# Description: # Teach Hubot to play nice with Ruby via Rhubot (https://github.com/minton/rhubot) # # Dependencies: # None # # Configuration: # RHUBOT_PATH - Path to Rhubot # HUBOT_URL - Path to Hubot HTTP router - # # Commands: # rb - Runs a Ruby script named sending the arguments . # # Author: # @mcminton sh = require('sh') scriptPath = process.env.RHUBOT_SCRIPT_PATH routerPost = "/hubot/rhubot" httpUrl = process.env.HUBOT_URL + routerPost module.exports = (robot) -> robot.hear /rb\s{1}([^\s]+)\s{1}(.+)/i, (msg) -> script = msg.match[1] scriptArgs = msg.match[2] console.log "Running #{script} #{scriptArgs}" data = '' spawn = require('child_process').spawn proc = spawn "ruby", ["#{scriptPath}/rhubot.rb", httpUrl, msg.message.user.room, script, scriptArgs] me = this proc.stdout.on 'data', (chunk) -> data += chunk.toString() proc.stderr.on 'data', (chunk) -> msg.send chunk.toString() proc.stdout.on 'end', () -> msg.send data.toString() robot.router.post routerPost, (req, res) -> user = robot.userForId 'broadcast' user.room = req.body.room user.type = 'groupchat' result = req.body.result robot.send user, "#{result}" res.end "O.o"