#!/usr/bin/perl # This script is designed to rename anime/TV series which are arranged {{{1 # in folders (so all files in current directory can be assumed to belong to one # series). #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Written by: Robert Meerman (robert.meerman@gmail.com, ICQ# 37099562) # Website: http://www.robmeerman.co.uk/coding/file_renamer # Project: https://github.com/meermanr/TVSeriesRenamer # # Please send comments, feature requests, bugs, etc to the address above. # If you find this useful, I'd love to hear from you - I love the attention :) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Recent changes (see bottom of file for complete version history): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # v2.55 MAINTENANCE: # Typo in user-facing message corrected. # Adding *.divx to supported extensions. # Fixing --show-missing (thanks Jørn for pointing this out) # Removing all Perl v5.10 uses of (?Ppattern) constructs. # Housekeeping: Ignore test_suite/*/.cache # Fixing IO text encoding (UTF8). # Strip commas from series titles when querying EpGuides.com # Updating change history comments # # v2.56 MAINTENANCE: # (Maintenance) Updated the TV.com matching which seemed to be a little out of date # (Feature) Added support for season numbering with underscores for unixey people. # (Issue #7) Fix TV.com episode list parser # (Issue #7) Fix TV.com search parser # (Maintenance) Retabbing indentation # (Maintenance) Adding project page and system requirements to script header # (Maintenance) Update docs in test-suite's run.py # (Maintenance) EpGuides: Another format (seen on Chip'n'Dale Rescue Rangers) # (Issue #9) Removing the offending line (didn't affect my test-cases) # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # You need the following Perl modules (all are available through CPAN): # # Switch # Term::ReadKey # Cwd # URI::Escape # Compress::Zlib # (Windows users only) Win32API::File # (Windows users only) Encode # # This script was last tested on Perl v5.12.4 built for # x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi # # TODO: {{{1 # (Note most of this list is being ignored due to work on the v3 rewrite of this script in Python) # * Hellsing 2006 doesn't parse properly: http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=3296 # * Update Default Settings section to explain the use of a preferences file, # the preferred way of setting defaults (pardon the pun) # * Test Unicode support properly, and see if a workaround for Win32 source # filenames can be found # * Migrate @before & @after arrays to a single hash (partly done) # * Add dubious autodetect based on exisiting files (i.e. prepare two sets of # changes, and then pick the one which causes the least active change # (no-changes due to lack of input don't count)) # }}} #use warnings; # I'm not that leet {{{ use strict; # Let's be scientific about this use Term::ReadKey; # Allows single keypresses to be detected (so no need to press all the time) use Cwd; # Current Working Directory library use LWP::Simple; # Adds get($url) function use URI::Escape; # Convenient translation of " " <-> %20 etc in URIs use Compress::Zlib; # AniDB sends us gzip'd data, and I can't persuade it not to! use File::Glob ':glob'; # Avoids using "perlglob(.exe)" which makes for neater Win32 stand-alone versions use Encode; # Allow importing of UTF-8 data and generation of UTF-16LE names for Win32API::File if($^O eq "MSWin32" || $^O eq "cygwin"){ require Win32API::File; # Low-level calls to circumvent windows Unicode hell require Encode; # Win32API::File expects unicode arguments in UTF16-LE } binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); # Suppress warnings about Unicode characters in output #}}} # Colour in DOS {{{ # Install the Win32::Console::ANSI module from http://www.bribes.org/perl/wANSIConsole.html#d (or CPAN) # and comment in the line below to enable it's use. That's it ;-) # # Alternatively, set "ANSIcolour = 0" in the default settings bit to supress the warning #use Win32::Console::ANSI; # Hack to fix up Win32 console to support ANSI (http://www.bribes.org/perl/wANSIConsole.html#dl) my @FormatList = ("AutoFetch", "AutoDetect", "AniDB (fetched)", "TV.com (monotonic)", "EpGuides", "AniDB", "TVtorrents", "TVtome", "TV.com \"All Seasons\"", "TV.com"); use constant Format_AutoFetch => 0; use constant Format_AutoDetect => 1; use constant Format_URL_AniDB => 2; use constant Format_URL_TV2 => 3; # i.e. "All Seasons" episode list use constant Format_EpGuides => 4; use constant Format_AniDB => 5; use constant Format_TVtorrents => 6; use constant Format_TVtome => 7; use constant Format_TV2 => 8; # Preferred over older Format_TV use constant Format_TV => 9; use constant NumFormats => 10; my @SiteList = ("EpGuides.com", "TV.com"); use constant Site_EpGuides => 0; use constant Site_TV => 1; use constant NumSites => 2; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} # Default settings {{{ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Change this to match your primary use of the script # Set 'disabled' entries to 1 to enable them, and set 'not set' variables to a string # to enable them # EG: my $unixy = 1; is equivalent to always specifying '--unixy' on the command line # EG: my $inputFile = "../$series.txt"; will look for text file in parent dir, named after this dir/series my $format = Format_AutoFetch; my $site = Site_EpGuides; # Preferred site search for title data. NB: These are tried in the order they are listed above my $search_anime = undef; # Search TV sites my $filterFiles = '\.(avi|mkv|ogm|mpg|mpeg|rm|wmv|m4v|mp4|mpeg4|mov|divx|srt|sub|ssa|smi|sami|txt)$'; my ($series) = (getcwd() =~ /\/([^\/]+)$/); # Grab current dir name, discard rest of path my $exclude_series = 1; # 0=Always include series name, 1=Exclude if cwd is "Series X", 2=Always exclude my $autoseries = 0; # Do not automatically use scraped series name my $gap = ' '; # Comes between series name/prefix & episode number my $separator = ' - '; # Comes between episode number and episode title my $scheme = undef; # Not set my $season = undef; # Not set (use detected) my $inputFile = undef; # Not set (scan for appropriate file) my $preproc = undef; # Not set my $postproc = undef; # Not set my $rangemin = undef; # Not set my $rangemax = undef; # Not set my $autoranging = 1; # Perform AutoRanging my $pad = undef; # Automatically choose padding (i.e. "8" -> "08" if there are 10 or more episodes in the input) my $nocache = 1; # Do not use/make .cache files my $dubious = 0; # Take file numbers above 99 literally my $nogroup = undef; # Use auto-detection (Anime: Keep group, other: Discard) my $dontgroup = 0; # Whether group-extraction is enabled or not (0 = "Do extract", 1 = "No special treatment") my $detailedView = undef; # Disabled my $interactive = undef; # Disabled my $unattended = undef; # Disabled my $unixy = undef; # Disabled my $reversible = undef; # Disabled my $debug = undef; # Disabled my $ANSIcolour = 1; # Use colour my $cleanup = undef; # Disabled my $show_missing = 0; # 0: Don't show, 1: List missing episodes if($ANSIcolour && $ENV{'TERM'} eq '' && $INC{'Win32/Console/ANSI.pm'} eq ''){print "You appear to be using MS-DOS without the Win32::Console::ANSI module, colour disabled!\n (See script header for a workaround)\n\n"; $ANSIcolour = 0;} # Internal Flags my $implicit_season = 0; # 0=Autodetect season, 1=Script has guessed, 2=User has provided season my $implicit_format = 1; # 1="Soft" format, use internal algorithm to detect input source, 2="Hard" format - no guessing allowed my $do_win32_associate = 0; # 0=Do nothing, 1=associate, -1=unassociate #------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} my $version = "TV Series Renamer v2.56\nReleased 24 April 2012\n"; # {{{ print $version; my $helpMessage = "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] [FILE|URL|-] Renames files in the current directory using data provided, or attempts a search on the web and uses resulting data. Non-URL input is expected to have been copy'n'pasted from Firefox, from any of the sites listed below: Input options: --AutoFetch Search sites automatically (no need to provide input) --AutoDetect Systematically try each format below (input required) --AniDB Assume input is in http://AniDB.net format --TVtorrents Assume input is in http://www.TVtorrents.com format --TVtome Assume input is in http://www.TVtome.com format --TV Assume input is in http://www.TV.com format --TV2 Assume input is in http://www.TV.com \"All Seasons\" format --EpGuides Assume input is in http://www.EpGuides.com format Note: If you don't specify an input source, text files with names derived from the above will be tried in turn (AniDB.txt, TVtorrents.txt, ...). Failing this any .url or .desktop files will be scanned and the first URL found will be used. Hence you can put an internet shortcut in the current directory as a convenience. --search=TV | Which group of sites to search? TV is the default unless --search=anime | the word \"anime\" appears somewhere in the current path - Use STDIN (don't look for URL shortcuts or input files) Formatting options: --scheme=X Episode number format. One of: SXXEYY, sXXeYY, XxYY, XYY, YY Note: Numbers are \"padded\" with zeros to fit all numbers, so if 9 or less episodes are listed on your source website, you will have 1-digit numbers, 10-99 -> 2-digit numbers, 100-999 -> 3-digit, ... --pad=X Pad episode number to X digits. (EG --pad=3 : ep8 -> ep008) Note: If you do not specify --nogroup / --group the default behaviour is dependant on the type of series being renamed. Anime defaults to --group and everything else to --nogroup. You can force Anime/Other with the --search option. --nogroup Do not (attempt to) preserve group tags (EG: '[AnCo]') --group Attempt to preserve group tags (EG: '[AnCo]') --dontgroup Don't treat groups specially. Useful when the episode-number is surrounded by square brackets (EG: '[3x11]') --dogroup Opposite of --dontgroup --nogap Do not place a gap between series name and episode number --gap Force gap, useful when --nogap is automatically applied --gap=X Use custom gap, perhaps to enable use of other scripts --separator=X Text to go between episode number and title (EG \" - \") --unixy Replace spaces with underscores (usually other way around) --cleanup Don't require input, just clean-up names Specifying data to use: --season=X Override season detection --series=X Uses X as a prefix (enclose in quotes for best results) --exclude-series Don't include the series name in the new filename, ever --include-series Overrides the above setting, incase you set it default --chdir=X Specify a directory to rename. If specified multiple times all but last are ignored. Note: If neither of the above two settings are used, the default behaviour is to drop the series name when the directories are structured in a manner like \"SeriesName/Season 1\" or \"SeriesName/Series 1\" --autoseries Use series title from input (useful when automatic searching is disabled) --noautoseries Do not use series title from input, even when available --rangemin=X Discard input titles before X --rangemax=X Discard input titles after X --autoranging Discard input after a large gap (~50) in episode numbers --noautoranging Never discard input due to gaps in numbering --dubious Treat epNums like \"234\", \"1234\" as \"2x34\", \"12x34\" --nodubious Do normal matching (In case you set --dubious by default) --preproc=X Evaluate some PERL, X, before altering internal filename --postproc=X Evaluate some PERL, X, before altering external filename * The current filename is stored in \$_. * EG: --preproc='s/Samurai7/Samurai 7/;' to conform names * EG: --postproc='s/Chapter \\d+//;' to strip \"Chapter XX\" Choosing how to interact: --detailed Show 'before -> after' (not just 'after') in proposal --show-missing List episodes not present in your collection --interactive Manually select each change to be applied --unattended Assume NO for all user prompts except \"Make changes?\" --nofilter Don't filter file extensions by $filterFiles --reversible Create undo script (\"unrename.pl\" or \"unrename.bat\") --debug Display debugging info (data extracted from input etc) --ANSI Enable ANSI escape sequences (used for colouring text) --noANSI Disable colour (use if you see gibberish) Maniuplating technical behaviour: --cache Use/create .cache files to save 15min chunks of bandwidth --nocache Do no make or use .cache files, always fetch the URL Windows-specific functionality: --associate-with-video-folders --unassociate-with-video-folders This will add or remove \"Use TV Renamer Script\" to the right-click menu of video folders in windows. It does this by adding/removing a key in the registry. Standard GNU stuff: --version Display version & release date --help Display this help message (all options are case-insensitive) Note: You can specify these switches, one per line, in a .tvrenamerrc file in your home directory for convenience Please consult source code comments for more detailed help Docs & Updates: www.robmeerman.co.uk/coding/file_renamer Report bugs to robert.meerman\@gmail.com, I love the attention "; # }}} # Check for command-line arguments {{{ my $tvrenamerrc = ''; if(-e $ENV{"HOME"}."/.tvrenamerrc"){$tvrenamerrc = $ENV{"HOME"}."/.tvrenamerrc";} if(-e $ENV{"USERPROFILE"}."/.tvrenamerrc"){$tvrenamerrc = $ENV{"USERPROFILE"}."/.tvrenamerrc";} if(-e $ENV{"USERPROFILE"}."/_tvrenamerrc"){$tvrenamerrc = $ENV{"USERPROFILE"}."/_tvrenamerrc";} unless($tvrenamerrc eq '') { print "Reading preferences from $tvrenamerrc\n"; open(RCFILE, "< $tvrenamerrc"); while() { @ARGV = ($_, @ARGV); } close(RCFILE); } if($#ARGV ne -1) { foreach my $arg (@ARGV){ if( $arg =~ /^$/ ) {} # Skip empty strings, often from .tvrenamerrc files if( $arg =~ /^--autofetch$/i ) {$implicit_format = 0; $format = Format_AutoFetch;} if( $arg =~ /^--autodetect$/i ) {$implicit_format = 0; $format = Format_AutoDetect;} if( $arg =~ /^--anidb$/i ) {$implicit_format = 0; $format = Format_AniDB;} if( $arg =~ /^--tvtorrents$/i ) {$implicit_format = 0; $format = Format_TVtorrents;} if( $arg =~ /^--tvtome$/i ) {$implicit_format = 0; $format = Format_TVtome;} if( $arg =~ /^--tv$/i ) {$implicit_format = 0; $format = Format_TV;} if( $arg =~ /^--tv2$/i ) {$implicit_format = 0; $format = Format_TV2;} if( $arg =~ /^--epguides$/i ) {$implicit_format = 0; $format = Format_EpGuides;} if( $arg =~ /^--search=(.*)$/i ) { if($1 =~ m/anime/i){ $search_anime=1; } else{ $search_anime=undef; } } elsif( $arg =~ /^--scheme=(.*$)/i ) {$scheme = $1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--series=(.*$)/i ) {$series = $1;} # Note that $exclude_series is 1 by factory default elsif( $arg =~ /^--chdir=(.*)$/i ) { print "Switching to directory $1\n"; chdir($1); ($series) = (getcwd() =~ /\/([^\/]+)$/); } elsif( $arg =~ /^--include[-_]series$/i ) {$exclude_series = 0;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--exclude[-_]series$/i ) {$exclude_series = 2;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--season=(.*)$/i ) {$season = $1; $implicit_season = 2;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--autoseries$/i ) {$autoseries = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--noautoseries$/i ) {$autoseries = 0;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--nogroup$/i ) {$nogroup = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--group$/i ) {$nogroup = 0;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--dontgroup$/i ) {$dontgroup = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--dogroup$/i ) {$dontgroup = 0;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--nogap$/i ) {$gap = undef;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--gap$/i ) {$gap = ' ';} elsif( $arg =~ /^--gap=(.*)$/i ) {$gap = $1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--separator=(.*)$/i ) {$separator = $1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--detailed$/i ) {$detailedView = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--show-missing$/i ) {$show_missing = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--interactive$/i ) {$interactive = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--unattended$/i ) {$unattended = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--cache$/i ) {$nocache = 0;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--nocache$/i ) {$nocache = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--dubious$/i ) {$dubious = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--nodubious$/i ) {$dubious = undef;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--rangemin=(.*)$/i ) {$rangemin= $1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--rangemax=(.*)$/i ) {$rangemax= $1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--autoranging$/i ) {$autoranging = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--noautoranging$/i ){$autoranging = 0;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--series$/i ) {$series = undef;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--pad=(.*)$/i ) {$pad= $1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--nofilter$/i ) {$filterFiles = undef;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--unixy$/i ) {$unixy = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--cleanup$/i ) {$cleanup = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--ansi$/i ) {$ANSIcolour = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--noansi$/i ) {$ANSIcolour = 0;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--reversible$/i ) {$reversible = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--debug$/i ) {$debug = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--preproc=(.*)$/i ) {$preproc = $1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--postproc=(.*)$/i ) {$postproc = $1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--associate-with-video-folders$/ ) {$do_win32_associate = 1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--unassociate-with-video-folders$/ ) {$do_win32_associate = -1;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--help$/i ) {print $helpMessage; exit;} elsif( $arg =~ /^--version$/i ) {exit;} elsif( $arg =~ qr/^-.+/ ) {print "Invalid option $arg!\nUse --help for list of available options\n"; exit 1;} else {$implicit_format = 1; $inputFile = $arg; $format= Format_AutoDetect;} } } if( $implicit_season != 2 ){ # Try to deduce the season from the current folder name. # # Examples: # # "2" -> season 2, get series name from parent directory # "Season 2" -> season 2, get series name from parent directory # "Series 2" -> season 2, get series name from parent directory # "Series_2" -> season 2, get series name from parent directory # # "Survivor (20)" -> season 20 of "Survivor" # "Survivor 20x" -> season 20 of "Survivor" # if( $series =~ m{^(.*)(?:season|series)[\s_]*(\d+)\s*$}i or $series =~ m{^()\s*(\d+)\s*$}i ){ $season = $2; if( $1 =~ m/^\s*$/ ){ # No prefix, get series names from parent directory ($series) = (getcwd() =~ m{/([^/]+)/[^/]+/?$}); }else{ $series = $1; } if( $exclude_series == 1 ){ # 1=Exclude if cwd is "Season X", 2=Exclude always $exclude_series=2; } } elsif( $series =~ m{^(.*)\((\d+)\)\s*$}i ){ $series = $1; $season = $2; } elsif( $series =~ m{^(.+?)(\d+)x\s*$}i ){ $series = $1; $season = $2; }else{ print "Autodetecting season number failed\n"; } } # Sanitize series name, incase it happens to be a valid regular expression (for # instance if brackets are present) # This is used whenever pattern matching on the series is done my $escaped_series; $escaped_series = $series; $escaped_series =~ s/([({\[^\$\*+?\]})])/\\$1/g; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} # Setup ANSI sequences {{{ my ($ANSInormal, $ANSIbold, $ANSIblack, $ANSIred, $ANSIgreen, $ANSIyellow, $ANSIblue, $ANSImagenta, $ANSIcyan, $ANSIwhite, $ANSIsave, $ANSIrestore, $ANSIup, $ANSIdown); if($ANSIcolour){ $ANSInormal = "\e[0m"; $ANSIbold = "\e[1m"; $ANSIblack = "\e[30m"; $ANSIred = "\e[31m"; $ANSIgreen = "\e[32m"; $ANSIyellow = "\e[33m"; $ANSIblue = "\e[34m"; $ANSImagenta = "\e[35m"; $ANSIcyan = "\e[36m"; $ANSIwhite = "\e[37m"; $ANSIsave = "\e[s"; $ANSIrestore = "\e[u"; $ANSIup = "\e[1A"; $ANSIdown = "\e[1B"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} # (Un)Associate with video folder in Win32 {{{ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if($do_win32_associate == -1) { print $ANSIcyan."Unassociate action invoked, no renaming will take place.\n".$ANSInormal; open(FH, '> tvrenamer_unassociate_win32.reg'); print FH "REGEDIT4\n\n"; print FH "[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\SystemFileAssociations\\Directory.Video\\shell\\tvrenamer]\n"; close(FH); qx/regedit -s tvrenamer_unassociate_win32.reg/; unlink("tvrenamer_unassociate_win32.reg"); print "${ANSIcyan}Association removed.${ANSInormal}\n\n"; print "You will no longer see \"Use TV Renamer script\" when you right\n"; print "click a video folder\n"; exit 0; } if($do_win32_associate == 1) { my $invokation = $^X; # aka $EXECUTABLE_NAME, a built-in global my $script_location = $0; my $cd; my $script_name; print $ANSIcyan."Associate action invoked, no renaming will take place.\n".$ANSInormal; if($^O eq "cygwin") { # Simple, just use the "cygpath --dos --absolute" command to convert to a Win32 path $invokation = `cygpath --dos --absolute $invokation`; chomp $invokation; $script_location = `cygpath --dos --absolute $script_location`; chomp $invokation; } elsif($^O eq "MSWin32") { # Deal with relative directories $script_location =~ tr/\//\\/; if( substr($script_location, 1, 1) ne ':' ) # Consider "c:\Progr..." { # Path is not absolute, need to mangle if( $script_location =~ /\\/ ) # Has at least one backslash { ($cd, $script_location) = split(/\\(?=[^\\]*?$)/, $script_location); # Split on last '\' chdir $cd; $cd = getcwd(); $script_location = "$cd\\$script_location"; } else { # Missing path entirely, must be in current dir then $cd = getcwd(); $script_location = "$cd\\$script_location"; } } # Get short-name for path (8.3 filenames) ## NB: '@' before a command in a DOS script executes it without local echo, ## i.e. it doesn't type the command text to the screen or its accompanying prompt $invokation = qx/for %I in ("$invokation") do \@echo %~sI/; $script_location = qx/for %I in ("$script_location") do \@echo %~sI/; chomp $invokation; chomp $script_location; } else { print "It is this script's opinion that you are not using a Windows-based OS,\n"; print "if you think you know better, you can try anyways.\n"; print "Take a stand? [y/${ANSIbold}N${ANSInormal}]: "; ReadMode "cbreak"; $_ = ReadKey(); ReadMode "normal"; if($_ =~ /y| |\xa|\.|>/i){ # 'Y', space, enter or the '>|.' key print $ANSIgreen."y\n".$ANSInormal; print "\nOK then, hotshot, here are my guesses as to how you run this script:\n"; print "Perl: ${^X}\n"; print "Script: $0\n"; print "Anything about that strike you as odd? [y/${ANSIbold}N${ANSInormal}]: "; ReadMode "cbreak"; $_ = ReadKey(); ReadMode "normal"; if($_ =~ /y| |\xa|\.|>/i){ # 'Y', space, enter or the '>|.' key print $ANSIgreen."y\n".$ANSInormal; print "\nTough! The author hasn't implemented this option yet! :P\n"; print "Email the bastard at robert.meerman\@gmail.com and tell him to sort\n"; print "his act out, and what freaky version of Windows you think you're\n"; print "using.\n"; exit 1; }else{ print $ANSIred."n\n".$ANSInormal; print "\nPeachy, then let's get going!\n"; } }else{ print $ANSIred."n\n".$ANSInormal; print "\nProbably wise. Another time perhaps?\n"; exit 1; } } $invokation =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $script_location =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $script_location =~ s/^(.*)\n/$1/; # Inexplicibly multiline string. Keep only first line open(FH, '> tvrenamer_associate_win32.reg'); print FH "REGEDIT4\n\n"; print FH '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\Directory.Video\shell]',"\n"; print FH '@="open"',"\n"; print FH '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\Directory.Video\shell\tvrenamer]',"\n"; print FH '@="Use T&V Renamer script"',"\n"; print FH "\n"; print FH '[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\Directory.Video\shell\tvrenamer\command]',"\n"; if( $script_location =~ m/.EXE$/i ) { print FH '@="cmd /C \"cd %1 & ',$script_location,' & pause\""',"\n"; } else { print FH '@="cmd /C \"cd %1 & ',$invokation,' ',$script_location,' & pause\""',"\n"; } close(FH); qx/regedit -s tvrenamer_associate_win32.reg/; unlink("tvrenamer_associate_win32.reg"); print "${ANSIcyan}Association created.${ANSInormal}\n\n"; print "When you right click a video folder, you will see a new option \"Use\n"; print "TV Renamer script\", enjoy!\n"; exit 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------}}} # Look for input {{{ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $expect_epName = 0; # FIXME: Hack used by AniDB multi-line parser (should # be removed once backward compatability with the old # parser is removed) my @input; my $raw_input; # Sometimes searching a website results in a series' page # instead of a results page, using this variable we can simply # avoid refetching for eptitle parsing my (@sname, @name, @pname); # Specials, Normals, Pilots my $warnings = 0; my $AutoDetect; # undef = 'Don't AutoDetect', 0 = 'Finished AutoDetecting' if($cleanup) { print "Doing simple filename clean-up (series name '$series' discarded)\n"; $series = undef; # Skip episode data / (proper) filename parsing } else { if ( $implicit_format ){ if ( !defined $inputFile ) { if ( -e 'AniDB.txt') {$site = NumSites-1; $format = Format_AniDB; $inputFile = 'AniDB.txt'; } if ( -e 'TVtorrents.txt') {$site = NumSites-1; $format = Format_TVtorrents; $inputFile = 'TVtorrents.txt'; } if ( -e 'TVtome.txt') {$site = NumSites-1; $format = Format_TVtome; $inputFile = 'TVtome.txt'; } if ( -e 'TV.txt') {$site = NumSites-1; $format = Format_TV; $inputFile = 'TV.txt'; } if ( -e 'TV2.txt') {$site = NumSites-1; $format = Format_TV2; $inputFile = 'TV2.txt'; } if ( -e 'EpGuides.txt') {$site = NumSites-1; $format = Format_EpGuides; $inputFile = 'EpGuides.txt'; } if ( ($_ = bsd_glob('*.url', GLOB_NOCASE ))) {$site = NumSites-1; $format = Format_AutoDetect; $inputFile = readURLfile($_); } if ( ($_ = bsd_glob('*.desktop', GLOB_NOCASE ))) {$site = NumSites-1; $format = Format_AutoDetect; $inputFile = readURLfile($_); } } if ($inputFile eq '-'){$site = NumSites-1; $format=Format_AutoDetect; $inputFile = undef;} } # Display settings if($series && !$autoseries) { print "Detected series name $ANSIbold'$series'$ANSInormal"; } unless($season){$season = 1; $implicit_season = 1;} $season = $season + 0; # Cast to numeric (removing leading zeros) print " (Season $season".($implicit_season==1?" $ANSIred(assumed)$ANSInormal":"").")\n"; print "Reading input in $FormatList[$format] mode from "; if($format == Format_AutoFetch){print $SiteList[$site]."\n";} else{print $inputFile ? $inputFile."...\n" : "STDIN (Press ^D to end):\n";} # AutoFetch mode {{{ ### # Label this point to allow re-entry if parsing fails. # AUTOFETCH: if($format == Format_AutoFetch) # {{{ { my $search_term; # First check if we have a fresh .cache file we can use instead if( -e ".cache" && -M ".cache" < (15/60/24)){ open(CACHE, "<:utf8", ".cache"); $_ = ; close(CACHE); ($inputFile) = ($_ =~ /(^.*$)/m); # First line contains URL $format = Format_AutoDetect; goto AUTOFETCH; } if( $series =~ /, The$/i ) { $search_term = "The ".substr($series, 0, -5); } else { $search_term = $series; } # Detect Anime and use AniDB{{{ if($search_anime || getcwd() =~ /anime/i) { print $ANSIcyan."Current directory detected as anime.\n".$ANSInormal; # Choose group behaviour if user has not if( ! defined $nogroup ){ $nogroup = 0; } print "Searching AniDB.net for \"$search_term\"... "; my $searchURL = ('http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=animelist&adb.search='.uri_escape($search_term).'&do.search=search'); if($debug){print "Fetching $searchURL\n";} $_ = get($searchURL); # 0x1f 0x8b = GZIP compression. C.f. http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc-gzip.html if ( substr($_, 0, 2) eq chr(0x1f).chr(0x8b) ){ if($debug){print $ANSIcyan."Compressed data detected\n".$ANSInormal;} $_ = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($_); } #$_ = Encode::decode 'UTF-8', $_; # Save snapshot for debugging if($debug){ print $ANSIcyan."Saving html to .search_results.full...$ANSInormal\n"; open(RESULTS, '> .search_results.full'); binmode(RESULTS, ":raw"); print RESULTS $_; close RESULTS; } # Strip attributes from non- tags s/(?<=<)(?!label|a)([^ >]*)[^>]*/\1/g; # Save snapshot for debugging if($debug){ print $ANSIcyan."Saving (simplified) html to .search_results...$ANSInormal\n"; binmode(RESULTS, ":raw"); open(RESULTS, '> .search_results'); print RESULTS $_; close RESULTS; } # Now to parse the results page my ($rcache, $rlink, $rseries, $rresults); $rcache = $_; $rresults = 0; # Count number of results returned by AniDB while(($rlink, $rseries) = /([^<]+)<\/a>/m){ if($debug){print "$ANSIcyan"."Considering result: '$rseries' and link '$rlink'$ANSInormal\n";} $rresults++; if( $rseries =~ /^$series$/i ){ print "Found match!\n"; $rlink =~ s/&/&/; $inputFile = "http://anidb.net/perl-bin/$rlink"; $format = Format_URL_AniDB; last; } else{ # Try remaining input $_ = substr($_, $+[0]); } } # No results? Could be that AniDB transparently redirected to the # series page, if the series name is a unique hit in the database. if($rresults == 0){ # Give up the search after AniDB is exhausted for possibilities $inputFile = undef; $site = NumSites-1; # Search result pages are titled "Anime List", while series # page's are titled "Anime - SERIESNAME" if($rcache =~ /::AniDB.net:: Anime - /i ){ print "Unique hit!\n"; $raw_input = $rcache; # Configure script to use $raw_input # Strip attributes from non-a and non-labal tags, making format detection # slightly more resistant to change $raw_input =~ s/(?<=<)(?!label|a)([^ >]*)[^>]*/\1/g; } else{ print "No results.\n"; print $ANSIred."I didn't percieve a single result from AniDB, please check www.AniDB.net\n". "lists your series and try again providing a link to the series' page on\n". "the command line.\n". "\nIt is likely that AniDB's page layout has changed, if that is the case\n". "please notify my author (see end of \"$0 --help\")\n".$ANSInormal; print $ANSIcyan."Search URL was: $searchURL\n".$ANSInormal; exit 1; } } else{ # FIXME: Detect non-empty results set which didn't contain an # exact match, and prompt user to select a result. (This will # require constructing a result list) $site = NumSites-1; # Don't bother to search other sites } # Free up memory undef $rcache; undef $rlink; undef $rseries; undef $rresults; } # End detect anime }}} else { # Choose group behaviour is user has not if(! defined $nogroup){ $nogroup = 1; } # Guess an URL for epGuides.com an use it (no need to save an URL shortcut) {{{ # if($site eq Site_EpGuides) { $format = Format_EpGuides; # Strip articles, such as "A" and "The" from series titles, as # this is what EpGuides does. my ($shortSeries) = ($search_term =~ /^(?:(?:A|The)\s+)?(.*?)\s*(?:, (?:A|The))?$/i); $shortSeries =~ tr/'//d; $shortSeries =~ s/\s+//g; $shortSeries =~ tr/,//d; $shortSeries =~ tr/!//d; $inputFile = "http://epguides.com/$shortSeries/"; } # }}} # Search TV.com and pass the final URL to the usual TV.com parser {{{ # elsif($site eq Site_TV) { my $page; my $url = "http://www.tv.com/index.php?type=Search&stype=ajax_search&qs=".uri_escape($search_term)."&search_type=program&pg_results=0&sort="; my $link; my $len = 0; my $retries = 3; $format = Format_URL_TV2; if($debug){print $ANSImagenta."Search URL: $url\n".$ANSInormal;} # Peform search on TV.com for programme ("program" to those in the U.S.A.) while($len==0 && $retries > 0){ print "Performing search...\n"; $page = get($url); #$page = Encode::decode 'UTF-8', $page; $len = length($page); $retries--; # Note we sleep for 3 seconds between retries, but present the message AFTER the wait, # this way the user doesn't get annoyed after the last retry when they're made to wait 3 seconds # before the script quits. if($len==0){sleep(3); print $ANSIyellow."Problem with server (received 0 bytes)...\n".$ANSInormal;} } die ($ANSIred."Unable to perform search on TV.com! (Fetched $len bytes of data) Please try the following in a browser:\n $url\n".$ANSInormal) unless length($page) > 0; # E.g. Image of The Big Bang Theory ($inputFile) = ($page =~ m@


@i); $inputFile .= "season-$season/"; print "Match = ".$inputFile; die("I did the search but I couldn't find \"$series\" in the response!") unless defined $inputFile; # Peform adaptation. Eg: # /- http://www.tv.com/24/show/3866/summary.html&q=24 # \-> http://www.tv.com/24/show/3866/episode_listings.html&season=0 print $ANSIgreen."Found match!\n".$ANSInormal; if($debug){print $ANSIcyan."Hit link is: $link\n".$ANSInormal;} print $ANSIyellow."Creating link file in current directory to avoid repeating search...\n".$ANSInormal; open(URI, "> $series (Season $season) [$SiteList[$site]].URL"); print URI "[InternetShortcut]\nURL=".$inputFile."\n"; close(URI); } # End Site_TV }}} undef $search_term; } } # End Format_AutoFetch }}} # Got some input {{{ if($inputFile) # {{{ { local(*FH, $/); # Temporarily disable the record seperator (aka "enter slurp mode") if($inputFile =~ /\.url|\.desktop$/i) # {{{ { if($debug){print "Opening $inputFile as URL shortcut\n";} $inputFile = readURLfile($inputFile); if($debug){print "New input source is $inputFile\n";} } # }}} if($inputFile =~ /^http:\/\//) # {{{ { my $doFetch = 1; if($inputFile =~ /^http:\/\/(www.)?tv.com\/.*?&season=0$/){ # Check for use of deprecated "TV.com All Seasons mode", and convert to normal mode print $ANSIyellow."TV.com \"All Seasons\" mode is deprecated\n$ANSInormal (They removed some data this script relied on)\n".$ANSInormal; ($inputFile) = ($inputFile =~ /^(.*)0/); # Season was guessed by script, prompt user to resolve to concrete number if($implicit_season){ print $ANSIred."Season number was assumed to be $season by script.\n".$ANSInormal; print "\aDo you wish to redefine the season number? [".$ANSIbold."Y".$ANSInormal."/n]: "; if($unattended){ $_ = 'N'; } else{ ReadMode "cbreak"; $_ = ReadKey(); ReadMode "normal"; } if($_ =~ /y| |\xa|\.|>/i){ # 'Y', space, enter or the '>|.' key print $ANSIgreen."y\n".$ANSInormal; print "Please enter new season number, and press Enter: "; $/ = "\n"; $_ = ; ($season) = ($_ =~ /^(\d+)/); }else{ print $ANSIred."n\n".$ANSInormal; } } $inputFile .= $season; print $ANSIgreen."Using season $season page instead.\n".$ANSInormal; if($debug){print "New URL: $inputFile";} } if($debug){print "Input is URL: $inputFile\n";} if(-e ".cache" && !$nocache){ print "Checking freshness of .cache... "; if($debug){print "\nCache is " . (-M ".cache") . " days old. (15min = " . 15/60/24 . ")\n";} if(-M ".cache" < (15/60/24)){ # Check if cache is 15min old or fresher (measured in days) open(CACHE, "<:utf8", ".cache"); $_ = ; close(CACHE); my $fline; ($fline) = ($_ =~ /(^.*$)/m); if($debug){print "First line of .cache is \"" . $fline ."\"\n";} if($fline eq $inputFile){ print "smells good!\n"; $doFetch = 0; }else{ print "this isn't what I ordered!\n"; } }else{ print "could be fresher\n"; } } if($debug && $nocache){print "Will not look for cache file\n";} if($doFetch){ # Note about ANSI: {{{ We're going to use a trick so that if an error message is produced during the # fetch it will NOT be displayed after the "..." but instead on it's own line underneath. # # To do this we first ensure there's a blank line below us (this is not always the case if the screen # is scrolling on each new line we create) and then pop back up onto our line, write out "Fetching # document..." and save the cursor position on the screen. Send a newline, safe in the knowledge that # this new line will not scroll the text (which would make a mess of our saved screen coordinate). If # an error occurs it's displayed on its own line and we won't print "[Done], so we don't have to clean # up the cursor position. If there's no error we simply restore the cursor position and write out # "[Done]". # # Nifty eh? }}} my $message = "\n".$ANSIup."Fetching document ".($debug?$inputFile:'')."... $ANSIsave$ANSIred\n"; print $message ; if($_ = get($inputFile)){ my $t; print $ANSIrestore.$ANSInormal."[Done]\n"; # Attempt decompression # # (Experience shows that the memGunzip() function can # handle more than just "pure" gzip data. Specifically # magic number 0x1fc18b08 can be decompressed, where I'd # expect that just 0x1f8b08 to be compatible becuase that's # what RFC1952 says) # # 0x1f 0x8b = GZIP compression. C.f. http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc-gzip.html if ( substr($_, 0, 2) eq chr(0x1f).chr(0x8b) ){ if($debug){print $ANSIcyan."Compressed data detected\n".$ANSInormal;} $_ = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip($_); } } else{ print $ANSIred."Can't fetch \"$inputFile\", please check this URL in a browser\n$ANSIyellow Consider specifying an URL on the command-line. Error was: $!".$ANSInormal."\n"; } unless($nocache){ open(CACHE, ">:utf8", ".cache"); print CACHE $inputFile, "\n"; print CACHE $_; close(CACHE); } } ## Strip attributes from tags, making format detection slightly more resistant to change s/<([^ >]*)[^>]*\/?>/<\1>/g; s/\015//g; # Strip windows-style newlines #print; # Print stripped page to aid parser development } # Close if($inputFile) }}} elsif($inputFile =~ /\.txt$/) #{{{ { open(FH, $inputFile) || die "Can't open intput file: $!"; $_ = ; close(FH); } # }}} else # {{{ { print $ANSIred."Unsupported input source: \"$inputFile\"".$ANSInormal; exit 1; } # }}} } # }}} elsif($format == Format_AutoFetch) #{{{ { # Do nothing (i.e. use current $_) unless $raw_input is defined if(defined $raw_input){$_ = $raw_input;} # Detect and use raw input (use data generated by script) } #}}} else #{{{ { my $stdin; binmode(STDIN, ":utf8"); while(){$stdin .= $_} $_ = $stdin; } #}}} tr /\015/\n/; # Convert ^M to newlines in input. Fixes some weirdness from epGuides.com #}}} # Quick hack for backwards compatability (FIXME - remove this) @input = split($/); #}}} ##[ EPISODE DATA PARSER ]#######################################################{{{ my $continueParsing = 1; my $autoseries_successful = 0; while ($continueParsing) #{{{ { $warnings = 0; # If autodetecting, flag this and proceed with systematic parsing attempts if($format eq Format_AutoDetect || $format eq Format_AutoFetch) { $AutoDetect = 1; $format = Format_AutoDetect + 1; # AutoDetect/Fetch preceeds concrete formats in FormatList } for my $arg ($format) { if( $arg == Format_AniDB ) { # {{{ # When you copy the AniDB table from Firefox (v1.0.1) the clipboard # contents are in the following format. Note that the epname and number # are on seperate lines. # # [epNumber] [tab] [epName] [tab] # Noting that epName may be made up of [English ( Kanji / Romanji )] my ($num, $snum); # Parse input data foreach(@input){ my $epTitle; my $strippedEpTitle; ($num, $epTitle) = ($_ =~ /^\s*(S?\d+)\s+(.*?)\s+\d+m/); if ( ($strippedEpTitle) = ($epTitle =~ /^(.*)\([^\/]+\/[^)]+\)/) ) { $epTitle = $strippedEpTitle; } if(($snum) = ($num =~ /S(\d+)/)){ # Detect Special check_and_push($epTitle, \@sname, $snum); }else{ check_and_push($epTitle, \@name, $num); } } } # End case Format_AniDB }}} elsif( $arg == Format_URL_AniDB ) { #{{{ # Remember that most attributes are stripped from the HTML before being passed to us. Sample data: # # # # 1 # # # # # 24m # # 23.10.2005 # # my $offset = 0; my ($num, $snum, $epTitle, $japEpTitle); if($autoseries){ if(($series) = $_ =~ /^\s*::AniDB.net:: Anime - \s*(.*?)\s*::<\/title>\s*$/ms){ $autoseries_successful = 1; } } while( $_ =~ m{ # <tr> # <th>EP</th> # <th>Title</th> # <th>Duration</th> # <th>Air Date</th> # </tr> <tr>\s* <td>\s* <a\shref="animedb.pl\?show=ep&eid=\d+">\s*([sS]?\d+)\s*</a>\s* </td>\s* <td>\s* <label\s*title="([^"]*)">([^<]*) </label>\s* </td>\s* <td>[^<]* </td>\s* <td>[^<]* </td>\s* </tr> }xg ){ if(($snum) = ($1 =~ /S(\d+)/i)){ # Detect Special check_and_push($3, \@sname, $snum); }else{ check_and_push($3, \@name, $1); } } } # End case Format_URL_AniDB }}} elsif( $arg == Format_TVtorrents ) { #{{{ # TVtorrent.com uses the following format when copied to the clipboard with # Firefox (v1.0.2) # # 5x18 My New Suit # download 161 8 174.8 Mb 2006-04-12 05:31 # 5x17 My Chopped Liver # download 52 6 175.3 Mb 2006-04-05 21:50 my ($num, $epTitle); # Parse input data foreach(@input){ if( ($num, $epTitle) = ($_ =~ /^\d+x(\d+)\t([^\t]+)/) ){ $epTitle =~ s/\s*\([^\)]*\)$//; # Remove '(hdtv-lol)' etc if($num == "Pilot"){$num = 0;} check_and_push($epTitle, \@name, $num); } } } # End case Format_TVtorrents }}} elsif( $arg == Format_TVtome ) { #{{{ # TVtome.com uses the following format when copied to the clipboard with # Firefox (v1.0.4) # # "51. 4-1 4ACX01 01-May-2005 North by North Quahog" # [absoluteEp#] \t [seriesNum]x[epNum] \t [productionCode] \t [AirDate] \t [(unsure)] \t [epTitle] my ($num, $epTitle); my $OLD_INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR; # Parse input data foreach(@input){ if( ($num, $epTitle) = ($_ =~ /\t\s*\d-(\d+)[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t(.+)$/) ){ $OLD_INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = $/; $/ = "\r"; chomp $epTitle; # Trim end-of-lines check_and_push($epTitle, \@name, $num); } $/ = $OLD_INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR; } } # End case Format_TVtome }}} elsif( $arg == Format_TV2 ) { #{{{ # A varient of TV.com's format, as used by their "All Seasons" Episode listings # NB: This format is tried before the older Format_TV # # Pilot: Pilot 6/1/2003 100 1 - 0 # 2: Dead Girl Walking 7/4/2003 101 1 - 2 # 3: Curious George 7/11/2003 102 1 - 3 # # ["Pilot"|epNum]:[epTitle] {TAB} [AirDate] {TAB} [Prod#] {TAB} [season] - [epnum] my ($epNum, $epTitle); # Parse input data foreach(@input){ if( ($epTitle, $epNum) = ($_ =~ /[^:]+:\s+([^\t]+)\t[^\t]*\t[^\t]*\t\s*$season\s*-\s*(\d+)/) ){ $epTitle =~ s/\s+$//; if($debug){print "TV2 parser: ".$epNum."|".$epTitle."\n";} if($epNum == 0 and $epTitle eq "Pilot"){$epNum = 1;} check_and_push($epTitle, \@name, $epNum); } } } # End case Format_TV2 }}} elsif( $arg == Format_URL_TV2 ) { #{{{ # Remember that all attributes are stripped before the HTML is passed to us. Sample data: # # <li> # <div>Ep 16</div> # <a>The Peanut Reaction</a> my $offset = 0; my ($epSeason, $epNum, $epTitle, $epOffset); if($autoseries){ # Parse "<title>The Big Bang Theory Episodes - TV.com" into a series name if(($series) = $_ =~ /^\s*\s*(.*)\s+Episodes\s*-\s*TV.com.*<\/title>\s*$/ms){ $autoseries_successful = 1; } } while($offset < length($_)){ if(($epNum, $epTitle) = (substr($_, $offset) =~ /<li>\s*<div>Ep (\d+)<\/div>\s*<a>([^<]+)<\/a>/ms)){ if($debug){print "epNum = $epNum & epTitle = $epTitle\n";} check_and_push($epTitle, \@name, $epNum); } $offset += $+[0]; ## Append (local to substr) ending pos of last entire (mis)match } } # End case Format_URL_TV }}} elsif( $arg == Format_TV ) { #{{{ # TVtome.com has become TV.com, a new shiney version which wastes a lot of bandwidth on things # I don't care about. Also, the format has changed :( # # 1: Rose 3/26/2005 1 review 8.4 # 2: The End of the World 4/2/2005 8.4 my ($num, $epTitle); # Parse input data foreach(@input){ if( ($num, $epTitle) = ($_ =~ /\s*(\d+|Pilot):\s+([^\t]+)\t/) ){ if($num == "Pilot"){$num = 0;} $epTitle =~ s/\s+$//; check_and_push($epTitle, \@name, $num); } } } # End case Format_TV }}} elsif( $arg == Format_EpGuides ) { #{{{ # EpGuides.com format # Original # Episode # Prod # Air Date Titles # _____ ______ ___________ ___________ ___________________________________________ # # # Pilot # # P- 0 1992 The Spirit of Christmas (Jesus vs. Frosty) # P- 0 101 Pilot # P- 0 1995 The Spirit of Christmas (Jesus vs. Santa) # # Special # # S- 0 301 4 Jul 99 Oh Holy Night # # Season 1 # # 1. 1- 1 101 13 Aug 97 Cartman Gets an Anal Probe # 2. 1- 2 103 20 Aug 97 Volcano # 3. 1- 3 102 27 Aug 97 Weight Gain 4000 ## # OR (after simplification that takes place prior to this stage) ## # 1. 1- 1 101 13 Aug 97 <a>Cartman Gets an Anal Probe</a> # 2. 1- 2 103 20 Aug 97 <a>Volcano</a> # 3. 1- 3 102 27 Aug 97 <a>Weight Gain 4000</a> # # NB: The air date is missing in some cases, and the production code in others my ($num, $epTitle, $lastPilotNum); $lastPilotNum = -1; # i.e. none foreach(@input) { # First remove any <span> tags and anything they contain # (links to Trailers etc) s!<span[^>]*>.*?</span>!!g; if( ($num, $epTitle) = ($_ =~ /^\d+\s+$season-(\d+)\s+.*<a[^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>/) ) { check_and_push($epTitle, \@name, $num); } # Episodes with airdates elsif( ($num, $epTitle) = ($_ =~ /\s+$season-(..).*\d+ [A-Z][a-z]+ \d+ \s*(.*)$/) ) { # Cleanup whitespace (and tags if using online version) ($epTitle) = ($epTitle =~ /^(?:<a[^>]*>)?(.*?)(?:<\/a>)?$/); check_and_push($epTitle, \@name, $num); } # Chip'n'Dale Rescue Rangers, maybe others elsif( ($num, $epTitle) = ($_ =~ /^<li>\s+$season-(..)(.*)$/) ) { # Cleanup whitespace (and tags if using online version) ($epTitle) = ($epTitle =~ /^.{24}(?:<a[^>]*>)?(.*?)(?:<\/a>)?$/); $epTitle =~ s@<img></a> <a>@@; check_and_push($epTitle, \@name, $num); } # Most episodes (new parser, v2.34) elsif( ($num, $epTitle) = ($_ =~ /\s+$season-(..)(.*)$/) ) { # Cleanup whitespace (and tags if using online version) ($epTitle) = ($epTitle =~ /^.{28}(?:<a[^>]*>)?(.*?)(?:<\/a>)?$/); $epTitle =~ s@<img></a> <a>@@; check_and_push($epTitle, \@name, $num); } # Most episodes (old parser, v2.33 and earlier) elsif( ($num, $epTitle) = ($_ =~ /\s*\d+\.\s+$season-(..).*? \w{3} \d{2}(.*$)/) ) { # Cleanup whitespace (and tags if using online version) ($epTitle) = ($epTitle =~ /^\s*(?:\<a\>)?(.*?)(?:\<\/a\>)?$/); check_and_push($epTitle, \@name, $num); } # Pilot episodes (c.f. "Lost" & "24" season 1) elsif( ($num, $epTitle) = ($_ =~ /\s+P-\s*(\d+).{26}(.*$)/) ) { # Often a series has multiple P-0 entries, but people like to order then by release date. # So we assume pilots are listed chronologically if( $num == 0 && $lastPilotNum != -1 ) { $lastPilotNum += 1; $num = $lastPilotNum; } else { $lastPilotNum = $num; } # Cleanup whitespace (and tags if using online version) ($epTitle) = ($epTitle =~ /^\s*(?:\<a\>)?(.*?)(?:\<\/a\>)?$/); check_and_push($epTitle, \@pname, $num); } # Special episodes elsif( ($num, $epTitle) = ($_ =~ /\s+S-\s*(\d+).{26}(.*$)/) ) { # Cleanup whitespace (and tags if using online version) ($epTitle) = ($epTitle =~ /^\s*(?:\<a\>)?(.*?)(?:\<\/a\>)?$/); check_and_push($epTitle, \@sname, $num); } } } # End Format_EpGuides }}} elsif( $arg == NumFormats ) { #{{{ ## # Occurs when all formats have been tried # $continueParsing = 0; $AutoDetect = 0; # NB Semantics: undef = 'Don't AutoDetect', 0 = 'Finished AutoDetecting' }# }}} else # {{{ { print $ANSIred."Format $format ($FormatList[$format]) parser missing!\n".$ANSInormal; } #}}} } @name = clean_up(@name); @sname = clean_up(@sname); # Check if any data was extracted {{{ if ($#name eq -1 && $#sname eq -1) { if($AutoDetect) { if($debug){print "$FormatList[$format] format produced no matches\n";} $format++; } else { $site++; if($implicit_format && $site ne NumSites) { print $ANSIyellow."No useable results. Trying: $SiteList[$site]$ANSInormal\n"; # Reset detection $format = Format_AutoFetch; @name = undef; @sname = undef; @pname = undef; # Try next site goto AUTOFETCH; } else { print $ANSIred."No data (related to season $season) was extracted from input! ".$ANSInormal; # NB Semantics: undef = 'Don't AutoDetect', 0 = 'Finished AutoDetecting' unless(defined $AutoDetect){print "(Did you select the correct format?)";} print "\n"; exit 2; } } } #}}} else #{{{ { if(defined $AutoDetect){print $ANSIgreen."Input detected as $ANSIbold$FormatList[$format]$ANSInormal$ANSIgreen format\n".$ANSInormal;} $continueParsing = 0; } #}}} } # }}} if($autoseries) #{{{ { if($autoseries_successful){ print "Series name grabbed from input as: $ANSIbold$series\n".$ANSInormal; } else{ print $ANSIred."Unable to grab series name from input, falling back to current folder name\n".$ANSInormal; $warnings++; } } #}}} if($warnings){print $ANSIred."\a$warnings warning(s) during input\n".$ANSInormal; $warnings = 0} if($autoranging) #{{{ { my $firstBlank = undef; my $lastBlank = undef; my $inBlank = undef; for(my $i=0; $i<$#name; $i++){ if($name[$i] eq undef){ if( ! $inBlank){ $inBlank = 1; $firstBlank = $i; } $lastBlank = $i; } else{ $inBlank = undef; } } if( ($lastBlank - $firstBlank) > 20 ){ print $ANSIyellow."Large gap detected in input from entry #$firstBlank to #$lastBlank, discarding #$firstBlank onwards.\n$ANSInormal (Use --noautoranging to disable this)\n"; $rangemax = ($firstBlank - 1); } } #}}} if($rangemin or $rangemax){ if( ! $rangemax){ $rangemax = $#name; } @name = @name[0..$rangemax]; if( ! $rangemin){ $rangemin = 0; } for(my $i=0; $i<$rangemin; $i++){@name[$i]= undef;} } # Display all extracted episode names. if($debug){ print "\nEpisode titles (Normals, \@name)\n"; my $i = $[; foreach (@name) {print "$i|$_\n"; $i++} print "Episode titles (Specials, \@sname)\n"; my $i = $[; foreach (@sname) {print "$i|$_\n"; $i++} print "Episode titles (Pilots, \@pname)\n"; my $i = $[; foreach (@pname) {print "$i|$_\n"; $i++} } # End EPISODE DATA PARSER }}} } # end else clause of if($cleanup) # End Look for input }}} ##[ FILENAME PARSER ]###########################################################{{{ print "Generating changes..."; # Create our file list my $file; my @fileList; opendir(DIR, '.') || die "Error opening directory: $!"; while ($file = readdir(DIR)) { if(! -d $file) # Ensure not a directory { $file = Encode::decode 'UTF-8', $file; if(! defined $filterFiles || ($file =~ /$filterFiles/i) ){ push(@fileList, $file); } } } closedir(DIR); my (@b, @a); # Arrays to store $before and $after values my $dubious_count = 0; my ($before, $after, $fileExt, $filePrefix, $fileSeason, $fileNum, $sfileNum, $fileNum2, $group, $titles, $match); print $ANSIred; # Set text colour to red # Assume we are missing all episodes until proven otherwise # %missing{$epNum} -> $title my %missing = (); my $i = 0; foreach (@name) { $missing{$i++} = $_; } foreach(@fileList){ $titles = \@name; # Reference normal episode to begin with $fileSeason = undef; # Reset grabbed season, not all file names have this $fileNum2 = undef; # Reset double file number (i.e. '09' in episode 08-09) # Chomp newline characters off the end of our file list entries # Check for certain file names which we'll ignore.. chomp($_); if($_ eq $0 or $_ eq $inputFile){next;} $before = $_; # Note To Self: tr/a-zA-Z0-9_-//dc Will delete all characters NOT matched if($preproc){eval $preproc;} ($fileExt) = ($_ =~ /.*\.(.*?$)/); # Put file extension into a variable ($_) = ($_ =~ /(.*)\..*?$/); # Strip file extension s/%5b/[/g; # %5b -> [ (avoids bad epNumber extraction) s/%5d/]/g; # %5b -> ] (avoids bad epNumber extraction) tr/\_/ /; # Replace _ with " " tr/\./ /; # Replace . with " " s/\[[0-9a-f]{8}\]/ /gi; # Remove matching '[]' if their content fits the bill of a CRC s/\s+/ /g; # Reduce multiple white space to a single " " if(!$dontgroup){ ($group) = ($_ =~ /\[([^\]]*)\]/); # Yank contents of matching '[]' as the release group s/^(.*)\[$group\](.*)$/$1$2/; # Strip group (ifdef) } s/^\s*$escaped_series(.*)$/$1/i; # Strip series name (ifdef), overcomes numbers-in-series troubles if($cleanup){ # Skip episode-matching stage s/\s+$//; # Remove trailing whitespace s/^\s+//; # Remove leading whitespace if($group){$group = " [$group]";} # Apply make-up if($nogroup == 1){$group = undef;} # Crush group if unwanted $_ .= "$group.$fileExt"; # Append group and re-add file extension }else{ # Note that series 'specials' are denoted with an 'S' before the episode number, # hence we use $titles to reference our current name list (either @name or @sname) # and take care to detect which we need # This next block will extract the episode number from the filename (if possible) # and then determine if it is an series 'special' or warn the user if the episode # number cannot be extracted if( ($fileSeason, $fileNum, $fileNum2) = ($_ =~ /season\D?(\d+)\D?episode\D?(\d+)[-&](\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "Season $$ Episode @@-@@"';} elsif( ($fileSeason, $fileNum, $fileNum2) = ($_ =~ /s(\d+)\D?e(\d+)[-&]e(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "S$$.E@@-E@@"';} elsif( ($fileSeason, $fileNum, $fileNum2) = ($_ =~ /s(\d+)\D?e(\d+)[-&](\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "S$$.E@@-@@"';} elsif( ($fileSeason, $fileNum, $fileNum2) = ($_ =~ /s(\d+)\D?e(\d+)e(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "S$$.E@@E@@"';} elsif( ($fileSeason, $fileNum, $fileNum2) = ($_ =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)[-&](\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "$x@@-@@"';} elsif( ($fileNum, $fileNum2) = ($_ =~ /S(\d+)[-&](\d+)/i)){$match='Match "S@@-@@" (Special)'; $titles=\@sname;} elsif( ($fileNum) = ($_ =~ /season\D?\d+.?episode\D?P(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "Season $$ Episode P@@" (Pilot)'; $titles=\@pname;} elsif( ($fileNum) = ($_ =~ /season\D?\d+.?episode\D?(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "Season $$ Episode @@"';} elsif( ($fileSeason, $fileNum) = ($_ =~ /s(\d+)\D?ep(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "S$$EP@@" (Pilot)'; $titles=\@pname;} elsif( ($fileSeason, $fileNum) = ($_ =~ /s(\d+)\D?pe(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "S$$PE@@" (Pilot)'; $titles=\@pname;} elsif( ($fileSeason, $fileNum) = ($_ =~ /s(\d+)\D?e(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "S$$E@@"';} elsif( ($fileSeason, $fileNum) = ($_ =~ /(\d+)xp(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "$xP@@" (Pilot)'; $titles=\@pname;} elsif( ($fileSeason, $fileNum) = ($_ =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "$x@@"';} elsif( ($fileNum) = ($_ =~ /.S(\d+)/i)){$match='Match "S@@" (Special)'; $titles=\@sname;} elsif( ($fileNum, $fileNum2) = ($_ =~ /(\d+)[-&](\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "@@-@@"';} elsif( ($fileNum) = ($_ =~ /pe(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "PE@@"'; $titles=\@pname;} elsif( ($fileNum) = ($_ =~ /p(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "P@@"'; $titles=\@pname;} elsif( ($fileNum) = ($_ =~ /s(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "S@@"'; $titles=\@sname;} elsif( ($fileNum) = ($_ =~ /(\d+)/i) ){$match='Match "@@"';} else{ # Finding episode number failed print "\nCan't extract episode number from snippet '$_'\tof filename: \"$before\", ignoring."; if(!$dontgroup){ if( $before =~ /\[/ || $before =~ /\]/){ print " (Consider using --dontgroup)"; } } $warnings++; next; } # If flagged, treat numbers greater than 2 digits as shorthand for "1x08" / "01x08" / "001x08" etc if( $dubious ) { ($fileNum) = ($fileNum =~ /\d*(\d{2})/); } if($fileSeason ne '' && $fileSeason != $season){ if($debug){ print $ANSIcyan."\nFiltering due to wrong season ($fileSeason): $before". $ANSIred; } next; } if(defined $series){$filePrefix = $series;} # If we know what the series is called, override prefix my $dispNum; $dispNum = pad($fileNum, length $#{$titles}); if(defined $pad){$dispNum = pad($dispNum, $pad);} if($fileNum2){ if($debug){print "\nfileNum2 defined for $fileNum as $fileNum2";} $fileNum2 = pad($fileNum2, length $#{$titles}); } if($nogroup == 1){$group = undef;} # Crush group if unwanted #End FILENAME PARSER }}} ##[ CONSTRUCT NEW FILENAME ]####################################################{{{ # Print all source data before compiling new name if($debug && ($before ne $_)){ print "\n". "\n$ANSIblue"."Working Set: $_".$ANSInormal. "\n\$match = ".$match. "\n\$fileSeason = ".$fileSeason. "\n\$fileNum = ".$fileNum. "\n\$fileNum2 = ".$fileNum2. "\n\$group = ".$group. "\n\$fileExt = ".$fileExt ; } if(defined $$titles[$dispNum] || defined $sname[$dispNum] || defined $pname[$dispNum]) { check_group(); if($exclude_series == 2){$filePrefix = '';} # See default settings my $S = ($titles == \@sname) ? 'S' : '' ; # "Special episode" prefix my $P = ($titles == \@pname) ? 'P' : '' ; # "Pilot episode" prefix my $dispNum = $S.$P.$dispNum . ($fileNum2 ? "-".$S.$fileNum2 : ''); # Compound file number (special prefix & double episode) my $epTitle1 = $$titles[$fileNum]; # Episode title, or first of two titles in a double episode my $epTitle2 = $fileNum2 ? $$titles[$fileNum2] : '' ; # Double episode's second title my $epNum; my $local_gap = $gap; for my $arg ($scheme){ if( $arg eq 'SXXEYY') {$epNum = "S".pad($season, 2)."E".$dispNum;} elsif( $arg eq 'sXXeYY') {$epNum = "s".pad($season, 2)."e".$dispNum;} elsif( $arg eq 'YY' ) {$epNum = $dispNum;} elsif( $arg eq 'XxYY' ) {$epNum = $season."x".$dispNum;} elsif( $arg eq 'XYY' ) {$epNum = $season.$dispNum;} elsif( $arg == undef ) {$epNum = (!$implicit_season ? $season.'x' : '').$dispNum;} else {print "\nUnknown scheme '$scheme'! Try \"$0 --help\" for list of valid schemes.\n"; exit 1;} } if($filePrefix eq ''){$local_gap = undef;} # Merge double-episode titles my $epTitle = $epTitle1; if($epTitle2){ my $max = 0; # Convert string to arrays of characters my @first = split //, $epTitle1; my @second = split //, $epTitle2; if( length $epTitle2 > length $epTitle1 ){ $max = length $epTitle2; }else{ $max = length $epTitle1; } my $common = 0; for my $i (0..$max){ if( @first[$i] eq @second[$i] ){ $common = $i; }else{ last; } } $epTitle = $epTitle1 . " and " . substr($epTitle2, $common+1); } # Print all source data before compiling new name if($debug && ($before ne $_)){ print "\n\$filePrefix = ".$filePrefix. "\n\$local_gap = ".$local_gap. "\n\$epNum = ".$epNum. "\n\$S = ".$S. "\n\$P = ".$P. "\n\$dispNum = ".$dispNum. "\n\$epTitle2 = ".$epTitle2 ; } # Compile new name $_ = "$filePrefix$local_gap$epNum$separator$epTitle$group.$fileExt"; }else{ print "$ANSIred\nNo input corresponds to $ANSIbold\"$before\"$ANSInormal $ANSIred(treated as ep ", $titles==\@sname ? "S" : "", "$fileNum), ignoring.$ANSInormal"; $warnings++; next; } } s/&#(\d+);/eval("v$1")/ge; # HTML Entities -> Unicode (EG: "♥" -> v9829 -> "♥" = U+2665) if($unixy){ tr/\ /_/; } # Replace " " with _ s/(.*)(\..+)$/$1\L$2/; # Force extension to lowercase if($postproc){eval $postproc;} # Remove current episode(s) from list of missing episodes delete $missing{int $fileNum}; delete $missing{int $fileNum2}; $after = $_; #End CONSTRUCT NEW FILENLAME }}} ##[ Interactive ]####################################################{{{ if($before ne $after) { if($interactive){ print "\n".$ANSInormal; # Set text colour to defaults my $key; print "/-- $before\n\\-> $after\n\n"; print "Make this change? [".$ANSIbold."Y".$ANSInormal."|n]: "; if($unattended){ $key = 'Y'; } else{ ReadMode "cbreak"; $key = ReadKey(); ReadMode "normal"; } if($key =~ /y| |\xa|\.|>/i){ # 'Y', space, enter or the '>' key print $ANSIgreen."y\n".$ANSInormal; push(@b, $before); push(@a, $after); }else{ print $ANSIred."n\n".$ANSInormal; } }else{ push(@b, $before); push(@a, $after); } } #}}} } # End foreach(@fileList) (near top of FILENAME PARSER) ##[ CHECK NAME TRANSITIONS ]####################################################{{{ print $ANSIred; # Set text colour to red # Check if target file already exists or if duplicate target names exist, and take action for( my $i = 0; $i < @a; $i++ ) { if(($b[$i] ne $a[$i]) && -e $a[$i]) { print "\nFile \"$a[$i]\" already exists file\n \"$b[$i]\" will not be renamed!\n"; $warnings++; $b[$i] = undef; $a[$i] = undef; } for( my $j = $i; $j < @a; $j++ ) { if($a[$i] eq $a[$j] && $b[$i] ne $b[$j]) { # Warn user, and delete both entries print "\nDuplicate target \"$a[$i]\" for files \n \"$b[$i]\" and \n \"$b[$j]\", not renaming either!\n"; $warnings++; $b[$i] = undef; $a[$i] = undef; $b[$j] = undef; $a[$j] = undef; } } } print $ANSInormal; # Reset text colour if ($warnings eq 0){ print "[Done]\n"; } else{ print "\n$warnings warning(s)"; } if ($dubious_count ne 0 ){ print "\n$dubious_count dubious name extraction(s)"; } # End CHECK NAME TRANSITIONS }}} if($show_missing){ # Gotta catch 'em all! print $ANSIcyan; print "\n"; foreach my $epNum ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %missing ) { my $title = $missing{$epNum}; if ($title){ print "Info: Your collection is missing episode $epNum: $title\n"; } } print $ANSInormal; } # Sort proposed changes by destination name for an improved user-experience my %changes = @a; for (my $i = 0; $i < @a; $i++){ $changes{$a[$i]} = $b[$i]; } @a = undef; @b = undef; foreach my $key(sort keys(%changes)) { @a = (@a, $key); @b = (@b, $changes{$key}); } ##[ USERPROMPT ]################################################################ {{{ # Label this block, so we can jump back here as desired USERPROMPT: { # Now lets print out our new set of names for the user's scrutiny. print "\n\n", "Proposed changes:\n", "____________________________________\n\n"; # Run a little loop to check, print and count if they're defined my $count = 0; for( my $i = 0; $i < @a; $i++ ){ if ($a[$i] && $b[$i]){ $count++; if($detailedView){ print "/-- $b[$i]\n\\-> $a[$i]\n\n"; }else{ print "$a[$i]\n"; } } } if ($count eq 0) {print "No changes necessary.\n";} else { print "____________________________________\n\n", "Would you like to proceed with renaming? [y/".$ANSIbold."N".$ANSInormal."/?]: "; if($unattended){ $_ = 'Y'; } else{ ReadMode "cbreak"; $_ = ReadKey(); ReadMode "normal"; } if($_ eq '?'){print "?\n"; $detailedView = 1; goto USERPROMPT;} if(lc $_ eq 'y'){ my ($before, $after); print $ANSIgreen."y".$ANSInormal."\nRenaming in progress... "; # If creating undo script, read in any existing undo script # First check if this is the Win32 stand-alone version (i.e. rename.EXE) my $undofile = 'unrename.pl'; if($0 =~ /\.exe$/i || -e 'unrename.bat'){ $undofile = 'unrename.bat'; } open(UNDO, $undofile); my @undo = <UNDO>; # Slurp in entire file, breaking lines into elements close(UNDO); @undo = @undo[4 .. $#undo]; # Discard header foreach(@undo){chop;} # Clean up line endings my ($before_is_unicode, $after_is_unicode, $teststring, $success, $warned_w32); until ($#a==-1) { $before = pop(@b); $after = pop(@a); if($before ne $after){ $success = 0; # Flags if we want to save undo info unless($^O eq "MSWin32" || $^O eq "cygwin"){ $success = rename($before, $after); } else{ # Windows {{{ # Possibly need to work around rename() not supporting unicode # Look for characters above the 7-bit ASCII range $after_is_unicode = undef; $teststring = $before; while($teststring){ if( ord substr($teststring, 0, 1, "") > 128 ){ $before_is_unicode = 1; last; } } $teststring = $after; while($teststring){ if( ord substr($teststring, 0, 1, "") > 128 ){ $after_is_unicode = 1; last; } } # Unicode source names not implemented if($before =~ /\?/ || $before_is_unicode){ # FIXME Look into using http://perlingresprogramming.blogspot.com/2008/04/opening-files-with-unicode.html unless($warned_w32){ print $ANSIcyan, "\n This script is unable to deal with files whose names already contain Unicode", "\n characters. It can, however, rename files with ordinary names into files with", "\n Unicode characters.", "\n ", "\n The problem is that the current code used by this script (which has been", "\n written to run on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows) to obtain the list of files", "\n to generate new names for returns garbage when it encounters Unicode", "\n characters.", "\n ", "\n As far as the author knows, this only affects Windows users. Certainly it does", "\n not occur under Linux.", "\n", $ANSInormal; $warned_w32 = 1; } print $ANSIred,"\nSkipped (UNICODE): ",$ANSIbold,$before,$ANSInormal; } elsif($after_is_unicode){ # Unicode my ($w_before, $w_after); $w_before = Encode::encode("UTF16-LE", $before); $w_after = Encode::encode("UTF16-LE", $after); $success= Win32API::File::MoveFileW($w_before, $w_after) or print $ANSIred,"\nError renaming $before: ",Win32API::File::fileLastError(),$ANSInormal; # Deprecated method ("hack") to achieve the above # # NB: elsif($after_is_unicode && -e "$ENV{WINDIR}\\SYSTEM32\\WSCRIPT.EXE") # We use an intermediate VB script to do the renaming #print "\n$ANSIgreen","Dealing with unicode target name...",$ANSInormal; # #open(FH, ">tmp20060804.vbs"); #binmode(FH, ":raw:encoding(UTF16-LE):crlf:utf8"); # Win32 encoding #print FH "\x{feff}"; # Byte-Order-Mark (BOM) #print FH "Dim fso\nSet fso = CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\")\n"; #print FH "fso.MoveFile \"$before\", \"$after\""; #close(FH); # #$success = system("wscript tmp20060804.vbs"); #unlink("tmp20060804.vbs"); } else{ # Plain text, no need for anything fancy $success = rename($before, $after); } #}}} } if($success && $reversible){ #{{{ # Create undo information if requested and rename was successfull if($undofile eq 'unrename.bat'){ unless($before_is_unicode || $after_is_unicode){ unshift(@undo, 'ren "'.$after.'" "'.$before.'"'); } else{ print $ANSIyellow, "\nNote: Cannot save undo info due to unicode characters:", "/- $before", "\\-> $after", "\n", $ANSInormal; } } else{ unshift(@undo, 'rename ("'.$after.'", "'.$before.'");'); } } #}}} } } if($reversible){ #{{{ # Tag session block $_ = localtime(); if($undofile eq 'unrename.bat'){ unshift(@undo, "REM Renaming completed at $_"); } else{ unshift(@undo, "# Renaming completed at $_"); } # Prepend header if($undofile eq 'unrename.bat'){ unshift(@undo, "\@ECHO OFF\nREM TV Renamer undo script\nREM Generated by $0\nECHO Remember to remove this script before using the TV renamer again!\n\n"); } else{ unshift(@undo, "#!/usr/bin/perl\n# TV Renamer undo script\n# Generated by $0\nprint \"Remember to remove this script before using the TV renamer again!\\n\";\n\n"); } # Write to file print "\n\n".$ANSIup."Writing undo infomation into $undofile... ".$ANSIsave; open(UNDO, '> '.$undofile) || die $ANSIred."Can't open undo script: $!".$ANSInormal; foreach(@undo){print UNDO $_."\n"; } close(UNDO); print $ANSIrestore."Done".$ANSInormal; } #}}} print "\nRenaming Complete\n"; } else{print $ANSIred."n\n".$ANSInormal;} } } # }}} End USERPROMPT ##[ SUBROUTINES ]############################################################### {{{ sub check_and_push #{{{ { # Checks array destination is not defined before assigning value my ($data, $array_ref, $index) = @_; if($array_ref->[$index]){ print $ANSIred." Duplicate input: Ep ",$array_ref == \@sname ? 'S' : '' ,$index, " already defined! Discarding redefinition.\n".$ANSInormal; print $ANSIyellow." Current: ",$array_ref->[$index],"\n", " Discarded: $data\n".$ANSInormal; $warnings++; } else{ $data =~ s/^\s+//; # Trim leading whitespace $data =~ s/\s+$//; # Trim trailing whitespace $array_ref->[$index] = $data; # Feed ep number to array } } # }}} End sub sub clean_up #{{{ { # Prepare arguments for filesystem, and do some tidying foreach(@_){ tr/\\/-/; # Replace invalid char \ with - tr/\//-/; # Replace invalid char / with - tr/\*/-/; # Replace invalid char * with - tr/\</-/; # Replace invalid char < with ( tr/\>/-/; # Replace invalid char > with ) tr/\:/-/; # Replace invalid char : with - tr/\x60/\x27/; # Replace ` with ' (Using ANSI char vals in _hex_) tr/\x22/\x27/; # Replace " with ' tr/\x3F//d; # Delete invalid char '?' } return @_; } #}}} End sub sub check_group #{{{ { # Check if our supposed 'group' is actually nothing more than part of the episode title if($group){ $group = ($$titles[$fileNum] =~ /$group/) ? undef : ' ['.$group.']'; } } #}}} End sub sub pad #{{{ { # Pad/trim first argument with zeros to the length defined in the second element # EG. "8" is padded to "008" if the array last index >= 100 (NB the length of such an array >= 101) my ($string, $length) = @_; ($string) = ($string =~ /^0*(\d+)$/); # Trim leading zeros until(length $string >= $length) # NB the '>=' allowing renaming without padding zeros {$string = '0'.$string; } # Pad for normals return ($string); } #}}} End sub sub readURLfile #{{{ { # Extract link from shortcut file my ($file) = @_; my $url_season; my $answer; print "Parsing internet shortcut: $file\n"; # Temporarily disable our record seperator. This is rest automatically at the end of the block local(*FH, $/); open(FH, $file) || die "Can't open URL shortcut: $!"; $_ = <FH>; ($_) = ($_ =~ /(http:\/\/.*)$/m); $/ = "\r"; chomp; if( (($url_season) = ($_ =~ /&season=(\d+)/)) && !/&season=0/ && !/&season=$season/){ print $ANSIred."Season specified in $ANSIbold\"$file\"$ANSInormal$ANSIred ($url_season) doesn't match the season we're renaming ($season)!\n".$ANSInormal; print "\aContinue? [y/".$ANSIbold."N".$ANSInormal."] "; if($unattended){ $answer = 'N'; } else{ ReadMode "cbreak"; $answer = ReadKey(); ReadMode "normal"; } if($answer =~ /y|\.|>/i){ # 'Y', space, enter or the '>'/'.' key print $ANSIgreen."y\n".$ANSInormal; }else{ print $ANSIred."n\n".$ANSInormal; exit 0; } } return ($_); } #}}} End sub # }}} End SUBROUTINES #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Version History {{{1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # v1.0 First, useful, version (Late 2001) {{{2 # v1.1 Fixed problem where series name had a number in it (was mistaken for EpNumber) {{{2 # Improved extention handling ( made it more generic ) # Improved invalid character swapping ( " for ', and correct mistake in ? deletion) # Added "Pre-fix series name", # "Replace series name", # "remove specific text" and # "Force extension to lowercase" # v1.2 Fixed [] and () removal problem ( didn't match minimally ) {{{2 # v1.3 Updated pattern matching to reflect changes in AniDB.net table layout {{{2 # v1.4 Completed (Win32) invalid char replacement list {{{2 # Corrected misc typos in comments # v1.5 Many user prompt changes, fixed bugs where epTitles were repeated in renaming {{{2 # due to an oversight in the 'extract fileExt' code # Improved handling for two-digit 'special ep' numbers # v1.6 Introduced a "No changes nessesary" message {{{2 # Revised "New names" to "Names to change" at user scruteny stage # Vast improvement to data structure, input no longer needs to be sorted, or complete # User is also warned when a file does not appear to have an episode number, # and when no related data can be found on a particular file. # v1.7 Added ability to read AniDB table from input files {{{2 # v1.8 Updated to fit new AniDB table layout, as well as my switch to Firefox from IE {{{2 # also added misc clean-up for unnecessary whitespace / orphaned hypens before an extension # v1.9 [Never existed, jumped to v2.0] {{{2 # v2.0 Complete rewrite of most areas. For one, it's no longer "Anime Renamer" but "TV Series Renamer" {{{2 # - Support for TVtorrents.com format # - Series renaming approached in new manner - find episode number, and discard everything else # - Allow series name to be specified from command-line # - New support for s1e08, 1x08 and (with '-dubious' option) 108 epNumber formats # - File filters via reg expression (can be disabled with '-nofilter' option) # - Script always skips over itself when renaming, and it's input file (if used) # - Searches for AniDB.txt and TVtorrents.txt by default, setting appropriate format if found # - Series name is assumed to be the currect directory's name unless otherwise specified/overridden # - Option to display detailed proposal ('before -> after', instead of just 'after') # - Added "-preproc" option to allow easy one-time script alterations # - Checks target files names, so files won't be inadvertantly wiped out anymore # - Checks input for multiple definitions of the same episode, displays warnings as appropriate. # - Ep number is padded with leading zeros to match length of largest epNumber in input # - Group tags (such as '[AniCo]') are now preserved. Can be stripped by using '-nogroup' option # - Added '-unixy' option to replace spaces with underscores (usually it's the other way around) # # v2.1 Re-coded to avoid use of 'enum' package as most don't seem to have it {{{2 # - "Group" tags are checked against episode titles, and dropped as appropriate # - Added -postproc option to allow easy one-time script alterations. # - Improved file-already-exists detection (no more 'Duplicate target...' errors when the problem is # the target already exists) # - Considerable rewrite of many areas (added subroutines & clean-up), should be easier to extend now # # v2.2 Added "-cleanup" option to allow renaming without input: still moves group tags to the end and {{{2 # works with some other switches (-unixy, -detailed and -nofilter) # - BugFix: Episode number is mistakenly extracted from a group tag # - Automatically applies "-nogap" if series name ends with a x preceeded by a digit # # v2.3 Fixed glitch in logic which meant that "[group] series ep#.ext" type filenames would still {{{2 # incorrectly extract the episode number from the series name if it contains one (such as Ichigo 100%, # or Samurai 7). This was due to the presence of the [group], so I fiddled the order these are handled. # - Fixed bug which always printed "1 dubious names extraction" regardless of the true count, and tweaked # it so dubious name extractions don't count as warnings anymore # # v2.4 Added TVtome.com support to recognised formats {{{2 # - Added option to display a detailed view at the confirmation prompt (enter '?' to do so) # # v2.5 Omit "(Complete)" from end of series name, if present {{{2 # - Added "AutoDetect format" feature (now the default) # - BUGFIX: No longer loses last char of TVtome input in STDIN mode (changed assumption of "\n" to "\r") # - BUGFIX: epNumber padding was misaligned (would only pad to two digits if ep 11 existed, instead of just 10) # # v2.6 Added "TV.com" format support (TVtome.com has been replaced!) {{{2 # - BUGFIX: Sometimes would expect multi-line repsonse to "Proceed with changes? [y/n/?]" # # v2.7 Added 'TV.com "All Seasons"' format support - this uses the "All Seasons" episode listing for {{{2 # a season, and overcomes issues with episode numbers in seaons 2 onwards being offset (i.e. 2x01 would be # listed at episode 16). # - Added some colouring to ouput (red errors etc), and fiddled default verbosity # - Now beeps only if parsing produced warnings # - Added .mp4 to list of default extensions # # v2.8 Internal limitation fix (episodes numbered '0' are now allowed) {{{2 # - Added "interactive" mode which allows manually selection of changes # - Added (unpolished) support for double-episodes (i.e. 11-12, 01-02, 1-2, 11&12, etc) # - Changed the way userprompts work (automatically grabs first keystroke) # - BUGFIX: Renumbering 0|Pilot to 1|Pilot did not actually check the epTitle # # v2.9 Added file number schemes, now supports sXXeYY, XxYY and YY. Default behaviour is unchanged. {{{2 # - Changed all command-line options to have two minus signs - EG "-AutoDetect" became "--AutoDetect". This is # move conventional. # - BUGFIX: Leading/trailing whitespace was sometimes included around episode title in the proposed filename. # # v2.10 BUGFIX: Episode "Specials" were not been given titles {{{2 # - Episode "Specials" now support double-episode, not that I think that'll ever be used. # # v2.11 Added ability to fetch and parse input from the web {{{2 # - Added new parser for AniDB html pages ("AniDB (fetched)" format) # - Improved autodetect code, now it's a bit easier to understand when adding / updating parsers # # v2.12 Added parser for "TV.com All Seasons (fetched)" format. {{{2 # - Scans for any *.URL or *.desktop file and grabs the link from it (.URL being a standard Windows internet # shortcut, while .desktop is the standard KDE / Gnome one), although any text file named something.URL with # an URL in it works. # - Changed default behavious with regards to dubious file number extraction # v2.13 Introduced "--rangemin", "--rangemax", "--autoranging" and "--noautoranging" to help control and overcome {{{2 # difficult input sources, such as TV.com All Seasons Mode (fetched) for Lost, which has some "special" episodes # for season two marked as episode 200 and 201 (i.e. S02E200, S02E201). Auto-Ranging looks for a large gap in # the input, and discards everything after this gap. You can also manally specify these values. # # v2.14 BUGFIX Duplicate entries in input started an infinite loop issuing warnings, thanks to Rolf Wojtech for fixing this! {{{2 # # v2.15 Added "--autoseries" switch, which grabs the series name from scraped data if possible {{{2 # - Updated filename parser to recognise "S1- E08" and "S1-E08" # - Added "--ANSI" and "--noANSI" to enable / disable colour. This will be useful for those using DOS without # "Win32::Console::ANSI" (which you can comment in at the top of the script). # # v2.16 Rewrote TVTorrents (pasted) parser {{{2 # - Converted "TV.com "All Seasons" (fetched)" mode -> "TV.com (monotonic)" mode and worked around TV.com's nasty decisions to # discard season/episode information in their all seasons listings. >.< # - Fixed oversight: Specifying an input format / source has priority over auto-detected choice now. # - Added "--autofetch" mode, which searches TV.com for the episode listing, and saves a link to avoid repeating the search # - Deprecated "TV.com All Seasons mode" - script now attempts to convert URLs from All Season to normal on the fly # - BUGFIX: Double episode support fixed (i.e. "Bleach 68-69.avi" & "Bleach S01E68-69.mpg" & "Bleach 68&69.mkv" etc) # # v2.17 Proposed changes are now sorted by destination, making it easier to check {{{2 # - "--separator=X" switch added. This allows you to specify the text that # appears between the episode number and the title (the default is " - ") # - Added EpGuides format (both pasted and fetched mode). "--EpGuides" or the # presence of "EpGuides.txt" will force the script to use EpGuides format. # - Added new preference "preferredSite", which dictates which site AutoFetch # mode searchs for data. Can be one of: # "TV.com" and "EpGuides.com". Default is now EpGuides.com. # - Added fallback to pilot episode name for EpGuides format. Much more # elegant that previous solutions # - Added "--pad=X" arugment which allows you to specify the number of digits # to pad the episode number to (E.G ep8 -> ep008 for "--pad=3") # - Season number in files names is now used to filter which episodes are # considered for renaming. So now having series 1 and 2 in the same folder # should be possible without problems, so long as the file names specify the season. # - Misc usability improvements, such as colour in error messages and # prompting user for clarifications (EG when season and URL season don't agree) # - ANSI colour disabled when script run in DOS # - BUGFIX: Command-line argument for input source is always respected (was just searching TV.com... >.< ) # # v2.18 Added unattended mode on request (--unattended) {{{2 # # v2.19 Reformatted --help message to fit within 80-char wide terminals. Heh. {{{2 # - Season-name detection expanded to use parent directory name if current # directory is called "Series 1" or "Season 2" etc # - Changes are now reversible via use of the "--reversible" switch which # creates (or updates) an undo script. Win32 stand-alone # users will be treated to a BATCH script, everyone else will get a PERL one. (unrename.bat / unrename.pl) # # v2.20 Added --gap=X, to allow custom gap characters (such as "." which was requested) {{{2 # - Fixed support for AniDB (they were gzipping their webpages) # - Added anime detection (looks for "anime" within absolute path to current directory) # - Added "--search=X" argument. Can be either "anime" or "tv", and defines which # set of sites to search. # - Extended AutoFetch to search AniDB.info # - Added Unicode support, *even for windows*, which was a non-trivial task as google will # assert. So now HTML Entities are represented as Unicode (EG: "♥" -> "♥"). Tested # with ASCII containing HTML Entities and UTF-8 containing Kanji. # # v2.21 Fixed bug AutoFetch mode which caused many searches to fail with AniDB {{{2 # (spaces were not being converted to %20 when sending data to the website). # # v2.22 BUGFIX: --reversible didn't log non-Unicode name changes in Windows / Cygwin {{{2 # # v2.23 Tidied --help up a lot and revisited many comments in the script proper {{{2 # Added --exclude_series, which excludes the series name from the new filename # and counter-part --include_series to override this (incase you set it to be # default) # Changed default behaviour, series name is dropped when current dir is called # "series 1" or similar # Added support for a preferences file. Place command-line arguments, one per # line, in a file called ".tvrenamerrc" in your home directory to use this. # Windows users: Your home directory is what you get when you go Start > Run # "explorer ." > OK - Note the "." in that command! # # v2.24 Updated to match changed to AniDB's page layout. {{{2 # BUGFIX: Fixes support for "s01 e01" in file names (space wasn't allowed before) # # v2.25 AniDB search facility fixed, this also broke because of the new AniDB layout {{{2 # # v2.26 Added --associate-with-video-folders and --unassociate-with-video-folders, {{{2 # a pair of windows-specific switches to (un)install a registry change that # adds "Use TV Renamer Script" to the right-click menu of video folders # # v2.27 BUGFIX: Season numbers are treated as numbers now (were treated as strings), {{{2 # so season "06" becomes "6", which fixed automatic fetching from the web. # # v2.28 BUGFIX: Windows-specific associate with Video Folders was causing some people {{{2 # trouble. The script would set itself as the default action when double clicking # a folder - hence you couldn't open a folder anymore! This was because # some copies of Windows don't have the default @="open" specified in # their registry, the script now sets this when you associate. # ENHANCEMENT: Subtitle files are now renamed by default, no need for "--nofilter" # # v2.29 COMPATABILITY: Updated epguide format parser to handle Battlestar {{{2 # Galactica, which does not have a space between the episode number and # production code. # # v2.30 COMPATABILITY: Heirarchical paths (EG "24/Season 6") are now a bit {{{2 # fuzzier, allowing "24/Season.6" and the like # # v2.31 FLEXABILITY: --preproc evaluation moved earlier, to allow it to {{{2 # manipulate the filename _before_ file extensions are detected. # BUGFIX: Now prints "Reading preferences" message when doing so # MAINTENANCE: Updated AniDB parser in sympathy with AniDB.info's # changes. AniDB search facility also updated. # # v2.32 BUGFIX: Now prints newlines at end of messages {{{2 # BUGFIX: Re-worked AniDB parser so that alternative episode titles are # optional- this was causing some pages to be percieved as blank by the # script. # BUGFIX: Updated AniDB parsers in sympathy with changes to AniDB.info # layout changes # FEATURE: Added new scheme: XYY. This creates output suitable for the # --dubious option. E.g. S01E08 -> 108 # # v2.33 FEATURE: Added new --scheme variant: SXXEYY. I.e. an upper-case # alternative to the existing sXXeYY # # v2.34 BUGFIX: Series names which contained punctuation would confuse (or # crash!) the script if they happened to resemble a regular expression. # This also prevented it from being able to differentiate between # numbers in the series title and a file's episode number. # BUGFIX: Empty lines in config files no longer upset the script # BUGFIX: TV.com search fixed - the site's HTML layout changed a bit too # much # BUGFIX: Shortcut finding is now case-insensitive, so fixed for # MacOS/Linux/BSD # FEATURE: Now understands double-episode filenames of the form # s01.e08-e09 (note the second "e") # BUGFIX: EpGuides.com parser improved - entries do not have to have # been aired to be parsed correctly - thanks to Tony White for his patch! # BUGFIX: "Specials" name extraction didn't check if the "s" in front of # the episode number was "alone". If it was part of a word, strange # things happened. # BUGFIX: Filename extensions defined in the file filter (see --help) is # no-longer case-sensitive # # v2.35 BUGFIX: SXXEYY parsing had a couple of new bugs from v2.34 - either a # leading space was included with the SXXEYY snippet, or the "S" was # excluded. Removed the complex (and now unnecessary) file-name # pre-filter that was cauing the problem. # # v2.36 FEATURE: Added support for S00E00E00 file numbering formats, which # is more traditionally written as 00x00-00, e.g. "Season-name 1x12-13 # Eptitle-for-12 - Eptitle-for-13.ext" # # v2.37 BUGFIX: Dubious episode number extraction was broken in the previous # release # # v2.38 BUGFIX: Non-anime series now default to "--nogroup", and Anime to (new # option) "--group" # # v2.39 BUGFIX: Fixed Unicode support for UTF-8 systems (Linux and probably Mac OS X). # # v2.40 BUGFIX: Fixed compression support for generic-path HTTP sources (used # to only work for AniDB.info unique hits, not those that require # parsing a search-results page) # # ENHANCEMENT: Added --dontgroup and --dogroup options to disable/enable # special handling of filename text found between square brackets (e.g.: # '[AnCo]'). This is useful when the "group" is actually the episode # number (e.g.: '[3x15]') # # v2.41 BUGFIX: Unicode support was broken for epguides.com. Code-change is # global, so although my tests show it works for EpGuides and AniDB, # things may go wrong. # # v2.42 BUGFIX: Updated TV.com parser in response to site changes # # ENHANCEMENT: Adding --deaccent option, which strips accents from # proposed filenames. E.g.: è -> e # Thank you Brian Stolz for the patch! # # v2.43 ENHANCEMENT: Filename pattern-matching reordered such that 7x01 is # preferred over 8-00, which was causing problems with episodes of "24" # # v2.44 ENHANCEMENT: Pilot episode support for EpGuides vastly improved. # BUGFIX: --version doesn't print the version twice anymore # BUGFIX: Removed warning about $* being unsupported # # v2.45 ENHANCEMENT: EpGuides support improved by removing apostrophes from # series names before looking them up # ENHANCEMENT: Added --chdir=X which lets you specify the directory to rename # # v2.46 BUGFIX: Didn't properly test v2.45's --chdir support. Fixed # season-detection code when used with --chdir # MAINTENANCE: Updated EpGuides parser to remove "-img---a- -a-" from # certain episodes, caused by the embedding of image-links. # # v2.47 BUGFIX: --season wasn't overriding the auto-detection. Thanks Jørn # Odberg for pointing this out! # # v2.48 MAINTENANCE: Replace switch-statements with if..elsif..else # statements, to make it easier to compile the Win32 binary # # v2.49 BUGFIX: Comparison of $scheme was using '==' instead of 'eq' # BUGFIX: Specifying input file / URL on command line wasn't working # MAINTENANCE: Removed some redundant pattern matches in command-line parser # # v2.50 MAINTENANCE: AniDB.info changed back to AniDB.net # BUGFIX: AniDB.net data was always treated as compressed, even when not # the case (recent version of Perl decompress fetched data # automatically). Now uses proper detection. # # v2.51 MAINTENANCE: AniDB scraper updated in sympathy with site changes # ENHANCEMENT: Season number detection now supports following directory # name / layouts: # # SeriesName/2 # SeriesName/Series 2 # SeriesName/Season 2 # SeriesName 2x # SeriesName (2) # # # v2.52 FEATURE: List episodes missing from the user's collection with # --show-missing. (Thanks Baldur Karlsson!) # MAINTENANCE: --include_series and --exclude_series became # --include-series and --exclude-series (underscore became hyphen). Old # option names are still accepted (for compatibility with .tvrenamerrc # files) # # v2.53 MAINTENANCE: # EpGuides support updated to cope with annoying links to trailers / # recaps etc which now appear as <spans> within the episode titles. # Thanks to Frederic and Jasper for bringing this to my attention. # MAINTENANCE: # Added m4v to the filename filter (thanks Frederic!) # # v2.55 MAINTENANCE: # Fixed typo in user-facing message. # Added *.divx to supported extensions # Fixed #2, #5, and #6 on # https://github.com/meermanr/TVSeriesRenamer/issues # # #2: Script is not compatible with Perl v5.8.8 # #5: UTF-8 issues # #6: Need to strip commas from show name when querying epguides # # v2.56 BUGFIX: # TV.com support # MAINTENANCE: # Added support for season numbering with underscores as well as spaces # # v2.54 MAINTENANCE: # Fix EpGuides.com scraper - it sometimes missed the first character # of episode titles (bad regexp) # MAINTENANCE: # Better compatability with EpGuides.com - they remove "The" and "A" # from series titles when creating their URLs. This script did not # know about "A" until now. # FEATURE: # Double episodes' titles are merged so that their common prefix # does not appear. For instance, the following two episodes: # # Camdenites: Part 1 # Camdenites: Part 2 # # Used to become: # # Camdenites: Part 1 - Camdenites: Part 2 # # Now it becomes: # # Camdenites: Part 1 and 2 # # vim: set ft=perl ff=unix ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 fdm=marker fdc=4 noet: