/* formIt - v3.3.2 - 2016-05-09 * https://github.com/mindgruve/formit * Copyright (c) 2016 Mindgruve; * Licensed MIT */ (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], function (jQuery) { // Also create a global in case some scripts // that are loaded still are looking for // a global even when an AMD loader is in use. return (root.formIt = factory(jQuery)); }); } else { // Browser globals root.formIt = factory(root.jQuery); } }(this, function ($) { var lastOptions, types = {}, internal = {}, methods = {}, // Helpers focusBlurHandler = function (e) { var prefix = e.type === 'focus' ? 'add' : 'remove'; $(this).parent()[ prefix + 'Class' ]('fi-focus'); }, checkboxRadioSetUp = function ($input, $el) { var isChecked = $input.prop('checked'), isDisabled = $input.attr('disabled'), classes = ''; if (isChecked) { classes += 'checked '; } if (isDisabled) { classes += 'disabled'; } if (classes) { $el.addClass(classes); } $input .after($el)//put the HTML on the dom .appendTo($el)//move the input into the $el .on('focus.formit blur.formit', focusBlurHandler) .on('click.formit', function () {$(this).trigger('focus');}) .on('change.formit', this.changeHandler); }, checkboxRadioRemove = function ($input) { $input.off('.formit').parent().remove(); }, selectSetUp = function ($input, $el) { if ($input.attr('disabled')) { $el.addClass('disabled'); } $input .after($el) .appendTo($el) .on('focus.formit blur.formit', focusBlurHandler) .on('change.formit keyup.formit', this.changeHandler); this.changeHandler.call($input); }, fileSetUp = function ($input, $el) { var $wrap = $('
', { 'class': 'fi-file-wrap' }); $el .appendTo($wrap) .on('click.formit', this.clickHandler); $input .after($wrap) .appendTo($wrap) .on('change.formit', this.changeHandler) .on('focus.formit blur.formit', focusBlurHandler); this.changeHandler.call($input); }; // Types // Checkbox types.checkbox = { changeHandler: function () { // console.log('check change'); var $input = $(this), $el = $input.parent(), isChecked = $input.prop('checked'); $el[ (isChecked ? 'add' : 'remove') + 'Class' ]('checked'); }, setUp: checkboxRadioSetUp, remove: checkboxRadioRemove }; // Radio types.radio = { changeHandler: function () { var $input = $(this), $el = $input.parent(); $('input[name="' + $input.attr('name') + '"]').parent('.checked').removeClass('checked'); $el.addClass('checked'); }, setUp: checkboxRadioSetUp, remove: checkboxRadioRemove }; // Select types.select = { changeHandler: function () { var $select = $(this), data = { text : $select.find(':selected').text() || ' ', value: $select.val() }, isDisabled = $select.hasClass('disabled'); if (!isDisabled) { $select.trigger('updateText', [data]); $select.siblings('span').html(data.text); } }, setUp: selectSetUp, remove: function ($input) { $input.off('.formit').parent().remove(); } }; // File types.file = { changeHandler: function () { var $file = $(this); var data = { text: $file.val(), value: $file.val() }; data.text = data.text ? data.text.replace(/C:\\fakepath\\/i, '') : ' '; $file.trigger('updateText', [data]); $file.parent().find('span').html(data.text); }, clickHandler: function () { $(this).siblings('input')[0].click(); }, setUp: fileSetUp, remove: function ($input) { $input .off('.formit') .siblings() .off('.formit') .parent() .remove(); } }; internal.initType = function ($els, typeName, type, html) { $els.each(function () { var $input = $(this), $el; if ($input.hasClass('fi-styled')) { return; } var $html = $(html); if (typeName === 'radio' || typeName === 'checkbox') { $html.first().addClass('fi-check'); } $el = $('
', { 'class': 'fi-' + typeName }).append($html); type.setUp($input.addClass('fi-styled'), $el); }); }; internal.removeType = function ($els, type) { $els.each(function () { var $input = $(this); if (!$input.hasClass('fi-styled')) { return; } if (type.remove) { type.remove($input); } }); }; // Main initialize function methods.init = function (options) { options = $.extend({}, formIt.defaults, options); for (var typeName in types) { var type = types[ typeName ], $els; if (!options[ typeName ]) { continue; } $els = $(options[ typeName + 'Selector' ], options.context); if ($els.length) { internal.initType($els, typeName, type, options[ typeName + 'Html' ]); } } lastOptions = options; }; // Remove elements methods.remove = function ($context) { if (!lastOptions) { return; } for (var typeName in types) { var type = types[ typeName ], $els, selector; if (!lastOptions[ typeName ]) { continue; } selector = lastOptions[ typeName + 'Selector' ]; if ($context && $context.length) { $els = $context.find(selector); } else { $els = $(selector); } if ($els.length) { internal.removeType($els, type); } } }; //Don't know why but, jshint errors out here. it thinks formIt is used earlier. methods.init has the only reference to formIt before this, but it's a method so jshint is wrong. best solution is to refactor this module to be less scattered. code smell is REAL! function formIt (method) {//jshint ignore:line if (methods[ method ]) { methods[ method ].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) { methods.init.apply(this, arguments); } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.formIt'); } } formIt.getLastOptions = function () { return lastOptions; }; formIt.defaults = { context: document, checkbox: true, checkboxSelector: 'input[type="checkbox"]', checkboxHtml: '
', radio: true, radioSelector: 'input[type="radio"]', radioHtml: '
', select: true, selectSelector: 'select:not([multiple])', selectHtml: '
', file: true, fileSelector: 'input[type="file"]', fileHtml: 'Choose a file...
' }; //set back to the jQuery object for backwards compatibility $.formIt = formIt; return formIt; }));