require 'open3' module Jekyll class PandocGenerator < Generator def generate(site) outputs = site.config['pandoc']['outputs'] flags = site.config['pandoc']['flags'] outputs.each_pair do |output, extra_flags| # Skip conversion if we're skipping, but still cleanup the outputs hash next if site.config['pandoc']['skip'] site.posts.each do |post| post_path = File.join(output, File.dirname(post.url)) puts "Creating #{post_path}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(post_path) filename = File.join(output, post.url).gsub(/\.html$/, ".#{output}") # Special cases, stdout is disabled for these if ['pdf', 'epub', 'odt', 'docx'].include?(output) output_flag = "-o #{filename}" else output_flag = "-t #{output} -o #{filename}" end # Add cover if epub if output == "epub" and not['cover'].nil? output_flag << " --epub-cover-image=#{['cover']}" end # The command pandoc = "pandoc #{flags} #{output_flag} #{extra_flags}" # Inform what's being done puts pandoc # Make the markdown header so pandoc receives metadata content = "% #{['title']}\n" content << "% #{['author']}\n" content << post.content # Do the stuff Open3::popen3(pandoc) do |stdin, stdout, stderr| stdin.puts content stdin.close end # Skip failed files next if not File.exist? filename # Add them to the static files list site.static_files <<, site.source, '', filename) end end end end # Just return html5 class MarkdownConverter < Converter def convert(content) flags = "#{@config['pandoc']['flags']} #{@config['pandoc']['site_flags']}" output = '' Open3::popen3("pandoc -t html5 #{flags}") do |stdin, stdout, stderr| stdin.puts content stdin.close output = end output end def matches(ext) rgx = '(' + @config['markdown_ext'].gsub(',','|') +')' ext =~, Regexp::IGNORECASE) end def output_ext(ext) ".html" end end end