#!/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This file is part of the web2py Web Framework Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro License: LGPLv3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) Thanks to * Niall Sweeny for MS SQL support * Marcel Leuthi for Oracle support * Denes * Chris Clark * clach05 * Denes Lengyel * and many others who have contributed to current and previous versions This file contains the DAL support for many relational databases, including: - SQLite & SpatiaLite - MySQL - Postgres - Firebird - Oracle - MS SQL - DB2 - Interbase - Ingres - Informix (9+ and SE) - SapDB (experimental) - Cubrid (experimental) - CouchDB (experimental) - MongoDB (in progress) - Google:nosql - Google:sql - Teradata - IMAP (experimental) Example of usage: >>> # from dal import DAL, Field ### create DAL connection (and create DB if it doesn't exist) >>> db = DAL(('sqlite://storage.sqlite','mysql://a:b@localhost/x'), ... folder=None) ### define a table 'person' (create/alter as necessary) >>> person = db.define_table('person',Field('name','string')) ### insert a record >>> id = person.insert(name='James') ### retrieve it by id >>> james = person(id) ### retrieve it by name >>> james = person(name='James') ### retrieve it by arbitrary query >>> query = (person.name=='James') & (person.name.startswith('J')) >>> james = db(query).select(person.ALL)[0] ### update one record >>> james.update_record(name='Jim') ### update multiple records by query >>> db(person.name.like('J%')).update(name='James') 1 ### delete records by query >>> db(person.name.lower() == 'jim').delete() 0 ### retrieve multiple records (rows) >>> people = db(person).select(orderby=person.name, ... groupby=person.name, limitby=(0,100)) ### further filter them >>> james = people.find(lambda row: row.name == 'James').first() >>> print james.id, james.name 1 James ### check aggregates >>> counter = person.id.count() >>> print db(person).select(counter).first()(counter) 1 ### delete one record >>> james.delete_record() 1 ### delete (drop) entire database table >>> person.drop() Supported field types: id string text boolean integer double decimal password upload blob time date datetime Supported DAL URI strings: 'sqlite://test.db' 'spatialite://test.db' 'sqlite:memory' 'spatialite:memory' 'jdbc:sqlite://test.db' 'mysql://root:none@localhost/test' 'postgres://mdipierro:password@localhost/test' 'postgres:psycopg2://mdipierro:password@localhost/test' 'postgres:pg8000://mdipierro:password@localhost/test' 'jdbc:postgres://mdipierro:none@localhost/test' 'mssql://web2py:none@A64X2/web2py_test' 'mssql2://web2py:none@A64X2/web2py_test' # alternate mappings 'oracle://username:password@database' 'firebird://user:password@server:3050/database' 'db2://DSN=dsn;UID=user;PWD=pass' 'firebird://username:password@hostname/database' 'firebird_embedded://username:password@c://path' 'informix://user:password@server:3050/database' 'informixu://user:password@server:3050/database' # unicode informix 'ingres://database' # or use an ODBC connection string, e.g. 'ingres://dsn=dsn_name' 'google:datastore' # for google app engine datastore 'google:sql' # for google app engine with sql (mysql compatible) 'teradata://DSN=dsn;UID=user;PWD=pass; DATABASE=database' # experimental 'imap://user:password@server:port' # experimental 'mongodb://user:password@server:port/database' # experimental For more info: help(DAL) help(Field) """ ################################################################################### # this file only exposes DAL and Field ################################################################################### __all__ = ['DAL', 'Field'] DEFAULTLENGTH = {'string':512, 'password':512, 'upload':512, 'text':2**15, 'blob':2**31} TIMINGSSIZE = 100 SPATIALLIBS = { 'Windows':'libspatialite', 'Linux':'libspatialite.so', 'Darwin':'libspatialite.dylib' } DEFAULT_URI = 'sqlite://dummy.db' import re import sys import locale import os import types import datetime import threading import time import csv import cgi import copy import socket import logging import base64 import shutil import marshal import decimal import struct import urllib import hashlib import uuid import glob import traceback import platform PYTHON_VERSION = sys.version_info[0] if PYTHON_VERSION == 2: import cPickle as pickle import cStringIO as StringIO import copy_reg as copyreg hashlib_md5 = hashlib.md5 bytes, unicode = str, unicode else: import pickle from io import StringIO as StringIO import copyreg long = int hashlib_md5 = lambda s: hashlib.md5(bytes(s,'utf8')) bytes, unicode = bytes, str CALLABLETYPES = (types.LambdaType, types.FunctionType, types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.MethodType, types.BuiltinMethodType) TABLE_ARGS = set( ('migrate','primarykey','fake_migrate','format','redefine', 'singular','plural','trigger_name','sequence_name', 'common_filter','polymodel','table_class','on_define','actual_name')) SELECT_ARGS = set( ('orderby', 'groupby', 'limitby','required', 'cache', 'left', 'distinct', 'having', 'join','for_update', 'processor','cacheable', 'orderby_on_limitby')) ogetattr = object.__getattribute__ osetattr = object.__setattr__ exists = os.path.exists pjoin = os.path.join ################################################################################### # following checks allow the use of dal without web2py, as a standalone module ################################################################################### try: from utils import web2py_uuid except (ImportError, SystemError): import uuid def web2py_uuid(): return str(uuid.uuid4()) try: import portalocker have_portalocker = True except ImportError: have_portalocker = False try: import serializers have_serializers = True except ImportError: have_serializers = False try: import json as simplejson except ImportError: try: import gluino.contrib.simplejson as simplejson except ImportError: simplejson = None try: import validators have_validators = True except (ImportError, SyntaxError): have_validators = False LOGGER = logging.getLogger("web2py.dal") DEFAULT = lambda:0 GLOBAL_LOCKER = threading.RLock() THREAD_LOCAL = threading.local() # internal representation of tables with field # ., tables and fields may only be [a-zA-Z0-9_] REGEX_TYPE = re.compile('^([\w\_\:]+)') REGEX_DBNAME = re.compile('^(\w+)(\:\w+)*') REGEX_W = re.compile('^\w+$') REGEX_TABLE_DOT_FIELD = re.compile('^(\w+)\.(\w+)$') REGEX_UPLOAD_PATTERN = re.compile('(?P
[\w\-]+)\.(?P[\w\-]+)\.(?P[\w\-]+)\.(?P\w+)\.\w+$') REGEX_CLEANUP_FN = re.compile('[\'"\s;]+') REGEX_UNPACK = re.compile('(?\w{1,5})$') REGEX_QUOTES = re.compile("'[^']*'") REGEX_ALPHANUMERIC = re.compile('^[0-9a-zA-Z]\w*$') REGEX_PASSWORD = re.compile('\://([^:@]*)\:') REGEX_NOPASSWD = re.compile('\/\/[\w\.\-]+[\:\/](.+)(?=@)') # was '(?<=[\:\/])([^:@/]+)(?=@.+)' # list of drivers will be built on the fly # and lists only what is available DRIVERS = [] try: from new import classobj from google.appengine.ext import db as gae from google.appengine.api import namespace_manager, rdbms from google.appengine.api.datastore_types import Key ### for belongs on ID from google.appengine.ext.db.polymodel import PolyModel DRIVERS.append('google') except ImportError: pass if not 'google' in DRIVERS: try: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite2 DRIVERS.append('SQLite(sqlite2)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no SQLite drivers pysqlite2.dbapi2') try: from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 DRIVERS.append('SQLite(sqlite3)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no SQLite drivers sqlite3') try: # first try contrib driver, then from site-packages (if installed) try: import contrib.pymysql as pymysql # monkeypatch pymysql because they havent fixed the bug: # https://github.com/petehunt/PyMySQL/issues/86 pymysql.ESCAPE_REGEX = re.compile("'") pymysql.ESCAPE_MAP = {"'": "''"} # end monkeypatch except ImportError: import pymysql DRIVERS.append('MySQL(pymysql)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no MySQL driver pymysql') try: import MySQLdb DRIVERS.append('MySQL(MySQLdb)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no MySQL driver MySQLDB') try: import psycopg2 from psycopg2.extensions import adapt as psycopg2_adapt DRIVERS.append('PostgreSQL(psycopg2)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no PostgreSQL driver psycopg2') try: # first try contrib driver, then from site-packages (if installed) try: import contrib.pg8000.dbapi as pg8000 except ImportError: import pg8000.dbapi as pg8000 DRIVERS.append('PostgreSQL(pg8000)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no PostgreSQL driver pg8000') try: import cx_Oracle DRIVERS.append('Oracle(cx_Oracle)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no Oracle driver cx_Oracle') try: try: import pyodbc except ImportError: try: import contrib.pypyodbc as pyodbc except Exception, e: raise ImportError(str(e)) DRIVERS.append('MSSQL(pyodbc)') DRIVERS.append('DB2(pyodbc)') DRIVERS.append('Teradata(pyodbc)') DRIVERS.append('Ingres(pyodbc)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no MSSQL/DB2/Teradata/Ingres driver pyodbc') try: import Sybase DRIVERS.append('Sybase(Sybase)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no Sybase driver') try: import kinterbasdb DRIVERS.append('Interbase(kinterbasdb)') DRIVERS.append('Firebird(kinterbasdb)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no Firebird/Interbase driver kinterbasdb') try: import fdb DRIVERS.append('Firebird(fdb)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no Firebird driver fdb') ##### try: import firebirdsql DRIVERS.append('Firebird(firebirdsql)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no Firebird driver firebirdsql') try: import informixdb DRIVERS.append('Informix(informixdb)') LOGGER.warning('Informix support is experimental') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no Informix driver informixdb') try: import sapdb DRIVERS.append('SQL(sapdb)') LOGGER.warning('SAPDB support is experimental') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no SAP driver sapdb') try: import cubriddb DRIVERS.append('Cubrid(cubriddb)') LOGGER.warning('Cubrid support is experimental') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no Cubrid driver cubriddb') try: from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC import java.sql # Try sqlite jdbc driver from http://www.zentus.com/sqlitejdbc/ from org.sqlite import JDBC # required by java.sql; ensure we have it zxJDBC_sqlite = java.sql.DriverManager DRIVERS.append('PostgreSQL(zxJDBC)') DRIVERS.append('SQLite(zxJDBC)') LOGGER.warning('zxJDBC support is experimental') is_jdbc = True except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no SQLite/PostgreSQL driver zxJDBC') is_jdbc = False try: import couchdb DRIVERS.append('CouchDB(couchdb)') except ImportError: LOGGER.debug('no Couchdb driver couchdb') try: import pymongo DRIVERS.append('MongoDB(pymongo)') except: LOGGER.debug('no MongoDB driver pymongo') try: import imaplib DRIVERS.append('IMAP(imaplib)') except: LOGGER.debug('no IMAP driver imaplib') PLURALIZE_RULES = [ (re.compile('child$'), re.compile('child$'), 'children'), (re.compile('oot$'), re.compile('oot$'), 'eet'), (re.compile('ooth$'), re.compile('ooth$'), 'eeth'), (re.compile('l[eo]af$'), re.compile('l([eo])af$'), 'l\\1aves'), (re.compile('sis$'), re.compile('sis$'), 'ses'), (re.compile('man$'), re.compile('man$'), 'men'), (re.compile('ife$'), re.compile('ife$'), 'ives'), (re.compile('eau$'), re.compile('eau$'), 'eaux'), (re.compile('lf$'), re.compile('lf$'), 'lves'), (re.compile('[sxz]$'), re.compile('$'), 'es'), (re.compile('[^aeioudgkprt]h$'), re.compile('$'), 'es'), (re.compile('(qu|[^aeiou])y$'), re.compile('y$'), 'ies'), (re.compile('$'), re.compile('$'), 's'), ] def pluralize(singular, rules=PLURALIZE_RULES): for line in rules: re_search, re_sub, replace = line plural = re_search.search(singular) and re_sub.sub(replace, singular) if plural: return plural def hide_password(uri): if isinstance(uri,(list,tuple)): return [hide_password(item) for item in uri] return REGEX_NOPASSWD.sub('******',uri) def OR(a,b): return a|b def AND(a,b): return a&b def IDENTITY(x): return x def varquote_aux(name,quotestr='%s'): return name if REGEX_W.match(name) else quotestr % name def quote_keyword(a,keyword='timestamp'): regex = re.compile('\.keyword(?=\w)') a = regex.sub('."%s"' % keyword,a) return a if 'google' in DRIVERS: is_jdbc = False class GAEDecimalProperty(gae.Property): """ GAE decimal implementation """ data_type = decimal.Decimal def __init__(self, precision, scale, **kwargs): super(GAEDecimalProperty, self).__init__(self, **kwargs) d = '1.' for x in range(scale): d += '0' self.round = decimal.Decimal(d) def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance): value = super(GAEDecimalProperty, self)\ .get_value_for_datastore(model_instance) if value is None or value == '': return None else: return str(value) def make_value_from_datastore(self, value): if value is None or value == '': return None else: return decimal.Decimal(value).quantize(self.round) def validate(self, value): value = super(GAEDecimalProperty, self).validate(value) if value is None or isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): return value elif isinstance(value, basestring): return decimal.Decimal(value) raise gae.BadValueError("Property %s must be a Decimal or string."\ % self.name) ################################################################################### # class that handles connection pooling (all adapters are derived from this one) ################################################################################### class ConnectionPool(object): POOLS = {} check_active_connection = True @staticmethod def set_folder(folder): THREAD_LOCAL.folder = folder # ## this allows gluon to commit/rollback all dbs in this thread def close(self,action='commit',really=True): if action: if callable(action): action(self) else: getattr(self, action)() # ## if you want pools, recycle this connection if self.pool_size: GLOBAL_LOCKER.acquire() pool = ConnectionPool.POOLS[self.uri] if len(pool) < self.pool_size: pool.append(self.connection) really = False GLOBAL_LOCKER.release() if really: self.close_connection() self.connection = None @staticmethod def close_all_instances(action): """ to close cleanly databases in a multithreaded environment """ dbs = getattr(THREAD_LOCAL,'db_instances',{}).items() for db_uid, db_group in dbs: for db in db_group: if hasattr(db,'_adapter'): db._adapter.close(action) getattr(THREAD_LOCAL,'db_instances',{}).clear() getattr(THREAD_LOCAL,'db_instances_zombie',{}).clear() if callable(action): action(None) return def find_or_make_work_folder(self): """ this actually does not make the folder. it has to be there """ self.folder = getattr(THREAD_LOCAL,'folder','') # Creating the folder if it does not exist if False and self.folder and not exists(self.folder): os.mkdir(self.folder) def after_connection_hook(self): """hook for the after_connection parameter""" if callable(self._after_connection): self._after_connection(self) self.after_connection() def after_connection(self): """ this it is supposed to be overloaded by adapters""" pass def reconnect(self, f=None, cursor=True): """ this function defines: self.connection and self.cursor (iff cursor is True) if self.pool_size>0 it will try pull the connection from the pool if the connection is not active (closed by db server) it will loop if not self.pool_size or no active connections in pool makes a new one """ if getattr(self,'connection', None) != None: return if f is None: f = self.connector # if not hasattr(self, "driver") or self.driver is None: # LOGGER.debug("Skipping connection since there's no driver") # return if not self.pool_size: self.connection = f() self.cursor = cursor and self.connection.cursor() else: uri = self.uri POOLS = ConnectionPool.POOLS while True: GLOBAL_LOCKER.acquire() if not uri in POOLS: POOLS[uri] = [] if POOLS[uri]: self.connection = POOLS[uri].pop() GLOBAL_LOCKER.release() self.cursor = cursor and self.connection.cursor() try: if self.cursor and self.check_active_connection: self.execute('SELECT 1;') break except: pass else: GLOBAL_LOCKER.release() self.connection = f() self.cursor = cursor and self.connection.cursor() break self.after_connection_hook() ################################################################################### # this is a generic adapter that does nothing; all others are derived from this one ################################################################################### class BaseAdapter(ConnectionPool): native_json = False driver = None driver_name = None drivers = () # list of drivers from which to pick connection = None commit_on_alter_table = False support_distributed_transaction = False uploads_in_blob = False can_select_for_update = True TRUE = 'T' FALSE = 'F' T_SEP = ' ' QUOTE_TEMPLATE = '"%s"' types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'CHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'TEXT', 'json': 'TEXT', 'password': 'CHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'BLOB', 'upload': 'CHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INTEGER', 'bigint': 'INTEGER', 'float':'DOUBLE', 'double': 'DOUBLE', 'decimal': 'DOUBLE', 'date': 'DATE', 'time': 'TIME', 'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP', 'id': 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', 'reference': 'INTEGER REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'TEXT', 'list:string': 'TEXT', 'list:reference': 'TEXT', # the two below are only used when DAL(...bigint_id=True) and replace 'id','reference' 'big-id': 'BIGINT PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } def id_query(self, table): return table._id != None def adapt(self, obj): return "'%s'" % obj.replace("'", "''") def smart_adapt(self, obj): if isinstance(obj,(int,float)): return str(obj) return self.adapt(str(obj)) def file_exists(self, filename): """ to be used ONLY for files that on GAE may not be on filesystem """ return exists(filename) def file_open(self, filename, mode='rb', lock=True): """ to be used ONLY for files that on GAE may not be on filesystem """ if have_portalocker and lock: fileobj = portalocker.LockedFile(filename,mode) else: fileobj = open(filename,mode) return fileobj def file_close(self, fileobj): """ to be used ONLY for files that on GAE may not be on filesystem """ if fileobj: fileobj.close() def file_delete(self, filename): os.unlink(filename) def find_driver(self,adapter_args,uri=None): if getattr(self,'driver',None) != None: return drivers_available = [driver for driver in self.drivers if driver in globals()] if uri: items = uri.split('://',1)[0].split(':') request_driver = items[1] if len(items)>1 else None else: request_driver = None request_driver = request_driver or adapter_args.get('driver') if request_driver: if request_driver in drivers_available: self.driver_name = request_driver self.driver = globals().get(request_driver) else: raise RuntimeError("driver %s not available" % request_driver) elif drivers_available: self.driver_name = drivers_available[0] self.driver = globals().get(self.driver_name) else: raise RuntimeError("no driver available %s" % str(self.drivers)) def __init__(self, db,uri,pool_size=0, folder=None, db_codec='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={},do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "None" self.uri = uri self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection class Dummy(object): lastrowid = 1 def __getattr__(self, value): return lambda *a, **b: [] self.connection = Dummy() self.cursor = Dummy() def sequence_name(self,tablename): return '%s_sequence' % tablename def trigger_name(self,tablename): return '%s_sequence' % tablename def varquote(self,name): return name def create_table(self, table, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False, polymodel=None): db = table._db fields = [] # PostGIS geo fields are added after the table has been created postcreation_fields = [] sql_fields = {} sql_fields_aux = {} TFK = {} tablename = table._tablename sortable = 0 types = self.types for field in table: sortable += 1 field_name = field.name field_type = field.type if isinstance(field_type,SQLCustomType): ftype = field_type.native or field_type.type elif field_type.startswith('reference'): referenced = field_type[10:].strip() if referenced == '.': referenced = tablename constraint_name = self.constraint_name(tablename, field_name) if not '.' in referenced \ and referenced != tablename \ and hasattr(table,'_primarykey'): ftype = types['integer'] else: if hasattr(table,'_primarykey'): rtablename,rfieldname = referenced.split('.') rtable = db[rtablename] rfield = rtable[rfieldname] # must be PK reference or unique if rfieldname in rtable._primarykey or \ rfield.unique: ftype = types[rfield.type[:9]] % \ dict(length=rfield.length) # multicolumn primary key reference? if not rfield.unique and len(rtable._primarykey)>1: # then it has to be a table level FK if rtablename not in TFK: TFK[rtablename] = {} TFK[rtablename][rfieldname] = field_name else: ftype = ftype + \ types['reference FK'] % dict( constraint_name = constraint_name, # should be quoted foreign_key = '%s (%s)' % (rtablename, rfieldname), table_name = tablename, field_name = field_name, on_delete_action=field.ondelete) else: # make a guess here for circular references if referenced in db: id_fieldname = db[referenced]._id.name elif referenced == tablename: id_fieldname = table._id.name else: #make a guess id_fieldname = 'id' ftype = types[field_type[:9]] % dict( index_name = field_name+'__idx', field_name = field_name, constraint_name = constraint_name, foreign_key = '%s (%s)' % (referenced, id_fieldname), on_delete_action=field.ondelete) elif field_type.startswith('list:reference'): ftype = types[field_type[:14]] elif field_type.startswith('decimal'): precision, scale = map(int,field_type[8:-1].split(',')) ftype = types[field_type[:7]] % \ dict(precision=precision,scale=scale) elif field_type.startswith('geo'): if not hasattr(self,'srid'): raise RuntimeError('Adapter does not support geometry') srid = self.srid geotype, parms = field_type[:-1].split('(') if not geotype in types: raise SyntaxError( 'Field: unknown field type: %s for %s' \ % (field_type, field_name)) ftype = types[geotype] if self.dbengine == 'postgres' and geotype == 'geometry': # parameters: schema, srid, dimension dimension = 2 # GIS.dimension ??? parms = parms.split(',') if len(parms) == 3: schema, srid, dimension = parms elif len(parms) == 2: schema, srid = parms else: schema = parms[0] ftype = "SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('%%(schema)s', '%%(tablename)s', '%%(fieldname)s', %%(srid)s, '%s', %%(dimension)s);" % types[geotype] ftype = ftype % dict(schema=schema, tablename=tablename, fieldname=field_name, srid=srid, dimension=dimension) postcreation_fields.append(ftype) elif not field_type in types: raise SyntaxError('Field: unknown field type: %s for %s' % \ (field_type, field_name)) else: ftype = types[field_type]\ % dict(length=field.length) if not field_type.startswith('id') and \ not field_type.startswith('reference'): if field.notnull: ftype += ' NOT NULL' else: ftype += self.ALLOW_NULL() if field.unique: ftype += ' UNIQUE' if field.custom_qualifier: ftype += ' %s' % field.custom_qualifier # add to list of fields sql_fields[field_name] = dict( length=field.length, unique=field.unique, notnull=field.notnull, sortable=sortable, type=str(field_type), sql=ftype) if field.notnull and not field.default is None: # Caveat: sql_fields and sql_fields_aux # differ for default values. # sql_fields is used to trigger migrations and sql_fields_aux # is used for create tables. # The reason is that we do not want to trigger # a migration simply because a default value changes. not_null = self.NOT_NULL(field.default, field_type) ftype = ftype.replace('NOT NULL', not_null) sql_fields_aux[field_name] = dict(sql=ftype) # Postgres - PostGIS: # geometry fields are added after the table has been created, not now if not (self.dbengine == 'postgres' and \ field_type.startswith('geom')): fields.append('%s %s' % (field_name, ftype)) other = ';' # backend-specific extensions to fields if self.dbengine == 'mysql': if not hasattr(table, "_primarykey"): fields.append('PRIMARY KEY(%s)' % table._id.name) other = ' ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8;' fields = ',\n '.join(fields) for rtablename in TFK: rfields = TFK[rtablename] pkeys = db[rtablename]._primarykey fkeys = [ rfields[k] for k in pkeys ] fields = fields + ',\n ' + \ types['reference TFK'] % dict( table_name = tablename, field_name=', '.join(fkeys), foreign_table = rtablename, foreign_key = ', '.join(pkeys), on_delete_action = field.ondelete) if getattr(table,'_primarykey',None): query = "CREATE TABLE %s(\n %s,\n %s) %s" % \ (tablename, fields, self.PRIMARY_KEY(', '.join(table._primarykey)),other) else: query = "CREATE TABLE %s(\n %s\n)%s" % \ (tablename, fields, other) if self.uri.startswith('sqlite:///') \ or self.uri.startswith('spatialite:///'): path_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() \ or locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] or 'utf8' dbpath = self.uri[9:self.uri.rfind('/')]\ .decode('utf8').encode(path_encoding) else: dbpath = self.folder if not migrate: return query elif self.uri.startswith('sqlite:memory')\ or self.uri.startswith('spatialite:memory'): table._dbt = None elif isinstance(migrate, str): table._dbt = pjoin(dbpath, migrate) else: table._dbt = pjoin( dbpath, '%s_%s.table' % (table._db._uri_hash, tablename)) if table._dbt: table._loggername = pjoin(dbpath, 'sql.log') logfile = self.file_open(table._loggername, 'a') else: logfile = None if not table._dbt or not self.file_exists(table._dbt): if table._dbt: logfile.write('timestamp: %s\n' % datetime.datetime.today().isoformat()) logfile.write(query + '\n') if not fake_migrate: self.create_sequence_and_triggers(query,table) table._db.commit() # Postgres geom fields are added now, # after the table has been created for query in postcreation_fields: self.execute(query) table._db.commit() if table._dbt: tfile = self.file_open(table._dbt, 'w') pickle.dump(sql_fields, tfile) self.file_close(tfile) if fake_migrate: logfile.write('faked!\n') else: logfile.write('success!\n') else: tfile = self.file_open(table._dbt, 'r') try: sql_fields_old = pickle.load(tfile) except EOFError: self.file_close(tfile) self.file_close(logfile) raise RuntimeError('File %s appears corrupted' % table._dbt) self.file_close(tfile) if sql_fields != sql_fields_old: self.migrate_table(table, sql_fields, sql_fields_old, sql_fields_aux, logfile, fake_migrate=fake_migrate) self.file_close(logfile) return query def migrate_table( self, table, sql_fields, sql_fields_old, sql_fields_aux, logfile, fake_migrate=False, ): db = table._db db._migrated.append(table._tablename) tablename = table._tablename def fix(item): k,v=item if not isinstance(v,dict): v=dict(type='unknown',sql=v) return k.lower(),v # make sure all field names are lower case to avoid # migrations because of case cahnge sql_fields = dict(map(fix,sql_fields.iteritems())) sql_fields_old = dict(map(fix,sql_fields_old.iteritems())) sql_fields_aux = dict(map(fix,sql_fields_aux.iteritems())) if db._debug: logging.debug('migrating %s to %s' % (sql_fields_old,sql_fields)) keys = sql_fields.keys() for key in sql_fields_old: if not key in keys: keys.append(key) new_add = self.concat_add(tablename) metadata_change = False sql_fields_current = copy.copy(sql_fields_old) for key in keys: query = None if not key in sql_fields_old: sql_fields_current[key] = sql_fields[key] if self.dbengine in ('postgres',) and \ sql_fields[key]['type'].startswith('geometry'): # 'sql' == ftype in sql query = [ sql_fields[key]['sql'] ] else: query = ['ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s;' % \ (tablename, key, sql_fields_aux[key]['sql'].replace(', ', new_add))] metadata_change = True elif self.dbengine in ('sqlite', 'spatialite'): if key in sql_fields: sql_fields_current[key] = sql_fields[key] metadata_change = True elif not key in sql_fields: del sql_fields_current[key] ftype = sql_fields_old[key]['type'] if self.dbengine in ('postgres',) and ftype.startswith('geometry'): geotype, parms = ftype[:-1].split('(') schema = parms.split(',')[0] query = [ "SELECT DropGeometryColumn ('%(schema)s', '%(table)s', '%(field)s');" % dict(schema=schema, table=tablename, field=key,) ] elif self.dbengine in ('firebird',): query = ['ALTER TABLE %s DROP %s;' % (tablename, key)] else: query = ['ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s;' % (tablename, key)] metadata_change = True elif sql_fields[key]['sql'] != sql_fields_old[key]['sql'] \ and not (key in table.fields and isinstance(table[key].type, SQLCustomType)) \ and not sql_fields[key]['type'].startswith('reference')\ and not sql_fields[key]['type'].startswith('double')\ and not sql_fields[key]['type'].startswith('id'): sql_fields_current[key] = sql_fields[key] t = tablename tt = sql_fields_aux[key]['sql'].replace(', ', new_add) if self.dbengine in ('firebird',): drop_expr = 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP %s;' else: drop_expr = 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s;' key_tmp = key + '__tmp' query = ['ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s;' % (t, key_tmp, tt), 'UPDATE %s SET %s=%s;' % (t, key_tmp, key), drop_expr % (t, key), 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s;' % (t, key, tt), 'UPDATE %s SET %s=%s;' % (t, key, key_tmp), drop_expr % (t, key_tmp)] metadata_change = True elif sql_fields[key]['type'] != sql_fields_old[key]['type']: sql_fields_current[key] = sql_fields[key] metadata_change = True if query: logfile.write('timestamp: %s\n' % datetime.datetime.today().isoformat()) db['_lastsql'] = '\n'.join(query) for sub_query in query: logfile.write(sub_query + '\n') if fake_migrate: if db._adapter.commit_on_alter_table: self.save_dbt(table,sql_fields_current) logfile.write('faked!\n') else: self.execute(sub_query) # Caveat: mysql, oracle and firebird do not allow multiple alter table # in one transaction so we must commit partial transactions and # update table._dbt after alter table. if db._adapter.commit_on_alter_table: db.commit() self.save_dbt(table,sql_fields_current) logfile.write('success!\n') elif metadata_change: self.save_dbt(table,sql_fields_current) if metadata_change and not (query and db._adapter.commit_on_alter_table): db.commit() self.save_dbt(table,sql_fields_current) logfile.write('success!\n') def save_dbt(self,table, sql_fields_current): tfile = self.file_open(table._dbt, 'w') pickle.dump(sql_fields_current, tfile) self.file_close(tfile) def LOWER(self, first): return 'LOWER(%s)' % self.expand(first) def UPPER(self, first): return 'UPPER(%s)' % self.expand(first) def COUNT(self, first, distinct=None): return ('COUNT(%s)' if not distinct else 'COUNT(DISTINCT %s)') \ % self.expand(first) def EXTRACT(self, first, what): return "EXTRACT(%s FROM %s)" % (what, self.expand(first)) def EPOCH(self, first): return self.EXTRACT(first, 'epoch') def LENGTH(self, first): return "LENGTH(%s)" % self.expand(first) def AGGREGATE(self, first, what): return "%s(%s)" % (what, self.expand(first)) def JOIN(self): return 'JOIN' def LEFT_JOIN(self): return 'LEFT JOIN' def RANDOM(self): return 'Random()' def NOT_NULL(self, default, field_type): return 'NOT NULL DEFAULT %s' % self.represent(default,field_type) def COALESCE(self, first, second): expressions = [self.expand(first)]+[self.expand(e) for e in second] return 'COALESCE(%s)' % ','.join(expressions) def COALESCE_ZERO(self, first): return 'COALESCE(%s,0)' % self.expand(first) def RAW(self, first): return first def ALLOW_NULL(self): return '' def SUBSTRING(self, field, parameters): return 'SUBSTR(%s,%s,%s)' % (self.expand(field), parameters[0], parameters[1]) def PRIMARY_KEY(self, key): return 'PRIMARY KEY(%s)' % key def _drop(self, table, mode): return ['DROP TABLE %s;' % table] def drop(self, table, mode=''): db = table._db if table._dbt: logfile = self.file_open(table._loggername, 'a') queries = self._drop(table, mode) for query in queries: if table._dbt: logfile.write(query + '\n') self.execute(query) db.commit() del db[table._tablename] del db.tables[db.tables.index(table._tablename)] db._remove_references_to(table) if table._dbt: self.file_delete(table._dbt) logfile.write('success!\n') def _insert(self, table, fields): if fields: keys = ','.join(f.name for f, v in fields) values = ','.join(self.expand(v, f.type) for f, v in fields) return 'INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES (%s);' % (table, keys, values) else: return self._insert_empty(table) def _insert_empty(self, table): return 'INSERT INTO %s DEFAULT VALUES;' % table def insert(self, table, fields): query = self._insert(table,fields) try: self.execute(query) except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if hasattr(table,'_on_insert_error'): return table._on_insert_error(table,fields,e) raise e if hasattr(table,'_primarykey'): return dict([(k[0].name, k[1]) for k in fields \ if k[0].name in table._primarykey]) id = self.lastrowid(table) if not isinstance(id,int): return id rid = Reference(id) (rid._table, rid._record) = (table, None) return rid def bulk_insert(self, table, items): return [self.insert(table,item) for item in items] def NOT(self, first): return '(NOT %s)' % self.expand(first) def AND(self, first, second): return '(%s AND %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second)) def OR(self, first, second): return '(%s OR %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second)) def BELONGS(self, first, second): if isinstance(second, str): return '(%s IN (%s))' % (self.expand(first), second[:-1]) elif not second: return '(1=0)' items = ','.join(self.expand(item, first.type) for item in second) return '(%s IN (%s))' % (self.expand(first), items) def REGEXP(self, first, second): "regular expression operator" raise NotImplementedError def LIKE(self, first, second): "case sensitive like operator" raise NotImplementedError def ILIKE(self, first, second): "case in-sensitive like operator" return '(%s LIKE %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, 'string')) def STARTSWITH(self, first, second): return '(%s LIKE %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second+'%', 'string')) def ENDSWITH(self, first, second): return '(%s LIKE %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand('%'+second, 'string')) def CONTAINS(self,first,second,case_sensitive=False): if first.type in ('string','text', 'json'): if isinstance(second,Expression): second = Expression(None,self.CONCAT('%',Expression( None,self.REPLACE(second,('%','%%'))),'%')) else: second = '%'+str(second).replace('%','%%')+'%' elif first.type.startswith('list:'): if isinstance(second,Expression): second = Expression(None,self.CONCAT( '%|',Expression(None,self.REPLACE( Expression(None,self.REPLACE( second,('%','%%'))),('|','||'))),'|%')) else: second = '%|'+str(second).replace('%','%%')\ .replace('|','||')+'|%' op = case_sensitive and self.LIKE or self.ILIKE return op(first,second) def EQ(self, first, second=None): if second is None: return '(%s IS NULL)' % self.expand(first) return '(%s = %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def NE(self, first, second=None): if second is None: return '(%s IS NOT NULL)' % self.expand(first) return '(%s <> %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def LT(self,first,second=None): if second is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot compare %s < None" % first) return '(%s < %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second,first.type)) def LE(self,first,second=None): if second is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot compare %s <= None" % first) return '(%s <= %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second,first.type)) def GT(self,first,second=None): if second is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot compare %s > None" % first) return '(%s > %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second,first.type)) def GE(self,first,second=None): if second is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot compare %s >= None" % first) return '(%s >= %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second,first.type)) def is_numerical_type(self, ftype): return ftype in ('integer','boolean','double','bigint') or \ ftype.startswith('decimal') def REPLACE(self, first, (second, third)): return 'REPLACE(%s,%s,%s)' % (self.expand(first,'string'), self.expand(second,'string'), self.expand(third,'string')) def CONCAT(self, *items): return '(%s)' % ' || '.join(self.expand(x,'string') for x in items) def ADD(self, first, second): if self.is_numerical_type(first.type): return '(%s + %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) else: return self.CONCAT(first, second) def SUB(self, first, second): return '(%s - %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def MUL(self, first, second): return '(%s * %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def DIV(self, first, second): return '(%s / %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def MOD(self, first, second): return '(%s %% %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def AS(self, first, second): return '%s AS %s' % (self.expand(first), second) def ON(self, first, second): if use_common_filters(second): second = self.common_filter(second,[first._tablename]) return '%s ON %s' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second)) def INVERT(self, first): return '%s DESC' % self.expand(first) def COMMA(self, first, second): return '%s, %s' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second)) def expand(self, expression, field_type=None): if isinstance(expression, Field): out = '%s.%s' % (expression.table._tablename, expression.name) if field_type == 'string' and not expression.type in ( 'string','text','json','password'): out = 'CAST(%s AS %s)' % (out, self.types['text']) return out elif isinstance(expression, (Expression, Query)): first = expression.first second = expression.second op = expression.op optional_args = expression.optional_args or {} if not second is None: out = op(first, second, **optional_args) elif not first is None: out = op(first,**optional_args) elif isinstance(op, str): if op.endswith(';'): op=op[:-1] out = '(%s)' % op else: out = op() return out elif field_type: return str(self.represent(expression,field_type)) elif isinstance(expression,(list,tuple)): return ','.join(self.represent(item,field_type) \ for item in expression) elif isinstance(expression, bool): return '1' if expression else '0' else: return str(expression) def table_alias(self,name): return str(name if isinstance(name,Table) else self.db[name]) def alias(self, table, alias): """ Given a table object, makes a new table object with alias name. """ other = copy.copy(table) other['_ot'] = other._ot or other._tablename other['ALL'] = SQLALL(other) other['_tablename'] = alias for fieldname in other.fields: other[fieldname] = copy.copy(other[fieldname]) other[fieldname]._tablename = alias other[fieldname].tablename = alias other[fieldname].table = other table._db[alias] = other return other def _truncate(self, table, mode=''): tablename = table._tablename return ['TRUNCATE TABLE %s %s;' % (tablename, mode or '')] def truncate(self, table, mode= ' '): # Prepare functions "write_to_logfile" and "close_logfile" if table._dbt: logfile = self.file_open(table._loggername, 'a') else: class Logfile(object): def write(self, value): pass def close(self): pass logfile = Logfile() try: queries = table._db._adapter._truncate(table, mode) for query in queries: logfile.write(query + '\n') self.execute(query) table._db.commit() logfile.write('success!\n') finally: logfile.close() def _update(self, tablename, query, fields): if query: if use_common_filters(query): query = self.common_filter(query, [tablename]) sql_w = ' WHERE ' + self.expand(query) else: sql_w = '' sql_v = ','.join(['%s=%s' % (field.name, self.expand(value, field.type)) \ for (field, value) in fields]) tablename = "%s" % self.db[tablename] return 'UPDATE %s SET %s%s;' % (tablename, sql_v, sql_w) def update(self, tablename, query, fields): sql = self._update(tablename, query, fields) try: self.execute(sql) except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] table = self.db[tablename] if hasattr(table,'_on_update_error'): return table._on_update_error(table,query,fields,e) raise e try: return self.cursor.rowcount except: return None def _delete(self, tablename, query): if query: if use_common_filters(query): query = self.common_filter(query, [tablename]) sql_w = ' WHERE ' + self.expand(query) else: sql_w = '' return 'DELETE FROM %s%s;' % (tablename, sql_w) def delete(self, tablename, query): sql = self._delete(tablename, query) ### special code to handle CASCADE in SQLite & SpatiaLite db = self.db table = db[tablename] if self.dbengine in ('sqlite', 'spatialite') and table._referenced_by: deleted = [x[table._id.name] for x in db(query).select(table._id)] ### end special code to handle CASCADE in SQLite & SpatiaLite self.execute(sql) try: counter = self.cursor.rowcount except: counter = None ### special code to handle CASCADE in SQLite & SpatiaLite if self.dbengine in ('sqlite', 'spatialite') and counter: for field in table._referenced_by: if field.type=='reference '+table._tablename \ and field.ondelete=='CASCADE': db(field.belongs(deleted)).delete() ### end special code to handle CASCADE in SQLite & SpatiaLite return counter def get_table(self, query): tablenames = self.tables(query) if len(tablenames)==1: return tablenames[0] elif len(tablenames)<1: raise RuntimeError("No table selected") else: raise RuntimeError("Too many tables selected") def expand_all(self, fields, tablenames): db = self.db new_fields = [] append = new_fields.append for item in fields: if isinstance(item,SQLALL): new_fields += item._table elif isinstance(item,str): if REGEX_TABLE_DOT_FIELD.match(item): tablename,fieldname = item.split('.') append(db[tablename][fieldname]) else: append(Expression(db,lambda item=item:item)) else: append(item) # ## if no fields specified take them all from the requested tables if not new_fields: for table in tablenames: for field in db[table]: append(field) return new_fields def _select(self, query, fields, attributes): tables = self.tables for key in set(attributes.keys())-SELECT_ARGS: raise SyntaxError('invalid select attribute: %s' % key) args_get = attributes.get tablenames = tables(query) tablenames_for_common_filters = tablenames for field in fields: if isinstance(field, basestring) \ and REGEX_TABLE_DOT_FIELD.match(field): tn,fn = field.split('.') field = self.db[tn][fn] for tablename in tables(field): if not tablename in tablenames: tablenames.append(tablename) if len(tablenames) < 1: raise SyntaxError('Set: no tables selected') self._colnames = map(self.expand, fields) def geoexpand(field): if isinstance(field.type,str) and field.type.startswith('geometry'): field = field.st_astext() return self.expand(field) sql_f = ', '.join(map(geoexpand, fields)) sql_o = '' sql_s = '' left = args_get('left', False) inner_join = args_get('join', False) distinct = args_get('distinct', False) groupby = args_get('groupby', False) orderby = args_get('orderby', False) having = args_get('having', False) limitby = args_get('limitby', False) orderby_on_limitby = args_get('orderby_on_limitby', True) for_update = args_get('for_update', False) if self.can_select_for_update is False and for_update is True: raise SyntaxError('invalid select attribute: for_update') if distinct is True: sql_s += 'DISTINCT' elif distinct: sql_s += 'DISTINCT ON (%s)' % distinct if inner_join: icommand = self.JOIN() if not isinstance(inner_join, (tuple, list)): inner_join = [inner_join] ijoint = [t._tablename for t in inner_join if not isinstance(t,Expression)] ijoinon = [t for t in inner_join if isinstance(t, Expression)] itables_to_merge={} #issue 490 [itables_to_merge.update( dict.fromkeys(tables(t))) for t in ijoinon] ijoinont = [t.first._tablename for t in ijoinon] [itables_to_merge.pop(t) for t in ijoinont if t in itables_to_merge] #issue 490 iimportant_tablenames = ijoint + ijoinont + itables_to_merge.keys() iexcluded = [t for t in tablenames if not t in iimportant_tablenames] if left: join = attributes['left'] command = self.LEFT_JOIN() if not isinstance(join, (tuple, list)): join = [join] joint = [t._tablename for t in join if not isinstance(t, Expression)] joinon = [t for t in join if isinstance(t, Expression)] #patch join+left patch (solves problem with ordering in left joins) tables_to_merge={} [tables_to_merge.update( dict.fromkeys(tables(t))) for t in joinon] joinont = [t.first._tablename for t in joinon] [tables_to_merge.pop(t) for t in joinont if t in tables_to_merge] tablenames_for_common_filters = [t for t in tablenames if not t in joinont ] important_tablenames = joint + joinont + tables_to_merge.keys() excluded = [t for t in tablenames if not t in important_tablenames ] else: excluded = tablenames if use_common_filters(query): query = self.common_filter(query,tablenames_for_common_filters) sql_w = ' WHERE ' + self.expand(query) if query else '' if inner_join and not left: sql_t = ', '.join([self.table_alias(t) for t in iexcluded + \ itables_to_merge.keys()]) for t in ijoinon: sql_t += ' %s %s' % (icommand, t) elif not inner_join and left: sql_t = ', '.join([self.table_alias(t) for t in excluded + \ tables_to_merge.keys()]) if joint: sql_t += ' %s %s' % (command, ','.join([self.table_alias(t) for t in joint])) for t in joinon: sql_t += ' %s %s' % (command, t) elif inner_join and left: all_tables_in_query = set(important_tablenames + \ iimportant_tablenames + \ tablenames) tables_in_joinon = set(joinont + ijoinont) tables_not_in_joinon = \ all_tables_in_query.difference(tables_in_joinon) sql_t = ','.join([self.table_alias(t) for t in tables_not_in_joinon]) for t in ijoinon: sql_t += ' %s %s' % (icommand, t) if joint: sql_t += ' %s %s' % (command, ','.join([self.table_alias(t) for t in joint])) for t in joinon: sql_t += ' %s %s' % (command, t) else: sql_t = ', '.join(self.table_alias(t) for t in tablenames) if groupby: if isinstance(groupby, (list, tuple)): groupby = xorify(groupby) sql_o += ' GROUP BY %s' % self.expand(groupby) if having: sql_o += ' HAVING %s' % attributes['having'] if orderby: if isinstance(orderby, (list, tuple)): orderby = xorify(orderby) if str(orderby) == '': sql_o += ' ORDER BY %s' % self.RANDOM() else: sql_o += ' ORDER BY %s' % self.expand(orderby) if limitby: if orderby_on_limitby and not orderby and tablenames: sql_o += ' ORDER BY %s' % ', '.join(['%s.%s'%(t,x) for t in tablenames for x in (hasattr(self.db[t],'_primarykey') and self.db[t]._primarykey or [self.db[t]._id.name])]) # oracle does not support limitby sql = self.select_limitby(sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby) if for_update and self.can_select_for_update is True: sql = sql.rstrip(';') + ' FOR UPDATE;' return sql def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): if limitby: (lmin, lmax) = limitby sql_o += ' LIMIT %i OFFSET %i' % (lmax - lmin, lmin) return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % \ (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) def _fetchall(self): return self.cursor.fetchall() def _select_aux(self,sql,fields,attributes): args_get = attributes.get cache = args_get('cache',None) if not cache: self.execute(sql) rows = self._fetchall() else: (cache_model, time_expire) = cache key = self.uri + '/' + sql + '/rows' if len(key)>200: key = hashlib_md5(key).hexdigest() def _select_aux2(): self.execute(sql) return self._fetchall() rows = cache_model(key,_select_aux2,time_expire) if isinstance(rows,tuple): rows = list(rows) limitby = args_get('limitby', None) or (0,) rows = self.rowslice(rows,limitby[0],None) processor = args_get('processor',self.parse) cacheable = args_get('cacheable',False) return processor(rows,fields,self._colnames,cacheable=cacheable) def select(self, query, fields, attributes): """ Always returns a Rows object, possibly empty. """ sql = self._select(query, fields, attributes) cache = attributes.get('cache', None) if cache and attributes.get('cacheable',False): del attributes['cache'] (cache_model, time_expire) = cache key = self.uri + '/' + sql if len(key)>200: key = hashlib_md5(key).hexdigest() args = (sql,fields,attributes) return cache_model( key, lambda self=self,args=args:self._select_aux(*args), time_expire) else: return self._select_aux(sql,fields,attributes) def _count(self, query, distinct=None): tablenames = self.tables(query) if query: if use_common_filters(query): query = self.common_filter(query, tablenames) sql_w = ' WHERE ' + self.expand(query) else: sql_w = '' sql_t = ','.join(self.table_alias(t) for t in tablenames) if distinct: if isinstance(distinct,(list, tuple)): distinct = xorify(distinct) sql_d = self.expand(distinct) return 'SELECT count(DISTINCT %s) FROM %s%s;' % \ (sql_d, sql_t, sql_w) return 'SELECT count(*) FROM %s%s;' % (sql_t, sql_w) def count(self, query, distinct=None): self.execute(self._count(query, distinct)) return self.cursor.fetchone()[0] def tables(self, *queries): tables = set() for query in queries: if isinstance(query, Field): tables.add(query.tablename) elif isinstance(query, (Expression, Query)): if not query.first is None: tables = tables.union(self.tables(query.first)) if not query.second is None: tables = tables.union(self.tables(query.second)) return list(tables) def commit(self): if self.connection: return self.connection.commit() def rollback(self): if self.connection: return self.connection.rollback() def close_connection(self): if self.connection: return self.connection.close() def distributed_transaction_begin(self, key): return def prepare(self, key): if self.connection: self.connection.prepare() def commit_prepared(self, key): if self.connection: self.connection.commit() def rollback_prepared(self, key): if self.connection: self.connection.rollback() def concat_add(self, tablename): return ', ADD ' def constraint_name(self, table, fieldname): return '%s_%s__constraint' % (table,fieldname) def create_sequence_and_triggers(self, query, table, **args): self.execute(query) def log_execute(self, *a, **b): if not self.connection: return None command = a[0] if hasattr(self,'filter_sql_command'): command = self.filter_sql_command(command) if self.db._debug: LOGGER.debug('SQL: %s' % command) self.db._lastsql = command t0 = time.time() ret = self.cursor.execute(command, *a[1:], **b) self.db._timings.append((command,time.time()-t0)) del self.db._timings[:-TIMINGSSIZE] return ret def execute(self, *a, **b): return self.log_execute(*a, **b) def represent(self, obj, fieldtype): field_is_type = fieldtype.startswith if isinstance(obj, CALLABLETYPES): obj = obj() if isinstance(fieldtype, SQLCustomType): value = fieldtype.encoder(obj) if fieldtype.type in ('string','text', 'json'): return self.adapt(value) return value if isinstance(obj, (Expression, Field)): return str(obj) if field_is_type('list:'): if not obj: obj = [] elif not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): obj = [obj] if field_is_type('list:string'): obj = map(str,obj) else: obj = map(int,[o for o in obj if o != '']) # we don't want to bar_encode json objects if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)) and (not fieldtype == "json"): obj = bar_encode(obj) if obj is None: return 'NULL' if obj == '' and not fieldtype[:2] in ['st', 'te', 'js', 'pa', 'up']: return 'NULL' r = self.represent_exceptions(obj, fieldtype) if not r is None: return r if fieldtype == 'boolean': if obj and not str(obj)[:1].upper() in '0F': return self.smart_adapt(self.TRUE) else: return self.smart_adapt(self.FALSE) if fieldtype == 'id' or fieldtype == 'integer': return str(long(obj)) if field_is_type('decimal'): return str(obj) elif field_is_type('reference'): # reference if fieldtype.find('.')>0: return repr(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (Row, Reference)): return str(obj['id']) return str(long(obj)) elif fieldtype == 'double': return repr(float(obj)) if isinstance(obj, unicode): obj = obj.encode(self.db_codec) if fieldtype == 'blob': obj = base64.b64encode(str(obj)) elif fieldtype == 'date': if isinstance(obj, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)): obj = obj.isoformat()[:10] else: obj = str(obj) elif fieldtype == 'datetime': if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): obj = obj.isoformat(self.T_SEP)[:19] elif isinstance(obj, datetime.date): obj = obj.isoformat()[:10]+' 00:00:00' else: obj = str(obj) elif fieldtype == 'time': if isinstance(obj, datetime.time): obj = obj.isoformat()[:10] else: obj = str(obj) elif fieldtype == 'json': if not self.native_json: if have_serializers: obj = serializers.json(obj) elif simplejson: obj = simplejson.dumps(obj) else: raise RuntimeError("missing simplejson") if not isinstance(obj,bytes): obj = bytes(obj) try: obj.decode(self.db_codec) except: obj = obj.decode('latin1').encode(self.db_codec) return self.adapt(obj) def represent_exceptions(self, obj, fieldtype): return None def lastrowid(self, table): return None def rowslice(self, rows, minimum=0, maximum=None): """ By default this function does nothing; overload when db does not do slicing. """ return rows def parse_value(self, value, field_type, blob_decode=True): if field_type != 'blob' and isinstance(value, str): try: value = value.decode(self.db._db_codec) except Exception: pass if isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(field_type, SQLCustomType): value = field_type.decoder(value) if not isinstance(field_type, str) or value is None: return value elif field_type in ('string', 'text', 'password', 'upload', 'dict'): return value elif field_type.startswith('geo'): return value elif field_type == 'blob' and not blob_decode: return value else: key = REGEX_TYPE.match(field_type).group(0) return self.parsemap[key](value,field_type) def parse_reference(self, value, field_type): referee = field_type[10:].strip() if not '.' in referee: value = Reference(value) value._table, value._record = self.db[referee], None return value def parse_boolean(self, value, field_type): return value == self.TRUE or str(value)[:1].lower() == 't' def parse_date(self, value, field_type): if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return value.date() if not isinstance(value, (datetime.date,datetime.datetime)): (y, m, d) = map(int, str(value)[:10].strip().split('-')) value = datetime.date(y, m, d) return value def parse_time(self, value, field_type): if not isinstance(value, datetime.time): time_items = map(int,str(value)[:8].strip().split(':')[:3]) if len(time_items) == 3: (h, mi, s) = time_items else: (h, mi, s) = time_items + [0] value = datetime.time(h, mi, s) return value def parse_datetime(self, value, field_type): if not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = str(value) date_part,time_part,timezone = value[:10],value[11:19],value[19:] if '+' in timezone: ms,tz = timezone.split('+') h,m = tz.split(':') dt = datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600*int(h)+60*int(m)) elif '-' in timezone: ms,tz = timezone.split('-') h,m = tz.split(':') dt = -datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600*int(h)+60*int(m)) else: dt = None (y, m, d) = map(int,date_part.split('-')) time_parts = time_part and time_part.split(':')[:3] or (0,0,0) while len(time_parts)<3: time_parts.append(0) time_items = map(int,time_parts) (h, mi, s) = time_items value = datetime.datetime(y, m, d, h, mi, s) if dt: value = value + dt return value def parse_blob(self, value, field_type): return base64.b64decode(str(value)) def parse_decimal(self, value, field_type): decimals = int(field_type[8:-1].split(',')[-1]) if self.dbengine in ('sqlite', 'spatialite'): value = ('%.' + str(decimals) + 'f') % value if not isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal): value = decimal.Decimal(str(value)) return value def parse_list_integers(self, value, field_type): if not isinstance(self, NoSQLAdapter): value = bar_decode_integer(value) return value def parse_list_references(self, value, field_type): if not isinstance(self, NoSQLAdapter): value = bar_decode_integer(value) return [self.parse_reference(r, field_type[5:]) for r in value] def parse_list_strings(self, value, field_type): if not isinstance(self, NoSQLAdapter): value = bar_decode_string(value) return value def parse_id(self, value, field_type): return long(value) def parse_integer(self, value, field_type): return long(value) def parse_double(self, value, field_type): return float(value) def parse_json(self, value, field_type): if not self.native_json: if not isinstance(value, basestring): raise RuntimeError('json data not a string') if isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.encode('utf-8') if have_serializers: value = serializers.loads_json(value) elif simplejson: value = simplejson.loads(value) else: raise RuntimeError("missing simplejson") return value def build_parsemap(self): self.parsemap = { 'id':self.parse_id, 'integer':self.parse_integer, 'bigint':self.parse_integer, 'float':self.parse_double, 'double':self.parse_double, 'reference':self.parse_reference, 'boolean':self.parse_boolean, 'date':self.parse_date, 'time':self.parse_time, 'datetime':self.parse_datetime, 'blob':self.parse_blob, 'decimal':self.parse_decimal, 'json':self.parse_json, 'list:integer':self.parse_list_integers, 'list:reference':self.parse_list_references, 'list:string':self.parse_list_strings, } def parse(self, rows, fields, colnames, blob_decode=True, cacheable = False): self.build_parsemap() db = self.db virtualtables = [] new_rows = [] tmps = [] for colname in colnames: if not REGEX_TABLE_DOT_FIELD.match(colname): tmps.append(None) else: (tablename, fieldname) = colname.split('.') table = db[tablename] field = table[fieldname] ft = field.type tmps.append((tablename,fieldname,table,field,ft)) for (i,row) in enumerate(rows): new_row = Row() for (j,colname) in enumerate(colnames): value = row[j] tmp = tmps[j] if tmp: (tablename,fieldname,table,field,ft) = tmp if tablename in new_row: colset = new_row[tablename] else: colset = new_row[tablename] = Row() if tablename not in virtualtables: virtualtables.append(tablename) value = self.parse_value(value,ft,blob_decode) if field.filter_out: value = field.filter_out(value) colset[fieldname] = value # for backward compatibility if ft=='id' and fieldname!='id' and \ not 'id' in table.fields: colset['id'] = value if ft == 'id' and not cacheable: # temporary hack to deal with # GoogleDatastoreAdapter # references if isinstance(self, GoogleDatastoreAdapter): id = value.key().id_or_name() colset[fieldname] = id colset.gae_item = value else: id = value colset.update_record = RecordUpdater(colset,table,id) colset.delete_record = RecordDeleter(table,id) for rfield in table._referenced_by: referee_link = db._referee_name and \ db._referee_name % dict( table=rfield.tablename,field=rfield.name) if referee_link and not referee_link in colset: colset[referee_link] = LazySet(rfield,id) else: if not '_extra' in new_row: new_row['_extra'] = Row() new_row['_extra'][colname] = \ self.parse_value(value, fields[j].type,blob_decode) new_column_name = \ REGEX_SELECT_AS_PARSER.search(colname) if not new_column_name is None: column_name = new_column_name.groups(0) setattr(new_row,column_name[0],value) new_rows.append(new_row) rowsobj = Rows(db, new_rows, colnames, rawrows=rows) for tablename in virtualtables: ### new style virtual fields table = db[tablename] fields_virtual = [(f,v) for (f,v) in table.iteritems() if isinstance(v,FieldVirtual)] fields_lazy = [(f,v) for (f,v) in table.iteritems() if isinstance(v,FieldMethod)] if fields_virtual or fields_lazy: for row in rowsobj.records: box = row[tablename] for f,v in fields_virtual: box[f] = v.f(row) for f,v in fields_lazy: box[f] = (v.handler or VirtualCommand)(v.f,row) ### old style virtual fields for item in table.virtualfields: try: rowsobj = rowsobj.setvirtualfields(**{tablename:item}) except (KeyError, AttributeError): # to avoid breaking virtualfields when partial select pass return rowsobj def common_filter(self, query, tablenames): tenant_fieldname = self.db._request_tenant for tablename in tablenames: table = self.db[tablename] # deal with user provided filters if table._common_filter != None: query = query & table._common_filter(query) # deal with multi_tenant filters if tenant_fieldname in table: default = table[tenant_fieldname].default if not default is None: newquery = table[tenant_fieldname] == default if query is None: query = newquery else: query = query & newquery return query def CASE(self,query,t,f): def represent(x): types = {type(True):'boolean',type(0):'integer',type(1.0):'double'} if x is None: return 'NULL' elif isinstance(x,Expression): return str(x) else: return self.represent(x,types.get(type(x),'string')) return Expression(self.db,'CASE WHEN %s THEN %s ELSE %s END' % \ (self.expand(query),represent(t),represent(f))) ################################################################################### # List of all the available adapters; they all extend BaseAdapter. ################################################################################### class SQLiteAdapter(BaseAdapter): drivers = ('sqlite2','sqlite3') can_select_for_update = None # support ourselves with BEGIN TRANSACTION def EXTRACT(self,field,what): return "web2py_extract('%s',%s)" % (what, self.expand(field)) @staticmethod def web2py_extract(lookup, s): table = { 'year': (0, 4), 'month': (5, 7), 'day': (8, 10), 'hour': (11, 13), 'minute': (14, 16), 'second': (17, 19), } try: if lookup != 'epoch': (i, j) = table[lookup] return int(s[i:j]) else: return time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timetuple()) except: return None @staticmethod def web2py_regexp(expression, item): return re.compile(expression).search(item) is not None def __init__(self, db, uri, pool_size=0, folder=None, db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "sqlite" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args) self.pool_size = 0 self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() path_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() \ or locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] or 'utf8' if uri.startswith('sqlite:memory'): dbpath = ':memory:' else: dbpath = uri.split('://',1)[1] if dbpath[0] != '/': if PYTHON_VERSION == 2: dbpath = pjoin( self.folder.decode(path_encoding).encode('utf8'), dbpath) else: dbpath = pjoin(self.folder, dbpath) if not 'check_same_thread' in driver_args: driver_args['check_same_thread'] = False if not 'detect_types' in driver_args and do_connect: driver_args['detect_types'] = self.driver.PARSE_DECLTYPES def connector(dbpath=dbpath, driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.Connection(dbpath, **driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def after_connection(self): self.connection.create_function('web2py_extract', 2, SQLiteAdapter.web2py_extract) self.connection.create_function("REGEXP", 2, SQLiteAdapter.web2py_regexp) def _truncate(self, table, mode=''): tablename = table._tablename return ['DELETE FROM %s;' % tablename, "DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name='%s';" % tablename] def lastrowid(self, table): return self.cursor.lastrowid def REGEXP(self,first,second): return '(%s REGEXP %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second,'string')) def select(self, query, fields, attributes): """ Simulate SELECT ... FOR UPDATE with BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION. Note that the entire database, rather than one record, is locked (it will be locked eventually anyway by the following UPDATE). """ if attributes.get('for_update', False) and not 'cache' in attributes: self.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION;') return super(SQLiteAdapter, self).select(query, fields, attributes) class SpatiaLiteAdapter(SQLiteAdapter): drivers = ('sqlite3','sqlite2') types = copy.copy(BaseAdapter.types) types.update(geometry='GEOMETRY') def __init__(self, db, uri, pool_size=0, folder=None, db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, srid=4326, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "spatialite" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args) self.pool_size = 0 self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() self.srid = srid path_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() \ or locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] or 'utf8' if uri.startswith('spatialite:memory'): dbpath = ':memory:' else: dbpath = uri.split('://',1)[1] if dbpath[0] != '/': dbpath = pjoin( self.folder.decode(path_encoding).encode('utf8'), dbpath) if not 'check_same_thread' in driver_args: driver_args['check_same_thread'] = False if not 'detect_types' in driver_args and do_connect: driver_args['detect_types'] = self.driver.PARSE_DECLTYPES def connector(dbpath=dbpath, driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.Connection(dbpath, **driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def after_connection(self): self.connection.enable_load_extension(True) # for Windows, rename libspatialite-2.dll to libspatialite.dll # Linux uses libspatialite.so # Mac OS X uses libspatialite.dylib libspatialite = SPATIALLIBS[platform.system()] self.execute(r'SELECT load_extension("%s");' % libspatialite) self.connection.create_function('web2py_extract', 2, SQLiteAdapter.web2py_extract) self.connection.create_function("REGEXP", 2, SQLiteAdapter.web2py_regexp) # GIS functions def ST_ASGEOJSON(self, first, second): return 'AsGeoJSON(%s,%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), second['precision'], second['options']) def ST_ASTEXT(self, first): return 'AsText(%s)' %(self.expand(first)) def ST_CONTAINS(self, first, second): return 'Contains(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_DISTANCE(self, first, second): return 'Distance(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_EQUALS(self, first, second): return 'Equals(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_INTERSECTS(self, first, second): return 'Intersects(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_OVERLAPS(self, first, second): return 'Overlaps(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_SIMPLIFY(self, first, second): return 'Simplify(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, 'double')) def ST_TOUCHES(self, first, second): return 'Touches(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_WITHIN(self, first, second): return 'Within(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def represent(self, obj, fieldtype): field_is_type = fieldtype.startswith if field_is_type('geo'): srid = 4326 # Spatialite default srid for geometry geotype, parms = fieldtype[:-1].split('(') parms = parms.split(',') if len(parms) >= 2: schema, srid = parms[:2] # if field_is_type('geometry'): value = "ST_GeomFromText('%s',%s)" %(obj, srid) # elif field_is_type('geography'): # value = "ST_GeogFromText('SRID=%s;%s')" %(srid, obj) # else: # raise SyntaxError, 'Invalid field type %s' %fieldtype return value return BaseAdapter.represent(self, obj, fieldtype) class JDBCSQLiteAdapter(SQLiteAdapter): drivers = ('zxJDBC_sqlite',) def __init__(self, db, uri, pool_size=0, folder=None, db_codec='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "sqlite" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() path_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() \ or locale.getdefaultlocale()[1] or 'utf8' if uri.startswith('sqlite:memory'): dbpath = ':memory:' else: dbpath = uri.split('://',1)[1] if dbpath[0] != '/': dbpath = pjoin( self.folder.decode(path_encoding).encode('utf8'), dbpath) def connector(dbpath=dbpath,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect( self.driver.getConnection('jdbc:sqlite:'+dbpath), **driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def after_connection(self): # FIXME http://www.zentus.com/sqlitejdbc/custom_functions.html for UDFs self.connection.create_function('web2py_extract', 2, SQLiteAdapter.web2py_extract) def execute(self, a): return self.log_execute(a) class MySQLAdapter(BaseAdapter): drivers = ('MySQLdb','pymysql') commit_on_alter_table = True support_distributed_transaction = True types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'LONGTEXT', 'json': 'LONGTEXT', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'LONGBLOB', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INT', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'DOUBLE', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATE', 'time': 'TIME', 'datetime': 'DATETIME', 'id': 'INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL', 'reference': 'INT, INDEX %(index_name)s (%(field_name)s), FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'LONGTEXT', 'list:string': 'LONGTEXT', 'list:reference': 'LONGTEXT', 'big-id': 'BIGINT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT, INDEX %(index_name)s (%(field_name)s), FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } QUOTE_TEMPLATE = "`%s`" def varquote(self,name): return varquote_aux(name,'`%s`') def RANDOM(self): return 'RAND()' def SUBSTRING(self,field,parameters): return 'SUBSTRING(%s,%s,%s)' % (self.expand(field), parameters[0], parameters[1]) def EPOCH(self, first): return "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(%s)" % self.expand(first) def CONCAT(self, *items): return 'CONCAT(%s)' % ','.join(self.expand(x,'string') for x in items) def REGEXP(self,first,second): return '(%s REGEXP %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second,'string')) def _drop(self,table,mode): # breaks db integrity but without this mysql does not drop table return ['SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;','DROP TABLE %s;' % table, 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;'] def _insert_empty(self, table): return 'INSERT INTO %s VALUES (DEFAULT);' % table def distributed_transaction_begin(self,key): self.execute('XA START;') def prepare(self,key): self.execute("XA END;") self.execute("XA PREPARE;") def commit_prepared(self,ley): self.execute("XA COMMIT;") def rollback_prepared(self,key): self.execute("XA ROLLBACK;") REGEX_URI = re.compile('^(?P[^:@]+)(\:(?P[^@]*))?@(?P[^\:/]+)(\:(?P[0-9]+))?/(?P[^?]+)(\?set_encoding=(?P\w+))?$') def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "mysql" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() ruri = uri.split('://',1)[1] m = self.REGEX_URI.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError( "Invalid URI string in DAL: %s" % self.uri) user = credential_decoder(m.group('user')) if not user: raise SyntaxError('User required') password = credential_decoder(m.group('password')) if not password: password = '' host = m.group('host') if not host: raise SyntaxError('Host name required') db = m.group('db') if not db: raise SyntaxError('Database name required') port = int(m.group('port') or '3306') charset = m.group('charset') or 'utf8' driver_args.update(db=db, user=credential_decoder(user), passwd=credential_decoder(password), host=host, port=port, charset=charset) def connector(driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def after_connection(self): self.execute('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;') self.execute("SET sql_mode='NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES';") def lastrowid(self,table): self.execute('select last_insert_id();') return int(self.cursor.fetchone()[0]) class PostgreSQLAdapter(BaseAdapter): drivers = ('psycopg2','pg8000') support_distributed_transaction = True types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'TEXT', 'json': 'TEXT', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'BYTEA', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INTEGER', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'FLOAT8', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATE', 'time': 'TIME', 'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP', 'id': 'SERIAL PRIMARY KEY', 'reference': 'INTEGER REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'TEXT', 'list:string': 'TEXT', 'list:reference': 'TEXT', 'geometry': 'GEOMETRY', 'geography': 'GEOGRAPHY', 'big-id': 'BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference FK': ', CONSTRAINT FK_%(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference TFK': ' CONSTRAINT FK_%(foreign_table)s_PK FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_table)s (%(foreign_key)s) ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } def varquote(self,name): return varquote_aux(name,'"%s"') def adapt(self,obj): if self.driver_name == 'psycopg2': return psycopg2_adapt(obj).getquoted() elif self.driver_name == 'pg8000': return "'%s'" % str(obj).replace("%","%%").replace("'","''") else: return "'%s'" % str(obj).replace("'","''") def sequence_name(self,table): return '%s_id_Seq' % table def RANDOM(self): return 'RANDOM()' def ADD(self, first, second): t = first.type if t in ('text','string','password', 'json', 'upload','blob'): return '(%s || %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, t)) else: return '(%s + %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, t)) def distributed_transaction_begin(self,key): return def prepare(self,key): self.execute("PREPARE TRANSACTION '%s';" % key) def commit_prepared(self,key): self.execute("COMMIT PREPARED '%s';" % key) def rollback_prepared(self,key): self.execute("ROLLBACK PREPARED '%s';" % key) def create_sequence_and_triggers(self, query, table, **args): # following lines should only be executed if table._sequence_name does not exist # self.execute('CREATE SEQUENCE %s;' % table._sequence_name) # self.execute("ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s SET DEFAULT NEXTVAL('%s');" \ # % (table._tablename, table._fieldname, table._sequence_name)) self.execute(query) REGEX_URI = re.compile('^(?P[^:@]+)(\:(?P[^@]*))?@(?P[^\:@]+)(\:(?P[0-9]+))?/(?P[^\?]+)(\?sslmode=(?P.+))?$') def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, srid=4326, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "postgres" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.srid = srid self.find_or_make_work_folder() ruri = uri.split('://',1)[1] m = self.REGEX_URI.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError("Invalid URI string in DAL") user = credential_decoder(m.group('user')) if not user: raise SyntaxError('User required') password = credential_decoder(m.group('password')) if not password: password = '' host = m.group('host') if not host: raise SyntaxError('Host name required') db = m.group('db') if not db: raise SyntaxError('Database name required') port = m.group('port') or '5432' sslmode = m.group('sslmode') if sslmode: msg = ("dbname='%s' user='%s' host='%s' " "port=%s password='%s' sslmode='%s'") \ % (db, user, host, port, password, sslmode) else: msg = ("dbname='%s' user='%s' host='%s' " "port=%s password='%s'") \ % (db, user, host, port, password) # choose diver according uri if self.driver: self.__version__ = "%s %s" % (self.driver.__name__, self.driver.__version__) else: self.__version__ = None def connector(msg=msg,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(msg,**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def after_connection(self): self.connection.set_client_encoding('UTF8') self.execute("SET standard_conforming_strings=on;") self.try_json() def lastrowid(self,table): self.execute("select currval('%s')" % table._sequence_name) return int(self.cursor.fetchone()[0]) def try_json(self): # check JSON data type support # (to be added to after_connection) if self.driver_name == "pg8000": supports_json = self.connection.server_version >= "9.2.0" elif (self.driver_name == "psycopg2") and \ (self.driver.__version__ >= "2.0.12"): supports_json = self.connection.server_version >= 90200 elif self.driver_name == "zxJDBC": supports_json = self.connection.dbversion >= "9.2.0" else: supports_json = None if supports_json: self.types["json"] = "JSON" self.native_json = True else: LOGGER.debug("Your database version does not support the JSON data type (using TEXT instead)") def LIKE(self,first,second): args = (self.expand(first), self.expand(second,'string')) if not first.type in ('string', 'text', 'json'): return '(CAST(%s AS CHAR(%s)) LIKE %s)' % (args[0], first.length, args[1]) else: return '(%s LIKE %s)' % args def ILIKE(self,first,second): args = (self.expand(first), self.expand(second,'string')) if not first.type in ('string', 'text', 'json'): return '(CAST(%s AS CHAR(%s)) LIKE %s)' % (args[0], first.length, args[1]) else: return '(%s ILIKE %s)' % args def REGEXP(self,first,second): return '(%s ~ %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second,'string')) def STARTSWITH(self,first,second): return '(%s ILIKE %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second+'%','string')) def ENDSWITH(self,first,second): return '(%s ILIKE %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand('%'+second,'string')) # GIS functions def ST_ASGEOJSON(self, first, second): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_AsGeoJSON.html """ return 'ST_AsGeoJSON(%s,%s,%s,%s)' %(second['version'], self.expand(first), second['precision'], second['options']) def ST_ASTEXT(self, first): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_AsText.html """ return 'ST_AsText(%s)' %(self.expand(first)) def ST_X(self, first): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_X.html """ return 'ST_X(%s)' %(self.expand(first)) def ST_Y(self, first): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_Y.html """ return 'ST_Y(%s)' %(self.expand(first)) def ST_CONTAINS(self, first, second): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_Contains.html """ return 'ST_Contains(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_DISTANCE(self, first, second): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_Distance.html """ return 'ST_Distance(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_EQUALS(self, first, second): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_Equals.html """ return 'ST_Equals(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_INTERSECTS(self, first, second): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_Intersects.html """ return 'ST_Intersects(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_OVERLAPS(self, first, second): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_Overlaps.html """ return 'ST_Overlaps(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_SIMPLIFY(self, first, second): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_Simplify.html """ return 'ST_Simplify(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, 'double')) def ST_TOUCHES(self, first, second): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_Touches.html """ return 'ST_Touches(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_WITHIN(self, first, second): """ http://postgis.org/docs/ST_Within.html """ return 'ST_Within(%s,%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def represent(self, obj, fieldtype): field_is_type = fieldtype.startswith if field_is_type('geo'): srid = 4326 # postGIS default srid for geometry geotype, parms = fieldtype[:-1].split('(') parms = parms.split(',') if len(parms) >= 2: schema, srid = parms[:2] if field_is_type('geometry'): value = "ST_GeomFromText('%s',%s)" %(obj, srid) elif field_is_type('geography'): value = "ST_GeogFromText('SRID=%s;%s')" %(srid, obj) # else: # raise SyntaxError('Invalid field type %s' %fieldtype) return value return BaseAdapter.represent(self, obj, fieldtype) class NewPostgreSQLAdapter(PostgreSQLAdapter): drivers = ('psycopg2','pg8000') types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'TEXT', 'json': 'TEXT', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'BYTEA', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INTEGER', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'FLOAT8', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATE', 'time': 'TIME', 'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP', 'id': 'SERIAL PRIMARY KEY', 'reference': 'INTEGER REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'BIGINT[]', 'list:string': 'TEXT[]', 'list:reference': 'BIGINT[]', 'geometry': 'GEOMETRY', 'geography': 'GEOGRAPHY', 'big-id': 'BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } def parse_list_integers(self, value, field_type): return value def parse_list_references(self, value, field_type): return [self.parse_reference(r, field_type[5:]) for r in value] def parse_list_strings(self, value, field_type): return value def represent(self, obj, fieldtype): field_is_type = fieldtype.startswith if field_is_type('list:'): if not obj: obj = [] elif not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): obj = [obj] if field_is_type('list:string'): obj = map(str,obj) else: obj = map(int,obj) return 'ARRAY[%s]' % ','.join(repr(item) for item in obj) return BaseAdapter.represent(self, obj, fieldtype) class JDBCPostgreSQLAdapter(PostgreSQLAdapter): drivers = ('zxJDBC',) REGEX_URI = re.compile('^(?P[^:@]+)(\:(?P[^@]*))?@(?P[^\:/]+)(\:(?P[0-9]+))?/(?P.+)$') def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None ): self.db = db self.dbengine = "postgres" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() ruri = uri.split('://',1)[1] m = self.REGEX_URI.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError("Invalid URI string in DAL") user = credential_decoder(m.group('user')) if not user: raise SyntaxError('User required') password = credential_decoder(m.group('password')) if not password: password = '' host = m.group('host') if not host: raise SyntaxError('Host name required') db = m.group('db') if not db: raise SyntaxError('Database name required') port = m.group('port') or '5432' msg = ('jdbc:postgresql://%s:%s/%s' % (host, port, db), user, password) def connector(msg=msg,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(*msg,**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def after_connection(self): self.connection.set_client_encoding('UTF8') self.execute('BEGIN;') self.execute("SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'UNICODE';") self.try_json() class OracleAdapter(BaseAdapter): drivers = ('cx_Oracle',) commit_on_alter_table = False types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'VARCHAR2(%(length)s)', 'text': 'CLOB', 'json': 'CLOB', 'password': 'VARCHAR2(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'CLOB', 'upload': 'VARCHAR2(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INT', 'bigint': 'NUMBER', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'BINARY_DOUBLE', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATE', 'time': 'CHAR(8)', 'datetime': 'DATE', 'id': 'NUMBER PRIMARY KEY', 'reference': 'NUMBER, CONSTRAINT %(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'CLOB', 'list:string': 'CLOB', 'list:reference': 'CLOB', 'big-id': 'NUMBER PRIMARY KEY', 'big-reference': 'NUMBER, CONSTRAINT %(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference FK': ', CONSTRAINT FK_%(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference TFK': ' CONSTRAINT FK_%(foreign_table)s_PK FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_table)s (%(foreign_key)s) ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } def sequence_name(self,tablename): return '%s_sequence' % tablename def trigger_name(self,tablename): return '%s_trigger' % tablename def LEFT_JOIN(self): return 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' def RANDOM(self): return 'dbms_random.value' def NOT_NULL(self,default,field_type): return 'DEFAULT %s NOT NULL' % self.represent(default,field_type) def _drop(self,table,mode): sequence_name = table._sequence_name return ['DROP TABLE %s %s;' % (table, mode), 'DROP SEQUENCE %s;' % sequence_name] def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): if limitby: (lmin, lmax) = limitby if len(sql_w) > 1: sql_w_row = sql_w + ' AND w_row > %i' % lmin else: sql_w_row = 'WHERE w_row > %i' % lmin return 'SELECT %s %s FROM (SELECT w_tmp.*, ROWNUM w_row FROM (SELECT %s FROM %s%s%s) w_tmp WHERE ROWNUM<=%i) %s %s %s;' % (sql_s, sql_f, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, lmax, sql_t, sql_w_row, sql_o) return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) def constraint_name(self, tablename, fieldname): constraint_name = BaseAdapter.constraint_name(self, tablename, fieldname) if len(constraint_name)>30: constraint_name = '%s_%s__constraint' % (tablename[:10], fieldname[:7]) return constraint_name def represent_exceptions(self, obj, fieldtype): if fieldtype == 'blob': obj = base64.b64encode(str(obj)) return ":CLOB('%s')" % obj elif fieldtype == 'date': if isinstance(obj, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)): obj = obj.isoformat()[:10] else: obj = str(obj) return "to_date('%s','yyyy-mm-dd')" % obj elif fieldtype == 'datetime': if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): obj = obj.isoformat()[:19].replace('T',' ') elif isinstance(obj, datetime.date): obj = obj.isoformat()[:10]+' 00:00:00' else: obj = str(obj) return "to_date('%s','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" % obj return None def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "oracle" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() ruri = uri.split('://',1)[1] if not 'threaded' in driver_args: driver_args['threaded']=True def connector(uri=ruri,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(uri,**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def after_connection(self): self.execute("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS';") self.execute("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS';") oracle_fix = re.compile("[^']*('[^']*'[^']*)*\:(?PCLOB\('([^']+|'')*'\))") def execute(self, command, args=None): args = args or [] i = 1 while True: m = self.oracle_fix.match(command) if not m: break command = command[:m.start('clob')] + str(i) + command[m.end('clob'):] args.append(m.group('clob')[6:-2].replace("''", "'")) i += 1 if command[-1:]==';': command = command[:-1] return self.log_execute(command, args) def create_sequence_and_triggers(self, query, table, **args): tablename = table._tablename id_name = table._id.name sequence_name = table._sequence_name trigger_name = table._trigger_name self.execute(query) self.execute('CREATE SEQUENCE %s START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NOMAXVALUE MINVALUE -1;' % sequence_name) self.execute(""" CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER %(trigger_name)s BEFORE INSERT ON %(tablename)s FOR EACH ROW DECLARE curr_val NUMBER; diff_val NUMBER; PRAGMA autonomous_transaction; BEGIN IF :NEW.%(id)s IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT %(sequence_name)s.nextval FROM dual' INTO curr_val; diff_val := :NEW.%(id)s - curr_val - 1; IF diff_val != 0 THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter sequence %(sequence_name)s increment by '|| diff_val; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT %(sequence_name)s.nextval FROM dual' INTO curr_val; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'alter sequence %(sequence_name)s increment by 1'; END IF; END IF; SELECT %(sequence_name)s.nextval INTO :NEW.%(id)s FROM DUAL; END; """ % dict(trigger_name=trigger_name, tablename=tablename, sequence_name=sequence_name,id=id_name)) def lastrowid(self,table): sequence_name = table._sequence_name self.execute('SELECT %s.currval FROM dual;' % sequence_name) return long(self.cursor.fetchone()[0]) #def parse_value(self, value, field_type, blob_decode=True): # if blob_decode and isinstance(value, cx_Oracle.LOB): # try: # value = value.read() # except self.driver.ProgrammingError: # # After a subsequent fetch the LOB value is not valid anymore # pass # return BaseAdapter.parse_value(self, value, field_type, blob_decode) def _fetchall(self): if any(x[1]==cx_Oracle.CLOB for x in self.cursor.description): return [tuple([(c.read() if type(c) == cx_Oracle.LOB else c) \ for c in r]) for r in self.cursor] else: return self.cursor.fetchall() class MSSQLAdapter(BaseAdapter): drivers = ('pyodbc',) T_SEP = 'T' QUOTE_TEMPLATE = "[%s]" types = { 'boolean': 'BIT', 'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'TEXT', 'json': 'TEXT', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'IMAGE', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INT', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'FLOAT', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATETIME', 'time': 'CHAR(8)', 'datetime': 'DATETIME', 'id': 'INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY', 'reference': 'INT NULL, CONSTRAINT %(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'TEXT', 'list:string': 'TEXT', 'list:reference': 'TEXT', 'geometry': 'geometry', 'geography': 'geography', 'big-id': 'BIGINT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT NULL, CONSTRAINT %(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference FK': ', CONSTRAINT FK_%(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference TFK': ' CONSTRAINT FK_%(foreign_table)s_PK FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_table)s (%(foreign_key)s) ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } def concat_add(self,tablename): return '; ALTER TABLE %s ADD ' % tablename def varquote(self,name): return varquote_aux(name,'[%s]') def EXTRACT(self,field,what): return "DATEPART(%s,%s)" % (what, self.expand(field)) def LEFT_JOIN(self): return 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' def RANDOM(self): return 'NEWID()' def ALLOW_NULL(self): return ' NULL' def SUBSTRING(self,field,parameters): return 'SUBSTRING(%s,%s,%s)' % (self.expand(field), parameters[0], parameters[1]) def PRIMARY_KEY(self,key): return 'PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (%s)' % key def AGGREGATE(self, first, what): if what == 'LENGTH': what = 'LEN' return "%s(%s)" % (what, self.expand(first)) def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): if limitby: (lmin, lmax) = limitby sql_s += ' TOP %i' % lmax if 'GROUP BY' in sql_o: orderfound = sql_o.find('ORDER BY ') if orderfound >= 0: sql_o = sql_o[:orderfound] return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 REGEX_DSN = re.compile('^(?P.+)$') REGEX_URI = re.compile('^(?P[^:@]+)(\:(?P[^@]*))?@(?P[^\:/]+)(\:(?P[0-9]+))?/(?P[^\?]+)(\?(?P.*))?$') REGEX_ARGPATTERN = re.compile('(?P[^=]+)=(?P[^&]*)') def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, srid=4326, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "mssql" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.srid = srid self.find_or_make_work_folder() # ## read: http://bytes.com/groups/python/460325-cx_oracle-utf8 ruri = uri.split('://',1)[1] if '@' not in ruri: try: m = self.REGEX_DSN.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError( 'Parsing uri string(%s) has no result' % self.uri) dsn = m.group('dsn') if not dsn: raise SyntaxError('DSN required') except SyntaxError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] LOGGER.error('NdGpatch error') raise e # was cnxn = 'DSN=%s' % dsn cnxn = dsn else: m = self.REGEX_URI.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError( "Invalid URI string in DAL: %s" % self.uri) user = credential_decoder(m.group('user')) if not user: raise SyntaxError('User required') password = credential_decoder(m.group('password')) if not password: password = '' host = m.group('host') if not host: raise SyntaxError('Host name required') db = m.group('db') if not db: raise SyntaxError('Database name required') port = m.group('port') or '1433' # Parse the optional url name-value arg pairs after the '?' # (in the form of arg1=value1&arg2=value2&...) # Default values (drivers like FreeTDS insist on uppercase parameter keys) argsdict = { 'DRIVER':'{SQL Server}' } urlargs = m.group('urlargs') or '' for argmatch in self.REGEX_ARGPATTERN.finditer(urlargs): argsdict[str(argmatch.group('argkey')).upper()] = argmatch.group('argvalue') urlargs = ';'.join(['%s=%s' % (ak, av) for (ak, av) in argsdict.iteritems()]) cnxn = 'SERVER=%s;PORT=%s;DATABASE=%s;UID=%s;PWD=%s;%s' \ % (host, port, db, user, password, urlargs) def connector(cnxn=cnxn,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(cnxn,**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def lastrowid(self,table): #self.execute('SELECT @@IDENTITY;') self.execute('SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();') return long(self.cursor.fetchone()[0]) def rowslice(self,rows,minimum=0,maximum=None): if maximum is None: return rows[minimum:] return rows[minimum:maximum] def EPOCH(self, first): return "DATEDIFF(second, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', %s)" % self.expand(first) def CONCAT(self, *items): return '(%s)' % ' + '.join(self.expand(x,'string') for x in items) # GIS Spatial Extensions # No STAsGeoJSON in MSSQL def ST_ASTEXT(self, first): return '%s.STAsText()' %(self.expand(first)) def ST_CONTAINS(self, first, second): return '%s.STContains(%s)=1' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_DISTANCE(self, first, second): return '%s.STDistance(%s)' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_EQUALS(self, first, second): return '%s.STEquals(%s)=1' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_INTERSECTS(self, first, second): return '%s.STIntersects(%s)=1' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_OVERLAPS(self, first, second): return '%s.STOverlaps(%s)=1' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) # no STSimplify in MSSQL def ST_TOUCHES(self, first, second): return '%s.STTouches(%s)=1' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def ST_WITHIN(self, first, second): return '%s.STWithin(%s)=1' %(self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def represent(self, obj, fieldtype): field_is_type = fieldtype.startswith if field_is_type('geometry'): srid = 0 # MS SQL default srid for geometry geotype, parms = fieldtype[:-1].split('(') if parms: srid = parms return "geometry::STGeomFromText('%s',%s)" %(obj, srid) elif fieldtype == 'geography': srid = 4326 # MS SQL default srid for geography geotype, parms = fieldtype[:-1].split('(') if parms: srid = parms return "geography::STGeomFromText('%s',%s)" %(obj, srid) # else: # raise SyntaxError('Invalid field type %s' %fieldtype) return "geometry::STGeomFromText('%s',%s)" %(obj, srid) return BaseAdapter.represent(self, obj, fieldtype) class MSSQL3Adapter(MSSQLAdapter): """ experimental support for pagination in MSSQL""" def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): if limitby: (lmin, lmax) = limitby if lmin == 0: sql_s += ' TOP %i' % lmax return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) lmin += 1 sql_o_inner = sql_o[sql_o.find('ORDER BY ')+9:] sql_g_inner = sql_o[:sql_o.find('ORDER BY ')] sql_f_outer = ['f_%s' % f for f in range(len(sql_f.split(',')))] sql_f_inner = [f for f in sql_f.split(',')] sql_f_iproxy = ['%s AS %s' % (o, n) for (o, n) in zip(sql_f_inner, sql_f_outer)] sql_f_iproxy = ', '.join(sql_f_iproxy) sql_f_oproxy = ', '.join(sql_f_outer) return 'SELECT %s %s FROM (SELECT %s ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY %s) AS w_row, %s FROM %s%s%s) TMP WHERE w_row BETWEEN %i AND %s;' % (sql_s,sql_f_oproxy,sql_s,sql_f,sql_f_iproxy,sql_t,sql_w,sql_g_inner,lmin,lmax) return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % (sql_s,sql_f,sql_t,sql_w,sql_o) def rowslice(self,rows,minimum=0,maximum=None): return rows class MSSQL2Adapter(MSSQLAdapter): drivers = ('pyodbc',) types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'NVARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'NTEXT', 'json': 'NTEXT', 'password': 'NVARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'IMAGE', 'upload': 'NVARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INT', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'FLOAT', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATETIME', 'time': 'CHAR(8)', 'datetime': 'DATETIME', 'id': 'INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY', 'reference': 'INT, CONSTRAINT %(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'NTEXT', 'list:string': 'NTEXT', 'list:reference': 'NTEXT', 'big-id': 'BIGINT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT, CONSTRAINT %(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference FK': ', CONSTRAINT FK_%(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference TFK': ' CONSTRAINT FK_%(foreign_table)s_PK FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_table)s (%(foreign_key)s) ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } def represent(self, obj, fieldtype): value = BaseAdapter.represent(self, obj, fieldtype) if fieldtype in ('string','text', 'json') and value[:1]=="'": value = 'N'+value return value def execute(self,a): return self.log_execute(a.decode('utf8')) class VerticaAdapter(MSSQLAdapter): drivers = ('pyodbc',) T_SEP = ' ' types = { 'boolean': 'BOOLEAN', 'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'BYTEA', 'json': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'BYTEA', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INT', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'DOUBLE PRECISION', 'decimal': 'DECIMAL(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATE', 'time': 'TIME', 'datetime': 'DATETIME', 'id': 'IDENTITY', 'reference': 'INT REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'BYTEA', 'list:string': 'BYTEA', 'list:reference': 'BYTEA', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } def EXTRACT(self, first, what): return "DATE_PART('%s', TIMESTAMP %s)" % (what, self.expand(first)) def _truncate(self, table, mode=''): tablename = table._tablename return ['TRUNCATE %s %s;' % (tablename, mode or '')] def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): if limitby: (lmin, lmax) = limitby sql_o += ' LIMIT %i OFFSET %i' % (lmax - lmin, lmin) return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % \ (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) def lastrowid(self,table): self.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();') return long(self.cursor.fetchone()[0]) def execute(self, a): return self.log_execute(a) class SybaseAdapter(MSSQLAdapter): drivers = ('Sybase',) types = { 'boolean': 'BIT', 'string': 'CHAR VARYING(%(length)s)', 'text': 'TEXT', 'json': 'TEXT', 'password': 'CHAR VARYING(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'IMAGE', 'upload': 'CHAR VARYING(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INT', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'FLOAT', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATETIME', 'time': 'CHAR(8)', 'datetime': 'DATETIME', 'id': 'INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY', 'reference': 'INT NULL, CONSTRAINT %(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'TEXT', 'list:string': 'TEXT', 'list:reference': 'TEXT', 'geometry': 'geometry', 'geography': 'geography', 'big-id': 'BIGINT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT NULL, CONSTRAINT %(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference FK': ', CONSTRAINT FK_%(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference TFK': ' CONSTRAINT FK_%(foreign_table)s_PK FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_table)s (%(foreign_key)s) ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, srid=4326, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "sybase" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.srid = srid self.find_or_make_work_folder() # ## read: http://bytes.com/groups/python/460325-cx_oracle-utf8 ruri = uri.split('://',1)[1] if '@' not in ruri: try: m = self.REGEX_DSN.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError( 'Parsing uri string(%s) has no result' % self.uri) dsn = m.group('dsn') if not dsn: raise SyntaxError('DSN required') except SyntaxError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] LOGGER.error('NdGpatch error') raise e else: m = self.REGEX_URI.match(uri) if not m: raise SyntaxError( "Invalid URI string in DAL: %s" % self.uri) user = credential_decoder(m.group('user')) if not user: raise SyntaxError('User required') password = credential_decoder(m.group('password')) if not password: password = '' host = m.group('host') if not host: raise SyntaxError('Host name required') db = m.group('db') if not db: raise SyntaxError('Database name required') port = m.group('port') or '1433' dsn = 'sybase:host=%s:%s;dbname=%s' % (host,port,db) driver_args.update(user = credential_decoder(user), password = credential_decoder(password)) def connector(dsn=dsn,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(dsn,**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() class FireBirdAdapter(BaseAdapter): drivers = ('kinterbasdb','firebirdsql','fdb','pyodbc') commit_on_alter_table = False support_distributed_transaction = True types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 1', 'json': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 1', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 0', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INTEGER', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'DOUBLE PRECISION', 'decimal': 'DECIMAL(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATE', 'time': 'TIME', 'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP', 'id': 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY', 'reference': 'INTEGER REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 1', 'list:string': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 1', 'list:reference': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 1', 'big-id': 'BIGINT PRIMARY KEY', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } def sequence_name(self,tablename): return 'genid_%s' % tablename def trigger_name(self,tablename): return 'trg_id_%s' % tablename def RANDOM(self): return 'RAND()' def EPOCH(self, first): return "DATEDIFF(second, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', %s)" % self.expand(first) def NOT_NULL(self,default,field_type): return 'DEFAULT %s NOT NULL' % self.represent(default,field_type) def SUBSTRING(self,field,parameters): return 'SUBSTRING(%s from %s for %s)' % (self.expand(field), parameters[0], parameters[1]) def LENGTH(self, first): return "CHAR_LENGTH(%s)" % self.expand(first) def CONTAINS(self,first,second,case_sensitive=False): if first.type.startswith('list:'): second = Expression(None,self.CONCAT('|',Expression( None,self.REPLACE(second,('|','||'))),'|')) return '(%s CONTAINING %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, 'string')) def _drop(self,table,mode): sequence_name = table._sequence_name return ['DROP TABLE %s %s;' % (table, mode), 'DROP GENERATOR %s;' % sequence_name] def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): if limitby: (lmin, lmax) = limitby sql_s = ' FIRST %i SKIP %i %s' % (lmax - lmin, lmin, sql_s) return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) def _truncate(self,table,mode = ''): return ['DELETE FROM %s;' % table._tablename, 'SET GENERATOR %s TO 0;' % table._sequence_name] REGEX_URI = re.compile('^(?P[^:@]+)(\:(?P[^@]*))?@(?P[^\:/]+)(\:(?P[0-9]+))?/(?P.+?)(\?set_encoding=(?P\w+))?$') def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "firebird" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() ruri = uri.split('://',1)[1] m = self.REGEX_URI.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError("Invalid URI string in DAL: %s" % self.uri) user = credential_decoder(m.group('user')) if not user: raise SyntaxError('User required') password = credential_decoder(m.group('password')) if not password: password = '' host = m.group('host') if not host: raise SyntaxError('Host name required') port = int(m.group('port') or 3050) db = m.group('db') if not db: raise SyntaxError('Database name required') charset = m.group('charset') or 'UTF8' driver_args.update(dsn='%s/%s:%s' % (host,port,db), user = credential_decoder(user), password = credential_decoder(password), charset = charset) def connector(driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def create_sequence_and_triggers(self, query, table, **args): tablename = table._tablename sequence_name = table._sequence_name trigger_name = table._trigger_name self.execute(query) self.execute('create generator %s;' % sequence_name) self.execute('set generator %s to 0;' % sequence_name) self.execute('create trigger %s for %s active before insert position 0 as\nbegin\nif(new.id is null) then\nbegin\nnew.id = gen_id(%s, 1);\nend\nend;' % (trigger_name, tablename, sequence_name)) def lastrowid(self,table): sequence_name = table._sequence_name self.execute('SELECT gen_id(%s, 0) FROM rdb$database' % sequence_name) return long(self.cursor.fetchone()[0]) class FireBirdEmbeddedAdapter(FireBirdAdapter): drivers = ('kinterbasdb','firebirdsql','fdb','pyodbc') REGEX_URI = re.compile('^(?P[^:@]+)(\:(?P[^@]*))?@(?P[^\?]+)(\?set_encoding=(?P\w+))?$') def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "firebird" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() ruri = uri.split('://',1)[1] m = self.REGEX_URI.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError( "Invalid URI string in DAL: %s" % self.uri) user = credential_decoder(m.group('user')) if not user: raise SyntaxError('User required') password = credential_decoder(m.group('password')) if not password: password = '' pathdb = m.group('path') if not pathdb: raise SyntaxError('Path required') charset = m.group('charset') if not charset: charset = 'UTF8' host = '' driver_args.update(host=host, database=pathdb, user=credential_decoder(user), password=credential_decoder(password), charset=charset) def connector(driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() class InformixAdapter(BaseAdapter): drivers = ('informixdb',) types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 1', 'json': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 1', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 0', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INTEGER', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'DOUBLE PRECISION', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATE', 'time': 'CHAR(8)', 'datetime': 'DATETIME', 'id': 'SERIAL', 'reference': 'INTEGER REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 1', 'list:string': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 1', 'list:reference': 'BLOB SUB_TYPE 1', 'big-id': 'BIGSERIAL', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference FK': 'REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s CONSTRAINT FK_%(table_name)s_%(field_name)s', 'reference TFK': 'FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_table)s (%(foreign_key)s) ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s CONSTRAINT TFK_%(table_name)s_%(field_name)s', } def RANDOM(self): return 'Random()' def NOT_NULL(self,default,field_type): return 'DEFAULT %s NOT NULL' % self.represent(default,field_type) def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): if limitby: (lmin, lmax) = limitby fetch_amt = lmax - lmin dbms_version = int(self.connection.dbms_version.split('.')[0]) if lmin and (dbms_version >= 10): # Requires Informix 10.0+ sql_s += ' SKIP %d' % (lmin, ) if fetch_amt and (dbms_version >= 9): # Requires Informix 9.0+ sql_s += ' FIRST %d' % (fetch_amt, ) return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) def represent_exceptions(self, obj, fieldtype): if fieldtype == 'date': if isinstance(obj, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)): obj = obj.isoformat()[:10] else: obj = str(obj) return "to_date('%s','%%Y-%%m-%%d')" % obj elif fieldtype == 'datetime': if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): obj = obj.isoformat()[:19].replace('T',' ') elif isinstance(obj, datetime.date): obj = obj.isoformat()[:10]+' 00:00:00' else: obj = str(obj) return "to_date('%s','%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S')" % obj return None REGEX_URI = re.compile('^(?P[^:@]+)(\:(?P[^@]*))?@(?P[^\:/]+)(\:(?P[0-9]+))?/(?P.+)$') def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "informix" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() ruri = uri.split('://',1)[1] m = self.REGEX_URI.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError( "Invalid URI string in DAL: %s" % self.uri) user = credential_decoder(m.group('user')) if not user: raise SyntaxError('User required') password = credential_decoder(m.group('password')) if not password: password = '' host = m.group('host') if not host: raise SyntaxError('Host name required') db = m.group('db') if not db: raise SyntaxError('Database name required') user = credential_decoder(user) password = credential_decoder(password) dsn = '%s@%s' % (db,host) driver_args.update(user=user,password=password,autocommit=True) def connector(dsn=dsn,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(dsn,**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def execute(self,command): if command[-1:]==';': command = command[:-1] return self.log_execute(command) def lastrowid(self,table): return self.cursor.sqlerrd[1] class InformixSEAdapter(InformixAdapter): """ work in progress """ def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % \ (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) def rowslice(self,rows,minimum=0,maximum=None): if maximum is None: return rows[minimum:] return rows[minimum:maximum] class DB2Adapter(BaseAdapter): drivers = ('pyodbc',) types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'CLOB', 'json': 'CLOB', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'BLOB', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INT', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'REAL', 'double': 'DOUBLE', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATE', 'time': 'TIME', 'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP', 'id': 'INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL', 'reference': 'INT, FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'CLOB', 'list:string': 'CLOB', 'list:reference': 'CLOB', 'big-id': 'BIGINT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT, FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference FK': ', CONSTRAINT FK_%(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference TFK': ' CONSTRAINT FK_%(foreign_table)s_PK FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_table)s (%(foreign_key)s) ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } def LEFT_JOIN(self): return 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' def RANDOM(self): return 'RAND()' def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): if limitby: (lmin, lmax) = limitby sql_o += ' FETCH FIRST %i ROWS ONLY' % lmax return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) def represent_exceptions(self, obj, fieldtype): if fieldtype == 'blob': obj = base64.b64encode(str(obj)) return "BLOB('%s')" % obj elif fieldtype == 'datetime': if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): obj = obj.isoformat()[:19].replace('T','-').replace(':','.') elif isinstance(obj, datetime.date): obj = obj.isoformat()[:10]+'-00.00.00' return "'%s'" % obj return None def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "db2" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() ruri = uri.split('://', 1)[1] def connector(cnxn=ruri,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(cnxn,**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def execute(self,command): if command[-1:]==';': command = command[:-1] return self.log_execute(command) def lastrowid(self,table): self.execute('SELECT DISTINCT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL() FROM %s;' % table) return long(self.cursor.fetchone()[0]) def rowslice(self,rows,minimum=0,maximum=None): if maximum is None: return rows[minimum:] return rows[minimum:maximum] class TeradataAdapter(BaseAdapter): drivers = ('pyodbc',) types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'CLOB', 'json': 'CLOB', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'BLOB', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INT', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'REAL', 'double': 'DOUBLE', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATE', 'time': 'TIME', 'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP', # Modified Constraint syntax for Teradata. # Teradata does not support ON DELETE. 'id': 'INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY', # Teradata Specific 'reference': 'INT', 'list:integer': 'CLOB', 'list:string': 'CLOB', 'list:reference': 'CLOB', 'big-id': 'BIGINT GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY', # Teradata Specific 'big-reference': 'BIGINT', 'reference FK': ' REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s', 'reference TFK': ' FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_table)s (%(foreign_key)s)', } def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "teradata" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() ruri = uri.split('://', 1)[1] def connector(cnxn=ruri,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(cnxn,**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def LEFT_JOIN(self): return 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' # Similar to MSSQL, Teradata can't specify a range (for Pageby) def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): if limitby: (lmin, lmax) = limitby sql_s += ' TOP %i' % lmax return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) def _truncate(self, table, mode=''): tablename = table._tablename return ['DELETE FROM %s ALL;' % (tablename)] INGRES_SEQNAME='ii***lineitemsequence' # NOTE invalid database object name # (ANSI-SQL wants this form of name # to be a delimited identifier) class IngresAdapter(BaseAdapter): drivers = ('pyodbc',) types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'CLOB', 'json': 'CLOB', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', ## Not sure what this contains utf8 or nvarchar. Or even bytes? 'blob': 'BLOB', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', ## FIXME utf8 or nvarchar... or blob? what is this type? 'integer': 'INTEGER4', # or int8... 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'FLOAT8', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'ANSIDATE', 'time': 'TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE', 'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE', 'id': 'int not null unique with default next value for %s' % INGRES_SEQNAME, 'reference': 'INT, FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'CLOB', 'list:string': 'CLOB', 'list:reference': 'CLOB', 'big-id': 'bigint not null unique with default next value for %s' % INGRES_SEQNAME, 'big-reference': 'BIGINT, FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference FK': ', CONSTRAINT FK_%(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference TFK': ' CONSTRAINT FK_%(foreign_table)s_PK FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_table)s (%(foreign_key)s) ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', ## FIXME TODO } def LEFT_JOIN(self): return 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' def RANDOM(self): return 'RANDOM()' def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): if limitby: (lmin, lmax) = limitby fetch_amt = lmax - lmin if fetch_amt: sql_s += ' FIRST %d ' % (fetch_amt, ) if lmin: # Requires Ingres 9.2+ sql_o += ' OFFSET %d' % (lmin, ) return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "ingres" self._driver = pyodbc self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() connstr = uri.split(':', 1)[1] # Simple URI processing connstr = connstr.lstrip() while connstr.startswith('/'): connstr = connstr[1:] if '=' in connstr: # Assume we have a regular ODBC connection string and just use it ruri = connstr else: # Assume only (local) dbname is passed in with OS auth database_name = connstr default_driver_name = 'Ingres' vnode = '(local)' servertype = 'ingres' ruri = 'Driver={%s};Server=%s;Database=%s' % (default_driver_name, vnode, database_name) def connector(cnxn=ruri,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(cnxn,**driver_args) self.connector = connector # TODO if version is >= 10, set types['id'] to Identity column, see http://community.actian.com/wiki/Using_Ingres_Identity_Columns if do_connect: self.reconnect() def create_sequence_and_triggers(self, query, table, **args): # post create table auto inc code (if needed) # modify table to btree for performance.... # Older Ingres releases could use rule/trigger like Oracle above. if hasattr(table,'_primarykey'): modify_tbl_sql = 'modify %s to btree unique on %s' % \ (table._tablename, ', '.join(["'%s'" % x for x in table.primarykey])) self.execute(modify_tbl_sql) else: tmp_seqname='%s_iisq' % table._tablename query=query.replace(INGRES_SEQNAME, tmp_seqname) self.execute('create sequence %s' % tmp_seqname) self.execute(query) self.execute('modify %s to btree unique on %s' % (table._tablename, 'id')) def lastrowid(self,table): tmp_seqname='%s_iisq' % table self.execute('select current value for %s' % tmp_seqname) return long(self.cursor.fetchone()[0]) # don't really need int type cast here... class IngresUnicodeAdapter(IngresAdapter): drivers = ('pyodbc',) types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'NVARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'NCLOB', 'json': 'NCLOB', 'password': 'NVARCHAR(%(length)s)', ## Not sure what this contains utf8 or nvarchar. Or even bytes? 'blob': 'BLOB', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', ## FIXME utf8 or nvarchar... or blob? what is this type? 'integer': 'INTEGER4', # or int8... 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'FLOAT8', 'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'ANSIDATE', 'time': 'TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE', 'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE', 'id': 'INTEGER4 not null unique with default next value for %s'% INGRES_SEQNAME, 'reference': 'INTEGER4, FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'NCLOB', 'list:string': 'NCLOB', 'list:reference': 'NCLOB', 'big-id': 'BIGINT not null unique with default next value for %s'% INGRES_SEQNAME, 'big-reference': 'BIGINT, FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference FK': ', CONSTRAINT FK_%(constraint_name)s FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'reference TFK': ' CONSTRAINT FK_%(foreign_table)s_PK FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_table)s (%(foreign_key)s) ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', ## FIXME TODO } class SAPDBAdapter(BaseAdapter): drivers = ('sapdb',) support_distributed_transaction = False types = { 'boolean': 'CHAR(1)', 'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'text': 'LONG', 'json': 'LONG', 'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'blob': 'LONG', 'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)', 'integer': 'INT', 'bigint': 'BIGINT', 'float': 'FLOAT', 'double': 'DOUBLE PRECISION', 'decimal': 'FIXED(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)', 'date': 'DATE', 'time': 'TIME', 'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP', 'id': 'INT PRIMARY KEY', 'reference': 'INT, FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', 'list:integer': 'LONG', 'list:string': 'LONG', 'list:reference': 'LONG', 'big-id': 'BIGINT PRIMARY KEY', 'big-reference': 'BIGINT, FOREIGN KEY (%(field_name)s) REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s', } def sequence_name(self,table): return '%s_id_Seq' % table def select_limitby(self, sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, limitby): if limitby: (lmin, lmax) = limitby if len(sql_w) > 1: sql_w_row = sql_w + ' AND w_row > %i' % lmin else: sql_w_row = 'WHERE w_row > %i' % lmin return '%s %s FROM (SELECT w_tmp.*, ROWNO w_row FROM (SELECT %s FROM %s%s%s) w_tmp WHERE ROWNO=%i) %s %s %s;' % (sql_s, sql_f, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o, lmax, sql_t, sql_w_row, sql_o) return 'SELECT %s %s FROM %s%s%s;' % (sql_s, sql_f, sql_t, sql_w, sql_o) def create_sequence_and_triggers(self, query, table, **args): # following lines should only be executed if table._sequence_name does not exist self.execute('CREATE SEQUENCE %s;' % table._sequence_name) self.execute("ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s SET DEFAULT NEXTVAL('%s');" \ % (table._tablename, table._id.name, table._sequence_name)) self.execute(query) REGEX_URI = re.compile('^(?P[^:@]+)(\:(?P[^@]*))?@(?P[^\:@]+)(\:(?P[0-9]+))?/(?P[^\?]+)(\?sslmode=(?P.+))?$') def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "sapdb" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() ruri = uri.split('://',1)[1] m = self.REGEX_URI.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError("Invalid URI string in DAL") user = credential_decoder(m.group('user')) if not user: raise SyntaxError('User required') password = credential_decoder(m.group('password')) if not password: password = '' host = m.group('host') if not host: raise SyntaxError('Host name required') db = m.group('db') if not db: raise SyntaxError('Database name required') def connector(user=user, password=password, database=db, host=host, driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.Connection(user, password, database, host, **driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def lastrowid(self,table): self.execute("select %s.NEXTVAL from dual" % table._sequence_name) return long(self.cursor.fetchone()[0]) class CubridAdapter(MySQLAdapter): drivers = ('cubriddb',) REGEX_URI = re.compile('^(?P[^:@]+)(\:(?P[^@]*))?@(?P[^\:/]+)(\:(?P[0-9]+))?/(?P[^?]+)(\?set_encoding=(?P\w+))?$') def __init__(self, db, uri, pool_size=0, folder=None, db_codec='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "cubrid" self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args,uri) self.pool_size = pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.find_or_make_work_folder() ruri = uri.split('://',1)[1] m = self.REGEX_URI.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError( "Invalid URI string in DAL: %s" % self.uri) user = credential_decoder(m.group('user')) if not user: raise SyntaxError('User required') password = credential_decoder(m.group('password')) if not password: password = '' host = m.group('host') if not host: raise SyntaxError('Host name required') db = m.group('db') if not db: raise SyntaxError('Database name required') port = int(m.group('port') or '30000') charset = m.group('charset') or 'utf8' user = credential_decoder(user) passwd = credential_decoder(password) def connector(host=host,port=port,db=db, user=user,passwd=password,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.connect(host,port,db,user,passwd,**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def after_connection(self): self.execute('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;') self.execute("SET sql_mode='NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES';") ######## GAE MySQL ########## class DatabaseStoredFile: web2py_filesystem = False def escape(self,obj): return self.db._adapter.escape(obj) def __init__(self,db,filename,mode): if not db._adapter.dbengine in ('mysql', 'postgres'): raise RuntimeError("only MySQL/Postgres can store metadata .table files in database for now") self.db = db self.filename = filename self.mode = mode if not self.web2py_filesystem: if db._adapter.dbengine == 'mysql': sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS web2py_filesystem (path VARCHAR(255), content LONGTEXT, PRIMARY KEY(path) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;" elif db._adapter.dbengine == 'postgres': sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS web2py_filesystem (path VARCHAR(255), content TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(path));" self.db.executesql(sql) DatabaseStoredFile.web2py_filesystem = True self.p=0 self.data = '' if mode in ('r','rw','a'): query = "SELECT content FROM web2py_filesystem WHERE path='%s'" \ % filename rows = self.db.executesql(query) if rows: self.data = rows[0][0] elif exists(filename): datafile = open(filename, 'r') try: self.data = datafile.read() finally: datafile.close() elif mode in ('r','rw'): raise RuntimeError("File %s does not exist" % filename) def read(self, bytes): data = self.data[self.p:self.p+bytes] self.p += len(data) return data def readline(self): i = self.data.find('\n',self.p)+1 if i>0: data, self.p = self.data[self.p:i], i else: data, self.p = self.data[self.p:], len(self.data) return data def write(self,data): self.data += data def close_connection(self): if self.db is not None: self.db.executesql( "DELETE FROM web2py_filesystem WHERE path='%s'" % self.filename) query = "INSERT INTO web2py_filesystem(path,content) VALUES ('%s','%s')"\ % (self.filename, self.data.replace("'","''")) self.db.executesql(query) self.db.commit() self.db = None def close(self): self.close_connection() @staticmethod def exists(db, filename): if exists(filename): return True query = "SELECT path FROM web2py_filesystem WHERE path='%s'" % filename if db.executesql(query): return True return False class UseDatabaseStoredFile: def file_exists(self, filename): return DatabaseStoredFile.exists(self.db,filename) def file_open(self, filename, mode='rb', lock=True): return DatabaseStoredFile(self.db,filename,mode) def file_close(self, fileobj): fileobj.close_connection() def file_delete(self,filename): query = "DELETE FROM web2py_filesystem WHERE path='%s'" % filename self.db.executesql(query) self.db.commit() class GoogleSQLAdapter(UseDatabaseStoredFile,MySQLAdapter): uploads_in_blob = True REGEX_URI = re.compile('^(?P.*)/(?P.*)$') def __init__(self, db, uri='google:sql://realm:domain/database', pool_size=0, folder=None, db_codec='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.dbengine = "mysql" self.uri = uri self.pool_size = pool_size self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.folder = folder or pjoin('$HOME',THREAD_LOCAL.folder.split( os.sep+'applications'+os.sep,1)[1]) ruri = uri.split("://")[1] m = self.REGEX_URI.match(ruri) if not m: raise SyntaxError("Invalid URI string in SQLDB: %s" % self.uri) instance = credential_decoder(m.group('instance')) self.dbstring = db = credential_decoder(m.group('db')) driver_args['instance'] = instance if not 'charset' in driver_args: driver_args['charset'] = 'utf8' self.createdb = createdb = adapter_args.get('createdb',True) if not createdb: driver_args['database'] = db def connector(driver_args=driver_args): return rdbms.connect(**driver_args) self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def after_connection(self): if self.createdb: # self.execute('DROP DATABASE %s' % self.dbstring) self.execute('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS %s' % self.dbstring) self.execute('USE %s' % self.dbstring) self.execute("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;") self.execute("SET sql_mode='NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES';") def execute(self, command, *a, **b): return self.log_execute(command.decode('utf8'), *a, **b) class NoSQLAdapter(BaseAdapter): can_select_for_update = False @staticmethod def to_unicode(obj): if isinstance(obj, str): return obj.decode('utf8') elif not isinstance(obj, unicode): return unicode(obj) return obj def id_query(self, table): return table._id > 0 def represent(self, obj, fieldtype): field_is_type = fieldtype.startswith if isinstance(obj, CALLABLETYPES): obj = obj() if isinstance(fieldtype, SQLCustomType): return fieldtype.encoder(obj) if isinstance(obj, (Expression, Field)): raise SyntaxError("non supported on GAE") if self.dbengine == 'google:datastore': if isinstance(fieldtype, gae.Property): return obj is_string = isinstance(fieldtype,str) is_list = is_string and field_is_type('list:') if is_list: if not obj: obj = [] if not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): obj = [obj] if obj == '' and not \ (is_string and fieldtype[:2] in ['st','te', 'pa','up']): return None if not obj is None: if isinstance(obj, list) and not is_list: obj = [self.represent(o, fieldtype) for o in obj] elif fieldtype in ('integer','bigint','id'): obj = long(obj) elif fieldtype == 'double': obj = float(obj) elif is_string and field_is_type('reference'): if isinstance(obj, (Row, Reference)): obj = obj['id'] obj = long(obj) elif fieldtype == 'boolean': if obj and not str(obj)[0].upper() in '0F': obj = True else: obj = False elif fieldtype == 'date': if not isinstance(obj, datetime.date): (y, m, d) = map(int,str(obj).strip().split('-')) obj = datetime.date(y, m, d) elif isinstance(obj,datetime.datetime): (y, m, d) = (obj.year, obj.month, obj.day) obj = datetime.date(y, m, d) elif fieldtype == 'time': if not isinstance(obj, datetime.time): time_items = map(int,str(obj).strip().split(':')[:3]) if len(time_items) == 3: (h, mi, s) = time_items else: (h, mi, s) = time_items + [0] obj = datetime.time(h, mi, s) elif fieldtype == 'datetime': if not isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): (y, m, d) = map(int,str(obj)[:10].strip().split('-')) time_items = map(int,str(obj)[11:].strip().split(':')[:3]) while len(time_items)<3: time_items.append(0) (h, mi, s) = time_items obj = datetime.datetime(y, m, d, h, mi, s) elif fieldtype == 'blob': pass elif fieldtype == 'json': if isinstance(obj, basestring): obj = self.to_unicode(obj) if have_serializers: obj = serializers.loads_json(obj) elif simplejson: obj = simplejson.loads(obj) else: raise RuntimeError("missing simplejson") elif is_string and field_is_type('list:string'): return map(self.to_unicode,obj) elif is_list: return map(int,obj) else: obj = self.to_unicode(obj) return obj def _insert(self,table,fields): return 'insert %s in %s' % (fields, table) def _count(self,query,distinct=None): return 'count %s' % repr(query) def _select(self,query,fields,attributes): return 'select %s where %s' % (repr(fields), repr(query)) def _delete(self,tablename, query): return 'delete %s where %s' % (repr(tablename),repr(query)) def _update(self,tablename,query,fields): return 'update %s (%s) where %s' % (repr(tablename), repr(fields),repr(query)) def commit(self): """ remember: no transactions on many NoSQL """ pass def rollback(self): """ remember: no transactions on many NoSQL """ pass def close_connection(self): """ remember: no transactions on many NoSQL """ pass # these functions should never be called! def OR(self,first,second): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def AND(self,first,second): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def AS(self,first,second): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def ON(self,first,second): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def STARTSWITH(self,first,second=None): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def ENDSWITH(self,first,second=None): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def ADD(self,first,second): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def SUB(self,first,second): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def MUL(self,first,second): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def DIV(self,first,second): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def LOWER(self,first): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def UPPER(self,first): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def EXTRACT(self,first,what): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def LENGTH(self, first): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def AGGREGATE(self,first,what): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def LEFT_JOIN(self): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def RANDOM(self): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def SUBSTRING(self,field,parameters): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def PRIMARY_KEY(self,key): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def ILIKE(self,first,second): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def drop(self,table,mode): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def alias(self,table,alias): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def migrate_table(self,*a,**b): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def distributed_transaction_begin(self,key): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def prepare(self,key): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def commit_prepared(self,key): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def rollback_prepared(self,key): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def concat_add(self,table): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def constraint_name(self, table, fieldname): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def create_sequence_and_triggers(self, query, table, **args): pass def log_execute(self,*a,**b): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def execute(self,*a,**b): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def represent_exceptions(self, obj, fieldtype): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def lastrowid(self,table): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") def rowslice(self,rows,minimum=0,maximum=None): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") class GAEF(object): def __init__(self,name,op,value,apply): self.name=name=='id' and '__key__' or name self.op=op self.value=value self.apply=apply def __repr__(self): return '(%s %s %s:%s)' % (self.name, self.op, repr(self.value), type(self.value)) class GoogleDatastoreAdapter(NoSQLAdapter): uploads_in_blob = True types = {} def file_exists(self, filename): pass def file_open(self, filename, mode='rb', lock=True): pass def file_close(self, fileobj): pass REGEX_NAMESPACE = re.compile('.*://(?P.+)') def __init__(self,db,uri,pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.types.update({ 'boolean': gae.BooleanProperty, 'string': (lambda **kwargs: gae.StringProperty(multiline=True, **kwargs)), 'text': gae.TextProperty, 'json': gae.TextProperty, 'password': gae.StringProperty, 'blob': gae.BlobProperty, 'upload': gae.StringProperty, 'integer': gae.IntegerProperty, 'bigint': gae.IntegerProperty, 'float': gae.FloatProperty, 'double': gae.FloatProperty, 'decimal': GAEDecimalProperty, 'date': gae.DateProperty, 'time': gae.TimeProperty, 'datetime': gae.DateTimeProperty, 'id': None, 'reference': gae.IntegerProperty, 'list:string': (lambda **kwargs: gae.StringListProperty(default=None, **kwargs)), 'list:integer': (lambda **kwargs: gae.ListProperty(int,default=None, **kwargs)), 'list:reference': (lambda **kwargs: gae.ListProperty(int,default=None, **kwargs)), }) self.db = db self.uri = uri self.dbengine = 'google:datastore' self.folder = folder db['_lastsql'] = '' self.db_codec = 'UTF-8' self._after_connection = after_connection self.pool_size = 0 match = self.REGEX_NAMESPACE.match(uri) if match: namespace_manager.set_namespace(match.group('namespace')) def parse_id(self, value, field_type): return value def create_table(self,table,migrate=True,fake_migrate=False, polymodel=None): myfields = {} for field in table: if isinstance(polymodel,Table) and field.name in polymodel.fields(): continue attr = {} if isinstance(field.custom_qualifier, dict): #this is custom properties to add to the GAE field declartion attr = field.custom_qualifier field_type = field.type if isinstance(field_type, SQLCustomType): ftype = self.types[field_type.native or field_type.type](**attr) elif isinstance(field_type, gae.Property): ftype = field_type elif field_type.startswith('id'): continue elif field_type.startswith('decimal'): precision, scale = field_type[7:].strip('()').split(',') precision = int(precision) scale = int(scale) ftype = GAEDecimalProperty(precision, scale, **attr) elif field_type.startswith('reference'): if field.notnull: attr = dict(required=True) referenced = field_type[10:].strip() ftype = self.types[field_type[:9]](referenced, **attr) elif field_type.startswith('list:reference'): if field.notnull: attr['required'] = True referenced = field_type[15:].strip() ftype = self.types[field_type[:14]](**attr) elif field_type.startswith('list:'): ftype = self.types[field_type](**attr) elif not field_type in self.types\ or not self.types[field_type]: raise SyntaxError('Field: unknown field type: %s' % field_type) else: ftype = self.types[field_type](**attr) myfields[field.name] = ftype if not polymodel: table._tableobj = classobj(table._tablename, (gae.Model, ), myfields) elif polymodel==True: table._tableobj = classobj(table._tablename, (PolyModel, ), myfields) elif isinstance(polymodel,Table): table._tableobj = classobj(table._tablename, (polymodel._tableobj, ), myfields) else: raise SyntaxError("polymodel must be None, True, a table or a tablename") return None def expand(self,expression,field_type=None): if isinstance(expression,Field): if expression.type in ('text', 'blob', 'json'): raise SyntaxError('AppEngine does not index by: %s' % expression.type) return expression.name elif isinstance(expression, (Expression, Query)): if not expression.second is None: return expression.op(expression.first, expression.second) elif not expression.first is None: return expression.op(expression.first) else: return expression.op() elif field_type: return self.represent(expression,field_type) elif isinstance(expression,(list,tuple)): return ','.join([self.represent(item,field_type) for item in expression]) else: return str(expression) ### TODO from gql.py Expression def AND(self,first,second): a = self.expand(first) b = self.expand(second) if b[0].name=='__key__' and a[0].name!='__key__': return b+a return a+b def EQ(self,first,second=None): if isinstance(second, Key): return [GAEF(first.name,'=',second,lambda a,b:a==b)] return [GAEF(first.name,'=',self.represent(second,first.type),lambda a,b:a==b)] def NE(self,first,second=None): if first.type != 'id': return [GAEF(first.name,'!=',self.represent(second,first.type),lambda a,b:a!=b)] else: if not second is None: second = Key.from_path(first._tablename, long(second)) return [GAEF(first.name,'!=',second,lambda a,b:a!=b)] def LT(self,first,second=None): if first.type != 'id': return [GAEF(first.name,'<',self.represent(second,first.type),lambda a,b:a',self.represent(second,first.type),lambda a,b:a>b)] else: second = Key.from_path(first._tablename, long(second)) return [GAEF(first.name,'>',second,lambda a,b:a>b)] def GE(self,first,second=None): if first.type != 'id': return [GAEF(first.name,'>=',self.represent(second,first.type),lambda a,b:a>=b)] else: second = Key.from_path(first._tablename, long(second)) return [GAEF(first.name,'>=',second,lambda a,b:a>=b)] def INVERT(self,first): return '-%s' % first.name def COMMA(self,first,second): return '%s, %s' % (self.expand(first),self.expand(second)) def BELONGS(self,first,second=None): if not isinstance(second,(list, tuple)): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") if first.type != 'id': return [GAEF(first.name,'in',self.represent(second,first.type),lambda a,b:a in b)] else: second = [Key.from_path(first._tablename, int(i)) for i in second] return [GAEF(first.name,'in',second,lambda a,b:a in b)] def CONTAINS(self,first,second,case_sensitive=False): # silently ignoring: GAE can only do case sensitive matches! if not first.type.startswith('list:'): raise SyntaxError("Not supported") return [GAEF(first.name,'=',self.expand(second,first.type[5:]),lambda a,b:b in a)] def NOT(self,first): nops = { self.EQ: self.NE, self.NE: self.EQ, self.LT: self.GE, self.GT: self.LE, self.LE: self.GT, self.GE: self.LT} if not isinstance(first,Query): raise SyntaxError("Not suported") nop = nops.get(first.op,None) if not nop: raise SyntaxError("Not suported %s" % first.op.__name__) first.op = nop return self.expand(first) def truncate(self,table,mode): self.db(self.db._adapter.id_query(table)).delete() def select_raw(self,query,fields=None,attributes=None): db = self.db fields = fields or [] attributes = attributes or {} args_get = attributes.get new_fields = [] for item in fields: if isinstance(item,SQLALL): new_fields += item._table else: new_fields.append(item) fields = new_fields if query: tablename = self.get_table(query) elif fields: tablename = fields[0].tablename query = db._adapter.id_query(fields[0].table) else: raise SyntaxError("Unable to determine a tablename") if query: if use_common_filters(query): query = self.common_filter(query,[tablename]) #tableobj is a GAE Model class (or subclass) tableobj = db[tablename]._tableobj filters = self.expand(query) projection = None if len(db[tablename].fields) == len(fields): #getting all fields, not a projection query projection = None elif args_get('projection') == True: projection = [] for f in fields: if f.type in ['text', 'blob', 'json']: raise SyntaxError( "text and blob field types not allowed in projection queries") else: projection.append(f.name) elif args_get('filterfields') == True: projection = [] for f in fields: projection.append(f.name) # real projection's can't include 'id'. # it will be added to the result later query_projection = [ p for p in projection if \ p != db[tablename]._id.name] if projection and \ args_get('projection') == True\ else None cursor = None if isinstance(args_get('reusecursor'), str): cursor = args_get('reusecursor') items = gae.Query(tableobj, projection=query_projection, cursor=cursor) for filter in filters: if args_get('projection') == True and \ filter.name in query_projection and \ filter.op in ['=', '<=', '>=']: raise SyntaxError( "projection fields cannot have equality filters") if filter.name=='__key__' and filter.op=='>' and filter.value==0: continue elif filter.name=='__key__' and filter.op=='=': if filter.value==0: items = [] elif isinstance(filter.value, Key): # key qeuries return a class instance, # can't use projection # extra values will be ignored in post-processing later item = tableobj.get(filter.value) items = (item and [item]) or [] else: # key qeuries return a class instance, # can't use projection # extra values will be ignored in post-processing later item = tableobj.get_by_id(filter.value) items = (item and [item]) or [] elif isinstance(items,list): # i.e. there is a single record! items = [i for i in items if filter.apply( getattr(item,filter.name),filter.value)] else: if filter.name=='__key__' and filter.op != 'in': items.order('__key__') items = items.filter('%s %s' % (filter.name,filter.op), filter.value) if not isinstance(items,list): if args_get('left', None): raise SyntaxError('Set: no left join in appengine') if args_get('groupby', None): raise SyntaxError('Set: no groupby in appengine') orderby = args_get('orderby', False) if orderby: ### THIS REALLY NEEDS IMPROVEMENT !!! if isinstance(orderby, (list, tuple)): orderby = xorify(orderby) if isinstance(orderby,Expression): orderby = self.expand(orderby) orders = orderby.split(', ') for order in orders: order={'-id':'-__key__','id':'__key__'}.get(order,order) items = items.order(order) if args_get('limitby', None): (lmin, lmax) = attributes['limitby'] (limit, offset) = (lmax - lmin, lmin) rows = items.fetch(limit,offset=offset) #cursor is only useful if there was a limit and we didn't return # all results if args_get('reusecursor'): db['_lastcursor'] = items.cursor() items = rows return (items, tablename, projection or db[tablename].fields) def select(self,query,fields,attributes): """ This is the GAE version of select. some notes to consider: - db['_lastsql'] is not set because there is not SQL statement string for a GAE query - 'nativeRef' is a magical fieldname used for self references on GAE - optional attribute 'projection' when set to True will trigger use of the GAE projection queries. note that there are rules for what is accepted imposed by GAE: each field must be indexed, projection queries cannot contain blob or text fields, and you cannot use == and also select that same field. see https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/queries#Query_Projection - optional attribute 'filterfields' when set to True web2py will only parse the explicitly listed fields into the Rows object, even though all fields are returned in the query. This can be used to reduce memory usage in cases where true projection queries are not usable. - optional attribute 'reusecursor' allows use of cursor with queries that have the limitby attribute. Set the attribute to True for the first query, set it to the value of db['_lastcursor'] to continue a previous query. The user must save the cursor value between requests, and the filters must be identical. It is up to the user to follow google's limitations: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/queries#Query_Cursors """ (items, tablename, fields) = self.select_raw(query,fields,attributes) # self.db['_lastsql'] = self._select(query,fields,attributes) rows = [[(t==self.db[tablename]._id.name and item) or \ (t=='nativeRef' and item) or getattr(item, t) \ for t in fields] for item in items] colnames = ['%s.%s' % (tablename, t) for t in fields] processor = attributes.get('processor',self.parse) return processor(rows,fields,colnames,False) def count(self,query,distinct=None,limit=None): if distinct: raise RuntimeError("COUNT DISTINCT not supported") (items, tablename, fields) = self.select_raw(query) # self.db['_lastsql'] = self._count(query) try: return len(items) except TypeError: return items.count(limit=limit) def delete(self,tablename, query): """ This function was changed on 2010-05-04 because according to http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=3119 GAE no longer supports deleting more than 1000 records. """ # self.db['_lastsql'] = self._delete(tablename,query) (items, tablename, fields) = self.select_raw(query) # items can be one item or a query if not isinstance(items,list): #use a keys_only query to ensure that this runs as a datastore # small operations leftitems = items.fetch(1000, keys_only=True) counter = 0 while len(leftitems): counter += len(leftitems) gae.delete(leftitems) leftitems = items.fetch(1000, keys_only=True) else: counter = len(items) gae.delete(items) return counter def update(self,tablename,query,update_fields): # self.db['_lastsql'] = self._update(tablename,query,update_fields) (items, tablename, fields) = self.select_raw(query) counter = 0 for item in items: for field, value in update_fields: setattr(item, field.name, self.represent(value,field.type)) item.put() counter += 1 LOGGER.info(str(counter)) return counter def insert(self,table,fields): dfields=dict((f.name,self.represent(v,f.type)) for f,v in fields) # table._db['_lastsql'] = self._insert(table,fields) tmp = table._tableobj(**dfields) tmp.put() rid = Reference(tmp.key().id()) (rid._table, rid._record, rid._gaekey) = (table, None, tmp.key()) return rid def bulk_insert(self,table,items): parsed_items = [] for item in items: dfields=dict((f.name,self.represent(v,f.type)) for f,v in item) parsed_items.append(table._tableobj(**dfields)) gae.put(parsed_items) return True def uuid2int(uuidv): return uuid.UUID(uuidv).int def int2uuid(n): return str(uuid.UUID(int=n)) class CouchDBAdapter(NoSQLAdapter): drivers = ('couchdb',) uploads_in_blob = True types = { 'boolean': bool, 'string': str, 'text': str, 'json': str, 'password': str, 'blob': str, 'upload': str, 'integer': long, 'bigint': long, 'float': float, 'double': float, 'date': datetime.date, 'time': datetime.time, 'datetime': datetime.datetime, 'id': long, 'reference': long, 'list:string': list, 'list:integer': list, 'list:reference': list, } def file_exists(self, filename): pass def file_open(self, filename, mode='rb', lock=True): pass def file_close(self, fileobj): pass def expand(self,expression,field_type=None): if isinstance(expression,Field): if expression.type=='id': return "%s._id" % expression.tablename return BaseAdapter.expand(self,expression,field_type) def AND(self,first,second): return '(%s && %s)' % (self.expand(first),self.expand(second)) def OR(self,first,second): return '(%s || %s)' % (self.expand(first),self.expand(second)) def EQ(self,first,second): if second is None: return '(%s == null)' % self.expand(first) return '(%s == %s)' % (self.expand(first),self.expand(second,first.type)) def NE(self,first,second): if second is None: return '(%s != null)' % self.expand(first) return '(%s != %s)' % (self.expand(first),self.expand(second,first.type)) def COMMA(self,first,second): return '%s + %s' % (self.expand(first),self.expand(second)) def represent(self, obj, fieldtype): value = NoSQLAdapter.represent(self, obj, fieldtype) if fieldtype=='id': return repr(str(long(value))) elif fieldtype in ('date','time','datetime','boolean'): return serializers.json(value) return repr(not isinstance(value,unicode) and value \ or value and value.encode('utf8')) def __init__(self,db,uri='couchdb://', pool_size=0,folder=None,db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args) self.dbengine = 'couchdb' self.folder = folder db['_lastsql'] = '' self.db_codec = 'UTF-8' self._after_connection = after_connection self.pool_size = pool_size url='http://'+uri[10:] def connector(url=url,driver_args=driver_args): return self.driver.Server(url,**driver_args) self.reconnect(connector,cursor=False) def create_table(self, table, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False, polymodel=None): if migrate: try: self.connection.create(table._tablename) except: pass def insert(self,table,fields): id = uuid2int(web2py_uuid()) ctable = self.connection[table._tablename] values = dict((k.name,self.represent(v,k.type)) for k,v in fields) values['_id'] = str(id) ctable.save(values) return id def _select(self,query,fields,attributes): if not isinstance(query,Query): raise SyntaxError("Not Supported") for key in set(attributes.keys())-SELECT_ARGS: raise SyntaxError('invalid select attribute: %s' % key) new_fields=[] for item in fields: if isinstance(item,SQLALL): new_fields += item._table else: new_fields.append(item) def uid(fd): return fd=='id' and '_id' or fd def get(row,fd): return fd=='id' and long(row['_id']) or row.get(fd,None) fields = new_fields tablename = self.get_table(query) fieldnames = [f.name for f in (fields or self.db[tablename])] colnames = ['%s.%s' % (tablename,k) for k in fieldnames] fields = ','.join(['%s.%s' % (tablename,uid(f)) for f in fieldnames]) fn="(function(%(t)s){if(%(query)s)emit(%(order)s,[%(fields)s]);})" %\ dict(t=tablename, query=self.expand(query), order='%s._id' % tablename, fields=fields) return fn, colnames def select(self,query,fields,attributes): if not isinstance(query,Query): raise SyntaxError("Not Supported") fn, colnames = self._select(query,fields,attributes) tablename = colnames[0].split('.')[0] ctable = self.connection[tablename] rows = [cols['value'] for cols in ctable.query(fn)] processor = attributes.get('processor',self.parse) return processor(rows,fields,colnames,False) def delete(self,tablename,query): if not isinstance(query,Query): raise SyntaxError("Not Supported") if query.first.type=='id' and query.op==self.EQ: id = query.second tablename = query.first.tablename assert(tablename == query.first.tablename) ctable = self.connection[tablename] try: del ctable[str(id)] return 1 except couchdb.http.ResourceNotFound: return 0 else: tablename = self.get_table(query) rows = self.select(query,[self.db[tablename]._id],{}) ctable = self.connection[tablename] for row in rows: del ctable[str(row.id)] return len(rows) def update(self,tablename,query,fields): if not isinstance(query,Query): raise SyntaxError("Not Supported") if query.first.type=='id' and query.op==self.EQ: id = query.second tablename = query.first.tablename ctable = self.connection[tablename] try: doc = ctable[str(id)] for key,value in fields: doc[key.name] = self.represent(value,self.db[tablename][key.name].type) ctable.save(doc) return 1 except couchdb.http.ResourceNotFound: return 0 else: tablename = self.get_table(query) rows = self.select(query,[self.db[tablename]._id],{}) ctable = self.connection[tablename] table = self.db[tablename] for row in rows: doc = ctable[str(row.id)] for key,value in fields: doc[key.name] = self.represent(value,table[key.name].type) ctable.save(doc) return len(rows) def count(self,query,distinct=None): if distinct: raise RuntimeError("COUNT DISTINCT not supported") if not isinstance(query,Query): raise SyntaxError("Not Supported") tablename = self.get_table(query) rows = self.select(query,[self.db[tablename]._id],{}) return len(rows) def cleanup(text): """ validates that the given text is clean: only contains [0-9a-zA-Z_] """ if not REGEX_ALPHANUMERIC.match(text): raise SyntaxError('invalid table or field name: %s' % text) return text class MongoDBAdapter(NoSQLAdapter): native_json = True drivers = ('pymongo',) uploads_in_blob = True types = { 'boolean': bool, 'string': str, 'text': str, 'json': str, 'password': str, 'blob': str, 'upload': str, 'integer': long, 'bigint': long, 'float': float, 'double': float, 'date': datetime.date, 'time': datetime.time, 'datetime': datetime.datetime, 'id': long, 'reference': long, 'list:string': list, 'list:integer': list, 'list:reference': list, } error_messages = {"javascript_needed": "This must yet be replaced" + " with javascript in order to work."} def __init__(self,db,uri='mongodb://', pool_size=0, folder=None, db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): self.db = db self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args) import random from bson.objectid import ObjectId from bson.son import SON import pymongo.uri_parser m = pymongo.uri_parser.parse_uri(uri) self.SON = SON self.ObjectId = ObjectId self.random = random self.dbengine = 'mongodb' self.folder = folder db['_lastsql'] = '' self.db_codec = 'UTF-8' self._after_connection = after_connection self.pool_size = pool_size #this is the minimum amount of replicates that it should wait # for on insert/update self.minimumreplication = adapter_args.get('minimumreplication',0) # by default all inserts and selects are performand asynchronous, # but now the default is # synchronous, except when overruled by either this default or # function parameter self.safe = adapter_args.get('safe',True) if isinstance(m,tuple): m = {"database" : m[1]} if m.get('database')==None: raise SyntaxError("Database is required!") def connector(uri=self.uri,m=m): # Connection() is deprecated if hasattr(self.driver, "MongoClient"): Connection = self.driver.MongoClient else: Connection = self.driver.Connection return Connection(uri)[m.get('database')] self.reconnect(connector,cursor=False) def object_id(self, arg=None): """ Convert input to a valid Mongodb ObjectId instance self.object_id("") -> ObjectId (not unique) instance """ if not arg: arg = 0 if isinstance(arg, basestring): # we assume an integer as default input rawhex = len(arg.replace("0x", "").replace("L", "")) == 24 if arg.isdigit() and (not rawhex): arg = int(arg) elif arg == "": arg = int("0x%sL" % \ "".join([self.random.choice("0123456789abcdef") \ for x in range(24)]), 0) elif arg.isalnum(): if not arg.startswith("0x"): arg = "0x%s" % arg try: arg = int(arg, 0) except ValueError, e: raise ValueError( "invalid objectid argument string: %s" % e) else: raise ValueError("Invalid objectid argument string. " + "Requires an integer or base 16 value") elif isinstance(arg, self.ObjectId): return arg if not isinstance(arg, (int, long)): raise TypeError("object_id argument must be of type " + "ObjectId or an objectid representable integer") if arg == 0: hexvalue = "".zfill(24) else: hexvalue = hex(arg)[2:].replace("L", "") return self.ObjectId(hexvalue) def parse_reference(self, value, field_type): # here we have to check for ObjectID before base parse if isinstance(value, self.ObjectId): value = long(str(value), 16) return super(MongoDBAdapter, self).parse_reference(value, field_type) def parse_id(self, value, field_type): if isinstance(value, self.ObjectId): value = long(str(value), 16) return super(MongoDBAdapter, self).parse_id(value, field_type) def represent(self, obj, fieldtype): # the base adatpter does not support MongoDB ObjectId if isinstance(obj, self.ObjectId): value = obj else: value = NoSQLAdapter.represent(self, obj, fieldtype) # reference types must be convert to ObjectID if fieldtype =='date': if value == None: return value # this piece of data can be stripped off based on the fieldtype t = datetime.time(0, 0, 0) # mongodb doesn't has a date object and so it must datetime, # string or integer return datetime.datetime.combine(value, t) elif fieldtype == 'time': if value == None: return value # this piece of data can be stripped of based on the fieldtype d = datetime.date(2000, 1, 1) # mongodb doesn't has a time object and so it must datetime, # string or integer return datetime.datetime.combine(d, value) elif (isinstance(fieldtype, basestring) and fieldtype.startswith('list:')): if fieldtype.startswith('list:reference'): newval = [] for v in value: newval.append(self.object_id(v)) return newval return value elif ((isinstance(fieldtype, basestring) and fieldtype.startswith("reference")) or (isinstance(fieldtype, Table)) or fieldtype=="id"): value = self.object_id(value) return value def create_table(self, table, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False, polymodel=None, isCapped=False): if isCapped: raise RuntimeError("Not implemented") def count(self, query, distinct=None, snapshot=True): if distinct: raise RuntimeError("COUNT DISTINCT not supported") if not isinstance(query,Query): raise SyntaxError("Not Supported") tablename = self.get_table(query) return long(self.select(query,[self.db[tablename]._id], {}, count=True,snapshot=snapshot)['count']) # Maybe it would be faster if we just implemented the pymongo # .count() function which is probably quicker? # therefor call __select() connection[table].find(query).count() # Since this will probably reduce the return set? def expand(self, expression, field_type=None): if isinstance(expression, Query): # any query using 'id':= # set name as _id (as per pymongo/mongodb primary key) # convert second arg to an objectid field # (if its not already) # if second arg is 0 convert to objectid if isinstance(expression.first,Field) and \ ((expression.first.type == 'id') or \ ("reference" in expression.first.type)): if expression.first.type == 'id': expression.first.name = '_id' # cast to Mongo ObjectId if isinstance(expression.second, (tuple, list, set)): expression.second = [self.object_id(item) for item in expression.second] else: expression.second = self.object_id(expression.second) result = expression.op(expression.first, expression.second) if isinstance(expression, Field): if expression.type=='id': result = "_id" else: result = expression.name elif isinstance(expression, (Expression, Query)): if not expression.second is None: result = expression.op(expression.first, expression.second) elif not expression.first is None: result = expression.op(expression.first) elif not isinstance(expression.op, str): result = expression.op() else: result = expression.op elif field_type: result = self.represent(expression,field_type) elif isinstance(expression,(list,tuple)): result = ','.join(self.represent(item,field_type) for item in expression) else: result = expression return result def drop(self, table, mode=''): ctable = self.connection[table._tablename] ctable.drop() def truncate(self, table, mode, safe=None): if safe == None: safe=self.safe ctable = self.connection[table._tablename] ctable.remove(None, safe=True) def _select(self, query, fields, attributes): if 'for_update' in attributes: logging.warn('mongodb does not support for_update') for key in set(attributes.keys())-set(('limitby', 'orderby','for_update')): if attributes[key]!=None: logging.warn('select attribute not implemented: %s' % key) new_fields=[] mongosort_list = [] # try an orderby attribute orderby = attributes.get('orderby', False) limitby = attributes.get('limitby', False) # distinct = attributes.get('distinct', False) if orderby: if isinstance(orderby, (list, tuple)): orderby = xorify(orderby) # !!!! need to add 'random' for f in self.expand(orderby).split(','): if f.startswith('-'): mongosort_list.append((f[1:], -1)) else: mongosort_list.append((f, 1)) if limitby: limitby_skip, limitby_limit = limitby else: limitby_skip = limitby_limit = 0 mongofields_dict = self.SON() mongoqry_dict = {} for item in fields: if isinstance(item, SQLALL): new_fields += item._table else: new_fields.append(item) fields = new_fields if isinstance(query,Query): tablename = self.get_table(query) elif len(fields) != 0: tablename = fields[0].tablename else: raise SyntaxError("The table name could not be found in " + "the query nor from the select statement.") mongoqry_dict = self.expand(query) fields = fields or self.db[tablename] for field in fields: mongofields_dict[field.name] = 1 return tablename, mongoqry_dict, mongofields_dict, mongosort_list, \ limitby_limit, limitby_skip def select(self, query, fields, attributes, count=False, snapshot=False): # TODO: support joins tablename, mongoqry_dict, mongofields_dict, mongosort_list, \ limitby_limit, limitby_skip = self._select(query, fields, attributes) ctable = self.connection[tablename] if count: return {'count' : ctable.find( mongoqry_dict, mongofields_dict, skip=limitby_skip, limit=limitby_limit, sort=mongosort_list, snapshot=snapshot).count()} else: # pymongo cursor object mongo_list_dicts = ctable.find(mongoqry_dict, mongofields_dict, skip=limitby_skip, limit=limitby_limit, sort=mongosort_list, snapshot=snapshot) rows = [] # populate row in proper order # Here we replace ._id with .id to follow the standard naming colnames = [] newnames = [] for field in fields: colname = str(field) colnames.append(colname) tablename, fieldname = colname.split(".") if fieldname == "_id": # Mongodb reserved uuid key field.name = "id" newnames.append(".".join((tablename, field.name))) for record in mongo_list_dicts: row=[] for colname in colnames: tablename, fieldname = colname.split(".") # switch to Mongo _id uuids for retrieving # record id's if fieldname == "id": fieldname = "_id" if fieldname in record: value = record[fieldname] else: value = None row.append(value) rows.append(row) processor = attributes.get('processor', self.parse) result = processor(rows, fields, newnames, False) return result def _insert(self, table, fields): values = dict() for k, v in fields: if not k.name in ["id", "safe"]: fieldname = k.name fieldtype = table[k.name].type values[fieldname] = self.represent(v, fieldtype) return values # Safe determines whether a asynchronious request is done or a # synchronious action is done # For safety, we use by default synchronous requests def insert(self, table, fields, safe=None): if safe==None: safe = self.safe ctable = self.connection[table._tablename] values = self._insert(table, fields) ctable.insert(values, safe=safe) return long(str(values['_id']), 16) #this function returns a dict with the where clause and update fields def _update(self, tablename, query, fields): if not isinstance(query, Query): raise SyntaxError("Not Supported") filter = None if query: filter = self.expand(query) modify = {'$set': dict((k.name, self.represent(v, k.type)) for k, v in fields)} return modify, filter def update(self, tablename, query, fields, safe=None): if safe == None: safe = self.safe # return amount of adjusted rows or zero, but no exceptions # @ related not finding the result if not isinstance(query, Query): raise RuntimeError("Not implemented") amount = self.count(query, False) modify, filter = self._update(tablename, query, fields) try: result = self.connection[tablename].update(filter, modify, multi=True, safe=safe) if safe: try: # if result count is available fetch it return result["n"] except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError): return amount else: return amount except Exception, e: # TODO Reverse update query to verifiy that the query succeded raise RuntimeError("uncaught exception when updating rows: %s" % e) def _delete(self, tablename, query): if not isinstance(query, Query): raise RuntimeError("query type %s is not supported" % \ type(query)) return self.expand(query) def delete(self, tablename, query, safe=None): if safe is None: safe = self.safe amount = 0 amount = self.count(query, False) filter = self._delete(tablename, query) self.connection[tablename].remove(filter, safe=safe) return amount def bulk_insert(self, table, items): return [self.insert(table,item) for item in items] ## OPERATORS def INVERT(self, first): #print "in invert first=%s" % first return '-%s' % self.expand(first) # TODO This will probably not work:( def NOT(self, first): result = {} result["$not"] = self.expand(first) return result def AND(self,first,second): f = self.expand(first) s = self.expand(second) f.update(s) return f def OR(self,first,second): # pymongo expects: .find({'$or': [{'name':'1'}, {'name':'2'}]}) result = {} f = self.expand(first) s = self.expand(second) result['$or'] = [f,s] return result def BELONGS(self, first, second): if isinstance(second, str): return {self.expand(first) : {"$in" : [ second[:-1]]} } elif second==[] or second==() or second==set(): return {1:0} items = [self.expand(item, first.type) for item in second] return {self.expand(first) : {"$in" : items} } def EQ(self,first,second): result = {} result[self.expand(first)] = self.expand(second) return result def NE(self, first, second=None): result = {} result[self.expand(first)] = {'$ne': self.expand(second)} return result def LT(self,first,second=None): if second is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot compare %s < None" % first) result = {} result[self.expand(first)] = {'$lt': self.expand(second)} return result def LE(self,first,second=None): if second is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot compare %s <= None" % first) result = {} result[self.expand(first)] = {'$lte': self.expand(second)} return result def GT(self,first,second): result = {} result[self.expand(first)] = {'$gt': self.expand(second)} return result def GE(self,first,second=None): if second is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot compare %s >= None" % first) result = {} result[self.expand(first)] = {'$gte': self.expand(second)} return result def ADD(self, first, second): raise NotImplementedError(self.error_messages["javascript_needed"]) return '%s + %s' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def SUB(self, first, second): raise NotImplementedError(self.error_messages["javascript_needed"]) return '(%s - %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def MUL(self, first, second): raise NotImplementedError(self.error_messages["javascript_needed"]) return '(%s * %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def DIV(self, first, second): raise NotImplementedError(self.error_messages["javascript_needed"]) return '(%s / %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def MOD(self, first, second): raise NotImplementedError(self.error_messages["javascript_needed"]) return '(%s %% %s)' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second, first.type)) def AS(self, first, second): raise NotImplementedError(self.error_messages["javascript_needed"]) return '%s AS %s' % (self.expand(first), second) # We could implement an option that simulates a full featured SQL # database. But I think the option should be set explicit or # implemented as another library. def ON(self, first, second): raise NotImplementedError("This is not possible in NoSQL" + " but can be simulated with a wrapper.") return '%s ON %s' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second)) # BLOW ARE TWO IMPLEMENTATIONS OF THE SAME FUNCITONS # WHICH ONE IS BEST? def COMMA(self, first, second): return '%s, %s' % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second)) def LIKE(self, first, second): #escaping regex operators? return {self.expand(first): ('%s' % \ self.expand(second, 'string').replace('%','/'))} def STARTSWITH(self, first, second): #escaping regex operators? return {self.expand(first): ('/^%s/' % \ self.expand(second, 'string'))} def ENDSWITH(self, first, second): #escaping regex operators? return {self.expand(first): ('/%s^/' % \ self.expand(second, 'string'))} def CONTAINS(self, first, second, case_sensitive=False): # silently ignore, only case sensitive # There is a technical difference, but mongodb doesn't support # that, but the result will be the same val = second if isinstance(second,self.ObjectId) else \ {'$regex':".*" + re.escape(self.expand(second, 'string')) + ".*"} return {self.expand(first) : val} def LIKE(self, first, second): import re return {self.expand(first): {'$regex': \ re.escape(self.expand(second, 'string')).replace('%','.*')}} #TODO verify full compatibilty with official SQL Like operator def STARTSWITH(self, first, second): #TODO Solve almost the same problem as with endswith import re return {self.expand(first): {'$regex' : '^' + re.escape(self.expand(second, 'string'))}} #TODO verify full compatibilty with official SQL Like operator def ENDSWITH(self, first, second): #escaping regex operators? #TODO if searched for a name like zsa_corbitt and the function # is endswith('a') then this is also returned. # Aldo it end with a t import re return {self.expand(first): {'$regex': \ re.escape(self.expand(second, 'string')) + '$'}} #TODO verify full compatibilty with official oracle contains operator def CONTAINS(self, first, second, case_sensitive=False): # silently ignore, only case sensitive #There is a technical difference, but mongodb doesn't support # that, but the result will be the same #TODO contains operators need to be transformed to Regex return {self.expand(first) : {'$regex': \ ".*" + re.escape(self.expand(second, 'string')) + ".*"}} class IMAPAdapter(NoSQLAdapter): drivers = ('imaplib',) """ IMAP server adapter This class is intended as an interface with email IMAP servers to perform simple queries in the web2py DAL query syntax, so email read, search and other related IMAP mail services (as those implemented by brands like Google(r), and Yahoo!(r) can be managed from web2py applications. The code uses examples by Yuji Tomita on this post: http://yuji.wordpress.com/2011/06/22/python-imaplib-imap-example-with-gmail/#comment-1137 and is based in docs for Python imaplib, python email and email IETF's (i.e. RFC2060 and RFC3501) This adapter was tested with a small set of operations with Gmail(r). Other services requests could raise command syntax and response data issues. It creates its table and field names "statically", meaning that the developer should leave the table and field definitions to the DAL instance by calling the adapter's .define_tables() method. The tables are defined with the IMAP server mailbox list information. .define_tables() returns a dictionary mapping dal tablenames to the server mailbox names with the following structure: {: str } Here is a list of supported fields: Field Type Description ################################################################ uid string answered boolean Flag created date content list:string A list of text or html parts to string cc string bcc string size integer the amount of octets of the message* deleted boolean Flag draft boolean Flag flagged boolean Flag sender string recent boolean Flag seen boolean Flag subject string mime string The mime header declaration email string The complete RFC822 message** attachments Each non text part as dict encoding string The main detected encoding *At the application side it is measured as the length of the RFC822 message string WARNING: As row id's are mapped to email sequence numbers, make sure your imap client web2py app does not delete messages during select or update actions, to prevent updating or deleting different messages. Sequence numbers change whenever the mailbox is updated. To avoid this sequence numbers issues, it is recommended the use of uid fields in query references (although the update and delete in separate actions rule still applies). # This is the code recommended to start imap support # at the app's model: imapdb = DAL("imap://user:password@server:port", pool_size=1) # port 993 for ssl imapdb.define_tables() Here is an (incomplete) list of possible imap commands: # Count today's unseen messages # smaller than 6000 octets from the # inbox mailbox q = imapdb.INBOX.seen == False q &= imapdb.INBOX.created == datetime.date.today() q &= imapdb.INBOX.size < 6000 unread = imapdb(q).count() # Fetch last query messages rows = imapdb(q).select() # it is also possible to filter query select results with limitby and # sequences of mailbox fields set.select(, limitby=(, )) # Mark last query messages as seen messages = [row.uid for row in rows] seen = imapdb(imapdb.INBOX.uid.belongs(messages)).update(seen=True) # Delete messages in the imap database that have mails from mr. Gumby deleted = 0 for mailbox in imapdb.tables deleted += imapdb(imapdb[mailbox].sender.contains("gumby")).delete() # It is possible also to mark messages for deletion instead of ereasing them # directly with set.update(deleted=True) # This object give access # to the adapter auto mailbox # mapped names (which native # mailbox has what table name) imapdb.mailboxes # tablename, server native name pairs # To retrieve a table native mailbox name use: imapdb.
.mailbox ### New features v2.4.1: # Declare mailboxes statically with tablename, name pairs # This avoids the extra server names retrieval imapdb.define_tables({"inbox": "INBOX"}) # Selects without content/attachments/email columns will only # fetch header and flags imapdb(q).select(imapdb.INBOX.sender, imapdb.INBOX.subject) """ types = { 'string': str, 'text': str, 'date': datetime.date, 'datetime': datetime.datetime, 'id': long, 'boolean': bool, 'integer': int, 'bigint': long, 'blob': str, 'list:string': str, } dbengine = 'imap' REGEX_URI = re.compile('^(?P[^:]+)(\:(?P[^@]*))?@(?P[^\:@]+)(\:(?P[0-9]+))?$') def __init__(self, db, uri, pool_size=0, folder=None, db_codec ='UTF-8', credential_decoder=IDENTITY, driver_args={}, adapter_args={}, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): # db uri: user@example.com:password@imap.server.com:123 # TODO: max size adapter argument for preventing large mail transfers self.db = db self.uri = uri if do_connect: self.find_driver(adapter_args) self.pool_size=pool_size self.folder = folder self.db_codec = db_codec self._after_connection = after_connection self.credential_decoder = credential_decoder self.driver_args = driver_args self.adapter_args = adapter_args self.mailbox_size = None self.static_names = None self.charset = sys.getfilesystemencoding() # imap class self.imap4 = None uri = uri.split("://")[1] """ MESSAGE is an identifier for sequence number""" self.flags = ['\\Deleted', '\\Draft', '\\Flagged', '\\Recent', '\\Seen', '\\Answered'] self.search_fields = { 'id': 'MESSAGE', 'created': 'DATE', 'uid': 'UID', 'sender': 'FROM', 'to': 'TO', 'cc': 'CC', 'bcc': 'BCC', 'content': 'TEXT', 'size': 'SIZE', 'deleted': '\\Deleted', 'draft': '\\Draft', 'flagged': '\\Flagged', 'recent': '\\Recent', 'seen': '\\Seen', 'subject': 'SUBJECT', 'answered': '\\Answered', 'mime': None, 'email': None, 'attachments': None } db['_lastsql'] = '' m = self.REGEX_URI.match(uri) user = m.group('user') password = m.group('password') host = m.group('host') port = int(m.group('port')) over_ssl = False if port==993: over_ssl = True driver_args.update(host=host,port=port, password=password, user=user) def connector(driver_args=driver_args): # it is assumed sucessful authentication alLways # TODO: support direct connection and login tests if over_ssl: self.imap4 = self.driver.IMAP4_SSL else: self.imap4 = self.driver.IMAP4 connection = self.imap4(driver_args["host"], driver_args["port"]) data = connection.login(driver_args["user"], driver_args["password"]) # static mailbox list connection.mailbox_names = None # dummy cursor function connection.cursor = lambda : True return connection self.db.define_tables = self.define_tables self.connector = connector if do_connect: self.reconnect() def reconnect(self, f=None, cursor=True): """ IMAP4 Pool connection method imap connection lacks of self cursor command. A custom command should be provided as a replacement for connection pooling to prevent uncaught remote session closing """ if getattr(self,'connection',None) != None: return if f is None: f = self.connector if not self.pool_size: self.connection = f() self.cursor = cursor and self.connection.cursor() else: POOLS = ConnectionPool.POOLS uri = self.uri while True: GLOBAL_LOCKER.acquire() if not uri in POOLS: POOLS[uri] = [] if POOLS[uri]: self.connection = POOLS[uri].pop() GLOBAL_LOCKER.release() self.cursor = cursor and self.connection.cursor() if self.cursor and self.check_active_connection: try: # check if connection is alive or close it result, data = self.connection.list() except: # Possible connection reset error # TODO: read exception class self.connection = f() break else: GLOBAL_LOCKER.release() self.connection = f() self.cursor = cursor and self.connection.cursor() break self.after_connection_hook() def get_last_message(self, tablename): last_message = None # request mailbox list to the server # if needed if not isinstance(self.connection.mailbox_names, dict): self.get_mailboxes() try: result = self.connection.select(self.connection.mailbox_names[tablename]) last_message = int(result[1][0]) except (IndexError, ValueError, TypeError, KeyError): e = sys.exc_info()[1] LOGGER.debug("Error retrieving the last mailbox sequence number. %s" % str(e)) return last_message def get_uid_bounds(self, tablename): if not isinstance(self.connection.mailbox_names, dict): self.get_mailboxes() # fetch first and last messages # return (first, last) messages uid's last_message = self.get_last_message(tablename) result, data = self.connection.uid("search", None, "(ALL)") uid_list = data[0].strip().split() if len(uid_list) <= 0: return None else: return (uid_list[0], uid_list[-1]) def convert_date(self, date, add=None): if add is None: add = datetime.timedelta() """ Convert a date object to a string with d-Mon-Y style for IMAP or the inverse case add adds to the date object """ months = [None, "JAN","FEB","MAR","APR","MAY","JUN", "JUL", "AUG","SEP","OCT","NOV","DEC"] if isinstance(date, basestring): # Prevent unexpected date response format try: dayname, datestring = date.split(",") date_list = datestring.strip().split() year = int(date_list[2]) month = months.index(date_list[1].upper()) day = int(date_list[0]) hms = map(int, date_list[3].split(":")) return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hms[0], hms[1], hms[2]) + add except (ValueError, AttributeError, IndexError), e: LOGGER.error("Could not parse date text: %s. %s" % (date, e)) return None elif isinstance(date, (datetime.datetime, datetime.date)): return (date + add).strftime("%d-%b-%Y") else: return None @staticmethod def header_represent(f, r): from email.header import decode_header text, encoding = decode_header(f)[0] if encoding: text = text.decode(encoding).encode('utf-8') return text def encode_text(self, text, charset, errors="replace"): """ convert text for mail to unicode""" if text is None: text = "" else: if isinstance(text, str): if charset is None: text = unicode(text, "utf-8", errors) else: text = unicode(text, charset, errors) else: raise Exception("Unsupported mail text type %s" % type(text)) return text.encode("utf-8") def get_charset(self, message): charset = message.get_content_charset() return charset def get_mailboxes(self): """ Query the mail database for mailbox names """ if self.static_names: # statically defined mailbox names self.connection.mailbox_names = self.static_names return self.static_names.keys() mailboxes_list = self.connection.list() self.connection.mailbox_names = dict() mailboxes = list() x = 0 for item in mailboxes_list[1]: x = x + 1 item = item.strip() if not "NOSELECT" in item.upper(): sub_items = item.split("\"") sub_items = [sub_item for sub_item in sub_items \ if len(sub_item.strip()) > 0] # mailbox = sub_items[len(sub_items) -1] mailbox = sub_items[-1] # remove unwanted characters and store original names # Don't allow leading non alphabetic characters mailbox_name = re.sub('^[_0-9]*', '', re.sub('[^_\w]','',re.sub('[/ ]','_',mailbox))) mailboxes.append(mailbox_name) self.connection.mailbox_names[mailbox_name] = mailbox return mailboxes def get_query_mailbox(self, query): nofield = True tablename = None attr = query while nofield: if hasattr(attr, "first"): attr = attr.first if isinstance(attr, Field): return attr.tablename elif isinstance(attr, Query): pass else: return None else: return None return tablename def is_flag(self, flag): if self.search_fields.get(flag, None) in self.flags: return True else: return False def define_tables(self, mailbox_names=None): """ Auto create common IMAP fileds This function creates fields definitions "statically" meaning that custom fields as in other adapters should not be supported and definitions handled on a service/mode basis (local syntax for Gmail(r), Ymail(r) Returns a dictionary with tablename, server native mailbox name pairs. """ if mailbox_names: # optional statically declared mailboxes self.static_names = mailbox_names else: self.static_names = None if not isinstance(self.connection.mailbox_names, dict): self.get_mailboxes() names = self.connection.mailbox_names.keys() for name in names: self.db.define_table("%s" % name, Field("uid", "string", writable=False), Field("answered", "boolean"), Field("created", "datetime", writable=False), Field("content", "list:string", writable=False), Field("to", "string", writable=False), Field("cc", "string", writable=False), Field("bcc", "string", writable=False), Field("size", "integer", writable=False), Field("deleted", "boolean"), Field("draft", "boolean"), Field("flagged", "boolean"), Field("sender", "string", writable=False), Field("recent", "boolean", writable=False), Field("seen", "boolean"), Field("subject", "string", writable=False), Field("mime", "string", writable=False), Field("email", "string", writable=False, readable=False), Field("attachments", list, writable=False, readable=False), Field("encoding", writable=False) ) # Set a special _mailbox attribute for storing # native mailbox names self.db[name].mailbox = \ self.connection.mailbox_names[name] # decode quoted printable self.db[name].to.represent = self.db[name].cc.represent = \ self.db[name].bcc.represent = self.db[name].sender.represent = \ self.db[name].subject.represent = self.header_represent # Set the db instance mailbox collections self.db.mailboxes = self.connection.mailbox_names return self.db.mailboxes def create_table(self, *args, **kwargs): # not implemented # but required by DAL pass def _select(self, query, fields, attributes): if use_common_filters(query): query = self.common_filter(query, [self.get_query_mailbox(query),]) return str(query) def select(self, query, fields, attributes): """ Search and Fetch records and return web2py rows """ # move this statement elsewhere (upper-level) if use_common_filters(query): query = self.common_filter(query, [self.get_query_mailbox(query),]) import email # get records from imap server with search + fetch # convert results to a dictionary tablename = None fetch_results = list() if isinstance(query, Query): tablename = self.get_table(query) mailbox = self.connection.mailbox_names.get(tablename, None) if mailbox is None: raise ValueError("Mailbox name not found: %s" % mailbox) else: # select with readonly result, selected = self.connection.select(mailbox, True) if result != "OK": raise Exception("IMAP error: %s" % selected) self.mailbox_size = int(selected[0]) search_query = "(%s)" % str(query).strip() search_result = self.connection.uid("search", None, search_query) # Normal IMAP response OK is assumed (change this) if search_result[0] == "OK": # For "light" remote server responses just get the first # ten records (change for non-experimental implementation) # However, light responses are not guaranteed with this # approach, just fewer messages. limitby = attributes.get('limitby', None) messages_set = search_result[1][0].split() # descending order messages_set.reverse() if limitby is not None: # TODO: orderby, asc/desc, limitby from complete message set messages_set = messages_set[int(limitby[0]):int(limitby[1])] # keep the requests small for header/flags if any([(field.name in ["content", "size", "attachments", "email"]) for field in fields]): imap_fields = "(RFC822 FLAGS)" else: imap_fields = "(RFC822.HEADER FLAGS)" if len(messages_set) > 0: # create fetch results object list # fetch each remote message and store it in memmory # (change to multi-fetch command syntax for faster # transactions) for uid in messages_set: # fetch the RFC822 message body typ, data = self.connection.uid("fetch", uid, imap_fields) if typ == "OK": fr = {"message": int(data[0][0].split()[0]), "uid": long(uid), "email": email.message_from_string(data[0][1]), "raw_message": data[0][1]} fr["multipart"] = fr["email"].is_multipart() # fetch flags for the message fr["flags"] = self.driver.ParseFlags(data[1]) fetch_results.append(fr) else: # error retrieving the message body raise Exception("IMAP error retrieving the body: %s" % data) else: raise Exception("IMAP search error: %s" % search_result[1]) elif isinstance(query, (Expression, basestring)): raise NotImplementedError() else: raise TypeError("Unexpected query type") imapqry_dict = {} imapfields_dict = {} if len(fields) == 1 and isinstance(fields[0], SQLALL): allfields = True elif len(fields) == 0: allfields = True else: allfields = False if allfields: colnames = ["%s.%s" % (tablename, field) for field in self.search_fields.keys()] else: colnames = ["%s.%s" % (tablename, field.name) for field in fields] for k in colnames: imapfields_dict[k] = k imapqry_list = list() imapqry_array = list() for fr in fetch_results: attachments = [] content = [] size = 0 n = int(fr["message"]) item_dict = dict() message = fr["email"] uid = fr["uid"] charset = self.get_charset(message) flags = fr["flags"] raw_message = fr["raw_message"] # Return messages data mapping static fields # and fetched results. Mapping should be made # outside the select function (with auxiliary # instance methods) # pending: search flags states trough the email message # instances for correct output # preserve subject encoding (ASCII/quoted printable) if "%s.id" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.id" % tablename] = n if "%s.created" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.created" % tablename] = self.convert_date(message["Date"]) if "%s.uid" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.uid" % tablename] = uid if "%s.sender" % tablename in colnames: # If there is no encoding found in the message header # force utf-8 replacing characters (change this to # module's defaults). Applies to .sender, .to, .cc and .bcc fields item_dict["%s.sender" % tablename] = message["From"] if "%s.to" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.to" % tablename] = message["To"] if "%s.cc" % tablename in colnames: if "Cc" in message.keys(): item_dict["%s.cc" % tablename] = message["Cc"] else: item_dict["%s.cc" % tablename] = "" if "%s.bcc" % tablename in colnames: if "Bcc" in message.keys(): item_dict["%s.bcc" % tablename] = message["Bcc"] else: item_dict["%s.bcc" % tablename] = "" if "%s.deleted" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.deleted" % tablename] = "\\Deleted" in flags if "%s.draft" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.draft" % tablename] = "\\Draft" in flags if "%s.flagged" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.flagged" % tablename] = "\\Flagged" in flags if "%s.recent" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.recent" % tablename] = "\\Recent" in flags if "%s.seen" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.seen" % tablename] = "\\Seen" in flags if "%s.subject" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.subject" % tablename] = message["Subject"] if "%s.answered" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.answered" % tablename] = "\\Answered" in flags if "%s.mime" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.mime" % tablename] = message.get_content_type() if "%s.encoding" % tablename in colnames: item_dict["%s.encoding" % tablename] = charset # Here goes the whole RFC822 body as an email instance # for controller side custom processing # The message is stored as a raw string # >> email.message_from_string(raw string) # returns a Message object for enhanced object processing if "%s.email" % tablename in colnames: # WARNING: no encoding performed (raw message) item_dict["%s.email" % tablename] = raw_message # Size measure as suggested in a Velocity Reviews post # by Tim Williams: "how to get size of email attachment" # Note: len() and server RFC822.SIZE reports doesn't match # To retrieve the server size for representation would add a new # fetch transaction to the process for part in message.walk(): maintype = part.get_content_maintype() if ("%s.attachments" % tablename in colnames) or \ ("%s.content" % tablename in colnames): if "%s.attachments" % tablename in colnames: if not ("text" in maintype): payload = part.get_payload(decode=True) if payload: attachment = { "payload": payload, "filename": part.get_filename(), "encoding": part.get_content_charset(), "mime": part.get_content_type(), "disposition": part["Content-Disposition"]} attachments.append(attachment) if "%s.content" % tablename in colnames: payload = part.get_payload(decode=True) part_charset = self.get_charset(part) if "text" in maintype: if payload: content.append(self.encode_text(payload, part_charset)) if "%s.size" % tablename in colnames: if part is not None: size += len(str(part)) item_dict["%s.content" % tablename] = content item_dict["%s.attachments" % tablename] = attachments item_dict["%s.size" % tablename] = size imapqry_list.append(item_dict) # extra object mapping for the sake of rows object # creation (sends an array or lists) for item_dict in imapqry_list: imapqry_array_item = list() for fieldname in colnames: imapqry_array_item.append(item_dict[fieldname]) imapqry_array.append(imapqry_array_item) # parse result and return a rows object colnames = colnames processor = attributes.get('processor',self.parse) return processor(imapqry_array, fields, colnames) def _update(self, tablename, query, fields, commit=False): # TODO: the adapter should implement an .expand method commands = list() if use_common_filters(query): query = self.common_filter(query, [tablename,]) mark = [] unmark = [] if query: for item in fields: field = item[0] name = field.name value = item[1] if self.is_flag(name): flag = self.search_fields[name] if (value is not None) and (flag != "\\Recent"): if value: mark.append(flag) else: unmark.append(flag) result, data = self.connection.select( self.connection.mailbox_names[tablename]) string_query = "(%s)" % query result, data = self.connection.search(None, string_query) store_list = [item.strip() for item in data[0].split() if item.strip().isdigit()] # build commands for marked flags for number in store_list: result = None if len(mark) > 0: commands.append((number, "+FLAGS", "(%s)" % " ".join(mark))) if len(unmark) > 0: commands.append((number, "-FLAGS", "(%s)" % " ".join(unmark))) return commands def update(self, tablename, query, fields): rowcount = 0 commands = self._update(tablename, query, fields) for command in commands: result, data = self.connection.store(*command) if result == "OK": rowcount += 1 else: raise Exception("IMAP storing error: %s" % data) return rowcount def _count(self, query, distinct=None): raise NotImplementedError() def count(self,query,distinct=None): counter = 0 tablename = self.get_query_mailbox(query) if query and tablename is not None: if use_common_filters(query): query = self.common_filter(query, [tablename,]) result, data = self.connection.select(self.connection.mailbox_names[tablename]) string_query = "(%s)" % query result, data = self.connection.search(None, string_query) store_list = [item.strip() for item in data[0].split() if item.strip().isdigit()] counter = len(store_list) return counter def delete(self, tablename, query): counter = 0 if query: if use_common_filters(query): query = self.common_filter(query, [tablename,]) result, data = self.connection.select(self.connection.mailbox_names[tablename]) string_query = "(%s)" % query result, data = self.connection.search(None, string_query) store_list = [item.strip() for item in data[0].split() if item.strip().isdigit()] for number in store_list: result, data = self.connection.store(number, "+FLAGS", "(\\Deleted)") if result == "OK": counter += 1 else: raise Exception("IMAP store error: %s" % data) if counter > 0: result, data = self.connection.expunge() return counter def BELONGS(self, first, second): result = None name = self.search_fields[first.name] if name == "MESSAGE": values = [str(val) for val in second if str(val).isdigit()] result = "%s" % ",".join(values).strip() elif name == "UID": values = [str(val) for val in second if str(val).isdigit()] result = "UID %s" % ",".join(values).strip() else: raise Exception("Operation not supported") # result = "(%s %s)" % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second)) return result def CONTAINS(self, first, second, case_sensitive=False): # silently ignore, only case sensitive result = None name = self.search_fields[first.name] if name in ("FROM", "TO", "SUBJECT", "TEXT"): result = "%s \"%s\"" % (name, self.expand(second)) else: if first.name in ("cc", "bcc"): result = "%s \"%s\"" % (first.name.upper(), self.expand(second)) elif first.name == "mime": result = "HEADER Content-Type \"%s\"" % self.expand(second) else: raise Exception("Operation not supported") return result def GT(self, first, second): result = None name = self.search_fields[first.name] if name == "MESSAGE": last_message = self.get_last_message(first.tablename) result = "%d:%d" % (int(self.expand(second)) + 1, last_message) elif name == "UID": # GT and LT may not return # expected sets depending on # the uid format implemented try: pedestal, threshold = self.get_uid_bounds(first.tablename) except TypeError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] LOGGER.debug("Error requesting uid bounds: %s", str(e)) return "" try: lower_limit = int(self.expand(second)) + 1 except (ValueError, TypeError): e = sys.exc_info()[1] raise Exception("Operation not supported (non integer UID)") result = "UID %s:%s" % (lower_limit, threshold) elif name == "DATE": result = "SINCE %s" % self.convert_date(second, add=datetime.timedelta(1)) elif name == "SIZE": result = "LARGER %s" % self.expand(second) else: raise Exception("Operation not supported") return result def GE(self, first, second): result = None name = self.search_fields[first.name] if name == "MESSAGE": last_message = self.get_last_message(first.tablename) result = "%s:%s" % (self.expand(second), last_message) elif name == "UID": # GT and LT may not return # expected sets depending on # the uid format implemented try: pedestal, threshold = self.get_uid_bounds(first.tablename) except TypeError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] LOGGER.debug("Error requesting uid bounds: %s", str(e)) return "" lower_limit = self.expand(second) result = "UID %s:%s" % (lower_limit, threshold) elif name == "DATE": result = "SINCE %s" % self.convert_date(second) else: raise Exception("Operation not supported") return result def LT(self, first, second): result = None name = self.search_fields[first.name] if name == "MESSAGE": result = "%s:%s" % (1, int(self.expand(second)) - 1) elif name == "UID": try: pedestal, threshold = self.get_uid_bounds(first.tablename) except TypeError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] LOGGER.debug("Error requesting uid bounds: %s", str(e)) return "" try: upper_limit = int(self.expand(second)) - 1 except (ValueError, TypeError): e = sys.exc_info()[1] raise Exception("Operation not supported (non integer UID)") result = "UID %s:%s" % (pedestal, upper_limit) elif name == "DATE": result = "BEFORE %s" % self.convert_date(second) elif name == "SIZE": result = "SMALLER %s" % self.expand(second) else: raise Exception("Operation not supported") return result def LE(self, first, second): result = None name = self.search_fields[first.name] if name == "MESSAGE": result = "%s:%s" % (1, self.expand(second)) elif name == "UID": try: pedestal, threshold = self.get_uid_bounds(first.tablename) except TypeError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] LOGGER.debug("Error requesting uid bounds: %s", str(e)) return "" upper_limit = int(self.expand(second)) result = "UID %s:%s" % (pedestal, upper_limit) elif name == "DATE": result = "BEFORE %s" % self.convert_date(second, add=datetime.timedelta(1)) else: raise Exception("Operation not supported") return result def NE(self, first, second=None): if (second is None) and isinstance(first, Field): # All records special table query if first.type == "id": return self.GE(first, 1) result = self.NOT(self.EQ(first, second)) result = result.replace("NOT NOT", "").strip() return result def EQ(self,first,second): name = self.search_fields[first.name] result = None if name is not None: if name == "MESSAGE": # query by message sequence number result = "%s" % self.expand(second) elif name == "UID": result = "UID %s" % self.expand(second) elif name == "DATE": result = "ON %s" % self.convert_date(second) elif name in self.flags: if second: result = "%s" % (name.upper()[1:]) else: result = "NOT %s" % (name.upper()[1:]) else: raise Exception("Operation not supported") else: raise Exception("Operation not supported") return result def AND(self, first, second): result = "%s %s" % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second)) return result def OR(self, first, second): result = "OR %s %s" % (self.expand(first), self.expand(second)) return "%s" % result.replace("OR OR", "OR") def NOT(self, first): result = "NOT %s" % self.expand(first) return result ######################################################################## # end of adapters ######################################################################## ADAPTERS = { 'sqlite': SQLiteAdapter, 'spatialite': SpatiaLiteAdapter, 'sqlite:memory': SQLiteAdapter, 'spatialite:memory': SpatiaLiteAdapter, 'mysql': MySQLAdapter, 'postgres': PostgreSQLAdapter, 'postgres:psycopg2': PostgreSQLAdapter, 'postgres:pg8000': PostgreSQLAdapter, 'postgres2:psycopg2': NewPostgreSQLAdapter, 'postgres2:pg8000': NewPostgreSQLAdapter, 'oracle': OracleAdapter, 'mssql': MSSQLAdapter, 'mssql2': MSSQL2Adapter, 'mssql3': MSSQL3Adapter, 'vertica': VerticaAdapter, 'sybase': SybaseAdapter, 'db2': DB2Adapter, 'teradata': TeradataAdapter, 'informix': InformixAdapter, 'informix-se': InformixSEAdapter, 'firebird': FireBirdAdapter, 'firebird_embedded': FireBirdAdapter, 'ingres': IngresAdapter, 'ingresu': IngresUnicodeAdapter, 'sapdb': SAPDBAdapter, 'cubrid': CubridAdapter, 'jdbc:sqlite': JDBCSQLiteAdapter, 'jdbc:sqlite:memory': JDBCSQLiteAdapter, 'jdbc:postgres': JDBCPostgreSQLAdapter, 'gae': GoogleDatastoreAdapter, # discouraged, for backward compatibility 'google:datastore': GoogleDatastoreAdapter, 'google:sql': GoogleSQLAdapter, 'couchdb': CouchDBAdapter, 'mongodb': MongoDBAdapter, 'imap': IMAPAdapter } def sqlhtml_validators(field): """ Field type validation, using web2py's validators mechanism. makes sure the content of a field is in line with the declared fieldtype """ db = field.db if not have_validators: return [] field_type, field_length = field.type, field.length if isinstance(field_type, SQLCustomType): if hasattr(field_type, 'validator'): return field_type.validator else: field_type = field_type.type elif not isinstance(field_type,str): return [] requires=[] def ff(r,id): row=r(id) if not row: return id elif hasattr(r, '_format') and isinstance(r._format,str): return r._format % row elif hasattr(r, '_format') and callable(r._format): return r._format(row) else: return id if field_type in (('string', 'text', 'password')): requires.append(validators.IS_LENGTH(field_length)) elif field_type == 'json': requires.append(validators.IS_EMPTY_OR(validators.IS_JSON())) elif field_type == 'double' or field_type == 'float': requires.append(validators.IS_FLOAT_IN_RANGE(-1e100, 1e100)) elif field_type in ('integer','bigint'): requires.append(validators.IS_INT_IN_RANGE(-1e100, 1e100)) elif field_type.startswith('decimal'): requires.append(validators.IS_DECIMAL_IN_RANGE(-10**10, 10**10)) elif field_type == 'date': requires.append(validators.IS_DATE()) elif field_type == 'time': requires.append(validators.IS_TIME()) elif field_type == 'datetime': requires.append(validators.IS_DATETIME()) elif db and field_type.startswith('reference') and \ field_type.find('.') < 0 and \ field_type[10:] in db.tables: referenced = db[field_type[10:]] def repr_ref(id, row=None, r=referenced, f=ff): return f(r, id) field.represent = field.represent or repr_ref if hasattr(referenced, '_format') and referenced._format: requires = validators.IS_IN_DB(db,referenced._id, referenced._format) if field.unique: requires._and = validators.IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,field) if field.tablename == field_type[10:]: return validators.IS_EMPTY_OR(requires) return requires elif db and field_type.startswith('list:reference') and \ field_type.find('.') < 0 and \ field_type[15:] in db.tables: referenced = db[field_type[15:]] def list_ref_repr(ids, row=None, r=referenced, f=ff): if not ids: return None refs = None db, id = r._db, r._id if isinstance(db._adapter, GoogleDatastoreAdapter): def count(values): return db(id.belongs(values)).select(id) rx = range(0, len(ids), 30) refs = reduce(lambda a,b:a&b, [count(ids[i:i+30]) for i in rx]) else: refs = db(id.belongs(ids)).select(id) return (refs and ', '.join(str(f(r,x.id)) for x in refs) or '') field.represent = field.represent or list_ref_repr if hasattr(referenced, '_format') and referenced._format: requires = validators.IS_IN_DB(db,referenced._id, referenced._format,multiple=True) else: requires = validators.IS_IN_DB(db,referenced._id, multiple=True) if field.unique: requires._and = validators.IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,field) return requires elif field_type.startswith('list:'): def repr_list(values,row=None): return', '.join(str(v) for v in (values or [])) field.represent = field.represent or repr_list if field.unique: requires.insert(0,validators.IS_NOT_IN_DB(db,field)) sff = ['in', 'do', 'da', 'ti', 'de', 'bo'] if field.notnull and not field_type[:2] in sff: requires.insert(0, validators.IS_NOT_EMPTY()) elif not field.notnull and field_type[:2] in sff and requires: requires[-1] = validators.IS_EMPTY_OR(requires[-1]) return requires def bar_escape(item): return str(item).replace('|', '||') def bar_encode(items): return '|%s|' % '|'.join(bar_escape(item) for item in items if str(item).strip()) def bar_decode_integer(value): if not hasattr(value,'split') and hasattr(value,'read'): value = value.read() return [long(x) for x in value.split('|') if x.strip()] def bar_decode_string(value): return [x.replace('||', '|') for x in REGEX_UNPACK.split(value[1:-1]) if x.strip()] class Row(object): """ a dictionary that lets you do d['a'] as well as d.a this is only used to store a Row """ __init__ = lambda self,*args,**kwargs: self.__dict__.update(*args,**kwargs) def __getitem__(self, k): key=str(k) _extra = self.__dict__.get('_extra', None) if _extra is not None: v = _extra.get(key, None) if v: return v m = REGEX_TABLE_DOT_FIELD.match(key) if m: try: return ogetattr(self, m.group(1))[m.group(2)] except (KeyError,AttributeError,TypeError): key = m.group(2) return ogetattr(self, key) __setitem__ = lambda self, key, value: setattr(self, str(key), value) __delitem__ = object.__delattr__ __copy__ = lambda self: Row(self) __call__ = __getitem__ get = lambda self, key, default=None: self.__dict__.get(key,default) has_key = __contains__ = lambda self, key: key in self.__dict__ __nonzero__ = lambda self: len(self.__dict__)>0 update = lambda self, *args, **kwargs: self.__dict__.update(*args, **kwargs) keys = lambda self: self.__dict__.keys() items = lambda self: self.__dict__.items() values = lambda self: self.__dict__.values() __iter__ = lambda self: self.__dict__.__iter__() iteritems = lambda self: self.__dict__.iteritems() __str__ = __repr__ = lambda self: '' % self.as_dict() __int__ = lambda self: object.__getattribute__(self,'id') __long__ = lambda self: long(object.__getattribute__(self,'id')) def __eq__(self,other): try: return self.as_dict() == other.as_dict() except AttributeError: return False def __ne__(self,other): return not (self == other) def __copy__(self): return Row(dict(self)) def as_dict(self, datetime_to_str=False, custom_types=None): SERIALIZABLE_TYPES = [str, unicode, int, long, float, bool, list, dict] if isinstance(custom_types,(list,tuple,set)): SERIALIZABLE_TYPES += custom_types elif custom_types: SERIALIZABLE_TYPES.append(custom_types) d = dict(self) for k in copy.copy(d.keys()): v=d[k] if d[k] is None: continue elif isinstance(v,Row): d[k]=v.as_dict() elif isinstance(v,Reference): d[k]=long(v) elif isinstance(v,decimal.Decimal): d[k]=float(v) elif isinstance(v, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime, datetime.time)): if datetime_to_str: d[k] = v.isoformat().replace('T',' ')[:19] elif not isinstance(v,tuple(SERIALIZABLE_TYPES)): del d[k] return d def as_xml(self, row_name="row", colnames=None, indent=' '): def f(row,field,indent=' '): if isinstance(row,Row): spc = indent+' \n' items = [f(row[x],x,indent+' ') for x in row] return '%s<%s>\n%s\n%s' % ( indent, field, spc.join(item for item in items if item), indent, field) elif not callable(row): if REGEX_ALPHANUMERIC.match(field): return '%s<%s>%s' % (indent,field,row,field) else: return '%s%s' % \ (indent,field,row) else: return None return f(self, row_name, indent=indent) def as_json(self, mode="object", default=None, colnames=None, serialize=True, **kwargs): """ serializes the row to a JSON object kwargs are passed to .as_dict method only "object" mode supported serialize = False used by Rows.as_json TODO: return array mode with query column order mode and colnames are not implemented """ item = self.as_dict(**kwargs) if serialize: if have_serializers: return serializers.json(item, default=default or serializers.custom_json) elif simplejson: return simplejson.dumps(item) else: raise RuntimeError("missing simplejson") else: return item ################################################################################ # Everything below should be independent of the specifics of the database # and should work for RDBMs and some NoSQL databases ################################################################################ class SQLCallableList(list): def __call__(self): return copy.copy(self) def smart_query(fields,text): if not isinstance(fields,(list,tuple)): fields = [fields] new_fields = [] for field in fields: if isinstance(field,Field): new_fields.append(field) elif isinstance(field,Table): for ofield in field: new_fields.append(ofield) else: raise RuntimeError("fields must be a list of fields") fields = new_fields field_map = {} for field in fields: n = field.name.lower() if not n in field_map: field_map[n] = field n = str(field).lower() if not n in field_map: field_map[n] = field constants = {} i = 0 while True: m = REGEX_CONST_STRING.search(text) if not m: break text = text[:m.start()]+('#%i' % i)+text[m.end():] constants[str(i)] = m.group()[1:-1] i+=1 text = re.sub('\s+',' ',text).lower() for a,b in [('&','and'), ('|','or'), ('~','not'), ('==','='), ('<','<'), ('>','>'), ('<=','<='), ('>=','>='), ('<>','!='), ('=<','<='), ('=>','>='), ('=','='), (' less or equal than ','<='), (' greater or equal than ','>='), (' equal or less than ','<='), (' equal or greater than ','>='), (' less or equal ','<='), (' greater or equal ','>='), (' equal or less ','<='), (' equal or greater ','>='), (' not equal to ','!='), (' not equal ','!='), (' equal to ','='), (' equal ','='), (' equals ','='), (' less than ','<'), (' greater than ','>'), (' starts with ','startswith'), (' ends with ','endswith'), (' not in ' , 'notbelongs'), (' in ' , 'belongs'), (' is ','=')]: if a[0]==' ': text = text.replace(' is'+a,' %s ' % b) text = text.replace(a,' %s ' % b) text = re.sub('\s+',' ',text).lower() text = re.sub('(?P[\<\>\!\=])\s+(?P[\<\>\!\=])','\g\g',text) query = field = neg = op = logic = None for item in text.split(): if field is None: if item == 'not': neg = True elif not neg and not logic and item in ('and','or'): logic = item elif item in field_map: field = field_map[item] else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid syntax") elif not field is None and op is None: op = item elif not op is None: if item.startswith('#'): if not item[1:] in constants: raise RuntimeError("Invalid syntax") value = constants[item[1:]] else: value = item if field.type in ('text', 'string', 'json'): if op == '=': op = 'like' if op == '=': new_query = field==value elif op == '<': new_query = field': new_query = field>value elif op == '<=': new_query = field<=value elif op == '>=': new_query = field>=value elif op == '!=': new_query = field!=value elif op == 'belongs': new_query = field.belongs(value.split(',')) elif op == 'notbelongs': new_query = ~field.belongs(value.split(',')) elif field.type in ('text', 'string', 'json'): if op == 'contains': new_query = field.contains(value) elif op == 'like': new_query = field.like(value) elif op == 'startswith': new_query = field.startswith(value) elif op == 'endswith': new_query = field.endswith(value) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid operation") elif field._db._adapter.dbengine=='google:datastore' and \ field.type in ('list:integer', 'list:string', 'list:reference'): if op == 'contains': new_query = field.contains(value) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid operation") else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid operation") if neg: new_query = ~new_query if query is None: query = new_query elif logic == 'and': query &= new_query elif logic == 'or': query |= new_query field = op = neg = logic = None return query class DAL(object): """ an instance of this class represents a database connection Example:: db = DAL('sqlite://test.db') or db = DAL({"uri": ..., "items": ...}) # experimental db.define_table('tablename', Field('fieldname1'), Field('fieldname2')) """ def __new__(cls, uri='sqlite://dummy.db', *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(THREAD_LOCAL,'db_instances'): THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances = {} if not hasattr(THREAD_LOCAL,'db_instances_zombie'): THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances_zombie = {} if uri == '': db_uid = kwargs['db_uid'] # a zombie must have a db_uid! if db_uid in THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances: db_group = THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances[db_uid] db = db_group[-1] elif db_uid in THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances_zombie: db = THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances_zombie[db_uid] else: db = super(DAL, cls).__new__(cls) THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances_zombie[db_uid] = db else: db_uid = kwargs.get('db_uid',hashlib_md5(repr(uri)).hexdigest()) if db_uid in THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances_zombie: db = THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances_zombie[db_uid] del THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances_zombie[db_uid] else: db = super(DAL, cls).__new__(cls) db_group = THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances.get(db_uid,[]) db_group.append(db) THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances[db_uid] = db_group db._db_uid = db_uid return db @staticmethod def set_folder(folder): """ # ## this allows gluon to set a folder for this thread # ## <<<<<<<<< Should go away as new DAL replaces old sql.py """ BaseAdapter.set_folder(folder) @staticmethod def get_instances(): """ Returns a dictionary with uri as key with timings and defined tables {'sqlite://storage.sqlite': { 'dbstats': [(select auth_user.email from auth_user, 0.02009)], 'dbtables': { 'defined': ['auth_cas', 'auth_event', 'auth_group', 'auth_membership', 'auth_permission', 'auth_user'], 'lazy': '[]' } } } """ dbs = getattr(THREAD_LOCAL,'db_instances',{}).items() infos = {} for db_uid, db_group in dbs: for db in db_group: if not db._uri: continue k = hide_password(db._uri) infos[k] = dict(dbstats = [(row[0], row[1]) for row in db._timings], dbtables = {'defined': sorted(list(set(db.tables) - set(db._LAZY_TABLES.keys()))), 'lazy': sorted(db._LAZY_TABLES.keys())} ) return infos @staticmethod def distributed_transaction_begin(*instances): if not instances: return thread_key = '%s.%s' % (socket.gethostname(), threading.currentThread()) keys = ['%s.%i' % (thread_key, i) for (i,db) in instances] instances = enumerate(instances) for (i, db) in instances: if not db._adapter.support_distributed_transaction(): raise SyntaxError( 'distributed transaction not suported by %s' % db._dbname) for (i, db) in instances: db._adapter.distributed_transaction_begin(keys[i]) @staticmethod def distributed_transaction_commit(*instances): if not instances: return instances = enumerate(instances) thread_key = '%s.%s' % (socket.gethostname(), threading.currentThread()) keys = ['%s.%i' % (thread_key, i) for (i,db) in instances] for (i, db) in instances: if not db._adapter.support_distributed_transaction(): raise SyntaxError( 'distributed transaction not suported by %s' % db._dbanme) try: for (i, db) in instances: db._adapter.prepare(keys[i]) except: for (i, db) in instances: db._adapter.rollback_prepared(keys[i]) raise RuntimeError('failure to commit distributed transaction') else: for (i, db) in instances: db._adapter.commit_prepared(keys[i]) return def __init__(self, uri=DEFAULT_URI, pool_size=0, folder=None, db_codec='UTF-8', check_reserved=None, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False, migrate_enabled=True, fake_migrate_all=False, decode_credentials=False, driver_args=None, adapter_args=None, attempts=5, auto_import=False, bigint_id=False,debug=False,lazy_tables=False, db_uid=None, do_connect=True, after_connection=None): """ Creates a new Database Abstraction Layer instance. Keyword arguments: :uri: string that contains information for connecting to a database. (default: 'sqlite://dummy.db') experimental: you can specify a dictionary as uri parameter i.e. with db = DAL({"uri": "sqlite://storage.sqlite", "items": {...}, ...}) for an example of dict input you can check the output of the scaffolding db model with db.as_dict() Note that for compatibility with Python older than version 2.6.5 you should cast your dict input keys to str due to a syntax limitation on kwarg names. for proper DAL dictionary input you can use one of: obj = serializers.cast_keys(dict, [encoding="utf-8"]) or else (for parsing json input) obj = serializers.loads_json(data, unicode_keys=False) :pool_size: How many open connections to make to the database object. :folder: where .table files will be created. automatically set within web2py use an explicit path when using DAL outside web2py :db_codec: string encoding of the database (default: 'UTF-8') :check_reserved: list of adapters to check tablenames and column names against sql/nosql reserved keywords. (Default None) * 'common' List of sql keywords that are common to all database types such as "SELECT, INSERT". (recommended) * 'all' Checks against all known SQL keywords. (not recommended) Checks against the specific adapters list of keywords (recommended) * '_nonreserved' Checks against the specific adapters list of nonreserved keywords. (if available) :migrate (defaults to True) sets default migrate behavior for all tables :fake_migrate (defaults to False) sets default fake_migrate behavior for all tables :migrate_enabled (defaults to True). If set to False disables ALL migrations :fake_migrate_all (defaults to False). If sets to True fake migrates ALL tables :attempts (defaults to 5). Number of times to attempt connecting :auto_import (defaults to False). If set, import automatically table definitions from the databases folder :bigint_id (defaults to False): If set, turn on bigint instead of int for id fields :lazy_tables (defaults to False): delay table definition until table access :after_connection (defaults to None): a callable that will be execute after the connection """ items = None if isinstance(uri, dict): if "items" in uri: items = uri.pop("items") try: newuri = uri.pop("uri") except KeyError: newuri = DEFAULT_URI locals().update(uri) uri = newuri if uri == '' and db_uid is not None: return if not decode_credentials: credential_decoder = lambda cred: cred else: credential_decoder = lambda cred: urllib.unquote(cred) self._folder = folder if folder: self.set_folder(folder) self._uri = uri self._pool_size = pool_size self._db_codec = db_codec self._lastsql = '' self._timings = [] self._pending_references = {} self._request_tenant = 'request_tenant' self._common_fields = [] self._referee_name = '%(table)s' self._bigint_id = bigint_id self._debug = debug self._migrated = [] self._LAZY_TABLES = {} self._lazy_tables = lazy_tables self._tables = SQLCallableList() self._driver_args = driver_args self._adapter_args = adapter_args self._check_reserved = check_reserved self._decode_credentials = decode_credentials self._attempts = attempts self._do_connect = do_connect if not str(attempts).isdigit() or attempts < 0: attempts = 5 if uri: uris = isinstance(uri,(list,tuple)) and uri or [uri] error = '' connected = False for k in range(attempts): for uri in uris: try: if is_jdbc and not uri.startswith('jdbc:'): uri = 'jdbc:'+uri self._dbname = REGEX_DBNAME.match(uri).group() if not self._dbname in ADAPTERS: raise SyntaxError("Error in URI '%s' or database not supported" % self._dbname) # notice that driver args or {} else driver_args # defaults to {} global, not correct kwargs = dict(db=self,uri=uri, pool_size=pool_size, folder=folder, db_codec=db_codec, credential_decoder=credential_decoder, driver_args=driver_args or {}, adapter_args=adapter_args or {}, do_connect=do_connect, after_connection=after_connection) self._adapter = ADAPTERS[self._dbname](**kwargs) types = ADAPTERS[self._dbname].types # copy so multiple DAL() possible self._adapter.types = copy.copy(types) if bigint_id: if 'big-id' in types and 'reference' in types: self._adapter.types['id'] = types['big-id'] self._adapter.types['reference'] = types['big-reference'] connected = True break except SyntaxError: raise except Exception: tb = traceback.format_exc() sys.stderr.write('DEBUG: connect attempt %i, connection error:\n%s' % (k, tb)) if connected: break else: time.sleep(1) if not connected: raise RuntimeError("Failure to connect, tried %d times:\n%s" % (attempts, tb)) else: self._adapter = BaseAdapter(db=self,pool_size=0, uri='None',folder=folder, db_codec=db_codec, after_connection=after_connection) migrate = fake_migrate = False adapter = self._adapter self._uri_hash = hashlib_md5(adapter.uri).hexdigest() self.check_reserved = check_reserved if self.check_reserved: from reserved_sql_keywords import ADAPTERS as RSK self.RSK = RSK self._migrate = migrate self._fake_migrate = fake_migrate self._migrate_enabled = migrate_enabled self._fake_migrate_all = fake_migrate_all if auto_import or items: self.import_table_definitions(adapter.folder, items=items) @property def tables(self): return self._tables def import_table_definitions(self, path, migrate=False, fake_migrate=False, items=None): pattern = pjoin(path,self._uri_hash+'_*.table') if items: for tablename, table in items.iteritems(): # TODO: read all field/table options fields = [] # remove unsupported/illegal Table arguments [table.pop(name) for name in ("name", "fields") if name in table] if "items" in table: for fieldname, field in table.pop("items").iteritems(): # remove unsupported/illegal Field arguments [field.pop(key) for key in ("requires", "name", "compute", "colname") if key in field] fields.append(Field(str(fieldname), **field)) self.define_table(str(tablename), *fields, **table) else: for filename in glob.glob(pattern): tfile = self._adapter.file_open(filename, 'r') try: sql_fields = pickle.load(tfile) name = filename[len(pattern)-7:-6] mf = [(value['sortable'], Field(key, type=value['type'], length=value.get('length',None), notnull=value.get('notnull',False), unique=value.get('unique',False))) \ for key, value in sql_fields.iteritems()] mf.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[0],b[0])) self.define_table(name,*[item[1] for item in mf], **dict(migrate=migrate, fake_migrate=fake_migrate)) finally: self._adapter.file_close(tfile) def check_reserved_keyword(self, name): """ Validates ``name`` against SQL keywords Uses self.check_reserve which is a list of operators to use. self.check_reserved ['common', 'postgres', 'mysql'] self.check_reserved ['all'] """ for backend in self.check_reserved: if name.upper() in self.RSK[backend]: raise SyntaxError( 'invalid table/column name "%s" is a "%s" reserved SQL/NOSQL keyword' % (name, backend.upper())) def parse_as_rest(self,patterns,args,vars,queries=None,nested_select=True): """ EXAMPLE: db.define_table('person',Field('name'),Field('info')) db.define_table('pet',Field('ownedby',db.person),Field('name'),Field('info')) @request.restful() def index(): def GET(*args,**vars): patterns = [ "/friends[person]", "/{person.name}/:field", "/{person.name}/pets[pet.ownedby]", "/{person.name}/pets[pet.ownedby]/{pet.name}", "/{person.name}/pets[pet.ownedby]/{pet.name}/:field", ("/dogs[pet]", db.pet.info=='dog'), ("/dogs[pet]/{pet.name.startswith}", db.pet.info=='dog'), ] parser = db.parse_as_rest(patterns,args,vars) if parser.status == 200: return dict(content=parser.response) else: raise HTTP(parser.status,parser.error) def POST(table_name,**vars): if table_name == 'person': return db.person.validate_and_insert(**vars) elif table_name == 'pet': return db.pet.validate_and_insert(**vars) else: raise HTTP(400) return locals() """ db = self re1 = REGEX_SEARCH_PATTERN re2 = REGEX_SQUARE_BRACKETS def auto_table(table,base='',depth=0): patterns = [] for field in db[table].fields: if base: tag = '%s/%s' % (base,field.replace('_','-')) else: tag = '/%s/%s' % (table.replace('_','-'),field.replace('_','-')) f = db[table][field] if not f.readable: continue if f.type=='id' or 'slug' in field or f.type.startswith('reference'): tag += '/{%s.%s}' % (table,field) patterns.append(tag) patterns.append(tag+'/:field') elif f.type.startswith('boolean'): tag += '/{%s.%s}' % (table,field) patterns.append(tag) patterns.append(tag+'/:field') elif f.type in ('float','double','integer','bigint'): tag += '/{%s.%s.ge}/{%s.%s.lt}' % (table,field,table,field) patterns.append(tag) patterns.append(tag+'/:field') elif f.type.startswith('list:'): tag += '/{%s.%s.contains}' % (table,field) patterns.append(tag) patterns.append(tag+'/:field') elif f.type in ('date','datetime'): tag+= '/{%s.%s.year}' % (table,field) patterns.append(tag) patterns.append(tag+'/:field') tag+='/{%s.%s.month}' % (table,field) patterns.append(tag) patterns.append(tag+'/:field') tag+='/{%s.%s.day}' % (table,field) patterns.append(tag) patterns.append(tag+'/:field') if f.type in ('datetime','time'): tag+= '/{%s.%s.hour}' % (table,field) patterns.append(tag) patterns.append(tag+'/:field') tag+='/{%s.%s.minute}' % (table,field) patterns.append(tag) patterns.append(tag+'/:field') tag+='/{%s.%s.second}' % (table,field) patterns.append(tag) patterns.append(tag+'/:field') if depth>0: for f in db[table]._referenced_by: tag+='/%s[%s.%s]' % (table,f.tablename,f.name) patterns.append(tag) patterns += auto_table(table,base=tag,depth=depth-1) return patterns if patterns == 'auto': patterns=[] for table in db.tables: if not table.startswith('auth_'): patterns.append('/%s[%s]' % (table,table)) patterns += auto_table(table,base='',depth=1) else: i = 0 while i2: pattern, basequery, exposedfields = pattern[0:3] otable=table=None if not isinstance(queries,dict): dbset=db(queries) if basequery is not None: dbset = dbset(basequery) i=0 tags = pattern[1:].split('/') if len(tags)!=len(args): continue for tag in tags: if re1.match(tag): # print 're1:'+tag tokens = tag[1:-1].split('.') table, field = tokens[0], tokens[1] if not otable or table == otable: if len(tokens)==2 or tokens[2]=='eq': query = db[table][field]==args[i] elif tokens[2]=='ne': query = db[table][field]!=args[i] elif tokens[2]=='lt': query = db[table][field]args[i] elif tokens[2]=='ge': query = db[table][field]>=args[i] elif tokens[2]=='le': query = db[table][field]<=args[i] elif tokens[2]=='year': query = db[table][field].year()==args[i] elif tokens[2]=='month': query = db[table][field].month()==args[i] elif tokens[2]=='day': query = db[table][field].day()==args[i] elif tokens[2]=='hour': query = db[table][field].hour()==args[i] elif tokens[2]=='minute': query = db[table][field].minutes()==args[i] elif tokens[2]=='second': query = db[table][field].seconds()==args[i] elif tokens[2]=='startswith': query = db[table][field].startswith(args[i]) elif tokens[2]=='contains': query = db[table][field].contains(args[i]) else: raise RuntimeError("invalid pattern: %s" % pattern) if len(tokens)==4 and tokens[3]=='not': query = ~query elif len(tokens)>=4: raise RuntimeError("invalid pattern: %s" % pattern) if not otable and isinstance(queries,dict): dbset = db(queries[table]) if basequery is not None: dbset = dbset(basequery) dbset=dbset(query) else: raise RuntimeError("missing relation in pattern: %s" % pattern) elif re2.match(tag) and args[i]==tag[:tag.find('[')]: ref = tag[tag.find('[')+1:-1] if '.' in ref and otable: table,field = ref.split('.') selfld = '_id' if db[table][field].type.startswith('reference '): refs = [ x.name for x in db[otable] if x.type == db[table][field].type ] else: refs = [ x.name for x in db[table]._referenced_by if x.tablename==otable ] if refs: selfld = refs[0] if nested_select: try: dbset=db(db[table][field].belongs(dbset._select(db[otable][selfld]))) except ValueError: return Row({'status':400,'pattern':pattern, 'error':'invalid path','response':None}) else: items = [item.id for item in dbset.select(db[otable][selfld])] dbset=db(db[table][field].belongs(items)) else: table = ref if not otable and isinstance(queries,dict): dbset = db(queries[table]) dbset=dbset(db[table]) elif tag==':field' and table: # print 're3:'+tag field = args[i] if not field in db[table]: break # hand-built patterns should respect .readable=False as well if not db[table][field].readable: return Row({'status':418,'pattern':pattern, 'error':'I\'m a teapot','response':None}) try: distinct = vars.get('distinct', False) == 'True' offset = long(vars.get('offset',None) or 0) limits = (offset,long(vars.get('limit',None) or 1000)+offset) except ValueError: return Row({'status':400,'error':'invalid limits','response':None}) items = dbset.select(db[table][field], distinct=distinct, limitby=limits) if items: return Row({'status':200,'response':items, 'pattern':pattern}) else: return Row({'status':404,'pattern':pattern, 'error':'no record found','response':None}) elif tag != args[i]: break otable = table i += 1 if i==len(tags) and table: ofields = vars.get('order',db[table]._id.name).split('|') try: orderby = [db[table][f] if not f.startswith('~') else ~db[table][f[1:]] for f in ofields] except (KeyError, AttributeError): return Row({'status':400,'error':'invalid orderby','response':None}) if exposedfields: fields = [field for field in db[table] if str(field).split('.')[-1] in exposedfields and field.readable] else: fields = [field for field in db[table] if field.readable] count = dbset.count() try: offset = long(vars.get('offset',None) or 0) limits = (offset,long(vars.get('limit',None) or 1000)+offset) except ValueError: return Row({'status':400,'error':'invalid limits','response':None}) if count > limits[1]-limits[0]: return Row({'status':400,'error':'too many records','response':None}) try: response = dbset.select(limitby=limits,orderby=orderby,*fields) except ValueError: return Row({'status':400,'pattern':pattern, 'error':'invalid path','response':None}) return Row({'status':200,'response':response, 'pattern':pattern,'count':count}) return Row({'status':400,'error':'no matching pattern','response':None}) def define_table( self, tablename, *fields, **args ): if not isinstance(tablename,str): raise SyntaxError("missing table name") elif hasattr(self,tablename) or tablename in self.tables: if not args.get('redefine',False): raise SyntaxError('table already defined: %s' % tablename) elif tablename.startswith('_') or hasattr(self,tablename) or \ REGEX_PYTHON_KEYWORDS.match(tablename): raise SyntaxError('invalid table name: %s' % tablename) elif self.check_reserved: self.check_reserved_keyword(tablename) else: invalid_args = set(args)-TABLE_ARGS if invalid_args: raise SyntaxError('invalid table "%s" attributes: %s' \ % (tablename,invalid_args)) if self._lazy_tables and not tablename in self._LAZY_TABLES: self._LAZY_TABLES[tablename] = (tablename,fields,args) table = None else: table = self.lazy_define_table(tablename,*fields,**args) if not tablename in self.tables: self.tables.append(tablename) return table def lazy_define_table( self, tablename, *fields, **args ): args_get = args.get common_fields = self._common_fields if common_fields: fields = list(fields) + list(common_fields) table_class = args_get('table_class',Table) table = table_class(self, tablename, *fields, **args) table._actual = True self[tablename] = table # must follow above line to handle self references table._create_references() for field in table: if field.requires == DEFAULT: field.requires = sqlhtml_validators(field) migrate = self._migrate_enabled and args_get('migrate',self._migrate) if migrate and not self._uri in (None,'None') \ or self._adapter.dbengine=='google:datastore': fake_migrate = self._fake_migrate_all or \ args_get('fake_migrate',self._fake_migrate) polymodel = args_get('polymodel',None) try: GLOBAL_LOCKER.acquire() self._lastsql = self._adapter.create_table( table,migrate=migrate, fake_migrate=fake_migrate, polymodel=polymodel) finally: GLOBAL_LOCKER.release() else: table._dbt = None on_define = args_get('on_define',None) if on_define: on_define(table) return table def as_dict(self, flat=False, sanitize=True, field_options=True): dbname = db_uid = uri = None if not sanitize: uri, dbname, db_uid = (self._uri, self._dbname, self._db_uid) db_as_dict = dict(items={}, tables=[], uri=uri, dbname=dbname, db_uid=db_uid, **dict([(k, getattr(self, "_" + k)) for k in 'pool_size','folder','db_codec', 'check_reserved','migrate','fake_migrate', 'migrate_enabled','fake_migrate_all', 'decode_credentials','driver_args', 'adapter_args', 'attempts', 'bigint_id','debug','lazy_tables', 'do_connect'])) for table in self: tablename = str(table) db_as_dict["tables"].append(tablename) db_as_dict["items"][tablename] = table.as_dict(flat=flat, sanitize=sanitize, field_options=field_options) return db_as_dict def as_xml(self, sanitize=True, field_options=True): if not have_serializers: raise ImportError("No xml serializers available") d = self.as_dict(flat=True, sanitize=sanitize, field_options=field_options) return serializers.xml(d) def as_json(self, sanitize=True, field_options=True): if not have_serializers: raise ImportError("No json serializers available") d = self.as_dict(flat=True, sanitize=sanitize, field_options=field_options) return serializers.json(d) def as_yaml(self, sanitize=True, field_options=True): if not have_serializers: raise ImportError("No YAML serializers available") d = self.as_dict(flat=True, sanitize=sanitize, field_options=field_options) return serializers.yaml(d) def __contains__(self, tablename): try: return tablename in self.tables except AttributeError: # The instance has no .tables attribute yet return False has_key = __contains__ def get(self,key,default=None): return self.__dict__.get(key,default) def __iter__(self): for tablename in self.tables: yield self[tablename] def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__getattr__(str(key)) def __getattr__(self, key): if ogetattr(self,'_lazy_tables') and \ key in ogetattr(self,'_LAZY_TABLES'): tablename, fields, args = self._LAZY_TABLES.pop(key) return self.lazy_define_table(tablename,*fields,**args) return ogetattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): osetattr(self, str(key), value) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key[:1]!='_' and key in self: raise SyntaxError( 'Object %s exists and cannot be redefined' % key) osetattr(self,key,value) __delitem__ = object.__delattr__ def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self,'_uri'): return '' % hide_password(str(self._uri)) else: return '' % self._db_uid def smart_query(self,fields,text): return Set(self, smart_query(fields,text)) def __call__(self, query=None, ignore_common_filters=None): if isinstance(query,Table): query = self._adapter.id_query(query) elif isinstance(query,Field): query = query!=None elif isinstance(query, dict): icf = query.get("ignore_common_filters") if icf: ignore_common_filters = icf return Set(self, query, ignore_common_filters=ignore_common_filters) def commit(self): self._adapter.commit() def rollback(self): self._adapter.rollback() def close(self): self._adapter.close() if self._db_uid in THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances: db_group = THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances[self._db_uid] db_group.remove(self) if not db_group: del THREAD_LOCAL.db_instances[self._db_uid] def executesql(self, query, placeholders=None, as_dict=False, fields=None, colnames=None): """ placeholders is optional and will always be None. If using raw SQL with placeholders, placeholders may be a sequence of values to be substituted in or, (if supported by the DB driver), a dictionary with keys matching named placeholders in your SQL. Added 2009-12-05 "as_dict" optional argument. Will always be None when using DAL. If using raw SQL can be set to True and the results cursor returned by the DB driver will be converted to a sequence of dictionaries keyed with the db field names. Tested with SQLite but should work with any database since the cursor.description used to get field names is part of the Python dbi 2.0 specs. Results returned with as_dict=True are the same as those returned when applying .to_list() to a DAL query. [{field1: value1, field2: value2}, {field1: value1b, field2: value2b}] Added 2012-08-24 "fields" and "colnames" optional arguments. If either is provided, the results cursor returned by the DB driver will be converted to a DAL Rows object using the db._adapter.parse() method. The "fields" argument is a list of DAL Field objects that match the fields returned from the DB. The Field objects should be part of one or more Table objects defined on the DAL object. The "fields" list can include one or more DAL Table objects in addition to or instead of including Field objects, or it can be just a single table (not in a list). In that case, the Field objects will be extracted from the table(s). Instead of specifying the "fields" argument, the "colnames" argument can be specified as a list of field names in tablename.fieldname format. Again, these should represent tables and fields defined on the DAL object. It is also possible to specify both "fields" and the associated "colnames". In that case, "fields" can also include DAL Expression objects in addition to Field objects. For Field objects in "fields", the associated "colnames" must still be in tablename.fieldname format. For Expression objects in "fields", the associated "colnames" can be any arbitrary labels. Note, the DAL Table objects referred to by "fields" or "colnames" can be dummy tables and do not have to represent any real tables in the database. Also, note that the "fields" and "colnames" must be in the same order as the fields in the results cursor returned from the DB. """ adapter = self._adapter if placeholders: adapter.execute(query, placeholders) else: adapter.execute(query) if as_dict: if not hasattr(adapter.cursor,'description'): raise RuntimeError("database does not support executesql(...,as_dict=True)") # Non-DAL legacy db query, converts cursor results to dict. # sequence of 7-item sequences. each sequence tells about a column. # first item is always the field name according to Python Database API specs columns = adapter.cursor.description # reduce the column info down to just the field names fields = [f[0] for f in columns] # will hold our finished resultset in a list data = adapter._fetchall() # convert the list for each row into a dictionary so it's # easier to work with. row['field_name'] rather than row[0] return [dict(zip(fields,row)) for row in data] try: data = adapter._fetchall() except: return None if fields or colnames: fields = [] if fields is None else fields if not isinstance(fields, list): fields = [fields] extracted_fields = [] for field in fields: if isinstance(field, Table): extracted_fields.extend([f for f in field]) else: extracted_fields.append(field) if not colnames: colnames = ['%s.%s' % (f.tablename, f.name) for f in extracted_fields] data = adapter.parse( data, fields=extracted_fields, colnames=colnames) return data def _remove_references_to(self, thistable): for table in self: table._referenced_by = [field for field in table._referenced_by if not field.table==thistable] def export_to_csv_file(self, ofile, *args, **kwargs): step = long(kwargs.get('max_fetch_rows,',500)) write_colnames = kwargs['write_colnames'] = \ kwargs.get("write_colnames", True) for table in self.tables: ofile.write('TABLE %s\r\n' % table) query = self._adapter.id_query(self[table]) nrows = self(query).count() kwargs['write_colnames'] = write_colnames for k in range(0,nrows,step): self(query).select(limitby=(k,k+step)).export_to_csv_file( ofile, *args, **kwargs) kwargs['write_colnames'] = False ofile.write('\r\n\r\n') ofile.write('END') def import_from_csv_file(self, ifile, id_map=None, null='', unique='uuid', map_tablenames=None, ignore_missing_tables=False, *args, **kwargs): #if id_map is None: id_map={} id_offset = {} # only used if id_map is None map_tablenames = map_tablenames or {} for line in ifile: line = line.strip() if not line: continue elif line == 'END': return elif not line.startswith('TABLE ') or \ not line[6:] in self.tables: raise SyntaxError('invalid file format') else: tablename = line[6:] tablename = map_tablenames.get(tablename,tablename) if tablename is not None and tablename in self.tables: self[tablename].import_from_csv_file( ifile, id_map, null, unique, id_offset, *args, **kwargs) elif tablename is None or ignore_missing_tables: # skip all non-empty lines for line in ifile: if not line.strip(): breal else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to import table that does not exist.\nTry db.import_from_csv_file(..., map_tablenames={'table':'othertable'},ignore_missing_tables=True)") def DAL_unpickler(db_uid): return DAL('',db_uid=db_uid) def DAL_pickler(db): return DAL_unpickler, (db._db_uid,) copyreg.pickle(DAL, DAL_pickler, DAL_unpickler) class SQLALL(object): """ Helper class providing a comma-separated string having all the field names (prefixed by table name and '.') normally only called from within gluino.sql """ def __init__(self, table): self._table = table def __str__(self): return ', '.join([str(field) for field in self._table]) # class Reference(int): class Reference(long): def __allocate(self): if not self._record: self._record = self._table[long(self)] if not self._record: raise RuntimeError( "Using a recursive select but encountered a broken reference: %s %d"%(self._table, long(self))) def __getattr__(self, key): if key == 'id': return long(self) self.__allocate() return self._record.get(key, None) def get(self, key, default=None): return self.__getattr__(key, default) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key.startswith('_'): long.__setattr__(self, key, value) return self.__allocate() self._record[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 'id': return long(self) self.__allocate() return self._record.get(key, None) def __setitem__(self,key,value): self.__allocate() self._record[key] = value def Reference_unpickler(data): return marshal.loads(data) def Reference_pickler(data): try: marshal_dump = marshal.dumps(long(data)) except AttributeError: marshal_dump = 'i%s' % struct.pack('' % (self._tablename,','.join(self.fields())) def __str__(self): if self._ot is not None: ot = self._db._adapter.QUOTE_TEMPLATE % self._ot if 'Oracle' in str(type(self._db._adapter)): return '%s %s' % (ot, self._tablename) return '%s AS %s' % (ot, self._tablename) return self._tablename def _drop(self, mode = ''): return self._db._adapter._drop(self, mode) def drop(self, mode = ''): return self._db._adapter.drop(self,mode) def _listify(self,fields,update=False): new_fields = {} # format: new_fields[name] = (field,value) # store all fields passed as input in new_fields for name in fields: if not name in self.fields: if name != 'id': raise SyntaxError( 'Field %s does not belong to the table' % name) else: field = self[name] value = fields[name] if field.filter_in: value = field.filter_in(value) new_fields[name] = (field,value) # check all fields that should be in the table but are not passed to_compute = [] for ofield in self: name = ofield.name if not name in new_fields: # if field is supposed to be computed, compute it! if ofield.compute: # save those to compute for later to_compute.append((name,ofield)) # if field is required, check its default value elif not update and not ofield.default is None: value = ofield.default fields[name] = value new_fields[name] = (ofield,value) # if this is an update, user the update field instead elif update and not ofield.update is None: value = ofield.update fields[name] = value new_fields[name] = (ofield,value) # if the field is still not there but it should, error elif not update and ofield.required: raise RuntimeError( 'Table: missing required field: %s' % name) # now deal with fields that are supposed to be computed if to_compute: row = Row(fields) for name,ofield in to_compute: # try compute it try: row[name] = new_value = ofield.compute(row) new_fields[name] = (ofield, new_value) except (KeyError, AttributeError): # error silently unless field is required! if ofield.required: raise SyntaxError('unable to compute field: %s' % name) return new_fields.values() def _attempt_upload(self, fields): for field in self: if field.type=='upload' and field.name in fields: value = fields[field.name] if value and not isinstance(value,str): if hasattr(value,'file') and hasattr(value,'filename'): new_name = field.store(value.file,filename=value.filename) elif hasattr(value,'read') and hasattr(value,'name'): new_name = field.store(value,filename=value.name) else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to handle upload") fields[field.name] = new_name def _defaults(self, fields): "If there are no fields/values specified, return table defaults" if not fields: fields = {} for field in self: if field.type != "id": fields[field.name] = field.default return fields def _insert(self, **fields): fields = self._defaults(fields) return self._db._adapter._insert(self, self._listify(fields)) def insert(self, **fields): fields = self._defaults(fields) self._attempt_upload(fields) if any(f(fields) for f in self._before_insert): return 0 ret = self._db._adapter.insert(self, self._listify(fields)) if ret and self._after_insert: fields = Row(fields) [f(fields,ret) for f in self._after_insert] return ret def validate_and_insert(self,**fields): response = Row() response.errors = Row() new_fields = copy.copy(fields) for key,value in fields.iteritems(): value,error = self[key].validate(value) if error: response.errors[key] = "%s" % error else: new_fields[key] = value if not response.errors: response.id = self.insert(**new_fields) else: response.id = None return response def update_or_insert(self, _key=DEFAULT, **values): if _key is DEFAULT: record = self(**values) elif isinstance(_key,dict): record = self(**_key) else: record = self(_key) if record: record.update_record(**values) newid = None else: newid = self.insert(**values) return newid def bulk_insert(self, items): """ here items is a list of dictionaries """ items = [self._listify(item) for item in items] if any(f(item) for item in items for f in self._before_insert):return 0 ret = self._db._adapter.bulk_insert(self,items) ret and [[f(item,ret[k]) for k,item in enumerate(items)] for f in self._after_insert] return ret def _truncate(self, mode = None): return self._db._adapter._truncate(self, mode) def truncate(self, mode = None): return self._db._adapter.truncate(self, mode) def import_from_csv_file( self, csvfile, id_map=None, null='', unique='uuid', id_offset=None, # id_offset used only when id_map is None *args, **kwargs ): """ Import records from csv file. Column headers must have same names as table fields. Field 'id' is ignored. If column names read 'table.file' the 'table.' prefix is ignored. 'unique' argument is a field which must be unique (typically a uuid field) 'restore' argument is default False; if set True will remove old values in table first. 'id_map' ff set to None will not map ids. The import will keep the id numbers in the restored table. This assumes that there is an field of type id that is integer and in incrementing order. Will keep the id numbers in restored table. """ delimiter = kwargs.get('delimiter', ',') quotechar = kwargs.get('quotechar', '"') quoting = kwargs.get('quoting', csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) restore = kwargs.get('restore', False) if restore: self._db[self].truncate() reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=delimiter, quotechar=quotechar, quoting=quoting) colnames = None if isinstance(id_map, dict): if not self._tablename in id_map: id_map[self._tablename] = {} id_map_self = id_map[self._tablename] def fix(field, value, id_map, id_offset): list_reference_s='list:reference' if value == null: value = None elif field.type=='blob': value = base64.b64decode(value) elif field.type=='double' or field.type=='float': if not value.strip(): value = None else: value = float(value) elif field.type in ('integer','bigint'): if not value.strip(): value = None else: value = long(value) elif field.type.startswith('list:string'): value = bar_decode_string(value) elif field.type.startswith(list_reference_s): ref_table = field.type[len(list_reference_s):].strip() if id_map is not None: value = [id_map[ref_table][long(v)] \ for v in bar_decode_string(value)] else: value = [v for v in bar_decode_string(value)] elif field.type.startswith('list:'): value = bar_decode_integer(value) elif id_map and field.type.startswith('reference'): try: value = id_map[field.type[9:].strip()][long(value)] except KeyError: pass elif id_offset and field.type.startswith('reference'): try: value = id_offset[field.type[9:].strip()]+long(value) except KeyError: pass return (field.name, value) def is_id(colname): if colname in self: return self[colname].type == 'id' else: return False first = True unique_idx = None for line in reader: if not line: break if not colnames: colnames = [x.split('.',1)[-1] for x in line][:len(line)] cols, cid = [], None for i,colname in enumerate(colnames): if is_id(colname): cid = i else: cols.append(i) if colname == unique: unique_idx = i else: items = [fix(self[colnames[i]], line[i], id_map, id_offset) \ for i in cols if colnames[i] in self.fields] if not id_map and cid is not None and id_offset is not None and not unique_idx: csv_id = long(line[cid]) curr_id = self.insert(**dict(items)) if first: first = False # First curr_id is bigger than csv_id, # then we are not restoring but # extending db table with csv db table if curr_id>csv_id: id_offset[self._tablename] = curr_id-csv_id else: id_offset[self._tablename] = 0 # create new id until we get the same as old_id+offset while curr_id/./uuid_key[:2] # directory) uploadfs=None # a pyfilesystem where to store upload to be used as argument of DAL.define_table allowed field types: string, boolean, integer, double, text, blob, date, time, datetime, upload, password """ def __init__( self, fieldname, type='string', length=None, default=DEFAULT, required=False, requires=DEFAULT, ondelete='CASCADE', notnull=False, unique=False, uploadfield=True, widget=None, label=None, comment=None, writable=True, readable=True, update=None, authorize=None, autodelete=False, represent=None, uploadfolder=None, uploadseparate=False, uploadfs=None, compute=None, custom_store=None, custom_retrieve=None, custom_retrieve_file_properties=None, custom_delete=None, filter_in = None, filter_out = None, custom_qualifier = None, map_none = None, ): self._db = self.db = None # both for backward compatibility self.op = None self.first = None self.second = None self.name = fieldname = cleanup(fieldname) if not isinstance(fieldname,str) or hasattr(Table,fieldname) or \ fieldname[0] == '_' or REGEX_PYTHON_KEYWORDS.match(fieldname): raise SyntaxError('Field: invalid field name: %s' % fieldname) self.type = type if not isinstance(type, (Table,Field)) else 'reference %s' % type self.length = length if not length is None else DEFAULTLENGTH.get(self.type,512) self.default = default if default!=DEFAULT else (update or None) self.required = required # is this field required self.ondelete = ondelete.upper() # this is for reference fields only self.notnull = notnull self.unique = unique self.uploadfield = uploadfield self.uploadfolder = uploadfolder self.uploadseparate = uploadseparate self.uploadfs = uploadfs self.widget = widget self.comment = comment self.writable = writable self.readable = readable self.update = update self.authorize = authorize self.autodelete = autodelete self.represent = list_represent if \ represent==None and type in ('list:integer','list:string') else represent self.compute = compute self.isattachment = True self.custom_store = custom_store self.custom_retrieve = custom_retrieve self.custom_retrieve_file_properties = custom_retrieve_file_properties self.custom_delete = custom_delete self.filter_in = filter_in self.filter_out = filter_out self.custom_qualifier = custom_qualifier self.label = label if label!=None else fieldname.replace('_',' ').title() self.requires = requires if requires!=None else [] self.map_none = map_none def set_attributes(self,*args,**attributes): self.__dict__.update(*args,**attributes) def clone(self,point_self_references_to=False,**args): field = copy.copy(self) if point_self_references_to and \ field.type == 'reference %s'+field._tablename: field.type = 'reference %s' % point_self_references_to field.__dict__.update(args) return field def store(self, file, filename=None, path=None): if self.custom_store: return self.custom_store(file,filename,path) if isinstance(file, cgi.FieldStorage): filename = filename or file.filename file = file.file elif not filename: filename = file.name filename = os.path.basename(filename.replace('/', os.sep)\ .replace('\\', os.sep)) m = REGEX_STORE_PATTERN.search(filename) extension = m and m.group('e') or 'txt' uuid_key = web2py_uuid().replace('-', '')[-16:] encoded_filename = base64.b16encode(filename).lower() newfilename = '%s.%s.%s.%s' % \ (self._tablename, self.name, uuid_key, encoded_filename) newfilename = newfilename[:(self.length - 1 - len(extension))] + '.' + extension self_uploadfield = self.uploadfield if isinstance(self_uploadfield,Field): blob_uploadfield_name = self_uploadfield.uploadfield keys={self_uploadfield.name: newfilename, blob_uploadfield_name: file.read()} self_uploadfield.table.insert(**keys) elif self_uploadfield == True: if path: pass elif self.uploadfolder: path = self.uploadfolder elif self.db._adapter.folder: path = pjoin(self.db._adapter.folder, '..', 'uploads') else: raise RuntimeError( "you must specify a Field(...,uploadfolder=...)") if self.uploadseparate: if self.uploadfs: raise RuntimeError("not supported") path = pjoin(path,"%s.%s" %(self._tablename, self.name), uuid_key[:2]) if not exists(path): os.makedirs(path) pathfilename = pjoin(path, newfilename) if self.uploadfs: dest_file = self.uploadfs.open(newfilename, 'wb') else: dest_file = open(pathfilename, 'wb') try: shutil.copyfileobj(file, dest_file) except IOError: raise IOError( 'Unable to store file "%s" because invalid permissions, readonly file system, or filename too long' % pathfilename) dest_file.close() return newfilename def retrieve(self, name, path=None, nameonly=False): """ if nameonly==True return (filename, fullfilename) instead of (filename, stream) """ self_uploadfield = self.uploadfield if self.custom_retrieve: return self.custom_retrieve(name, path) import http if self.authorize or isinstance(self_uploadfield, str): row = self.db(self == name).select().first() if not row: raise http.HTTP(404) if self.authorize and not self.authorize(row): raise http.HTTP(403) m = REGEX_UPLOAD_PATTERN.match(name) if not m or not self.isattachment: raise TypeError('Can\'t retrieve %s' % name) file_properties = self.retrieve_file_properties(name,path) filename = file_properties['filename'] if isinstance(self_uploadfield, str): # ## if file is in DB stream = StringIO.StringIO(row[self_uploadfield] or '') elif isinstance(self_uploadfield,Field): blob_uploadfield_name = self_uploadfield.uploadfield query = self_uploadfield == name data = self_uploadfield.table(query)[blob_uploadfield_name] stream = StringIO.StringIO(data) elif self.uploadfs: # ## if file is on pyfilesystem stream = self.uploadfs.open(name, 'rb') else: # ## if file is on regular filesystem # this is intentially a sting with filename and not a stream # this propagates and allows stream_file_or_304_or_206 to be called fullname = pjoin(file_properties['path'],name) if nameonly: return (filename, fullname) stream = open(fullname,'rb') return (filename, stream) def retrieve_file_properties(self, name, path=None): self_uploadfield = self.uploadfield if self.custom_retrieve_file_properties: return self.custom_retrieve_file_properties(name, path) try: m = REGEX_UPLOAD_PATTERN.match(name) if not m or not self.isattachment: raise TypeError('Can\'t retrieve %s file properties' % name) filename = base64.b16decode(m.group('name'), True) filename = REGEX_CLEANUP_FN.sub('_', filename) except (TypeError, AttributeError): filename = name if isinstance(self_uploadfield, str): # ## if file is in DB return dict(path=None,filename=filename) elif isinstance(self_uploadfield,Field): return dict(path=None,filename=filename) else: # ## if file is on filesystem if path: pass elif self.uploadfolder: path = self.uploadfolder else: path = pjoin(self.db._adapter.folder, '..', 'uploads') if self.uploadseparate: t = m.group('table') f = m.group('field') u = m.group('uuidkey') path = pjoin(path,"%s.%s" % (t,f),u[:2]) return dict(path=path,filename=filename) def formatter(self, value): requires = self.requires if value is None or not requires: return value or self.map_none if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)): requires = [requires] elif isinstance(requires, tuple): requires = list(requires) else: requires = copy.copy(requires) requires.reverse() for item in requires: if hasattr(item, 'formatter'): value = item.formatter(value) return value def validate(self, value): if not self.requires or self.requires == DEFAULT: return ((value if value!=self.map_none else None), None) requires = self.requires if not isinstance(requires, (list, tuple)): requires = [requires] for validator in requires: (value, error) = validator(value) if error: return (value, error) return ((value if value!=self.map_none else None), None) def count(self, distinct=None): return Expression(self.db, self.db._adapter.COUNT, self, distinct, 'integer') def as_dict(self, flat=False, sanitize=True, options=True): attrs = ('type', 'length', 'default', 'required', 'ondelete', 'notnull', 'unique', 'uploadfield', 'widget', 'label', 'comment', 'writable', 'readable', 'update', 'authorize', 'autodelete', 'represent', 'uploadfolder', 'uploadseparate', 'uploadfs', 'compute', 'custom_store', 'custom_retrieve', 'custom_retrieve_file_properties', 'custom_delete', 'filter_in', 'filter_out', 'custom_qualifier', 'map_none', 'name') SERIALIZABLE_TYPES = (int, long, basestring, dict, list, float, tuple, bool, type(None)) def flatten(obj): if flat: if isinstance(obj, flatten.__class__): return str(type(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, type): try: return str(obj).split("'")[1] except IndexError: return str(obj) elif not isinstance(obj, SERIALIZABLE_TYPES): return str(obj) elif isinstance(obj, dict): newobj = dict() for k, v in obj.items(): newobj[k] = flatten(v) return newobj elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)): return [flatten(v) for v in obj] else: return obj elif isinstance(obj, (dict, set)): return obj.copy() else: return obj def filter_requires(t, r, options=True): if sanitize and any([keyword in str(t).upper() for keyword in ("CRYPT", "IS_STRONG")]): return None if not isinstance(r, dict): if options and hasattr(r, "options"): if callable(r.options): r.options() newr = r.__dict__.copy() else: newr = r.copy() # remove options if not required if not options and newr.has_key("labels"): [newr.update({key:None}) for key in ("labels", "theset") if (key in newr)] for k, v in newr.items(): if k == "other": if isinstance(v, dict): otype, other = v.popitem() else: otype = flatten(type(v)) other = v newr[k] = {otype: filter_requires(otype, other, options=options)} else: newr[k] = flatten(v) return newr if isinstance(self.requires, (tuple, list, set)): requires = dict([(flatten(type(r)), filter_requires(type(r), r, options=options)) for r in self.requires]) else: requires = {flatten(type(self.requires)): filter_requires(type(self.requires), self.requires, options=options)} d = dict(colname="%s.%s" % (self.tablename, self.name), requires=requires) d.update([(attr, flatten(getattr(self, attr))) for attr in attrs]) return d def as_xml(self, sanitize=True, options=True): if have_serializers: xml = serializers.xml else: raise ImportError("No xml serializers available") d = self.as_dict(flat=True, sanitize=sanitize, options=options) return xml(d) def as_json(self, sanitize=True, options=True): if have_serializers: json = serializers.json else: raise ImportError("No json serializers available") d = self.as_dict(flat=True, sanitize=sanitize, options=options) return json(d) def as_yaml(self, sanitize=True, options=True): if have_serializers: d = self.as_dict(flat=True, sanitize=sanitize, options=options) return serializers.yaml(d) else: raise ImportError("No YAML serializers available") def __nonzero__(self): return True def __str__(self): try: return '%s.%s' % (self.tablename, self.name) except: return '.%s' % self.name class Query(object): """ a query object necessary to define a set. it can be stored or can be passed to DAL.__call__() to obtain a Set Example:: query = db.users.name=='Max' set = db(query) records = set.select() """ def __init__( self, db, op, first=None, second=None, ignore_common_filters = False, **optional_args ): self.db = self._db = db self.op = op self.first = first self.second = second self.ignore_common_filters = ignore_common_filters self.optional_args = optional_args def __repr__(self): return '' % BaseAdapter.expand(self.db._adapter,self) def __str__(self): return self.db._adapter.expand(self) def __and__(self, other): return Query(self.db,self.db._adapter.AND,self,other) __rand__ = __and__ def __or__(self, other): return Query(self.db,self.db._adapter.OR,self,other) __ror__ = __or__ def __invert__(self): if self.op==self.db._adapter.NOT: return self.first return Query(self.db,self.db._adapter.NOT,self) def __eq__(self, other): return repr(self) == repr(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def case(self,t=1,f=0): return self.db._adapter.CASE(self,t,f) def as_dict(self, flat=False, sanitize=True): """Experimental stuff This allows to return a plain dictionary with the basic query representation. Can be used with json/xml services for client-side db I/O Example: >>> q = db.auth_user.id != 0 >>> q.as_dict(flat=True) {"op": "NE", "first":{"tablename": "auth_user", "fieldname": "id"}, "second":0} """ SERIALIZABLE_TYPES = (tuple, dict, list, int, long, float, basestring, type(None), bool) def loop(d): newd = dict() for k, v in d.items(): if k in ("first", "second"): if isinstance(v, self.__class__): newd[k] = loop(v.__dict__) elif isinstance(v, Field): newd[k] = {"tablename": v._tablename, "fieldname": v.name} elif isinstance(v, Expression): newd[k] = loop(v.__dict__) elif isinstance(v, SERIALIZABLE_TYPES): newd[k] = v elif isinstance(v, (datetime.date, datetime.time, datetime.datetime)): newd[k] = unicode(v) elif k == "op": if callable(v): newd[k] = v.__name__ elif isinstance(v, basestring): newd[k] = v else: pass # not callable or string elif isinstance(v, SERIALIZABLE_TYPES): if isinstance(v, dict): newd[k] = loop(v) else: newd[k] = v return newd if flat: return loop(self.__dict__) else: return self.__dict__ def as_xml(self, sanitize=True): if have_serializers: xml = serializers.xml else: raise ImportError("No xml serializers available") d = self.as_dict(flat=True, sanitize=sanitize) return xml(d) def as_json(self, sanitize=True): if have_serializers: json = serializers.json else: raise ImportError("No json serializers available") d = self.as_dict(flat=True, sanitize=sanitize) return json(d) def xorify(orderby): if not orderby: return None orderby2 = orderby[0] for item in orderby[1:]: orderby2 = orderby2 | item return orderby2 def use_common_filters(query): return (query and hasattr(query,'ignore_common_filters') and \ not query.ignore_common_filters) class Set(object): """ a Set represents a set of records in the database, the records are identified by the query=Query(...) object. normally the Set is generated by DAL.__call__(Query(...)) given a set, for example set = db(db.users.name=='Max') you can: set.update(db.users.name='Massimo') set.delete() # all elements in the set set.select(orderby=db.users.id, groupby=db.users.name, limitby=(0,10)) and take subsets: subset = set(db.users.id<5) """ def __init__(self, db, query, ignore_common_filters = None): self.db = db self._db = db # for backward compatibility self.dquery = None # if query is a dict, parse it if isinstance(query, dict): query = self.parse(query) if not ignore_common_filters is None and \ use_common_filters(query) == ignore_common_filters: query = copy.copy(query) query.ignore_common_filters = ignore_common_filters self.query = query def __repr__(self): return '' % BaseAdapter.expand(self.db._adapter,self.query) def __call__(self, query, ignore_common_filters=False): if query is None: return self elif isinstance(query,Table): query = self.db._adapter.id_query(query) elif isinstance(query,str): query = Expression(self.db,query) elif isinstance(query,Field): query = query!=None if self.query: return Set(self.db, self.query & query, ignore_common_filters=ignore_common_filters) else: return Set(self.db, query, ignore_common_filters=ignore_common_filters) def _count(self,distinct=None): return self.db._adapter._count(self.query,distinct) def _select(self, *fields, **attributes): adapter = self.db._adapter tablenames = adapter.tables(self.query, attributes.get('join',None), attributes.get('left',None), attributes.get('orderby',None), attributes.get('groupby',None)) fields = adapter.expand_all(fields, tablenames) return adapter._select(self.query,fields,attributes) def _delete(self): db = self.db tablename = db._adapter.get_table(self.query) return db._adapter._delete(tablename,self.query) def _update(self, **update_fields): db = self.db tablename = db._adapter.get_table(self.query) fields = db[tablename]._listify(update_fields,update=True) return db._adapter._update(tablename,self.query,fields) def as_dict(self, flat=False, sanitize=True): if flat: uid = dbname = uri = None codec = self.db._db_codec if not sanitize: uri, dbname, uid = (self.db._dbname, str(self.db), self.db._db_uid) d = {"query": self.query.as_dict(flat=flat)} d["db"] = {"uid": uid, "codec": codec, "name": dbname, "uri": uri} return d else: return self.__dict__ def as_xml(self, sanitize=True): if have_serializers: xml = serializers.xml else: raise ImportError("No xml serializers available") d = self.as_dict(flat=True, sanitize=sanitize) return xml(d) def as_json(self, sanitize=True): if have_serializers: json = serializers.json else: raise ImportError("No json serializers available") d = self.as_dict(flat=True, sanitize=sanitize) return json(d) def parse(self, dquery): "Experimental: Turn a dictionary into a Query object" self.dquery = dquery return self.build(self.dquery) def build(self, d): "Experimental: see .parse()" op, first, second = (d["op"], d["first"], d.get("second", None)) left = right = built = None if op in ("AND", "OR"): if not (type(first), type(second)) == (dict, dict): raise SyntaxError("Invalid AND/OR query") if op == "AND": built = self.build(first) & self.build(second) else: built = self.build(first) | self.build(second) elif op == "NOT": if first is None: raise SyntaxError("Invalid NOT query") built = ~self.build(first) else: # normal operation (GT, EQ, LT, ...) for k, v in {"left": first, "right": second}.items(): if isinstance(v, dict) and v.get("op"): v = self.build(v) if isinstance(v, dict) and ("tablename" in v): v = self.db[v["tablename"]][v["fieldname"]] if k == "left": left = v else: right = v if hasattr(self.db._adapter, op): opm = getattr(self.db._adapter, op) if op == "EQ": built = left == right elif op == "NE": built = left != right elif op == "GT": built = left > right elif op == "GE": built = left >= right elif op == "LT": built = left < right elif op == "LE": built = left <= right elif op in ("JOIN", "LEFT_JOIN", "RANDOM", "ALLOW_NULL"): built = Expression(self.db, opm) elif op in ("LOWER", "UPPER", "EPOCH", "PRIMARY_KEY", "COALESCE_ZERO", "RAW", "INVERT"): built = Expression(self.db, opm, left) elif op in ("COUNT", "EXTRACT", "AGGREGATE", "SUBSTRING", "REGEXP", "LIKE", "ILIKE", "STARTSWITH", "ENDSWITH", "ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV", "MOD", "AS", "ON", "COMMA", "NOT_NULL", "COALESCE", "CONTAINS", "BELONGS"): built = Expression(self.db, opm, left, right) # expression as string elif not (left or right): built = Expression(self.db, op) else: raise SyntaxError("Operator not supported: %s" % op) return built def isempty(self): return not self.select(limitby=(0,1), orderby_on_limitby=False) def count(self,distinct=None, cache=None): db = self.db if cache: cache_model, time_expire = cache sql = self._count(distinct=distinct) key = db._uri + '/' + sql if len(key)>200: key = hashlib_md5(key).hexdigest() return cache_model( key, (lambda self=self,distinct=distinct: \ db._adapter.count(self.query,distinct)), time_expire) return db._adapter.count(self.query,distinct) def select(self, *fields, **attributes): adapter = self.db._adapter tablenames = adapter.tables(self.query, attributes.get('join',None), attributes.get('left',None), attributes.get('orderby',None), attributes.get('groupby',None)) fields = adapter.expand_all(fields, tablenames) return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes) def nested_select(self,*fields,**attributes): return Expression(self.db,self._select(*fields,**attributes)) def delete(self): db = self.db tablename = db._adapter.get_table(self.query) table = db[tablename] if any(f(self) for f in table._before_delete): return 0 ret = db._adapter.delete(tablename,self.query) ret and [f(self) for f in table._after_delete] return ret def update(self, **update_fields): db = self.db tablename = db._adapter.get_table(self.query) table = db[tablename] table._attempt_upload(update_fields) if any(f(self,update_fields) for f in table._before_update): return 0 fields = table._listify(update_fields,update=True) if not fields: raise SyntaxError("No fields to update") ret = db._adapter.update("%s" % table,self.query,fields) ret and [f(self,update_fields) for f in table._after_update] return ret def update_naive(self, **update_fields): """ same as update but does not call table._before_update and _after_update """ tablename = self.db._adapter.get_table(self.query) table = self.db[tablename] fields = table._listify(update_fields,update=True) if not fields: raise SyntaxError("No fields to update") ret = self.db._adapter.update("%s" % table,self.query,fields) return ret def validate_and_update(self, **update_fields): tablename = self.db._adapter.get_table(self.query) response = Row() response.errors = Row() new_fields = copy.copy(update_fields) for key,value in update_fields.iteritems(): value,error = self.db[tablename][key].validate(value) if error: response.errors[key] = error else: new_fields[key] = value table = self.db[tablename] if response.errors: response.updated = None else: if not any(f(self,new_fields) for f in table._before_update): fields = table._listify(new_fields,update=True) if not fields: raise SyntaxError("No fields to update") ret = self.db._adapter.update(tablename,self.query,fields) ret and [f(self,new_fields) for f in table._after_update] else: ret = 0 response.updated = ret return response def delete_uploaded_files(self, upload_fields=None): table = self.db[self.db._adapter.tables(self.query)[0]] # ## mind uploadfield==True means file is not in DB if upload_fields: fields = upload_fields.keys() else: fields = table.fields fields = [f for f in fields if table[f].type == 'upload' and table[f].uploadfield == True and table[f].autodelete] if not fields: return False for record in self.select(*[table[f] for f in fields]): for fieldname in fields: field = table[fieldname] oldname = record.get(fieldname, None) if not oldname: continue if upload_fields and oldname == upload_fields[fieldname]: continue if field.custom_delete: field.custom_delete(oldname) else: uploadfolder = field.uploadfolder if not uploadfolder: uploadfolder = pjoin( self.db._adapter.folder, '..', 'uploads') if field.uploadseparate: items = oldname.split('.') uploadfolder = pjoin( uploadfolder, "%s.%s" % (items[0], items[1]), items[2][:2]) oldpath = pjoin(uploadfolder, oldname) if exists(oldpath): os.unlink(oldpath) return False class RecordUpdater(object): def __init__(self, colset, table, id): self.colset, self.db, self.tablename, self.id = \ colset, table._db, table._tablename, id def __call__(self, **fields): colset, db, tablename, id = self.colset, self.db, self.tablename, self.id table = db[tablename] newfields = fields or dict(colset) for fieldname in newfields.keys(): if not fieldname in table.fields or table[fieldname].type=='id': del newfields[fieldname] table._db(table._id==id,ignore_common_filters=True).update(**newfields) colset.update(newfields) return colset class RecordDeleter(object): def __init__(self, table, id): self.db, self.tablename, self.id = table._db, table._tablename, id def __call__(self): return self.db(self.db[self.tablename]._id==self.id).delete() class LazySet(object): def __init__(self, field, id): self.db, self.tablename, self.fieldname, self.id = \ field.db, field._tablename, field.name, id def _getset(self): query = self.db[self.tablename][self.fieldname]==self.id return Set(self.db,query) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._getset()) def __call__(self, query, ignore_common_filters=False): return self._getset()(query, ignore_common_filters) def _count(self,distinct=None): return self._getset()._count(distinct) def _select(self, *fields, **attributes): return self._getset()._select(*fields,**attributes) def _delete(self): return self._getset()._delete() def _update(self, **update_fields): return self._getset()._update(**update_fields) def isempty(self): return self._getset().isempty() def count(self,distinct=None, cache=None): return self._getset().count(distinct,cache) def select(self, *fields, **attributes): return self._getset().select(*fields,**attributes) def nested_select(self,*fields,**attributes): return self._getset().nested_select(*fields,**attributes) def delete(self): return self._getset().delete() def update(self, **update_fields): return self._getset().update(**update_fields) def update_naive(self, **update_fields): return self._getset().update_naive(**update_fields) def validate_and_update(self, **update_fields): return self._getset().validate_and_update(**update_fields) def delete_uploaded_files(self, upload_fields=None): return self._getset().delete_uploaded_files(upload_fields) class VirtualCommand(object): def __init__(self,method,row): self.method=method self.row=row def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs): return self.method(self.row,*args,**kwargs) def lazy_virtualfield(f): f.__lazy__ = True return f class Rows(object): """ A wrapper for the return value of a select. It basically represents a table. It has an iterator and each row is represented as a dictionary. """ # ## TODO: this class still needs some work to care for ID/OID def __init__( self, db=None, records=[], colnames=[], compact=True, rawrows=None ): self.db = db self.records = records self.colnames = colnames self.compact = compact self.response = rawrows def __repr__(self): return '' % len(self.records) def setvirtualfields(self,**keyed_virtualfields): """ db.define_table('x',Field('number','integer')) if db(db.x).isempty(): [db.x.insert(number=i) for i in range(10)] from gluino.dal import lazy_virtualfield class MyVirtualFields(object): # normal virtual field (backward compatible, discouraged) def normal_shift(self): return self.x.number+1 # lazy virtual field (because of @staticmethod) @lazy_virtualfield def lazy_shift(instance,row,delta=4): return row.x.number+delta db.x.virtualfields.append(MyVirtualFields()) for row in db(db.x).select(): print row.number, row.normal_shift, row.lazy_shift(delta=7) """ if not keyed_virtualfields: return self for row in self.records: for (tablename,virtualfields) in keyed_virtualfields.iteritems(): attributes = dir(virtualfields) if not tablename in row: box = row[tablename] = Row() else: box = row[tablename] updated = False for attribute in attributes: if attribute[0] != '_': method = getattr(virtualfields,attribute) if hasattr(method,'__lazy__'): box[attribute]=VirtualCommand(method,row) elif type(method)==types.MethodType: if not updated: virtualfields.__dict__.update(row) updated = True box[attribute]=method() return self def __and__(self,other): if self.colnames!=other.colnames: raise Exception('Cannot & incompatible Rows objects') records = self.records+other.records return Rows(self.db,records,self.colnames) def __or__(self,other): if self.colnames!=other.colnames: raise Exception('Cannot | incompatible Rows objects') records = self.records records += [record for record in other.records \ if not record in records] return Rows(self.db,records,self.colnames) def __nonzero__(self): if len(self.records): return 1 return 0 def __len__(self): return len(self.records) def __getslice__(self, a, b): return Rows(self.db,self.records[a:b],self.colnames,compact=self.compact) def __getitem__(self, i): row = self.records[i] keys = row.keys() if self.compact and len(keys) == 1 and keys[0] != '_extra': return row[row.keys()[0]] return row def __iter__(self): """ iterator over records """ for i in xrange(len(self)): yield self[i] def __str__(self): """ serializes the table into a csv file """ s = StringIO.StringIO() self.export_to_csv_file(s) return s.getvalue() def first(self): if not self.records: return None return self[0] def last(self): if not self.records: return None return self[-1] def find(self,f,limitby=None): """ returns a new Rows object, a subset of the original object, filtered by the function f """ if not self: return Rows(self.db, [], self.colnames) records = [] if limitby: a,b = limitby else: a,b = 0,len(self) k = 0 for row in self: if f(row): if a<=k: records.append(row) k += 1 if k==b: break return Rows(self.db, records, self.colnames) def exclude(self, f): """ removes elements from the calling Rows object, filtered by the function f, and returns a new Rows object containing the removed elements """ if not self.records: return Rows(self.db, [], self.colnames) removed = [] i=0 while i') :param delimiter: delimiter to separate values (default ',') :param quotechar: character to use to quote string values (default '"') :param quoting: quote system, use csv.QUOTE_*** (default csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) :param represent: use the fields .represent value (default False) :param colnames: list of column names to use (default self.colnames) This will only work when exporting rows objects!!!! DO NOT use this with db.export_to_csv() """ delimiter = kwargs.get('delimiter', ',') quotechar = kwargs.get('quotechar', '"') quoting = kwargs.get('quoting', csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) represent = kwargs.get('represent', False) writer = csv.writer(ofile, delimiter=delimiter, quotechar=quotechar, quoting=quoting) colnames = kwargs.get('colnames', self.colnames) write_colnames = kwargs.get('write_colnames',True) # a proper csv starting with the column names if write_colnames: writer.writerow(colnames) def none_exception(value): """ returns a cleaned up value that can be used for csv export: - unicode text is encoded as such - None values are replaced with the given representation (default ) """ if value is None: return null elif isinstance(value, unicode): return value.encode('utf8') elif isinstance(value,Reference): return long(value) elif hasattr(value, 'isoformat'): return value.isoformat()[:19].replace('T', ' ') elif isinstance(value, (list,tuple)): # for type='list:..' return bar_encode(value) return value for record in self: row = [] for col in colnames: if not REGEX_TABLE_DOT_FIELD.match(col): row.append(record._extra[col]) else: (t, f) = col.split('.') field = self.db[t][f] if isinstance(record.get(t, None), (Row,dict)): value = record[t][f] else: value = record[f] if field.type=='blob' and not value is None: value = base64.b64encode(value) elif represent and field.represent: value = field.represent(value) row.append(none_exception(value)) writer.writerow(row) def xml(self,strict=False,row_name='row',rows_name='rows'): """ serializes the table using sqlhtml.SQLTABLE (if present) """ if strict: ncols = len(self.colnames) return '<%s>\n%s\n' % (rows_name, '\n'.join(row.as_xml(row_name=row_name, colnames=self.colnames) for row in self), rows_name) import sqlhtml return sqlhtml.SQLTABLE(self).xml() def as_xml(self,row_name='row',rows_name='rows'): return self.xml(strict=True, row_name=row_name, rows_name=rows_name) def as_json(self, mode='object', default=None): """ serializes the rows to a JSON list or object with objects mode='object' is not implemented (should return a nested object structure) """ items = [record.as_json(mode=mode, default=default, serialize=False, colnames=self.colnames) for record in self] if have_serializers: return serializers.json(items, default=default or serializers.custom_json) elif simplejson: return simplejson.dumps(items) else: raise RuntimeError("missing simplejson") # for consistent naming yet backwards compatible as_csv = __str__ json = as_json ################################################################################ # dummy function used to define some doctests ################################################################################ def test_all(): """ >>> if len(sys.argv)<2: db = DAL(\"sqlite://test.db\") >>> if len(sys.argv)>1: db = DAL(sys.argv[1]) >>> tmp = db.define_table('users',\ Field('stringf', 'string', length=32, required=True),\ Field('booleanf', 'boolean', default=False),\ Field('passwordf', 'password', notnull=True),\ Field('uploadf', 'upload'),\ Field('blobf', 'blob'),\ Field('integerf', 'integer', unique=True),\ Field('doublef', 'double', unique=True,notnull=True),\ Field('jsonf', 'json'),\ Field('datef', 'date', default=datetime.date.today()),\ Field('timef', 'time'),\ Field('datetimef', 'datetime'),\ migrate='test_user.table') Insert a field >>> db.users.insert(stringf='a', booleanf=True, passwordf='p', blobf='0A',\ uploadf=None, integerf=5, doublef=3.14,\ jsonf={"j": True},\ datef=datetime.date(2001, 1, 1),\ timef=datetime.time(12, 30, 15),\ datetimef=datetime.datetime(2002, 2, 2, 12, 30, 15)) 1 Drop the table >>> db.users.drop() Examples of insert, select, update, delete >>> tmp = db.define_table('person',\ Field('name'),\ Field('birth','date'),\ migrate='test_person.table') >>> person_id = db.person.insert(name=\"Marco\",birth='2005-06-22') >>> person_id = db.person.insert(name=\"Massimo\",birth='1971-12-21') commented len(db().select(db.person.ALL)) commented 2 >>> me = db(db.person.id==person_id).select()[0] # test select >>> me.name 'Massimo' >>> db.person[2].name 'Massimo' >>> db.person(2).name 'Massimo' >>> db.person(name='Massimo').name 'Massimo' >>> db.person(db.person.name=='Massimo').name 'Massimo' >>> row = db.person[2] >>> row.name == row['name'] == row['person.name'] == row('person.name') True >>> db(db.person.name=='Massimo').update(name='massimo') # test update 1 >>> db(db.person.name=='Marco').select().first().delete_record() # test delete 1 Update a single record >>> me.update_record(name=\"Max\") >>> me.name 'Max' Examples of complex search conditions >>> len(db((db.person.name=='Max')&(db.person.birth<'2003-01-01')).select()) 1 >>> len(db((db.person.name=='Max')&(db.person.birth>> len(db((db.person.name=='Max')|(db.person.birth<'2003-01-01')).select()) 1 >>> me = db(db.person.id==person_id).select(db.person.name)[0] >>> me.name 'Max' Examples of search conditions using extract from date/datetime/time >>> len(db(db.person.birth.month()==12).select()) 1 >>> len(db(db.person.birth.year()>1900).select()) 1 Example of usage of NULL >>> len(db(db.person.birth==None).select()) ### test NULL 0 >>> len(db(db.person.birth!=None).select()) ### test NULL 1 Examples of search conditions using lower, upper, and like >>> len(db(db.person.name.upper()=='MAX').select()) 1 >>> len(db(db.person.name.like('%ax')).select()) 1 >>> len(db(db.person.name.upper().like('%AX')).select()) 1 >>> len(db(~db.person.name.upper().like('%AX')).select()) 0 orderby, groupby and limitby >>> people = db().select(db.person.name, orderby=db.person.name) >>> order = db.person.name|~db.person.birth >>> people = db().select(db.person.name, orderby=order) >>> people = db().select(db.person.name, orderby=db.person.name, groupby=db.person.name) >>> people = db().select(db.person.name, orderby=order, limitby=(0,100)) Example of one 2 many relation >>> tmp = db.define_table('dog',\ Field('name'),\ Field('birth','date'),\ Field('owner',db.person),\ migrate='test_dog.table') >>> db.dog.insert(name='Snoopy', birth=None, owner=person_id) 1 A simple JOIN >>> len(db(db.dog.owner==db.person.id).select()) 1 >>> len(db().select(db.person.ALL, db.dog.name,left=db.dog.on(db.dog.owner==db.person.id))) 1 Drop tables >>> db.dog.drop() >>> db.person.drop() Example of many 2 many relation and Set >>> tmp = db.define_table('author', Field('name'),\ migrate='test_author.table') >>> tmp = db.define_table('paper', Field('title'),\ migrate='test_paper.table') >>> tmp = db.define_table('authorship',\ Field('author_id', db.author),\ Field('paper_id', db.paper),\ migrate='test_authorship.table') >>> aid = db.author.insert(name='Massimo') >>> pid = db.paper.insert(title='QCD') >>> tmp = db.authorship.insert(author_id=aid, paper_id=pid) Define a Set >>> authored_papers = db((db.author.id==db.authorship.author_id)&(db.paper.id==db.authorship.paper_id)) >>> rows = authored_papers.select(db.author.name, db.paper.title) >>> for row in rows: print row.author.name, row.paper.title Massimo QCD Example of search condition using belongs >>> set = (1, 2, 3) >>> rows = db(db.paper.id.belongs(set)).select(db.paper.ALL) >>> print rows[0].title QCD Example of search condition using nested select >>> nested_select = db()._select(db.authorship.paper_id) >>> rows = db(db.paper.id.belongs(nested_select)).select(db.paper.ALL) >>> print rows[0].title QCD Example of expressions >>> mynumber = db.define_table('mynumber', Field('x', 'integer')) >>> db(mynumber).delete() 0 >>> for i in range(10): tmp = mynumber.insert(x=i) >>> db(mynumber).select(mynumber.x.sum())[0](mynumber.x.sum()) 45 >>> db(mynumber.x+2==5).select(mynumber.x + 2)[0](mynumber.x + 2) 5 Output in csv >>> print str(authored_papers.select(db.author.name, db.paper.title)).strip() author.name,paper.title\r Massimo,QCD Delete all leftover tables >>> DAL.distributed_transaction_commit(db) >>> db.mynumber.drop() >>> db.authorship.drop() >>> db.author.drop() >>> db.paper.drop() """ ################################################################################ # deprecated since the new DAL; here only for backward compatibility ################################################################################ SQLField = Field SQLTable = Table SQLXorable = Expression SQLQuery = Query SQLSet = Set SQLRows = Rows SQLStorage = Row SQLDB = DAL GQLDB = DAL DAL.Field = Field # was necessary in gluon/globals.py session.connect DAL.Table = Table # was necessary in gluon/globals.py session.connect ################################################################################ # Geodal utils ################################################################################ def geoPoint(x,y): return "POINT (%f %f)" % (x,y) def geoLine(*line): return "LINESTRING (%s)" % ','.join("%f %f" % item for item in line) def geoPolygon(*line): return "POLYGON ((%s))" % ','.join("%f %f" % item for item in line) ################################################################################ # run tests ################################################################################ if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()