#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) 2010 Michael Fairley # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. ################################################################################ import asynchat import asyncore import cPickle as pickle import hashlib import hmac import logging import marshal import optparse import os import random import socket import sys import types VERSION = "0.1.4" DEFAULT_PORT = 11235 class Protocol(asynchat.async_chat): def __init__(self, conn=None, map=None): if conn: asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, conn, map=map) else: asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, map=map) self.set_terminator("\n") self.buffer = [] self.auth = None self.mid_command = False def collect_incoming_data(self, data): self.buffer.append(data) def send_command(self, command, data=None): if not ":" in command: command += ":" if data: pdata = pickle.dumps(data) command += str(len(pdata)) logging.debug( "<- %s" % command) self.push(command + "\n" + pdata) else: logging.debug( "<- %s" % command) self.push(command + "\n") def found_terminator(self): if not self.auth == "Done": command, data = (''.join(self.buffer).split(":",1)) self.process_unauthed_command(command, data) elif not self.mid_command: logging.debug("-> %s" % ''.join(self.buffer)) command, length = (''.join(self.buffer)).split(":", 1) if command == "challenge": self.process_command(command, length) elif length: self.set_terminator(int(length)) self.mid_command = command else: self.process_command(command) else: # Read the data segment from the previous command if not self.auth == "Done": logging.fatal("Recieved pickled data from unauthed source") sys.exit(1) data = pickle.loads(''.join(self.buffer)) self.set_terminator("\n") command = self.mid_command self.mid_command = None self.process_command(command, data) self.buffer = [] def send_challenge(self): self.auth = os.urandom(20).encode("hex") self.send_command(":".join(["challenge", self.auth])) def respond_to_challenge(self, command, data): mac = hmac.new(self.password, data, hashlib.sha1) self.send_command(":".join(["auth", mac.digest().encode("hex")])) self.post_auth_init() def verify_auth(self, command, data): mac = hmac.new(self.password, self.auth, hashlib.sha1) if data == mac.digest().encode("hex"): self.auth = "Done" logging.info("Authenticated other end") else: self.handle_close() def process_command(self, command, data=None): commands = { 'challenge': self.respond_to_challenge, 'disconnect': lambda x, y: self.handle_close(), } if command in commands: commands[command](command, data) else: logging.critical("Unknown command received: %s" % (command,)) self.handle_close() def process_unauthed_command(self, command, data=None): commands = { 'challenge': self.respond_to_challenge, 'auth': self.verify_auth, 'disconnect': lambda x, y: self.handle_close(), } if command in commands: commands[command](command, data) else: logging.critical("Unknown unauthed command received: %s" % (command,)) self.handle_close() class Client(Protocol): def __init__(self): Protocol.__init__(self) self.mapfn = self.reducefn = self.collectfn = None def conn(self, server, port): self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.connect((server, port)) asyncore.loop() def handle_connect(self): pass def handle_close(self): self.close() def set_mapfn(self, command, mapfn): self.mapfn = types.FunctionType(marshal.loads(mapfn), globals(), 'mapfn') def set_collectfn(self, command, collectfn): self.collectfn = types.FunctionType(marshal.loads(collectfn), globals(), 'collectfn') def set_reducefn(self, command, reducefn): self.reducefn = types.FunctionType(marshal.loads(reducefn), globals(), 'reducefn') def call_mapfn(self, command, data): logging.info("Mapping %s" % str(data[0])) results = {} for k, v in self.mapfn(data[0], data[1]): if k not in results: results[k] = [] results[k].append(v) if self.collectfn: for k in results: results[k] = [self.collectfn(k, results[k])] self.send_command('mapdone', (data[0], results)) def call_reducefn(self, command, data): logging.info("Reducing %s" % str(data[0])) results = self.reducefn(data[0], data[1]) self.send_command('reducedone', (data[0], results)) def process_command(self, command, data=None): commands = { 'mapfn': self.set_mapfn, 'collectfn': self.set_collectfn, 'reducefn': self.set_reducefn, 'map': self.call_mapfn, 'reduce': self.call_reducefn, } if command in commands: commands[command](command, data) else: Protocol.process_command(self, command, data) def post_auth_init(self): if not self.auth: self.send_challenge() class Server(asyncore.dispatcher, object): def __init__(self): self.socket_map = {} asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, map=self.socket_map) self.mapfn = None self.reducefn = None self.collectfn = None self.datasource = None self.password = None def run_server(self, password="", port=DEFAULT_PORT): self.password = password self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.bind(("", port)) self.listen(1) try: asyncore.loop(map=self.socket_map) except: self.close_all() raise return self.taskmanager.results def handle_accept(self): conn, addr = self.accept() sc = ServerChannel(conn, self.socket_map, self) sc.password = self.password def handle_close(self): self.close() def set_datasource(self, ds): self._datasource = ds self.taskmanager = TaskManager(self._datasource, self) def get_datasource(self): return self._datasource datasource = property(get_datasource, set_datasource) class ServerChannel(Protocol): def __init__(self, conn, map, server): Protocol.__init__(self, conn, map=map) self.server = server self.start_auth() def handle_close(self): logging.info("Client disconnected") self.close() def start_auth(self): self.send_challenge() def start_new_task(self): command, data = self.server.taskmanager.next_task(self) if command == None: return self.send_command(command, data) def map_done(self, command, data): self.server.taskmanager.map_done(data) self.start_new_task() def reduce_done(self, command, data): self.server.taskmanager.reduce_done(data) self.start_new_task() def process_command(self, command, data=None): commands = { 'mapdone': self.map_done, 'reducedone': self.reduce_done, } if command in commands: commands[command](command, data) else: Protocol.process_command(self, command, data) def post_auth_init(self): if self.server.mapfn: self.send_command('mapfn', marshal.dumps(self.server.mapfn.func_code)) if self.server.reducefn: self.send_command('reducefn', marshal.dumps(self.server.reducefn.func_code)) if self.server.collectfn: self.send_command('collectfn', marshal.dumps(self.server.collectfn.func_code)) self.start_new_task() class TaskManager: START = 0 MAPPING = 1 REDUCING = 2 FINISHED = 3 def __init__(self, datasource, server): self.datasource = datasource self.server = server self.state = TaskManager.START def next_task(self, channel): if self.state == TaskManager.START: self.map_iter = iter(self.datasource) self.working_maps = {} self.map_results = {} #self.waiting_for_maps = [] self.state = TaskManager.MAPPING if self.state == TaskManager.MAPPING: try: map_key = self.map_iter.next() map_item = map_key, self.datasource[map_key] self.working_maps[map_item[0]] = map_item[1] return ('map', map_item) except StopIteration: if len(self.working_maps) > 0: key = random.choice(self.working_maps.keys()) return ('map', (key, self.working_maps[key])) self.state = TaskManager.REDUCING self.reduce_iter = self.map_results.iteritems() self.working_reduces = {} self.results = {} if self.state == TaskManager.REDUCING: try: reduce_item = self.reduce_iter.next() self.working_reduces[reduce_item[0]] = reduce_item[1] return ('reduce', reduce_item) except StopIteration: if len(self.working_reduces) > 0: key = random.choice(self.working_reduces.keys()) return ('reduce', (key, self.working_reduces[key])) self.state = TaskManager.FINISHED if self.state == TaskManager.FINISHED: self.server.handle_close() return ('disconnect', None) def map_done(self, data): # Don't use the results if they've already been counted if not data[0] in self.working_maps: return for (key, values) in data[1].iteritems(): if key not in self.map_results: self.map_results[key] = [] self.map_results[key].extend(values) del self.working_maps[data[0]] def reduce_done(self, data): # Don't use the results if they've already been counted if not data[0] in self.working_reduces: return self.results[data[0]] = data[1] del self.working_reduces[data[0]] def run_client(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]", version="%%prog %s"%VERSION) parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", default="", help="password") parser.add_option("-P", "--port", dest="port", type="int", default=DEFAULT_PORT, help="port") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-V", "--loud", dest="loud", action="store_true") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if options.loud: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) client = Client() client.password = options.password client.conn(args[0], options.port) if __name__ == '__main__': run_client()