require "set" require "tempfile" require "vagrant/util/retryable" require "vagrant/util/template_renderer" module VagrantPlugins module GuestRedHat module Cap class ConfigureNetworks extend Vagrant::Util::Retryable include Vagrant::Util def self.configure_networks(machine, networks) network_scripts_dir = machine.guest.capability("network_scripts_dir") # Accumulate the configurations to add to the interfaces file as # well as what interfaces we're actually configuring since we use that # later. interfaces = networks.each do |network| interfaces.add(network[:interface]) # Down the interface before munging the config file. This might fail # if the interface is not actually set up yet so ignore errors. machine.communicate.sudo( "/sbin/ifdown eth#{network[:interface]} 2> /dev/null", error_check: false) # Remove any previous vagrant configuration in this network interface's # configuration files. machine.communicate.sudo("touch #{network_scripts_dir}/ifcfg-eth#{network[:interface]}") machine.communicate.sudo("sed -e '/^#VAGRANT-BEGIN/,/^#VAGRANT-END/ d' #{network_scripts_dir}/ifcfg-eth#{network[:interface]} > /tmp/vagrant-ifcfg-eth#{network[:interface]}") machine.communicate.sudo("cat /tmp/vagrant-ifcfg-eth#{network[:interface]} > #{network_scripts_dir}/ifcfg-eth#{network[:interface]}") machine.communicate.sudo("rm /tmp/vagrant-ifcfg-eth#{network[:interface]}") # Render and upload the network entry file to a deterministic # temporary location. entry = TemplateRenderer.render("guests/redhat/network_#{network[:type]}", :options => network) temp ="vagrant") temp.binmode temp.write(entry) temp.close machine.communicate.upload(temp.path, "/tmp/vagrant-network-entry_#{network[:interface]}") end # Bring down all the interfaces we're reconfiguring. By bringing down # each specifically, we avoid reconfiguring eth0 (the NAT interface) so # SSH never dies. interfaces.each do |interface| retryable(:on => Vagrant::Errors::VagrantError, :tries => 3, :sleep => 2) do # The interface should already be down so this probably # won't do anything, so we run it with error_check false. machine.communicate.sudo( "/sbin/ifdown eth#{interface} 2> /dev/null", error_check: false) # Add the new interface and bring it up machine.communicate.sudo("cat /tmp/vagrant-network-entry_#{interface} >> #{network_scripts_dir}/ifcfg-eth#{interface}") machine.communicate.sudo("ARPCHECK=no /sbin/ifup eth#{interface} 2> /dev/null") end machine.communicate.sudo("rm /tmp/vagrant-network-entry_#{interface}") end end end end end end