### ### ### ### This file defines the default property set for mark2. To configure mark2, ### ### edit config/mark2.properties with any subset of the properties listed here. ### ### ### ### Please DO NOT edit this file! If you wish to upgrade mark2 in the future, ### ### your changes may conflict with git's. DO NOT remove this file. ### ### ### ### This file defines the configuration that all your servers share. You can do fine- ### tuning on a server-by-server basic by dropping a file called 'mark2.properties' ### in the same directory as your 'minecraft_server.jar'. There's an example in the ### 'samples' directory. ### ### ### mark2 options ### # Semicolon-separated list of jar file patterns to try # If you're running a Feed The Beast server you probably want something like FTB-*.jar mark2.jar-path=craftbukkit*.jar;minecraft_server*.jar;spigot*.jar # How long to wait for the server to shut down after issuing `stop` before we kill it. mark2.shutdown-timeout=60 # How to rotate the mark2 log. Should be either 'off', 'size', or 'daily' mark2.log.rotate-mode=size # If mode is 'size', this specifies the max log filesize before rotation mark2.log.rotate-size=1000000 # The number of logs to keep before clearing old ones. Blank to never clear. mark2.log.rotate-limit=10 # This determines the octal mask of mark2's log, pid, and socket files # By default any user with an account on the system can control and attach to servers # If you're on shared hosting you probably want to change these to 600. mark2.umask.log=666 mark2.umask.pid=666 mark2.umask.sock=666 # Regular expressions to match for player join, quit and chat events # These use python regex syntax: http://docs.python.org/library/re.html # Backslashes *must* be doubled or they will be stripped. mark2.regex.join=(?P[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,16})\\[/(?P[0-9\\.]+):\\d+\\] logged in with entity id .+ mark2.regex.quit=(?P[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,16}) lost connection: (?P.+) mark2.regex.chat=<(?P[A-Za-z0-9_]{1,16})> (?P.+) ### ### mark2 services ### # Ping: periodically connect to the server and send a 'Server List Ping' # This determines whether the server is connectable, and also gives a player count. # This will normally appear as end of stream/lost connection messages from the localhost connection if it isn't # successfully culled from the log file. # You should not disable this service without good reason. mark2.service.ping.enabled=true mark2.service.ping.interval=5 # Process: Basic detection settings to initialize the mark2 plugin system. # The "Done" message tells the back end mark2 system to start the plugin system. # The "Stop" command is the command ran to stop the server by both the shutdown plugin and the backend server_stop event. mark2.service.process.done-pattern=Done \\(([0-9\\.]+)s\\)\\!.* mark2.service.process.stop-cmd=stop\n # Command Options: # Java Path that is used to start the server. # You should not edit this line without good reason. mark2.service.process.java-path=java # Command Line Arguments that are given to the server jar. # nogui is not required since it's included in the command automatically. # *Important*: some arguments might not be compatible with mark2 # http://wiki.bukkit.org/CraftBukkit_Command_Line_Arguments # Example: mark2.service.process.server-args=--max-players 36 --world map_name mark2.service.process.server-args= ### ### JVM options ### # How often to poll the process for cpu and memory usage (seconds). java.ps.interval=5 # Memory allocation pool initial size java.cli.X.ms=3G # Memory allocation pool max size java.cli.X.mx=3G # Strip terminal colours java.cli.D.jline.terminal=jline.UnsupportedTerminal # Possible speed-ups - use only if you know what you're doing # Reference: http://goo.gl/XuYv7 # Guide: http://goo.gl/D8P9b #java.cli.X.incgc= #java.cli.XX.AggressiveOpts=true #java.cli.XX.CompileThreshold=1500 #java.cli.XX.MaxGCPauseMillis=50 #java.cli.XX.MaxPermSize=256M #java.cli.XX.MaxTenuringThreshold=15 #java.cli.XX.OptimizeStringConcat=true #java.cli.XX.ParallelGCThreads=4 #java.cli.XX.PermSize=64M #java.cli.XX.TargetSurvivorRatio=90 #java.cli.XX.ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 #java.cli.XX.TieredCompilation=true #java.cli.XX.UnlockExperimentalVMOptions=true #java.cli.XX.UseAdaptiveGCBoundary=true #java.cli.XX.UseCompressedOops=true #java.cli.XX.UseConcMarkSweepGC=true #java.cli.XX.UseFastAccessorMethods=true #java.cli.XX.UseG1GC=true #java.cli.XX.UseGCOverheadLimit=true #java.cli.XX.UseLargePages=true #java.cli.XX.UseSSE=3 #java.cli.XX.UseStringCache=true #java.cli.XX.UseThreadPriorities=true # Extra java arguments java.cli-extra= ### ### Plugins ### ### # ALERT # Prints messages on an interval # Each line of your alerts.txt file should be a message to say plugin.alert.enabled=false plugin.alert.path=alerts.txt plugin.alert.interval=200 plugin.alert.command=say {message} # Minimum number of players online that are required for alerts to show up plugin.alert.min-pcount=0 ### # BACKUP # Compresses the world folders to a .tar.gz # Provides ~backup command plugin.backup.enabled=true plugin.backup.path=backups/{timestamp}.tar.gz # mode # include: back up only the paths in 'spec' # exclude: back up everything in the server directory except the paths in 'spec plugin.backup.mode=include # Semicolon separated paths to include or exclude, depending on mode plugin.backup.spec=world* # Flags to pass to `tar` plugin.backup.tar-flags=-hpczf # How long to wait after issuing `save-off` for minecraft to finish writing chunks (seconds) plugin.backup.flush-wait=5 ### # IRC # relay in-game chat to IRC and visa-versa plugin.irc.enabled=false # Connection plugin.irc.host= plugin.irc.port= plugin.irc.ssl=false plugin.irc.server-password= plugin.irc.channel= plugin.irc.key= # SSL options # certificate, if specified, should be the path to a PEM format file to use as our SSL client certificate. # if server-fingerprint is not blank and the server's certificate fingerprint does not match it, the relay will # refuse to connect. # either can be safely left blank, but if you know your server's fingerprint, you *should* put it here to # increase security. plugin.irc.certificate= plugin.irc.server-fingerprint= #plugin.irc.certificate=~/relay_bot.pem #plugin.irc.server-fingerprint=03:B8:D3:4D:5A:0C:B1:D8:5A:39:29:8B:BA:39:62:13:76:A4:79:93 # User plugin.irc.nickname=RelayBot plugin.irc.realname=mark2 IRC relay plugin.irc.ident=RelayBot # Services login plugin.irc.username= plugin.irc.password= # If true, this replaces the first character of in-game usernames with an underscore to prevent highlighting plugin.irc.cancel-highlight=false plugin.irc.cancel-highlight-str=_ # Game -> IRC settings # Whether to right-align usernames into a column. If you do, everything left of the first comma is right-aligned and # the comma is stripped plugin.irc.game-columns=true # Server status (stopping/starting) plugin.irc.game-status-enabled=true plugin.irc.game-status-format=!, | server {what}. # Server messages (/say) plugin.irc.game-server-message-enabled=true plugin.irc.game-server-message-format=#server, | {message} plugin.irc.game-chat-enabled=true plugin.irc.game-chat-format={username}, | {message} # If this is a regex, chat messages that match it won't be relayed. # To not relay messages with "P " in front of them, you'd use: ^P (yes, there's a space after the P.) plugin.irc.game-chat-private= plugin.irc.game-join-enabled=true plugin.irc.game-join-format=*, | --> {username} plugin.irc.game-quit-enabled=true plugin.irc.game-quit-format=*, | <-- {username} plugin.irc.game-death-enabled=true plugin.irc.game-death-format=*, | {text} # /me (bukkit only) plugin.irc.game-me-enabled=true plugin.irc.game-me-format=*, | {username} {message} # IRC -> Game settings plugin.irc.irc-chat-enabled=true plugin.irc.irc-chat-command=say [IRC] <{nickname}> {message} plugin.irc.irc-action-command=say [IRC] * {nickname} {message} # If set, this is the minimum channel status required to have your messages relayed. # this can be a name, like 'op' or 'voice', or a channel mode like 'o' or 'v', or a status prefix # like '@' or '+' plugin.irc.irc-chat-status= # Server commands from IRC # if you enable this, sending "!say hi" will run "say hi" from the server console. # status is the channel status required to have access, see irc-chat-status # (although it must be set in order to enable the feature, unlike chat) # irc-command-allow is a comma-separated list of permitted commands, or * # if irc-command-mark2=true, (prefix)~ will execute a mark2 command (it'll # still need to be allowed in -allow) plugin.irc.irc-command-prefix=! plugin.irc.irc-command-status= plugin.irc.irc-command-allow= plugin.irc.irc-command-mark2=false # "!players" from IRC plugin.irc.irc-players-enabled=true plugin.irc.irc-players-format=Players currently in game: {players} ### # LOG # Exports server.log to a directory plugin.log.enabled=true plugin.log.gzip=true plugin.log.path=logs/server-{timestamp}-{status}.log.gz # Whether to log to the default server.log format plugin.log.vanilla=false ### # MCBOUNCER # Simple mcbouncer plugin for vanilla servers plugin.mcbouncer.enabled=false plugin.mcbouncer.api-key= plugin.mcbouncer.reason=Banned by an operator # Proxy mode: don't report IPs or check IP bans plugin.mcbouncer.proxy-mode=false ### # MONITOR # Restarts the server if it crashes and sends out an alert (see the PUSH plugin) # Timeouts are given in minutes. # If the '-warn' settings are greater than 0, alerts will be sent when the check # has been failing for that many minutes. You may set '-timeout' to 0 to send alerts # but never restart the server. plugin.monitor.enabled=true # Checks the server console is still accepting commands # *IF* you have a custom unknown-command message in your spigot.yml file, edit it below. plugin.monitor.crash-enabled=true plugin.monitor.crash-timeout=10 plugin.monitor.crash-warn=0 plugin.monitor.crash-unknown-cmd-message=Unknown command.* plugin.monitor.crash-check-command= # Periodically make sure the server is still accepting connections plugin.monitor.ping-enabled=true plugin.monitor.ping-timeout=10 plugin.monitor.ping-warn=0 # *IF* you run a big server where having 0 players for an extended period means there's something wrong, enable this. plugin.monitor.pcount-enabled=false plugin.monitor.pcount-timeout=10 plugin.monitor.pcount-warn=0 # Restarts the server if it runs out of memory plugin.monitor.oom-enabled=true ### # MUMBLE # Provides a user count/details to a user when they say something like !mumble plugin.mumble.enabled=false plugin.mumble.host= plugin.mumble.port=64738 plugin.mumble.timeout=10 plugin.mumble.trigger=!mumble plugin.mumble.command-up=\ msg {username} host: {host}\n\ msg {username} port: {port}\n\ msg {username} status: up! users: {users_current}/{users_max} plugin.mumble.command-down=\ msg {username} host: {host}\n\ msg {username} port: {port}\n\ msg {username} status: down. ### # PUSH # Send you notifications if something happens to the server. # endpoint syntax is: url-like key1=value1 key2=value2 # see the examples below for useful values. # in particular, causes=some1,thing2 will filter notifications to an endpoint # to only those caused by certain events. if a filter ends in /, it matches # any event causes starting with that value. plugin.push.enabled=false # if you want to send email from an address that uses authentication (like # Gmail), fill in the SMTP settings below plugin.push.email-address=mark2@fantastic.minecraft.server plugin.push.email-smtp-server= plugin.push.email-smtp-user= plugin.push.email-smtp-password= plugin.push.email-smtp-security= plugin.push.pushover-token= # available endpoints you can use for this setting: # NotifyMyAndroid: https://www.notifymyandroid.com/ # nma: # Prowl: http://www.prowlapp.com/ # prowl: # Pushover: https://pushover.net/ # pushover: # -OR- # pushover: device= # SMTP (normal email): # smtp: # # replace with the information you find on the # service's respective website. to make Pushover work, you will need to # give mark2 a valid Pushover app token and put it in # plugin.push.pushover-token. Pushover supports sending a notification # to only one device - you can do this using the second syntax described # above. all endpoints support an additional causes= setting, which # filters what kinds of notification you will receive. for example: # pushover:ZDg0ZWM5YTJiMmJmMWZiNjFjMGQwND device=iPhone causes=server/error/ plugin.push.endpoints= #plugin.push.pushover-token=Y0ZDcwZGNlOTg1YTZiNjhjNDE5NGQ2 #plugin.push.endpoints=\ # nma:719703d2f06ae47c23ae0c38d7d0ec5c312f4b936b3f2009\n\ # prowl:03d2f06ae47c23ae0c38d7d0ec5c312f4b936b3f\n\ # pushover:ZDg0ZWM5YTJiMmJmMWZiNjFjMGQwND device=MyDevice\n\ # smtp:fantastic.minecraft.admin@gmail.com causes=server/error/\n\ # smtp:another.email@home.isp.aq causes=* ### # REDIS # Send certain events to a redis pubsub plugin.redis.enabled=false plugin.redis.host=localhost plugin.redis.port=6379 plugin.redis.channel=mark2-{server} plugin.redis.relay-events=StatPlayers,PlayerJoin,PlayerQuit,PlayerChat,PlayerDeath ### # RSS # Announce new RSS entries in-game # Automatically shortens to redd.it links where possible plugin.rss.enabled=false plugin.rss.url= plugin.rss.check-interval=60 plugin.rss.command=say {link} - {title} ### # SAVE # Provides ~save command plugin.save.enabled=true plugin.save.warn-message=WARNING: saving map in {delay}. plugin.save.message=MAP IS SAVING. ### # SCRIPT # Run a program or command on a given event or interval. # See samples/scripts.txt plugin.script.enabled=true plugin.script.path=scripts.txt plugin.script.shell=/bin/bash ### # SU # Integrate with bukkit-sudo - https://github.com/edk141/bukkit-sudo plugin.su.enabled=false plugin.su.command=sudo -su {user} -- {command} plugin.su.mode=include plugin.su.proc=ban;unban ### # SHUTDOWN # Cleanly stop/restart the server # Provides ~stop, ~kill, ~restart, ~restart-kill commands plugin.shutdown.enabled=true plugin.shutdown.stop-warn-message=WARNING: server going down for planned maintenance in {delay}. plugin.shutdown.stop-message=Server going down for maintenance. plugin.shutdown.stop-cancel-message=WARNING: planned maintenance cancelled. plugin.shutdown.stop-cancel-reason=WARNING: planned maintenance cancelled ({reason}). plugin.shutdown.restart-warn-message=WARNING: planned restart in {delay}. plugin.shutdown.restart-message=Server restarting. plugin.shutdown.restart-cancel-message=WARNING: planned restart cancelled. plugin.shutdown.restart-cancel-reason=WARNING: planned restart cancelled ({reason}). # If you have a /kickall command, add it here (delete {player}) and change the mode to "once" plugin.shutdown.kick-command=kick {player} {message} plugin.shutdown.kick-mode=all ### # TRIGGER # Each line of triggers.txt should be of the format 'trigger,response' # See samples/triggers.txt plugin.trigger.enabled=true plugin.trigger.path=triggers.txt plugin.trigger.command=msg {user} {message}