'#AC1F1F', // colour used for hyperlinks, banner trim and the coloured section of the header 'bannercolor'=>'#F0D0D0', // colour used for the header and footer 'text1'=>'black', // main text colour 'text2'=>'#606060', // annotation colour 'font'=>'sans-serif', // font to use for the site 'background'=>'#ffffff', // page background colour ); // Optional descriptive text for the top of the browse page. $CONF['browse_html'] = ''; // Optional header section to allow navigation from RedFeather back to a parent site. //$CONF['return_link'] = array('text'=>'return to site >', 'href'=>'http://www.example.com'); // Default values for a new resource $CONF['default_metadata'] = array( //'title'=>'', //'description'=>'', 'creators'=>array(''), 'emails'=>array(''), 'license'=>'' ); // Array of username/password combinations that are allowed to access the resource manager // the passwords can either be plain text, or MD5 encoded // $CONF['credentials'] = array('admin'=>'password'); $CONF['credentials'] = array('admin'=>'5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99'); /************************** Advanced Configuration **************************/ // Field definitions $CONF['fields'] = array( 'title', 'description', 'creators', 'date', 'license', 'download', ); // List of available licenses for RedFeather $CONF['licenses'] = array( ''=>'unspecified', 'by'=>'Attribution', 'by-sa'=>'Attribution-ShareAlike', 'by-nd'=>'Attribution-NoDerivs', 'by-nc'=>'Attribution-NonCommercial', 'by-nc-sa'=>'Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike', 'by-nc-nd'=>'Attribution-NonCommerical-NoDerivs', ); // list of functions returning css and javascript respectively $CONF['css'] = array('css_view', 'css_resource_manager'); $CONF['javascript'] = array('javascript_view', 'javascript_resource_manager'); // Toolbars $CONF['toolbar'] = array( 'footer' => array('footer_credit', 'footer_resource_manager'), 'browse' => array('browse_search', 'browse_rss', 'browse_rdf'), 'resource_manager' => array() ); // Dimensions for various elements for the site. $CONF['element_size'] = array( 'preview_width'=>680, // width of the resource preview in px 'preview_height'=>550, // height of the resource preview in px 'metadata_width'=>350, // width of the resource metadata column in px 'metadata_gap'=>15, // size of the gap between the resource preview and metadata column in px 'manager_width'=>500 // width of the resource manager workflow ); // Sets the default page for RedFeather $CONF['default_page'] = 'page_browse'; // The file used for storing the resource metadata $CONF['metadata_filename'] = 'resourcedata'; // The path to search for plugins $CONF['plugin_dir'] = "."; // global variable to allow function overriding $FUNCTION_OVERRIDE = array( // 'page_browse'=>'page_browse_new', ); // The filename for this script $CONF['script_filename'] = array_pop(explode('/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); // The full url of the directory RedFeather is installed in. $CONF['base_url'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], "/")+1); // The full url of the RedFeather script $CONF['script_url'] = $CONF['base_url'].$CONF['script_filename']; // global variable to store resource data $DATA = array(); // global variable for page title $TITLE = ''; // global variable to buffer main body html $BODY = ''; /******************************* Default RedFeather template *******************************/ function render_template() { global $CONF, $BODY, $TITLE; $page_width = $CONF['element_size']['preview_width']+$CONF['element_size']['metadata_gap']+$CONF['element_size']['metadata_width']; $template_css = << a { text-decoration: none; } #rf_header h2 { font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; color: {$CONF['theme']['text1']}; } #rf_footer { padding: 6px; background: {$CONF['theme']['bannercolor']}; border-top: 1px solid {$CONF['theme']['linkcolor']}; border-bottom: 1px solid {$CONF['theme']['linkcolor']}; } .rf_toolbar_footer > li { display: inline; padding: 0 5px; border-right: 1px solid {$CONF['theme']['text1']}; } .rf_toolbar_footer > li:first-child { padding-left: 0; } .rf_toolbar_footer > li:last-child { padding-right:0; border-right: 0; } .rf_content { padding: 6px 0 6px 0; } #rf_error_list { list-style: square inside; padding: 7px 0; } EOT; // render the top part of the html, including title, jquery, stylesheet, local javascript and page header print ' '.$TITLE.' '.call('generate_head_elements').' '.call('generate_message_list').'


'; // add the optional 'return link' as documented in the RedFeather configuration section if (isset($CONF['return_link'])) print ''.$CONF['return_link']['text'].''; print '


'; } // toolbar item for footer function generate_toolbar_item_footer_credit() { return 'Powered by RedFeather'; } // toolbar item for footer function generate_toolbar_item_footer_resource_manager() { global $CONF; return 'Resource Manager'; } /*********************** Browse/View Module ************************/ // Browse page for RedFeather. // Lists all the resources that have been annotated and provides a facility to search. function page_browse() { global $BODY, $CONF; $BODY .= '
'.call('generate_toolbar', 'browse'); $BODY .= $CONF['browse_html']; $BODY .= call('generate_resource_list'); $BODY .= '
'; call('render_template'); } // generates a list of all the public resources in RedFeather function generate_resource_list() { global $CONF, $DATA; $html = ''; // get the list of all files within the RedFeather scope foreach(call('get_resource_list') as $filename) { $data = $DATA[$filename]; // render the resource using the "generate_metadata_table" function $url = $CONF['script_filename'].'?file='.rawurlencode($filename); $html .= '



'.call('generate_metadata_table', $data).'
'; } return $html; } // toolbar item for browse page function generate_toolbar_item_browse_search() { return 'Filter resources: '; } // toolbar item for browse page function generate_toolbar_item_browse_rss() { global $CONF; return ' RSS'; } // toolbar item for browse page function generate_toolbar_item_browse_rdf() { global $CONF; return ' RDF+XML'; } // View the resource preview, metadata and social networking plugin function page_view() { global $CONF, $DATA, $BODY, $TITLE; $filename = ''; // check that the file requested actually exists if (isset($_REQUEST['file'])) $filename = rawurldecode($_REQUEST['file']); if (!in_array($filename, call('get_resource_list'))) { call('fourohfour'); return; } $data = $DATA[$filename]; $TITLE = _EF_($data,'title').' - '.$TITLE; $BODY .= '
'.call('generate_resource', $data).'
'; call('render_template'); } // generates the resource itself function generate_resource($data) { global $CONF; return ' '.call('generate_preview', _F_($data,'filename')).'



'.call('generate_metadata_table', $data) .call('generate_comment_widget',$CONF['element_size']['metadata_width']).'
'; } /* Return the preview widget for a given resource at the dimensions specified. If the resource is determined to be an image, it renders as a simple element. Otherwise, it will be rendered using the googledocs previewer. Due to a bug in the googledocs API, the service can sometimes silently fail and return an empty iframe. Since there is no way to detect this when it occurs, and is a fatal bug in terms of preview functionality, a workaround has been devised where an error message is hidden underneath the preview widget. If the preview widget fails it will be visible through the empty iframe. */ function generate_preview($filename) { global $CONF; $preview_html ='
'; $width = $CONF['element_size']['preview_width']; $height = $CONF['element_size']['preview_height']; // get absolute url for file $file_url = call('get_file_link', $filename); // attempt to determine the image dimensions of the resource $image_size = call('get_image_size', $filename); // if the function succeed, assume the resource is an image if ($image_size) { // stretch the image to fit preview area, depending on aspect ratio if ($image_size[0]/$image_size[1] < $width/$height) $preview_html .= ''; else $preview_html .= ''; } // if the function failed, attempt to render using googledocs previewer else { // create error message in case the widget fails to load $preview_html .= '

Google docs viewer failed to initialise.

This is due to a bug in the viewer which occurs when your Google session expires.

You can restore functionality by logging back into any Google service.

'; // place the error message directly underneath the widget $preview_html .= ''; } return $preview_html .= '
'; } // return the Facebook comment widget function generate_comment_widget($width) { global $CONF, $DATA; // this can be changed to make it create the widget for the current page $data = $DATA[rawurldecode($_REQUEST['file'])]; $this_url = $CONF['script_url'].'?file='._EF_($data,'filename'); return '
'; } // returns the metadata table for the resource data specified function generate_metadata_table($data) { global $CONF; $table = ''; // fields foreach ($CONF['fields'] as $fieldname) $table .= call_optional("generate_output_field_$fieldname", $data); $table .= '
'; return $table; } // field definition for metadata table function generate_output_field_creators($data) { $html = ''; $creators = _F_($data,'creators'); $emails = _F_($data,'emails'); // check that the creator field exists and not an empty placeholder if ($creators && trim($creators[0]) != '') { // table header should be creator/creators depending on size of array $html .= 'Creator' .((sizeof($creators)>1) ? 's': '').':'; // loop through each creator name and create a mailto link for them if required for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($creators); $i++) if (trim($emails[$i]) == '') $html .= _E_($creators[$i]).'
'; else $html .= ''._E_($creators[$i]).'
'; $html .= ''; } return $html; } // field definition for metadata table function generate_output_field_date($data) { return 'Updated:'.call('get_file_date', _F_($data,'filename')).''; } // field definition for metadata table function generate_output_field_license($data) { global $CONF; return 'License:'.$CONF['licenses'][_F_($data, 'license')].''; } // field definition for metadata table function generate_output_field_download($data) { return 'Download:'._EF_($data, 'filename').''; } // static content for resource viewer function css_view() { global $CONF; return << li { padding-right: 10px; display: inline-block; } .rf_toolbar_browse > li > a > img { vertical-align: text-bottom; } #rf_preview { width: {$CONF['element_size']['preview_width']}px; text-align: center; float: left; } #rf_preview iframe { width: {$CONF['element_size']['preview_width']}px; height: {$CONF['element_size']['preview_height']}px; display: block; } #rf_preview .rf_message { text-align: justify; display: none; } #rf_preview.rf_message_inserted iframe { margin-top: -{$CONF['element_size']['preview_height']}px; } #rf_preview.rf_message_inserted .rf_message { height: {$CONF['element_size']['preview_height']}px; display: block; } #rf_metadata { width: {$CONF['element_size']['metadata_width']}px; float: right; margin-left: {$CONF['element_size']['metadata_gap']}px; word-wrap: break-word; } .rf_metadata_table { margin-bottom: 6px; margin-left: 6px; font-size: 12px; } .rf_metadata_table tr>:last-child { word-break: break-all; } .rf_metadata_table tr>:first-child { color: {$CONF['theme']['text2']}; padding-right: 12px; } .rf_clearer { clear: both; } EOT; } function javascript_view() { return <<'; $BODY .= ''; // iterate through all the files currently present in the filesystem foreach (call('get_resource_list') as $filename) { $data = $DATA[$filename]; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; } $BODY .= '
'.$num++.'.'._EF_($data, 'title').''.$filename.'editviewdelete
'; // add save button $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; // get a list of any unannotated files $new_files = array(); foreach (call('get_file_list') as $filename) if (!isset($DATA[$filename])) $new_files[] = $filename; // generate the table for the new files if (count($new_files) > 0) { $BODY .= '

Unannotated files

'; $BODY .= ''; // render list of new files foreach ($new_files as $filename) { $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; } $BODY .= '
'; } // hidden form for deletion $BODY .= '
'; // new deposit box $BODY .= '

New deposit

'; $BODY .= '
'; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= 'Overwrite existing file
'; $BODY .= '
'; $BODY .= ''; call('render_template'); } // page for editing a resource function page_edit() { global $CONF, $DATA, $BODY, $TITLE; call('authenticate_login'); $filename = ''; $data = ''; // check that the file requested actually exists if (isset($_REQUEST['file'])) $filename = rawurldecode($_REQUEST['file']); if (isset($DATA[$filename])) $data = $DATA[$filename]; else { // if this is a new file add it with the default metadata if (in_array($filename, call('get_file_list'))) { $data = $CONF['default_metadata']; $data['filename'] = $filename; } else { call('fourohfour'); return; } } $BODY .= '
'; $BODY .= '
'; $BODY .= '
'.call('generate_manageable_item', $data).'
'; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= ''; $BODY .= '
'; $BODY .= '
'; call('render_template'); } // returns the html for a single item on the resource workflow function generate_manageable_item($data) { global $CONF; // render the basic fields $item_html = '


'; // optional fields foreach ($CONF['fields'] as $fieldname) $item_html .= call_optional("generate_input_field_$fieldname", $data).'
'; return $item_html; } // helper function for implementing multifields function generate_multifield_input_widget($params) { $data = $params[0]; $fieldname = $params[1]; $html = '
'; $field = _F_($data,$fieldname); // check if there are entires currently set for this resource if ($field) // loop through the elements and create the table rows for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($field); $i++) { $html .= '
'.call('generate_multifield_input_'.$fieldname, array($data, $i)).' remove
'; } // add the new item button $html .= 'add'; $html .= '
'; return $html; } // field definition for manageable item function generate_input_field_title($data) { return ''; } // field definition for manageable item function generate_input_field_description($data) { return ''; } // field definition for manageable item function generate_input_field_creators($data) { return ''.call('generate_multifield_input_widget', array($data,'creators')).'
'; } // multifield defininition for manageable item function generate_multifield_input_creators($params) { $data = $params[0]; $i = $params[1]; $creators = _F_($data, 'creators'); $emails = _F_($data, 'emails'); return ''; } // field definition for manageable item function generate_input_field_license($data) { global $CONF; // add license dropdown box $license_options = ''; foreach ($CONF['licenses'] as $key => $value) { if (_F_($data, 'license') == $key) $selected = 'selected'; else $selected = ''; $license_options .= ''; } return ''; } // post handler for saving the order of resources function post_reorder_resources() { global $DATA; $resource_list = call('get_resource_list'); $new_data = array(); // check for resources that might have been added due to a race condition - these are added to the top of the list foreach($resource_list as $filename) if (!in_array($filename, $_POST['ordering'])) { $new_data[$filename] = $DATA[$filename]; call('add_message', $DATA[$filename]['title'].' was added.'); } // copy resource data to new array if they exist foreach ($_POST['ordering'] as $filename) { if (in_array($filename, $resource_list)) $new_data[$filename] = $DATA[$filename]; else call('add_message', $filename.' no longer exists.'); } $DATA = $new_data; call('save_data'); // redirect to the resource page header('Location:'.$CONF['script_url'].'?page=resource_manager'); } // returns a human readable version of a PHP upload error function get_upload_error_message($code) { switch ($code) { case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: return 'The uploaded file is larger than permitted by this server.'; case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: return 'The uploaded file is too large.'; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: return 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: return 'No file was uploaded.'; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: return 'Missing a temporary folder.'; case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: return 'Failed to write file to disk.'; case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: return 'File upload stopped by extension.'; default: return 'Unknown upload error.'; } } // post handler for file upload function post_upload() { $filename = $_FILES['file']['name']; $filename = utf8_decode($filename); if ($_FILES['file']['error'] > 0) { call('add_message', call('get_upload_error_message', $_FILES['file']['error'])); header('Location:'.$CONF['script_url'].'?page=resource_manager'); return; } if (!check_file_allowed($filename)) { call('add_message', 'Invalid file type.'); header('Location:'.$CONF['script_url'].'?page=resource_manager'); return; } // check whether the file already exists $file_list = call("get_file_list"); if (in_array($filename, $file_list) && !$_POST['overwrite']) { call('add_message', 'File already exists.'); header('Location:'.$CONF['script_url'].'?page=resource_manager'); return; } if (!copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $filename)) { call('add_message', 'File could not be written.'); header('Location:'.$CONF['script_url'].'?page=resource_manager'); return; } header('Location:'.$CONF['script_url'].'?page=edit&file='.rawurlencode($filename)); } // post handler to save resource metadata function post_save() { global $CONF, $DATA; // get the filename $filename = $_POST['filename']; $submit_action = $_POST['submit_action']; if ($submit_action == 'Save') { // replace the data if it already exists, otherwise prepend it to the array as the top item if (isset($DATA[$filename])) $DATA[$filename] = $_POST; else $DATA = array_merge(array($filename => $_POST), $DATA); call('save_data'); } else if ($submit_action == 'Clear Metadata') { // delete the metadata if it exists if (isset($DATA[$filename])) { unset($DATA[$filename]); call('save_data'); } call('add_message', $filename.' metadata removed.'); } // redirect to the resource manager header('Location:'.$CONF['script_url'].'?page=resource_manager'); } // post handler for deleting a resource function post_delete() { global $DATA; $filename = $_POST['filename']; // check that this file can really be deleted if (in_array($filename, call('get_file_list'))) { if (!unlink($filename)) { call('add_message', 'File could not be deleted.'); header('Location:'.$CONF['script_url'].'?page=resource_manager'); return; } if (isset($DATA[$filename])) { unset($DATA[$filename]); call('save_data'); } call('add_message', $filename.' deleted.'); } else call('add_message', $filename.' does not exist.'); header('Location:'.$CONF['script_url'].'?page=resource_manager'); } // static content for resource manager function css_resource_manager() { global $CONF; return << td > .rf_up { visibility: hidden; } tbody tr:last-child > td > .rf_down { visibility: hidden; } .rf_end_field { margin-bottom: 10px; } .rf_number { color: {$CONF['theme']['text2']}; } .rf_updown { font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; } .rf_up, .rf_down { text-decoration: none; } #rf_page_edit label { display: inline-block; color: {$CONF['theme']['text2']}; text-align:right; width: 100px; padding-right:10px; } .rf_manageable > input, .rf_manageable > textarea, .rf_manageable > select { width: {$CONF['element_size']['manager_width']}px; vertical-align: middle; } .rf_manageable input, .rf_manageable textarea, .rf_manageable select { font: inherit; border: solid 1px {$CONF['theme']['bannercolor']}; } .rf_multifield { display: inline-block; width: {$CONF['element_size']['manager_width']}px; vertical-align: middle; } .rf_new_multifield { display: none; } .rf_clear_metadata { float: right; } EOT; } // static content for resource manager function javascript_resource_manager() { return <<'+new_item+'remove'); add_link.remove().appendTo(multifield); } function post_delete_form(filename) { if (confirm(filename +"\\nDelete this file?")) { $("#rf_delete_file_field").val(filename); $("#rf_delete_file").submit(); return true; } return false; } EOT; } /********************* RSS Export Module *********************/ // Public function for the RSS feed function page_rss() { global $CONF, $DATA; header('Content-type: application/rss+xml'); print ' '.$CONF['repository_name'].' '.$CONF['script_url'].' '.$CONF['repository_tagline'].' en '; // loop through all files which are public accessible foreach(call('get_resource_list') as $filename) { $data = $DATA[$filename]; print ' '; // fields foreach ($CONF['fields'] as $fieldname) print call_optional("generate_rss_field_$fieldname", $data); print ' '; } print ''; } // field definition for rss function generate_rss_field_title($data) { return ' '._EF_($data,'title').' '; } // field definition for rss function generate_rss_field_description($data) { return ' '._EF_($data,'description').' '; } // field definition for rss function generate_rss_field_date($data) { return ' '.call('get_file_date', _F_($data,'filename')).' '; } // field definition for rss function generate_rss_field_download($data) { global $CONF; $resource_url = _E_($CONF['script_url'].'?file='.rawurlencode(_F_($data, 'filename'))); return ' '.$resource_url.' '.$resource_url.' '; } /********************* RDF Export Plugin *********************/ // public function for RDF function page_rdf() { global $CONF, $DATA; if (isset($_REQUEST['file'])) $resource_list = array($_REQUEST['file']); else $resource_list = call('get_resource_list'); header("Content-type: application/rdf+xml"); print ' '; // loop through all files which are public accessible foreach($resource_list as $filename) { $data = $DATA[$filename]; $resource_uri = _E_($CONF['script_url'].'?file='.$filename); // fields foreach ($CONF['fields'] as $fieldname) print call_optional("generate_rdf_field_$fieldname", array($data, $resource_uri)); } print ''; } // field definition for RDF function generate_rdf_field_title($params) { $data = $params[0]; $resource_uri = $params[1]; return ' '._EF_($data,'title').' '; } // field definition for RDF function generate_rdf_field_description($params) { $data = $params[0]; $resource_uri = $params[1]; return ' '._EF_($data,'description').' '; } // field definition for RDF function generate_rdf_field_creators($params) { global $CONF; $data = $params[0]; $resource_uri = $params[1]; $xml = ''; $creators = _F_($data,'creators'); if ($creators) foreach($creators as $creator) { $creator_uri = $CONF['script_url'].'?page=creators#'._E_($creator); $xml .= ' '; $xml .= ' '._E_($creator).' '; } return $xml; } // field definition for RDF function generate_rdf_field_date($params) { $data = $params[0]; $resource_uri = $params[1]; return ' '.call_optional('get_file_date',_F_($data,'filename')).' '; } // field definition for RDF function generate_rdf_field_download($params) { global $CONF; $data = $params[0]; $resource_uri = $params[1]; $file_url = _E_($CONF['base_url']._F_($data,'filename')); return ' '; } // Public function to act as a target for creator URIs function page_creators() { global $CONF, $BODY, $TITLE; $TITLE = 'Contributors - '.$TITLE; $BODY .= '


    '; foreach (get_unique_creators() as $creator) { $BODY .= '
  • '._E_($creator).'
  • '; } $BODY .= '
'; call('render_template'); } // get a list of all the unique creators function get_unique_creators() { global $CONF, $DATA; $list = array(); foreach (call('get_resource_list') as $filename) if (isset($DATA[$filename]['creators'])) foreach($DATA[$filename]['creators'] as $creator) array_push($list, $creator); natcasesort($list); return array_unique($list); } /**************************************************** Functions to interact with the local file system *****************************************************/ // returns a list of all files within the RedFeather resource scope (i.e. that can be annotated) function get_file_list() { global $CONF; $file_list = array(); $dir = "./"; foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) { // exclude directories, hidden files, the RedFeather file and the metadata file if( is_dir($dir.$file) || !call('check_file_allowed', $file)) continue; array_push($file_list, $file); } return $file_list; } // checks whether a file is acceptable function check_file_allowed($filename) { global $CONF; if (preg_match("/^\./", $filename) || preg_match("/\.php/", $filename) || $filename == $CONF['metadata_filename']) return false; else return true; } // returns a absolute hyperlink to a given file function get_file_link($filename) { global $CONF; return $CONF['base_url'].rawurlencode($filename); } // returns the data a file was last edited function get_file_date($filename) { return date ('d F Y H:i:s', filemtime($filename)); } // returns the image size information from a file (replicates the behaviour of the standard php function function get_image_size($filename) { return getimagesize($filename); } // loads the resource metadata from the filesystem in the global variable $CONF function load_data() { global $CONF, $DATA; $DATA = unserialize(file_get_contents($CONF['metadata_filename'])); if(!is_array($DATA) ) $DATA= array(); } // saves the resource metadata to the filesystem function save_data() { global $CONF, $DATA; // save the array as serialized PHP $fh = fopen($CONF['metadata_filename'], 'w'); if (!fwrite($fh,serialize($DATA))) call('add_message', 'Could not write to '. $CONF['metadata_filename']); fclose($fh); } /***************** Utility pages *****************/ // Public function for CSS function page_css() { global $CONF; header('Content-type: text/css'); foreach ($CONF['css'] as $css) print call($css); } // Public function for getting js function page_javascript() { global $CONF; header('Content-type: text/javascript'); foreach ($CONF['javascript'] as $js) print call($js); } // page to receive POST requests function page_post() { global $CONF, $DATA; // check request type if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') { header('HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed'); return; } // ensure that the user is logged in call('authenticate'); // attempt to call the post subroutine if (isset($_POST['ACTION'])) { // unset the ACTION value in the post array $action = $_POST['ACTION']; unset($_POST['ACTION']); call('post_'.$action); } else header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request'); } // output a 401 page function fourohone() { global $BODY, $TITLE; $TITLE = '401 - '.$TITLE; $BODY .= '


You are not authenticated.

'; header('Status: 401 Not Found'); call('render_template'); exit; } // output a 404 page function fourohfour() { global $BODY, $TITLE; $TITLE = '404 - '.$TITLE; $BODY .= '


That page doesn\'t exist.

'; header('Status: 404 Not Found'); call('render_template'); } /********************* Utility Functions *********************/ // Calls a function within RedFeather to provide a simple plugin architecture. // To maintain compatibility with PHP 4.0, functions should only take a single parameter - which is passed through to the target. // When a named function is called, the FUNCTION_OVERRIDE is first checked to see if an override function has been assigned. // If it has, that function is called, otherwise it will call the function directly. function call($function, $param=null) { global $FUNCTION_OVERRIDE; if (isset($FUNCTION_OVERRIDE[$function])) return call_user_func($FUNCTION_OVERRIDE[$function], $param); else if (function_exists($function)) return call_user_func($function, $param); else die($function.' is not a valid function'); } // as above but doesn't give an error if a non-existent function is called function call_optional($function, $param=null) { global $FUNCTION_OVERRIDE; if (isset($FUNCTION_OVERRIDE[$function])) return call_user_func($FUNCTION_OVERRIDE[$function], $param); else if (function_exists($function)) return call_user_func($function, $param); else return; } // as above but shows a 404 if the function doesn't exist function call_page($function, $param=null) { global $FUNCTION_OVERRIDE; if (isset($FUNCTION_OVERRIDE[$function])) return call_user_func($FUNCTION_OVERRIDE[$function], $param); else if (function_exists($function)) return call_user_func($function, $param); else call('fourohfour'); } // function to check a user is authenticated - will block actions otherwise function authenticate() { session_set_cookie_params(0, $CONF['script_url']); session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) return; else call_optional('fourohone'); } // function to provide simple authentication functionality function authenticate_login() { session_set_cookie_params(0, $CONF['script_url']); session_start(); global $CONF, $BODY; // check the session for an authenticated user and return to the parent function if valid. if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) return; // If this is a post requesting to log in, check username and password against authorised credentials. if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($CONF['credentials'][$_POST['username']])) { if ($CONF['credentials'][$_POST['username']] == $_POST['password'] || $CONF['credentials'][$_POST['username']] == md5($_POST['password'])) { $_SESSION['authenticated']=$_POST['username']; return; } } // if the user is unauthenticated and not making a signing post, render login screen. $BODY .= '

Log in

'; $BODY .= '
Username Password
'; call('render_template'); exit; } // generates a named toolbar function generate_toolbar($toolbar) { global $CONF; $html ='
    '; foreach($CONF['toolbar'][$toolbar] as $tool) $html .= '
  • '.call('generate_toolbar_item_'.$tool).'
  • '; return $html .= '
'; } // function to get a list of all the complete resources (i.e. with matching file/metadata) function get_resource_list() { global $DATA; $list = array(); $files = call('get_file_list'); foreach ($DATA as $filename => $data) if (in_array($filename, $files)) array_push($list, $filename); return $list; } // add a message to the queue function add_message($message) { if (!isset($_SESSION['messages'])) $_SESSION['messages'] = array(); $_SESSION['messages'][] = $message; } // function to fully dequeue the list of user messages function get_messages() { if (!isset($_SESSION['messages'])) return array(); $messages = $_SESSION['messages']; unset($_SESSION['messages']); return $messages; } // convenience function to dequeue the messages into an unordered list function generate_message_list() { $html = ''; $messages = call('get_messages'); if (count($messages) > 0) { $html .= '
    '; foreach ($messages as $m) $html .= '
  • '.$m.'
  • '; $html .= '
'; } return $html; } // conventience function to return the compulsory head elements for a RedFeather template function generate_head_elements() { return ' '; } /*************************************************** Helper functions - these cannot be overwritten ***************************************************/ // helper function to html entity encode a string function _E_($s) { return htmlspecialchars($s); } // helper function to get a field function _F_($data, $field) { if (isset($data[$field])) return $data[$field]; else return ''; } // helper function to get a field html entity encoded function _EF_($data, $field) { return _E_(_F_($data, $field)); } /****************************** Entry Point for RedFeather ******************************/ // If a plugin directory exists, open it and include any php files it contains. // Some variables and functions could be overwritten at this point, depending on the plugins installed. if(is_dir($CONF['plugin_dir'])) foreach (scandir($CONF['plugin_dir']) as $file) { if(preg_match('/\.php$/', $file) && $file != $CONF['script_filename']) include($CONF['plugin_dir'].'/'.$file); } // title needs to be set AFTER plugins have been loaded $TITLE = $CONF['repository_name']; // Load the resource metadata call('load_data'); // Loads the required page according to the get parameters. // publically accessible functions should be prefixed with "page_". // If a "file" parameter has been specified in isolation, load the resource page. // If no parameter has been specified, use the default. if(isset($_REQUEST['page'])) call_page('page_'.$_REQUEST['page']); else if (isset($_REQUEST['file'])) call_page('page_view'); else call_page($CONF['default_page']); /******* End *******/