// ==UserScript== // @id ForceDotComMetadataTool // @name ForceDotComMetadataTool // @version 0.0.1 // @description // @include https://*.salesforce.com/* // @run-at document-end // @require lib/jquery-1.8.3.min.js // @require lib/Hogan.js/hogan-2.0.0.min.js // @require lib/JSZip/jszip.js // @require lib/JSZip/jszip-load.js // @require lib/JSZip/jszip-inflate.js // @require lib/JSZip/jszip-deflate.js // @noframes // ==/UserScript== var unsafeWindow, GM_addStyle, sforce, ApiUtils; if (!unsafeWindow && window) { unsafeWindow = window; } if (!GM_addStyle) { GM_addStyle = function () {}; } (function (unsafeWindow, $) { GM_addStyle( '#phHeaderLogoImage, #AppPageLogo {' + ' cursor: pointer;' + '}' + '.mt-bg {' + ' opacity: 0.2;' + ' background-color: #000;' + ' width: 100%;' + ' height: 100%;' + ' position: fixed;' + ' top: 0;' + ' left: 0;' + ' z-index: 100;' + '}' + '.mt-panel {' + ' position: absolute;' + ' top: 20px;' + ' left: 100px;' + ' background-color: #fff;' + ' padding: 20px;' + ' border-radius: 20px;' + ' z-index: 101;' + ' min-width: 500px;' + ' min-height: 200px;' + '}' + '.mt-tab-list {' + ' position: absolute;' + ' top: 5px;' + ' left: 100px;' + ' z-index: 102;' + ' list-style-type: none;' + ' margin: 0;' + ' padding: 0;' + ' font-weight: bold;' + '}' + '.mt-tab {' + ' background-color: #FFFFFF;' + ' border-radius: 8px 8px 0 0;' + ' border: 1px solid #DDD;' + ' color: #ABC;' + ' width: 110px;' + ' margin: 0;' + ' padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;' + ' cursor: pointer;' + ' float: left;' + '}' + '.mt-tab.selected {' + ' border-bottom: none;' + '}' + '.mt-gd-table {' + ' border-collapse: collapse;' + '}' + '.mt-gd-row {' + '}' + '.mt-gd-cell {' + ' border: 1px dotted #999;' + '}' + '.mt-gd-cell-view {' + ' margin-left: 10px;' + ' float: right;' + '}' + '.mt-sod-table {' + ' border-collapse: collapse;' + '}' + '.mt-sod-table-head {' + ' background-color: #747E96;' + ' color: #FFFFFF;' + ' font-size: larger;' + ' font-weight: bold;' + '}' + '.mt-sod-table-head th {' + ' padding: 5px 100px;' + '}' + '.mt-sod-row {' + '}' + '.mt-sod-head {' + ' background-color: #CCC;' + ' border: 1px dotted #000;' + '}' + '.mt-sod-cell {' + ' border: 1px dotted #000;' + ' padding: 3px;' + '}' + '.mt-gd-group-head {' + ' background-color: #EEECD1;' + ' border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;' + ' font-weight: bold;' + '}' + '.mt-so-tab-list {' + ' position: absolute;' + ' top: 50px;' + ' left: 10px;' + ' z-index: 102;' + ' list-style-type: none;' + ' margin: 0;' + ' padding: 0;' + ' font-weight: bold;' + ' text-align: right;' + ' cursor: default;' + '}' + '.mt-so-tab {' + ' background-color: #EEEEFF;' + ' border-radius: 8px 0 0 8px;' + ' border: 1px solid #DDD;' + ' color: #333;' + ' width: 95px;' + ' margin: 0;' + ' padding: 5px 10px 5px 0;' + ' cursor: pointer;' + '}' + '.mt-so-tab-list .selected {' + ' background-color: #FFF;' + ' border-right: none;' + ' color: #545454;' + '}' + '.mt-table {' + ' border-collapse: collapse;' + '}' + '.mt-table-head {' + ' background-color: #CCC;' + ' border: 1px dotted #000;' + '}' + '.mt-table-cell {' + ' border: 1px dotted #CCC;' + ' padding: 2px 3px;' + '}'+ '.mt-deploy-panel input[type=text] {' + ' width: 300px;' + '}' + '#mt-deploy-content {' + ' width: 1000px;' + ' height: 600px;' + '}' + '#mt-deploy-meta {' + ' width: 1000px;' + ' height: 300px;' + '}' + '.mt-test-log {' + ' margin-left: 10px;' + ' border: 1px solid #ccc;' + '}' ); var Template = {}; Template.DeployRetrieve = '
' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + ' ' + '
'; Template.GlobalDescribe = '' + ' {{#groups}}' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{#rows}}' + ' ' + ' {{#cells}}' + ' ' + ' {{/cells}}' + ' ' + ' {{/rows}}' + ' {{/groups}}' + '
' + ' {{label}}' + ' {{#keyPrefix}}' + ' view' + ' {{/keyPrefix}}' + '   ' + ' {{#id}}setup{{/id}}' + '
'; Template.DescribeMetadata = '' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{#metadataObjects}}' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{/metadataObjects}}' + '
'; Template.SObjectDescribe = '' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{#titles}}' + ' ' + ' {{/titles}}' + ' ' + ' {{#fields}}' + ' ' + ' {{#values}}' + ' ' + ' {{/values}}' + ' ' + ' {{/fields}}' + '
{{label}} {{name}}
'; Template.SObjectTabList = ''; Template.ChildRelationships = '' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{#childRelationships}}' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{/childRelationships}}' + '
{{label}} {{name}}
'; Template.RecordTypeInfos = '' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{#recordTypeInfos}}' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{/recordTypeInfos}}' + '
{{label}} {{name}}
'; Template.Details = '' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{#details}}' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{/details}}' + '
{{label}} {{name}}
'; Template.FieldConfigurator = '' + ' {{#rows}}' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{/rows}}' + '
{{{title}}}' + ' ' + '
'; Template.GeneralTableView = '' + ' ' + ' {{#headers}}' + ' ' + ' {{/headers}}' + ' ' + ' {{#rows}}' + ' ' + ' {{#cells}}' + ' ' + ' {{/cells}}' + ' ' + ' {{/rows}}' + '
' + ' {{.}}' + '
'; Template.TabList = ''; Template.TestRunner = '' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{#classes}}' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{/classes}}' + '
'; Template.TestRunnerLog = '
'; var doc, MetadataTool, SimpleElement, Bg, Panel, ScriptLoader; doc = $(document); MetadataTool = unsafeWindow.MetadataTool = {}; MetadataTool.$ = $(MetadataTool); MetadataTool.jQuery = $; MetadataTool.Hogan = Hogan; MetadataTool.JSZip = JSZip; sforce = unsafeWindow.sforce; ApiUtils = unsafeWindow.ApiUtils; function noop() {} function clone(obj) { var ret, i; if (obj === null || obj === undefined || typeof obj in {'string': 1, 'number': 1, 'boolean': 1, 'function': 1}) { return obj; } else if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return obj.map(clone); } else { ret = {}; for (i in obj) { ret[i] = clone(obj[i]); } return ret; } } MetadataTool.clone = clone; function arrayToHash(arr, key) { var hash = {}; arr.forEach(function (o) { hash[o[key]] = o; }); return hash; } function arrayDivide(arr, n) { return [[]].concat(arr).reduce(function (ret, val) { var current = ret[ret.length - 1]; if (!current || current.length === n) { ret.push(current = []); } current.push(val); return ret; }); } SimpleElement = MetadataTool.SimpleElement = function (html) { var that = $(html) .on('show', function () { that.appendTo(document.body); that.show(); }) .on('hide', function () { // removeだとイベントまで消える that.hide(); }); return that; }; Bg = MetadataTool.Bg = SimpleElement('
'); Panel = MetadataTool.Panel = SimpleElement('
'); Bg.on('hide', function () { Panel.trigger('hide'); }); ScriptLoader = MetadataTool.ScriptLoader = jQuery({}); ScriptLoader.on('run', function () { if (sforce && sforce.metadata) { ScriptLoader.trigger('loaded'); } else { var p1, p2; p1 = ScriptLoader.promise('/soap/ajax/29.0/connection.js'); p2 = ScriptLoader.promise('//github.com/mino0123/salesforce-metadata.js/raw/master/salesforce-metadata.js'); $.when(p1, p2).then(function () { ScriptLoader.trigger('loaded'); }); } }); ScriptLoader.promise = function (url) { var df = new $.Deferred(); ScriptLoader.loadScript(url, function () { df.resolve(); }); return df.promise(); }; ScriptLoader.loadScript = function (url, onload) { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = url; s.onload = onload; document.head.appendChild(s); }; ScriptLoader.on('loaded', function () { sforce = unsafeWindow.sforce; sforce.connection.sessionId = ApiUtils.getSessionId(); sforce.metadata.sessionId = sforce.connection.sessionId; }); ScriptLoader.on('loaded', function () { doc .on('click', '.mt-bg', function (event) { Bg.trigger('hide'); }) .on('click', '#phHeaderLogoImage, #AppPageLogo', function () { MetadataTool.$.trigger('run'); }); }); MetadataTool.$.on('initialize', function () { ScriptLoader.trigger('run'); }); $(function () { if (!ApiUtils) { return; } MetadataTool.$.trigger('initialize'); }); var Data; Data = MetadataTool.Data = { data: { global: null, sobjects: {}, describeMetadata: null, metadataList: {}, classes: null }, supportMetadata: null, setHook: function (obj, name, fn) { var oldFn = obj[name], ret; obj[name] = function () { ret = fn.apply(this, arguments); if (oldFn) { oldFn.apply(this, ret === undefined ? arguments : [ret]); } }; }, createCallback: function (obj, preSuccess, preFailure) { var callback = {onSuccess: obj.onSuccess || noop, onFailure: obj.onFailure || noop}; if (preSuccess) { this.setHook(callback, 'onSuccess', preSuccess); } if (preFailure) { this.setHook(callback, 'onFailure', preFailure); } return callback; }, promise: function (name, args) { var df = new $.Deferred(); args = clone(args) || {}; args.onSuccess = function (result) { df.resolve(result); }; args.onFailure = function (fault) { df.reject(fault); }; this[name](args); return df.promise(); }, getGlobalDescribe: function (args) { var data = this.data, callback; if (data.global && args.onSuccess) { args.onSuccess(data.global); } else { callback = this.createCallback(args, function (gd) { data.global = gd; }); sforce.connection.describeGlobal(callback); } }, getSObjectHash: function (args) { var callback = this.createCallback(args, function (gd) { var ret = {}; gd.sobjects.forEach(function (so) { ret[so.name] = so; }); return ret; }); this.getGlobalDescribe(callback); }, getSObjectDescribe: function (args) { var type = args.type, sobjects = this.data.sobjects, callback; if (sobjects[type] && args.onSuccess) { args.onSuccess(sobjects[type]); } else { callback = this.createCallback(args, function (sobject) { sobjects[type] = sobject; }); sforce.connection.describeSObject(type, callback); } }, describeMetadata: function (args) { var that = this, data = this.data, callback; if (data.describeMetadata && args.onSuccess) { args.onSuccess(data.describeMetadata); } else { callback = this.createCallback( args, function (md) { that.supportMetadata = true; data.describeMetadata = md; }, function (fault) { if (fault.faultcode === 'sf:INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS') { that.supportMetadata = false; } else { alert(fault); console.log(fault); } } ); sforce.metadata.describeMetadata(29, callback); } }, getMetadataList: function (args) { var that = this, metadataList = this.data.metadataList, type = args.type, callback; if (metadataList[type] && args.onSuccess) { args.onSuccess(clone(metadataList[type])); } else { callback = this.createCallback( args, function (list) { that.supportMetadata = true; metadataList[type] = list; return clone(list); }, function (fault) { if (fault.faultcode === 'sf:INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS') { that.supportMetadata = false; } else { alert(fault); console.log(fault); } } ); sforce.metadata.listMetadata({queries: [{type: type}]}, callback); } }, retrieve: function (typeName, members, callback) { function waitForDone(callback) { function getResult(id) { sforce.metadata.checkRetrieveStatus(id, callback); } function check(results) { var done = results[0].done === 'true'; if (!done) { setTimeout(function () { sforce.metadata.checkStatus([results[0].id], check); }, 1000); } else { getResult(results[0].id); } } return function (result) { check([result]); }; } var req, result; req = new sforce.RetrieveRequest(); req.apiVersion = "29.0"; req.singlePackage = false; req.unpackaged = { types: [{name: typeName, members:members}] }; sforce.metadata.retrieve(req, waitForDone(function (result) { var zip, data; zip = new JSZip(result.zipFile, {base64:true}); callback(zip); })); }, deploy: function (args, callback) { function waitForDone(callback) { function getResult(id) { sforce.metadata.checkDeployStatus(id, callback); } function check(results) { var done = results[0].done === 'true'; if (!done) { setTimeout(function () { sforce.metadata.checkStatus([results[0].id], check); }, 1000); } else { getResult(results[0].id); } } return function (result) { check([result]); }; } var req, pack, zip, path, meta = args.meta; pack = new sforce.Package(); pack.version = 29; pack.types = [{name: args.name, members: args.member}]; path = 'src/' + args.dir + '/' + args.basename + '.' + args.ext; req = new sforce.DeployRequest(); zip = new JSZip(); zip.file("src/package.xml", pack.toXml()); zip.file(path, args.content); if (meta) { zip.file(path + "-meta.xml", meta); } req.zipFile = zip.generate({base64: true}); this.describeMetadata({ onSuccess: function (desc) { if (desc.testRequired) { req.deployOptions = new sforce.Xml(); req.deployOptions.rollbackOnError = true; } sforce.metadata.deploy(req, waitForDone(function (result) { callback(result); })); } }); }, getApexClasses: function (args) { var data = this.data, classes = this.data, callback; if (data.classes) { args.onSuccess(classes); } else { callback = this.createCallback(args, function (qr) { data.classes = qr.records; return data.classes; }); sforce.connection.query('SELECT Id, Name FROM ApexClass', callback); } }, getTestQueueItem: function (args) { var id = args.id, soql = 'SELECT Status, ExtendedStatus FROM ApexTestQueueItem WHERE Id = \'' + id + '\'', callback; callback = this.createCallback({onSuccess: function (qr) { var records = qr.records; var r = Array.isArray(records) ? records[0] : records; if (r && ['Completed', 'Failed', 'Aborted'].indexOf(r.Status) >= 0) { args.onSuccess(qr); } else { setTimeout(query, 2000); } }}); function query() { sforce.connection.query(soql, callback); } query(); }, getTestLog: function (args) { var queueItemId = args.queueItemId, soql = 'SELECT ApexLogId FROM ApexTestResult WHERE QueueItemId = \'' + queueItemId + '\'', callback; sforce.connection.query(soql, this.createCallback({ onSuccess: function (qr) { if (Number(qr.size) <= 0) { args.onSuccess(null); } else { var records = qr.records; var record = Array.isArray(records) ? records[0] : records; var logId = record.ApexLogId; $.get('/apexdebug/traceDownload.apexp', {id: logId}, args.onSuccess); } } })); query(); } }; var GeneralTableView; GeneralTableView = MetadataTool.GeneralTableView = function () { this.$ = $(this); this.headers = []; this.rows = []; this.$.on('render', function () { if (!this.el) { this.el = $(this.renderer.render(this)); } Panel.append(this.el); }); this.$.on('remove', function () { if (this.el) { this.el.remove(); } }); }; GeneralTableView.byHashArray = function (arr) { var v, first, keys; v = new GeneralTableView(); first = arr[0]; if (first) { v.headers = Object.keys(first); } arr.forEach(function (hash) { var row = {cells: []}; v.headers.forEach(function (name) { row.cells.push(hash[name]); }); v.rows.push(row); }); return v; }; GeneralTableView.prototype.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.GeneralTableView); var IdGenerator, TabList, Tab; IdGenerator = (function () { var counter = 1; return { generate: function (name) { return (name || '') + counter++; } }; })(); TabList = function () { this.$ = $(this); this.id = IdGenerator.generate(); this.tabs = []; this.$.on('run', function () { this.$.trigger('render'); this.el.find('.mt-tab:first').trigger('click'); }); this.$.on('render', function () { var el, html; if (this.el) { this.el.remove(); } html = this.renderer.render(this); el = this.el = $(html); el.appendTo(document.body); el.show(); }); var that = this; doc.on('click', '#' + this.id + ' .mt-tab', function (event) { that.$.trigger('click', event.target); }); this.$.on('click', function (event, target) { var oldSelectedEl, oldSelected, id, selected; oldSelectedEl = that.el.find('.mt-tab.selected'); oldSelected = that.tabs.filter(function (t) { return t.id === oldSelectedEl.data('id'); })[0]; if (oldSelected) { oldSelected.$.trigger('unselect'); oldSelectedEl.removeClass('selected'); } target = $(target); id = target.data('id'); target.addClass('selected'); selected = that.tabs.filter(function (t) { return t.id === id; })[0]; that.$.trigger('refresh'); selected.$.trigger('select'); }); this.$.on('hide', function () { if (this.el) { this.el.hide(); } }); this.select = function (id) { var target = this.el.find('#' + id); target.trigger('click'); }; this.getSelected = function () { var id, selectedTab; if (this.el) { id = this.el.find('.selected').data('id'); selectedTab = this.tabs.filter(function (t) { return t.id === id; }); return selectedTab && selectedTab[0]; } }; }; TabList.prototype.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.TabList); Tab = function (id, text, onselect, onunselect) { this.$ = $(this); this.id = id; this.text = text; this.$.on('select', onselect); if (onunselect) { this.$.on('unselect', onunselect); } }; globalTabList = MetadataTool.globalTabList = new TabList(); globalTabList.tabs.push(new Tab('gd', 'Describe', function () { DescribeGlobal.$.trigger('run'); }, function () { DescribeGlobal.$.trigger('remove'); })); Bg.on('hide', function () { globalTabList.$.trigger('hide'); }); MetadataTool.$.on('run', function () { globalTabList.$.trigger('run'); }); var DescribeGlobal; DescribeGlobal = MetadataTool.DescribeGlobal = {}; DescribeGlobal.$ = $(DescribeGlobal); DescribeGlobal.config = { columns: 4 }; DescribeGlobal.$.on('run', function (event) { var p1, p2, gd, objects; p1 = Data.promise('getGlobalDescribe'); p2 = Data.promise('getMetadataList', {type: 'CustomObject'}); function onEnd(gd, objects) { if (objects) { var metaHash = arrayToHash(objects, 'fullName'); gd.sobjects.forEach(function (so) { var name = so.name, nonamespace = name.replace(/^.*?__/, ''), m = metaHash[name] || metaHash[nonamespace]; if (m) { so.id = m.id || undefined; } }); } DescribeGlobal.$.trigger('loaded', gd); } $.when(p1).done(function (result) { gd = result; if (p2.state() !== 'pending') { onEnd(gd, objects); } }); $.when(p2).done(function (result) { objects = result; if (p1.state() === 'resolved') { onEnd(gd, objects); } }); $.when(p2).fail(function (fault) { if (p1.state() === 'rejected') { onEnd(gd, objects); } }); }); DescribeGlobal.$.on('loaded', function (event, globalDescribe) { DescribeGlobal.data = globalDescribe; DescribeGlobal.$.trigger('render'); }); DescribeGlobal.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.GlobalDescribe); DescribeGlobal.$.on('render', function (event) { var grouper = new DescribeGlobal.Grouper(this.data, this.config); grouper.group(); if (this.el) { this.el.remove(); } var html = this.renderer.render(grouper); this.el = $(html); Bg.trigger('show'); Panel.trigger('show'); Panel.append(this.el); }); DescribeGlobal.$.on('remove', function () { if (this.el) { this.el.remove(); } }); DescribeGlobal.Grouper = function (globalDescribe, config) { this.sobjects = globalDescribe.sobjects; this.config = config; }; DescribeGlobal.Grouper.prototype.group = function () { var that = this; this.groups = []; this.definitions.forEach(function (def) { var matched = that.sobjects.filter(def.matcher); if (matched.length > 0) { var rows = arrayDivide(matched, that.config.columns); var g = new DescribeGlobal.Group(def, rows); that.groups.push(g); } }); }; DescribeGlobal.Group = function (def, rows) { this.title = def.title; this.rows = rows.map(function (r) { return new DescribeGlobal.GroupRow(r); }); }; DescribeGlobal.GroupRow = function (cells) { this.cells = cells; }; DescribeGlobal.Grouper.prototype.definitions = [ { title: 'カスタム', matcher: function(sobject) { return sobject.custom === 'true'; } }, { title: '取引先', matcher: function(sobject) { return sobject.custom !== 'true' && /Account/.test(sobject.name); } }, { title: '取引先責任者', matcher: function(sobject) { return sobject.custom !== 'true' && /Contact/.test(sobject.name); } }, { title: 'リード', matcher: function(sobject) { return sobject.custom !== 'true' && /Lead/.test(sobject.name); } }, { title: '商談/商品/価格表/契約/見積', matcher: function(sobject) { var name = sobject.name; return sobject.custom !== 'true' && (/Opportunity/.test(name) || /Pricebook/.test(name) || /Product/.test(name) || /Asset/.test(name) || /Quote/.test(name) || /Contract/.test(name)); } }, { title: 'キャンペーン', matcher: function(sobject) { return sobject.custom !== 'true' && /Campaign/.test(sobject.name); } }, { title: 'ケース/ソリューション', matcher: function(sobject) { return sobject.custom !== 'true' && (/Case/.test(sobject.name) || /Solution/.test(sobject.name)); } }, { title: '活動', matcher: function(sobject) { return sobject.custom !== 'true' && (/Activity/.test(sobject.name) || /Event/.test(sobject.name) || /Task/.test(sobject.name)); } }, { title: 'ユーザ/プロファイル/ロール', matcher: function(sobject) { return sobject.custom !== 'true' && (/User/.test(sobject.name) || /Profile/.test(sobject.name) || /^Role/.test(sobject.name)); } }, { title: 'ドキュメント/コンテンツ', matcher: function(sobject) { return sobject.custom !== 'true' && (/Document/.test(sobject.name) || /Content/.test(sobject.name) || /File/.test(sobject.name)); } }, { title: '履歴', matcher: function(sobject) { return (/History$/).test(sobject.name); } }, { title: 'Apex', matcher: function(sobject) { return sobject.custom !== 'true' && /Apex/.test(sobject.name); } }, { title: 'Chatter/コラボレーション', matcher: function(sobject) { var name = sobject.name; return sobject.custom !== 'true' && /^Chatter/.test(name) || /^Collaboration/.test(name); } }, { title: 'フィード', matcher: function(sobject) { return sobject.custom !== 'true' && /Feed/.test(sobject.name); } }, { title: 'その他', matcher: function(sobject) { var defs, i, len; defs = DescribeGlobal.Grouper.prototype.definitions; for (i = 0, len = defs.length - 1; i < len; i += 1) { if (defs[i].matcher(sobject)) { return false; } } return true; } } ]; var DescribeSObject, SObjectTabList, SObjectTab, FieldList, ChildRelationships, RecordTypeInfos, Details, FieldConfigurator; DescribeSObject = MetadataTool.DescribeSObject = {}; DescribeSObject.$ = jQuery(DescribeSObject); DescribeSObject.$.on('run', function (event, name) { var that = this; Data.getSObjectDescribe({type: name, onSuccess: function (describeResult) { that.dr = describeResult; that.$.trigger('render'); }}); }); DescribeSObject.$.on('render', function () { DescribeGlobal.$.trigger('remove'); SObjectTabList.dr = DescribeSObject.dr; SObjectTabList.$.trigger('render'); var first = SObjectTabList.tabs[0]; first.dr = SObjectTabList.dr; SObjectTabList.el.find('.mt-so-tab:first').addClass('selected'); first.$.trigger('select'); }); doc .on('click', '.mt-gd-cell-sobject', function (event) { var name = $(event.target).data('sobject-name'); DescribeSObject.$.trigger('run', name); }); SObjectTab = function (title) { this.title = title; this.$ = $(this); this.$.on('select', function () { this.$.trigger('render'); }); this.$.on('render', function () { var html = this.renderer.render(this.dr); Panel.html(html); }); }; SObjectTabList = MetadataTool.SObjectTabList = {}; SObjectTabList.$ = $(SObjectTabList); SObjectTabList.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.SObjectTabList); SObjectTabList.$.on('render', function () { this.el = $(this.renderer.render(this)); this.el.appendTo(document.body); this.el.show(); }); SObjectTabList.$.on('remove', function () { if (this.el) { this.el.remove(); Panel.html(''); //手抜き. 複雑さが増すと使えなくなるかも } }); SObjectTabList.tabs = []; doc.on('click', '.mt-so-tab', function (event) { var target, list, title, selected; target = $(event.target); list = target.parent(); title = target.data('title'); selected = SObjectTabList.tabs.filter(function (t) { return t.title === title; })[0]; list.find('.mt-so-tab').removeClass('selected'); target.addClass('selected'); selected.dr = SObjectTabList.dr; selected.$.trigger('select'); }); Bg.on('hide', function () { SObjectTabList.$.trigger('remove'); }); globalTabList.$.on('refresh', function () { SObjectTabList.$.trigger('remove'); }); FieldList = DescribeSObject.FieldList = new SObjectTab('項目一覧'); FieldList.$ = $(DescribeSObject.FieldList); FieldList.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.SObjectDescribe); FieldList.Field = function (values) { this.values = values; }; FieldList.$.off('render'); FieldList.$.on('render', function (event) { var fields, columns, html, viewData; fields = this.dr.fields; columns = FieldList.columns; viewData = {}; viewData.name = this.dr.name; viewData.label = this.dr.label; viewData.colLength = columns.length; viewData.titles = columns.map(function (c) { return c.title; }); viewData.fields = fields.map(function (f) { return new FieldList.Field(columns.map(function (c) { return c.data(f); })); }); html = this.renderer.render(viewData); Bg.trigger('show'); Panel.trigger('show'); Panel.html(html); }); FieldList.columns = FieldList.Columns = [ { id: 'api', title: 'API参照名', data: function (field) { return field.name; } }, { id: 'label', title: 'ラベル', data: function (field) { return field.label; } }, { id: 'type', title: 'データ型', data: function (field) { return field.type; } }, { id: 'length', title: '長さ', data: function (field) { var digits = Number(field.digits), precision = Number(field.precision), scale = Number(field.scale), length = Number(field.length); if (digits !== 0) { return digits; } else if (precision !== 0) { return precision + ', ' + scale; } else { return length; } } }, { id: 'required', title: '必須', data: function (field) { var nillable = field.nillable === 'true', defaultedOnCreate = field.defaultedOnCreate === 'true', createable = field.createable === 'true'; if (nillable || defaultedOnCreate || !createable) { return '☐'; } return '☑'; } }, { id: 'referenceTo', title: '参照先', data: function (field) { var arr = field.referenceTo; if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { arr = [arr]; } return arr.join('
'); } }, { id: 'picklistValues', title: '選択肢', data: function (field) { var entries = field.picklistValues || []; return entries.map(function (entry) { var l = entry.label, v = entry.value; if (l === v) { return l; } else { return l + ' (' + v + ')'; } }).join('
'); } }, {id: 'nillable' , title: 'nillable', data: function (field) {return field.nillable; }}, {id: 'unique' , title: 'unique', data: function (field) {return field.unique; }}, {id: 'externalId' , title: 'externalId', data: function (field) {return field.externalId; }}, {id: 'filterable' , title: 'filterable', data: function (field) {return field.filterable; }}, {id: 'calculatedFormula', title: 'calculatedFormula', data: function (field) {return field.calculatedFormula; }}, {id: 'inlineHelpText' , title: 'inlineHelpText', data: function (field) {return field.inlineHelpText; }}, {id: 'createable' , title: 'createable', data: function (field) {return field.createable; }}, {id: 'updateable' , title: 'updateable', data: function (field) {return field.updateable; }}, {id: 'groupable' , title: 'groupable', data: function (field) {return field.groupable; }}, { id: 'log', title: 'log', data: function (field) { return 'log'; } } ]; SObjectTabList.tabs.push(FieldList); ChildRelationships = SObjectTabList.ChildRelationships = new SObjectTab('子リレーション'); ChildRelationships.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.ChildRelationships); ChildRelationships.$.off('render'); ChildRelationships.$.on('render', function () { var dr = this.dr, renderer = this.renderer; Data.getSObjectHash({onSuccess: function (soHash) { var viewData, children, html; viewData = $.extend({}, dr); children = viewData.childRelationships; children.forEach(function (rel) { rel.label = soHash[rel.childSObject].label; }); html = renderer.render(viewData); Panel.html(html); }}); }); SObjectTabList.tabs.push(ChildRelationships); RecordTypeInfos = SObjectTabList.RecordTypeInfos = new SObjectTab('レコードタイプ'); RecordTypeInfos.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.RecordTypeInfos); SObjectTabList.tabs.push(RecordTypeInfos); Details = SObjectTabList.Details = new SObjectTab('詳細'); Details.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.Details); Details.$.off('render'); Details.$.on('render', function () { var dr = this.dr, keys, viewData, html; viewData = $.extend({}, dr); keys = Object.keys(dr).filter(function (k) { return typeof dr[k] === 'string'; }); viewData.details = keys.map(function (key) { return { title: key, value: dr[key] }; }); html = this.renderer.render(viewData); Panel.html(html); }); SObjectTabList.tabs.push(Details); FieldConfigurator = SObjectTabList.FieldConfigurator = new SObjectTab('表示項目'); FieldConfigurator.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.FieldConfigurator); FieldConfigurator.$.off('render'); FieldConfigurator.$.on('render', function () { var viewData, definitions, config, html; viewData = $.extend({}, this.dr); definitions = FieldList.Columns; config = this.loadConfig(); viewData.rows = definitions.map(function (def) { return { id: def.id, title: def.title, checked: config[def.id] }; }); html = this.renderer.render(viewData); Panel.html(html); }); FieldConfigurator.loadConfig = function () { var config = GM_getValue('FieldConfig'); if (config) { return JSON.parse(config); } else { return this.defaults; } }; FieldConfigurator.saveConfig = function (config) { GM_setValue('FieldConfig', JSON.stringify(config)); }; FieldConfigurator.defaults = { api: true, label: true, length: true }; FieldConfigurator.$.on('change', function () { var checks = $('input.field-config'), config = {}; checks.each(function (i) { var c = checks.eq(i); config[c.data('id')] = c.prop('checked'); }); this.setColumns(config); this.saveConfig(config); }); FieldConfigurator.setColumns = function (config) { var columns = FieldList.Columns; columns = columns.filter(function (c) { return config[c.id]; }); FieldList.columns = columns; }; FieldConfigurator.setColumns(FieldConfigurator.loadConfig()); SObjectTabList.tabs.push(FieldConfigurator); doc .on('click', 'input.field-config', function () { FieldConfigurator.$.trigger('change'); }); ScriptLoader.on('loaded', function () { function setTripleClick($el, selector, fn) { var counter = 0; function clearCounter() { counter = 0; } $el.on('click', selector, function () { counter++; if (counter === 3) { fn(); clearCounter(); } setTimeout(clearCounter, 500); }); } setTripleClick(doc, '.mt-sod-table', function () { unsafeWindow.getSelection().selectAllChildren($('.mt-sod-table')[0]); }); }); var DescribeMetadata; DescribeMetadata = MetadataTool.DescribeMetadata = {}; DescribeMetadata.$ = $(DescribeMetadata); DescribeMetadata.$.on('run', function () { var that = this; Data.describeMetadata({onSuccess: function (md) { that.md = md; that.$.trigger('render'); }}); }); DescribeMetadata.$.on('render', function () { if (!this.el) { this.el = $(this.renderer.render(this.md)); } Panel.append(this.el); }); DescribeMetadata.$.on('remove', function () { this.el.remove(); }); DescribeMetadata.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.DescribeMetadata); globalTabList.tabs.push( new Tab('md', 'Metaedata', function () { DescribeMetadata.$.trigger('run'); }, function () { DescribeMetadata.$.trigger('remove'); } ) ); var TestRunner; TestRunner = MetadataTool.TestRunner = {}; TestRunner.$ = $(TestRunner); TestRunner.$.on('run', function () { var that = this; Data.getApexClasses({onSuccess: function (classes) { that.classes = classes; that.$.trigger('render'); }}); }); TestRunner.$.on('render', function () { if (!this.el) { this.el = $(this.renderer.render(this)); } this.el.appendTo(this.container); this.container.appendTo(Panel); }); TestRunner.$.on('remove', function () { this.el.remove(); this.logEl.remove(); this.container.remove(); }); TestRunner.$.on('runtest', function (event, classId) { var that = this, item = new sforce.SObject('ApexTestQueueItem'); item.ApexClassId = classId; console.log(this.logEl); if (this.logEl) { this.logEl.remove(); delete this.logEl; } sforce.connection.create([item], function (results) { that.$.trigger('checkstatus', results[0].id); }); }); TestRunner.$.on('checkstatus', function (event, queueItemId) { var that = this; Data.getTestQueueItem({id: queueItemId, onSuccess: function (qr) { var record = qr.records; if (Array.isArray(record)) { record = record[0]; } if (record.Status in {'Completed':1, 'Failed':1}) { that.$.trigger('showtestlog', queueItemId); } }}); }); TestRunner.$.on('showtestlog', function (event, queueItemId) { var that = this; Data.getTestLog({queueItemId: queueItemId, onSuccess: function (log) { that.$.trigger('renderlog', log); }}); }); TestRunner.$.on('renderlog', function (event, log) { if (this.logEl) { this.logEl.remove(); } this.logEl = $(this.logrenderer.render({log: log})); this.container.append(this.logEl); }); TestRunner.container = $('
') .css('display', 'box') .css('display', '-moz-box'); TestRunner.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.TestRunner); TestRunner.logrenderer = Hogan.compile(Template.TestRunnerLog); globalTabList.tabs.push( new Tab('tr', 'Test', function () { TestRunner.$.trigger('run'); }, function () { TestRunner.$.trigger('remove'); } ) ); Panel.on('click', '.test_run', function (event) { var id = $(this).data('id'); TestRunner.$.trigger('runtest', id); }); var ListMetadata; ListMetadata = MetadataTool.ListMetadata = {}; ListMetadata.$ = $(ListMetadata); function zeropad(n) { return (n < 10 ? '0' + n : n); } function dateTimeToString(d) { return [d.getFullYear(), zeropad(d.getMonth() + 1), zeropad(d.getDate())].join('-') + ' ' + zeropad(d.getHours()) + ':' + zeropad(d.getMinutes()); } ListMetadata.$.on('run', function (event, desc) { Data.getMetadataList({type: desc.xmlName, onSuccess: function (metadataArr) { DescribeMetadata.$.trigger('remove'); metadataArr.forEach(function (m) { var basename = m.fileName.match(new RegExp('/.*?\\.'))[0]; basename = basename.substring(1, basename.length - 1); m.lastModifiedDate = dateTimeToString(new Date(m.lastModifiedDate)); m.retrieve = $('') .attr({ 'href': '#', 'class': 'mt-to-retrieve', 'data-file': m.fileName, 'data-name': m.type, 'data-member': m.fullName, 'data-dir': desc.directoryName, 'data-basename': basename, 'data-ext': desc.suffix, 'data-meta-file': desc.metaFile }).text('retrieve')[0].outerHTML; if (m.id) { m.view = $('') .attr('href', '/' + m.id) .text('view') [0].outerHTML; } delete m.createdById; delete m.createdByName; delete m.lastModifiedById; delete m.type; delete m.createdDate; delete m.lastModifiedByName; delete m.fileName; delete m.id; Object.keys(m).forEach(function (i) { if (typeof m[i] === 'function') { delete m[i]; } }); }); ListMetadata.view = GeneralTableView.byHashArray(metadataArr); ListMetadata.view.$.trigger('render'); }}); }); doc .on('click', '.mt-md-name', function (event) { var name = $(event.target).data('name'); Data.describeMetadata({onSuccess: function (md) { desc = md.metadataObjects.filter(function (m) { return m.xmlName === name; })[0]; if (!desc) { md.metadataObjects.forEach(function (m) { if (!m.childXmlNames) { return; } m.childXmlNames.forEach(function (n) { if (n === name) { desc = $.extend(m); desc.xmlName = n; } }); }); } ListMetadata.$.trigger('run', desc); }}); }) .on('click', '.mt-to-retrieve', function (event) { var target; target = $(event.target); globalTabList.select('rd'); $('#mt-deploy-name').val(target.data('name')); $('#mt-deploy-member').val(target.data('member')); $('#mt-retrieve-file').val(target.data('file')); $('#mt-deploy-dir').val(target.data('dir')); $('#mt-deploy-basename').val(target.data('basename')); $('#mt-deploy-ext').val(target.data('ext')); $('#mt-retrieve-has-meta').prop('checked', target.data('meta-file')); $('#mt-deploy-content').val(''); $('#mt-deploy-meta').val(''); $('#mt-retrieve').trigger('click'); }); globalTabList.$.on('refresh', function () { if (ListMetadata.view) { ListMetadata.view.$.trigger('remove'); } }); var DeployRetrieve; DeployRetrieve = MetadataTool.DeployRetrieve = {}; DeployRetrieve.$ = $(DeployRetrieve); DeployRetrieve.$.on('run', function () { this.$.trigger('render'); }); DeployRetrieve.renderer = Hogan.compile(Template.DeployRetrieve); DeployRetrieve.$.on('render', function () { if (!this.el) { this.el = $(this.renderer.render(this)); } Panel.append(this.el); }); DeployRetrieve.$.on('remove', function () { if (this.el) { this.el.remove(); } }); doc .on('click', '#mt-retrieve', function () { var name, member, file, hasMeta; name = $('#mt-deploy-name').val(); member = $('#mt-deploy-member').val(); file = $('#mt-retrieve-file').val(); hasMeta = $('#mt-retrieve-has-meta').prop('checked'); if (!/^unpackaged\//.test(file)) { file = 'unpackaged/' + file; } Data.retrieve(name, member, function (zip) { var content = zip.file(file).asText(); $('#mt-deploy-content').val(content); if (hasMeta) { $('#mt-deploy-meta').val(zip.file(file + '-meta.xml').asText()); } }); }) .on('click', '#mt-deploy', function () { Data.deploy({ name: $('#mt-deploy-name').val(), member: $('#mt-deploy-member').val(), dir: $('#mt-deploy-dir').val(), basename: $('#mt-deploy-basename').val(), ext: $('#mt-deploy-ext').val(), content: $('#mt-deploy-content').val(), meta: $('#mt-deploy-meta').val() }, function (result) { console.log(result); }); }); globalTabList.tabs.push( new Tab('rd', 'Retrieve/Deploy', function () { DeployRetrieve.$.trigger('run'); }, function () { DeployRetrieve.$.trigger('remove'); }) ); })(unsafeWindow, jQuery);