http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/G/09/nav2/dp/no-image-no-ciu.gif'; alterSize = { width: 192, height: 192 }; } } alterElement.style.width = alterElement.style.height = '100%'; alterElement.style.margin = alterElement.style.padding = '0'; alterElement.style.border = 'none'; alterElement.style.backgroundColor = 'black'; if (alterElement.parentNode != this._.loadingbx || alterElement != this._.loadimage || alterElement.src != this._.loadimage.src) { this._.loadingbx.replaceChild(alterElement, this._.loadimage); this._.loadimage = alterElement; } // set loadingbx border. var imageW = alterSize.width || 130; var imageH = alterSize.height || 100; var w = this._.container.parentNode.clientWidth, h = this._.container.parentNode.clientHeight; var viewW = Math.max(w - 30, 0); // fine adjustment. var viewH = Math.floor(viewW * imageH / imageW); if (viewH > (h -20)) { // always show top bottom border. viewH = Math.max(h - 20, 0); viewW = Math.floor(viewH * imageW / imageH); } this._.loadingbx.style.borderWidth = Math.ceil((h - viewH) / 2) + 'px ' + Math.floor((w - viewW) / 2) + 'px ' + Math.floor((h - viewH) / 2) + 'px ' + Math.ceil((w - viewW) / 2) + 'px'; this._.loadingbx.style.display = 'block'; if (this.current.videoStarted) { // set normal except fill view for re-layout. try { var flvplayer = this.nico().getPlayer(); if (flvplayer) flvplayer.ext_setVideoSize('normal'); } catch(e) {} } }; WNPCore.prototype.setControlShowing = function(show) { if (!this.current.isPlaying || this.current.style != WNPCore.STYLE_FILL) return; if (this.current.isControlShowing === !!show) return; this.current.isControlShowing = !!show; var nico = this.nico(); var controlHeight = this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_CONTROL_HEIGHT; if (nico.window.WatchApp) { try { var config = nico.window.WatchApp.ns.model.player.PlayerConfig.getInstance().get(); if (config.oldTypeCommentInput) { controlHeight += Consts.ORG_PLAYER_GINZA_COMMENT_HEIGHT; } if (config.oldTypeControlPanel) { controlHeight += Consts.ORG_PLAYER_GINZA_CONTROL_HEIGHT; } } catch (_) {} } nico.window.scrollBy(0, controlHeight * (show ? 1 : -1)); }; WNPCore.prototype.setCommentOff = function(off) { this.current.isCommentOff = !!off; if (!this.current.isPlaying) return; var flvplayer = this.nico().getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) return; try { flvplayer.ext_setCommentVisible(!this.current.isCommentOff); } catch(e) { postError(e) } }; WNPCore.prototype.setRepeat = function(repeat) { this.current.isRepeat = !!repeat; if (!this.current.isPlaying) return; var flvplayer = this.nico().getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) return; try { flvplayer.ext_setRepeat(this.current.isRepeat); } catch(e) { postError(e) } }; WNPCore.prototype.setMute = function(mute) { this.current.isMute = !!mute; if (!this.current.isPlaying) return; var flvplayer = this.nico().getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) return; try { flvplayer.ext_setMute(this.current.isMute); } catch(e) { postError(e) } }; WNPCore.prototype.seek = function(time) { if (!this.current.isPlaying) return; var flvplayer = this.nico().getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) return; try { var len = Number(flvplayer.ext_getTotalTime()); var cur = Number(flvplayer.ext_getPlayheadTime()); if (this.nextSeekTo != null) { if (time > 0 && cur < this.nextSeekTo) cur = this.nextSeekTo; if (time < 0 && cur > this.nextSeekTo) cur = this.nextSeekTo; } var to = cur + Number(time) - 2.5; // fine adjustment. if (isNaN(to)) return; if (to > len) to = len; if (to < 0 ) to = 0; this.nextSeekTo = to; flvplayer.ext_setPlayheadTime(to); flvplayer.ext_setVolume(Number(flvplayer.ext_getVolume())-1e-14); // for silence after ext_setPlayheadTime. (2009/08/07) var self = this; this.timer.setTimeout('seek', function() { var flvplayer = self.nico().getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) return; self.nextSeekTo = null; self.seekTid = null; // for shotage of backward seek. var cur = Number(flvplayer.ext_getPlayheadTime()); if (time < 0 && cur - to > 7) { flvplayer.ext_setPlayheadTime(Math.max(to - 10, 0)); flvplayer.ext_setVolume(Number(flvplayer.ext_getVolume())+1e-14); } // for shotage of forward seek (for seekDisabled). if (time > 0 && to - cur > 7) { flvplayer.ext_setPlayheadTime(Math.min(to + 10, len)); flvplayer.ext_setVolume(Number(flvplayer.ext_getVolume())+1e-14); } }, 100); return to; } catch(e) { postError(e) } }; WNPCore.prototype.seekTo = function(sec) { if (!this.current.isPlaying) return; var flvplayer = this.nico().getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) return; try { var len = Number(flvplayer.ext_getTotalTime()); var to = Number(sec); if (isNaN(to)) return; if (to > len) to = len; if (to <= 0) to = 0; flvplayer.ext_setPlayheadTime(to); flvplayer.ext_setVolume(Number(flvplayer.ext_getVolume())-1e-14); return to; } catch(e) { postError(e) } }; WNPCore.prototype.playhead = function() { if (!this.current.isPlaying) return 0; return this.current.playhead || 0; }; WNPCore.prototype.length = function() { if (!this.current.isPlaying) return -1; return this.current.videoinfo.length; }; WNPCore.prototype.volume = function(vol) { if (vol == null || isNaN(vol)) return this.current.volume; var cur = this.current.volume; if (cur == null) cur = 50; var to = cur + Number(vol); return this.volumeTo(to); }; WNPCore.prototype.volumeTo = function(vol) { if (isNaN(vol)) throw "invalid vol."; var to = Number(vol); if (to > 100) to = 100; if (to < 0 ) to = 0; this.current.volume = to; var flvplayer = this.nico().getPlayer(); if (flvplayer) { try { flvplayer.ext_setVolume(to); } catch(e) { postError(e); } } return to; }; WNPCore.prototype.loaded = function() { if (!this.current.isPlaying) return 0; return this.current.loaded || 0; }; WNPCore.prototype.commentNum = function() { if (!this.current.isPlaying) return 0; var watchInfo = this.getWatchInfo(); if (watchInfo && watchInfo.commentCount != null) return watchInfo.commentCount; var flvplayer = this.nico().getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) return 0; var num = Number(flvplayer.GetVariable('last_resno')); return num; }; WNPCore.prototype.getWatchInfo = function() { var nico = this.nico(); // zero player. if (nico.window.WatchApp) { try { return nico.window.WatchApp.ns.model.WatchInfoModel.getInstance(); } catch (e) { return null; } } // harajuku compatible. //return nico.window.Video; try { var vars = nico.window.so.variables; var flvplayer = nico.getPlayer(); return { v: vars.v, id: vars.videoId, title: decodeURIComponent(vars.videoTitle), thumbnail: decodeURIComponent(vars.thumbImage), mylistCount: Number(vars.mylist_counter), movieType: vars.movie_type, isDeleted: vars.deleted == '1', isWideScreenVideo: vars.isWide, length: Number(flvplayer.ext_getTotalTime()) }; } catch (e) { return null; } }; WNPCore.prototype.startObserveLoad = function() { this.current.loaded = 0; this.current.videoLoaded = false; this.current.videoStarted = false; this.current.videoFinished = false; var self = this; this._.containerSize = { width: this._.container.offsetWidth, height: this._.container.offsetHeight }; var retry = 50; var last_fit = -1; this.timer.setInterval('observe', function() { try { var nico = self.nico(); if (!nico.window) return; if (!nico.document) return; var location; try { location = nico.window.location.href; } catch (e) { /* redirected to other domain. */ } if (location == 'about:blank') return; // unexpected redirect. if (!/^http:\/\/www\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/.*/.test(location)) { self.stop(); var event = { type: 'error', message : 'unexpected redirect.' }; self.dispatchEvent(event); if (typeof self.onerror == 'function') try { self.onerror(event); } catch(e) { postError(e) } return; } // logout check. if (nico.window.User && !nico.window.User.id) { var event = { type: 'fatal', message : Lang.PLEASE_LOGIN, logout : true }; self.dispatchEvent(event); if (typeof self.onfatal == 'function') try { self.onfatal(event); } catch(e) { postError(e) } return; } var h1 = nico.document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]; if (h1) { // over access. var h1Text = h1.textContent || h1.innerText; if (h1Text.indexOf(Lang.OVER_ACCESS) >= 0 && nico.document.title.indexOf(h1Text) < 0) { self.stop(); var event = { type: 'fatal', message : h1Text }; self.dispatchEvent(event); if (typeof self.onfatal == 'function') try { self.onfatal(event); } catch(e) { postError(e) } return; } // missing. if (h1Text.indexOf(Lang.MISSING) >= 0 && nico.document.title.indexOf(h1Text) < 0) { self.stop(); var event = { type: 'error', message : h1Text }; self.dispatchEvent(event); if (typeof self.onerror == 'function') try { self.onerror(event); } catch(e) { postError(e) } return; } //other if (nico.document.readyState == 'complete' && !self.getWatchInfo()) { self.stop(); var event = { type: 'fatal', message : h1Text }; self.dispatchEvent(event); if (typeof self.onfatal == 'function') try { self.onfatal(event); } catch(e) { postError(e) } return; } } var watchInfo = self.getWatchInfo(); if (self.current.errorWhenDeleted) { // delete check 1. if (nico.document.getElementById('deleted_message_default')) { self.stop(); var event = { type: 'error', message : 'this video got deleted.' }; self.dispatchEvent(event); if (typeof self.onerror == 'function') try { self.onerror(event); } catch(e) { postError(e) } return; } // delete check 2. if (watchInfo && watchInfo.isDeleted) { self.stop(); var event = { type: 'error', message : 'this video got deleted.' }; self.dispatchEvent(event); if (typeof self.onerror == 'function') try { self.onerror(event); } catch(e) { postError(e) } return; } } // auth check. if (watchInfo && 'watchAuthKey' in watchInfo && typeof(watchInfo.watchAuthKey) == 'undefined') { self.stop(); var event = { type: 'error', message : 'this video requires authorization.' }; self.dispatchEvent(event); if (typeof self.onerror == 'function') try { self.onerror(event); } catch(e) { postError(e) } return; } self.layoutIfNecessary(); var flvplayer = nico.getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) return; try { // for load flash. if (self.current.style != WNPCore.STYLE_RESTORE) { var p = getAbsolutePosition(flvplayer); nico.window.scrollTo(p.x, p.y); // for zero if (flvplayer.nodeName == 'OBJECT' && self.current.isHiding) { self.element.style.width = '1px'; self.element.style.height = '1px'; if (browser.safari) { self._.nicoframe.style.width = '30px'; // safari cannot load flash in 1px iframe. (Supports zero player only on Safari.) } } } if (!flvplayer.ext_isMute()) flvplayer.ext_setMute(1); var status = flvplayer.ext_getStatus(); var loadedRatio = Number(flvplayer.ext_getLoadedRatio()); var totalTime = Number(flvplayer.ext_getTotalTime()); postError(status + ":" + loadedRatio + ":" + (loadedRatio * totalTime) + ":" + flvplayer.ext_getPlayheadTime()); if (status == 'stopped') { flvplayer.ext_setPlayheadTime(0); return; } if (status == 'seeking') { return; } if (loadedRatio > 0.05 || loadedRatio * totalTime > 10) { if (status != 'playing') { flvplayer.ext_play(1); } } else { return; } // set fullscrren preliminarily to hide "Full screen mode ...." if (flvplayer.ext_getVideoSize() != 'fit') { flvplayer.ext_setVideoSize('fit'); last_fit = new Date().getTime(); } // video start check. var headTime = Number(flvplayer.ext_getPlayheadTime()); if (!(headTime > 0)) { return; } } catch(e) { return; } // for redirect. $e(nico.window).addEventListener('unload', self.listeners.unload || (self.listeners.unload = function() { if (self.current.isPlaying) { self.loadingStart(); self.layout(); self.startObserveLoad(); } }), false); // stop page observing and go to next state. self.stopObserving(); self.current.videoLoaded = true; self.seekTo(0); self.nico().getPlayer().ext_play(0); // delay to hide "Full screen mode ...." if fullscreen mode. var delay = 666; if (self.current.style == WNPCore.STYLE_FILL) { delay = Math.max(3500 - (new Date().getTime() - last_fit), delay); } // wait for ext_setPlayheadTime method works. self.timer.setTimeout('next_observe', function() { self.nicoFrameLoaded(); self.startObservePlay(); // delay for first rendering. if (!self.current.isPausing) { self.timer.setTimeout('next_observe', function() { self.startPlaying(); }, 10); } var event = { type: 'load' }; self.dispatchEvent(event); if (self.onload) try { self.onload(event); } catch(e) { postError(e) } }, delay); } catch (e) { postError(e); // on error(perhaps security error), quit observing. if (--retry == 0) { self.stop(); throw e; } } }, 250); }; WNPCore.prototype.startObservePlay = function() { var self = this; var prePos = 0; var retry = 10; this.timer.setInterval('observe', function() { try { var nico = self.nico(); // reload if location changed. if (!nico.window) { self.stop(); return; } var location; try { location = nico.window.location.href; } catch (e) { /* redirected to other domain. */ } // unexpected redirect. if (!/^http:\/\/www\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/.*/.test(location)) { self.stop(); var event = { type: 'error', message : 'unexpected redirect.' }; self.dispatchEvent(event); if (typeof self.onerror == 'function') try { self.onerror(event); } catch(e) { postError(e) } return; } if (self.current.location != location) { var oldLocation = self.current.location; self.current.location = location; self.loadingStart(); self.layout(); self.startObserveLoad(); var event = { type: 'jump', from: oldLocation, to: location }; self.dispatchEvent(event); if (typeof self.onjump == 'function') try { self.onjump(event); } catch(e) { postError(e) } return; } self.layoutIfNecessary(); var flvplayer = nico.getPlayer(); if (!flvplayer) { // reloaded. (player changed?) self.startObserveLoad(); return; } // start check. if (!self.current.videoStarted) { if (!self.current.isPausing) { if (flvplayer.ext_getStatus() != 'playing') { flvplayer.ext_play(1); } var move = Number(flvplayer.ext_getPlayheadTime()); if (isNaN(move) || move < 2) return; } self.current.videoStarted = true; self.dispatchEvent({ type: 'start' }); if (self.onstart) try { self.onstart(self) } catch(e) { postError(e) } } if (!self.current.isHiding && self.current.style == WNPCore.STYLE_FILL && flvplayer.ext_getVideoSize() != 'fit') { // for nicowari flvplayer.ext_setVideoSize('normal'); self.current.style = WNPCore.STYLE_FILL; if (!self.timer.timeouts['relayout']) { self.timer.setTimeout('relayout', function() { self.layout(); }, 3000); } } // save current status var volume = flvplayer.ext_getVolume(); if (volume != null) self.current.volume = Number(volume); var playhead = flvplayer.ext_getPlayheadTime(); if (playhead != null) self.current.playhead = Number(playhead); if (self.current.loaded !== 1) { var loaded = flvplayer.ext_getLoadedRatio(); if (loaded != null) self.current.loaded = Number(loaded); } // backward seek event. if (playhead < prePos) { self.dispatchEvent({ type: 'back' }); if (self.onback) try { self.onback(self) } catch(e) { postError(e) } if (self.current.videoFinished) { self.current.videoFinished = false; } } prePos = playhead; // finish check. if (!self.current.videoFinished) { if (flvplayer.ext_getStatus() == 'end' && !flvplayer.ext_isRepeat()) { self.current.videoFinished = true; self.dispatchEvent({ type: 'finish' }); if (self.onfinish) try { self.onfinish(self) } catch(e) { postError(e) } } } } catch (e) { postError(e); // on error(maybe security error), quit observing. if (--retry == 0) { self.stopObserving(); throw e; } } }, this.observeInterval || 500); }; WNPCore.prototype.startObserving = function() { if (this.current.videoLoaded) { this.startObservePlay(); } else { this.startObserveLoad(); } }; WNPCore.prototype.stopObserving = function() { this.timer.clear('observe'); }; WNPCore.prototype.nicoFrameLoaded = function() { this.loadingEnd(); try { var nico = this.nico(); postError('[nicoFrameLoaded] ' + nico.window.location.href); this.current.location = nico.window.location.href; // for video redirect. this.current.videoinfo = cloneObj(this.getWatchInfo()); var flvplayer = nico.getPlayer(); // transitional period. if (nico.document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("Cookie.set('player4'") >= 0) { this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_WIDTH = Consts.ORG_PLAYER3_VIEW_WIDTH; this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_HEIGHT = Consts.ORG_PLAYER3_VIEW_HEIGHT; this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_CONTROL_HEIGHT = Consts.ORG_PLAYER3_CONTROL_HEIGHT; this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_MINIMUM_WIDTH = Consts.ORG_PLAYER3_MINIMUM_WIDTH; this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ = 0; } else if (nico.document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("zero_lead") >= 0) { this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_WIDTH = Consts.ORG_PLAYER4_VIEW_WIDTH; this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_HEIGHT = Consts.ORG_PLAYER4_VIEW_HEIGHT; this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_CONTROL_HEIGHT = Consts.ORG_PLAYER4_CONTROL_HEIGHT; this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_MINIMUM_WIDTH = Consts.ORG_PLAYER4_MINIMUM_WIDTH; if (flvplayer.ext_isWide()) { this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ = 0; } else { this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ = Consts.ORG_PLAYER4_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ; } } else { this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_WIDTH = Consts.ORG_PLAYER_ZERO_VIEW_WIDTH; this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_VIEW_HEIGHT = Consts.ORG_PLAYER_ZERO_VIEW_HEIGHT; this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_CONTROL_HEIGHT = Consts.ORG_PLAYER_ZERO_CONTROL_HEIGHT; this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_MINIMUM_WIDTH = Consts.ORG_PLAYER_ZERO_MINIMUM_WIDTH; if (flvplayer.ext_isWide()) { this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ = 0; } else { this.current.viewSize.ORG_PLAYER_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ = Consts.ORG_PLAYER_ZERO_4_3_WIDTH_ADJ; } } flvplayer.SetVariable('Overlay.onRelease', ''); // onPress flvplayer.SetVariable('Overlay.hitArea', 0); this.setCommentOff(this.current.isCommentOff); this.setRepeat(this.current.isRepeat); this.setMute(this.current.isMute); if (this.current.volume != null) { this.volumeTo(this.current.volume); } // fix header position. var header = nico.document.querySelector('div.bg_headmenu, #siteHeader'); if (header) { header.style.position = 'static'; header.style.width = '984px'; nico.document.body.style.paddingTop = '0px'; addStyle('body.mode_2 { padding-top: 0px !important; }', nico.document); } } catch(e) { postError(e) } this.layout(); }; T.WNPCore = WNPCore; /** * WMP * main object. */ function WNP(Prefs) { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; WNP.prototype.initialize = function() { this.wnpWindow = window; this.build(); this.playlist = { items: [], video: {}, title: {}, image: {} }; this.lastOperationTime = new Date(); this.lastPlaylistUpdate = 0; this.menuCount = new ListElementIterator(this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_MENU_CONTAINER')).count(); this.currentMenuIndex = null; this.menuHide(); }; WNP.prototype.build = function() { var d = this.wnpWindow.document; this.wnpElement = d.getElementById('WNP_PLAYER'); this.wnpCore = new WNPCore(d, 'nico_frame'); d.getElementById('WNP_VIEW').appendChild(this.wnpCore.element); var self = this; var platform = new Platform(); // bind commands. platform.bindCommand({ name: 'PlayStop', fn: function() { self.playToggle(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_PlayStop }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'PlayPause', fn: function() { self.pauseToggle(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_PlayPause }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'PlayPrev', fn: function() { self.schedulePrev(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_PlayPrev }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'PlayNext', fn: function() { self.scheduleNext(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_PlayNext }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'VolumeUp', fn: function() { self.volume( 5); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_VolumeUp }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'VolumeUp+', fn: function() { self.volume( 20); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_VolumeUp_Plus }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'VolumeDown', fn: function() { self.volume( -5); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_VolumeDown }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'VolumeDown-', fn: function() { self.volume(-20); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_VolumeDown_Minus }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'SeekForward', fn: function() { self.seek( 15); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_SeekForward }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'SeekForward+', fn: function() { self.seek( 60); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_SeekForward_Plus }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'SeekBackward', fn: function() { self.seek(-15); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_SeekBackward }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'SeekBackward-', fn: function() { self.seek(-65); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_SeekBackward_Minus }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'SeekBackward--', fn: function() { self.seek(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_SeekBackward_MinusMinus }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'SelectNextItem', fn: function(e) { self.selectNextItem(e.repeating); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_SelectNextItem }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'SelectPrevItem', fn: function(e) { self.selectPrevItem(e.repeating); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_SelectPrevItem }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'PlaySelectedItem', fn: function() { self.playSelectedItem(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_PlaySelectedItem }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'DeleteSelectedItem', fn: function() { self.deleteSelectedItem(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_DeleteSelectedItem }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'Menu', fn: function() { self.menuToggle(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_Menu }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'MenuNext', fn: function() { self.scrollMenuItem(self.currentMenuIndex + 1); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_MenuNext }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'MenuPrev', fn: function() { self.scrollMenuItem(self.currentMenuIndex - 1); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_MenuPrev }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'Playlist', fn: function() { self.playlistToggle(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_Playlist }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'History', fn: function() { self.historyToggle(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_History }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'Preference', fn: function() { self.preferenceToggle(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_Preference }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'Comment', fn: function() { self.commentOnOff(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_Comment }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'Loop', fn: function() { self.loopOnOff(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_Loop }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'Repeat', fn: function() { self.repeatOnOff(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_Repeat }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'Mute', fn: function() { self.muteOnOff(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_Mute }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'Open', fn: function() { self.openPrompt(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_Open }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'View', fn: function() { self.layoutToggle(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_View }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'NicoControl', fn: function() { self.controlToggle(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_NicoControl }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'AlwaysOnTop', fn: function() { self.applyPreferences({ always_on_top: !self.prefs.always_on_top }); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_AlwaysOnTop }); platform.bindCommand({ name: 'Shuffle', fn: function() { self.shuffle(); }, desc: Lang.COMMAND_Shuffle }); // bind default shortcut. var shortcutList = this.getDefaultKeybordShortcut(); for (var i = 0; i < shortcutList.length; i++) { var item = shortcutList[i]; platform.bindShortcut(item.command, item.key); } this.platform = platform; // release focus by force. this._blur = function () { if (!self._blurInput) { var input = d.createElement('input'); input.type = 'radio'; input.style.cssText = 'position:absolute; top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 1px; height: 1px; '; var menu = d.getElementById('WNP_MENU'); menu.parentNode.insertBefore(input, menu); self._blurInput = input; } self._blurInput.focus(); }; function escapeKey(e) { self._blur(); self.restoreControlPanel(); self.scheduleCancel(); if (self.isSliding) { self.isSliding = false; d.getElementById('WNP_MENU_SLIDER').style.backgroundColor = ''; d.body.style.cursor = ''; } if (self.isVolumeSliding) { self.isVolumeSliding = false; } } $e(d).addEventListener('keypress', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) e.preventDefault(); }, false); // prevent restore fullscreen. (Please restore by F11.) $e(d).addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) escapeKey(e); }, false); this.wnpCore.addEventListener('load', this._wnp_load = function(e) { var wnpCore = this; var iframe = wnpCore.element.querySelector('.wnp_nicoflame'); $e(iframe.contentWindow).addEventListener('focus', function(e) { if (wnpCore.current.style != WNPCore.STYLE_RESTORE) { // for zero player comment box. if (iframe.contentWindow.WatchApp) { return; } setTimeout(function() { self._blur(); wnpCore.sight(); }, 10); // for ie, firefox, chrome. } }, false); }, false); function bindEventCommand(el, type, command) { $e(el).addEventListener(type, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); platform.doCommand(command); }, false); } function bindEventFunc(el, type, func, p, s, c) { $e(el).addEventListener(type, function(e) { if (p) e.preventDefault(); if (s) e.stopPropagation(); func(e); }, !!c); } bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREV'), 'click', 'PlayPrev'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PLAY'), 'click', 'PlayStop'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_NEXT'), 'click', 'PlayNext'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_LOOP'), 'click', 'Loop'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_REPEAT'), 'click', 'Repeat'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_COMM'), 'click', 'Comment'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_MUTE'), 'click', 'Mute'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_OPEN'), 'click', 'Open'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PLAYLIST'), 'click', 'Playlist'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_HISTORY'), 'click', 'History'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREFERENCE'), 'click', 'Preference'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_SCREEN'), 'click', 'View'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_PAUSE'), 'click', 'PlayPause'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_HEADER'), 'click', 'Menu'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_FOOTER'), 'click', 'NicoControl'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_ALWAYS_ON_TOP'), 'click', 'AlwaysOnTop'); bindEventCommand(d.getElementById('WNP_C_SHUFFLE'), 'click', 'Shuffle'); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PLAYLIST_URI'), 'click', function(e) { self.wnpWindow.alert(Lang.SAVE_PLAYLIST_USAGE); }, true, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_HEADER'), 'mousemove', function(e) { self.hideHeaderAfter(5000); }); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_FOOTER'), 'mouseover', function(e) { self.restoreControlPanel(); }); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_FOOTER'), 'mousemove', function(e) { self.hideFooterAfter(5000); }); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PLAYLIST_STYLE'), 'click', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ playlist_style_simple: e.currentTarget.checked }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_REMOVE_ON_FINISH'), 'click', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ remove_on_finish: e.currentTarget.checked }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_USE_HISTORY'), 'click', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ use_history: e.currentTarget.checked }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_PLAYLIST_STYLE'), 'click', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ playlist_style_simple: e.currentTarget.checked }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_REMOVE_ON_FINISH'), 'click', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ remove_on_finish: e.currentTarget.checked }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_USE_HISTORY'), 'click', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ use_history: e.currentTarget.checked }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_SKIP_DELETED_VIDEO'), 'click', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ skip_deleted_video: e.currentTarget.checked }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_USE_OFFTIMER'), 'click', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ use_offtimer: e.currentTarget.checked }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_OFFTIMER_MINUTE'), 'change', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ offtimer_minute: e.currentTarget.value }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_USE_LOOP_BREAK'), 'click', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ use_loop_break: e.currentTarget.checked }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_LOOP_BREAK_COUNT'), 'change', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ loop_break_count: e.currentTarget.value }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_CANCEL_JUMP'), 'click', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ cancel_jump: e.currentTarget.checked }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_FORCE_VISIT_ON_OPERA'), 'click', function(e) { self.applyPreferences({ force_visit_on_opera: e.currentTarget.checked }, true); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_SET_DEFAULT'), 'click', function(e) { self.setDefaultPreferences(); }, false, true); bindEventFunc(d.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_SEEKBAR'), 'click', function(e) { if (!self.wnpCore.current.isPlaying) return; var seekbar = e.currentTarget; var width = seekbar.offsetWidth; var loc = (e.offsetX != null) ? e.offsetX : (e.layerX - seekbar.offsetLeft); var len = self.wnpCore.length(); if (len) { self.wnpCore.seekTo(len * (loc / width)); self.updateControlPanelStatus(); } }, false, true); var volumeBar = d.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_VOLUMEBAR'); bindEventFunc(volumeBar, 'click', function() {}, false, true); /*@ IECover.putCover(volumeBar); @*/ bindEventFunc(volumeBar, 'mousedown', function(e) { self.isDragging = true; self.isVolumeSliding = true; setVolume(e); var controlPanel = self.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_CONTROL_PANEL'); controlPanel.style.visibility = 'visible'; }, true, true); var menuSlider = d.getElementById('WNP_MENU_SLIDER'); /*@ IECover.putCover(menuSlider); @*/ bindEventFunc(menuSlider, 'mousedown', function(e) { self.isDragging = true; self.isSliding = true; menuSlider.style.backgroundColor = '#696969'; d.body.style.cursor = 'e-resize'; }, true, true); bindEventFunc(d, 'mousemove', function(e) { /*@ if (self.isDragging) e.preventDefault(); @*/ if (self.isVolumeSliding) { setVolume(e); } }); bindEventFunc(d, 'mouseup', function(e) { if (self.isVolumeSliding) { self.showControlPanel(); } if (self.isSliding) { self.isSliding = false; menuSlider.style.backgroundColor = ''; d.body.style.cursor = ''; var w = self.wnpWindow.innerWidth || ie.clientWidth(d); var h = self.wnpWindow.innerHeight || ie.clientHeight(d); var x = e.clientX; var y = e.clientY; if (y >= 0 && y <= h) { var ratio = Math.ceil((1 - x / w) * 100); if (ratio < 10 ) ratio = 10; if (ratio > 100) ratio = 100; self.prefs.menu_width_ratio = ratio; self.menuShow(); } } if (self.isVolumeSliding) { self.isVolumeSliding = false; } if (self.isDragging) { self.timer.setTimeout('slide_end', function() { // for ie's click event. self.isDragging = false; }, 100); } }); function setVolume(e) { var p = getAbsolutePosition(volumeBar); var width = volumeBar.offsetWidth; var loc = (e.clientX <= p.x) ? 0 : (e.clientX >= p.x + width) ? 100 : (e.clientX - p.x); var len = 100; self.wnpCore.volumeTo(len * (loc / width)); self.updateControlPanelStatus(); } function updateLastOperationTime() { self.lastOperationTime = new Date(); } bindEventFunc(d, 'keydown', updateLastOperationTime, false, false, true); bindEventFunc(d, 'mousemove', updateLastOperationTime, false, false, true); //bindEventFunc(this.wnpWindow, 'focus', updateLastOperationTime); bindEventFunc(this.wnpWindow, 'resize', updateLastOperationTime); bindEventFunc(this.wnpWindow, 'blur', function() { if (self.prefs.always_on_top) { self.timer.setTimeout('always_on_top', function() { self.wnpWindow.focus(); }, 500); } }, false); var list = d.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS'); var listUtil = new ListUtil(list); listUtil.addEventListener('dragend', function() { self.updatePlaylistURI(); }); listUtil.addEventListener('selectioncanged', function(e) { self.selectionIterator.current(e.lastSelectedItem); }); listUtil.addEventListener('itemover', function(e) { var videoInfo = createVideoInfo(createPlayInfo(e.item)); self.showStatus(videoInfo.title, 5); if (self.itemMarquee != null) self.itemMarquee.restore(); var desc = e.item.querySelector('.video_desc'); var title = e.item.querySelector('.video_desc a'); if (!title) return; if (desc.clientWidth >= title.offsetWidth) return; self.itemMarquee = new iMarquee(title); self.itemMarquee.go(); }); listUtil.addEventListener('itemout', function(e) { self.clearStatus(); if (self.itemMarquee != null) { self.itemMarquee.restore(); self.itemMarquee = null; } }); listUtil.hoverColor = Colors.item_hover; listUtil.selectedColor = Colors.item_selected; listUtil.draggingColor = Colors.item_dragging; this.listUtil = listUtil; bindEventFunc(list, 'click', function(e) { if (e.target === e.currentTarget) return; var item = e.target; var a = null; while (item.parentNode !== e.currentTarget) { if (item.nodeName == 'A') { a = item; } item = item.parentNode; } if (e.target.getAttribute('name') == 'deleteButton') { self.remove(item); e.preventDefault(); } if (a) { if (/(http:\/\/www\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/\w+)/.test(a.href)) { self.play(self.playlistIterator.indexOf(item)); e.preventDefault(); } } }); var histroy_list = d.getElementById('WNP_HISTORY_ITEMS'); bindEventFunc(histroy_list, 'click', function(e) { if (e.target === e.currentTarget) return; var item = e.target; var a = null; while (item.parentNode !== e.currentTarget) { if (item.nodeName == 'A') { a = item; } item = item.parentNode; } if (e.target.getAttribute('name') == 'deleteButton') { histroy_list.removeChild(item); e.preventDefault(); } if (a) { if (/(http:\/\/www\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/\w+)/.test(a.href)) { var pl = createPlayInfo(item); if (self.wnpCore.current.isPlaying) { WNP.insert(pl); } else { WNP.play(pl); } histroy_list.removeChild(item); e.preventDefault(); } } }); this.thumbnailMap = {}; var lazyLoad = function() { self.lazyloadThumbnailImagesLater(); }; bindEventFunc(this.wnpWindow, 'resize', lazyLoad); bindEventFunc(list, 'scroll', lazyLoad); this.timer = new TimerManager(this.wnpWindow); this.preloads = new ListedKeyMap(); this.playlistIterator = new ListElementIterator(list); this.selectionIterator = new ListElementIterator(list); this.prefs = this.getDefaultPreferences(); this.applyPreferences(); this.storage = createStorage(); this.storage.onload = function () { self.loadPreferences(); }; // Clipboard Support. var clipboard = new ClipboardReciever(d); clipboard.onpaste = function() { var playlist = createPlayInfoFromText(clipboard.text); if (playlist.items.length > 0) { self.addEx(playlist, { start: !self.wnpCore.current.isPlaying }); } }; platform.keyBinds[''].addAllowFilter(function(e) { return e.target === clipboard.element || e.target === self._blurInput; }); }; WNP.prototype.openPrompt = function() { var text = this.wnpWindow.prompt(Lang.PLEASE_INPUT_VIDEOID_OR_URL, ''); if (text) { var playlist = createPlayInfoFromText(text); if (playlist.items.length > 0) { this.addEx(playlist, { start: !this.wnpCore.current.isPlaying }); } } }; WNP.prototype.selectNextItem = function(isKeyRepeat) { if (!this.selectionIterator.item) { this.selectionIterator.current(this.playlistIterator.item); } this.selectionIterator.next(); if (isKeyRepeat) { this.selectionIterator.isNullThenLast(); } else { this.selectionIterator.isNullThenFirst(); } if (this.selectionIterator.item == null) return; this.listUtil.select(this.selectionIterator.item); this.scrollPlaylistTo(this.selectionIterator.item); }; WNP.prototype.selectPrevItem = function(isKeyRepeat) { if (!this.selectionIterator.item) { this.selectionIterator.current(this.playlistIterator.item).isNullThenFirst(); } else { this.selectionIterator.prev(); if (isKeyRepeat) { this.selectionIterator.isNullThenFirst(); } else { this.selectionIterator.isNullThenLast(); } } if (this.selectionIterator.item == null) return; this.listUtil.select(this.selectionIterator.item); this.scrollPlaylistTo(this.selectionIterator.item); }; WNP.prototype.playSelectedItem = function() { this.scheduleItem(this.selectionIterator.item); }; WNP.prototype.deleteSelectedItem = function() { if (!this.isMenuShowing || this.currentMenuIndex != 0) return; var items = this.listUtil.getSelectedItems(); for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; if (this.selectionIterator.item === item) { this.selectionIterator.next(); } this.remove(item); } this.selectionIterator.isNullThenLast(); if (this.selectionIterator.item) { this.listUtil.select(this.selectionIterator.item); } this.scrollPlaylistTo(this.selectionIterator.item); }; WNP.prototype.scrollPlaylistTo = function(item) { if (!item) return; if (item.nodeType != 1) return; if (this.scrollSoar != null) { this.scrollSoar.cancel(); } var list = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS'); this.scrollSoar = new Soar(list); var allowance = item.offsetHeight; // 1row. this.scrollSoar .to({scrollTop: Math.min(Math.max(item.offsetTop - list.clientTop - allowance, 0), list.scrollHeight - list.clientHeight)}) .go(this.wnpWindow); var self = this; this.scrollSoar.addEventListener('finish', function() { self.scrollSoar = null; }); }; WNP.prototype.seek = function(time) { this.wnpCore.seek(time); if (time != Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { this.showControlPanel(); } else { // delay. var self = this; this.wnpWindow.setTimeout(function(){ self.showControlPanel(); }, 10); } }; WNP.prototype.volume = function(vol) { this.wnpCore.volume(vol); this.showControlPanel(); }; WNP.prototype.showControlPanel = function() { this.clearStatus(); this.updateControlPanelStatus(); var controlPanel = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_CONTROL_PANEL'); controlPanel.style.visibility = 'visible'; this.timer.setTimeout('controlPanel', function(){ controlPanel.style.visibility = ''; }, 3000); }; WNP.prototype.hideControlPanel = function() { this.timer.clear('controlPanel'); var controlPanel = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_CONTROL_PANEL'); controlPanel.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }; WNP.prototype.updateControlPanelStatus = function() { var cur = this.wnpCore.playhead(); var len = this.wnpCore.length(); this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_SEEKBAR_BAR').style.width = (len ? (Math.ceil(cur / len * 100) + '%') : '0'); var vol = this.wnpCore.volume(); if (vol != null) { this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_VOLUMEBAR_BAR').style.width = Math.ceil(vol / 100 * 100) + '%'; } }; WNP.prototype.observingVideoStart = function() { var self = this; this.timer.setInterval('observingVideo', function() { self.updateControlPanelStatus(); }, 1000); }; WNP.prototype.observingVideoStop = function() { this.timer.clear('observingVideo'); }; WNP.prototype.restoreControlPanel = function() { if (this.isDragging) return; this.timer.clear('controlPanel'); var controlPanel = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_CONTROL_PANEL'); controlPanel.style.visibility = ''; }; WNP.prototype.hideHeaderAfter = function(sec) { if (!this._hideHeaderStyle) { var hide_style_str = [ 'div.wnp_header:hover .control { visibility: hidden; }' ].join('\n'); this._hideHeaderStyle = addStyle(hide_style_str, this.wnpWindow.document); } var style = this._hideHeaderStyle; setStyleEnabled(style, false); var self = this; this.timer.setTimeout('hideHeaderAfter', function() { setStyleEnabled(style, true); }, sec); }; WNP.prototype.hideFooterAfter = function(sec) { if (!this._hideFooterStyle) { var hide_style_str = [ 'div.wnp_footer:hover .control { visibility: hidden; }', 'div.wnp_footer:hover .wnp_control_panel { visibility: hidden; }' ].join('\n'); this._hideFooterStyle = addStyle(hide_style_str, this.wnpWindow.document); } var style = this._hideFooterStyle; setStyleEnabled(style, false); var self = this; this.timer.setTimeout('hideHeaderAfter', function() { setStyleEnabled(style, true); }, sec); }; WNP.prototype.controlToggle = function() { if (this.isDragging) return; this.wnpCore.setControlShowing(!this.wnpCore.current.isControlShowing); }; WNP.prototype.menuToggle = function() { if (this.isMenuShowing) { this.menuHide(); } else { this.showMenuItem(this.currentMenuIndex); } }; WNP.prototype.playlistToggle = function() { this.toggleMenuItem(0); }; WNP.prototype.historyToggle = function() { this.toggleMenuItem(1); }; WNP.prototype.preferenceToggle = function() { this.toggleMenuItem(2); }; WNP.prototype.toggleMenuItem = function(index) { if (this.currentMenuIndex === index) { if (this.isMenuShowing) this.menuHide(); else this.menuShow(); } else { this.showMenuItem(index); } }; WNP.prototype.scrollMenuItem = function(index) { if (!this.isMenuShowing) { if (index >= 0) { this.showMenuItem(0); } else { this.showMenuItem(this.menuCount - 1); } } else { if (this.menuSoar && this.menuSoar.isActive) { this.menuSoar.cancel(); } if (this.isMenuShowing && (index < 0 || index >= this.menuCount)) { this.menuHide(); } else { var menuContainer = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_MENU_CONTAINER'); var menus = menuContainer.querySelectorAll('.wnp_menu_content'); for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) { menus[i].style.visibility = ''; } if (!this.menuSoar) { this.menuSoar = new Soar(menuContainer.style); this.menuSoar.from({marginLeft: '0.0%'}); var self = this; this.menuSoar.addEventListener('finish', function() { self.showMenuItem(self.currentMenuIndex); }, false); } this.menuSoar.to({marginLeft: -(100 * index) + '.0%'}).go(this.wnpWindow); this.currentMenuIndex = index; } } }; WNP.prototype.showMenuItem = function(index) { if (index == null) index = 0; if (index < 0) index = 0; if (index >= this.menuCount) index = this.menuCount - 1; var menuContainer = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_MENU_CONTAINER'); // hide other panel to avoid focus invisible controls. var menus = menuContainer.querySelectorAll('.wnp_menu_content'); for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) { if (i == index) { menus[i].style.visibility = ''; } else { menus[i].style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } // for Opera10.10 bug (can't operate select element's index from script.) if (index == 2) { replace(document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_OFFTIMER_MINUTE')); replace(document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_LOOP_BREAK_COUNT')); } menuContainer.style.marginLeft = -(100 * index) + '%'; if (!this.isMenuShowing) this.menuShow(); this.currentMenuIndex = index; }; WNP.prototype.menuShow = function() { var menu = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_MENU'); var view = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_VIEW'); menu.style.borderRightWidth = '5px'; // for Opera9.5 menu.style.visibility = ''; menu.style.width = this.prefs.menu_width_ratio + '%'; view.style.width = (100-this.prefs.menu_width_ratio) + '%'; this.isMenuShowing = true; }; WNP.prototype.menuHide = function() { var menu = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_MENU'); var view = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_VIEW'); menu.style.borderRightWidth = '0'; // for Opera9.5 menu.style.visibility = 'hidden'; menu.style.width = '0'; view.style.width = '100%'; this.isMenuShowing = false; this.currentMenuIndex = null; }; WNP.prototype.playToggle = function() { if (this.wnpCore.current.isPlaying) this.stop(); else { if (!this.playlistIterator.item) { this.playlistIterator.first(); } this.play(); } }; WNP.prototype.pauseToggle = function() { if (!this.wnpCore.current.isPlaying) { this.playToggle(); return; } if (this.wnpCore.current.isPausing) { this.wnpCore.resume(); } else { this.wnpCore.pause(); } this.updatePauseButton(); }; WNP.prototype.updatePauseButton = function() { var button = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_PAUSE'); if (this.wnpCore.current.isPausing || !this.wnpCore.current.isPlaying) { button.innerHTML = ''; } else { button.innerHTML = ''; } }; WNP.prototype.commentOnOff = function() { this.applyPreferences({ comment_off: !this.wnpCore.current.isCommentOff }); this.showControlPanel(); }; WNP.prototype.loopOnOff = function() { this.applyPreferences({ loop: !this.prefs.loop }); }; WNP.prototype.repeatOnOff = function() { this.applyPreferences({ repeat: !this.wnpCore.current.isRepeat }); this.showControlPanel(); }; WNP.prototype.muteOnOff = function() { this.applyPreferences({ mute: !this.wnpCore.current.isMute }); this.showControlPanel(); }; WNP.prototype.addEx = function(playlist, option) { var opt = option || {}; this.lastOperationTime = new Date(); var start = opt.start && (new Date() - this.lastPlaylistUpdate >= 1000); // ignore start when last update within 1sec. var startPoint = wnp.playlist.items.length; // add point. var newList = null; if (/^(?:http:\/\/www\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/)?((?:[a-z]{2})?[0-9]+)/.test(playlist.toString())) { newList = {items: [RegExp.$1], video: {}, title: {}, image: {}}; } else if (/^http:\/\/www\.nicovideo\.jp\/.*/.test(playlist.toString())) { var self = this; createPlayInfoFromUrl(playlist.toString(), function(playlist) { self.addEx(playlist, option); }); return; } else { newList = playlist; } var document = this.wnpWindow.document; var ul = document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS'); var df = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0, len = newList.items.length; i < len; i++) { var videoinfo = createVideoInfo(newList, i); var li = this.createPlaylistItem(videoinfo, i >= 10); df.appendChild(li); } var firstItem = df.firstChild; if (opt.type == 'insertBeforeCurrent') { var target = this.playlistIterator.item || ul.firstChild; ul.insertBefore(df, target); } else if (opt.type == 'insertAfterCurrent') { var target = this.playlistIterator.item || ul.firstChild; ul.insertBefore(df, target ? target.nextSibling : null); } else { ul.appendChild(df); } if (start && firstItem) { var self = this; this.wnpWindow.setTimeout(function() { self.lastOperationTime = 0; // scroll to start point by force. self.play(self.playlistIterator.indexOf(firstItem)); self.lastOperationTime = new Date(); }, 0); // for firefox exception. } this.updatePlaylistURI(); this.lazyloadThumbnailImagesLater(1000); }; WNP.prototype.addHistory = function(newList) { if (!newList) return; var document = this.wnpWindow.document; var ul = document.getElementById('WNP_HISTORY_ITEMS'); var df = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0, len = newList.items.length; i < len; i++) { var videoInfo = createVideoInfo(newList, i); var li = this.createPlaylistItem(videoInfo, false); df.appendChild(li); } ul.appendChild(df); }; WNP.prototype.createPlaylistItem = function(info, suppressThumbnail) { var wnpDocument = this.wnpWindow.document; var li = wnpDocument.createElement('li'); var url = info.url; if (!url) url = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + info.id; var title = info.title || info.id; var thumbnail = info.thumbnail; if (!thumbnail) { if (/^[a-z]{2}/.test(info.id)) { thumbnail = 'http:\/\/tn-skr2.smilevideo.jp/smile?i=' + info.id.slice(2); } else { thumbnail = Consts.WNP_THUMB_PLACEHOLDER; } } if (suppressThumbnail) { this.thumbnailMap[info.id] = thumbnail; thumbnail = Consts.WNP_THUMB_PLACEHOLDER; } li.innerHTML = [ '
      ', ' \u25C6', ' ', ' ' + title + '', ' ', '
      ', '
      ', ' ' + title + '
      ', ' ', '
      ', ].join(''); /*@ IECover.putCover(li); @*/ return li; }; WNP.prototype.lazyloadThumbnailImagesLater = function(delay) { this.timer.clear('lazyloadThumbnailImages'); var self = this; if (delay == null) { delay = 200; } this.timer.setTimeout('lazyloadThumbnailImages', function() { self.lazyloadThumbnailImages(); }, delay); }; WNP.prototype.lazyloadThumbnailImages = function() { var ul = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS'); var lazyImages = ul.querySelectorAll('img.lazyLoad'); if (lazyImages.length == 0) { this.thumbnailMap = {}; return; } var allowance = Math.max(ul.clientHeight / 5, 150); var topMargin = ul.clientTop; var scrollTop = ul.scrollTop + topMargin; var scrollBottom = ul.scrollTop + topMargin + ul.clientHeight + allowance; for (var i = 0, len = lazyImages.length; i < len; i++) { var img = lazyImages[i]; var offsetTop = img.offsetTop; var offsetHeight = img.offsetHeight; /*@ var rect = img.getBoundingClientRect(); offsetTop = rect.top + ul.scrollTop - ul.offsetTop; @*/ if (offsetTop + offsetHeight < scrollTop) continue; if (offsetTop > scrollBottom) break; removeClass(img, 'lazyLoad'); var thumbUrl = this.thumbnailMap[img.name]; img.src = thumbUrl; } }; WNP.prototype.clear = function() { this.playlist = { items: [], video: {}, title: {}, image: {} }; this.playlistIterator.current(null); this.selectionIterator.current(null); var ul = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS'); while(ul.lastChild) ul.removeChild(ul.lastChild); this.updatePlaylistURI(); }; WNP.prototype.remove = function(item) { var info = createVideoInfo(createPlayInfo(item)); var ul = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS'); if (item.parentNode === ul) { if (item === this.playlistIterator.item) { // cutting corners. var dummy = this.wnpWindow.document.createTextNode(''); ul.insertBefore(dummy, item); this.playlistIterator.current(dummy); } ul.removeChild(item); } if (this.wnpWindow.document.getElementsByName(info.id).length == 0) { this.removePreload(info); } this.lazyloadThumbnailImagesLater(1000); this.updatePlaylistURI(); }; WNP.prototype.shuffle = function() { var document = this.wnpWindow.document; var ul = document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS'); var childs = []; for (var i = 0, len = ul.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { childs.push(ul.childNodes[i]); } // http://la.ma.la/blog/diary_200608300350.htm var i = childs.length; while(i) { var j = Math.random() * i | 0; var t = childs[--i]; childs[i] = childs[j]; childs[j] = t; } var df = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0, len = childs.length; i < len; i++) { df.appendChild(childs[i]); } ul.appendChild(df); if (this.wnpCore.current.isPlaying) { this.scrollPlaylistTo(this.playlistIterator.item); } this.updatePlaylistURI(); this.lazyloadThumbnailImagesLater(); }; WNP.prototype.updatePlaylistURI = function() { this.timer.clear('updatePlaylistURI'); var self = this; this.timer.setTimeout('updatePlaylistURI', function() { var document = self.wnpWindow.document; var items = document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS'); var playlist = { items : [], video : {}, title : {}, image : {} }; var itr = new ListElementIterator(items).first(); while (itr.item) { var playinfo = createPlayInfo(itr.item); var videoid = playinfo.items[0]; playlist.items.push(videoid); playlist.title[videoid] = playinfo.title[videoid]; if (/^http/.test(playinfo.image[videoid])) { playlist.image[videoid] = playinfo.image[videoid]; } itr.next(); } self.playlist = playlist; var save = document.getElementById('WNP_C_PLAYLIST_URI'); save.href = 'javascript:' + encodeURIComponent(Consts.WNP_GLOBAL_NAME + '.open(' + toJSON(playlist) + ')'); var date = new Date(); save.title = [date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, date.getDate()].join('-') + '.pls'; save.firstChild.alt = save.title; self.updatePrevAndNext(); self.lastPlaylistUpdate = new Date(); //self.updateAlternativeView(); }, 2000); }; WNP.prototype.updatePrevAndNext = function() { var document = this.wnpWindow.document; var currentItem = this.playlistIterator.item; var itr = new ListElementIterator(document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS')); var button = document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREV'); if (itr.prev(currentItem).item) { var playinfo = createPlayInfo(itr.item); this.bindVideoInfo(button, playinfo.video[playinfo.items[0]], playinfo.title[playinfo.items[0]]); } else { this.unbindVideoInfo(button); } var button = document.getElementById('WNP_C_NEXT'); if (itr.next(currentItem).item) { var playinfo = createPlayInfo(itr.item); this.bindVideoInfo(button, playinfo.video[playinfo.items[0]], playinfo.title[playinfo.items[0]]); } else{ this.unbindVideoInfo(button); } }; WNP.prototype.bindVideoInfo = function(a, url, title) { a.href = url; var self = this; a.onmouseover = function() { self.showStatus(title, 5); }; a.onmouseout = function() { self.clearStatus(); }; }; WNP.prototype.unbindVideoInfo = function(a) { a.href = 'about:blank'; a.onmouseover = null; a.onmouseout = null; }; WNP.prototype.play = function(index) { if (this.playingItem) { removeClass(this.playingItem, 'playing'); this.playingItem = null; } var currentItem = this.playlistIterator.item; if (arguments.length > 0) { currentItem = this.playlistIterator.index(index).item; } if (!currentItem) { this.stop(); return; } var videoinfo = createVideoInfo(createPlayInfo(currentItem)); var title = videoinfo.title; this.scheduleCancel(); this.observingVideoStop(); this.timer.clear('preload'); var self = this; var preloaded = this.preloads.has(videoinfo.id); if (preloaded) { var oldCore = this.wnpCore; var wnpCore = this.wnpCore = this.preloads.get(videoinfo.id); this.preloads.remove(videoinfo.id); wnpCore.setStyle(oldCore.current.style); wnpCore.seekTo(0); wnpCore.setCommentOff(oldCore.current.isCommentOff); wnpCore.setMute(oldCore.current.isMute); //wnpCore.setRepeat(oldCore.current.isRepeat); wnpCore.volumeTo(oldCore.volume()); wnpCore.observeInterval = this.prefs.observe_interval; wnpCore.current.errorWhenDeleted = this.prefs.skip_deleted_video; wnpCore.show(); oldCore.pause(); oldCore.hide(); this.wnpWindow.setTimeout(function() { // for Opera 10 freeze. oldCore.detach(); }, 3000); } else { var currentStyle = this.wnpCore.current.style; if (!browser.ie_old) this.setAlternativeView(videoinfo); this.wnpCore.setStyle(WNPCore.STYLE_ALTERNATE); } this.timer.setTimeout('play', function() { if (preloaded) { self.wnpCore.startPlaying(); if (self.wnpCore.current.videoLoaded) { // already loaded. self.wnpCore.onload(); self.wnpCore.onstart(); } } else { //self.wnpCore.setStyle(currentStyle); // bad call order. self.wnpCore.play(videoinfo); self.wnpCore.setStyle(currentStyle); // best call order. } if (videoinfo.title) { self.wnpWindow.document.title = title + ' - ' + Consts.WNP_TITLE; self.showStatus(title, 5); } self.updatePauseButton(); }, 400); // for smooth scroll. // timeout, etc. this.timer.setTimeout('playTimeout', function() { self.showStatus("load timeout. go to next.", 5); self.next(); }, this.prefs.page_timeout * 1000 + 500); this.wnpCore.onload = function() { self.timer.setTimeout('playTimeout', function() { self.showStatus("play timeout. go to next.", 5); self.next(); }, self.prefs.video_timeout * 1000); // show actual title. title = self.wnpCore.current.videoinfo.title; self.wnpWindow.document.title = title + ' - ' + Consts.WNP_TITLE; if (!title || title == videoinfo.id || self.wnpCore.current.videoinfo.id != videoinfo.id) { self.showStatus(title, 5); } var video_id = self.wnpCore.current.videoinfo.id; var thumbnail = self.wnpCore.current.videoinfo.thumbnail; // jump. if (self.wnpCore.current.videoinfo.id != videoinfo.id && self.wnpCore.current.videoinfo.v != videoinfo.id) { var newInfo = self.wnpCore.current.videoinfo; var elements = currentItem.querySelectorAll('.video_link, .thumbnail'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var el = elements[i]; if (el.hasAttribute('name')) el.setAttribute('name', newInfo.id); if (el.nodeName == 'IMG') { el.src = newInfo.thumbnail; el.setAttribute('alt', newInfo.title); } if (el.nodeName == 'A') { el.setAttribute('title', newInfo.title); el.href = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + newInfo.id; if (el.querySelectorAll('*').length == 0) { // has no elements. el.textContent = /*@ el.innerText = @*/ newInfo.title; } } } } // update title and thumbnail image. var elements = self.wnpWindow.document.getElementsByName(video_id); if (elements.length == 0 && self.wnpCore.current.videoinfo.v) { elements = self.wnpWindow.document.getElementsByName(self.wnpCore.current.videoinfo.v); } for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var el = elements[i]; if (el.nodeName == 'IMG') { if (el.src != thumbnail) el.src = thumbnail; el.setAttribute('alt', title); } if (el.nodeName == 'A') { el.setAttribute('title', title); el.textContent = /*@ el.innerText = @*/ title; } } self.timer.setTimeout('update_playinfo', function() { self.updateAlternativeView(); self.updatePlaylistURI(); }, 1000); self.timer.setTimeout('preload', function() { self.preloadNext(); }, 30000); }; this.wnpCore.onstart = function() { self.timer.clear('playTimeout'); self.observingVideoStart(); if (browser.opera && self.prefs.force_visit_on_opera) { // force visit. self.wnpWindow.setTimeout(function() { if (self.wnpWindow.closed) return; var w = self.wnpWindow.open(videoinfo.url, '', 'width=1,height=1,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,top=0,left=10000'); w.blur(); self.wnpWindow.setTimeout(function() { w.close(); }, 800); self.wnpWindow.setTimeout(function() { if (!w.closed) w.close(); }, 3000); self.wnpWindow.setTimeout(function() { if (!w.closed) w.close(); }, 10000); }, 5000); } }; this.wnpCore.onerror = function(e) { self.showStatus((e.message || 'error.') + ' go to next.', 5); self.next(); }; this.wnpCore.onfatal = function(e) { self.stop(); self.wnpWindow.alert(e.message || 'fatal error.'); self.showStatus((e.message || 'fatal error.'), 5, true); if (e.logout) { if (browser.chrome) { // Chrome And OPR cannot open a winodw in main window's tab except handling mouse click event. // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4907843/open-url-in-new-tab-using-javascript // This code for OPR (Release18, Next19). There is no workaround for Chrome and OPR Dev20. What is worse is that OPR Dev20 blocks this popup window. var a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('href', Consts.WNP_LOGIN_PAGE); document.body.appendChild(a); try { // Emulate ctrl+shift+Click var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); e.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, false, true, false, 0, null); a.dispatchEvent(e); } finally { document.body.removeChild(a); } } else { open(Consts.WNP_LOGIN_PAGE); } } }; this.wnpCore.onfinish = function() { if (self.prefs.use_history) { var playinfo = createPlayInfo(currentItem); self.addHistory(playinfo); } if (self.prefs.remove_on_finish) { self.remove(currentItem); } if (self.prefs.use_offtimer) { if ((new Date() - (self.lastOperationTime || 0)) > self.prefs.offtimer_minute * 60 * 1000) { self.stop(); return; } } self.next(); }; this.wnpCore.onback = (function() { var backCount = 0; return function() { if (self.wnpCore.current.isRepeat) { backCount = 0; return; } if (new Date() - (self.lastOperationTime || 0) > 5000) { backCount++; } else { backCount = 0; } if (self.prefs.use_loop_break) { if (backCount > self.prefs.loop_break_count) { self.wnpCore.onfinish(); } } } })(); this.wnpCore.onjump = function(e) { title = null; // update when jumped video onload. if (self.prefs.cancel_jump) { self.wnpCore.onfinish(); } }; appendClass(this.wnpElement, 'playing'); appendClass(currentItem, 'playing'); this.playingItem = currentItem; this.updatePrevAndNext(); if ((new Date() - (this.lastOperationTime || 0)) > 10000) { this.scrollPlaylistTo(currentItem); } }; WNP.prototype.stop = function() { this.wnpCore.stop(); this.scheduleCancel(); this.observingVideoStop(); var wnpDocument = this.wnpWindow.document; wnpDocument.title = Consts.WNP_TITLE; removeClass(this.wnpElement, 'playing'); if (this.playingItem) removeClass(this.playingItem, 'playing'); this.timer.clear('playTimeout'); this.timer.clear('preload'); this.updatePauseButton(); this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_SEEKBAR').firstChild.firstChild.style.width = '0'; }; WNP.prototype.prev = function() { this.playlistIterator.prev(); this.play(); }; WNP.prototype.next = function() { if (this.prefs.loop) this.playlistIterator.next().isNullThenFirst(); else this.playlistIterator.next(); if (this.playlistIterator.item) { this.play(); } else { this.stop(); } }; WNP.prototype.schedulePrev = function() { if (!this.scheduleIterator) { this.scheduleIterator = new ListElementIterator(this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS')); this.scheduleIterator.current(this.playlistIterator.item); } this.scheduleIterator.prev().isNullThenFirst(); this.schedulePlay(); }; WNP.prototype.scheduleNext = function() { if (!this.scheduleIterator) { this.scheduleIterator = new ListElementIterator(this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS')); this.scheduleIterator.current(this.playlistIterator.item); this.scheduleIterator.next().isNullThenFirst(); } else { this.scheduleIterator.next().isNullThenLast(); } this.schedulePlay(); }; WNP.prototype.scheduleItem = function(item) { if (!item) return; if (!this.scheduleIterator) { this.scheduleIterator = new ListElementIterator(this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS')); } this.scheduleIterator.current(item); this.schedulePlay(); }; WNP.prototype.schedulePlay = function() { if (!this.scheduleIterator) return; var videoInfo = createVideoInfo(createPlayInfo(this.scheduleIterator.item)); this.showStatus("next: " + videoInfo.title, 3); var self = this; this.timer.setTimeout('schedulePlay', function() { self.timer.clear('schedulePlay'); if (self.playlistIterator.item === self.scheduleIterator.item) { self.scheduleIterator = null; return; } self.playlistIterator.current(self.scheduleIterator.item); self.scheduleIterator = null; self.play(); }, 3000); }; WNP.prototype.scheduleCancel = function() { if (this.timer.timeouts['schedulePlay']) { this.timer.clear('schedulePlay'); this.showStatus("cancel.", 3); } this.scheduleIterator = null; }; WNP.prototype.preloadNext = function() { var preloadIterator = new ListElementIterator(this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_PLAYLIST_ITEMS')); preloadIterator.current(this.playlistIterator.item).next(); if (this.prefs.loop) preloadIterator.isNullThenFirst(); var nextItem = preloadIterator.item; this.timer.clear('preload'); if (!nextItem || this.wnpCore.loaded() < 1) { var self = this; this.timer.setTimeout('preload', function() { self.preloadNext(); }, 3000); return; } this.preload(nextItem); }; WNP.prototype.preload = function(preloadItem) { var videoinfo = createVideoInfo(createPlayInfo(preloadItem)); var preloads = this.preloads; if (preloads.has(videoinfo.id)) return; while (preloads.count() >= 2) { preloads.getAt(0).detach(); preloads.removeAt(0); } var wnpCore = new WNPCore(this.wnpWindow.document, 'nico_frame'); preloads.add(videoinfo.id, wnpCore); wnpCore.observeInterval = this.prefs.observe_interval; wnpCore.current.errorWhenDeleted = this.prefs.skip_deleted_video; if (!browser.ie_old) this.setAlternativeView(videoinfo, wnpCore); wnpCore.hide(); wnpCore.onerror = wnpCore.onfatal = function() { wnpCore.detach(); preloads.remove(videoinfo.id); }; wnpCore.addEventListener('load', this._wnp_load, false); this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_VIEW').appendChild(wnpCore.element); wnpCore.play(videoinfo); wnpCore.pause(); wnpCore.alternativeView(); wnpCore.setMute(true); wnpCore.onload = function() { wnpCore.stopObserving(); // jump. if (wnpCore.current.videoinfo.id != videoinfo.id && wnpCore.current.videoinfo.v != videoinfo.id) { var newInfo = wnpCore.current.videoinfo; var elements = preloadItem.querySelectorAll('.video_link, .thumbnail'); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var el = elements[i]; if (el.hasAttribute('name')) el.setAttribute('name', newInfo.id); if (el.nodeName == 'IMG') { el.src = newInfo.thumbnail; el.setAttribute('alt', newInfo.title); } if (el.nodeName == 'A') { el.setAttribute('title', newInfo.title); el.href = 'http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/' + newInfo.id; if (el.querySelectorAll('*').length == 0) { // has no elements. el.textContent = /*@ el.innerText = @*/ newInfo.title; } } } } }; }; WNP.prototype.removePreload = function(videoinfo) { if (this.preloads.has(videoinfo.id)) { this.preloads.get(videoinfo.id).detach(); this.preloads.remove(videoinfo.id); } }; WNP.prototype.clearPreloads = function() { for (var i = 0, len = this.preloads.count(); i < len; i++) { var wnpCore = this.preloads.getAt(i); if (wnpCore !== this.wnpCore) { wnpCore.detach(); } } this.preloads = new ListedKeyMap(); }; WNP.prototype.layoutToggle = function() { var nextStyle; switch (this.wnpCore.current.style) { case WNPCore.STYLE_FILL: nextStyle = WNPCore.STYLE_RESTORE; break; case WNPCore.STYLE_RESTORE: nextStyle = WNPCore.STYLE_ALTERNATE; break; default: nextStyle = WNPCore.STYLE_FILL; break; } this.wnpCore.setStyle(nextStyle); }; WNP.prototype.clearStatus = function() { var statusBar = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_STATUS_BAR'); statusBar.innerHTML = ''; }; WNP.prototype.showStatus = function(msg, sec, error) { var statusBar = this.wnpWindow.document.getElementById('WNP_STATUS_BAR'); this.timer.clear('clearStatusMessage'); if (error) { statusBar.style.backgroundColor = Colors.status_error; statusBar.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; } else { statusBar.style.backgroundColor = ''; statusBar.style.fontWeight = ''; } this.hideControlPanel(); statusBar.textContent = /*@ statusBar.innerText = @*/ msg; if (sec) { var self = this; this.timer.setTimeout('clearStatusMessage', function(){ self.clearStatus(); self.restoreControlPanel(); }, sec * 1000); } }; WNP.prototype.setAlternativeView = function(info, wnpCore) { var iframe = this.wnpWindow.document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no'); iframe.className = 'alternative_view'; this.alternativeView = iframe; this.updateAlternativeView(info); (wnpCore || this.wnpCore).setAlternativeView(iframe, 380, 230); }; WNP.prototype.updateAlternativeView = function(info) { if (!this.alternativeView) return; var videoinfo = info || this.wnpCore.current.videoinfo; if (!videoinfo) return; var thumb_url = videoinfo.thumbnail || 'about:blank'; var title = escapeHTML(videoinfo.title || videoinfo.id || '', this.wnpWindow.document); var total = this.playlistIterator.count(); var current = this.playlistIterator.indexOf(this.playlistIterator.item) + 1; var video_play, video_comment, video_mylist; if (videoinfo.viewCount != null) { video_play = formatNumber(Number(videoinfo.viewCount)); video_comment = formatNumber(this.wnpCore.commentNum()); video_mylist = formatNumber(videoinfo.mylistCount); } else { video_play = video_comment = video_mylist = ''; } var svg_xml = Consts.svg_xml_base.replace(/%.+?%/g, function(r) { if (r == '%u%') return thumb_url; if (r == '%t%') return title; if (r == '%c%') return current + ' / ' + total; if (r == '%vp%') return video_play; if (r == '%vc%') return video_comment; if (r == '%vm%') return video_mylist; return ''; }); var svg_url = 'data:' + Consts.svg_mime_type + ';charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(svg_xml); this.alternativeView.src = 'about:blank'; this.alternativeView.src = svg_url; }; WNP.prototype.getDefaultPreferences = function() { return { observe_interval : 500, page_timeout : 80, video_timeout : 60, menu_width_ratio : 50, loop : false, comment_off : false, always_on_top : false, playlist_style_simple : false, remove_on_finish : true, use_history : true, skip_deleted_video : true, use_offtimer : true, offtimer_minute : 30, use_loop_break : true, loop_break_count : 3, cancel_jump : false, force_visit_on_opera : false }; }; WNP.prototype.loadPreferences = function() { if (!this.storage.isLoaded) return; var prefKeys = [ 'playlist_style_simple', 'remove_on_finish', 'use_history', 'skip_deleted_video', 'use_offtimer', 'offtimer_minute', 'use_loop_break', 'loop_break_count', 'cancel_jump', 'force_visit_on_opera' ]; var values = {}; for (var i = 0; i < prefKeys.length; i++) { var key = prefKeys[i]; var value = this.storage.getData(key); if (value != null) { values[key] = value; } } if (this._tmpPreferences) { var t = this._tmpPreferences; for (var i = 0; i < prefKeys.length; i++) { var key = prefKeys[i]; if (key in t && t[key] != null) { this.storage.setData(key, t[key]); values[key] = t[key]; } } delete this._tmpPreferences; } this.applyPreferences(values); }; WNP.prototype.storePreference = function(key, value) { if (!this.storage.isLoaded) { if (!this._tmpPreferences) this._tmpPreferences = {}; this._tmpPreferences.key = value; } else { this.storage.setData(key, value.toString()); } }; WNP.prototype.setDefaultPreferences = function() { this.storage.clear(); this.prefs = this.getDefaultPreferences(); this.applyPreferences(); }; WNP.prototype.applyPreferences = function(prefs, save) { var prefs = prefs || this.prefs; var key; key = 'observe_interval'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = Number(prefs[key]) || 500; this.wnpCore.observeInterval = this.prefs[key]; } key = 'page_timeout'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = Number(prefs[key]) || 80; } key = 'video_timeout'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = Number(prefs[key]) || 60; } key = 'menu_width_ratio'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = Number(prefs[key]) || 50; } key = 'loop'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); } key = 'comment_off'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); this.wnpCore.setCommentOff(this.prefs[key]); } key = 'mute'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); this.wnpCore.setMute(this.prefs[key]); } key = 'repeat'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); this.wnpCore.setRepeat(this.prefs[key]); } key = 'always_on_top'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); } key = 'playlist_style_simple'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); if (!this._simplePlaylistStyle) { var simple_style_str = [ 'ul.wnp_playlist_items li div.video_info .thumbnail { display: none }', 'ul.wnp_playlist_items li div.video_info { width: 10px }', 'ul.wnp_playlist_items li { height: 25px }', 'ul.wnp_playlist_items li div.video_desc > * { display: none }', 'ul.wnp_playlist_items li div.video_desc .video_desc_title { display: inline }', ].join('\n'); /*@ IECover.process(function() { simple_style_str += ' ul.wnp_playlist_items > li > img.wnp_iecover { height: 31px; } ' }); @*/ var style = addStyle(simple_style_str, this.wnpWindow.document); this._simplePlaylistStyle = style; } setStyleEnabled(this._simplePlaylistStyle, this.prefs[key]); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); if (save) this.storePreference(key, this.prefs[key] ? '1' : '0'); if (!this.prefs[key]) { this.lazyloadThumbnailImagesLater(1000); } } key = 'remove_on_finish'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); if (save) this.storePreference(key, this.prefs[key] ? '1' : '0'); } key = 'use_history'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); if (save) this.storePreference(key, this.prefs[key] ? '1' : '0'); } key = 'skip_deleted_video'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); this.wnpCore.current.errorWhenDeleted = this.prefs[key]; if (save) this.storePreference(key, this.prefs[key] ? '1' : '0'); } key = 'use_offtimer'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); if (save) this.storePreference(key, this.prefs[key] ? '1' : '0'); } key = 'offtimer_minute'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = Number(prefs[key]) || 60; this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); if (save) this.storePreference(key, this.prefs[key].toString()); } key = 'use_loop_break'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); if (save) this.storePreference(key, this.prefs[key] ? '1' : '0'); } key = 'loop_break_count'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (!isNaN(prefs[key])) ? Number(prefs[key]) : 3; this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); if (save) this.storePreference(key, this.prefs[key].toString()); } key = 'cancel_jump'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); if (save) this.storePreference(key, this.prefs[key] ? '1' : '0'); } key = 'force_visit_on_opera'; if (key in prefs && prefs[key] != null) { this.prefs[key] = (prefs[key] == true); this.setPreferenceUI(key, this.prefs[key]); if (save) this.storePreference(key, this.prefs[key] ? '1' : '0'); } }; WNP.prototype.setPreferenceUI = function(key, value) { if (value == null) return; var document = this.wnpWindow.document; switch(key) { case 'loop' : var button = document.getElementById('WNP_C_LOOP'); if (value == true) button.style.color = Colors.control_loop; else button.style.color = ''; break; case 'comment_off' : var button = document.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_COMM'); if (value == true) { button.style.color = Colors.control_comment_off; button.style.textDecoration = 'line-through'; } else { button.style.color = ''; button.style.textDecoration = ''; } break; case 'mute' : var button = document.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_MUTE'); if (value == true) { button.style.color = Colors.control_mute; button.style.textDecoration = 'line-through'; } else { button.style.color = ''; button.style.textDecoration = ''; } break; case 'repeat' : var button = document.getElementById('WNP_C_NICO_REPEAT'); if (value == true) button.style.color = Colors.control_repeat; else button.style.color = ''; break; case 'always_on_top' : var button = document.getElementById('WNP_C_ALWAYS_ON_TOP'); if (value == true) button.style.color = Colors.control_always_on_top; else button.style.color = ''; break; case 'playlist_style_simple' : document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_PLAYLIST_STYLE').checked = (value == true); document.getElementById('WNP_C_PLAYLIST_STYLE').checked = (value == true); break; case 'remove_on_finish' : document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_REMOVE_ON_FINISH').checked = (value == true); document.getElementById('WNP_C_REMOVE_ON_FINISH').checked = (value == true); break; case 'use_history' : document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_USE_HISTORY').checked = (value == true); document.getElementById('WNP_C_USE_HISTORY').checked = (value == true); break; case 'skip_deleted_video' : document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_SKIP_DELETED_VIDEO').checked = (value == true); break; case 'use_offtimer' : document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_USE_OFFTIMER').checked = (value == true); break; case 'offtimer_minute' : document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_OFFTIMER_MINUTE').value = value.toString(); break; case 'use_loop_break' : document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_USE_LOOP_BREAK').checked = (value == true); break; case 'loop_break_count' : document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_LOOP_BREAK_COUNT').value = value.toString(); break; case 'cancel_jump' : document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_CANCEL_JUMP').checked = (value == true); break; case 'force_visit_on_opera' : document.getElementById('WNP_C_PREF_FORCE_VISIT_ON_OPERA').checked = (value == true); break; default: return; } }; WNP.prototype.getDefaultKeybordShortcut = function() { return [ { command: 'PlayPause', key: 'Space' }, { command: 'PlayPrev', key: 'PageUp' }, { command: 'PlayNext', key: 'PageDown' }, { command: 'VolumeUp', key: 'Up' }, { command: 'VolumeUp+', key: 'Up Shift' }, { command: 'VolumeDown', key: 'Down' }, { command: 'VolumeDown-', key: 'Down Shift' }, { command: 'SeekForward', key: 'Right' }, { command: 'SeekForward+', key: 'Right Shift' }, { command: 'SeekBackward', key: 'Left' }, { command: 'SeekBackward-', key: 'Left Shift' }, { command: 'SeekBackward--', key: 'Left Ctrl' }, { command: 'SelectNextItem', key: 'j' }, { command: 'SelectNextItem', key: 'Enter' }, { command: 'SelectPrevItem', key: 'k' }, { command: 'PlaySelectedItem', key: 'o' }, { command: 'DeleteSelectedItem', key: 'DEL' }, { command: 'MenuNext', key: 's' }, { command: 'MenuPrev', key: 'a' }, { command: 'Playlist', key: 'n' }, { command: 'History', key: 'h' }, { command: 'Preference', key: 'p' }, { command: 'Comment', key: 'c' }, { command: 'Loop', key: 'l' }, { command: 'Repeat', key: 'r' }, { command: 'Mute', key: 'm' }, { command: 'Open', key: 'w' }, { command: 'View', key: 'v' } ] }; WNP.prototype.applyKeybordShortcut = function(shortcutList) { if (!shortcutList) return; for (var i = 0; i < shortcutList.length; i++) { var item = shortcutList[i]; this.platform.unbindShortcut(item.key); this.platform.bindShortcut(item.command, item.key); } }; WNP.open = function(playlist) { if (playlist) this.play(playlist); }; WNP.play = function(playlist) { if (playlist) this.wnp().addEx(playlist, { start: true, type: 'insertBeforeCurrent' }); }; WNP.add = function(playlist, name, start) { if (playlist) this.wnp().addEx(playlist); }; WNP.insert = function(playlist, name) { if (playlist) this.wnp().addEx(playlist, { start: false, type: 'insertAfterCurrent' }); }; WNP.wnp = function() { return window.wnp; }; T.WNP = WNP; window[Consts.WNP_GLOBAL_NAME] = WNP; window.wnp = new WNP(); } WNP.BUILD_WNP = BUILD_WNP; // WNP entry point. WNP.open = function(playlist, name) { var wnpWindow = this.wnp(name); if (playlist) { wnpWindow.setTimeout(function() { wnpWindow[Consts.WNP_GLOBAL_NAME].open(playlist); }, 50); } }; WNP.play = function(playlist, name) { var wnpWindow = this.wnp(name); if (!playlist) playlist = createPlayInfo(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]); wnpWindow.setTimeout(function() { wnpWindow[Consts.WNP_GLOBAL_NAME].play(playlist); }, 50); }; WNP.add = function(playlist, name) { var wnpWindow = this.wnp(name); if (!playlist) playlist = createPlayInfo(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]); wnpWindow.setTimeout(function() { wnpWindow[Consts.WNP_GLOBAL_NAME].add(playlist); }, 50); }; WNP.insert = function(playlist, name) { var wnpWindow = this.wnp(name); if (!playlist) playlist = createPlayInfo(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]); wnpWindow.setTimeout(function() { wnpWindow[Consts.WNP_GLOBAL_NAME].insert(playlist); }, 50); }; WNP.calcPosition = function() { if (browser.opera) { return { top: 0, left: window.top.innerWidth - WNP.Consts.WNP_INITIAL_PLAYER_WIDTH }; } if (browser.webkit) { var top = window.screenTop + 110; var left = window.screenLeft + window.outerWidth - WNP.Consts.WNP_INITIAL_PLAYER_WIDTH - 25; return { top: top, left: left }; } if (browser.mozilla) { var top = window.screenY + 110; var left = window.screenX + window.outerWidth - WNP.Consts.WNP_INITIAL_PLAYER_WIDTH - 25; return { top: top, left: left }; } return { top: 0, left: (window.innerWidth || ie.clientWidth()) - WNP.Consts.WNP_INITIAL_PLAYER_WIDTH }; }; WNP.wnp = function(name) { var loc = 'javascript:void(0)'; if (browser.safari || browser.ie) loc = ''; // Mac Safari 7.0.1 freezes at starting video if "loc = 'javascript:void(0)'". The blank address is OK. var pos = this.calcPosition(); var w = window.open(loc, name || 'wnp', 'top=' + pos.top + ',left=' + pos.left + ',width=' + WNP.Consts.WNP_INITIAL_PLAYER_WIDTH + ',height=' + WNP.Consts.WNP_INITIAL_PLAYER_HEIGHT + ',scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=yes,status=no'); var wnp = w.wnp; if (wnp == null) { var html = WNP.html.build(); var d = w.document; d.open(); d.write(html); try { d.close(); } catch(e) {} d.title = WNP.Consts.WNP_TITLE; w.wnp.applyPreferences(WNP.PREFS); w.wnp.applyKeybordShortcut(WNP.SHOPRTCUT); } w.focus(); return w; }; WNP.showToolTipIfNecessary = (function() { var tooltip = null; var tid = null; var pls = null; return function showToolTipIfNecessary(target) { var a = target, aa; while(a) { if (a.nodeName == 'A') break; a = a.parentNode; } if (!a) return; var m; if (m = /http:\/\/www\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/(\w+)/.exec(a.href)) { pls = createPlayInfo(a); } else if (m = getCanonicalVideoURL(a)) { aa = a.cloneNode(true); aa.href = m; pls = createPlayInfo(aa); } else if (/^http:\/\/www\.nicovideo\.jp\/.*/.test(a.href)) { pls = a.href; } else { return; } if (!tooltip) { tooltip = document.createElement('div'); tooltip.className = 'wnp_tooltip'; var panel_html = [ 'play', 'add', 'insert' ].join(''); if (browser.mozilla) { var bk = '
      '; panel_html = panel_html.replace(//g, bk + ''); } tooltip.innerHTML = panel_html; $e(window).addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) { tooltip.style.display = 'none'; }, false); $e(window).addEventListener(browser.mozilla ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel', function(e) { tooltip.style.display = 'none'; }, false); var an = tooltip.getElementsByTagName('a'); $e(an[0]).addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (pls) WNP.play(pls); }, false); $e(an[1]).addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (pls) WNP.add(pls); }, false); $e(an[2]).addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (pls) WNP.insert(pls); }, false); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(tooltip); } else { // refresh. for (var i = 0, len = tooltip.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { var node = tooltip.childNodes[i]; if (node.innerHTML) node.innerHTML = node.innerHTML; } } var title = findVideoTitle(aa || a); if (pls.title && !pls.title[pls.items[0]] && title) { pls.title[pls.items[0]] = title; } var open_href = 'javascript:' + encodeURIComponent('void((window.' + Consts.WNP_GLOBAL_NAME + ')?' + Consts.WNP_GLOBAL_NAME + '.open(' + toJSON(pls) + '):location.href="' + a.href +'")'); var an = tooltip.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < an.length; i++) { an[i].setAttribute('href', open_href); an[i].setAttribute('title', title); } if (browser.mozilla) { for (var i = 0; i < an.length; i++) { an[i].firstChild.setAttribute('alt', title); } } var p = getAbsolutePosition(a); var x = p.x, y = p.y, w = a.offsetWidth, h = a.offsetHeight, width = 80, height = 25; if (browser.mozilla || browser.webkit) { var thumb = a.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]; if (thumb) { var p = getAbsolutePosition(thumb); x = Math.min(x, p.x); y = Math.min(y, p.y); w = Math.max(w, thumb.offsetWidth); h = Math.max(h, thumb.offsetHeight); } } tooltip.style.left = Math.min(Math.max(x + Math.min(20, w-5), (x + w - width)), (window.innerWidth || ie.clientWidth()) - 190) + 'px'; tooltip.style.top = Math.min(y - 10, y + (h / 2) - 15 - height) + 'px'; tooltip.style.display = 'block'; if (tid) clearTimeout(tid); tid = setTimeout(function() { if (getStyle(tooltip, 'opacity') == '1') { // why work on ie? setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000); return; } tooltip.style.display = 'none'; tid = null; pls = null; }, 2200); } })(); WNP.showWnpControlPanel = function showWnpControlPanel() { var controlPanel = document.createElement('div'); controlPanel.id = 'WNP_CONTAROL_PANEL'; controlPanel.className = 'wnp_tooltip'; controlPanel.style.cssText = 'position: fixed; bottom: 5px; right: 5px; width: 228px; z-index: 998; '; var open_href = 'javascript:' + encodeURIComponent('void((window.' + Consts.WNP_GLOBAL_NAME + ')?' + Consts.WNP_GLOBAL_NAME + '.open("' + location.href + '"):location.href="' + location.href + '")'); var title = document.title; var panel_html = [ 'open', 'play', 'add', 'insert' ].join(''); if (browser.mozilla) { var bk = '' + title + '
      '; panel_html = panel_html.replace(//g, bk + ''); } controlPanel.innerHTML = panel_html; var an = controlPanel.getElementsByTagName('a'); $e(an[0]).addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); WNP.open(); }, false); $e(an[1]).addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); WNP.play(); }, false); $e(an[2]).addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); WNP.add(); }, false); $e(an[3]).addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); WNP.insert(); }, false); // hide controlPanel on scrolling(for performance). var scrollTid = null; $e(window).addEventListener('scroll', function(e) { if (e.target != window && e.target != document) return; if (scrollTid) clearTimeout(scrollTid); controlPanel.style.display = 'none'; scrollTid = setTimeout(function() { controlPanel.style.display = ''; }, 200); }, false); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(controlPanel); }; WNP.init = function init() { addStyle(WNP.pageStyle(WNP.Prefs)); WNP.showWnpControlPanel(); $e(document).addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) { WNP.showToolTipIfNecessary(e.target); }, false); } var json = (typeof JSON != 'undefined' ? JSON : null); WNP.parseRequest = function(str) { var req; if (json && isNative(json.parse)) { req = json.parse(str); } else { // not safe!! use this to the string from trusted domain only. req = eval('(' + str + ')'); } return req; }; WNP.serializeRequest = function(command, playlist) { var obj = { command: command, playlist: playlist }; // don't use native JSON.stringify for prototype.js (http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Gimite/20091129/1259495440) return toJSON(obj); }; if (location.href == Consts.WNP_GATEWAY_URL) { WNP.acceptDomain = function(url) { if (/^http:\/\/\w*[.]?nicovideo\.jp/.test(url)) { return true; } return false; }; WNP.receiveMessage = function(e) { if (this.acceptDomain(e.origin)) { var request = this.parseRequest(e.data); if (request) { switch(request.command) { case 'open' : this.open(request.playlist); break; case 'play' : this.play(request.playlist); break; case 'add' : this.add(request.playlist); break; case 'insert': this.insert(request.playlist); break; } } } }; window.addEventListener("message", function(e) { WNP.receiveMessage(e); }, false); } if (location.href.indexOf('http://www.nicovideo.jp/') < 0) { var gateway = document.createElement('iframe'); gateway.src = Consts.WNP_GATEWAY_URL; gateway.setAttribute('width', '1'); gateway.setAttribute('height', '1'); gateway.setAttribute('style', 'position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; display: none;'); ready(function() { document.body.appendChild(gateway); }); WNP.open = function(playlist) { gateway.contentWindow.postMessage(this.serializeRequest('open', playlist), Consts.WNP_GATEWAY_URL); }; WNP.play = function(playlist) { if (!playlist) playlist = createPlayInfo(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]); gateway.contentWindow.postMessage(this.serializeRequest('play', playlist), Consts.WNP_GATEWAY_URL); }; WNP.add = function(playlist) { if (!playlist) playlist = createPlayInfo(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]); gateway.contentWindow.postMessage(this.serializeRequest('add', playlist), Consts.WNP_GATEWAY_URL); }; WNP.insert = function(playlist) { if (!playlist) playlist = createPlayInfo(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]); gateway.contentWindow.postMessage(this.serializeRequest('insert', playlist), Consts.WNP_GATEWAY_URL); }; delete WNP.wnp; } window[Consts.WNP_GLOBAL_NAME] = WNP; // entry point. function main() { setTimeout(function() { WNP.init(); }, 0); // delay for customize. } function ready(func) { if (document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]) func(); else if (window.opera) document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', func, false); else $e(window).addEventListener('load', func, false); } if (location.href.indexOf('http://www.nicovideo.jp/wnp/') === 0) { var videoid = location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''); // delay for ie8. setTimeout(function() { var html = WNP.html.build(); document.open(); document.write(html); try { document.close(); } catch(e) {} window.wnp.applyPreferences(WNP.PREFS); window.wnp.applyKeybordShortcut(WNP.SHOPRTCUT); if (videoid) window.WNP.open(videoid); }, 50); } else { ready(main); } })();