#!/usr/bin/env python """ This file opens a docx (Office 2007) file and dumps the text. If you need to extract text from documents, use this file as a basis for your work. Part of Python's docx module - http://github.com/mikemaccana/python-docx See LICENSE for licensing information. """ import sys from docx import opendocx, getdocumenttext if __name__ == '__main__': try: document = opendocx(sys.argv[1]) newfile = open(sys.argv[2], 'w') except: print( "Please supply an input and output file. For example:\n" " example-extracttext.py 'My Office 2007 document.docx' 'outp" "utfile.txt'" ) exit() # Fetch all the text out of the document we just created paratextlist = getdocumenttext(document) # Make explicit unicode version newparatextlist = [] for paratext in paratextlist: newparatextlist.append(paratext.encode("utf-8")) # Print out text of document with two newlines under each paragraph newfile.write('\n\n'.join(newparatextlist))