/* * Colors * * Blue: #55acee * Graphite: #66757f * Graphite light: #99aab5 * Graphite lighter: #ccd6dd * Web topbar light: #c4e2f9 * * iOS topbar: #54acef * iOS topbar dark: #3886c1 * iOS topbar light: #88c9f9 * * Retweet (green): #77B255 * Favorite (orange): #ffac33 * iOS Favorite (yellow): #ffcc4d */ /* * Globals */ /* Prevent user backgrounds */ /* We scope this to the .logged-in so that iframes in Chrome don't inherit the background change */ body.logged-in { background-image: none !important; background-color: #fafafa !important; } /* * Reset theme styles */ /* Link colors */ a, .btn-link, .btn-link:focus, .icon-btn, .pretty-link b, .pretty-link:hover s, .pretty-link:hover b, .pretty-link:focus s, .pretty-link:focus b, .metadata a:hover, .metadata a:focus, .account-group:hover .fullname, .account-group:focus .fullname, .account-summary:focus .fullname, .message .message-text a, .stats a strong, .plain-btn:hover, .plain-btn:focus, .dropdown.open .user-dropdown.plain-btn, .open > .plain-btn, #global-actions .new:before, .module .list-link:hover, .module .list-link:focus, .stats a:hover, .stats a:hover strong, .stats a:focus, .stats a:focus strong, .profile-modal-header .fullname a:hover, .profile-modal-header .username a:hover, .profile-modal-header .fullname a:focus, .profile-modal-header .username a:focus, .story-article:hover .metadata, .story-article .metadata a:focus, .find-friends-sources li:hover .source, .stream-item a:hover .fullname, .stream-item a:focus .fullname, .stream-item .view-all-supplements:hover, .stream-item .view-all-supplements:focus, .tweet .time a:hover, .tweet .time a:focus, .tweet-actions a, .tweet .details.with-icn b, .tweet .details.with-icn .Icon, .stream-item:hover .original-tweet .expand-action-wrapper, .stream-item .original-tweet.focus .expand-action-wrapper, .opened-tweet.original-tweet .expand-action-wrapper, .stream-item:hover .original-tweet .details b, .stream-item .original-tweet.focus .details b, .stream-item.open .original-tweet .details b, .simple-tweet:hover .details b, .simple-tweet.focus .details b, .simple-tweet.open .details b, .simple-tweet:hover .details .expand-action-wrapper, .simple-tweet.focus .details .expand-action-wrapper, .simple-tweet.open .details .collapse-action-wrapper, .simple-tweet:hover .details .simple-details-link, .simple-tweet.focus .details .simple-details-link, .client-and-actions a:hover, .client-and-actions a:focus, .dismiss-promoted:hover b, .tweet .context .pretty-link:hover s, .tweet .context .pretty-link:hover b, .tweet .context .pretty-link:focus s, .tweet .context .pretty-link:focus b, .list .username a:hover, .list .username a:focus, .list-membership-container .create-a-list, .list-membership-container .create-a-list:hover, .story-header:hover .view-tweets, .card .list-details a:hover, .card .list-details a:focus, .card .card-body:hover .attribution, .card .card-body .attribution:focus, .events-card .card-body:hover .attribution, .events-card .card-body .attribution:focus, .new-tweets-bar, .onebox .soccer ul.ticker a:hover, .onebox .soccer ul.ticker a:focus, .discover-item-actions a, .disco-stream-item.disco_exp_actions_on_btm .more-tweet-actions .btn-link, .disco-stream-item.disco_exp_actions_on_btm_without_stats .more-tweet-actions .btn-link, .remove-background-btn, .stream-item-activity-me .latest-tweet .tweet-row a:hover, .stream-item-activity-me .latest-tweet .tweet-row a:focus, .stream-item-activity-me .latest-tweet .tweet-row a:hover b, .stream-item-activity-me .latest-tweet .tweet-row a:focus b { color: #3886c1 !important; } s, .pretty-link:hover s, .pretty-link:focus s, .stream-item-activity-me .latest-tweet .tweet-row a:hover s, .stream-item-activity-me .latest-tweet .tweet-row a:focus s { color: inherit !important; } /* Undo the overrides of the giant block above */ .tweet .context .pretty-link s, .tweet .context .pretty-link b, .Footer-link, .stream-item-activity-me .latest-tweet .tweet-row, .stream-item-activity-me .latest-tweet .tweet-row a, .stream-item-activity-me .latest-tweet .tweet-row b { color: #999 !important; } .profile-header .profile-card-inner h1, .profile-header .profile-card-inner h2, .profile-header .profile-card-inner p, .profile-header .profile-card-inner s, .profile-header .profile-card-inner a, .profile-header .profile-card-inner a b, .profile-header .profile-card-inner a:hover s, .profile-header .profile-card-inner a:hover b, .enhanced-mini-profile .mini-profile .profile-summary a:hover .fullname, .enhanced-mini-profile .mini-profile .profile-summary a:hover .screen-name { color: #fff !important; } /* Background styles */ .dropdown-menu li > a:hover, .dropdown-menu li > a:focus, .dropdown-menu .dropdown-link:hover, .dropdown-menu .dropdown-link:focus, .dropdown-menu li:hover .dropdown-link, .dropdown-menu li:focus .dropdown-link, .dropdown-menu .typeahead-recent-search-item.selected, .dropdown-menu .typeahead-saved-search-item.selected, .dropdown-menu .selected a, .dropdown-menu .dropdown-link.selected { background-color: #54acef !important; color: #fff !important; } /* Move style overrides for embeds */ .u-textInheritAll, .u-textInheritAll:hover, .u-textInheritAll:focus, .u-textInheritAll:active { color: inherit !important; } /* * Buttons */ /* Commented out for now while I work on improving this stuff .btn:not(.plain-btn):not(.follow-button) { color: #fff !important; background-color: #55acee !important; background-image: none !important; border-color: #55acee !important; } .btn:focus { box-shadow: none !important; } .btn .Icon { color: inherit !important; } */ /* * Undo overzealous focus state */ .selected-stream-item:focus { box-shadow: none !important; } /* * Undo blocks of accent color bullshit */ .username { color: #99aab5 !important; } .time, .time a, .metadata, .metadata button.btn-link, .metadata a { color: #ccd6dd !important; } .username:hover, .time:hover, .time a:hover, .metadata:hover, .metadata button.btn-link:hover, .metadata a:hover { color: #55acee !important; } /* * Inverted topbar */ /* Tweak the borders */ .topbar, .global-nav { border-bottom: 0 !important; } .global-nav-inner { background-color: #55acee !important; } /* Container should go full width */ .global-nav .container { max-width: none !important; padding-left: 10px !important; padding-right: 5px !important; } /* Bird */ .bird-topbar-etched { position: absolute !important; top: 0 !important; left: 50% !important; margin-left: -12px !important; color: #fff !important; } /* Nav */ #global-actions > li > a { color: #c4e2f9 !important; border: 0 !important; height: 46px !important; transition: all .1s ease-in-out !important; } #global-actions > li:hover > a { color: #fff !important; } #global-actions > li.active > a, #global-actions > li.active:hover > a { color: #fff !important; } /* Neutralize the unread nav indicator */ #global-actions .new:before { color: #fff !important; } /* Tweak the DM and settings nav links to match */ .global-nav .pull-right .right-actions { margin-right: -5px !important; } .nav.right-actions > li > a, .nav.right-actions > li > button { color: #c4e2f9 !important; opacity: 1 !important; } .nav.right-actions > li > a:hover, .nav.right-actions > li > button:hover, .nav.right-actions > li > a:focus, .nav.right-actions > li > button:focus { color: #fff !important; } /* DM unread */ .global-dm-nav.new.with-count .dm-new { background-color: #54acef !important; } /* Normalize the DM and Settings icons */ .nav.right-actions > li > a, .nav.right-actions > li > button { /* Undo the `height: 100%;` and manually reset it to 46px so that tooltips for each link are properly aligned. */ height: 46px !important; } /* Undo the line-height that's added to only the DM icon, which overrides the original `line-height` that's been set on the icon base class. */ .nav.right-actions .global-dm-nav .Icon { line-height: 1 !important; } /* Restyle the new tweet icon to blend into the topbar */ #global-new-tweet-button { margin-top: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; color: #c4e2f9 !important; background-color: transparent !important; background-image: none !important; border: 0 !important; opacity: 1 !important; } #global-new-tweet-button:hover { color: #fff !important; } /* Search field */ .global-nav .form-search .search-input { font-size: 13px !important; line-height: 18px !important; /* Vertically center the text */ color: #81c1f2 !important; background-color: #3886c1 !important; opacity: 1 !important; } .global-nav .form-search .search-input:placeholder { color: #81c1f2 !important; } /* Make body match topbar */ .wrapper, .wrapper-narrow { padding-top: 60px !important; /* Undo the now pointless side padding here since the white/black wash is gone */ padding-left: 0 !important; padding-right: 0 !important; } /* Widen the .wrapper to make the gutter betwee dashboard and main content 14px, which then equals the padding adjusted padding between topbar and content (60px above). */ .wrapper { width: 894px !important; } /* Three-column wrapper */ body.three-col .wrapper { width: 1190px !important; } /* Reiterate to keep permalinks from becoming too wide */ .wrapper-permalink { width: 592px !important; } /* * Sidebar modules * * Scoped to .dashboard to avoid interference with modal modules. */ .module { margin-bottom: 14px !important; /* Match gutters between dashboard and main content */ background-color: #fff !important; border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.1) !important; } .module .flex-module { border: 0 !important; } /* Profile */ .mini-profile { position: relative !important; padding-top: 190px !important; } .mini-profile .profile-summary { position: absolute !important; top: -1px !important; left: -1px !important; right: -1px !important; background-color: transparent !important; } .home-tweet-box, .rosetta .dm-tweetbox, .rosetta .WebNotification-buffer--altColor, .content-main .conversations-enabled .expansion-container .inline-reply-tweetbox { background-color: #f9f9f9 !important; } .home-tweet-box { border-top: 1px solid #eee !important; } .tweet-box[contenteditable="true"] { border-color: #ddd !important; } /* Outright hide WTF */ .dashboard .wtf-module { display: none !important; } /* Nav links */ .module .list-link, .search-more-options .btn-link { border: 0 !important; } .module .js-nav-links > li + li .list-link { border-top: 1px solid #eee !important; } /* Make nav links gray instead of link color */ .module .list-link, .search-more-options .btn-link { color: #99aab5 !important; } .module .list-link .Icon--caretRight, .search-more-options .btn-link .Icon--caretRight { opacity: .5 !important; } /* Overrides for active state */ .module .active .list-link, .search-more-options .active .btn-link { color: #66757f !important; } .module .list-link .active .Icon--caretRight, .search-more-options .active .btn-link .Icon--caretRight { opacity: 1 !important; } /* Stats (for dashboard and mini profiles) */ .stats { margin-left: 1px !important; margin-right: 1px !important; border: 0 !important; background-color: transparent !important; } .stats a { color: #99aab5 !important; } .stats a strong { padding-top: 2px !important; color: #66757f !important; font-size: 14px !important; font-weight: 500 !important; line-height: 1 !important; } .stats a:hover, .stats a:hover strong { color: #55acee !important; } /* Make dashboard stats equal width */ .dashboard .stats { display: table !important; table-layout: fixed !important; width: 100% !important; padding: 0 !important; } .dashboard .stats li { display: table-cell !important; width: 1% !important; float: none !important; margin: 0 !important; } .dashboard .stats li a { display: block !important; float: none !important; padding: 10px !important; line-height: 1 !important; } .dashboard .stats li + li { border-left: 1px solid #eee !important; } /* * Main content area */ .content-header, .content-no-header, .stream-item, .stream-item.open, .unfocusable-stream-item { border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.1) !important; } /* New tweets loading bar */ .new-tweets-bar { margin-right: -1px !important; margin-left: -1px !important; font-weight: 500 !important; color: #fff !important; background-color: #54acef !important; border-color: #54acef !important; transition: all .1s ease-in-out; } .new-tweets-bar:hover { background-color: #3886c1 !important; border-color: #3886c1 !important; } /* * Tweets */ .tweet { border-bottom-color: #eee !important; } /* Move the time back to the right */ .tweet .time { float: right !important; } /* Hide the bullet before the timestamp */ .tweet .time:before { display: none !important; } .tweet .stream-item-footer { max-height: 24px !important; } .tweet .bottom-tweet-actions { height: 24px !important; margin-top: 5px !important; } .content-main .expansion-container .tweet.ancestor, .content-main .expansion-container .tweet.descendant, .content-main .expansion-container .view-more-container, .content-main .expansion-container .inline-reply-tweetbox, .original-tweet:hover, .conversation-module .conversation-tweet-item .tweet:hover { background-color: #f9f9f9 !important; } .open .tweet:hover, .original-tweet-container .original-tweet { background-color: #fff !important; } /* Tweet actions */ .tweet-actions { position: static !important; float: none !important; padding-left: 0 !important; margin-left: -10px !important; background-color: transparent !important; box-shadow: none !important; } .tweet-actions a, .tweet-actions .btn-link { margin-left: 0 !important; padding: 3px 10px !important; color: #ccd6dd !important; } .tweet:hover .tweet-actions a, .tweet:hover .tweet-actions .btn-link { color: #99aab5 !important; } /* Recolor the favorited Favorite star */ .favorited .Icon--favorite, .Icon--favorited { color: #ffcc4d !important; } /* Hide the text */ .tweet-actions b { display: none !important; } /* Twerk the icons */ .tweet .tweet-actions .Icon { font-size: 14px !important; } /* Hide the details to make room for the tweet actions */ .tweet .details, .client-and-actions { display: none !important; } /* Reapply tweet stats borders */ .tweet .stats { border-top: 1px solid #eee !important; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee !important; } /* Hide the inline replies caret */ .inline-reply-caret { display: none !important; } /* Line */ .vellip, .vellip:before, .vellip:after, .conversation-module > li:after, .conversation-module > li:before { background-color: #99aab5 !important; } /* Don't use inverted icons for Activity feed */ .stream-item-activity-me .activity-type { top: 9px !important; } .activity-type .Icon { font-size: 14px !important; width: 16px !important; text-align: center !important; } .activity-type .Icon--retweeted:before, .context .with-icn .Icon--retweeted:before { content: "\f152" !important; } .activity-type .Icon--favorited:before, .context .with-icn .Icon--favorited:before { content: "\f147" !important; color: #ffcc4d !important; } .activity-type .Icon--follower:before, .context .with-icn .Icon--follower:before { content: "\f056" !important; } /* Permalinks */ .inline-reply-tweetbox, .modal-content .activity-content .stream-item { background-color: #f9f9f9 !important; } /* Hide Promoted tweets */ .promoted-tweet { display: none !important; } /* * Inline content */ /* Vine */ .with-media-forward .expanded-content .card2 { position: relative; height: 215px !important; margin-top: 10px !important; } .with-media-forward.opened-tweet .expanded-content .card2 { height: auto !important; } .with-media-forward .expanded-content .card2 .media-preview { top: 0 !important; } /* * Modals */ .modal-header, .gallery-container .modal-header { background-image: none !important; /* Prevent accent color */ border-bottom-color: #eee !important; } .modal .module { border: 0 !important; } /* New tweet modal */ #global-tweet-dialog .modal-footer { /* Prevent accent color */ background-color: #f5f5f5 !important; } /* * Profile page */ /* Prevent below changes to profile headers from applying to hovercards */ .hovercard.profile-card.profile-header { padding-top: 0px !important; width: 290px !important; } /* Enable header image to be positioned absolutely so that it overlays the module border */ .profile-card.profile-header { position: relative !important; width: 588px !important; /* Make it match the width of the tweets */ padding-top: 295px !important; /* Create empty space for the positioned profile header */ } /* Re-position the header image to overlay the module border */ .profile-card.profile-header .profile-header-inner { position: absolute !important; top: -1px !important; right: -1px !important; left: -1px !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; } /* Reset the profile header in a modal */ #profile_popup-dialog .profile-card.profile-header { width: 520px !important; padding-top: 0 !important; } #profile_popup-dialog .profile-card.profile-header .profile-header-inner { position: static !important; } /* Hide tweet actions in recent tweets */ .recent-tweets .tweet-actions { display: none !important; } /* * Settings page */ /* hide the mini profile from dashbaord on settings pages */ .wrapper-settings .mini-profile { display: none; } /* override settings headers to match lighter typographic style */ .wrapper-settings .settings-header { color: #66757f; font-size: 22px; font-weight: 200; line-height: 22px; } /* Dashboard Profile Card */ .DashboardProfileCard-screennameLink { color: #66757f !important; } .DashboardProfileCard-stats { padding: 10px !important; } .DashboardProfileCard-statLabel, .DashboardProfileCard-statValue { text-align: left !important; } .DashboardProfileCard-statLabel, .DashboardProfileCard-stat:hover .DashboardProfileCard-statLabel { font-size: 10px !important; color: #99aab5 !important; } .DashboardProfileCard-statValue { color: #66757f !important; font-size: 14px !important; } .DashboardProfileCard-statValue:hover { color: #55acee !important; } .module .tweet-box { background-color: #f9f9f9 !important; border-color: #E6E6E6 !important; } .DashboardProfileCard-tweetbox .tweet-box { background-color: #fff !important; border-color: #E6E6E6 !important; } #tweet-box-mini-home-profile { font-size: 13px; }