@use 'sass:math'; @use 'sass:map'; @use 'sass:list'; /// Breakpoint list /// /// Name your breakpoints in a way that creates a ubiquitous language /// across team members. It will improve communication between /// stakeholders, designers, developers, and testers. /// /// @type Map /// @link https://github.com/mcaskill/sass-mq#seeing-the-currently-active-breakpoint Full documentation and examples $breakpoints: ( mobile: 320px, tablet: 740px, desktop: 980px, wide: 1300px, ) !default; /// Show breakpoints in the top right corner /// /// If you want to display the currently active breakpoint in the top /// right corner of your site during development, add the breakpoints /// to this list, ordered by length. For example: (mobile, tablet, desktop). /// /// @example scss /// @use 'path/to/mq' with ($show-breakpoints: ('mobile', 'tablet', 'desktop')); /// /// /// @type map $show-breakpoints: () !default; /// Customize the media range feature (for example: `@media (min-width…)` /// or `@media (min-height:…)`) /// By default sass-mq uses an `width` range feature. /// /// If you want to overried the range feature, you can use this option. /// @example scss /// @use 'path/to/mq' with ($range-feature: height); /// /// @type String /// @link https://github.com/mcaskill/sass-mq#changing-range-feature Full documentation and example $range-feature: width !default; /// Customize the media type (for example: `@media screen` or `@media print`) /// By default sass-mq uses an "all" media type (`@media all and …`) /// /// If you want to overried the media type, you can use this option. /// @example scss /// @use 'path/to/mq' with ($media-type: 'screen'); /// /// @type String /// @link https://github.com/mcaskill/sass-mq#changing-media-type Full documentation and example $media-type: all !default; /// Convert pixels to ems /// /// @param {Number} $px - value to convert /// /// @example scss /// $font-size-in-ems: px2em(16px); /// p { font-size: px2em(16px); } /// /// @returns {Number} @function px2em($px) { @if math.is-unitless($px) { @warn "Assuming #{$px} to be in pixels, attempting to convert it into pixels."; @return px2em($px * 1px); } // if $px is compatible with em units, then return value unchanged @if math.compatible($px, 1em) { @return $px; } @return math.div($px, 16px) * 1em; } /// Get a breakpoint's length /// /// @param {String} $name - Name of the breakpoint. One of $breakpoints /// /// @example scss /// $tablet-width: get-breakpoint-length(tablet); /// @media (min-width: get-breakpoint-length(tablet)) {} /// /// @requires {Variable} $breakpoints /// /// @returns {Number} Value in pixels @function get-breakpoint-length($name, $breakpoints: $breakpoints) { @if map.has-key($breakpoints, $name) { @return map.get($breakpoints, $name); } @else { @warn "Breakpoint #{$name} wasn't found in $breakpoints."; @return null; } } /// Joins all elements of `$list` with `$glue`. /// /// @ignore Documentation: https://github.com/at-import/SassyLists/blob/master/stylesheets/functions/_to-string.scss /// /// @param {List} $list - list to cast /// @param {String} $glue [' and '] - value to use as a join string /// /// @example scss /// stringify(a b c) /// // a and b and c /// /// @example scss /// stringify(a b c, ', ') /// // a, b, c /// /// @returns {String} @function stringify($list, $glue: ' and ') { $result: ''; @each $item in $list { $result: $result + if(length($item) > 1, stringify($item, $glue), $item); @if $item != nth($list, -1) { $result: $result + $glue; } } @return quote($result); } /// Media Query function /// /// Computes a media query based on a list of conditions. /// /// @param {String | Boolean} $from [false] - One of $breakpoints /// @param {String | Boolean} $until [false] - One of $breakpoints /// @param {String | Boolean} $and [false] - Additional media query parameters /// @param {String | Boolean} $or [false] - Alternative media query parameters /// @param {String} $range-feature [$range-feature] - Media range feature: width, height… /// @param {String} $media-type [$media-type] - Media type: screen, print… /// /// @ignore Undocumented API, for advanced use only: /// @ignore @param {Map} $breakpoints [$breakpoints] /// /// @requires {Variable} $range-feature /// @requires {Variable} $media-type /// @requires {Variable} $breakpoints /// @requires {function} stringify /// /// @example scss /// $mq-lap-and-up: mq($from: mobile); /// /// $mq-palm: mq($until: tablet); /// /// $mq-lap: mq(mobile, tablet); /// /// $mq-portable: mq($from: tablet, $and: '(orientation: landscape)'); /// /// $mq-desk-small: mq(950px) { /// /// $mq-portable-screen: mq(tablet, $media-type: screen) { /// /// // Advanced use: /// $my-breakpoints: (L: 900px, XL: 1200px); /// $mq-custom: mq(L, $breakpoints: $my-breakpoints); @function mq( $from: false, $until: false, $and: false, $or: false, $range-feature: $range-feature, $media-type: $media-type, $breakpoints: $breakpoints ) { $min-value: 0; $max-value: 0; $media-query: (); // From: this breakpoint (inclusive) @if $from { @if type-of($from) == number { $min-value: px2em($from); } @else { $min-value: px2em(get-breakpoint-length($from, $breakpoints)); } } // Until: that breakpoint (exclusive) @if $until { @if type-of($until) == number { $max-value: px2em($until); } @else { $max-value: px2em(get-breakpoint-length($until, $breakpoints)) - 0.01em; } } @if $range-feature { @if $min-value != 0 { $media-query: append($media-query, '(min-#{$range-feature}: #{$min-value})'); } @if $max-value != 0 { $media-query: append($media-query, '(max-#{$range-feature}: #{$max-value})'); } } @if $and { $media-query: append($media-query, '#{$and}'); } $media-query: stringify($media-query, ' and '); // Prevent unnecessary media query prefix 'all and ' @if ($media-type != 'all' and $media-query != '') { $media-query: '#{$media-type} and #{$media-query}'; } @else if $media-query == '' { $media-query: $media-type; } @if $or { $media-query: append($media-query, '#{$or}'); $media-query: stringify($media-query, ', '); } $media-query: unquote("#{$media-query}"); @return $media-query; } /// Media Query mixin /// /// Generates a media query block, based on a list of conditions, around a set /// of nested CSS statements. /// /// @param {String | Boolean} $from [false] - One of $breakpoints /// @param {String | Boolean} $until [false] - One of $breakpoints /// @param {String | Boolean} $and [false] - Additional media query parameters /// @param {String | Boolean} $or [false] - Alternative media query parameters /// @param {String} $range-feature [$range-feature] - Media range feature: width, height… /// @param {String} $media-type [$media-type] - Media type: screen, print… /// /// @ignore Undocumented API, for advanced use only: /// @ignore @param {Map} $breakpoints [$breakpoints] /// /// @content styling rules, wrapped into a @media query /// /// @requires {Variable} $range-feature /// @requires {Variable} $media-type /// @requires {Variable} $breakpoints /// @requires {function} mq /// /// @link https://github.com/mcaskill/sass-mq#responsive-mode Full documentation and examples /// /// @example scss /// @use 'path/to/mq' as *; /// .element { /// @include mq($from: mobile) { /// color: red; /// } /// @include mq($until: tablet) { /// color: blue; /// } /// @include mq(mobile, tablet) { /// color: green; /// } /// @include mq($from: tablet, $and: '(orientation: landscape)') { /// color: teal; /// } /// @include mq(950px) { /// color: hotpink; /// } /// @include mq(tablet, $media-type: screen) { /// color: hotpink; /// } /// // Advanced use: /// $my-breakpoints: (L: 900px, XL: 1200px); /// @include mq(L, $breakpoints: $my-breakpoints) { /// color: hotpink; /// } /// } @mixin mq( $from: false, $until: false, $and: false, $or: false, $range-feature: $range-feature, $media-type: $media-type, $breakpoints: $breakpoints ) { $media-query: mq( $from, $until, $and, $or, $range-feature, $media-type, $breakpoints ); @media #{$media-query} { @content; } } /// Quick sort /// /// @author Sam Richards /// @access private /// @param {List} $list - List to sort /// @returns {List} Sorted List @function _quick-sort($list) { $less: (); $equal: (); $large: (); @if length($list) > 1 { $seed: list.nth($list, math.ceil(math.div(length($list), 2))); @each $item in $list { @if ($item == $seed) { $equal: list.append($equal, $item); } @else if ($item < $seed) { $less: list.append($less, $item); } @else if ($item > $seed) { $large: list.append($large, $item); } } @return join(join(_quick-sort($less), $equal), _quick-sort($large)); } @return $list; } /// Sort a map by values (works with numbers only) /// /// @access private /// @param {Map} $map - Map to sort /// @returns {Map} Map sorted by value @function _map-sort-by-value($map) { $map-sorted: (); $map-keys: map.keys($map); $map-values: map.values($map); $map-values-sorted: _quick-sort($map-values); // Reorder key/value pairs based on key values @each $value in $map-values-sorted { $index: index($map-values, $value); $key: list.nth($map-keys, $index); $map-sorted: map.merge( $map-sorted, ( $key: $value, ) ); // Unset the value in $map-values to prevent the loop // from finding the same index twice $map-values: list.set-nth($map-values, $index, 0); } @return $map-sorted; } /// Add a breakpoint /// /// @param {String} $name - Name of the breakpoint /// @param {Number} $length - Length of the breakpoint /// /// @requires {Variable} $breakpoints /// /// @example scss /// @include add-breakpoint(tvscreen, 1920px); /// @include mq(tvscreen) {} @mixin add-breakpoint($name, $length) { $new-breakpoint: ( $name: $length, ); $breakpoints: map.merge($breakpoints, $new-breakpoint) !global; $breakpoints: _map-sort-by-value($breakpoints) !global; } /// Show the active breakpoint in the top right corner of the viewport /// @link https://github.com/mcaskill/sass-mq#seeing-the-currently-active-breakpoint /// /// @param {List} $show-breakpoints [$show-breakpoints] - List of breakpoints to show in the top right corner /// @param {Map} $breakpoints [$breakpoints] - Breakpoint names and sizes /// /// @requires {Variable} $breakpoints /// @requires {Variable} $show-breakpoints /// /// @example scss /// // Show breakpoints using global settings /// @include show-breakpoints; /// /// // Show breakpoints using custom settings /// @include show-breakpoints((L, XL), (S: 300px, L: 800px, XL: 1200px)); @mixin show-breakpoints( $show-breakpoints: $show-breakpoints, $breakpoints: $breakpoints ) { body:before { background-color: #fcf8e3; border-bottom: 1px solid #fbeed5; border-left: 1px solid #fbeed5; color: #c09853; font: small-caption; padding: 3px 6px; pointer-events: none; position: fixed; right: 0; top: 0; z-index: 100; // Loop through the breakpoints that should be shown @each $show-breakpoint in $show-breakpoints { $length: get-breakpoint-length($show-breakpoint, $breakpoints); @include mq($show-breakpoint, $breakpoints: $breakpoints) { content: '#{$show-breakpoint} ≥ #{$length} (#{px2em($length)})'; } } } } @if list.length($show-breakpoints) > 0 { @include show-breakpoints; }